Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

hey guys It's Hashtag Zoe and welcome back to my channel. so for today's video I'm gonna to

Trying to follow a Miranda sings ariana grande makeup tutorial. so as we all know

Miranda sings is literally the queen of everything and by everything I mean

literally everything also makeup as you will see throughout this video so about

three years ago she made a video called ariana grande a makeup tutorial and she

showed us two looks on an ariana grande makeup tutorial and so I am gonna try to

fall out there to look tutorial and let's do it guys

please wish me luck - Ariana Grande looks today here's the first one okay

guys so here's the first look I think this is a doable look obviously I'm

wearing like face makeup already but Ariana Grande does more makeup and by

ariana grande I mean right eyelash she does like you'll see so we're gonna start

with the blush so I have that heart talent very first of all blush this is

the back part palette which I love heart I have her up highlighter go getta at

your local ulta anyway but I don't have this palette I just have this blush and

this blush is very pigmented just like the wine that looks like she's getting

so I'm just gonna take this brush and follow our instructions to brush

privilege dip it ooh tooth pink like some

you should get it on evenly okay so now we're moving on to the eyes as being

alleged eyelashes very long beautiful black eyelashes you simply take an

eyeliner like some and draw on oil and cheese okay so now we're just gonna be

drawing on these eyelashes can't say I've done this before so I know so now I

have long eyelashes on you can use a brush so I don't have to paint brushes

here so I'm just gonna use up makeup brushes because I think that's what she

meant to use but I mean it's - things like what do you expect you know um so

I'm just gonna get this eyeshadow palette and it just has some dark

shadows in it you could just take a brush and you can I'm gonna do the

bottom line choose so now I'm just gonna do the bottom

lashes or latches you thought of my lashes look really good really real

and I mean it's definitely a look so yes honestly her look would probably work

better than my makeup brushes life huh so now I look like I have long Lich's

eyelashes just like ariana grande and the final thing is very easy

it's her lips she always has a nice nude lip this nice lip gloss that's a nude

color and I'm gonna just put that right onto my lips to give it that nde look

okay so obviously I don't have like the big lips that Miranda sings has I

just have my own so I'm just gonna be using this lip gloss and this is quite

young but it's fine okay guys so this is the first look this is the natural

Ariana Grande look I think it's really cute wearable maybe I'll wear to school

tomorrow who knows all right guys so this is the

second look this is the problem the music video look and I don't know what

Miranda sings is thinking because the lines on her face are the shadows I'm

pretty sure it's a shadow but not I shadow like literally shadows

in the Sun under shadow you know what I mean oh the fun thing about this look is

that it can go along with the look we just did you can just put it on top of

it I'm just gonna dip my finger in it she's easier fee to just start at the

Aisne we go out like that we just make triangles with your mind's

eye shadow okay so this looks great she's also using some mascara but not on

her eyelashes because remember we already did our eyelashes she's

literally this is making me cringe so hard because I really need this anything

alright so there you guys go that is my trying to follow I'm Miranda sings

makeup tutorial I think I killed it honestly um who did it better comment

below Miranda or me anyway if Miranda sings is launching this I would

literally die no honest and Miranda your queen and you inspire me every day and I

have one less problem without you anyway guys thank you so much for watching I

hope you enjoyed this really beautiful video and I will see you in my next one

I tried following a miranda sings ariana grande makeup tutorial

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> I Tried Following a Miranda Sings Ariana Grande Makeup Tutorial! - Duration: 6:03.


SHOW TIME! - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> SHOW TIME! - Duration: 0:55.


Between the Scenes - The Parkland Survivors Want to See the Manager: The Daily Show - Duration: 1:39.

- You know, one thing I admire about these kids is that,

in a way...

It's a strange thing to say, and I say it

really in the most positive sense possible.

A lot of these kids come from wealthy backgrounds.

The school in Parkland, was like a school,

it's an affluent neighborhood,

these kids have grown up

having most of the things they need.

And in a way,

it's interesting to see how they approach life,

because you can see they go like,

"No, I don't understand why

"I can't get the thing that makes sense,

"I can't get the thing."

This is people using their privilege, if that makes sense.

You know, 'cause these kids are like, "No.

"I don't accept this world."

And the parents and the politicians are trying to be like,

"Well, that's not how it works."

They're like, "Well then you need to change it."

Like these kids are basically like, "Yeah, I don't care."

(audience applauds)

"I wanna see the manager.

"Where's the manager?" (audience laughs)

That's what they're doing.

'Cause you've never seen this with any other kid.

There's many kids in America

who unfortunately have suffered similar fates

in different ways,

but you have seldom seen kids that have

access to resources like these kids,

access to a platform, access to...

And it's an amazing thing.

I don't think it detracts from any other kid,

but it's amazing to see what happens

when you combine resources with a point of view.

'Cause these kids have gone like,

"Oh no, we're taking it all the way,

"and we wanna see the manager.

"Where is he?" (audience laughs)

He's waiting for Trump to come out, in his little

McDonald's hat, and say,

"Can I help you, what's going on?"

(audience laughs) (upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Between the Scenes - The Parkland Survivors Want to See the Manager: The Daily Show - Duration: 1:39.


♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡I Can't Breathe♡ - Duration: 1:54.

I can't see, I can't hear, I can't be away from you

I can't see, I can't hear, I can't be away from you

I can't breathe, I can't breathe, so hard to breathe

I can't breathe, I can't breathe, how can I breathe

everything won't be the same

everywhere I go is you

no I can't stand no more, lying down right here waiting

for you to pick up every single piece of me

all I see, all I hear, all I fear is fading out

all I breath, all I breathe, it's you I breathe

yes, I'm the one that you always call pierrot-san

will always stay the same cause I know you

will never set me free

la la la la

For more infomation >> ♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡I Can't Breathe♡ - Duration: 1:54.


How To Easily Upload Close Captions to Facebook Using YouTube Corrected Transcriptions - Duration: 0:52.

Hi Taylor here with Financial Potion where video is your Financial Potion.

We're here every Friday at 5pm Az time to give you more video marketing and business


If you don't write scripts however want to use your transcription in your Facebook

uploads or in blogs, you can download your transcription by going to the "actions"


For Facebook you'll use the "srt" file option.

We hope this quick video tips helps you be more successful in your video marketing and

please show your support by liking this video, and if you need more video marketing support,

please click above to visit our Patreon page.

Till next week, stay engaging!

For more infomation >> How To Easily Upload Close Captions to Facebook Using YouTube Corrected Transcriptions - Duration: 0:52.


How 4Kids Censored Yu-Gi-Oh Episodes 4-6 - Duration: 5:36.

Welcome to Part 2 of Censored Gaming's video series taking a look at how Yu-Gi-Oh Duel

Monsters was censored in the US by English localizers, 4Kids Entertainment.

There are many changes between the Japanese and English versions, and whilst it would

be great to be able to go through them all, as there so many, this series will be focusing

on the ones that are censorship in nature - censorship being defined as changes that

were made for moral-related reasons, such as due to wanting to target a younger audience.

But, with that out of the way, let's continue from last time with Episode 4, which is titled

"The Insector Combo" over in Japan.

This episode sees Yugi and the gang arrive at the Duelist Kingdom tournament and features

the first half of Yugi's duel with Weevil Underwood.

This episode is actually notable in that none of its content had to be altered for Western

audiences, owing to it all being kept rather tame even in the Japanese version.

In fact, there's also an interesting fact regarding this and one of the monsters that

Weevil plays titled "Killer Needle".

For some reason, the card had its name changed from its Japanese name of "Killer Bee", however

as you can see, the "Killer" part of its name was left completely intact.

This is the only card with "Killer" in its name that's been left uncensored, making this

a very strange occurrence.

Lots of cards have had the name "Killer" censored since, such as Gimmick Puppet Giant "Grinder"

which was changed from Gimmick Puppet Giant "Killer".

Moving on to Episode 5 though, which didn't fare as well and is titled "Ultimate Perfect

Form: Great Moth" in Japan.

The first change to this episode is the shot that introduces Mai.

As you can see, the 4Kids version on the right removes a scroll up across Mai's body, most

likely feeling that this could be seen as too suggestive.

The next shot then takes this even further and digitally alters her outfit to lengthen

her skirt.

It's important to bring up that this is the only shot of Mai that alters her skirt length

in this episode and, in fact, all other episodes in this video, as well as the episodes shown

in part 1, didn't alter her skirt length either.

It is only in this one scene of only a few seconds of length that this type of change

has been made so far.

For reference, here's what Mai's skirt normally looks like.

Next up though, we have a change to some dialogue from Téa directed towards the voluptuous


The Japanese dialogue has Téa throw some criticism at Mai, saying that she is "nothing

but pheromones".

The English version changes this to a much more innocent "So there!" comment.

Following that we have some other script changes to the monsters' attack names.

Curse Of Dragon's attack in the original Japanese version is called "Hell Flame", with the Japanese

version even saying this in English.

Religious heaven and hell references are commonly toned down in the franchise outside of Japan

and so 4Kids changed this to "Dragon Flame".

Another attack name 4Kids changed was Great Moth's "Moth Burning Death Tornado" attack,

which is, again, said in English.

This was changed to Tornado Of Doom.

And then lastly, Summoned Skull's attack name was altered as well.

You may recall from Part 1 how Summoned Skull had its name changed from Japan's "Summoned

Demon", most likely due to occult demonic references.

However, last time its attack name wasn't given, whereas this time it is.

In Japan, Summoned Skull uses the attack "Demon's Thunderbolt", this time said in Japanese.

4Kids changed this to "Lightening Strike".

Episode 6 is titled "Beautiful Harpie Lady" in Japan and this gives a big hint for what's

in store next.

This episode features Joey's battle with Mai and her Harpie Lady monsters.

The Harpie Ladie archetype is a big source of censorship outside of Japan, due to their

suggestive designs.

This sees all shots showing the Harpies being changed to add more clothing.

4Kids also altered a few lines of dialogue speaking about their physical attractiveness.

In Japan, Mai sets a card face down and says "Harpie Lady will become more charming, beautiful

and stronger" for every turn that passes.

In the English version, she just says that the card will help defeat Joey's next card

in one turn.

The face down card is Cyber Shield and, like discussed in Part 1, this was renamed from

its Japanese name "Cyber Bondage", as well as having the spikes coming out of the breast

plate removed.

However, in this episode we can see the equipment card actually being used and this shows Mai's

Harpie being given new armour.

Like the card's artwork, the armour had the spikes removed outside Japan.

Next up is a change made to Joey's monster Demon Hunter, which is referenced by name

in the Japanese version but not the English version.

Demon Hunter is its Japanese name, whereas in the English real life cards and the video

games, it has been renamed to Kojikocy.

Like Summoned Skull, this was most likely to remove the occult "Demon" reference.

More changes to Mai's Harpies can be seen when she plays the card Elegant Egotist, which

causes Harpie Lady to be multiplied by 3.

This also sees the Harpies being given a slightly different design and, again, the spikes on

the breast plate are removed in the dub.

And then lastly, we have another case of 4Kids altering dialogue speaking about their physical


In Japan Mai calls the wave of new Harpies being summoned to the field "The Harpie Lady

Beauty Combo".

Like earlier, she also says that "they get more charming and stronger with each passing


The English version makes no mention of their beauty and charm and instead just says that

she will keep using Elegant Egotist to double the Harpies again and again.

That's all this time though but Part 3 will be coming soon taking a look at the next episode

and more.

If this is something you're interested in then please make sure to subscribe and leave

a comment below and, until next time, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> How 4Kids Censored Yu-Gi-Oh Episodes 4-6 - Duration: 5:36.


The Power Of Humility - Duration: 5:30.

The Power Of Humility

by Athena Melchizedek,

These days I find I just cannot stop writing.

I love to write!

?The inspirations to write just keep flooding in.

It is like a constant flow of universal mind is pouring through me and is unstoppable.

There is no choosing just now, it happens automatically whenever I have a spare moment.

These days I am filled with such joy and love.

I laugh, I sing, I dance even when I am alone or when I am driving � whenever I feel like

and am constantly reminded by clear and unconditionally loving guidance there is a beautiful plan

that is being acted out on our beloved planet right now and you and I are a part of this.

It is the Divine Plan for Humanity to honor all life.

For in the expression of each life is the Divine Presence.

I sit in the middle of the most beautiful English countryside amongst the trees and

flowers with a river running through the orchard that is my front garden, listening to glorious

birdsong of 30 plus different bird species every day�.

There is an ancient statue of Brittania, the female personification of the land upon which

I live, on the bridge just near the place I call home in this moment.

I feel so very blessed to part of this flow of life and yet there have been many times

I have been through the Dark Night of the Soul where I have been immersed in the cosmic

joke created by my very own conditioned mind and the resulting validation of my erroneous

thoughts that created my experience of life.

But the human spirit is indefatigable, it is resilient, it is patient, it is courageous,

it is kind, it is compassionate it is all this and much more �

This spirit is within each one of us � not just a few but the all.

This Divine Spark of life connects us all to one another and everything that exists

in the Mind of God.

Just when we might think life is all over it begins again, for life is eternal and ever


Just like the river flowing it weaves its way over and through all obstacles to find

and join the ocean.

I am humbled and in awe of the plan.

Humility is defined as the quality of having a low view of one�s importance.

Actually, true humility is the knowing that the I or Ego is not important at all.

Humility is the awareness that our life is filtered through our perceptions whether we

believe ourselves to be unworthy or whether we believe we are the next Messiah.

This and everything in between is a product of our consciousness- a story.

The I of the form self is not real it is just a construct that keeps us from knowing the

TRUE Self.

The Divine Presence that is ALREADY PRESENT within each and every one of us.

This Presence Does not put itself above others or even proclaim itself.

The spiritual path is not really best described by the word Ascension.

This intimates there is a striving always for the next rung of the ladder upwards with

never-ending dimensions to navigate before reaching Source.

Many spiritual teachings frequently only bring us to the astral realm.Here there are different


There are the low planes (hell) and the higher planes (celestial) and every level in between

maybe called the galactic.

How do I know? because my consciousness has been there.

There are many possible destinations upon which to focus our consciousness but this

is NOT enlightenment.

It is the fantastic projection of the EGO.

So what of self-worth and self -value?

Many of us have struggled all our lives to acquire this based on earlier conditioning

that leads us to believe we are worthless and so in the transmuting of this particular

belief system we need to acquire a healthy view of our importance as a part of the Divine

Creation before we can realize there is no self.

The paradox becomes when we have reached the place of self �validation that requires

nothing outside itself to confirm it is Divine, at this point we are able to see the Divine

in all beings and all life and be truly humble as we recognize the Divine Essence even in

a leaf and we are in joyous awe of all Creation.

There is no need for the false humility that feigns spiritual maturity but at the same

time places itself above all others.

This springs from a need to be special or better than because of inadequate mirroring

that has left the ego-self still with a need to be seen and acknowledged.

The true Avatar has no need for lofty titles or even to be seen.

The true Avatar just IS and radiates that ISNESS.

It is the great cosmic joke that allows the ego to believe the stories it makes up for


Everything is consciousness and energy.

All else is the story of the evolution of our consciousness.?His/Her story that has

been made up of our mind and then projected out into form by energy.

The true Avatar can see the joke and laughs.


For more infomation >> The Power Of Humility - Duration: 5:30.


The Anti-Federalist Papers | Cato 7 - Duration: 8:13.


the Citizens of the State of New York,

That the senate and president are further improperly connected, will appear, if it is

considered, that their dependence on each other will prevent either from being a check

upon the other; they must act in concert, and whether the power and influence of the

one or the other is to prevail, will depend on the character and abilities of the men

who hold those offices at the time.

The senate is vested with such a proportion of the executive, that it would be found necessary

that they should be constantly sitting.

This circumstance did not escape the convention, and they have provided for the event, in the

2d article, which declares, that the executive may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both

houses or either of them.

No occasion can exist for calling the assembly without the senate; the words or either of

them, must have been intended to apply only to the senate.

Their wages are already provided for; and it will be therefore readily observed, that

the partition between a perpetuation of their sessions and a perpetuation of their offices,

in the progress of the government, will be found to be but thin and feeble.

Besides, the senate, who have the sole power to try all impeachments, in case of the impeachment

of the president, are to determine, as judges, the propriety of the advice they gave him,

as senators.

Can the senate in this, therefore, be an impartial judicature?

And will they not rather serve as a screen to great public defaulters?

Among the many evils that are incorporated in this new system of government, is that

of congress having the power of making or altering the regulations prescribed by the

different legislatures, respecting the time, place, and manner of holding elections for

representatives, and the time, and manner of choosing senators.

If it is enquired, in what manner this regulation may be exercised to your injury the answer

is easy.

By the first article the house of representatives shall consist of members, chosen every second

year by the people of the several states, who are qualified to vote for members of their

several state assemblies; it can therefore readily be believed, that the different state

legislatures, provided such can exist after the adoption of this government, will continue

those easy and convenient modes for the election of representatives for the national legislature,

that are in use, for the election of members of assembly for their own states; but the

congress have, by the constitution, a power to make other regulations, or alter those

in practice, prescribed by your own state legislature; hence, instead of having the

places of elections in the precincts, and brought home almost to your own doors, Congress

may establish a place, or places, at either the extremes, center, or outer parts of the

states; at a time and season too, when it may be very inconvenient to attend; and by

these means destroy the rights of election; but in opposition to this reasoning, it is

asserted, that it is a necessary power because the states might omit making rules for the

purpose, and thereby defeat the existence of that branch of the government; this is

what logicians call argumentum absurdum, for the different states, if they will have any

security at all in this government, will find it in the house of representatives, and they,

therefore, would not be very ready to eradicate a principle in which it dwells, or involve

their country in an instantaneous revolution.

Besides, if this was the apprehension of the framers, and the ground of that provision,

why did not they extend this controlling power to the other duties of the several state legislatures.

To exemplify this the states are to appoint senators and electors for choosing of a president;

but the time is to be under the direction of congress.

Now, suppose they were to omit the appointment of senators and electors, though congress

was to appoint the time, which might well be apprehended as the omission of regulations

for the election of members of the house of representatives, provided they had that power;

or suppose they were not to meet at all: of course, the government cannot proceed in its


And from this motive, or apprehension, congress ought to have taken these duties entirely

in their own hands, and, by a decisive declaration, annihilated them, which they in fact have

done by leaving them without the means of support, or at least resting on their bounty.

To this, the advocates for this system oppose the common, empty declamation, that there

is no danger that congress will abuse this power, but such language, as relative to so

important a subject, is mere vapour, and sound without sense.

Is it not in their power, however, to make such regulations as may be inconvenient to


It must be admitted because the words are unlimited in their sense.

It is a good rule, in the construction of a contract, to support, that what may be done

will be; therefore, in considering this subject, you are to suppose, that in the exercise of

this government, a regulation of congress will be made, for holding an election for

the whole state at Poughkeepsie, at New York, or, perhaps, at Fort Stanwix: who will then

be the actual electors for the house of representatives?

Very few more than those who may live in the vicinity of these places.

Could any others afford the expense and time of attending?

And would not the government by this means have it in their power to put whom they pleased

in the house of representatives?

You ought certainly to have as much or more distrust with respect to the exercise of these

powers by congress, than congress ought to have with respect to the exercise of those

duties which ought to be entrusted to the several states, because over them congress

can have a legislative controlling power.

Hitherto we have tied up our rulers in the exercise of their duties by positive restrictions

if the cord has been drawn too tight, loosen it to the necessary extent, but do not entirely

unbind them.

I am no enemy to placing a reasonable confidence in them but such an unbounded one as the advocates

and framers of this new system advise you to, would be dangerous to your liberties;

it has been the ruin of other governments, and will be yours, if you adopt with all its

latitudinal powers unlimited confidence in governors as well as individuals is frequently

the parent of deception.

What facilitated the corrupt designs of Philip of Macedon, and caused the ruin of Athens,

but the unbounded confidence in their statesmen and rulers?

Such improper confidence Demosthenes was so well convinced had ruined his country, that

in his second Philippic oration he remarks "that there is one common bulwark with which

men of prudence are naturally provided, the guard and security of all people, particularly

of free states, against the assaults of tyrants What is this?


Of this be mindful; to this adhere; preserve this carefully, and no calamity can affect

you."Montesquieu observes, that "the course of government is attended with an insensible

descent to evil, and there is no reascending to good without very great efforts."

The plain inference from this doctrine is, that rulers in all governments will erect

an interest separate from the ruled, which will have a tendency to enslave them.

There is therefore no other way of interrupting this insensible descent and warding off the

evil as long as possible, than by establishing principles of distrust in your constituents,

and cultivating the sentiment among yourselves.

But let me enquire of you, my countrymen, whether the freedom and independence of elections

is a point of magnitude?

If it is, what kind of a spirit of amity, deference and concession, is that which has

put in the power of congress at one stroke to prevent your interference in government,

and do away your liberties forever?

Does either the situation or circumstances of things warrant it?


For more infomation >> The Anti-Federalist Papers | Cato 7 - Duration: 8:13.


Que quieres que me ponga falda y baile hula hula? (Mike, trollino, rius, sparta y raptor) - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Que quieres que me ponga falda y baile hula hula? (Mike, trollino, rius, sparta y raptor) - Duration: 0:52.


ওহী ও তাকওয়া ভিত্তিক শিক্ষার গুরুত্ব | Shikkhar Gurutto | Shaikh Mahmudul Haque | Bangla Waz MP3 - Duration: 50:30.

Bangla Lecture

Ohi O Takwa Vittik Shikkhar Gurutto

Bangla Waz MP3

For more infomation >> ওহী ও তাকওয়া ভিত্তিক শিক্ষার গুরুত্ব | Shikkhar Gurutto | Shaikh Mahmudul Haque | Bangla Waz MP3 - Duration: 50:30.


youtube test - Duration: 0:19.

For more infomation >> youtube test - Duration: 0:19.


SOFT CRUNCHY ICE EATING - Satisfying Ice Eating and Drinking ASMR Compilation #2 | OSVchannel - Duration: 3:01.

SOFT CRUNCHY ICE EATING - Satisfying Ice Eating and Drinking ASMR Compilation #2 | OSVchannel

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