Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

This is Bram. Bram is 33 years old and a true Efteling Fan.

As a child, he drew pictures of Efteling on paper or on the wall.

Now he's older, he draws them on people's bodies. That's what makes a true fan!

But Bram, what do you draw?

This is Efteling Fans.

This is my old bedroom.

I spent many of my childhood years here in the attic of my parents' house.

I started this drawing 18 years ago as a 15-year-old teenager.

I was already an Efteling fan at that time.

I often used Efteling as a source of inspiration to develop my own creativity.

My parents always gave me that freedom,

even though I think it's quite strange that they let me paint on the walls.

Looking back, I think it's quite unusual but it was also important for me

because it was the basis for my creative development.

How's the painting going?

It's going quite well.

Is it finally going to get finished?

That's the question, of course, but it's coming along.

It looks good.

Thank you.

Are you coming down for a cup of tea?

Yes, I'll be down in a minute.


Efteling has always been a source of inspiration.

As a child, it was always fun to be able to go to Efteling.

Once you were there, everything you saw was so overwhelming.

Creatively speaking, it has such a high standard.

Somehow that always attracted me.

I used to copy the photo albums and drawings of Anton Pieck.

Anything that had to do with Efteling interested me.

That way I could use it here in my room, too.

The love for Efteling started when he was 4 years old.

That was the first time I took him to Efteling.

On a day when my wife had a training day.

That was a good opportunity to go to Efteling.

I especially loved seeing how surprised he was. Look! What's this? Everything moves!

He listened to the music from the toadstools by putting his ear to them.

That's when his fascination for the park started.

He went to Efteling almost every day after school

after we gave him a season ticket for the park for his fifteenth birthday.

Sometimes I couldn't understand why he had to keep going to Efteling.

What do you do there every time?

But he'd thought up a new theme And would go to see the lighting

or photograph all the Holle Bolle Gijs characters.

Every time he went to the park, he brought something home.

Even if it was only a teaspoon or a key ring.

Sometimes he'd come home with big Laafs, Laaf children and Pardoes cuddly toys.

A roomful.

We used to say he could have got his driving licence for that amount of money.

I can't quite understand his fascination for Efteling. You don't really get it, I suppose?

No, you're right.

But once, we went to Winter Efteling together.

Bram had already gone in the morning with a friend and we arrived in the afternoon.

He was waiting for us. As if he wanted to welcome us to his fairytale world.

The grin on his face made me realise how happy he was. That was it.

To be allowed to design, draw or think up things at Efteling used to be my greatest dream.

Really on that creative side.

I remember that when I was eight or nine years old, I thought up and drew an attraction.

I sent it to Efteling, hoping they might use it.

They sent a copy of the drawings back and kept the original ones.

So they kept the pencil drawings and sent copies back to me.

The Water Dream.

Dear Bram, thank you very much for your letter of 23 January 1994, in which you tell Efteling

about your idea for a new attraction: The Water Dream.

You are a true designer.

It all looks very technical with pipes, a moving walkway

and you've even thought of oxygen for the visitors.

The design and creation of new attractions is carried out by Efteling's own design team.

A team led by Mr Ton van de Ven, Anton Pieck's successor,

that constantly works on thinking up new attractions, which certainly isn't an easy task

as Efteling has a unique style.

This style is very well protected and that is the reason why we think up all the attractions ourselves.

Of course, that doesn't mean that there will never be an attraction about the underwater world.

That's why we will take good care of your drawings, together with all the other ideas children have sent us.

And who knows, one day you might see your own idea and Ton van de Ven's design.

With warmest regards, Efteling

"Nibble, nibble little mouse! Who's that nibbling on my house?"

The oldest memory I have of Efteling is here at Hansel and Gretel.

I used to go to Efteling with my father every year and, of course, also to the Fairytale Forest.

When we were here, he'd sit me on the wall.

Of course, I was completely absorbed in the fairytale

and when I wasn't looking, he'd secretly put a bag of sweets next to me.

When I'd finished looking and wanted to move on, I turned around and saw the bag of sweets.

I fell for it every time and my father would always say that Gretel had left the sweets for me.

From the moment I got a season ticket, I went to the park every week.

Up to 2007, I visited Efteling very often.

So at that moment it really is part of your life.

It's like a second home and becomes a routine if you go every week.

Around 2007, I had a lot of other interests and I suppose that had a bit to do with my age.

Just turned 20 years old. You go to a lot of parties and concerts.

So Efteling became a little less important to me at the time.

Until, at the end of 2014, I heard that they were going to build Baron 1898.

I saw the drawings and instantly thought that to me, this is exactly what makes Efteling.

All the details, the beautiful buildings, everything.

I immediately contacted an old friend of mine. I knew him from Efteling.

He had had the same thought, so from that moment we decided to get a season ticket again.

To tell you the truth, from that moment on it was exactly as it used to be.

From the moment I started coming to Efteling more often, Fata Morgana was my favourite attraction.

Every time I visited, I went in it because if I hadn't been in the Fata Morgana

I felt it was such a pity.

That's actually quite funny because when I was a child I thought the Fata Morgana was really scary.

I recall that the first few years I came here with my father, all I did was cry when I was in the boat.

When I started coming more often, it became my favourite attraction.

To me dark rides are always really beautiful attractions anyway.

I think that in this attraction, everything that makes Efteling so beautiful to me comes together.

That they create a fantasy world that seems so realistic. That they create a bigger world.

You get the idea that there is more behind all the shutters, doors and passageways you can look through.

That's what I really like and especially in this attraction.

What I also love is that there isn't really a clear story.

So from A to B and so on. So you can actually make up your own story.

In the past, as a creative person, I enjoyed not being bound to a set story

but being able to interpret the attraction the way I wanted to. I really like that.

When I first got my season tickets, I almost always went to the park by myself.

I didn't know anyone who had the same passion for the park as I did.

That changed around 2000-2001, when the internet started to become popular.

And Efteling, too. People could look up a lot about Efteling and a lot of websites were created about the park.

This way, I got to know a lot of people with who I visited Efteling every week from then on.

At the time, there were of course a lot of websites about Efteling.

These websites all had the same information, they discussed the attractions and the realms.

So a group of friends and I decided to create a website about Efteling, too.

In the same way, with all the facts about the attractions and the rest of the park but then focusing on the toilets.

It was well received at the time, with a good dose of humour, of course.

We covered every toilet in the entire park, fact for fact.

Also at the Fata Morgana and I'm quite curious to see whether the facts are still correct.

I think one or two things have changed over the past years.

Different colours and tiles.

Look at the sign.

Super cool. This is my drawing.

This definitely wasn't in this toilet back then.

Really cool.

Terrific, really bizarre.

Dear Bram, after all these years you're still a great Efteling Fan.

Of course, as Efteling we are immensely proud of this.

I looked at your drawings, inspired by Efteling, with great admiration.

As a token of appreciation we would like to give you your own design of the Djinn from Fata Morgana as a gift.

Today, your design on wood can hang here the whole day

so our visitors can admire it today.

We truly hope you will be able to find somewhere nice to put it at home, as a memento of this special day.

With warmest regards, Olaf Vugts - Chief Imagineering Officer Efteling

That's really great. Brilliant!

So this is my job. I am a tattoo artist.

I have been tattooing in this shop for five years.

Just like I used Efteling as inspiration and for drawings and paintings at home,

I still do but then in the shape of tattoos.

This way, I can still use Efteling to do my job.

The pictures, buildings and attractions of Efteling are very suitable to use.

At the moment I'm doing a tattoo of the Fata Morgana on Pieter.

When I saw this drawing, I knew straight away that I would choose it.

The most important thing for me was that it was an attraction.

A real attraction by Ton van de Fen, because they were the most important ones when I was young.

I think back on all the memories I made in Efteling.

As a child, now, in 10 years time and 20 years time and I carry it with me with pride. Yes, definitely.

Then I'm glad to have been able to contribute to that.

I haven't got an Efteling tattoo myself.

There is so much to see and so much that I love.

I often wander through the park and see a lot of things that would be cool as tattoos

but I haven't found anything that I would really like to put somewhere yet.

What I actually always find very interesting,

especially in my profession and looking at Efteling, is where to start.

I start with a bare arm or a bare piece of skin.

Efteling also starts with an empty plot or a blank sheet of paper.

How that process works, from the first line of a sketch to the final result, is what really interests me.

In my own work, too.

OK, the tattoo is ready. So?

I can't wait to see the tattoo, I'm so curious to know what it looks like.

This is it.

Yes, I like it.

Are you happy with it? Yes.

Great, so am I.

Which Efteling Fan do you think deserves to be in this YouTube series?

Please let us know in the comments or send an email to

For more infomation >> Bram immortalises Efteling with tattoos - Efteling Fans - Duration: 16:00.


Djimon Hounsou Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> Djimon Hounsou Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 3:47.


President Moon to dine with Ivanka Trump at Blue House - Duration: 1:44.

Ivanka Trump will be meeting President Moon Jae-in at the nation's top office soon.

Also to be part of the Olympic finale is a team of high level officials from North Korea.

But according to our Hwang Hojun, it's highly unlikely the delegates from the two sides

will sit down for talks.

The Blue House has laid out the red carpet for the U.S. President's eldest daughter,

Ivanka Trump, who's leading the U.S. delegation in South Korea that'll attend the closing

ceremony of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Friday evening, President Moon Jae-in will host a dinner in honor of America's First

Daughter at Sangchunjae, a landmark building on the Presidential Office grounds that serves

as a venue for unofficial meetings and dinners with small groups of foreign dignitaries.

As a senior adviser to her father, Ivanka Trump's meeting with the South Korean President

is getting a lot of attention since she will likely be carrying a personal message from

her father.

And that message could mention the possibility of dialogue between the U.S. and North Korea.

Some parallels have been seen in Ivanka's visit and the one made a couple of weeks ago

by Kim Yo-jong, the sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Kim delivered a personal letter from her brother inviting the South Korean leader to visit


But despite the thaw in relations between the two Koreas, President Moon has been cautious

about discussing the timing of any meeting with Kim Jong-un.

Also coming to South Korea for the Olympics' closing ceremony on Sunday will be a high-level

delegation from the North... consisting of eight members led by Kim Yong-chol,... the

Vice Chair of the Workers' Party's central committee

The visits by the North Koreans and the Americans will overlap.

But the chances of them encountering one another, let alone having a meeting,... appear very

slim -- not least because both the Blue House and the White House have ruled it out.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon to dine with Ivanka Trump at Blue House - Duration: 1:44.


Match of the Weekend: Sevilla FC vs Atletico de Madrid - Duration: 4:19.

The Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan stadium will witness a key game in LaLiga.

Both the League title and a Champion's league place are in contention.

The fifth placed side, Sevilla, are at home to Atletico Madrid.

Los Colchoneros, will be hoping to maintain their fine run of form and also avenge their dismissal from the cup at

the hands of Montella's side.

There'll be an incredible atmosphere in the Andalusian capital for a clash in which Atletico will hope to keep up

the pressure on the leaders by winning their fifth LaLiga game in a row.

Last weekend they easily overcame Athletic Bilbao, Oblak keeping another clean sheet and an ex- Sevilla

player, Kevin Gameiro getting in on the goals.

"There's a healthy fight for a place in the starting line-up. Everyone wants to play and do their best and I think that

benefits the team. We're in a really good place and I hope things stay that way"

Just as in the recent King's Cup game, Vitolo's return to the Sanchez Pizjuan will be a matter of controversy for

the home fans, although the Canarian will be up against tough competition for a place in Simeone's eleven.

"We've got to take things week by week, and keep up the hard work. I think almost everyone is getting time on the

pitch and there's a lot of competition for places. No-one can rest on their laurels and that helps us to play at our

very best."

Sevilla, who are now in a Europa League spot, also come into the game on the back of a win, in their case against

Las Palmas.

The return of two regulars, Banega and Nolito, to their squad is the only change from their match at the

Estadio de Gran Canaria.

Other players to watch out for in the Andalusian outfit are Pablo Sarabia who's been in superb form recently

and Miguel Layun, who continues to improve with every game.

"I think our greatest strength, is that we're all prepared to work together and play our part. We've all got to

stand up and be counted if we're to keep this present run going"

Sevilla won 1-0 last year thanks to this goal from N'Zonzi, which broke Atletico Madrid's five-year unbeaten

run at the Pizjuan.

Simeone's side came out on top in their previous meeting this season thanks to goals from

Carrasco and Griezmann.

It's a game with a Champions League flavour in the Sanchez Pizjuan between two teams who have

harboured a serious rivalry in recent years.

It's the big match of the weekend in LaLiga Santander.

For more infomation >> Match of the Weekend: Sevilla FC vs Atletico de Madrid - Duration: 4:19.


Preview RC Deportivo vs RCD Espanyol - Duration: 1:01.

Matchday 25 kicks off in the Abanca Riazor stadium.

Deportivo will be doing their upmost to change round what has been an awful season.

Seedorf's side are second from bottom and have won none of their last nine outings.

Espanyol have drawn their last three games, last time out against Villarreal.

"We're feeling positive. Deportivo are a tough opponent and historically we've always had a hard time at their

ground. As in all games we play, we'll be going all out for a win."

Quique Sanchez Flores' team have happy memories of this season's earlier victory at home against the


They won 4-1, their best result of the season so far.

For more infomation >> Preview RC Deportivo vs RCD Espanyol - Duration: 1:01.


森77為什麼要這樣做生意羽翼之兔用影片記錄生活 - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> 森77為什麼要這樣做生意羽翼之兔用影片記錄生活 - Duration: 5:57.


Preview FC Barcelona vs Girona FC - Duration: 2:11.

An unprecedented derby takes place in the Camp Nou, between LaLiga leaders, Barcelona.

And the revelation of the season, Girona FC.

Pablo Machin's team, newcomers to the tournament, faced Barça at

home for the first time ever in the Montilivi earlier in the season.

The away team came away victorious thanks to two own goals and a strike from Luis Suarez.

The only other meeting between the clubs was at the end of the 1940s

when Barcelona won by an overwhelming 9-0 in the Camp de Les Corts.

It's interesting to note that Barça are the only one of last season's top three clubs

to have beaten Girona in this their first ever incursion in the top flight

Two draws against Atletico and a win over Real Madrid, make up an impressive record for these newcomers to LaLiga.

"We've got a very difficult game coming up, but like I've always said, we like to dream big,

and we'll give our very best wherever we play. We'll be going all out at the Camp Nou"

As well as the in-form Portu and Stuani, Girona also have the Honduran Choco Lozano available for selection.

He'll be making a return to Barcelona where he spent the first half of the season in the club's reserve team.

Barça will be coming into the game on the back of a mid-week excursion in the Champions League.

So, it's likely Valverde will make changes in the line-up against Girona.

It could well mean an opportunity for Coutinho, who is ineligible to play for Barça in the Champions league.

Both teams are riding high in LaLiga.

This Catalan derby promises to be a hotly contested encounter.

For more infomation >> Preview FC Barcelona vs Girona FC - Duration: 2:11.


Preview CD Leganes vs UD Las Palmas - Duration: 0:37.

Leganes went away disappointed at the Montilivi.

Asier Garitano's side lost 3-0 and have now gone three games without a win.

Hopes of a European place seem a distant memory.

Las Palmas went down to Sevilla at the Estadio de Gran Canaria and are still well ensconced in the drop zone.

To add to his woes Paco Jemez can no longer count on the services of Jonathan Viera who has left the club

to play his football in China.

For more infomation >> Preview CD Leganes vs UD Las Palmas - Duration: 0:37.


L'OURS BENJAMIN - Aventures souterraines - Duration: 22:31.

For more infomation >> L'OURS BENJAMIN - Aventures souterraines - Duration: 22:31.


JACK - Une mission sur Glace - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> JACK - Une mission sur Glace - Duration: 11:01.


Preview Villarreal CF vs Getafe CF - Duration: 0:46.

Javi Calleja's Villarreal still occupy a European spot, but they've lost some of their momentum

over the last few games.

The yellow submarine haven't won any of their last three matches.

Getafe, however, were back on form against Celta at the Coliseum where Angel was once again in superb form.

If the team from Madrid win this one they'll be on the same number of points as they managed in all

of last season.

For more infomation >> Preview Villarreal CF vs Getafe CF - Duration: 0:46.


5 Sure Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer You Should Not Ignore - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> 5 Sure Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer You Should Not Ignore - Duration: 2:30.


#NotSpecialNeeds | Stroudsburg High School Best Buddies - Duration: 2:05.

What it means when a child has special needs.


It would be special for people with different abilities to be driven to school by

the principal.

It would be special if the red carpet

was rolled out to go to class.

That would be special.

It would be special if we had a candle light

luncheon every day.

If we were the PE teacher.

"Drop and give me twenty!"

What we really want is to be included in...





We want friends,

to go to college,

to have dreams,

have families.

The bottom line... we want the same opportunities as everyone else

Is that special?

For more infomation >> #NotSpecialNeeds | Stroudsburg High School Best Buddies - Duration: 2:05.


Lâm Chấn Khang Remix mới nhất. Liên Khúc Nhạc trữ Tình Remix 2018 - Duration: 1:10:14.

For more infomation >> Lâm Chấn Khang Remix mới nhất. Liên Khúc Nhạc trữ Tình Remix 2018 - Duration: 1:10:14.


Preview RC Celta vs SD Eibar - Duration: 0:36.

Three games without a win, have seen Celta lag a little behind in the race for a European place.

Eibar's defeat against Barça saw an end to a run of four games undefeated,

but they are still standing strong in seventh place.

Both teams are looking to get back to winning ways, but the home side need to pull themselves together and stop

leaking goals. Their last clean sheet was a month and a half ago.

For more infomation >> Preview RC Celta vs SD Eibar - Duration: 0:36.


5G, cutting edge tech everywhere at PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:01.

Nearly upstaging the sporting action of the Winter Olympics was Korea's dazzling display

of technological superiority.

From amazing light shows to all new ways to shop, Lee Ji-won shows us what clearly set

the 2018 Games from previous events.

There's a constellation of LED lights in the night sky above Pyeongchang's Medal Plaza.

It's the record-breaking formation of more than 12-hundred drones that stole the show

at the Opening Ceremony of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Among the cutting edge technologies used in the show... is the 5th generation, or 5G,

wireless network... newly introduced for the Games.

5G is around 100 times faster than its predecessor, transmitting massive amounts of data and enabling

the creation of amazing new experiences.

The Winter Olympics are showcasing high-end technologies like these and even integrating

them into key visitor experiences... to provide entertainment and convenience.

"Another cutting-edge technology visitors can enjoy at Pyeongchang is a test ride in

one of these autonomous fuel cell vehicles."

The autonomous vehicle runs a course of 7 kilometers on the actual streets of Pyeongchang,

even successfully navigating the city's roundabouts.

Researchers installed a total of 6 sensors all around the vehicle to help it detect obstacles,...

and they also programmed different scenarios into it so it'll know what to do when the

time comes.

Most people have never seen a fully autonomous vehicle on an actual road, so it's getting

a lot of attention.


I really enjoyed very much with this car.

The car was running very smoothly and was very comfortable.

It's going to be very challenging for the forth coming Olympics to introduce more technologies."

Technology has also been used to improve customer experience.

The Superstores, which sell Olympic memorabilia, have made the long checkout lines run faster

through the use of wearable payment devices.

"We made micro-tags embedded with dual interface NFC chips and antennas so they can be put

into gloves, stickers and pins.

And this allows customers to pay by simply tapping the register."

It's the first time such technology has been made widely available for the public to purchase

and use.

"Paying by cash takes more time because we need to get our change.

But paying with the wearable device only took me 5 seconds.

It's so cool and convenient."

These new technologies have not only made the 2018 Winter Games even more enjoyable,

they're building a legacy for the PyeongChang Games as the "ICT Olympics".

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News, Pyeongchang.

For more infomation >> 5G, cutting edge tech everywhere at PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:01.


No foundation मेकअप कैसे करें / फाउंडेशन के बिना मेकअप कैसे करे - Duration: 9:21.

Hi friends! Welcome back to my channel. It's IndianGirlChannel Trisha, and if you are new to my channel, I am Trisha.

My today's video is No Foundation Makeup Look.

Many people do not like applying a lot of makeup and many people do not like applying foundation during day time.

So i have made today's video keeping this in mind. I hope you will like this video very much.

First of all i will tie up my hair.

I am taking Kama Ayurveda rose water in a cotton ball and i will wipe my face with it.

After this i am applying a face primer which i made at my home. It already has moisturizer,so i will not apply moisturizer separately.

If you do not have a face primer, there is no problem, you can use a moisturizer.

And if you want to see how to make this face primer, you can check out my video, i will provide the link in the description box.

I will apply the face primer all over my skin in a dabbing motion.

In this No Foundation Makeup look i will concentrate on how to hide my skin flaws, like dark spots and dark patches.

It will not be a heavy coverage makeup. This no foundation makeup look will be very apt for your everyday life.

After this i will apply the concealer. I am using Maybelline's fit me concealer, the shade is 10 light ledger.

I will apply this concealer under my eyes in a very small quantity.

Now i will apply this in places where i have some darkness like in my chin.

I will apply a little in my chin and then in some places of my forehead.

Now i will apply it in places where i have some dark spots. I have some redness in my cheeks, i will apply here in small dots.

I have a few more red spots and some dark spots i will apply it there.

After this i will use a damp sponge in dabbing motion to blend my concealer. If you dont have this type of sponge you can use your fingers.

While blending keep in mind to spread it and then blend. If you blend it only in the exact spots it will look odd.

because there is no concealer or foundation that will exactly look like your skin tone.

So if you blend it in a concentrated place, your skin tone will look different in different places of your face. So spread and blend. After that i will blend these in the forehead.

Blend the concealer in the surrounding places of the spots.

Along with blending apply the excess product in the surrounding places like this in a dabbing motion.

I have blended the concealer in all the places where i have applied. I think you can see the difference as well.

I had some darkness around my mouth area and here and there. It is reduced now.

The motive of this No foundation makeup is hide the flaws to an extent, so cannot except full coverage with this.

After this I will apply the Maybelline's dream velvet compact powder. The shade i am applying is soft hinge.

I will apply this in my face with the same damp sponge.

I will apply this compact powder in my whole face

I have applied this compact powder in the right side of my face and i think you can see the difference.

I think this much coverage is enough for everyday use because applying foundation and all is not suitable if you have to go out everyday.

After applying it in your whole face do not miss to apply it in your neck and ears.

After this i will draw my eyebrows a little bit.

After this I will be using Lakme Absolute's Kohl ultimate kajal.

First of all i will apply it in my eyelids like this.

Blend it like this to get a smoky look. It will give the impression that you have applied eye shadow and i love this look very much.

I will use the same kajal in my water line as well.

Then I will give it a smudge look as well.

I feel that for everyday look this much kajal is enough. The same thing i will do with my other eye as well.

After this i will apply the Maybelline's Colossal Volume express mascara.

I love this mascara very much because it gives a voluminous look to your eye lashes. But it is difficult to remove without a makeup remover.

After this i will be using Maybelline's color show creamy matte lip color and the shade is Lively Violet.

I love the shade of this lipstick, it has a creamy matte finish.

But the bullet of this lipstick is very soft and it gets broken very easily. See mine has already broken.

So my No Foundation Makeup look is complete now. You can easily apply it in daytime when you dont feel like applying heavy makeup.

I think this makeup is very nice and natural. And those who like natural looking makeup it is perfect for them.

Don't forget to let me know how much you liked this video. And if you have liked this video please don't forget to hit the like button.

For more infomation >> No foundation मेकअप कैसे करें / फाउंडेशन के बिना मेकअप कैसे करे - Duration: 9:21.


Preview Levante UD vs Real Betis - Duration: 1:06.

Levante haven't won any of their last seven games, and two points off the relegation zone are now in real danger.

They've conceded six goals in their last two games and are in desperate need of a result

if they hope to stay out of trouble.

"We've got to turn things round, we've got to deal with our situation and we've got to prove ourselves at home

against a team that's going to make things difficult for us. They're a strong side and we've got to improve to

have any chance"

Their opponents are one of the most entertaining sides in the league so far this season.

Setien's Betis were beaten 5-3 by Real Madrid last weekend, but still performed well under the inspirational

leadership of Joaquin Sanchez.

For more infomation >> Preview Levante UD vs Real Betis - Duration: 1:06.


Preview Valencia CF vs Real Sociedad - Duration: 0:42.

Marcelino's Valencia continue in their fight with Real Madrid to cling onto the top spots.

Two consecutive wins have brought confidence back into their ranks when it seemed the team

might be faltering.

They're facing an inconsistent Real Sociedad team, who did, however, last weekend manage a morale boosting

3-0 triumph against Levante at the Anoeta.

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