Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

Hey buddies its ya girl AyChristene and today we're checking out vanossgaming animated

team six five and scheming the link for this video is in the description box

below you guys suggested I check it out and it looks like it might is it a sin I

think it might be a serious so depending on I'm good in it we might

be able to continue it let's see link is in the description box

below for you to check yours good vein officers it's your boy Dan us it's 5:00

a.m. in the morning that's Frank's house and we're gonna go wake up Wildcat let's

do this shit oh is this like team stakes kind of like team 10 is it let me know

down below guys let me know now you're just using everything way to wake

someone how's my boards taste dear I think in the description below

what's up piglets it's your boy Wow ah it is a parody of it I realize that now

it is a parody of team 10 and the absurdness and ridiculousness that

happens over there here we go okay we're here we're gonna wake up basically I had

to work he's in you're being lazy sleeping in come on Vance let's go let's

go get them up I'm broke okay three I'm broke I'm at they're like oh you just

pacing it's not a bear like let me do this craziness i'ma help you no no

oh my gosh soldiers and they're all going this way up ready

oh goodness oh this is spine okay when we got a curvy booty and not wrong with

that friend you see the pets at home is that what Santa complain yet he's gonna

play he's coming around oh dear that got out of hand

it did yeah yeah house as a wake up crazy out of hand we do know we've got

nowhere to live we got no the uncertainty is just like that level it

really is like I think they did such a great job of capturing all of that

craziness and like oh we got a dozen play button after all this crazy crap we

did to each other now people don't don't repeat any of that okay there make this

videos making fun of that stuff but don't do what those other people do

the ones you you know who I'm talking about Isaiah names for Jonah hey this

says team ten six that makes sense cuz we only have 24 subscribers 25 it's my

mom just subscribe will ask you tubers yes do you have a super cool viral video

swag yo fire emoji fire mode okay 100 bring it

to tubecon in Vegas and present to our wealthy panel of business though

yo video awesome ideas for videos okay I know where I do my best

it's not even a tree house in a bush

it's time to hear your pitches for this viral video when was this made when was

this made I got a no I got a no November this is kind of like sim say this is

like a projection the next level been us is wrong with you dead chicks dead took

the metal make like a hip-hop music video alright about like how awesome are

like the team said are cool cars and all the money we 1910 bees we get driver Kia

anyway I mean it would just be something like this it would just be like okay

Oh what if we just record what playing video games and make stupid jokes the

whole time that's what you guys do right why would anyone anywhere ever want to

watch you play video games a lot of people do fine let's just do the rap

video we could shoot it on the way to the airport previous come on guys we

gotta go last call on boarding for flight 486 to Vegas oh right our heroes

make it to the fried on time oh my goodness OOP caught it win the grand

prize well be honest I personally don't care okay I want to say that I really

enjoyed this early enjoyed this video I like the play on what's going on I'll be

different or what was going on and they kind of pre predicted something and they

didn't realize they predicted I wonder if anybody after what happened in

January or around Christmas or ever like in retrospect just like oh my goodness

man that's predicted it cuz that is like crazy I thought this was work that I

like the animation style I like the jokes I liked

the play on what like the craziness and lights that people go to it's trying to

be viral and the tropes that people fall into just for you don't go too crazy

lengths and do all that crazy it's just half life and I really like I really

like this book video a lot let me know your thoughts down below in the comment

section if you liked that video check the link in the description box will

support their creators there if you like this video hit that like button don't

forget to subscribe and follow me on instagram twitter and twitch guys always

For more infomation >> Vanoss Gaming Animated Team 6 | AyChristene Reacts - Duration: 7:38.



mWhat's up?

We wanted to say "Hi, Polinesios" How are you? We are very good, very happy today.

As you know we are here in Korea and we are living here for a month. I feel

that a month is a long time, I mean, it's no longer a normal trip anymore.

You already know why we come here.

Rafa wanted his Korean face!

It's not true, Polinesios, he can not move very well now, so we're going to bring him

in a super sophisticated vehicle.

Say hello to the Polinesios, Rafa.

As we transport to Rafa throughout the house and in the streets when we go to the super...

Polinesios, Rafa can not talk much and also told the doctor that he could not move

his mouth very much, I mean, he can not chew, he can not talk, much less he can laugh.

So that's why we decided to make a challenge that is "if you laugh, you die".

I am here against my will, these two forced me to do it because I did not want to

record because I do not want my brother to die or be more bloated than he already is.

So let's start.

Let's see, Polinesios, we're going to put a survey. From 1 to 5 How many of you are prone to laugh?

5 is that you laugh for any nonsense, so anything they say that

you are a very simple person or 1 is that it is super complicated to make you laugh, so

you put from 1 to 5 what you are.

What are you?

3? Are you 5? I am like 3 depends on humor, if it is a good mood, I laugh too much.

If not, it's like...

Now I'm going to start. I'm going to put a very funny video. Take water, ready?

He is doing massage.

The cat is singing!

Let them sink!

Oh! The dog is going to help them!

There are Rafa and Lesslie.

Ouch!, he hit the head!

For fat!

Tha man, the man!

Oh, they did not tell you how to use it!

That is Rafa!

No no! Oh lady, why are you jumping ?!

Let's see how much Lesslie can stand.

What is that?

It is a fat cat.

He's like Garfield.

Is he exercising?



You will not fit.

No! The lady's going to leave.

The lady's going to leave.

I lost! Can not be.

Here is my shame.

Lesslie, show the Polinesios your kawaii socks.

It has this, I mean, I do not know if you see it.

For me they look ugly because it looks as if Lesslie had two fingers.

They are beautiful!

She has goat feet!

- They are precious! Ready? - Yes

Take a little water.

Oh no!

Oh no no!

Oh no, no, sir, sir, no please, sir no!

And the lord?

There goes the lord!

Ana Karen! Was it good or you couldn't hold your breath anymore?

It was good!

Yes it was good, I won, very good. Rafa lost consecutively.

No, Rafa was... well yes, I won.

- You got a funny one, right? - Yes

But it is filling your mouth a lot, it is getting stuck.

What's he doing?

What happens?

What's wrong, Lesslie?

Oh my God, it fell!

It fell? You fell.

Polinesios, Rafa's already hurting his face. What's hurting you?


I Mean, it is hurting because he is using it, so do not use it, do not laugh, do not sleep ...

Well, yes, he sleeps.

Smell this

All right, he already fell asleep, Polinesios.

I died.

Oh no! That you had died

Smell this

Okay, that's how our technique is, it's a Korean technique where you put yourself like that ...

And they sleep.

And well, Polinesios, finally THIS CHANNEL IS MINE!

Don't even believe it!

Polinesios, I hope you liked this video and have laughed.

I can not believe what just happened to me now. One of falls ...

It was the worst, Lesslie his fall.

If you liked this video give much much love, how good that Rafa did not die.

Give him a lot of love because this child needs love.

Give it a like so it won't hurt, Polinesios.

See you in the next video, Polinesios.


I love youuu!



For more infomation >> SI TE RIES MUERES CHALLENGE | LOS POLINESIOS RETO - Duration: 6:09.


Varo-Fakten in 60 Sekunden | VORSTELLUNG 09: LOGO - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Varo-Fakten in 60 Sekunden | VORSTELLUNG 09: LOGO - Duration: 1:35.


YouTube GO Released..!! ||An alternative for YouTube 2018|| - Duration: 3:18.

Hello there everybody I am ABIR and welcome to my channel Android Master

in 2018 Google company officially released Android go applications

for a replace of all G-apps available on the Play Store

I will make a separate video over that topic but today

We are going to talking about one of the Android go application is YouTube go

So what is youtube go application and what does it do? let's get started

Google has launched the YouTube go beta application in the Play Store

The new app allows you to save your videos to your device or SD card for offline viewing

potentially Reducing your mobile data users it works much like the regular YouTube app

But when you select a video to view youtube go will ask if you instead want to download it

Videos are available in 3 relations best basic quality, standard quality and high quality

There is no access to HD resolution here, However, the app is designed primarily for regions with

comparatively slower internet speeds on devices with small storage capacities.

you Can also share offline videos with friends via Bluetooth

though Google notes this will require access to the Internet to perform

a 15 KB security check once the video is received

Google unveiled the app in September last year and

It's no doubt going to be welcomed by those who don't have such easy access to mobile that data

I know the lack of to

720p or



Might irk some people

But consider that Google allowed those option knowing that the app's main user base

Wouldn't really be able to take

advantage of the higher quality

It is available in the Play Store in 130 countries

It got arrived in Play Store

9 February 2018 as beta testing

On 22 February it got released on the Play Store note that you will have to verify your

Number to install it I mean the phone number

So this was it,

if you want more videos like

This comment below and give this video a thumbs up subscribe me and press the notification because I can't get notified about

Every video I upload see you on the next one


For more infomation >> YouTube GO Released..!! ||An alternative for YouTube 2018|| - Duration: 3:18.


If Wireless Radiation Exposure Is No Big Deal, Why Do Manuals - Duration: 4:31.

If Wireless Radiation Exposure Is No Big Deal, Why Do Manuals for Cell Phones, iPads, Wi-Fi

Routers, Etc.

Include Guidelines and Warnings

By B.N.


Many products we buy for personal use are sold with a separate manual booklet or pamphlet

that includes guidelines for safe use.

Some digital products include this within the device itself instead of separately.

Since many of us don�t bother to read the manuals and the guidelines thoroughly (if

at all), here are two examples of guidelines for safe use provided by cell phone manufacturers

in 2011:

The Apple iPhone 4 safety manual says users� radiation exposure should not exceed FCC guidelines:

�When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over

a cellular network, keep iPhone at least 15 millimeters (5/8 inch) away from the body.�

BlackBerry Bold advises users to �keep the BlackBerry device at least 0.98 inch (25 millimeters)

from your body when the BlackBerry device is transmitting.�

CNN explains these recommendations by quoting experts:

The logic behind such recommendations is that the further the phone is from the body, the

less radiation is absorbed.

Finally, cell phones emit the most radiation when they are attempting to connect to cellular


A moving phone, or a phone in an area with a weak signal, has to work harder, giving

of more radiation.

So users can avoid using their cell phones in elevators, buildings and rural areas if

they want to reduce their exposure, experts say.

Similar expert recommendations have been provided over the years.

From Consumer Reports in 2016:

And whenever you are gaming or reading on your phone, try to hold the device an arm�s

length from your face.

(Most of us keep it just 8 to 12 inches away.)

If you find this makes onscreen words too hard to read, try making the font larger.

Not only does holding the phone farther away from your eyes reduce the likelihood of eye

strain, but it also cuts your exposure to the low-level radiation the phone emits.

This is important because a recent study by the National Toxicology Program suggests a

link between cell phone radiation and cancer in rats.

So the question is again � if wireless radiation exposure is no big deal � why the guidelines

at all � or the recommendations?

Makes one think�

Digging deeper � according to some scientists, U.S. federal safety standards and guidelines

are outdated and inaccurate in regard to electronic and wireless products.

From EHTrust:

Currently there are no national or international �standards� for safe levels of the radiation

emitted by wireless or microwave devices.

Instead, the US government adopted �guidelines� developed by industry based on decades old


� proper long term safety testing was not done to ensure the public was protected from

all possible harm.

In fact, no �safe� level has been scientifically determined for children or pregnant women�

Compliance with �federal safety standards� does not assure your nor your family�s safety.

Coincidentally �safety� testing on these products is done on plastic mannequin heads

and bodies.


There have already been hundreds of studies and many have proven harm.

But disputes as to how much wireless radiation exposure is safe or unsafe will likely continue.

For those of us old enough to remember, this is like cigarettes all over again.

It also doesn�t change the fact that all of these personal products include user guidelines

and warnings.

It�s hard to dispute that there must be a reason for that.

For more infomation >> If Wireless Radiation Exposure Is No Big Deal, Why Do Manuals - Duration: 4:31.


Ξεσκεπάζοντας την γελοιότητα της επίπεδης Γης- Mέρος Δ: Οι Ερωτήσεις - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Ξεσκεπάζοντας την γελοιότητα της επίπεδης Γης- Mέρος Δ: Οι Ερωτήσεις - Duration: 4:24.


Vartolu saadettin & sadiş (Ayrılık Hasreti Türkü & Şiir) Çukur - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Vartolu saadettin & sadiş (Ayrılık Hasreti Türkü & Şiir) Çukur - Duration: 3:32.


Cartoons for Kids. Healthy Choices💡 Science for Kids of Second Grade. Education Videos for Children - Duration: 3:45.

Cartoons for Kids. Healthy Choices💡 Science for Kids of Second Grade. Education Videos for Children

For more infomation >> Cartoons for Kids. Healthy Choices💡 Science for Kids of Second Grade. Education Videos for Children - Duration: 3:45.


Glitches, Skips and Broken Stuff in New Super Mario Bros. - Duration: 8:50.

14 long years passed between the release of super mario land 2: 6 golden coins and the

release of New Super Mario Bros. 14 long years without any 2D mario platformer.

During this time Marios life changed drastically.

His looks improved immensely, he starred on many many games on new consoles, he even gained

a new dimension.

Everything in Marios life changed during this time, but one thing stayed the same.

The glitches.

While mario now looked much better than ever before in 2D he still clipped into walls,

swam on land and froze enemies the same way he always did.

Some things simply never change.

In this video we are going to take a look on my favorite new super mario bros glitches.

So are you ready?

Let's do this!

Marios horrible glitchy day starts as mini mario in world 6-4.

If Mario runs fast off of this platform and jumps as soon as he hits the next one, our

plumber will grab this ledge.

And then he will be so fast that he flies off the ledge and forgets to let go of his

climbing animation.

Luckily Mario doesn't need to show his climbing animation in the air for long, because once

he lands again he decides to climb on the floor.

Our italian hero is now able to climb through all of the floor, and into the wall.

But Mario needs to be careful because if he lets go of his climbing animation there he

is stuck in the wall forever.

Do you like swimming but hate it when you get wet.

Don't worry this glitch has got you covered.

In world 6-2 it is possible to swim on land by using a mega mushroom below these platforms.

Now Mario is able to splash around without actually touching water, how adorable.

There is a small visual glitch hidden during the first bowser jr fight.

All that mario needs to do is to eat one of those delicious mini mushoroms and to jump

while standing in a corner.

This confuses bowser jr and he starts to mistake this boss fight with a metal concert and starts

to headbang like crazy.

If we break these blocks in world 1-3 and afterwards break this block by throwing a

brave koopa towards it then there is another funny little glitch possible.

All that mario needs to do now is to jump into this small corner while crouching.

As soon as he stands up, he clips through the wall and hits his head against these brick


Ouch, Ouch!

But things are about to get even worse for Mario because now he is imprisoned in this

little gap, for eternity with no way out.

Mama Mia!

Using a Mega Mushroom just before the goomba boss spawns makes the goomba appear in the

air instead of in the ground for some really really weird reason.

I love this glitch, it's so silly, Mario is like look how big I'm but the goomba

is more like, I don't care I can float.

In world 2-2 the probably most useful glitch in the game is hidden.

All that mario needs to do is to bring his really stylish shell suit, to break these

blocks and to illegally steal the lakitu's cloud.

If our plumber now leaves the cloud above the blocks and starts to do his blue shell

thingy in between the blocks the cloud drops on top of him and voila!

We are now able to farm score points insanely fast.

The cloud is never able to pass through our as shell dressed italian plumber and we are

now able to farm as many score points as we desire!

In 5-2 one of the cutest glitches of the game is hidden.

Mario needs to stand below these blocks and to drop a mega mushroom down.

Now he needs to jump towards it at the moment before the mega mushroom leaves the blocks.

This catapults the mega mushroom high into the air and makes it go weeeeeeeeee.

Sadly Marios mega mushroom is now floating around in space, but luckily after a while

the mushroom drops down to earth.

That was probably too much for the poor mega mushroom.

Now it distraughtly jumps around on the same spot hoping to get a couple of calm minutes

in order to process what just happened.

In world 3-1 one there is this horrific enemy called a Cheep Chomp.

Cheep Chomps are horrific monsters of the ocean.

They are on the top of the food chain, and afraid of nothing, they even eat plumber.

If a cheep chomp tries to eat mario at the same frame as he throws a fireball mario is

able to fend the evil sea monster off and to get away with no more than a fright.

However he seems to be so frightened that he is unable to move from now on.

All that he is able to do now is to blink with his eyes.

Don't be too harsh on Mario for his coward behavior, the cheep chomp is the most terrifying

enemy in the game.

While we are talking about freezing mario.

In world 6-2 it is possible to freeze mario during a really cool moonwalk animation.

All that Mario needs to do in order to start to moonwalk is to run towards a slope underwater

and to turn around before he starts to swim.

This works with every slope under water in the game, and grants mario a lot of additional

swag points.

Since we are talking about points, hows shell suit mario doing?

Still bouncing, great, keep bouncing Mario, only about 96 million points missing for a

perfect score.


In the final bowser castle is one of the strangest glitches i've ever seen.

If Mario passes this firebar, then runs back a little bit and waits for a moment the firebar



Most of the times nothing happens.

No idea what's going on there.

Lakithunder is a really frightening boss while in motion.

But what does he look like if he is frozen on the spot?

Luckily we are easily able to find this out, all that we need to do is to hit him twice

in quick succession as blue shell suit mario.

Look at frozen lakithunder.

He's actually quite cute, especially with these cool sunglasses!

I'm sure he'd find a cute koopa girlfriend with ease if he just stopped throwing lightning

around in socially inappropriate situations.

The barrels in world 8-2 are actually magical.

At first glance they appear like normal barrels that float on top of water, but if mario stands

on top of one while being mini and the water timer expires they show their magical properties.

They are able to float!

But that's not all because they are able to teleport as well.

If Mario jumps they teleport back to their original destination.

Those are some sorcerous barrels!

7-1 features the probably most silly glitch in the game.

There are these swinging platforms on which mario is able to swing.

If our swinging Mario let's go of the swinging rope while swinging he keeps swinging while

the swinging rope swings without him.


The game actually believes that mario is still on the swinging rope, if he climbs down too

far he even gets teleported back to the end of the rope, I didn't cut here, that's

actually the game.

Next let's take a look at the famous walk on air glitch.

First our plumber needs to enter level 4-6 and then he needs to ride dorrie towards this


Now it's time for our two friends dorrie and mario to part ways, since dorrie needs

to swim further through the toxic water, in order for the glitch to work and mario needs

to do nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

For about a minute.

If mario did doing nothing right, all he needs to do afterwards is to bravely jump into the

toxic water.

And he is officially walking on air.

He is now able to make his way through this stage as slowly as he pleases but he still

needs to be careful since the piranha plants don't care on which surface mario walks


They bite and bite and bite anyways.

Once mario walked past this pipe the game teleports him to a completely different spot.

On top of the stage.

And he's trapped there.


Pretty sad actually.

Let's take a look at my favorite New super mario bros glitch.

The ghost house in world 4 features those really neat and glitchy one way swing platform


If mario jumps onto one and then immediately jumps off of it, the game enters a really

spooky state.

Everything freezes.

The ghosts stop to move, coins stay in the air and broken blocks break but don't really

break, fireballs freeze in the air and so on.

That's a really insane glitch!

If Mario wants to end this horrific glitched state he has two options.

He can either jump onto one of the swinging platforms again..

.Sigh, no, not this swinging platform, the other one.

or he can run into one of the horrific frozen ghosts.

And then the game continues, and pretends that nothing happened, the ghosts fly around,

the blocks break immediately and everything is as it is supposed to be.

But we and mario remember.

We remember what just happened.

Shoutout to youtube user PartyKoopa, he found a lot of really cool new glitches over the

last months.

If you want to learn more about glitches in new super mario bros check his channel out,

you can find the link in the description, and a huge thanks to all the other amazing

glitch hunters and speedrunners that tore this wonderful game apart over the last decade.

I hope you enjoyed this little video, if you enjoyed it don't forget to leave me a thumbs

up and maybe you feel especially like swinging on a cloud today and want to hit the subscribe

button as well.

I hope that you have a wonderful day and to see you soon, goodbye!

For more infomation >> Glitches, Skips and Broken Stuff in New Super Mario Bros. - Duration: 8:50.


Denizaltının Kaydettiği UFO Görüntüleri - Duration: 12:14.

Merhaba Araştıran İnsanlar!

Tüm dünyada yaşanmış pek çok UFO hadisesi vardır.

Bunlardan Roswell gibileri oldukça meşhurdur.

Ancak bazıları Ülkemizde pek bilinmemektedir.

Atlantik Okyanusunda gerçekleşmiş son derece net delillere dayanan UFO vakasını irdeleyeceğim

bir videoyla beraberiz.

UFO; bilimsel bir açıklaması olmadığı ve genellikle dünya dışı yaşamı taşıdığı

iddia edilen gizemli nesnedir.

Ayrıca UFO fenomenleri bazen sadece gözlemcilerin iddiasından, bazen de çeşitli kayıt cihazlarıyla

elde edilen görüntü veya seslerden ibarettir.

Sivil halk tarafından nadiren fiziksel parçalarda ele geçirilmiştir.

Bazı devletlerin elinde gemilerde bulunduğu iddia edilmekte ve bu iddialar ciddi delillere


Bu görüntü ve seslerin her ne kadar günümüz teknoloji ile sahte ufolar yaratması mümkünse

de aynı oranda teknoloji ile bunların sahte olup olmadığı da hızlı bir şekilde anlaşılmaktadır.

Ufo gözlem ve kayıtlarında çoğu zaman yetkili birinin görgü şahitliği ve askeri

bir rapor bu olayın ciddiyetini sorgulamamıza yol açar.

Çünkü o zaman söz edilen bu durumda bu kurumdaki kişi ve kişiler kendilerine itham

edilecek herşeyi göze alarak gerçeği belirtmek amaçlı gözlemi ortaya koyar.

UFO iddiaları çok eski zamanlardan beri yapılmaktadır.

Kimi ufologlara göre, İspanya'daki Altamira Mağarası'ndakiler veya Fransa Lot Mağarası'ndaki

tuhaf tasvirler UFO tasvirleri olabilir.

Ayrıca Cezayir'deki Tassili freskleri gibi bazı resim ya da heykelcikler ilginç biçimde


yüzyıldaki raporlarda betimlenen uzaylı tasvirleriyle benzerlik göstermektedir.

Bu durum bazı ufologlar göre, UFO fenomeninin insanoğlu hava araçlarını icat etmeden

önce de mevcut olduğunun bir kanıtıdır.

Fakat eski zamanlarda gözlemlenen bu tuhaf fenomenlerin kuyrukluyıldızlar, parlak meteorlar

ya da atmosferdeki optik fenomenler olduğu sanılmaktadır.

Eski zamanlardaki bu tür olguların incelenmesi retro-ufoloji olarak adlandırılmaktadır.

Geçmişteki bu tür gözlemlere şunlar örnek olarak gösterilebilir: MÖ 1450'ye doğru,

firavun III.

Tutmosis'in tahtta olduğu döneme ait bir betimlemede, gökte "güneşten daha parlak

ateşten halkalar"ın gözlemlendikleri, eni 5 m.'yi bulan bu nesnelerin birkaç

gün boyunca belirdikleri ve sonunda gökte yükselerek kayboldukları anlatılır.

Romalı yazar Julius Obsequens MÖ 99 yılında "Tarquinia'da güneşin batışı sırasında

küre gibi bir yuvarlak nesne gökte batıdan doğuya doğru yol aldı" diye yazmıştır.

Yine Mayalar ve Inca'lar gibi antik uygarlıkların yazıtları betimlemeleri ve yaptıkları

heykelcikler antik UFOları açık şekilde resmeder.

Ünlü okültistlerin yaşadığı bu dönemlerde, dinin etkisiyle göksel fenomenler ilahî

mesajlar olarak veya büyücülerin sorumlu tutulduğu uğursuz işaretler olarak yorumlanmıştır.

14 Nisan 1561'de Nürnberg (Almanya) göklerinde görüldüğü kaydedilen, silindir ve daire

biçimli UFO'ları temsilen, Hans Glaser tarafından tahta üzerine yapılmış gravür.

Japonya'da 24 Eylül 1235'te general Yoritsume ve ordusu Kyoto yakınlarında sabit olmayan

hareketlerde bulunan tanımlanamayan "ışık küreleri" gözlemlediler.

Danışmanları kendisine "telaşlanmaması gerektiğini, zira bunların yalnızca rüzgarın

salladığı yıldızlar olduğunu" açıkladılar.

Tarih boyunca pek çok medeniyet tarafından Silindir biçimli büyük nesnelerden küre

ve daire biçimli küçük nesnelerin çıktığı gözlemlenmişti.

Bu fenomenler o dönemde doğaüstü mucizeler, melekler ve gelecek hakkında haber verici

alametler olarak yorumlanmıştı.

Bu dönemlerde yapılan UFO gözlemleri sanat eserlerine de yansımıştır.

UFO gözlemlerinin yansıtıldığı sanat eserlerinden bazıları şunlardır: Kosova'daki

Detjani Manastırı fresklerindeki kozmonot benzeri tasvirler.

Fakat bunların dönemin Bizans dinî sanatında görüldüğü gibi Güneş ve Ay tasvirleri

de olabileceği ileri sürülür.

Mainardi'nin "Madonna col Bambino e San Giovannimo" adlı tablosu.

Tabloda tasvir edilen UFO'nun aslında gökleri aşan Cebrâîl'in sembolik temsili olduğu

iddia edilmekteysede yüzlerce yıllık hıristiyan sanat tarihinde hiç bir zaman buna benzer

bir şekilde tasvir edilen melekler olmamıştır.

Paolo Uccello'nun "la Tébaïde" adlı tablosunda olduğu ileri sürülen uçan daire biçimli

nesnenin aslında kardinalin şapkası olduğu iddia edilir.

Zamanla teknolojimizin gelişmesiyle insanlık daha fazla UFO gözlemi yapmaya ve bunları

kayıt etmeye başlamıştır.

Atlantik okyanusunda araştırma yapan Amerikan Denizaltısı USS Trepang'ın karşılaştığı

ve resimlerini çekmeyi başardığı ufo gözlemi gibi.

Ayrıca bu denizaltı ekibi tarafından çekildiği söylenen UFO'ların fotoğrafları resmi

bir raporda da geçen şimdiye kadarki en iyi kanıt olarak tanımlandı.

Fakat buna karşın bazı teoriler bunların başka bir şey olacağını da iddaa etmekte.

Söz konusu Ufo resimleri ilk defa Fransızlara ait bir paranormal dergisi olan "Top Secret"

de yayınlanmıştır.

Alex Mistretta isimli araştırmacı tarafından yayınlanan yazının kaynağındaki belgeleri,

Kim tarafından sızdırılıp, paylaşıldığı bilinmemekle beraber, denizaltında görevli

bir asker olduğu söylenmektedir.

Görüntüler oldukça sarsıcı ve etkileyici kareler içermektedir.

Ayrıca resimler dışında konuyu anlatan resmi askeri raporda bu dergide yayınlanmıştır.

1971 senesinde kutuplar da araştırma ve devriye görevinde bulunan USS Trepang SSN

674 tarafından çekilen tanımlanamayan uçan nesnelerin inanılmaz görüntüleri ilk başta

herkesi şok etti.

Çünkü bu fotoğraflar 1971 senesinin mart ayında Arktik Okyanusun kenarında ABD Birleşik

Devletler donanması güçlerinin ve tanımlanamayan uçan nesneler arasındaki yakın bir karşılaşmanın

kanıtı niteliğindeydi.

1971 yılının Mart ayında Birleşik Devletler Donanmasına bağlı "USS Trepang (SSN 674)

adlı denizaltı, Amiral Dean Reynolds Sackett komutasında her zamanki gibi Atlantik Okyanusu

– İzlanda ve Jan Mayen adaları arasındaki standart güvenlik seferini sürdürmekteydi.

Bu bölge Norveç'e bağlı bir bölge olduğundan yakınlarda sadece Norveç Meteoroloji Enstitüsü

ve Norveç askeri birlikleri konuşlanmıştır.

Amiral Dean Reynolds Sackett komutasından ki USS Trepang (SSN 674) deniz altısı Periskopu

ile standart olarak çevreyi gözlemlerken aniden su yüzeyinde duran üzerinde bir takım

motifler ve semboller bulunan devasa büyüklükteki bir takım objeleri gözlemlediler.

Periskopun başında bulunan Memur John Klika bu objeleri ilk gördüğünde bunları Periskop'un

lensine bulaşmış bir tür leke veya benek sanmıştı.

Fakat git gide cisimlerin üzerine gidilip yaklaşıldığında gözlemlenen nesnelerin

devasa büyüklükteki uçan objeler oldukları anlaşıldı.

Görüntülerde puro biçimli büyük bir araç ve üçgenimsi bir başka araç göze


Ve bilinen hiçbir ülkeye ait bir amblem ve bayrak taşımıyorlardı üzerlerinde.

Amiral ve yanındaki denizaltı mürettebatı bu duruma hiçbir açıklama getiremiyorlardı.

Bunun üzerine panik halinde denizaltı dan bu cisimlere birkaç defa roket atıldığı

ve su yüzeyinde asılı vaziyette duran bu devasa gemilerden birinin vurulup alev aldığı

bu şekilde de denize doğru yeniden düşerek gözden kaybolduğu belirtiliyor.

Tabi olay anında bu cisimler hemen fotoğraflanıyor ve rapor ediliyorlar üst birimlere.

Konunun ulusal güvenliği ilgilendirmesinden dolayı soruşturma ve olay ile ilgili detaylar

çok gizli bir biçimde halktan ve dünya basınından gizleniyor.

Konuyu öğrenen ve basına sızan fotoğrafları gören Paranormal araştırmacılar Atlantik

Okyanusu üzerinde gezinip ABD Donanmasına açıkça gösteri yapan bu uçan devasa objelerin

dünya dışı zeki varlıklara ait birer uzay aracı olduklarında hem fikirler.

Basına sızmış bu görüntüleri analiz eden kriminal uzmanlar fotoğraflarda hiçbir

oynamaya ve montaj izine rastlamadıklarını da belirtiyorlar.

İngiliz UFO araştırmacısı Nigel Watson, Günlük Express adlı gazeteye konuyla ilgili

şu açıkalamda bulunuyor: "Bu tip uzay araçları düzenli olarak dünyanın her

yerinde bir çok tanık tarafından tespit edilmiştir ve görüntülenmişlerdir.

Yaşadığımız gezegen içerisinde ve dışında bilinen tipik UFO modelleri dışında da

sayısız model ve biçimde bir çok uzay araçları tespit edilmiş ve 1896 yılından

beri zeplin ve puro biçimli bir çok uçan cisim rapor edilmiştir.

Bazı araştırmacılar, bu resimlerin orijinal olduğunu ve Dünyadışı yaşamın en net

kanıtı olduğunu iddia ederken bazıları bu tarz gizli bir bilginin o kadar kolay bulunamayacağını

ve bunun bir dolandırıcılık örneği olduğunu savundular ama burada söz konusu olan bir

şahıs değil Amerikan ordusu ve bu olaya şahit olmuş bir denizaltı dolusu askerdi.

Ayrıca teknoloji ile hacklenerek yasadışı şekilde pek çok çok gizli ve resmi belgenin

resmin dışarı sızmasının ilk olmadığını da hatırlatmak gerek.

Bununla beraber görüntülerin ve bu hikayenin doğruluğunun en önemli kanıtı da.

Deniz Arşivine göre, 1970 Ağustos ve 1973 Aralık arası USS Trepang 'in komutasının

amiral Dean Reynolds Sackett, gibi dürüst bir subay olmasıdır.

Belkide bütün bu teoriler dışında en mantıklısı ve aynı zamanda en uçarısı

iddia edilen UFO'lardan birinin, 1977'de test edilen pistonlu motorlarla güçlendirilen

ve bir kısmı uçak gemisi ve klasik uçak olan Amerikan ordusunun deneysel bir uçağı

olan Aereon 26 olduğu söylenmesiydi.

AEREON 26, kaldırma gövdesi tasarımını, hibrid tasarımlardan ve klasik uçak parçalarından

oluşturmak amacıyla geliştirilmiş deneysel bir uçaktı.

İtici bir pervaneyi çalıştıran bir pistonlu motordan güç alıp pastil şeklindeki gövdesi

ile aerodinamik şekilde havalanıyordu.

1971'de yapılan uçuş testlerinin sonuçları umut vaat edici olsa da, daha büyük ve yarı

yüzebilir uçakların finansmanı o dönemde ağır geldiği için projenin sonlandırıldığı


Bu uçakların şekli ve aynı dönemin etrafından gelen bazı UFO'lar arasında paralellikler

çizdiği için, bu uçakların UFO komplo teorisyenleri için özel bir yeri vardı.

UFO araştırmacısı Michael Waters ise konuyla ilgili şunları söyledi: "Bazı UFOlar

su içinde ve altında da su dışında olduğu iyi işleyebilir.

Ama burada dikkat edilecek nokta söz konusu cismin vurulup düşürülmesi, bunun ciddi

sonuçları olabilir.

Vurulup düşürülen cisim bir ufo muydu?

Eğer öyle ise bu cismin akıbeti ne oldu.

Diğer cisimler daha sonra bu bölgede tekrar görüldü mü?

Sızan görüntü ve rapor haricinde saklı ne gibi belgeler vardı?

Bu soruların çoğu şu anda muallakta olsa da UFO araştırmacılarının neredeyse çoğunun

hem fikir olduğu ve aslında bu olayında bir yansıması da olan şey ise Kutuplarda

ve yakınlarında Ufolara ait bir üs bulunduğuna dair spekülasyonlardır.

Tüm soru görüş ve önerileriniz için bana instagram hesabımdan ulaşabilirsiniz.

Araştırmalarımızın gelişerek devam edebilmesi için videoyu facebook twitter gibi sosyal

ağlarda paylaşmayı, yeni videolarımızdan haberdar olup araştıran insanlar topluluğuna

katılmak için Kült TV ye abone olmayı unutmayın gelecek videoda görüşünceye

kadar hoşçakalın araştıran insanlar!

For more infomation >> Denizaltının Kaydettiği UFO Görüntüleri - Duration: 12:14.


Coloring for Baby🏳️‍🌈How to Draw Tooth Toothbrush Toothpaste for Kids. Colouring Book for Children - Duration: 4:44.

Coloring for Baby🏳️‍🌈How to Draw Tooth Toothbrush Toothpaste for Kids. Colouring Book for Children

For more infomation >> Coloring for Baby🏳️‍🌈How to Draw Tooth Toothbrush Toothpaste for Kids. Colouring Book for Children - Duration: 4:44.



In today's video, I am going to be doing a nighttime skincare routine,

and I'm going to show you the products that I use to cleanse my face.

This is Aquanil cleanser.

I use this for face wash daily.

And this cost 14 bucks from Amazon.

This is more like a four month supply,

This is a prescription medicine. It's called Tazorac.

I use this every night, and it helps relieve zits.

I use Vaseline for my eyelids because they're dry and sensitive this time of the year.

Last of all, I have moisturizer which I use to keep my face from being dry.

I'm gonna use this head wrap to protect my bangs from getting wet.

That is the end of this nighttime skincare routine.

Give it a big thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't.

And, see you next Friday!

For more infomation >> NIGHTTIME SKINCARE ROUTINE - Duration: 2:48.


Goofy - Cartoons Tributes Drawings - EP 17 - Duration: 6:15.

Hello everyone and welcome to this series about Cartoon Drawings and Animation Film History

Today I'll show you how to draw Goofy

created by Art Babbitt and Frank Webb in 1932

Let's get start to draw!

Thank you for watching!

Stay Tuned for more Cartoons and Videos!

Have a nice Cartoon Day!

For more infomation >> Goofy - Cartoons Tributes Drawings - EP 17 - Duration: 6:15.


PJ Masks Puzzle for Kids🧩 Gekko's Powers Jigsaw Puzzle. Video for Children - Duration: 8:36.

PJ Masks Puzzle for Kids🧩 Gekko's Powers Jigsaw Puzzle. Video for Children

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