Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

It starts in a simple way.

You have your eyes opened or closed, it doesn't make much difference.

You can see or listen in case you have your eyes closed

something approaching you and you know very well

that its purpose is malicious. It's different for everyone

to some it is just a shadow, to others it's a werewolf

to others it's a clown, but in our country, most people that have seen it

they claim it's an old woman.

A creature that feed itself from fear and it comes to choke you in your sleep.

You shake, you're afraid, you reach the point of despair

as her face sticks upon yours to see you better

and as it begins to choke you, you wake up.

The elders will say that her name is Mora.

But those who have a more reasonable approach in these things

and always try to find solutions that meet reality

will say to you that this is called sleep paralysis. Could sleep paralysis kill you?

Welcome to our new series

where here, we'll see different mysteries for the human body and the ways it functions.

Is there a solution? Lets start with something more basic

What are dreams? Dreams are images

thoughts, sounds and voices, even subjective sensations

experienced when we're asleep.

This can include people you know, people you've never met

places you've been, and places you've never even heard of.

Sometimes they're as mundane

as recalling events that happened earlier in the day.

They can also be your deepest and darkest fears and secrets

and your most private fantasies. There's no limit

to what the mind can experience during a dream

and really no rhyme or reason

to what you end up dreaming about. Stresses in waking life

can manifest in dreams plainly or be cleverly disguised

through images.

Dreams are most abundant and best remembered during

the R.E.M. stage of sleep which means rapid eye movement.

This is the deepest stage of the sleep cycle

your eyes are moving rapidly, your heart rate and breathing become inconsistent

and paralysis of your skeletal muscles occurs.

This last part may sound pretty frightening

but it's actually a safeguard that keeps us from acting out our dreams physically

Something like safeguard from sleepwalking.

This is what in part causes sleep paralysis

but we will talk more about this in a second.

But again, what exactly are dreams?

The well know Austrian Psychologist of the 20th Century Sigmund Feud

believed that dreams are a window into our unconscious.

For instance, a dream about a grizzly bear chasing you in your house

could be the stress you feel about the relationship with a friend.

A dream about being stuck inside of a room with no doors

might echo your feelings about a dead-end job.

Nightmares are not that different from all the other dreams

they belong in their own category.

Psychologists usually define a nightmare as ''a terrifying dream''.

Most children experience nightmares

some even nightly, but they usually outgrow them.

There is a number of causes that can make an adult

experience a nightmare.

The most common is like we already said, Anxiety.

Depression and anxiety often are accompanied by nightmares, and the presence of nightmares

may be an indication of a more severe depression.

People who are depressed or anxious

are more likely to have stressful, disturbing, or frightening dreams

sometimes in the form of recurring dreams.

There's a complex relationship between nightmares and depression

that makes them work perfectly together.

Depression may cause more frequent nightmares, and nightmares themselves

may contribute to worsening depression.

Another theory says that, it is possible that nightmares are a way

that the brain forces us to practice, to prepare

and even anticipate difficult or dangerous experiences in our daily life.

Nightmares may be a way that that the brain

points us towards difficult situations

and emotions that need attention in our daily life.

Of course it's possible that nightmares, like dreams in general

don't have a primary function—that they're a by-product

of other activities in the body.

But most scientists that are involved in dream phenomena

think that dreams and nightmares exist for some purpose.

This brings us to the last part of this video, sleep paralysis.

Why are we experiencing this and is it possible to find a horrible end

during an event like this?

Are they demons that come in your sleep, to choke you and hurt you? none of these are valid and we explained it a few minutes before.

As we said, R.E.M.

or rapid eye movement, is a sleep stage where muscles paralyze

the heartbeats are slowing down as well as the breathing

and finally, the eyes move very fast behind the eyelids.

There is a chance while you're sleeping at that stage, to partially wake up,

and find yourself in a situation where you're asleep

but you are fully aware of what is happening around you.

Essentially, you live in an awake dream for a few minutes.

Could this cause death? Yes and no.

Sleep paralysis on its own cannot cause it

it has to be combined with an extreme case of anxiety or a physical problem

such as your heart.

Seeing something terrifying taking place before your eyes in a period of stress

could easily cause you a heart attack.

And as always, we suddenly realize that we're not 100% safe, even in our sleep.

Thank you for watching our video.

Don't forget to follow us on our social media Facebook and Instagram

and tell us what else would you like to see from us.

From Gloomy Gentlemen, have a nice day.

For more infomation >> Υπάρχει Εξήγηση; #2 - Είναι οι εφιάλτες σου ΑΛΗΘΙΝΟΙ; - Duration: 5:13.


Five Little Babies Jumping On The Bed Song | Learn Colors with Little Ducks and Colorful Chicks - Duration: 3:00.

Five little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,

And the doctor said

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Four little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Three little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

Two little Babies jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more Babies jumping on the bed.

One little monkey jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

"Put those Baby right to bed!"

For more infomation >> Five Little Babies Jumping On The Bed Song | Learn Colors with Little Ducks and Colorful Chicks - Duration: 3:00.


Cùng Lữ Bố " Nam Vương " đón chào 200 subcriber | Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 14:38.

For more infomation >> Cùng Lữ Bố " Nam Vương " đón chào 200 subcriber | Liên Quân Moba - Duration: 14:38.


FUNNY CLIP,TRY NOT TO LAUGH.HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước siêu bựa,ngu người nhất P32 - Duration: 21:12.

For more infomation >> FUNNY CLIP,TRY NOT TO LAUGH.HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước siêu bựa,ngu người nhất P32 - Duration: 21:12.


SA টিভিতে ইউসুফ জুলেখার সিরিয়াল দেখা যাবে? | Yousuf Zulekha Bangla Serial Dekha Jabe | 2018 - Duration: 2:06.

SA TV Te Yousuf Zulekhar Serial Dekha Jabe

Bangla Lecture

Yousuf Zulekha Bangla

For more infomation >> SA টিভিতে ইউসুফ জুলেখার সিরিয়াল দেখা যাবে? | Yousuf Zulekha Bangla Serial Dekha Jabe | 2018 - Duration: 2:06.


12 Things Introverts Absolutely Need to Be Happy - Duration: 3:22.

12 Things Introverts Absolutely Need to Be Happy

Introverts need special things to keep them happy.

If you are introvert, or if you have an introvert friend, you should know some of these things.

That way, you can help yourself or your friend to be happier.

Before jumping to the video, dont forget to give a like to this video and subscribe to

our channel.


Resting time Introverts need an exclusive down time after

a day work.

This helps the introverts to fully charge themselves for the next activity.


Important conversation Introverts do not like small talk too much.

Instead, they love meaningful conversation which is related to something that they learn,

experience, and discover.


Comfy silence Even though introverts love to talk about

something deep.

They also love something calming, peaceful, and quiet.

That is to say, be careful when starting conversation with introverts as they may be in recharging



Focus point Introverts are well-known for their focus.

That is why, it is really good if you can provide convenient space for them to learn

something in focus.


Quiet room Peaceful environment that introverts love

usually requires empty, clean, and quiet room.

It is great for concentrating on task they are working on.


Time to think Every time you ask introverts something, you

should make sure you give them time.

They need time to answer or responds on your expression.


Friends who understand We all know that introverts are easily exhausted

when going outside.

As a good friend, you need to make sure they are completely recharged by letting them at

home and not forcing them to go out.


A job that matters These people love to help others, and that

is why a job that only gives them money does not attract them.


Don't ask for explanation Sometimes, introverts really do not want to

say something.

Many things go in their head such as afraid of saying bad things.

It is eventually to keep relationship healthy, and that is why sometimes you do not need

to ask for explanation.


Time and space to work In order to perform any assignment quickly,

accurately, and comfortably, introverts love to have the best time and space.

The best time and space are absolutely when there is no one around.


Close friends It is important to know that introverts prefer

to have one close friend with high-quality relationship in which they can develop their

ideas and share kindness.


A second to slow down Introverts get exhausted quickly, and that

is why slowing down is the best for them.

All in all, that's the 12 things introverts absolutely need to be happy.

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 12 Things Introverts Absolutely Need to Be Happy - Duration: 3:22.


Name That Starter Pack ft. Swoozie - Duration: 8:18.

For more infomation >> Name That Starter Pack ft. Swoozie - Duration: 8:18.


Traveling to Vietnam - New Year's holidays are very fun - Duration: 5:56.

Welcome to 2x chanel ^^

I am present at the pagoda

you can see

I was at the gate of the temple

This is what we prepare

water, fruit, candy

hello everyone

I am standing at the incense temple, today is the 7th day

The weather is very beautiful

Slowly introduce the name , my name is dung

at the foot of the pagoda sell souvenirs

we were on the road

The weather is very beautiful, has anyone bought tickets yet

Our team includes

the first steps

Welcome to the temple festival

diagram goes up

6 km of planned road, including boat and cable car

This is the ticket control section

Two ways to go river or walk

I choose to walk

For more infomation >> Traveling to Vietnam - New Year's holidays are very fun - Duration: 5:56.


చేతబడితో నోటి క్యాన్సర్ వస్తుందా | Mouth Cancer Symptoms | Mouth Cancer | Cancer | Dr. Rao's Dental - Duration: 3:04.


For more infomation >> చేతబడితో నోటి క్యాన్సర్ వస్తుందా | Mouth Cancer Symptoms | Mouth Cancer | Cancer | Dr. Rao's Dental - Duration: 3:04.


Сочные КУРИНЫЕ БЕДРА С КАРТОШКОЙ В ДУХОВКЕ. РЕЦЕПТ на оливковом масле - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Сочные КУРИНЫЕ БЕДРА С КАРТОШКОЙ В ДУХОВКЕ. РЕЦЕПТ на оливковом масле - Duration: 3:06.


How To Delete Your YouTube Channel (2018) - Duration: 3:15.

do you want to delete your YouTube channel in 2018 we'll watch this video

till the end as I will be showing you a very easy and simple method that helps

you with it hey guys this is creators tutorials and in this video I'm going to

be teaching you guys how to do it your YouTube channel now you may want to do

it your youtube channel for some reasons and you aren't able to find that delete

option button in the YouTube dashboard I'm gonna help you simply with that to

do it your YouTube channel in 2018 and this is the latest version of the

YouTube's layout so you don't need to worry stick around and now before we get

started consider subscribing if you're new here as we make videos on YouTube

growth or fast YouTube success and tutorials just like this one to help you

improve your content so people subscribe to you and before we get started can we

hit 20 likes in this video if you could that would be awesome with that being

said let's get right into the question of the day today so why do you want to

do it your YouTube channel let me know your answers in the comments below now

let's get right into this video now the first obvious step is go on to now once you're on on the top right corner of

your screen you will see your YouTube icon slash avatar now just you just want

to press on it and once you have pressed on it you will get all of these options

run to click on the option called creator studio now I'm going to press on

creator studio it'll load you up your dashboard but as you can see there's no

option of deleting your YouTube channel now what you want to do is click on the

top right corner of the screen which is your icon slash avatar again and in

there you will get various options now you want to click this gear YouTube

Settings icon this is like the gear icon which says

YouTube settings you'll just want to press on it and it will give you the

overview of your YouTube channel your account information and all other stuff

so once it shows you all of that you want to go ahead and click on advanced

now it will be right below your email and you just want to press on advanced

and once you have pressed on advanced it will load you up with your advanced menu

now in your advanced menu right down below you can see an option called

delete channel now you can delete your channel but it wouldn't do it your

Google account so it will just do it your YouTube channel not show

country still use a Google account but you will be just doing your YouTube

channel and you just want to press on delete channel which I'm not going to do

because my channel is ballin and I do not want to do it my channel so that's

how you guys can do it your channel in 2018 with the new YouTube layout and if

you found this video helpful be sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a

like and also don't forget to share this video and hey did you leave a comment

down below saying why do you want to do it your YouTube channel leave that

comment down below and with that being said guys this is creators tutorials and

I'm signing out

For more infomation >> How To Delete Your YouTube Channel (2018) - Duration: 3:15.


La recette du Kimchi - 김치 - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> La recette du Kimchi - 김치 - Duration: 5:23.


カップル 感動話!長い間離れていた二人を再びつないだ思い出のものとは・・・? - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> カップル 感動話!長い間離れていた二人を再びつないだ思い出のものとは・・・? - Duration: 5:49.


How to Make a Simple Rubber Band Handgun - Duration: 0:48.

In this video, I'll show you how to make a simple rubber band handgun.

To make this handgun, all you need is some rubber bands.

To load your gun, simply put a rubber band on your pinky finger and stretch it all the

way to your index finger and carefully balance it on your finger.

To shoot, just open up your pinky finger.

You can shoot targets with this gun.

For example, these matchboxes.

To make your gun semi-automatic, put 3 rubber bands on your hand, but this time just open

up one finger at a time.

To switch from semi-automatic to shotgun blast, open up all 3 fingers at once.

Thank you for watching this video.

If you enjoyed it, give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to this channel

For more infomation >> How to Make a Simple Rubber Band Handgun - Duration: 0:48.


Baselworld 2018 We are Coming | Sorelle Ronco in Baselworld 2018 | Basilea 2018 - Duration: 2:22.

It' coming

Discover with us all the new 2018 watches

and many other brands

All the news from Baselworld 2018 live on our YouTube channel

For more infomation >> Baselworld 2018 We are Coming | Sorelle Ronco in Baselworld 2018 | Basilea 2018 - Duration: 2:22.


Ginpatsu-sensei 01| Next Generation!! Sub ES/EN/PT - Duration: 3:28.

Teach us!!



This is the section of Teach us Ginpatsu-sensei!

From Gintama LA

Before I start there is something I want to say


(Ginpatsu = Silver Hair) I don't have silver hair

Anyone can realize it

That is why

Change the name of the show

Teach us!!

***** - Sensei!

Yes, well

It's better


Of course not

Who is in charge of the edition?

If you are hard to please



What's wrong with you? Is this an office of sexual harassment?

It's okay

Forget what i say

If so, I prefer the first

Teach us!!



Who would imagine that it would appear, I'm Ginpachi-sensei

Wait a minute

When I said the first one, I did not mean that

Better said, this is not the first

Teach us!!



This is the time of Ginko-sensei

Why to her !?

I don't know that!

If they have very narrow butt these virgins, and I mean the spectators!

Stop please Do you want to commit a crime here by saying that !?

Certainly that is something dangerous to say

That is not obvious!

There's no way I can say it

We were just trying

The type of mistake one makes when being in new places

So is

Remember what Nakajima felt when he was taken to the address only because he dyed his hair when he went on vacation

I do not know him!

Who the hell is Nakajima !?

Gin-chan, we're out of budget

I see

I get it

I'm going to dye my hair

That will be fine, will not it?



We are sorry

It was not our intention that you do it



Return this video to how it was before

Teach us!!



Now there is no problem

Also that

I do not intend to dye my hair

It's over?

But I have not said anything yet

Perhaps. They do this because I lied

Wait, bastards!

I've had enough

I'm going

Good job

Gin-chan! Is this still on?

He? What happens, does something happen to the voice recorder?

The little light is on where it says ON

It's still on

Please, Do not say that, Gin-san turned it off a moment ago.

He? Is right.

It's still on

Wait! This is bad!

Gin-san! Did not you turn it off?

I turned it off, I'm sure I turned it off

But how strange

So I've been recording all this moment

I did not say anything weird right? I'm safe right?

It's okay, since you've never been well

Instead, hurry up and turn it off

Let's see, the switch, switch, damn!

And what we planned to join ..

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