Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

This weekend ...

24 top players in 8 different teams ...

who will be crowned as the allstar champion? ...

this sunday 5 pm est ...

remeber to cheer for your favorite player!

For more infomation >> Allstar Tournament | Builder Hall | Sunday 5 EST | Sonntag 23 Uhr | iTzu - Duration: 1:49.


Introducing Airbnb Concerts - Duration: 1:20.

What is it?

It could be a release.

It's connection.

It's about what you feel.

"Check one."

"Check check."

It's emotional.

"This is one of the coolest spaces I have ever performed in."

It allows us the opportunity to get closer to each other.

It's live, direct, in your face.

Now that's powerful.

It can take you. It can free you.

And ignites fires inside of all of us.

What is it?

It's music.

And it's my pleasure to be here with you all tonight.

For more infomation >> Introducing Airbnb Concerts - Duration: 1:20.


Angrath Planeslaker Deck Rebuild - Duration: 8:58.

Rebuild the Angrath Planeswalker Deck

I really like the Planeswalker decks.

They are a great place for new players to start.

Decks built around an idea that play well against each other.

There's nothing wrong with these decks.

They are a lot of fun.

Instead of just upgrading the Angrath Planeswalker deck, I wanted to take Angrath a new way.

I want to show you how to rebuild a deck.

I'm going to show you what we created with the Angrath Planeswalker deck, right now.

Reaching and teaching Young Mages of all ages.

Welcome young mage, I'm Rhino.

Before we get started, I asked you in a previous video to tell me do you think Dinosaurs and

Dragons are the same thing?

There's a reason I asked that.

It's actually from one of the cards in the Ixalan block.

Can you find which card I'm talking about?

Just put it in the comments below.

The purpose of the Angrath Planeswalker deck was to over run your opponent with pirates.

Fast pirates.

I like fast decks, but could Angrath do a bit more?

I wanted to build this deck with cards I had on hand or could easily trade for.

What if we teamed Angrath up with Kari Zev?

What would the deck look like?

I'm not going over what we took out.

This isn't just a simple upgrade, but a different idea.

We will keep the Angrath and his buddies, but use some other cards to make a new deck.

Let's start with the mana.

Angrath is Red and Black.

This is also known as Rakdos.

We will keep the colors the same and use 22 land.

I don't think we need more land.

It played really well for me.

We start with 4 Cinder Barrens from the original deck.

We will add 2 Evolving Wilds for mana fixing.

And for basic land, 8 Mountains and 6 Swamps.

But I want to add one Desert of the Fervent and one Desert of the Glorified.

These are cycle lands.

If you get them late in the game and already have enough mana, you can use them to draw

a card.

That can be really helpful.

Now for the creatures, a total of 22.

Three Daring Buccaneer  A one drop for a 2/2 and you can reveal a pirate from your

hand or pay 2. It is fast and big. That is all value.

One Deadeye Tracker.  One drop 1/1  this card is just great for getting rid of  graveyard

synergies and it explores as well.

Three Fanatical Firebrand. A 1 drop 1/1 haste and you can tap and sac it and it deals 1

damage to target creature or player. He's great for taking out any of your opponent's

one toughness creatures. Including annoying flyers.

Three Grasping Scoundrel.  A one drop with +1/+0 as long as it's attacking. I couldn't

find any other one drop black pirates. But this is really nice. A 2/1 when attacking

is still good.

Three Dire Fleet Captain.  This card is just amazing. Getting +1/+1 for each other attacking

pirate is so good. He becomes an immediate target if your opponent knows what's good

for him.

Two Goblin Trailblazer.  A two drop 2/1 with menace I don't see a downside. He has to be

blocked by at least two creatures. Then we get to decide where we want the damage to


Two Kari Zev, Skyship Raider  A 2 drop 1/3  with First Strike and Menace. Plus we get

a 2/1 monkey when we attack. The monkey does more damage and Kari Zev has a pretty big

toughness. This is a double threat.

Three Forerunner of the Coalition.  It's a good pirate tutor. Whenever another pirate

enters the battlefield your opponent loses 1 life. We have lots of pirates.

And two Dire Fleet Neckbreaker.  A 4 drop 3/2. I think this is the pirate lord. All

attacking pirates get +2/+0. And the Dire Fleet Neckbreaker doesn't even need to be

attacking. But when she attacks, she's a 5/2.

That's it for the creatures.

By the way, keep watching. I have a neat combo to show you.

We are running 16 spells because we want to do some fun stuff.

Two Fling. You can sacrifice a creature and deal direct damage to your opponent.  This

doesn't sound too great because you lose your creature but I'll tell you a neat combo

in a moment.

Two Lightning strike. A 2 drop instant that deals 3 damage to target player, this is a

solid card. Use it before they can put up their creatures. Or just hit them at the end

when their life total is low.

Two Sure strike. A 2 drop instant that gives a creature +3/+0 and first strike it's a great

combat trick.

Three Walk the Plank. 2 drop destroy target non-merfolk creature, pretty nice. It gets

rid of just about any creature.

Two Fell Flagship. At first I didn't think this ship would be that good. But this card

is really good with this deck. Our pirates get +1/+0 and force our opponent to discard

a card. This can be super annoying… for them.

Two Kari Zev's Expertise. You get to steal one of their creatures and then you can play

something for free. We have 26 cards in this deck it can cast for free. I like it. And

here's that combo I mentioned earlier. Use Kari Zev's Expertise to steal your opponents

creature. After you attack with it, use Fling to sacrifice their creature to do even more

damage to them. They don't get their creature back.

And finally we are keeping Angrath and his two fury's. It's like having 3 Angrath's

in your deck plus more damage.

What do you think of this as a Planeswalker deck?

I want it to be more competitive.

It may even win some games at Friday Night Magic.

If you want to see how this deck plays against the Rebuilt Vraska Planeswalker deck, check

the card above for the game play video.

And finally,

This isn't the only way, or best way to rebuild the deck.

I like the idea of stealing your opponents annoying creatures and attack them with it.

But pirates can do a lot of neat things.

Like Revel in Riches can give you a different way to win the game.

Or if you wanted to use Blue and Black, Hostage Taker can give you some of the same capability

and open your deck to flying pirates.

Would you want to run a pirate deck like this?

Let me know in the comments below.

I have more videos coming out soon showing you how to upgrade decks and play magic better.

So subscribe now by hitting that rhino down below.

And don't forget the bell notifications so you don't miss a single one.

These videos are possible because of my generous Patrons and sponsors.

Check out the videos on the side.

They will interest you.

I have more videos coming out soon.

So until then, Rhino out.

For more infomation >> Angrath Planeslaker Deck Rebuild - Duration: 8:58.


Система Кастор. Хороводы звёзд - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> Система Кастор. Хороводы звёзд - Duration: 9:28.


Nasıl Video çekilir ? Hangi programlar gerekir ? - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> Nasıl Video çekilir ? Hangi programlar gerekir ? - Duration: 9:49.


EBM - Cyberpunk 2077 megacorporations lore - Duration: 4:35.

Greetings Earthlings!

Welcome to the MadqueenShow!

I am your host the MadQueen On today's menu we have a new Cyberpunk

2077 lore video for you, and today we're going to talk about the megacorporation EBM

The 90s were a hard decade for companies

After the world stock crash of the 94, many companies died along with world economies,

acting like some kind of purge, as only the strongest survived

One of the companies that ended past century being stronger than before the crash was Euro

Business Machine Corporation

This German megacorporation was, in the 90s, already the largest computer manufacturer

in the world, and one of the most significant corporations in existence

And when the world crisis came and went, they just wiped the dust off their shoulders and

went on, consolidating their position as one of the most powerful Megacorporations

But wiping off the dust wasn't the only thing they did, as the late 90s were greatly

profitable times for corporations that survived the economic apocalypse, as there were many

companies that succumbed the collapse to despoil and loot

Was at that time when EBM pulled off the greatest free-market hostile takeover in history

Led by Dr. Kurt Muller, this maneuver caused the merger of EBM with many other prominent

computer companies around the world, consolidating EBM's already fearsome market power

How fast can you browse the new Cyberware catalogue?

Watch a film?

Maybe check on your neural implants?

Watch the news?

Maybe sports?

The new Portable Dataterm™ moves as fast as you do

Portable Dataterm™ Faster. Smarter. Click

During the decade of 2020, the goal of the company was to consolidate as much of the

world's high tech manufacturing as possible under their label by any means

And when a megacorportion as huge as EBM says "any means", there are no means out of their list

The relationship EBM has with other megacorporations is symbiotic

They provide tech to many of the biggest Corps: the computers that run Arasaka's security

systems, Chips for Microtech, air traffic control computers for Orbital air, they are

the major provider for everybody that uses a computer and, you can guess, 2077 is full of them

Even if EBM has no direct competence and is one of the most powerful megacorporations

they don't put their guards down

Their throne is quite secure as they have one of the largest troop counts in corporate

security, incredibly huge for a company that has nothing to see with military and mercenary contracting

So you know, if you are looking for a job in 2077 and you like computers, but you don't

have what it takes to be a NetRunner, maybe you can apply to the megacorporation with

more employee count in the world and a very small rate of extraction

Because if it makes your life simpler, it's EBM

Well, folks, thanks for watching

Don't forget to visit our Cyberpunk 2077 lore playlist to know more about the dark future

See you in next videos and stay being amazing

For more infomation >> EBM - Cyberpunk 2077 megacorporations lore - Duration: 4:35.


Cambridge Audio CXN v2 streamer/DAC/pre-amp - Duration: 11:41.

Cambridge Audio was early in discovering the importance of good filtering in digital players.

I once had an Azur 840C cd-player that used Anagramm's Q5 upsampling and sounded very

good for the beginning of this millennium.

They still use Anagramm technology in the shape of a second generation ATF2 up-sampling

to 24 bit 384 kHz in this CXN version 2 streamer/DAC/pre-amp.

Let's see what that brings.

The CXN V2 is the update of the original CXN and if you want to know whether updating to

the V2 is advisable, I can't tell you since I haven't reviewed the original version.

It has a stylish brushed aluminium front, available in silver and black, that measures

430 by 305 x 85 millimetre.

On the front, left the standby button, a USB socket for storage devices and four transport

buttons - play/pause, skip back and forward and stop.

The 4.3 inch display shows menu's or info on the track playing, including cover art.

Right of the display the infrared sensor and four buttons for menu navigation: info that

shows the track info.

On the right a rotary encoder that lets you scroll through menus.

To select you push the knob.

On the left the IEC power socket, the Wifi antenna, a second USB socket for storage devices,

the network socket, two digital inputs, one on Toslink and one on RCA, one digital output

on both Toslink and RCA, the USB input for audio-in with a ground lift switch and two

stereo analogue outputs, one on XLR and one on RCA.

For system integration there are two control bus RCA's and an input for an external infrared


A few remarks here: the USB for mass storage, both on the rear and the front, are not suited

for iOS devices like an iPod.

That's no problem though since the CXN supports Airplay and - with an optional dongle - also

Bluetooth A2DP and apTX.

Roon Ready is announced as a free update, due march 2018.

The USB input for audio supports both Profile 1 and 2.

The default setting is Profile 1, which is limited to 96 kHz but works on all computers

without extra drivers.

In the audio menu this can be changed to Profile 2 so it will support 192 kHz and DSD64 too.

For use with Windows computers, the supplied driver must be installed.

All other inputs support all sampling rates up to 192 kHz but DSD is only supported over


Gapless playback is supported too.

For internet Radio the more efficient streaming MPEG-DASH and HLS-compatibility is present.

On opening the cabinet I noticed it was cleverly constructed.

It felt very sturdy when closed and only after removing many screws I got access to the inside.

There three main PCB's: one holding the linear power supply, one holding all the digital

and analoge audio and one directly behind the front to hold the display and buttons.

A number of smaller boards are used for interfacing and for instance holding the rotary encoder.

The most remarkable print is this one, which in fact is the streamer and is called Black

Marlin after the fastest swimming fish there is.

According to the press release a faster processor with extra memory should make the V2 faster

than the original.

Let's look at the audio side: Local stabilisation, Wolfson WM8740 DAC chips, N55322 op-amps and

firm mute relais.

Also note the screws that almost certainly must prevent vibrations in the PCB at this

critical point.

Not strange the measurements show very clean figures.

This all is neatly layed-out.

As with most DLNA streamers, ripping must be done on a computer.

That music then must be shared by a DLNA server, software the indexes the metadata and sends

that info and the music to devices like the CXN.

It is the server software that defines how the metadata is presented to you.

If you -for instance - like having composers indexed, you have to use DLNA server software

that does that or can be set to do that.

The DLNA player only shows what is sent to it by the server.

This also means that browsing speed depends largely on the DLNA server.

Again, that is not specific for the CXN.

I have several DLNA servers operating in the network, primarily for video.

For audio I like to use dedicated audio-only DLNA server software called MinimServer running

on an iMac that has an Intel i5 @ 3.3 GHz.

With around 10,000 albums in my library this worked quick and responsive.

There are also versions for Windows, Linux and even Raspberry Pi and several NASses.

I don't know what happens if you use a clearly slower NAS or Raspberry Pi.

But then again, if you have considerably less albums it probably will work fine.

A clear advantage is that DLNA doesn't know limitations on the number of tracks it can


And, of course, that it is up to you what DLNA server software to use and what fields

are indexed.

There are several ways to operate the CXN V2: using the controls on the front or the

supplied infrared remote together with the display on the front or use an app on a tablet

or smartphone.

There are versions for Android and iOS and they come for free.

When you chose for Library, the CXN shows the DLNA server or servers in your network.

As you can see I have several running but that is only for testing.

Normally you will only see the one you installed on your computer or NAS.

From here it is simple browsing and selecting like with many streamer-apps.

On the right the play list is shown and along the bottom the player info and control.

Tap this area and you get a full player screen.

If you go to input you can choose between USB, D1 - the optical input, D2 - the RCA

input and Spotify that effectively starts up the Spotify app.

Select internet radio and you find extensive search options and an option to store your


The Player menu option lets you select the player you want to control.

This is also where you can couple more players.

the Settings menu lets you switch between Grid and List display, audio settings - limited

to balance here, control bus settings and a positility to use the iTunes library.

All in all what you expect from a good app.

And, as said, the same can be controlled using the controls on the front or on the remote


This is where the CXN really surprised me.

This is a very musical player that - given its price - sounds remarkably good.

It sounds rounded without sounding dull, is very open and has a stereo image that I didn't

expect in this price category.

The lows go deep and offer true tonality.

It really is in the upper range of my setup 2 and is absolutely tolerable in my setup


A real achievement for a streamer, DAC and digital preamp for just over a grant.

Let's start with the things you might need to know to decide whether this is your choice.

First the price: 1099 euros, 799 British pounds or 999 US Dollars according to the web.

Please bare in mind European prices are including VAT - sales tax -while the US price is excluding

sales tax.Then you have to realise that only Spotify is supported while this player deserves

Tidal or Qobus high res streaming.

There is no MQA decoding.

Then there is the choice for DLNA, that might be somewhat less easier to set up, depending

on the DLNA server software you choose.

Do realise this is a complete digital pre-amp if you choose so.

Just add a power amp or active speakers, connect your tv and cd-player and even your smartphone

over Airplay or - at lower quality and using the optional dongle - Bluetooth and you're


Want to switch to Roon later on, that becomes available too.

Rather have your computer connected directly?

Possible too.

The sound quality is far above that of Sonos and clearly above that of Bluesound.

It also wins from the Elac Discovery that also has less functionality but does offer

the unique Roon Essentials software.

Next month the Cocktail Audio X45 will be released that offers about the same functionality

plus a hard disk option - so no need for a computer - but will be more expensive.

If you want to know when that review comes on line, subscribe to this channel or follow

me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+.

See the show notes for the links.

If you liked this video, please consider supporting the channel through Patreon or Paypal.

Just one dollar a month will do.

The links are in the show notes, just as the link to a description of my three setups.

Help me to help even more people with their stereos by telling your friends on the web

about this channel.

I am Hans Beekhuyzen, thank you for watching and see you in the next show or on

And whatever you do, enjoy the music.

For more infomation >> Cambridge Audio CXN v2 streamer/DAC/pre-amp - Duration: 11:41.


PubG Glitch / Bugs results in ban?! | PubG: Battlegrounds | Gameplay Funny Moments - Duration: 6:47.

For more infomation >> PubG Glitch / Bugs results in ban?! | PubG: Battlegrounds | Gameplay Funny Moments - Duration: 6:47.


gta 5 deu/ger wir tunen das neue fahrzeug - Duration: 37:06.

For more infomation >> gta 5 deu/ger wir tunen das neue fahrzeug - Duration: 37:06.



For more infomation >> HAYATINIZDA EN MUTLU OLDUĞUNUZ AN NEDİR ? (RÖPORTAJ) - Duration: 6:03.


Metal Gear Survive... NON CHIAMATELO METAL GEAR! - Duration: 1:16.

Metal Gear Survive

For more infomation >> Metal Gear Survive... NON CHIAMATELO METAL GEAR! - Duration: 1:16.


Creepy Cute Flying Eye | Pastel Goth Fashion Jewellery | Polymer Clay Creations - Duration: 8:05.

For more infomation >> Creepy Cute Flying Eye | Pastel Goth Fashion Jewellery | Polymer Clay Creations - Duration: 8:05.


// How to edit photos BLACK AND WHITE in Luminar 2018 + FREE PRESET // - Duration: 8:38.

For more infomation >> // How to edit photos BLACK AND WHITE in Luminar 2018 + FREE PRESET // - Duration: 8:38.


The Best Cheap Korean BBQ in New York City || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:58.

- My name is Prez, and I work at Thrillist.

Around these parts, I'm known as the 5 Dollar Lunch Guy.

Every episode, I'm gonna put you guys onto

the very finest New York grub for $5 or less.

Korean food, we have halal,

and then you have Chinese food, right?

And then, in the middle of it, you have a triangle which --

listen man, I'm giving a presentation.

Anyways, bottom line is:

$5 illuminati confirmed.

Anyways, mission, bulgogi.

OK, so for you that don't know, bulgogi is thinly sliced,

marinated stir-fried beef,

which is a staple of Korean barbecue,

and one of the most popular Korean dishes in the US.

Now, if you've ever had Korean barbecue in New York,

you know you're gonna drop a few coins for it,

and it's always worth it.

But we can't just afford bulgogi in any random Korean spot.

So today, we're heading to Bed-Stuy

to hit up one of my local joints, Nostrand Cafe,

to have one of their amazing bulgogi tacos.

It's five bucks somewhere -- let's go!

So these are the rules of "Operation 5 Buck Lunch."

It's gotta be good, 'cause nobody wants bad food for lunch.

No big chains, 'cause that's just too easy.

It's gotta be $5 or less,

and whatever I don't use today

rolls over into the next episode.

Have you ever had Korean barbecue?

- Yes.

- No, I haven't. Never before.

- Never had Korean barbecue.

- It's one of my favorite things to eat.

- Oh, same!

What do you usually get?

- It depends, my friends and I like to switch it up.

We usually just like pork, beef,

and then we get a scallion pancake on the side.

- Usually, I get the bibimbap.

- OK.

- The spicy seafood.

- How would you describe bulgogi?

- It's not heavy, 'cause there's vegetables and meat

and everything, and it's just

a really good quick thing to eat.

- Have you ever paid under five bucks for Korean barbecue?

- No.

- What if I told you, you could have

Korean barbecue for under five bucks?

- I would say yes.


- Now the first time I ever had bulgogi at

a Korean barbecue joint was in K-Town in the city years ago.

And while I don't remember much about what I ate that day,

I do remember the bomb of a check

they dropped on us at the end.

Your boy was shook.

And that's why I'm so excited to put you guys on.

This place is a real gem for people who just want bulgogi,

but aren't trying to declare bankruptcy.

All right, enough talk -- let's get it.

Fun fact: If you didn't know,

or you've been living under a rock,

Bed-Stuy is Brooklyn's home of hip-hop with some of

the most prolific artists coming out of the area,

such as the legendary Jay-Z, B.I.G., Lil' Kim,

Big Daddy Kane, Fab, Mos Def, and Joey Badass.

Yeah, you heard me right,

Joey Badass is on my legends list and is prolific.

If you have a problem with that, @ me, son.

Also, our place is right across the street --

like, right there.

Here we are, Bed-Stuy, Nostrand and Lafayette,

Nostrand Cafe, let's go inside.

(upbeat music)

- [Prez] Hey, Jiwon, how are you man? You all right?

- How you doing, bud?

- Yo, this is my guy.

Anyways, so for people who don't know, what do people

need to know about Nostrand Cafe?

- Nostrand Cafe, it's a coffee shop.

We have great coffee, but we have amazing Korean food.

We have bibimbap, that's the most popular,

and the bulgogi.

Yeah, me and my brother-in-law, we were thinking about

opening our shop like this, and maybe a coffee shop,

but with a twist.

- [Prez] What is your favorite thing on the menu?

- Bulgogi sandwich. It's delicious.

- Please, please, please give me one of your

bulgogi tacos.

- All right, cool.

- How much?

- It's gonna be $5.44.

- $5.44? Oh, there you go.

- Thank you very much.

- Little bit of a rollover, ain't never hurt nobody.

Thank you. A little something for the next episode.

(upbeat music)

- And here it is!

Yeah, thank you, appreciate it.

Look at that guys, come here.

Look at this thing.

All right, wow, this is like, spilling out, I can barely...

I can barely close my taco.

(camera snap) Look at all of this,

spilling out of the taco for five bucks.

(upbeat music)

I have the best job in the world.

Please, understand: ask me what my top favorite foods are,

this is No. 3.

Describing this bulgogi taco is like

describing what it's like to get a hug from your mom.

I was literally in here last night, I was in here last week,

I was in here last month eating this taco.

This thing is deep in flavor.

You're getting the sweetness of the bulgogi beef;

it's marinated overnight, put in the fridge,

and then cooked stir-fried.

You have the kimchi, which has a bit of a kick,

a bit of a heat to it, on a cold day, it's amazing.

On a date night, it's amazing.

It also has vinegar that cuts through

a little bit of the heat as well.

The avocado kind of like neutralizes any heat

that you're really getting from the kimchi.

It's not cheap to get bulgogi, and it's not an easy process

to make bulgogi, so to get it for five bucks,

it's kind of incredible.

(upbeat music)

All right guys, come here, come closer.

Let me tell you a secret, let me tell you a secret.

This place is a nice place to take a date,

a nice little first date.

Korean barbecue's not cheap; it's like 25 bucks a plate.

You take your girl here, you take your girl here,

she doesn't have to know it's five bucks, son.

The flavors in this taco, the atmosphere in this place --

Jiwon, his mom in the back making the taco.

This is all home for me.

When we go to a place, and I don't clean my plate,

because I eat like a pig, but this is damn good.

And you know the best part about this is?

As soon as this camera's off, and I go home tonight,

guess what I'm gonna eat?

Bulgogi taco.

See you outside.

Today's mission was bulgogi,

which brought us out to Bed-Stuy for the first time

to link up with my friends from Nostrand Cafe to have

their amazing bulgogi taco.

Now, to have a gem of a place like this that goes

out of their way to make food affordable

is a win for everyone.

So with that being said,

today's mission was an absolute success.

It's in budget, not a big chain, and it's damn good.

Anyways guys, gotta get back to the office.

See ya later, bye!

(camera snaps) (upbeat music)

- Hey, what's going on guys, it is your boy, Prez!

Thank you so much for watching my show.

If you have any suggestions of where we should go next time,

leave them in the comments below.

Also, are you a dog or a cat person, let me know.

I mean, for me I'm a cat guy, my cat's name is Marvel,

she's real sweet -- anyways!

Also follow me on Instagram @5dollarlunchguy,

and I'll see you guys later.

Follow, like, subscribe, bye!

For more infomation >> The Best Cheap Korean BBQ in New York City || Operation $5 Lunch - Duration: 6:58.


"I'm grateful for Safak!" - Elif Episode 675 | Season 4 Episode 115 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 1:48.

Welcome Jülide!

- Thanks Melek - Welcome Jülide

Thanks sister, have you been busy?

- I hope you didn't get tired a lot - We manage my dear

So what have you been up to? Any news about the house?

Unfortunately! We still couldn't find it

What about Şafak? He couldn't help you out?

He worked so hard, he even called out his friends but... is also out of his hands

Don't worry Jülide...

Everything will be fine at the end

Actually we found a place... fact it was exactly what I needed

Then why didn't you rent it?

Şafak didn't want because it was a bit far

Şafak didn't want it?

I mean he dissuaded me from it

He just didn't want us move away from here not because of something else

I'm really grateful to him in any case

I wouldn't want to lose you...

...especially right after I found my precious Melek again

God bless him

Isn't it Melek?

Of course, you are right but at the end I couldn't find a place still

You'll find it, don't worry!

Let me help you

For more infomation >> "I'm grateful for Safak!" - Elif Episode 675 | Season 4 Episode 115 (English & Spanish subtitles) - Duration: 1:48.


CSS Keylogger - old is new again - Duration: 11:29.

The motivation for this video comes from this CSS keylogger example shared on HackerNews,

twitter and reddit and it's incredible popular.

The github repository with this example has thousands of stars after just a day.

And I find this quite fascinating…

But before we get into this particular example, let's got back in time to 2012.

In 2012, almost 6 years ago of this video, I was still at the beginning of learning more

about security.

I was still reading and learning a lot of the very basics.

Like basic XSS vectors with <script>alert(1)</script>.

And a friend of mine invited me to a small closed hacker conference.

And so there I am, a complete noob feeling like I don't belong there watching these


And there was one talk called "Script-less attacks" - attacks in a post-XSS world by


So the premise of the talk, as you can infer from the title, is about a world without javascript

and without XSS issues.

It's a thought experiment first and foremost, because having such a situation where you

have an HTML injection with no javascript context is rare, maybe with more and more

content security policies a bit less rare, but in the grand scheme of the web, one could

argue that it's "irrelevant", or not really impressive because it might not have

much impact.

But to me this was blowing my mind.

This is research.

This is posing an interesting question and it makes you think about everything in a much

more intricate way.

You can learn the basics of XSS in an afternoon, but then pushing the boundaries and learning

how far you can take, that is where you get really good at it.


What if we defeat XSS, what attack surface will remain and will it make a difference?

First of all you have to think about what even your goal is.

What would be the goal of XSS.

So in general we want to steal or access data we are not supposed to access and we wanna

do this with HTML that we can inject into the target website a victim visits.

So this talk shows a lot of different techniques and tricks using various features, to extract

different kind of information from the site.

That could be logging keystrokes or could also mean access form daya such as a CSRF

token, a password or a credit card number.

This talk is actually based on a paper with the same name and mario gave this talk several

times and I link a recording in the description.

But we had the rule for this talk, for this thought experiment, to not use any Javascript.

To not use any XSS.

So the question is now, how can we mitigate or bypass CSRF protection by just using CSS

and other inactive stuff?

Not using any javascript atl all.

Can we do this?

Well, some other people did this already some years ago, and I think there was also a bluehat

talk, and an excellent one too.

It was sirdarckcat, gareth heyes and david lindsey they already did it.

And there is still a demo out there you can have a look at.

And they also used CSS.

Cascading Stylesheet.

So what they did, they were abusing attribute selectors.

And they were saying: hey, select everything that has value, or every input element that

has a values, that is starting with a letter "a", and give it a background image, that

is indicating that we have the letter "a".

So if there was "a" as the first letter, a request was sent out.

Same with b, c, d, e, f, g.

And they could also do this with the last letter, or with some letter in between.

What they could not do, is select me the n-th character.

So they couldn't do give me an element where the second letter is actually the a,b,c or

d or whatever.

So they had to bruteforce a lot.

They had to write a lot of CSS to make this happen.

It was like loads, literally megabytes of stuff they had to inject.

So it was not very feasible.

Also didn't scale, and attackers like to scale.

And then mario shows a more efficient and more insane technique to pull this off.

But as he pointed out, this idea with attribute selectors loading background images was already

introduced previously by Eduardo (@sirdarckcat - sorry.

No clue how to say that), Gareth Heyes and David (@thornmaker).

And now let's fast forward to 2018, to a tweet I came accross in Februray by Mike Gualtieri,

who apparently rediscovered this again independently.

You can see here how he explains the CSS attribute selectors and then uses the same background-image

loading trick.

He put a lot of effort into this, wrote a detailed article calling it "Stealing Data

with CSS" and even wrote a Chrome and Firefox extension that is removing these CSS rules

as a form of protection.

I feel a little bit bad for him because I think he thought he stumbled over something

new, but it was just a rediscovery.

But yeah, this can happen and happens in security a lot.

Different teams find stuff independently and maybe years apart.

And it's such an obscure technique as well, that it's very likely you haven't heard

of it before if you don't spend a lot of time with browser client side security.

And I guess I was just lucky that I saw mario's talk in 2012.

Now a couple of days later this CSS keylogger example turns up.

I'm not sure if it's a coincidence or if it was inspired by this article, but this

person created an extension that simulates a CSS injection into a page to steal characters

entered into an input field.

You can see the injected css here.

It uses CSS attribute selector for an input password field and depending on the value,

embeds a background image from a URL, which is sending that character to a server to collect


Though there is one small detail here that is quite interesting.

You see the CSS attribute selector works on the value attribute.

So this doesn't work in a plain HTML example.

Even though the entered text is available via the value property on the input element,

it's not the attribute value.

So the CSS selector doesn't kick in.

That's also why the password stealing example of the blog post actually sets the value,

of the input element it wants to extract the characters from, via a GET parameter.

So this is a technique to steal attribute data.

So another good target for this technique is the CSRF token that is usually set as a

hidden input value.

But the github example worked on intputs where you just type in?

Well that's the small detail that is quite interesting.

Essentially what is happening is, that a lot of javascript frameworks, such as react react

on events like typing into a field and automatically propagate these values to internal variables,

but also properly set the value attribute of the input element.

So essentially it can be boiled down to this example.

On each keyup event, we set the value attribute to the value property.

As a test I have defined here a single rule that only kicks in when the character X is


So when we now test it, and type something in the field, we see the value attribute updating

accordingly, and with an X the CSS rule kicks in that could be used to extract the data.

And you can easily observe this behaviour on the instagram login form as well.

So IF instagram had an HTML injection, and for some reason couldn't execute javascript,

you could use that to steal input form data.

Pretty neat behaviour right?

Ok… so I don't want to talk down this research.

And I'm definitely not saying this research was stolen or anything.

I give them the benefit of the doubt, especially Mike seems to be very genuine and discovered

it by himself, which I think is impressive and is proof that he is very creative in his


I mean, I didn't come up with this, and I'm not sure if I ever would have, I just

knew about it because I had heard it in a talk.

But I think it's an amazing example of, research that has been done in the past and

is rediscovered or resurfaces in a way.

The numbers of people interested in the CSS keylogger example shows that a ton of people

have never heard about it, didn't realize it was possible.

And so now more people learn about it.

And that's awesome.

So I hope I made it clear that there is research contribution I acknowledge and I don't want

to be one of those people who bolster themselves for having heard of it already in 2012.

However I want to put this also into perspective and I have to criticise a few things.

The name.

CSS Keylogger.

Okay, maybe the person who created it didn't anticipate how popular it will get, it's

a short descriptive name somewhat fitting, but daaamn, this is so easily misinterpreted

by most people and is fearmongering.

When we hear keylogger we usually think of a malicious malware running in the background

recording every keystroke, and that is terrifying.

Then sometimes we hear about browser keyloggers, and that is already a bit more nuanced because

it usually refers to keystrokes captures on ONE particular website via javascript, which

usually is also fearmongering by piggyback riding on the "keylogger malware" term,

because in such a context it's not a system wide keylogger and the javascript could do

other stuff that is worse than just logging keys.

And now this CSS example is even less impactful than that.

This specific example can only capture attribute values and usually only CSS injection, no

XSS, is quite rare.

Like mario already stated in 2012, it's more of a thought experiment and an interesting

research question, rather than something realistic.

There are some interesting edgecases, for example how about reddit that doesn't allow

javascript but CSS customization, and so you should know this technique exists when you

are looking for security issues, but it's pretty much irrelevant for most of the world.

The real world impact might be low, but like I already said it is a mindblowing idea.

It's maybe comparable to the discovery of a new distant planet in a habitable zone,

many people say "who the f' cares about this here on earth" we have real problems.

But it is awesome research, it is pushing the boundaries of technology, it is helping

us understand the world better, and so these CSS attacks help us understand web technology

and threats better and that in itself is already awesome!

But it's a problem when this travels so far and gets so popular, scaring so many people.

This and many more techniques have been known for like a decade and that is proof that this

is not a problem or an attack you have to worry about.

So just chill, look at the underlying technical data, ignore the FUD about de-anonymizing

TOR users or "keyloggers" and just appreciate how you can twist CSS to do insane stuff.

For more infomation >> CSS Keylogger - old is new again - Duration: 11:29.


How to Navigate Your Boat Using a Smartphone | BoatUS - Duration: 3:09.


I'm Lenny Rudow here, back with you again for BoatUS Magazine.

Today, let's talk about this little device: the cellphone.

Now, let me be 100 percent straight up with you folks, you should never, ever depend on

this for navigation.

But, the truth of the matter is, your cellphone with a navigation app can come in really handy

if, say, your chartplotter dies.

Or when you're on a little boat like this, which is navigated visually and you don't

have the electronics.

It can be quite helpful, which is why I preloaded the SeaPilot app on my phone.

And another phone here with the Navionics app.

The actual navigation is very similar to using a chartplotter.

You can pinch to zoom in and out.

You can make a waypoint.

And you can navigate to it or choose from a number of different options.


I'm ready to navigate.


Uh, oh!

Don't worry, folks.

Actually, this is an empty case.

I took my cellphone out before I did that because I knew darn well that the biggest

problem with navigating via cellphone on a small boat like this is that a phone tends

to get dropped, bounce off the deck.

Heck, sometimes it even goes over the side.

So, navigating with a cellphone on a small boat does require some very real care.

Uhp, now here's a problem.

The sun is blanking out the screen, and this is always an issue when you're using a cellphone

in the outdoor environment.

So naturally you just have to turn and shade the screen.

But, still, this little screen is much tougher to navigate with than a big-old chartplotter

at the helm, right?

Well, here's a tip.

This might be a common scale I'd use if I was on a boat with a chartplotter in this

little creek, but on this tiny little screen you can barely see it, so zoom in.

Always be sure to zoom in as close as you can, and that will give you a much better

view of your boat and the immediate surroundings.

One more thing, folks.

When you're running at planing speeds, don't even try and navigate by staring at this tiny

little screen.

It doesn't work very well.

What you really need to do is focus on a point of land far away and keep your eyes out there.

If you ever question your course, use your phone to check it once again.

And if you're on a larger boat, you should have a compass at the helm, so you can glance

down at the compass after you get your compass course from the phone.

We hope you've enjoyed this video.

And we hope you'll go to and check out our other videos and articles on the website.

And, folks, please feel free to let us know if there are any other topics you'd like us

to touch on.

For more infomation >> How to Navigate Your Boat Using a Smartphone | BoatUS - Duration: 3:09.


Introducción a Sigfrido de Wagner (1876) - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> Introducción a Sigfrido de Wagner (1876) - Duration: 10:03.


Super brain breathing exercise | techniques benefits focus concentration memory energy power boost - Duration: 6:44.

For better decision-making you need to think better and in that process your

breath holds the key. Your breath is one of the best tool to control your mind

and awaken that super higher consciousness within. Right way of

breathing rank higher than right food water and exercise. Welcome all. I'm Jyoti

Khatri, holistic health and wellness expert. Due to stress and irregular

lifestyle habits most of the time we breathe irregular and shallow. Hardly

utilizing a tenth of lung capacity. Normal breathing rate is about sixteen breaths per minute but

when you are under stress your breathing rate double. In this video I'm going to

show you how to breathe in right way all the time, will introduce long deep breathing

technique and discuss its benefits. Watch the video till the end as it covers the

essentials of right way of breathing that helps to improve your life and

boost your brainpower magnificently. Subscribe now to the Samaya yoga youtube channel

so that you don't miss any of these amazing videos that helps to improve your life naturally.

Let's get started.

one of the ancient secrets of Yogi's for healthy and long life is to consciously

reduced breath rate of about four breaths per minute. Ancient Yogi's said

that in order to master or have control over your own time of death

bring your breath rate down to four breath per minute. It sounds difficult

but remember it's a gradual process, first work on consciously bringing your

breath to eight times per minute and then four. Scientific study findings

report that 80% of disease are stress-related. Poor breathing increases

the stress and other illnesses. One of the most common physiological response

of the body towards stress be it physical or psychological is to increase

the breath rate. Shallow upper chest breathing with faster breath rate leads

to chronic stress and tension which weaken the nerves and act as a root of

many illnesses and disease. That is why along with good healthy diet and

exercise one should pay more attention to their breath too. Before introducing

the breathing technique let's see the benefits of long deep breathing. Long

deep breathing is a perfect way to relax and calm yourself down. It comes under

the active form of relaxation which will help to retune and reset your brain to

make correct decision automatically in difficult situations. When you fill the

lungs to maximum capacity you are feeding your electromagnetic field, This

helps to revitalize and readjust your magnetic field and protects you from

negativity. It also reduces the risk of illnesses or accidents.

You will feel instant energy boost due to the lifeforce (prana) in oxygen and

helps to pump the spinal fluids to the brain thereby giving you great clarity

positivity, increases alertness and awareness. It helps in breaking

subconscious undesirable habit patterns and addictions. Reducing the sense of

insecurity and fear. Your brain becomes super strong and you can condition it to

learn or develop new things faster. As the lung capacity increases so

does the secretion of the pituitary gland which is known as a master gland

and your mind will begin to develop the intuition of power. This breathing

technique helps to cleans the blood. Regulate the body's pH level and you

will be able to handle a stressful situation at ease. It helps reduce and

prevent toxic will they are caused by not clearing the mucus lining of the

small air sacs of the lungs. By the practice of this breathing, it helps

stimulate the production of chemical endorphins in the brain which eliminate the

tendency to depression. By using this breathing technique it activates and

cleanses nerve channels. Helps in releasing blockages in Meridian energy

flow, speed up the healing process and promote physical and emotional health. It

not only will restore the aura but also gives the ability to control your

negative thoughts and emotions. Now let's move on to the technique of long deep breathing

how to do long deep breathing efficiently long deep breathing is

simple complete and proper efficient breathing technique, using the lungs

properly the way it is made to be used. It is also known as diaphragmatic

breathing or abdominal breathing. The diaphragm is a circular barrier of

muscular tissue that separates the lung cavity from the abdominal cavity. The

breathing technique is simple. Let's begin by exhaling first. As you exhale

your abdomen contracts or shrinks. This pushes up on diaphragm creating a

pressure in the lung cavity which causes the air to be expelled. When you inhale

your abdomen expands the muscles of the abdomen draw the diaphragm down

This downward movement of the diaphragm creates a vacuum in the lung cavity so

air automatically flows into the lungs. To understand it better you visualize a

balloon when you feel the air in, it expands. In the same way when you inhale

your abdomen that is your navel area should expand. Likewise when you draw the

air out of the balloon it shrinks similarly as

exhale abdomen should contract or shrinks. Let's try it again. Place your

right hand on your abdomen now exhale and contract your abdomen to the fullest

as you do it you can observe the moment of your hands it goes in. Now as you

inhale your abdomen expands you will see your hands moves up. It is always best to

empty out your lungs first before you inhale so that more oxygen can come

inside the body. Practice it as often as possible for as long as you can. I hope

you liked this video. Hit the like button down below. Be sure to share it with your

friends or anyone who might benefit from this video. Also subscribe to Samaya yoga

YouTube channel to get more amazing videos like this. Comment down below what

you want to see next. I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> Super brain breathing exercise | techniques benefits focus concentration memory energy power boost - Duration: 6:44.


Jon Batiste | Who's in the Lobby at Juilliard? - Duration: 0:48.

♫ ♫ ♫ [swinging piano and melodica jazz music]

[applause as music fades]

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