Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor channel

normally I don't make a lot of videos on crypto but today I figured I kind of

show you where you can you know how much Bitcoin you can mine

within an hour period so right now my my wallet just got uploaded over to nice

hash and I decided I'm gonna go ahead and record this video my wallets

basically empty I just mined like one time and I was

able to get two cents I'm gonna go ahead and mine for the next few hours and then

I'll come back later today I'm gonna let it go throughout the night go to work

come back home and that'll stop it do another video at that time with how much

Bitcoin I had mine during that time now I only have a ten sixty so I have a rise

in 1,700 X and I a ten seventy actually have a rise in seven and a my GPUs a ten

seventy video card so as far as Hardware goes actually I could just show you here

so Andy raised seven 1,700 tax and then I have a a cisgender

so those are my hardware specs so I roughly make about about 250 to five

dollars per day I just got paid out about ten dollars you know eight to ten

dollars somewhere in there but I'm gonna go ahead and make a video I know there's

still people that are somewhat mining this doesn't take up too much of my

hardware you know it's my video audio my studio PC so I on the off chance you

know I just let it kind of mine on the side so this kind of just really not

really related to the stock market but it is crypto related and just some

mining taking place because these current markets are down so I actually

see that when I do mine this isn't the actual script that runs but they've

actually been propping quite a bit as far as accepting

accepting the job so I would get paid roughly two sons like every few minutes

or so so it does add up and then as Bitcoin and aetherium so right now I'm

kind of keeping it as Bitcoin but I might move it into aetherium

just because it might be more stable going forward or move it into new that

way it's allowed you know it can stake me gas which is another crypto but we

will see so I'm going to go ahead and begin the clock right there and it's

1234 right now on February 9th so that is it for this video I am going to go

ahead and stop this video because as they begin to mine it's gonna begin to

take up some of the prodding on my CPU my GPU so that is it for this video I

will check back in with you in a few hours and we'll see where we're sitting

at you know in the next X amount of hours so it's 12:30 5:00 a.m. right now

I'm gonna go ahead go to bed go to work come back tomorrow's Friday and the next

time I you know sit down on my computer I will go ahead rerecord a video with

how long it's been mining and see how much Bitcoin I have mined during that

time so that is it for this video if you did enjoy the video hit the like button

below if you guys mine go ahead and let me know what kind of specifications you

know what kind of specs to your guys computer have I've been mining for you

know just a few here and there and it's you know even though the crypto is down

I do believe you know it's bottomed out at 6,000 it's over what eight nine

thousand now so it may be back up but it's same as the stock market it was you

know in a bubble so anyways that is it for this video hit the like button

remember to subscribe for future financial videos crypto related videos

because they're interested in these I don't really make them that often and I

talked about crypto with some of my friends and colleagues so that's it

I have a great day bye-bye

hello everyone and welcome back so this is updated now you can see the time is

now 802 p.m. so we started this experiment at 12:30 2 a.m. in the

morning that's when I had began money it is now 802 so if we do the math on that

yeah at 12:30 and then that gives us 11 and a half hours until 12:00 and then 8


right sorry eleven and a half eleven point three plus eight that gives us

19.5 hours so we're currently sitting at two dollars and 80 cents inside of her

Bitcoin wallet so let me bust out my handy-dandy calculator let me go ahead

and pause this because if I'm running this while I'm trying to record and do

math and other stuff it's eating my processor my GPU so 280 divided by 19

hours and 30 minutes nineteen point five and that gives us 14 cents in three you

know 14 cents in a third of a cent so for every every seven minutes or so I

earn two cents and then within sixty minutes

I own I earned that 14 cents and throughout the whole day so after 19 and

a half hours you know I went to bed woke up went to work came home you know I

made 2 dollars and 80 cents from Bitcoin mining now the prices themselves are

actually pretty pretty low right now if I go over to coin market cap right now

Bitcoin is currently priced at nine thousand thirty seven now earlier this

month or maybe in January it was trading at roughly $1,400 fourteen thousand

dollars and I was getting around five to eight dollars every day then and that

was much more profitable and when it was mining in the 20 you

know 19 thousand 22 $20,000 almost limit it was pulling in roughly a little over

10 to 15 dollars a day so it has came down quite a bit now now if the you know

if you believe in it and we're figures getting it for free you know my mining

it it may not be worth too much right now but as I do you know mine it add it

to my wallet and then transfer it over to Oien base I can buy other crypto

currencies you know Bitcoin it doesn't move at its in it's not as volatile so

you can see here this Bitcoin went up 12.25 ripple went up 35% so I might

transfer it over to ripple Ripple came down hard due to the correction but then

it has came up since then the one that I would probably actually transfer it over

to would be one that has it's a proof of stake one so knew if I left it in my

wallet it would stake and give me gas the which

is another cryptocurrency and if you get given out gas you know it's worth forty

two dollars and 99 cents right now so I would get paid out

and gas from just holding neo so that could be one way of kind of just

generating some sort of dividend or interest from it without keeping it as

Bitcoin so that is basically it for this video that was just a quick you know

two-part video first part kind of starting the whole thing second part so

hardware specs again I have my Andy rising 7 1700 X then I have my Asus

GeForce GTX now I didn't buy this computer just for mining this is just

for fun I mainly use it for video editing I have my games on here

I don't play too many games anymore I mainly just use it for recording videos

so that is it for this video if you guys have enjoyed I remember to hit the like

button below subscribe for future financial videos this is just kind of

crept over lated it's not really something I put out on the channel but I

thought it would be kind of interesting to kind of share with you guys where

crypto is at right now how much you can mine with just a simple computer that I

use for gaming so that is it for this video thank you guys for tuning in I

will see you next time have a great day bye

For more infomation >> Mining Bitcoin In Feb 2018 Using NiceHash & A GTX 1070 & RYZEN 1700X For 19 Hrs - Duration: 8:37.


Простые действия для создания уюта и комфорта в доме - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> Простые действия для создания уюта и комфорта в доме - Duration: 3:16.


Fall 2017 BSN Convocation Pinning Ceremony at Kent State - Duration: 41:19.

Hello, I'm Dr. Curtis Good.

I'm the Assistant Dean of Operations and Student Services.

Welcome to the College of Nursing's 2017 Fall Convocation Ceremony.

We have a few announcements this evening.

During the ceremony:

Please keep the aisles free of purses & personal belongings for the safety of others.

Please silence your cell phones.

If you would like to videotape or take photographs of the ceremony, we recommend you stand to

the left of the stage so as not to obstruct the view of others.

This is the best angle as students cross the stage to receive their pins.

Thank you for your consideration.

Now here to welcome everyone to tonight's ceremony is Dr. Tracey Motter, Associate Dean

of the College of Nursing here at Kent State University.

Thank you, Curtis.

Good evening and welcome graduates, families, friends, and faculty.

We are proud to be one of the largest and most comprehensive nursing programs in the


Program-wide, the College of Nursing has graduated 576 students in our BSN program at the Kent

and regional campuses over the last year.

This fall, our College of Nursing will be graduating 156 students, approximately 85

of whom are here with us this evening.

With these large numbers of graduates, just from our baccalaureate program, we are clearly

doing our part to improve the nursing workforce around the nation and also in Ohio.

Well over forty percent of the nurses that take care of us in Northeast Ohio are Kent

State graduates, something to be very proud of.

Here to offer University Greetings for us tonight is Dr. Swathi Ravichandran, Provost

Fellow and Associate Professor in Hospitality Management here at Kent State University.

She received an MBA in Marketing and a PhD in Foodservice and Lodging Management from

Iowa State University.

In 2015, she was recognized as a Meetings Trendsetter by Meetings Focus.

In 2014, she received the Distinguished Educator of the Year award from Professional Convention

Management Association (PCMA).

Following this recognition, she received a commendation from the 131st General Assembly

of Ohio, naming her one of "Ohio's finest educators."

She teaches a variety of classes including Hospitality Human Resources Management, Hospitality

Legal Issues, Hospitality Practicum, and Hospitality Meetings Management.

It is my pleasure to introduce Dr. Swathi Ravichandran.

Wow, there is a lot of you!

Good evening!

On behalf of President Beverly Warren, Provost Todd Diacon, and the entire Kent State community,

I want to welcome you – Graduates, friends, families, and alumni -- to the Fall 2017 Nursing


It is my pleasure to be here and celebrate with every single Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Graduates: You are part of a pretty special group because you are graduating when the

College of Nursing is celebrating its 50th year.

Your College proudly claims over 12,000 alumni who are joined by more than 500 BSNs every


That's a lot.

Your College has the largest BSN program in the state with a licensure pass rate that

exceeds Ohio and the national average.

And if you are wondering what happens to you when you leave the College of Nursing as graduates,

it's some pretty impressive statistics.

99.6% are placed in jobs within 6 months, and this is the one that impressed me the

most: 40% of nurses in northeast Ohio are Kent State grads.

Take so much pride in your accomplishments.

You have gone through some intensive coursework in addition to clinicals and you have done

so with strong support and guidance from our dedicated faculty and by forming strong bonds

with your classmates.

I would be remiss if I did not recognize the support, sacrifices, and guidance of all of

the families and friends who are here as well.

Being at Kent State is about finding your purpose, and you've found your purpose as

Nursing graduates was to transform lives and communities in northeast Ohio and beyond,

and we could not be more proud of you.

The hard work begins now.

We need you.

Let me say that again, our community, our state, and the country needs your expertise…whether

you decide to work with our nation's aging population, address those dealing with harsh

physical and mental illness and diseases, tackle the growing opioid crisis, or attack

global health issues head-on.

We rely on you to keep our partners, our children, our friends, and our parents healthy and active.

Just from a personal perspective, my mum went through some gruesome treatments for a rare

form of aggressive and advanced breast cancer six years ago.

While I will forever remain grateful to her surgeon and radiologist, my interaction with

her nurses is what stands out for me.

From what we went through as a family, it was their expertise, genuine concern, kindness,

and this is the biggest thing: their positive attitude even when we wanted to give up, that's

what got us through some very difficult times and my mum is doing great today.

You have chosen a challenging, giving, noble profession that others may shy away from and

we are very, very grateful for that.

I am, we all are.

It is also my sincere hope that you will decide to further your education once you enter the


In our constantly changing, and increasingly competitive world, continued study will serve

you well in both your personal and professional lives.

Please be assured that when you are ready to do that, Kent State will always be here

to help you achieve your next academic goal.

On behalf of Kent State University and our more than 250,000 graduates, congratulations

to the Fall 2017 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Graduates.

You have earned our respect and admiration.

We wish you the best in leading productive, healthy, and content lives.

Enjoy the rest of this evening and enjoy your graduation ceremony tomorrow.

I want to leave you with a quote from the College of Nursing's new poem titled "Some


The poem incorporates the voices of more than 600 Nursing students, alumni, and faculty

and was the result of a collaborative project with the Wick Poetry Center.

So I will just read a couple of sentences.

SOME DAYS you'll wake up and know your life has purpose

This is who you are - who you want to be - a nurse

Congratulations, graduates!

Thank you, Swathi.

Did you guys all recognize, have you read the poem on the wall?


So, you are in for a huge treat tonight.

We have Dr. Barbara Drew as our speaker.

She is a friend and a colleague of ours and retired faculty - retired only a year, so

that doesn't really count.

Dr. Barbara L. Drew earned her diploma in nursing from Providence Hospital School of

Nursing in Southfield, Michigan and her BSN from Wayne State University in Michigan, in


She has a Master of Arts in Anthropology and a Master of Science in Nursing from Kent State


Her PhD in Nursing is from Case Western Reserve.

Dr. Drew has always been a psychiatric nurse and has worked in a variety of psychiatric


She is Past President of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.

She also received recognition from APNA as the Psychiatric Nurse of the Year in 2011.

Dr. Drew recently retired from the College of Nursing where she taught psychiatric mental

health nursing and theory construction.

Her research interests are suicide prevention, self-management of mood disorder symptoms

and self-care by adolescents and young adults, as well as advanced practice psychiatric mental

health nursing workforce issues.

If you visited the Self Care Cafe anytime you were in for finals, that was the thought

of Dr. Barbara Drew.

Tonight, she has generously agreed to address our newest graduates at Kent State.

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Barb Drew!

Hi, everyone.

Associate Dean Motter, faculty and staff, family and friends, and especially the graduates,

good evening.

It is my honor to join you tonight.

Each time I attended convocation, I think back to my own celebration with my classmates

during our pinning ceremony many years ago.

I knew, as you know, that it was an important passage and I looked forward to my career

with both anticipation and anxiety.

Now, here I am, well over forty years later, looking back on my experiences.

I would like to share some general lessons I learned, hoping that they will be of some

value to you.

I kept it to only five.

So, let us begin….

In the not too distant future, an opportunity will become available to you.

It will both excite you and frighten you.

It may be something like a chance to advance your education or assume a leadership position.

I have had opportunities like that.

As an example, after taking on a series of positions in the Ohio chapter of the American

Psychiatric Nurses Association, I was nominated to run for president-elect of the national


I was terrified by the prospect of taking on such a role.

I had never been on a board of directors and my participation in the organization had only

been at the state level, not the national level.

But, I said "yes," I would run, halfway expecting (at some level hoping) that I would

not win.

But I did win.

My time on the board and as president was one of the highlights of my career.

I was able to develop leadership skills.

I built a network of psychiatric nurse colleagues from across the country, and I had a unique

opportunity to contribute to my profession of nursing and specialty practice of psychiatric


You will notice there is a small "but" on the corner of this slide.

There are some times that you need to say "no."

Nurses, in particular, are notorious for taking on too much.

Your loved ones have probably noticed this already.

So many of you attended school while you were working and/or taking care of your families.

As you begin to work as a nurse, you will be asked to take on extra duties and shifts.

It is a delicate balancing act.

Consider carefully before you say yes.

You do want to be a professional who can be depended on by your colleagues and employer,

but not at the expense of your health and well-being.

This brings us to Lesson #3…

There is some interesting research that indicates that nurses are not very good role models

for health promotion.

When compared to folks in other professional groups, nurses tend to exercise less, sleep

poorly, eat erratically, and are less likely to take time to relax or play.

You graduates are likely not surprised by this.

You have observed, first hand, the behaviors of your preceptors and mentors and know that

nursing in hospitals in particular is demanding given what it takes to care for people who

are very ill, including shiftwork and constant updating of clinical knowledge and skills.

The stress that can result may lead to poor health, burnout, and dropping out of nursing.

This is not meant to be a prediction of the inevitable but a suggestion that, because

you are a caregiver, you need to plan ways you can care for yourself whether it involves

an exercise routine, a yoga or meditation practice, or something as simple as mindful

handwashing or breathing.

And do that in between patients.

Just spend a minute in the present attending to the rhythm of washing your hands and/or

your breathing.

In 2004 the key message of the World Health Organization report on promoting mental health

was that "There is no health without mental health."

I suppose that it is not surprising that I identify this as an important lesson, given

that I have always been a psychiatric nurse.

But I shamelessly am.

Attention to the mental health needs of your patients is a critical function of nurses

whether you are in a psychiatric setting or not.

If you are working in a hospital, you, more than any other professional have an opportunity

to be truly with your patient and their families—being fully present to hear about their experiences

of illness, treatment, trauma, even childbirth.

You also must attend to you own mental health needs.

This reflects back to Lesson #3 to care for yourself, along with asking for help when

you need it and holding your friends and family close.

This brings me to the final lesson.

I have heard it said, many times, that nurses eat their young.

Have you heard that?

I disagree.

And I really hope that narrative changes.

While I have had a few negative experiences with nurses, the positive relationships far

outweigh them.

And because of my longevity in my career and the variety of experiences that I have had,

I know many nurses.

I did not marry a nurse and my son is not a nurse, but most of my other cherished relationships

are with nurses.

These include...

My mother

My daughter

My teachers My students

My colleagues

Do some of those people look familiar?

This is what happens when you leave your phone unattended in the faculty lounge.

So these photos represent all of my nurse colleagues, my people—nurses who understand

my world of work and fully appreciate my experiences.

Hold your people dear.

I can't end tonight without recognizing that this day is special for another reason.

The final Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi, opens tonight….

I'm not going tonight but I'm going tomorrow.

Associate Dean Motter, the force is strong with these ones…

Best wishes to you as you move forward in nursing your career.

Thank you.


I think you would all agree that the force would be nice to have that day you sit down

to take NCLEX.


Thank you, Barb.

Tonight we recognize our graduates from all of our programs.

Please stand when I call out the program you are graduating from.

The 4-year BSN program.

(Even if it took you 5, you were in the 4) [Laughter and Applause]

Our Accelerated BSN program, the 15 month program.


Do we have any RN to BSN students here?

[Applause] RN-to-BSN students are students who earn their

nursing part of their degree program somewhere else and then come to Kent State to get that

baccalaureate degree, so welcome.

As you noted in your programs, we identify students who are members of Sigma Theta Tau,

the national honor society of nursing, and members of the U.S. Armed Forces.

To those of you with designations next to your names, we especially applaud your efforts!


So now we're going to talk a little bit about the nursing pin and why this ceremony happens

in nursing.

The pinning ceremony is the culmination of the initial journey to professional nursing


It is a bridge from nursing's past to nursing's future.

The history of the pin is this: The nursing pin is a 1,000 year old symbol of service

dating back to the Maltese cross adopted by the Crusaders which they wore on their habits

as a symbol of service.

Nursing pins are presented to newly-graduated nurses by the faculty at the pinning ceremony,

such as tonight, as a symbolic welcome to the nursing profession by marking the successful

passage of nursing students to colleague and practicing role.

Nursing pins are worn proudly by RNs on their hospital uniforms identifying the nursing

school from which they graduated.

And now I would like to re-introduce Dr. Curtis Good, Dean of Operations and Student Services

to announce the graduates for their turn to walk across the stage.

Assisting with the presentation of Kent State University College of Nursing Pins & Flowers

are College of Nursing faculty members: Dr. Deb Cifani, Mary Kutchin, and Elaine Thomas.

Andrew Arcuragi

Saltanat Baetova Michael Barhoum

Anna Barnhart Nicole Blaha

Selena Blair Austin Bossolt

Shannon Boyle Hannah Bozsoki

Chad Breznak Stephanie Brink

Amie Brinkman Rachel Brittain

Stacy Bruey Cassandra Burchett

Erika Capretta Kelly Carter

Madeline Christoff Monica Clarke

Kaylee Consolo Jennifer Cotman

Ana Deisering Danielle Fiorentini

Briana Fonderlin Jaime Gamiere

Jill Grell Angela Grosswiller

Alana Gubala

Erin Hawthorne Dana Hershberger

Mariah Houser Beata Jagusztyn


Katie Kohl

Hope Kory Quynn Latsko

Jason Lorenzo Nevada Lemon

Anne Levell Hannah Levitt

Alyssa Lodi Halle Lombardi

Kirsten Maag Chris Malloy

Paige Mitchell Erin McNamara

Lerato Modiselle Shannon Moloney

Betsy Morgan Melissa Neff

Kara Opryszko Cortney Palmer

Natalie Parks Sophia Pataky

Brianna Paul Hannah Petcovic

Courtney Peters Katelyn Pittman

Megan Pritchett Harleen Raju

Krista Renner Patrick Ringsby

Angela Rowe Megan Salisbury

Katherine Sawchik Erich Schmitt

Brittany Schoen Jordan Sergent

Sejal Shah Qianwen Shao

Emily Smith Jordan Snow

Travis Talkington Justin Thompson

Ashlee Unrue Laura Vargo

Alexsandria Vitanza Alisha Walker

Elizabeth Walker Kaitlyn Ward

Emily Zerbe Kelly McEntee

Mitchell Centanne

And now, leading our students in our class pledge is our faculty member Tracy Gidden.


I will give the folks a few minutes to get to their seats before I get to my favorite

part of the evening.

You get to join me and the thousands of other BSN graduates from Kent State College of Nursing

in reciting our class pledge.

So now that everyone's back, would you please stand and turn to the back page of your program.?

This class pledge was written by the graduating class of 1973 and if you would all join me


We, the Graduating Class of 2017, do hereby pledge as members of the helping profession:

To uphold high standards of professionalism;

To provide high quality, comprehensive nursing care;

To promote primary prevention and optimum wellness not only as professionals in the

clinical setting but also as members of society; and

To be ever cognizant of opportunities for knowledge and of our responsibility for continuing

personal growth.

This we pledge, TOGETHER, As members of this nursing class

And INDIVIDUALLY, As members of

a vast, expanding health team.

Congratulations [Applause]

You can have your seats now.

So, it's official.

You are now one of us.

Tomorrow at Commencement each of you officially become alumni of Kent State University and

the Kent State University College of Nursing.

You have chosen an amazing profession!

You have worked hard and we are proud of each and every one of you.

We hope that you will keep in touch and share your successes with us!

Those of you who are Sigma Theta Tau members, please remember to wear your cords at graduation


Those graduates who have ordered College of Nursing pins may pick up their pin boxes after

the ceremony.

There is also - one thing free - alumni t-shirts.

Don't say we didn't get you anything free!

They will be at reception table right outside of the ballroom.

And now - this is my favorite part of the program -

I am proud to present the graduating Class of 2017!


Before we go, every year we have the graduates turn in pictures reflecting back on their

time with us at Kent State.

So, please have a seat, enjoy the slideshow from the memories that you have made here

at Kent State University.

♪ Music ♪

Looks like you had a whole lot of fun here [laughter] "Looks are deceiving" [Laughter]

So, congratulations to all of you, we'll see you all at graduation tomorrow night.


For more infomation >> Fall 2017 BSN Convocation Pinning Ceremony at Kent State - Duration: 41:19.


Decrypto : The Movie - Duration: 7:27.

For more infomation >> Decrypto : The Movie - Duration: 7:27.


"La Manquita" Cel mai important monument din Malaga! (2018) - Duration: 14:43.

Hello, Internation!

What's up?

I'll show today, the most important monument from Malaga!

Which is: "Santa Iglesia Catedral Basílica de la Encarnación"!

I hope I pronounced well!

Is nothing else than the Malaga Cathedral!

This Cathedral was built between the years 1500-1700,


and the most interesting thing about this Cathedral,

is the fact that one tower is unfinished!

You know why?

Because the King was mad at the church leaders, who built the cathedral,

because they were postponing the finishing of the building for lack of funds!

Instead to use the money for building the cathedral, they used the money for own benefits!

Sounds familiar?

At some point, the King said enough and didn't give any more money to the Church!

At that time, the Cathedral was as you see it today.

In our days, the charm and the beauty of this Cathedral is given by the fact that is not completed!

The entrance was 10 euros,

and I saw

the inside of the cathedral, the roof and the episcopal museum, which is right next to the cathedral.

At the end of this video, I want you to write to me if you think it's worth the money for what I've seen.

And don't forget that, in reality, the cathedral looks more impressive and more beautiful than I have managed to show you!

If you are in Malaga then you must visit the most important monument in Malaga, "La Manquita" Cathedral,

which is a popular name, used by the locals!

Ok, enough with talking, let's show you the pictures!

How was it?

Did you like what you saw?

If is yes, then please leave me a comment below,

about what you liked, what impressed you,

with which words can you describe this beautiful cathedral,

if it was worth spending 10 euros, just to have access to the roof,

if you liked the amazing view over the city,

and whatever else you want, leave me in the comments.

And as usual, I'll answer you all!


This was the Cathedral of Malaga!

This was the vlog!

I'm Adi vlog!

Kiss-kiss and goodbye!

If you are new here

then, remember, before you go

to press the SUBSCRIBE button

so you have what to watch next!

For more infomation >> "La Manquita" Cel mai important monument din Malaga! (2018) - Duration: 14:43.


"Верните моего ребенка" - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> "Верните моего ребенка" - Duration: 1:28.


Woodturning A Double Vase - A Growth Experience - Duration: 7:56.

Hi, Alan Stratton, from As Wood Turns ( I've seen vases like this before, and I

decided to try one this time.

They are a little bit ticky so I made a couple of templates.

This one is for the interior.

The only problem in the end was that I tended to sand this edge a little bit more so I need

to be more careful in the future.

As for this one for the outside, well, it kind of worked, but kind of did not.

Since there was a block of wood on the inside, it ran into that and it was hard to do it.

Therefore, the whole think shifted a little bit.

So I think this one is very good, but I think I can do better on the next one.

But, every project I do, makes me better on the next one.

So, let's make this double vase.

After finding the center with diagonal lines and drilling a mounting hole, I nipped off

the corners and mounted the poplar to a screw chuck.

Just a little bit of rounding now with my favorite bowl gouge.

Then measure and mark for a mounting mortise.

I'll cut the mortise with a parting tool and my skew.

Now that the wood is stable, I can start cutting the half circle near the outer rim.

I'll use my round nose scraper for this feature.

Before staring, I made a template by cutting a circle on some scrap flooring material,

then gluing another straight piece across it to form a semicircle.

I'm using this now to gauge my cuts.

I want this to be as perfect as possible but recognize how difficult that would be to be


I sanded this feature just in case some woodturner sticks a finger inside the vase.

Now, I'm cutting a mortise on this side for another reversal.

Then clean up this side since it will be a glue surface.

Now I've reversed the wood in preparation to tooling the outside.

Now I can round off the outside of the circle.

I made a template for this side also.

This is a circle cut into flooring then cut in half and sanded to the line.

However, I've run into trouble with this template.

Since there is wood still in the center, my template will not work.

I'll have to revise it for next time.

Maybe a two thirds circle.

I'm doing my best but I blow it.

The walls toward the center are very thin.

I'm continuing and will have to adjust for the offset.

After sanding, I cut the poplar in half along the grain.

Now I'm using white glue to glue the two halves' faces together.

I like white glue when squeeze out may happen on the inside and where it will be difficult

to remove.

The inner surface works well as a gluing flange.

This helps since the inner wall is extremely thin.

I mounted my 2" sanding pad in a drill chuck in the headstock.

I'm sanding the outer rim this way then using a drum sander to sand the inner rim.

Now I want caps on the tops of the two vase necks.

I'm using some scrap walnut.

I've applied double stick tape to hold the wood to the face of my chuck jaws.

Tail stock pressure holds it in place and sets the bond.

Then cut a tenon to fit the neck before drilling out the center.

I'm using a parting tool to cut off the piece I want.

Now I've mounted the cap into the small shark jaws.

Now I can tool and sand the top side.

This is the fourth cap that I've made for this project.

At least now I have two that survived and match.

I've remounted the remainder of the walnut scrap to the chuck.

This will be the base for the vase.

I'm first shaping the bottom side into a shallow cove.

Then reverse the wood onto a wood face plate that I've shaped to match the cove on the


Double stick tape provides security.

I've sanded a flat on the bottom of the vase that I'll glue to this surface.

Finally, I can glue the pieces together with white glue.

After the glue is dry I'm applying brushing lacquer and wiping it dry.

I like my double vase.

While it is not quite what I wanted, it still looks nice.

Every project, even if it does not turn out as well as I would hope, helps me with the

next ones.

I'll do better on the next vase of this style.

That's all for this double vase.

Please give this video a thumbs up, subscribe on my website and tell your friends.

Please wear your full face shield – you'll thank me later.

I am Alan Stratton from As Wood Turns dot com.

Come back next week for a new woodturning video.

For more infomation >> Woodturning A Double Vase - A Growth Experience - Duration: 7:56.



For more infomation >> MOUTH GUARD CHALLENGE z JDABROWSKY - Duration: 6:47.


How to Sign "Teacher" in ASL & Latvia Sign Language - Duration: 1:21.


Good afternoon!

Today I will show you a sign

from Latvia Sign Language.

This country is where?


The sign here in the USA is


This means to teach

or give information to students, so

"teach" + "person."

In Latvia they sign this:




It reminds me a bit of the ASL sign "fix"



Or this sign:

"to correct"



Their sign for "teacher!"

If you're the same as me and

truly enjoy learning different signs

from different countries,


I'll show you more tomorrow.


See you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> How to Sign "Teacher" in ASL & Latvia Sign Language - Duration: 1:21.



For more infomation >> TELİF YEDİM KANAL KAPANIYOR! - Duration: 9:06.


PERRO - Cuidados del perro en invierno - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> PERRO - Cuidados del perro en invierno - Duration: 5:15.


Chipotle Chicken Burritos | Cast Iron Chicken Recipe - Duration: 3:24.

Hey everybody and welcome to the video.

This is Josh here, and today we're going to be making chipotle chicken burritos.

These burritos are super simple and incredibly delicious, and they can be made into bowls,

lettuce wraps, or whatever style that fits best into your diet.

I really hope you give these a try, be sure to let me know down below if you do and subscribe

if you'd like to see more, I put out new recipes every other Friday.

Starting off, we're going to prepare our marinade.

I say marinade, but this chicken will only need about 20-30 minutes of time before cooking,

so don't worry about prepping in advance.

Roughly chop half an onion along with a few cloves of garlic and place them in your blender.

Along with this, you'll need some chinese 5 spice, oregano, chili powder, cumin, paprika,

black pepper, and salt.

Next, we'll add some olive oil and a bit of apple cider vinegar.

Blend everything together until the marinade is fully pureed.

Next, you'll want to chop your chicken breast into small bite-sized pieces.

Dump the chicken into a bowl or gallon bag followed by the marinade.

Mix the chicken thoroughly into the marinade to ensure an even coating.

Place the bag in your fridge for 20-30 minutes before cooking.

While we wait for our chicken we're going to preheat our cast iron pan on medium-high

heat and prepare our remaining vegetables.

I'm using red bell pepper and onion along with some corn and black beans, but you can

choose whichever vegetables you like most.

By now everything should be ready to cook.

Pour some olive oil into your pan along with the marinated chicken.

Spread the chicken pieces out evenly to make sure they all have contact with the bottom

of the pan.

As much as you might want to, try not to stir the chicken for at least a few minutes.

The longer you let it sit the more the chicken will caramelize and sear onto the pan, making

the flavor and texture really pop.

Once you notice the moisture reducing, feel free to stir every few minutes until the chicken

is done to your liking.

While the pan is still hot, we're going to cook the veggies for the burritos.

Depending on how crisp or soft you like your vegetables, you might want to cover the pan

with a lid to cook them quicker.

After a quick break to pet the assistant chef we're back at it and ready to build our


I'm using the heat and steam to soften up my tortillas to make them easier to fold.

Add your chicken, vegetables, and whatever other toppings you've prepared and enjoy

your burrito!

The chicken has so much flavor and a really great texture from the pan.

At 290 calories per burrito, including the tortilla, these are sure to be a hit for your

next meal prep or family dinner.

Ingredient amounts and all other info are over on the blog, be sure to check out

for that, but until next time I will talk to you all later.

Have a good one.

For more infomation >> Chipotle Chicken Burritos | Cast Iron Chicken Recipe - Duration: 3:24.


My First Q&A Video! - Duration: 36:29.

Number one Carolyn Bernsen you are so pretty love your voice and your songs

Thank you so much. Mmm. I love so much that you love

katara Riviere

Was it difficult for you to learn how to produce your own music and how long does it take you to record an album?


I don't think so because I have the

The happiness and drive to learn more as I go and to record an album

It really depends because if you put your full focus on something and just intensely work on this it can be done

Quick a few months with intense work just on that hey

Ted tanks show the John and Bob's

I'm not sure that they will appreciate this exposure, but this is version and this is Bob

Only motor moment this sorbic big global and he say hello hello, oh

But this this question is in in German

I'm not sure if I will be able to reply to your question, but I will read it mr.. Ich


Shou is

dine videos bogey

the smash jewel Evelyn and

cancel in

Super common, but she RK ed sheeran perfect cover. Can you make it maybe?

Let's see

These are big big lover your voice so brilliant beautiful

I very very pure in love your song Monroe cover kiss me tiger

Peter and Nicholas did you study music no. I have never studied music and to be honest

I have taken one single music lesson in my life

And I was 5 years old and my teacher ended up hitting me, and that was the last

Teaching Saturday session for me her name was Lala by the way

Shooting from music Stefan do you want some what made you move from Sweden to Canada?

what made me move is that I met my soul mate on YouTube and

The love took me from my home country to become a semi Canadian

Michael took her I remember seeing you and David a long time ago on one of your first videos together in

Turn which I knew then you and David were awesome together

Thank you so much one of them was the evanescent song

So I always been curious on how did you and David meet? We met on YouTube?

It was actually my little brother that introduced me to David as I I did not watch YouTube at that time

I hardly knew what that was

So he basically plays there the laptop in my knee and told me to watch David's videos because he thought that we was a perfect

perfect fit

We were oh here is one more question

When are you guys coming to Nova Scotia because I would love to meet you guys

We would love to meet you too, and there is no

Plans for that right now, but we wish for that in the future

It would be awesome Peter and Nicolas. Do you do sports I would like to think that I do

But I really don't I

can get those kind of crazy rushes sometimes and and and become a

Very sportive for a day or so, but then it coats the way for another season

For a person with dyslexia as myself. I have very trouble to read this name, but I don't give it my best shot, okay


Goodness your hair is freaking wrong

It really is

And it gets longer. It's the perfect slap in people's faces without even having the intention to do so and I apologize

clarification when I turn around it's just

By mistake Peter Nicholas do you have siblings?

Yes, I have two brothers. I am the middle child, and I am the only girl was that even necessary to mention

These are big big whopper jr.

Are you here?

Sometimes I'm not sure

But right now yes Neal. I love your videos you do a fantastic job very talented

And I'm saying this as a fellow musician. Thank you so much Neal it means so much to me

Sophia Petula

what and why is

Your favorite medium for making art see pieces like drawings and paintings and which piece is one that you like the most

I love

2-2 draw with ink I have always had a really strong love for that because you cannot erase it's like it's there

and if you fuck up you need to to correct it or make something else of it and

When it comes to to paint, it's actually because I don't have the patience with oil. I I cannot wait so long

I want to like if I dive into art. I want to or anything. I want to

To work until it's done because I enter my bubble and if I quit that then it's not the same feeling anymore

It's like you are on the wave and you need to ride away

One that I wonder I do like that I have a special attachment to it's mine

Actually my biggest painting that I have ever ever made and it's my self-portrait. It's because for me. It's it really

represented when I entered a different chapter of my life, and it's peaceful and

The wings represent that kind of freedom inner inner peace and freedom so that that painting. I must say is like

It means something special to me Joey

348 hi Julia I'm Joey from Indiana my question has a few parts first

How did you get into singing? I always been a person that I cannot be quiet

as a kid I always

Made a lot of noise. I just always have a hard time to be quiet. It's like it sounds come out of my mouth

when I

When I'm not even conscious about it

It's like David say he always know where I am in a store because he hear me singing

From the other side of there of the store. Did you take lessons?

No, I never take lessons. When did you decide to make a cappella music the the first a cappella?

I made was all of me, and I made that one instrumental from beginning

But I never got satisfied with how it turned out

I thought it was it was something so flat and it's like if you do a cover it needs to

You need to make it a new version it you need to make it your own and I felt like if it sounded more like

The original and then what's the point so I muted the instrumental tracks, and then it was only my vocal tracks, and I was like

It doesn't need any instruments

It's like it's already complete

so I restarted I threw it all the way and we started from beginning to build up the

Song only based on vocals and most importantly how did you and David Michel start making music together?

The first collaboration that we did was before we actually met each other

I was still in Sweden and David was in Canada

And I participated on one of his songs adding like

angel voice in the background and that was like my first appearance in his songs and

Then afterwards we loved so much to be a part of each other's creations

And that's just how it continued to be so what we add to each other is like

Something new and this is what makes it so interesting

For us and for others too because it's two different styles that blend together so nicely

Plus we love it

You two together. It's magical. I love what you do and look forward to seeing your next one. Thanks

Thank you so much. It means so so much for us to hear that Peter Nicholas

How much time do you need for a video it really?

Depends on what kind of video it is if it is an artistic video, or if it's an acapella arrangement

But as for acapella for example. It would take roughly five days to have the final video

With the steps of learning the song the arrangement I have a cap

The arrangement a cappella arrangement

the the filming the mixing of the sound and then put the video together mix and mastering and

It takes intense five days. I would say these are Beck V Glover

Why not million subscribers in Facebook? I saw you cover zombie one week

or two almost


Your bright shiny star like Celine Dion inand. Yeah. Oh, that is so sweet. That is also sweet. Thank you

Thank you so much. I really feel that I have the sweetest followers ever

If you want me to reach 1 million then please continue to share my videos because that does the job


Bianca Andy hello jr.. I'm Marco from


Island first of all thank you

No, thank you

Your songs and covers are angelic. Thank you so much

What kind of material computer and sound card etc are you using to record?

This department is not my


the computer I'm using right now is a computer that I got from my super-sweet fan Jonathan whole doc and

Before this I was using a very

simple and


Computer a laptop that I could not I could not process these kind of videos my acapella

Productions never it was I did, but it was not it was not funny

it was many moments of wanting to drop this piece of shit in the floor I

will get some help to to provide the the info about the computer and

the the sound card because those stuff does not really stay in my head, but I work my music in Cubase and

I work my videos in adult Premiere Pro

Karolina that will you be my PDF

Yes, very much


674 when did you realize that you could sing I

Mostly enjoy your a cappella songs my name is Patrick greetings from the Netherlands

greetings when I realized that I could sing I

Always loved to sing there is something special that I can

Give to others from the way that I feel when I am singing or being in my bubble that I can make

It make sense it's very logic what I have up here

Well, there is many moments that I remember from from the early beginning when I started to to sing in front of people and one

Of them that I did I feel that I want to highlight is

My music teacher in high school

because I was extremely shy and he overheard me singing one time when I was alone because I

Used to stay in school after hours and because I loved their acoustic

so I had my guitar and I sit there and sing and I I did not know that someone was there, but he was and

his reactions and

compliments really lift me up and he also encouraged me to perform in front of the complete school and

That gave reactions as well

So there is moments like this where I noticed that

People get touched and in caliber when is your wedding? I?

Don't know when my wedding is David. When is your wedding?

I don't know. We are both people who take things as it comes. It's not a rush

We know that we want to be with each other and since we are from both different countries

It's important for us to find the way

For a middle since we want our loved ones to be a part of that day piece number

975 you have a great voice and nature talent

So why you don't work with a record company and step advanced one more since you find your passion in singing

Thank you so much. First of all for your compliment, but now and then I get offers from Naples and from companies

but it has not felt right I feel that I've been doing pretty good by myself, and this is where I feel comfortable because I

am a person with a lot of

Ideas and I want to be in charge of those ideas and I'm not closing any doors

If there would be like after coming in the future that feels right, and it feels like this done. That's the way the cookie crumbles

Patricia Bradley Shaw what gives you the most joy?

Singing painting maybe acting you are blessed with talent. Thank you so much

Um I don't know

because it's really like it's 5050 and and it comes and goes in periods that I had a

Art period and then I'm really intense with that

And I'm completely inside of that world

And then it goes to music and then it's only music so it's I cannot I cannot choose one because it's like it's like

having both hands and both eyes and

everything you have to

It's a stability, it's

equally important

Lucas affair who would your dream collaboration be from YouTube or any platform? Oh?

This is a this is a tricky one, but I have one solid answer, but sadly that is impossible

but my dream collaboration

of all time

Michael Jackson

There are so many great musicians and bands out there, so it would be really hard to to choose

But to mention a few Radiohead for short since it's one of my absolute favorite bands Coldplay Muse

Deftones I have always

dreamed of meeting Celine

Dion to give her a hug I would not dare to sing with her because it's like Celine is Celine

But I would love to give her a hug for

For the comfort that she's been giving me in my childhood

With her music

Eve Maria card what's your favorite movie and series?

Sex in the City, I don't know how many times I have seen

Over and over and over and over again. It's one of my drawing a company like when I draw. I put this on an Edison

Gilmore Girls, I love Gilmore Girls

One Tree Hill for sure how I met your mother friends

That would be my top five okay favorite movie something that I can watch many times avatar

For sure I must say that I have watched the first Twilight

Many times the person who plays the music is so genius

It's so beautiful music

And it's so perfectly fitting and this is also a reason for the movies that I shoes because the music is so

important in a movie Martin

Smith cup not a question. I just want to say

That you make life complete

Thank you


Thank You

Ricky well sure what is your favorite food? I?


everyone who knows me know this one my heart, it's


In fact anything when went a lot of vegitables is my preference

Araceli Rodriguez

Hi, Julia, tell us how it all began with your love for singing

Our salad from California, how it begin with my singing I?

always been singing and

When I was a kid me and my mom used to

Sing in harmonies together or fighting about whose turn it is to sing in the house

but I I always been singing and we always had the

Instruments at home. We had the piano we always had guitars. It's always been

very like encouraged in my family as

many of my relatives singing chor and

My grandfather played in church, and there was always music around me as a kid so

It I guess it just feels home Sean Williams

Have you ever been to Africa to see a lion up close in the wild as you love to draw them?

No, I have never been to Africa and seen a lion up close

But I would love to because I'm not one of those people who are crazy about zoo and stuff like that

I want to see animal in their real

nature and

Wild and I would love to come to Africa when am I invited?

Ray Romano

What's your favorite album of all time?

love your music I

Love to hear you say that. Thank you so much. Mmm. It's hard because I have never really been a person who?

Who have like one of them one of them one of them?

I have been like I I picked from my favorite songs from different artists and have a playlist

The latest album, I think that I bought it was actually Michael Jackson, and it was

Back in the days when I was a kid

Even me Feli use do you miss being home in Sweden of?

Course of course I miss Sweden and my family like crazy

But we need to remind ourselves in those moments that the people that

that you are close with no matter the distance you will always be close and

It takes time before we see each other, but when we see each other no time has passed because we are it's real

It's love but

Yes from time to time it can be it can be really hard. How did your music interest start?

I have always been singing I always have an interest for

instruments to make noise

It's the perfect way to put it my mom always used to say that I cannot pass through a room without

making a show

Since our Gonzalez woo

Can we know more about you your singing routine stuff like warms up?

Or if you have like singing schedule every day or something lots of love from Mexico for you and David

Well, I don't I don't really have any routines or schedule with singing

But I care for my throat. I don't smoke. I don't eat bad food that can

Make it worse for the throat too like for example milk products and stuff like that


sing a lot

But it's not a pressure thing because that's you should never do those kind of stuff with what you love

It should be out of fun that you do with and not because you need to follow some kind of schedule

like that Scania truckers

What country are you from your name feels very Swedish. I don't think it's sound Swedish. It's funny when people say that because

My name is is kind of international, but you are correct. I am from Sweden

so yes

It is Swedish in that way David Mitchell

Do you prefer to record your own music or to do covers by the way I am your biggest fan?

right back at ya I

Prefer to record originals because I am a senior songwriter and that is where I have my freedom to express what I have inside

But I love to do covers also because that gives me a different kind of way to


to challenge myself

and also to

To give a nice tribute to the artists who made that song because there's so much great music out there

And I'm sure that everyone feel that way like sometimes that shit. I wish that I wrote that song. It's so great

So it's both. I like both, but it's two completely different worlds

Jeff stone why are you not a major star other than social media, I think your voice and talent are amazing

Thank you so much. Yes

Why I'm not a major star I

Thought I was kidding I I do feel extremely

Successful in what I do as an independent music

with the complete

Freedom on my content and with so much lovely fans following me I feel that I cannot ask for more

Gonzalo Valdez, so how long have you been singing? What did you do for a living before YouTube I?

have always been singing always always always since I am a kid when I was doing as a living before YouTube I

Worked with taking care of people old people and of kids

Because I I care a lot for people around and I love

Giving of love and it's something that is one of the most important things

Mr.. Snow, when did you started singing by the way I love your videos?

I love your long hair, and you're so beautiful

Thank you so much. That is so sweet

I have always been singing so it's so hard to pinpoint when I started to sing I have always always been singing

since day one

guy 300 or glee 300 hello do you have any tattoos or would you like to have I'm

Going, I'm from Brazil. I love your videos. Thank you. Thank you I

Don't have any tattoos

at all I I do think that it's very nice on other people and and

Some of my favorite programs are actually tattoo because of the art, and but no I don't I don't have tattoos

I I have a very

Tattooed body

On a peach 83 oh this is in Swedish, so I'm gonna translate this directly

I love your covers you are fantastic

What are your goals with your music? What kind of equipment?

Do you use when you record and sing and what are your interests in life?

My my my goal and my mission and my dream is to continue to create movies

Wait I said it in the opposite

music for movies

this is where I want to be and this is what I enjoy and what I love so I would say that that is my

That's my study goal to make it simple. It will be shown inside of the video

These are the equipment's that I use when I produce music

My interests in life are pretty much what I am doing and sharing with you guys. It's music. It's

Art it's to create almost anything that is like creative

And I can use my hands like making clothes making jewelry being in the nature animals


my interests are basically anything creative I

Think that's that the best way I can

make it compact and

To not jump too much everywhere the parent. What do you miss more from Sweden?

What I miss the most from Sweden is of course my family in corn

Vegetarian food all that I miss that so so much. They don't have those kind of stuff here in Canada shake we knew

Hello, Julia. Hello

sorry, I never comment, but I

Sure, I love what you do here is my question

Would you someday make an a cappella cover of a song in another language like French or Arabic for example?

I love you much. Love right back at you mmm

I actually did sing one song in another language in French. It's called lesson and

It will be popping up in this video

When it comes to other languages that are more far away from me. It's a little difficult because even with lacell

I I needed a lot of help from David to make it correct because I'm not French so I

Feel most comfortable to sing in English but I

But French was it was funny. So who knows deddi kins who is your inspiration?

Who is my inspiration

David is a big inspiration for me because he bring me so much happiness

experiences life experiences by feelings emotions dreams

Anything that?

That moves me run run there London hello, Julia Ronald here from

Netherlands, I would like to know how you decide what song you want to cover in a cappella, or just cover. It's it's really

You guys who shoes for me or that?

I just hear a song that I just feel like oh I need to do that one

I it just needs to to move me you know like to give me that feeling and I feel like I just need to

Need to do it another question how many time do you need to start over and over again

Before you are happy with the result you would think that I am crazy if you could see

When I'm working because it's it's hard to tell how many times I can redo things because I never really feel

Satisfied and that it is

Good enough, you know so but you just need to you need to decide for yourself that it's done

Or you will never be done with anything in life fat man Jack

That's actually big is your name boy

no question

Just like to say I'm enjoying Celtic music again because of you thank you so much

Thank you so much. I'm so glad that you enjoy

jurcins Daniel Martinez

Ocampo do you like Mexican food, or do you know some place in Mexico?

I'm always stuck between if tacos is from Texas or

Mexico tex-mex it takes this mix

I don't know

I'm not sure if I know if your answer is not I would like to give you a tour just call me

Babe, thank you if I would go to Mexico. I will call you, babe

Diego Garcia where were you born? I was born in Stockholm in Sweden

1988 I said the good Adam jollof who is your favorite singer big fan

My favorite singer. It's hard. It's hard to to choose like one favorite because I don't really have like one favorite

It's many

I think there are so extremely a lot of talented singer

But to just pick a few wants, then Michael Jackson will forever some kind of be the one because his voice was extraordinary

to me and

Then Tommy worked from Radiohead. I need to say that because I love Radiohead and his voice. It's just

Santi Abeyta, what is your spirit animal?

I was told that my spirit animal is a skunk


My spirit animal I would say is a cat animal a night animal and a solitary one

It would be somewhere in the cat family

tiger hunter a bobcat

They are cute with a climb in trees or maybe a butterfly

They would say that I'm a dolphin

What do you think Casey do you like cheese

I have hard time with milk product stuff, so I

Like cheese as a kid, but now these days not so much it. It gives me out in the belly and I

Tried to avoid that and I eat vegan cheese instead D is Masoud

How many instruments can you play and did you go to school or are you self-taught I play?

piano and

Guitar and I like to do

some tum tum on

doesn't even need to be a drum it can be a table, but no I

Did not go to school. I am self-taught, so I don't know

chords much and

Notes, and this is something

I often get asked for for my songs and my arrangement to provide sheets, and I don't read it

I cannot write it so I play by ears and

memory and feeling

SGD nails hi Julia my name is Sam from Spain

I was wondering if Celine Dion ever saw your cover of my heart will go on or

Did you get a response? I love your music and your voice is so much rising. Thank you so much Sam

I'm so glad to hear that

If Sidon saw it I don't know

but there is a big chance that she did because I

Wouldn't ever think that this day would would happen since I am a fan of her since I'm a kid

But there is only one person that is between me and Cillian and it's the guitarist Kevin

That is a great friend of our good friends, so there is a big chance that she has seen it

I have not got any direct response back from her

but a lot of people have been writing me that they have been sending it to her and

But it would be awesome to to know if she saw it of course it would make my

My year if I got a response from her


Tomas what is it like to be happy and how do you shake off the haters by the way love you. Love you, too

how it feels to be happy it feels like sunshine and flowers and

ice cream


The way I shake off haters is

That I focus on the good people the sweet comments the real fans because the thing is that no matter what you do in life

there will always be

People who?

Hate what you do?

They hate what you do because you do it because you dare to do it because you can do it

Sometimes I

respond because I feel that I can maybe turn the situation around and to make that person more happy and

It has resulted that some haters have even become

So big fans that they started to support my music


So some of those haters. They just need some love

It sounds weird, but it's it's how it is

Because a happy person would never

Spread hate on other people

Kayla Holmes

What type of music inspires you PS would love to have your music playing on my way they you have an amazing voice

That is so amazing to hear that you want to have my music on your wedding day

What music that inspires me is?

music that reach in that brings out an emotion that

brings out happiness excitement

Tears because I mean it's a feeling it's a it's all about the feeling with art for me so anything that moves me

Inspires me this question is from Miss K. When did you start learning English? You sound so good. Thank you

I started to learn English

back in school when I was six, or seven it started gradually and

In school, and then I always watch movies without subtitles

That is English, and I learned by myself after school

so it always I always been interested in learning that language because

It's what the language that comes out in music for me and in writing. Do you speak French also? I?

Think I think I do I mostly I sing in French, but that's not for for people to hear

Because it's a random mix of everything that I know, but I speak a little I understand more than I speak

but I I think it's it's a it's hard because it's it's my third language and


It's it's hard to adjust to a completely new language

But I try but I don't speak it fluid me

Yep, the true question is do you have difficulties to communicate with David at the beginning of your relationship?

There could be times that was a little difficult

But I think that the most was because we was not used to speak daily in English like that and we were both

Nervous to speak with each other. I know I was extremely nervous

but but yes there could be some some problematic and to be honest, it's

We are a couple that we are not

In competition fighting with each other and when we have difficulties

It's a language barrier problem that we just don't understand each other in the way we express

But then we find a middle and sometimes. I think we create words that don't exist

Is there any place in Internet where we can listen to you speaking Swedish I


Think there is a Swedish


The most interviews I had in Swedish they have been

articles in magazines

there was an interview with

Swedish radio a few years back

I don't really know where that one is but I can try to find it and if I do it will be

included in this video in the description or like a little

Do you anticipate performance on stage will there ever be opportunity to see and listen to you live?


There will there has been plenty of shows in the past and there will be plenty of shows coming as well film platter

How might one go about licensing a track for something like a short film?

I am not sure if I understand if the question is towards me to license my songs

Or if it's just in general how to do to license for a movie

so if the question is

directed to me then if you want to license one of my songs then send me an email and

We can discuss that linear swag when did you start singing? I love your voice and music. I'm so happy to hear that and

I have always been singing so

Since beginning that was all for this time. I hope that you enjoy the watching this video

I really really enjoy to reply to your question this was a awesome first

Question and answer if you want to see more videos like this then please write your question under this video

And I will see you on my next upload

hmm bye-bye

For more infomation >> My First Q&A Video! - Duration: 36:29.


Why Does My Cat MEOW So Much? - Animal Facts - Duration: 5:01.

"Meow" There are few among us that don't know which animal makes that sound.

Of course, it's a cat, but we don't always know what he's trying to say, especially

when he won't stop.

Cats use other vocalizations -- such as yowling, hissing, and growling -- to communicate with

each other.

Meowing is reserved for their communications with people.

From "Hello!" to hunger, here are some possible explanations for meowing.

Let's get started.

But, before we start, take a moment to like and subscribe for more fun, fauna facts.


Sometimes your cat just wants to say, "Hello"

[Hello, is it me your looking for?]

It's just that simple.

He's a companion and he likes to see you, so naturally, especially if you are just returning

home from work, he just wants to say "Hi".

We publish every Monday and Friday.

So, hit that notification icon to not miss a single fact.


Secondly, it may just be because he wants attention.

Other than hunger, this is one of the most common "causes" of excessive meowing.

Cats are easily bored and they like to play.

This doesn't mean you should drop everything you're doing and pay him attention every


If you'd like to change this behavior, wait until he quiets to give him the attention.

Rewarding your cat for his calmness can help reduce the meowing.

But, it can take some time.

Be sure to spend time with your kitty every day (he's part of your family, after all).

Playing with your cat also provides a proper amount of exercise, essential for his well-being,

especially if he's the only cat in the household.


Our cat Rusty meows for two reasons: attention and FOOD.

If Rusty's food bowl is empty, he becomes quite vocal.

And over time he's become quite accustomed to a ritual of being fed at certain times.

He makes sure you're aware of this schedule, especially for dinner when he gets canned



If your cat is constantly meowing, but showing no interest in food, medical attention may

be necessary.

Cats are good at hiding illnesses, but he may be trying to communicate that he doesn't

feel well.

If this behavior is something new in your cat, it's worth a trip to the veterinarian.


Cats don't respond particularly well to change and can cause them quite a bit of stress.

Changes in the home, new people, and new animals can be just a few of the stress causing changes

made in a cat's life.

Obviously, he can't tell you directly what's stressing him out, so keep an eye on changes

to his behavior if you've made changes in his lifestyle.

Don't over coddle him though.

Interact with him and give him space to get accustomed to the changes.


If your cat is female and not spayed, well there is a high probability that she is in


Cats are "seasonally polyestrus", which means that they have multiple estrus cycles during

the breeding season.

Female cats in heat can become very vocal suddenly.

Most estrus cats become very affectionate, even demanding; they persistently rub against

people or objects such as furniture, rubbing against their owners and constantly demanding


They roll on the floor.

These behavior changes often become annoying to owners, and sometimes owners think their

cat has some unusual illness.

Do yourself and your kitty a favor, have her spayed for hers and your sanity.

Males are also noisy if they detect a cat in heat nearby.


The last is old age and dementia.

Just like people, your cat can become forgetful or confused in old age.

Disorientation is not uncommon, and your cat may meow out of frustration or confusion.

If your cat is getting older and has become more vocal in his old age, consult your vet

to see what kind of help you can get.

Meowing is a way that your cat communicates.

Since his vocabulary is more limited than yours, it's your job to determine what he's

trying to tell you.

Interact with your cat and pay attention to him.

He is after all part of your family.

Want more fun, fauna facts?

Go ahead and smash that subscribe button and hit the notification icon to not miss a single


If you like THIS video, go ahead and push the like button, or that other button also


If you'd like to help us grow, consider becoming a patron on Patreon or clicking the

PayPal link on

And as always catch ya next time.

For more infomation >> Why Does My Cat MEOW So Much? - Animal Facts - Duration: 5:01.


The last act - shortfilm - Duration: 6:05.

The last act

I have committed something unrecoverable

I don't know if I can tell you

We all have sinned

Me too

4 years ago...

... I killed...

I had an abortion

Understand me

He raped me

I wanted to stay virgin

I couldn't keep this child

He wasn't a great man

Don't be so rude with you

You are forgiven

I promise

You are like a father for us

So you are like the daughters I couldn't have

My dear devoted followers, I congratulate you

We're arriving at the last step of your spiritual confirmation

You'll be soon part of the most powerfull religious order of the world

Here, in this chalet, you'll be able to accomplish this last step

What about reading the holy text ?

You know it enough


...You must accomplish the last step of your religious path

The procreation

What do you mean ?

ou'll give birth to the holy child

But I thought the act of flesh was prohibited by our beliefs

It's for the birth of the holy child

Trust me

Stop it !

Get over yourself

I thought we were free to choose

You said it

What is going on with you !

Forgive me

The evil disrupts me

May the Almighty help us

Let's plead to Almighty

Thank you

For the holy child

Subscribe !

For more infomation >> The last act - shortfilm - Duration: 6:05.


LT Fresh - Trash Freestyle ft. Cobbuto Topirama [Official Music Video] - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> LT Fresh - Trash Freestyle ft. Cobbuto Topirama [Official Music Video] - Duration: 2:31.


48 ساعة من الأكل في الأردن!! hours of food in Jordan 🇯🇴 - Duration: 10:42.

So I was supposed to speak?

The idea of this show came up tp me

I started smelling!

I will be back in a minute

Jordan First

What are we going to eat today?

Now I am officially in Jordan..

I am now at Alia International Airport in Jordan, in Amman.

I'm travelling and in a bit,

because the episode will be from right here, from Jordan.

exactly 48 hours ago I landed here and I decided that these hours are best filled with three things;

Food, food, and If I had some time to spare, food as well because you have to make the most out of your time.

First stop of the day comes by default. Straight from the Airport to here.

The car automatically drives and parks in front of Hashim Restaurant

First thing should be a breakfast of Fool, Falafel and Hummus

in one of the oldest, if not THE oldest in Old Town, Amman.

In one of the oldest, if not THE oldest in Old Town, Amman.

When a person comes to such a place, they want the opposite of what they desire in other places where you want to see what's new and innovative.

On the contrary, here, you want to have Fool, Falafel and Hummus in the proper way and that's how it's done here.

The beautiful thing about this place is that they preserved their great taste and that traditional way of presenting Fool and Falafel.

That's the concept here, otherwise you won't really have that proper taste.

That's why the car automatically drops you from the airport, here.

Now we reach to the bite which I call "Welcome to Jordan."

A tiny piece of Falafel is dipped into the Hummus plate like this and then you add this chilli sauce.

Just a little of the chilli because it's very spicy.

And now I'm officially in Jordan!!

When you land in Jordan, it is a crime against humanity if you don't come here. Habiba, City Centre.

We'll start with the first plate which is the Rough dough Knafe.

I swear, I'm tired and a bit sick, I'm travelling and still haven't rested.

But… Done, I'm Done. Now it's all worth it, life's beautiful and I'm happy.

I should have spoken, right?

I'm supposed to talk with a plate of Knafe from Habiba and you want me to talk?

NO! Of course, I'm not going to talk… Finish the plate and the world can wait.

Anyways, 2nd plate, fine Dough Knafe!

Now! What's the difference between the rough and fine dough? It's all about the dough…

Now for those who don't know Knafe it's a layer of dough topped by a layer of cheese.

What's the secret, idea and brilliance behind this?

Is that the Cheese isn't cooked, it only melts and as it melts it takes the taste from the from the dough and ghee that is under it.

The heat then blends all the flavours together to give us the tastiest cheese recipe.

This is the best Arabian, non-Arabian dessert, the tastiest thing on planet Earth. That is Knafe!

One minute! I'll be back 😉

I'm Back! I'm back and I'm even happier than I was before.

The beautiful thing about this branch is that you don't have a seating plan.

People take a Knafe plate and eat it, as they stand.

And that's how it should be to maintain composure and your focus.

Because you need to respect the plate, that's why! Thank You.

Now it's time for the most important meal in Jordan.

The meal that Jordan is known for, the Mansaf.

If you don't know Mansaf, it truly isn't only a name, but a description.

You feel… well, actually you don't feel anything. That's the concept, you have Mansaf and you lose your senses.

Now we're going to Hajja Um-Majed Al Qaisi who has finger-tips weighed against gold. These finger-tips that fed generations.

- Allah give you well-being Hajja!! Allah grant you a long life. What are we eating today?

- Today we're going to have the authentic Karaki Mansaf. - Oh Dear Lord!!! What is Mansaf?

Mansaf is made from lamb where we add Rock Yoghurt which we break and grind. Nowadays we use machinery but back in the day we used to use their hands.

- What about this bread? What is for? - This is to lay under the rice.

And some people make a dish called "Fatteh Ma'aniye" which is made from Bread that is soaked with Meat extract with ghee, then the actual meat and the garnish.

Wow! I've had Mansaf before but never this side dish. Let's see, time needs to pass quick.

The first bite, shows experience. Thanks, Hajja, really appreciated.

You don't need a lot of bites, it's just one and the experience shows.

Really, Allah bless you Hajja. I swear this is just beyond description.

Mansaf is one of the dishes where you don't need to describe how good it is, you have to try it to know how tasty it is.

All I want to say about Mansaf is that it's different from any meal cooked with yoghurt.

When people cook meals like Shakriye with yoghurt, or Zucchini with yoghurt;

The meat is cooked on the side and then added to the yoghurt. Because natural yoghurt can't withstand high temperatures.

Here, the Mansaf is different in which the dried rock of yoghurt after preparation to "Jameed" can withstand the high cooking temperature of meat.

The meat is being soaked and cooked with that yoghurt.

The meat will be tender, soft and bursting with the yoghurt flavour.

- What's the name of this Hajja? - It's called Ma'aniye Pie.

This is the first time I see this dish even though I've tried Mansaf before. This is also with the hand right?

Yes, my dear, with the hand.

- Anyways, do you know what this is? - No, we put it just for the cameras

No, this is something else! I'm losing voice.

Last bite, God knows if I'll have this ever again but every time I make Mansaf I'll make it and remember you, Hajja.

To the end, and after!

In the next morning

New day, new breakfast and Mohamad brought me to one of the restaurants that isn't very well known but they serve a really tasty homemade like meal.

That is the best breakfast for me. We are going to Al Usra Restaurant in Abdoun Area, Amman.

The deal is that you feel you're at home. Everything served here is what you would have at home

From the Sheep Liver to the Eggs-Potato, the omelette but the real question is where does one start?

By the way, these Falafel pieces come as they are and.... done.

The Fried Tomato dish is well known for every Jordanian or Palestinian is a very traditional meal but this meal

Should reach stardom around the world. McDonald's should even sell this because it's a very tasty dish.

Let's finish this battle with the last bite of Eggs-Potato with some chilli sauce and Dogga.

"Jordan First!"

Now it's time for lunch, I don't know if it's Lunch or Dinner but my timing is based on my meals. So the second meal is the Lunch

I feel like some pastries and so I came to a Butchery that has a great reputation in Khalda Area with another brand in the City Centre, Al Ramla and Al Khalil Butchery.

If you bought a playstation it wouldn't look as awesome.

Guys, even with the flu I can now actually smell this meal.

Here we have two kinds of pastries, the Armenian one with tomatoes and the Levantine which is blended with yoghurt.

The taste of the meat is half the pastries success.

What I really love about this pastry is that the dough is very thin and you see that when it's being prepared, the amount of meat is thicker than the dough itself.

Now we arrive at what is called the "Arayes" which is simply made from Arabic/Lebanese bread

Filled with spiced minced meat and charcoal grilled but this is the first time I try it from a stone oven.

Don't say that "Ask a person who's experienced a thing before an expert"?

I don't know how it relates to what I want to say but this Butchery is antique with more than 50 years of experience, that is served to you.

I've arrived at Ma'reb restaurant for Mandi but I'm here for a different reason.

I'm not here to eat, but because we were in the neighbourhood I thought I'd end this episode

from this specific table and seat with two plates of Mandi in front of me where I got the inspiration to start this show.

I was also sitting with Mohamad and as we were talking I got the idea of the show and now we're in the 2nd season as I end this episode from this inspiration spot.

I feel a bit smarter sitting here, and that's it for this episode from Jordan.

See you in the future episodes from a new place and some new dishes. Peace.

For more infomation >> 48 ساعة من الأكل في الأردن!! hours of food in Jordan 🇯🇴 - Duration: 10:42.


GLOBAL HABARI: Mazishi ya Akwilina, Yaacha Simanzi na Majonzi kwa Familia - Duration: 24:31.

For more infomation >> GLOBAL HABARI: Mazishi ya Akwilina, Yaacha Simanzi na Majonzi kwa Familia - Duration: 24:31.





FIGURES Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama Praise Parkland Stud - Duration: 3:29.


Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama Praise Parkland Students For Pushing Gun Control

Crooked Hillary and Michelle Obama crawled out of their holes Wednesday to praise the

Parkland students for pushing gun control after mass shooter Nikolas Cruz murdered 17

people last week.

Of course our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the Parkland high school

mass shooting, however; the left has used the traumatized teens to push gun control.

This is becoming increasingly obvious yet The Gateway Pundit and others criticizing

the politicization are being labeled smear merchants.

CNN and others in the fake news media are deliberately ignoring students who support

the Second Amendment.

Furthermore, they aren�t interviewing students who feel the media is disrespecting the victims

by pushing the gun control narrative.

The Parkland, FL teens are now getting special treatment from Twitter as a reward for their

anti-gun activism.

Twitter has bluecheck verified several of their accounts on top of sending out communication

that they will suspend anyone harassing the teens.

Now this�

Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton jumped in and praised the teens for their anti-gun


Michelle Obama tweeted: I�m in total awe of the extraordinary students in Florida.

Like every movement for progress in our history, gun reform will take unyielding courage and


But @barackobama and I believe in you, we�re proud of you, and we�re behind you every

step of the way.

Crooked Hillary also chimed in and lowkey took a swipe at The Gateway Pundit.

Old Crooked tweeted: Parkland students, you have shown so much courage in standing up

for truth, for your right to attend school safely, & now against these disgusting smears.

The good news is, it will only make you louder & stronger.

Of course we believe children should be safe in schools; they should be in safe environments

at all times which is why teachers should be armed.

There should also be armed security guards on campuses.

The truth is the FBI failed to act on two tips provided to them about Nikolas Cruz.

If the FBI wasn�t busy chasing Russian ghosts then perhaps they would have stopped this


There is nothing wrong with questioning why the media is using traumatized teens to push

a radical left-wing agenda.

The Gateway Pundit was the first publication to question the motives of the media working

round the clock with a select few students.

The rest of the conservaitve media is starting to catch up; it�s obvious this mass shooting

is turning into an all out assault on our Second Amendment.

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