Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

Good evening ladies & gentlemen, I'm Patrick from

and today I was at the Microsoft Tech Summit in Frankfurt

Microsoft Germany

and I was lucky enough to ask Mr. Shayne Boyer from Microsoft for his opinion on the importance

of personal development and soft skills for every developer.

So Programmer Goals is exactly about that.

Achieving your goals in your career and also your life by pushing yourself out of your

comfort zone, working on your soft skills and personal development.

But, enough of me, let's hear Mr. Shayne Boyer.

It's really about communication, right?

So it's a lot about getting out and meeting people, right, so a lot of that is about getting

out to the community, going to meetups in your local school or university, or just your

local groups, right, and talking to other people about what you do.

So communication is key.

Not only in the digital world.

You should go out of your house and your comfort zone and approach new people and exchange


But what about communicating your ideas at work?


Yeah, historically we as developers are introverts, right?

We wanna stay at our desk, with our headphones on and just write our code.

And it's important for us to talk and collaborate with each other, because you can't have all

the ideas, right,

so, I think it's important for us to have a daily talk, have a daily stand-up and say,

"Look, I have this idea, I think this is a good idea"

and be open to, not be combative, but be open to somebody else's idea and discuss, you know,

what's the best path.

So there you have it guys.

I know it's just a tiny glimpse at a huge topic.

But you see that it's important to communicate and work on those soft or social skills or

personal development in general.

Communicating with your co-workers and meeting new people can have a tremendous impact on

your way of thinking and it can lead to opportunities you might not even have imagined.

So I hope this video gave you a push in the right direction.

Please press the like button for Mr. Shayne Boyer, fantastic guy.

And if you want more videos like that please subscribe to this channel.

Thanks for watching, take care and happy coding.

For more infomation >> Shayne Boyer (Microsoft) on the Importance of Soft Skills for Software Developers - Duration: 2:39.


Minute Muaynews | HL of Petnamngnan beating Chanasuek at Rajadamnern - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Minute Muaynews | HL of Petnamngnan beating Chanasuek at Rajadamnern - Duration: 1:19.


【010】Talking about Hunter x Hunter【Virtual Youtuber】 - Duration: 2:38.

Hi Oniichan

I am Kanata Hikari

This time, I talk about my favorite Manga

Hunter x Hunter

This Manga is like a Bible to me

If you read this

You will know how I think about things

It has influenced me so much

Hunter x Hunter is

Drawn by a Manga artist called Yoshihiro Togashi

Who is famous for Yu Yu Hakusho and Level E

It is currently on Shonen Jump every week

From what I know

This Manga is loved by all ages of people

The popularity is solid

What is appealing about this Manga is its Charcters

Main characters are Gon, Killua

Kurapica and Leorio

All of them are original in personality

Even minor characters

They have their own policies, and act according to their beliefs

So they are not like a puppets controlled by Togashi Sensei

It is more like the characters

Are released into the world of Hunter x Hunter

And readers silently watch them live their life in the setting

It is that sort of Manga

The enemy characters are also appealing

They are usually calm and cautious

They do not let the main characters take an upper hand

Sometimes, you feel like

The main characters are the enemies

The enemy characters move your feelings as well

If you have not read Hunter x Hunter yet

You can read a bit of it at Shonen Jump Plus

Please check the link in the description

If I have an opportunity,

I want to talk more about this Manga

If you enjoyed this video

Please click the like button

And consider subscribing my channel

Following me on Twitter and Soundcloud

is also appreciated

If there are things that you want me to do

Or any questions

Feel free to leave a comment

So until the next video

See you soon!

Bye bye

For more infomation >> 【010】Talking about Hunter x Hunter【Virtual Youtuber】 - Duration: 2:38.


Gimp: How to Select or Cut Out Hair - Duration: 10:20.

In this tutorial we will see a method to select or cut out hair.

To be able to apply this technique successfully,

we need to have an image with a proper contrast between the hair and the background.

Otherwise it will not work.

The higher the contrast, the better the result.

We will work on the image with the boy,

but the other example images are made with the same technique.

Go to file, open and here we search for our image and open it.

Then we right click on the layer and hit add alpha channel.

The font changes from bold to normal, which indicates that this layer now can have transparency.

Drag the layer to the duplicate layer button to make a duplicate of this layer.

In the next step we go to the menu bar and click on colors.

Here we hit curves.

Adjust the contrast by click and drag the diagonal line,

to make the darker areas a bit darker and the lighter areas a bit lighter.

But take care not to loose to much details.

Its important to pay attention to where the edges of the hair touch the background,

because that is where we need to increase the contrast.

We will look at the other areas later.

Click the preview of and on to see the difference.

Then click okay.

Go ahead and hit colors again.

Then click on desaturate to change the image into a black and white image.

Choose the option which enhances the contrast

of the edge of the hair with the background the most.

For this image I have chosen the option lightness.

When we have a subject with dark hair and lighter background,

the option luminosity might be better.

Hit okay.

Back to colors again, hit curves and adjust the contrast a bit more.

Click okay.

The goal is to make the subject as white as possible and the background as black as possible.

Everything that is white will be transparent,

and everything that is black will cover the underlying image.

Click okay.

When our subject has dark hair and a relative light background,

we go to colors and click invert.

In this image however, the edge of the hair is light, so we can leave it as it is.

Go to the toolbox and activate the free select tool.

We are going to select the body precisely and where the hair begins,

we stay just within the white area like shown in the video.

Hold the Ctrl key down and roll the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

Start clicking points along the edge.

We can also click and drag, to draw a selection line.

When we hold down the space bar, the free select tool changes into the move tool,

and we can, by moving the mouse without clicking move the image.

Let go of the mouse to have the free select tool again.

Pressing the backspace key lets us remove one or more previous made points.

When we select the hair, we must make sure that we do not include parts of the background,

that might shine through the hair.

We can reduce the opacity of the top layer, to see if we are still on the right track.

When we click the last point over the first point, our selection is closed.

Make the opacity 100 again.

Go to view, zoom and fit image in window.

Go ahead and click and drag the white of the foreground background colors into the selection.

Go to select again and now click none.

Back to colors and curves and try to make the contrast even higher.

Click okay.

Go to the toolbox and make the paintbrush active.

Choose brush hardness 100 and make the size around 150.

Now we can work on the background to make everything that is not yet black, black.

This will of course be different for every image.

With the bracket keys we can change the size of the brush.

Use the Ctrl key and the mouse wheel to zoom in or out and the space bar to move the image.

When we have made the whole background black, we go to the foreground background colors,

and switch them, so white is our foreground color.

Go ahead and check if there are areas in the white of the subject,

that we still have to make white.

When this is done, we go to view, zoom and fit image in window,

to maximize the image in the window.

Right click on the bottom layer and click add layer mask.

Leave the layer mask on white full opacity and click add.

When we click on the image of the layer, we can see a white line around it,

which indicates that the image is active.

When we click on the layer mask we can see that the white line around the image disappears.

Although its is not good visible because the mask itself is white, the mask is now selected.

Select the top layer.

Go to edit and click cut, now back to edit and click paste.

We now have a floating layer.

Click on the anchor at the bottom of the layers panel,

to paste the floating layer into the layer mask.

Everything that is black in our mask, covers the background,

so only the subject and the hair are visible now.

The next step is to open our background image.

Go to file, open as layers and search and open the background image.

Click the scale tool in the toolbox, click in the image.

Now, click and drag the background image to scale it.

Make sure that it covers the underlying image completely.

Then click scale.

Click and drag this layer beneath the image of our subject.

Right click on the top layer and hit apply layer mask.

Make the background layer invisible by clicking on the eye.

In that way we can see which areas we still have to remove.

Go to the toolbox and activate the fuzzy select tool.

We can click and select one of the little areas that still needs to be removed.

Press the delete key to remove this area.

Then go to the next spot, select it and delete it.

In this way we can check our whole image to remove,

step by step, whatever needs to be deleted.

It can help to toggle the background layer on and off.

When we think its okay, we click on the smudge tool in the toolbox.

Choose brush bristles 01 and adjust the size to say 50 or so.

Go to select and hit all.

Now we can make the transition between the hair and the background,

a bit smoother where this is necessary.


Make the background layer visible.

Then we go to view, zoom and hit fit image in window.

And there it is, our final result.

I hope this helps.

If that is the case, please give it thumbs up,

post a nice comment and subscribe if you have not done already.

Thanks very much for watching.

For more infomation >> Gimp: How to Select or Cut Out Hair - Duration: 10:20.


Low Fat Foods - What to Eat and What to Avoid for Weight Loss - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 3:23.

Low Fat Foods - What to Eat and What to Avoid for Weight Loss - Tamil Health Tips

For more infomation >> Low Fat Foods - What to Eat and What to Avoid for Weight Loss - Tamil Health Tips - Duration: 3:23.


Sao Lại Đau Đến Vậy - HKT | Con Tim Vỡ Nát Vì Duyên Ta Không Thành | HIT 2018 - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> Sao Lại Đau Đến Vậy - HKT | Con Tim Vỡ Nát Vì Duyên Ta Không Thành | HIT 2018 - Duration: 4:59.


Djimon Hounsou Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Djimon Hounsou Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:47.


President Moon to dine with Ivanka Trump at Blue House - Duration: 1:44.

Ivanka Trump will be meeting President Moon Jae-in at the nation's top office soon.

Also to be part of the Olympic finale is a team of high level officials from North Korea.

But according to our Hwang Hojun, it's highly unlikely the delegates from the two sides

will sit down for talks.

The Blue House has laid out the red carpet for the U.S. President's eldest daughter,

Ivanka Trump, who's leading the U.S. delegation in South Korea that'll attend the closing

ceremony of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Friday evening, President Moon Jae-in will host a dinner in honor of America's First

Daughter at Sangchunjae, a landmark building on the Presidential Office grounds that serves

as a venue for unofficial meetings and dinners with small groups of foreign dignitaries.

As a senior adviser to her father, Ivanka Trump's meeting with the South Korean President

is getting a lot of attention since she will likely be carrying a personal message from

her father.

And that message could mention the possibility of dialogue between the U.S. and North Korea.

Some parallels have been seen in Ivanka's visit and the one made a couple of weeks ago

by Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Kim delivered a personal letter from her brother inviting the South Korean leader to visit


But despite the thaw in relations between the two Koreas, President Moon has been cautious

about discussing the timing of any meeting with Kim Jong-un.

Also coming to South Korea for the Olympics' closing ceremony on Sunday will be a high-level

delegation from the North... consisting of eight members led by Kim Yong-chol,... the

Vice Chair of the Workers' Party's central committee

The visits by the North Koreans and the Americans will overlap.

But the chances of them encountering one another, let alone having a meeting,... appear very

slim -- not least because both the Blue House and the White House have ruled it out.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon to dine with Ivanka Trump at Blue House - Duration: 1:44.


Vodafone WiFi Calling - Allgemeine Infos - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Vodafone WiFi Calling - Allgemeine Infos - Duration: 2:22.


Channel Trailer Vlog #1 - Duration: 1:20.

*Focusing the camera*

*Gave up on focus, meow cares*

Hi Guys, this is Sunny,

welcome to Tech Globule,

I am bored (^_^)

and I want to try something new,

YouTube is forcing me to try something new.

So, today onwards, I will be posting a lot of different type of content


made by various cureatores on this channel.


Feel free to like, subsclibe and comment,

on what kind of content, you want us to make.

That's all meow.

For more infomation >> Channel Trailer Vlog #1 - Duration: 1:20.


ROBOBO The next generation of educational robots - Duration: 3:19.

Robots are here already.

They are part of our day to day life, and in a few years, they will be a basic element

in our lives with thousands of jobs depending on them.

That is why it is essential that young people understand how and why they operate, and how

to communicate with them.

Robobo is the next generation of educational robot.

It uses a smartphone as the brain of the mobile base.

From that moment, you can program it with your computer or tablet

Robobo can feel just like you do: see colours, hear sounds, recognize faces, shapes, and

sense when you touch him.

It also knows how to talk, show its emotions, and of course, he can move.

All this thanks to the combination of Robobo's mobile base and the existing technology in

current smartphones now available to you, whether you do not know how to program or

if indeed you are already an expert.

Using your smartphone's camera, Robobo can recognize objects, tags or faces.

You can also use speech recognition or sound production, GPS, accelerometers, gyroscopes,

internet connection…

All of this together with the computational power of current smartphones allows you to

develop a new level of projects in educational robotics.

Robobo is an educational tool to use in the classroom.

Robots will become an educational element for classes, as such, young people must learn

to deal with them and control them in a natural manner.

Robobo allows you to learn the future of robotics now as it has the capabilities of robots that

will surround your lives in a few years time.

Robobo allows to incorporate 3D printed parts to extend its capabilities, so mechanical

design is also part of the educational experience.

Behind the idea of Robobo exists a group of engineers and researchers with extensive experience

in the field of robotics.

Our team has not only been responsible for the mechanical and electronic design, but

also the support software for its control.

The hardware of robots typically limited us in order to provide high level functionalities

to general public robotics.

With Robobo, the lastest technology becomes available to anyone interested in learning

how to program a real robot.

Robobo can do almost anything you can imagine, just combine the right commands and see how

it comes to live.

There are no limits but imagination.

Robobo brings technology closer to kids and makes it easy and fun.

For more infomation >> ROBOBO The next generation of educational robots - Duration: 3:19.


AYS Daily Growth Hacks 279 When Good Men Do Nothing - Duration: 5:18.

Today's Topic: When Good Men Do Nothing

Hi I'm Doug Holt with Author of Your Own Story and this is your Daily Growth Hack

where each day would give you a tip trick or insight to help you up level we

call the Five to Thrive that is your mind, your body, your soul, your

relationships and your business. Now I'm kind of a typical guy right and

oftentimes I fantasize about you know saving my family like what if somebody

were trying to do something bad and how would I stop them how would I wrestle

them to the ground and beat them up or do whatever I have to do to make sure my

family's protected and to be honest with you this is something that's kind of

weird but emitting ly I think about this almost every single day I play out these

fantasy scenarios about me saving the day helping rescue somebody me going and

not even just my family but how do I make the world a better place by you

know using my athleticism or whatever it is to go save them I have these weird

kind of action-hero fantasies I don't know if you have these kinds of things

in your head but I certainly do and I know I've shared this with with other

guy friends of mine and most of them look at me like I'm crazy and I probably

am but I definitely do but we look back through history how often have good men

and I mean when I say men I mean good men and women how often have we just

stat sat on the sidelines and watched slavery the Holocaust genocide right all

these things happening in the world that we disagree on but we don't do anything

well that's not enough it's not enough for me and it's not enough for you if

you're here with me today you're on a journey you're on the journey to author

your own story right to write your own script write out how you are as a hero

now what would your hero do or your heroine right what did they do in these

situations when bad things are happening I hope they step up I hope they don't

just watch and talk about it hope they step up and take action so what I want

to know from you today right here right now how are you going to take action now

this could be in your own life right how often are we the own village in our own

stories right we self-sabotage you know we're on a diet we say we're gonna lose

weight or we're gonna gain muscle we're gonna get ready for that athletic

performance yet we sabotage our diets we don't show up for the workout it's

easier to go to happy hour than it is to hit the weights right I know I get it

I've been there now how often in relationships do we do we find the what

we think is the perfect mate right the perfect partner for us but yet we

self-sabotage that relationship because deep down were just scared right we're

scared they're gonna find out who we really are and the skeletons in our

closet so to speak right we all have them come on we all have them we've all

been there but the villain inside of us that evil person and I won't say evil

that's not the right way to say it but the villain the the part of us that self

sabotages our real goals and intentions why are we just watching why aren't we

taking proactive action and actually stepping up now maybe you're like me and

you want to take that to the next level how are you stepping up in other areas

in your community are you a leader in your community first of all I say be a

leader in your family be a leader for yourself then be a leader for your

family then a leader in your community been a leader in the world I want you to

have all that and then some so what I invite you to do right here right now

grab your journal list out where are you actually just watching and letting the

villain letting the evil actually continue on in the world start with

yourself always start with yourself first once you've written that out this

is a great exercise for you once you've written that out now look at your family

where are you if you're married look at your media family and then extend that

out now once you've looked at what's happening within your family and are you

just watching are you in the stands watching this evil come or just talking

about it now what about your community what's going on in your community how's

the homeless situation in your community how's the economy doing it in your

community how's the environment doing in a community and then take that a step

further and expand out to a larger scope what are you doing to make the world a

better place start with yourself first and that starts with becoming the author

of your own story and the first step to this which I ask you to do almost every

single day is writing it down by writing it down you can actually bypass some

mechanisms in your brain I'm trying to protect you right out like it's a story

and then when you read it back make sure it's a story that you

on a read write we talked about this seize the day right live your life day

by day moment by moment and make sure it's epic just for you that's it for me

today I look forward to hearing from you as always good

calm when you get the latest tips tricks and techniques delivered right to your

inbox I will see you tomorrow have a fantastic day god inspire someone just

by being the Author of Your Own Story.

For more infomation >> AYS Daily Growth Hacks 279 When Good Men Do Nothing - Duration: 5:18.


30 Beautiful Hairstyles from Instagram! Amazing Haircut and Hairstyles for Long Hair - Duration: 10:30.

For more infomation >> 30 Beautiful Hairstyles from Instagram! Amazing Haircut and Hairstyles for Long Hair - Duration: 10:30.


森77為什麼要這樣做生意羽翼之兔用影片記錄生活 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> 森77為什麼要這樣做生意羽翼之兔用影片記錄生活 - Duration: 5:57.


Je Prépare un futur CHAMPION - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> Je Prépare un futur CHAMPION - Duration: 5:25.


How To Speak Proper English - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> How To Speak Proper English - Duration: 3:41.


PyeongChang Winter Olympics Day 14 - Duration: 3:22.

Hi, I'm Kim Hyesung with the latest on the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

We are already into Day 14 of the Winter Games, with just two days left till the closing ceremony.

But the Olympic fever is still high.

Let's take a look at some of the highlights.

In the women's figure skating, South Korea's Choi Da-bin gave the home fans a thrill.

She scored 1-hundred-31-point-49 in the free skating program, finishing 7th with an overall

score of 199-point-26.

This makes Choi the first South Korean skater to achieve a top-10 finish at the Olympics

apart from two-time Olympic medalist Kim Yu-na. 15-year-old Kim Ha-nul also pulled off her

personal best, ranking 13th on her Olympic debut.

Gold and silver went to the Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR).

Going back to last night, there were three separate events in short track speed skating.

South Korea won two medals in the men's 500-meter short track.

Hwang Dae-heon took home silver at 39-point-854 seconds.

And another South Korean skater Lim Hyo-jun claimed bronze.

China's Wu Dajing... set a world record of 39-point-584 seconds, winning his country's

first gold medal at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

In the women's 1-thousand meter final, 19-year-old Choi Min-jeong, the gold medal

favorite, accidentally bumped into her teammate Shim Suk-hee.

Both fell and crashed into the safety padding.

Choi finished in 4th and Shim was penalized for impeding.

Accidents followed in the men's 5-thousand meter relay final.

Lim Hyo-jun fell midway through the 45-lap race and the South Korean team ended the race

in fourth.

Team Hungary claimed gold in the event.

Thursday was the last day of the short track competitions.

Though South Korea failed to win a gold on Thursday, it still..snatched a total of six

medals in short track at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics, with 3 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze

medals... more than any other nation in short track at the games.

That brings us to the medal tally.

Norway tops the list with 13 gold 12 silver and 10 bronze medals.

Trailing behind is Germany with a total of 25 medals.

Sweden is 6th.

South Korea is in 9th with 4 gold medals.

There are still more exciting events coming up.

The highly anticipated women's curling semifinals begin at 8 pm.

The South Korean team have 8 wins and 1 loss in the round robin stage, ranking them at

number 1.

They'll look to defeat number-4 Japan.

The men's 1-thousand meter speed skating final will take place in an hour from now.

That's all I have for our 6pm newscast.

Stay tuned to Arirang News for the latest updates on the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

I'll leave you with today's results.

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