Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 23 2018

Hi everyone!

I'm back with myth #23.

The myth

You need a fancy thermometer to track your BBT.

The truth

No, you don't.

Now, while there are a lot of really cool fertility gadgets out there

and some really fancy, expensive thermometers

all you really need is to purchase a thermometer from your local drugstore, pharmacy, or Superstore.

I personally use and give all of my clients a non-mercury, glass thermometer.

It's also the best way to assess your thyroid health.

Remember the menstrual cycle is the fifth vital sign.

But if you prefer to use a digital thermometer, you want to buy a BBT digital thermometer

not a fever thermometer.

And no need to break the bank.

This one is going to do just fine.

And it's still more economical even after you've broken one...

or two...

or maybe five.

For more infomation >> Myth 23: You Need a Fancy Thermometer to Track Your BBT - Duration: 0:58.


Tristan Corbière, Les Amours Jaunes - Le Crapaud (commentaire analyse littéraire) - Duration: 17:10.

For more infomation >> Tristan Corbière, Les Amours Jaunes - Le Crapaud (commentaire analyse littéraire) - Duration: 17:10.


Naissances dans mon poulailler Eglu Go UP 5/10. Moitié libre. - Duration: 20:56.

For more infomation >> Naissances dans mon poulailler Eglu Go UP 5/10. Moitié libre. - Duration: 20:56.


HIIT Smoothie Challenge 5: Hollywood Trainer & Pina Colada Protein Smoothie - Duration: 6:59.

what's going on guys and welcome back to the fit men cook kitchen we're on day

five of the Hitmen sweden challenge where we are challenging ourselves to

get active for at least 15 minutes each day and also enjoy a heart healthy

smoothie right after our workout now today's video is also inspired by

someone that I truly admire in social media and that is Miss Jeanette you may

know her as the Hollywood trainer she trains up everybody that you can think

of them you can think of a movie star she's probably work with them she even

works with King Serena curry king Serena Williams if you don't talk about the you

know the tennis pro that King Serena now getting tortured and not getting

tortured but working out is so much more enjoyable whenever you have a friend so

I'm gonna let you touch here with me today to do this to do this insane

workout as a reminder this entire workout is 15 minutes so we're going to

do three rounds of five-minute rounds each round consists of five exercises

each exercise is 50 seconds with a 10 second rest in between and then a one

minute rest after the entire round so we're going to be right at about 15

minutes yes


are you a mess

here we go

good thanks Oh again try this two more times

alright let's go to the kitchen alright it is smoothie time I'm gonna

give you a hint at what we're making today if you like me you got that it's a

hint okay we're making a pina colada protein smoothie here's what you're

gonna need for it sneak in a little bit of spinach it's really easy to

incorporate into smoothie recipes next we're gonna add in our heart healthy

star today is gonna be wrong we use half a banana some pineapple because what is

the Pina Colada without pineapple one thing that I really love about pineapple

two is that it has this property in it called bromelain

which really is an anti-inflammatory and it's great for recovery after a workout

next you're gonna need some protein powder I'll be using a vanilla whey

protein powder but no worries you can use a collagen peptide or even a vegan

plant-based protein and some coconut these are unsweetened coconut flakes

next you're gonna pour in some almond milk or some water

this is unsweetened almond milk it's only about thirty calories per cup so

I'm not concerned about adding this into my smoothie top it off with some ice pop

the top and get to work

protein pina colada smoothie it's a brilliant green color hmm just like a

party but like I'm on South Beach right now so make this smoothie take a picture

of it tag me and let me know how you enjoyed

this movie and how you're gonna make it your own and also how you are enjoying

the hit and smoothies challenge okay

enjoy the smoothie Cheers

thank if I'm gonna have to be in it's

right there it is a good state better make it fun and if you don't have

somebody to work out with fun someone there's somebody out there for you you

can drag your living room you do a gym

let's definitely

For more infomation >> HIIT Smoothie Challenge 5: Hollywood Trainer & Pina Colada Protein Smoothie - Duration: 6:59.


1999, l'année Star Wars ? Par M. Bobine - Duration: 10:07.

For more infomation >> 1999, l'année Star Wars ? Par M. Bobine - Duration: 10:07.


GÜLEN PATATES - SMILEY POTATO - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:37.

4 boiled potatoes 4 tablespoons corn starch 6 tablespoons breadcrumbs 1 teaspoon salt 1 tea spoon flake pepper

6 tablespoons breadcrumbs

4 tablespoons corn starch

1 tea spoon flake pepper

1 teaspoon salt

Keep in the fridge for 30 minutes

For more infomation >> GÜLEN PATATES - SMILEY POTATO - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Duration: 2:37.


Bora PİR ile VAHŞİ MACERA - 2. Sezon 2. Bölüm Ördek Avı - Duration: 26:35.

For more infomation >> Bora PİR ile VAHŞİ MACERA - 2. Sezon 2. Bölüm Ördek Avı - Duration: 26:35.


Seville on film with a Minolta SR-1s - Duration: 12:17.

hello welcome to another episode this time I'm gonna be talking about the

minolta SR-1s. I took this camera and I went to

Seveille with it I didn't have any plans when I brought this camera I just

thought I'm gonna shoot an episode of the street it's gonna be fun but then

walking around city yeah I thought it didn't make much sense... like, I took some

pictures and it was it was nice but it's mostly like small streets

and it was winter even though winter in Sevilla is not

really winter winter but it was kind of cloudy it was really relaxed so I

didn't feel like much stuff was happening so I thought it was much

better to just have some kind of portrait session so I asked on Instagram

if somebody could help me and Pablo was kind enough to write me back on

Instagram and said "hey I have this friend her name is Clara and I always

take pictures with her it will be really cool. would you be interested?" I was like

oh yeah, of course I am! so Pablo, Clara and I went around Sevilla taking

pictures with this camera and I also brought some Kodak film which is

supposedly a 200 ASA but you have to shoot it at 50 to make it work properly

so I was shooting at 50 with this camera with a 50 millimeter f/1.7 and at 24 f/2

and it was quite fine actually. Clara is not a professional model she's

just a funny smart girl who wants to have some pictures taken,

and Paolo is her friends so they both just offered some help and that's what

we did we had some awesome time walking around Sevilla and taking pictures it

was great here are the pictures. I'm gonna show it

to you right away but before... it was it was interesting for me the fact that

shooting around with this camera made me realize how bad I am with reflex cameras

because it's--- it's obvious that I'm so used to rangefinders. some pictures

are completely out of focus or I'm focusing on the background and I'm just

failing miserably so just... cut me some slack, dude. just don't evaluate

how awesome the focusing is or whatever just enjoy the episode and

see you at the end of it

Are you recording? Nice. We are-- We, all three of us. Clara, Pablo (behind the camera) and I...

We are in Seveille.

They kindly offered themselves for a photoshoot.

So we'll take some shots in the Patio de los Naranjos. Is that the name of this place? Don't quote me on that one.

We are not very good locals.

But we'll take some pictures and walk around Seveille.

Not through all Seveille, just some streets.

Thank you for--- What am I thanking for?

Thank you for watching.

Thank you Clara for offering help in this.

And if you want to follow her Instagram, it's:

I'll leave the link in the description, don't worry. And Pablo's Instagram is:

Cool. I'll also leave the link.

- That's it. Thanks a lot for everything. - My pleasure.

that was the episode I hope you enjoyed it this is the Minolta SR-1s.

Is it a good camera? Yes it's a fun camera it's a great camera which has no light meter

and you have to do everything yourself so what I was doing is just carrying

around my cell phone and using some free app. this is the app I'm currently using

it's called ASLightmeter and it's really easy to use and it's free so I

highly recommend it. it's a really fun camera to use there's not much to say

about it it's super simple there's just shutter speed on top of it

they go from bulb to a thousand and the aperture is up here and that's all there is to it.

there's not much to it, actually. there's no info on the viewfinder.

it's not exactly a split screen viewfinder. I don't know the name of this

I should know the name... but I don't. this camera doesn't have a split screen viewfinder...

it has one of those viewfinders where everything looks kind of

granulated and then at the center when it's in focus it looks fine

it's not the most comfortable system for focusing in the world I'm not a big fan

of this. actually, I don't like it that much. but it's not terrible

maybe you can grow accustomed to it. it's a problem for me because my eyes

are not really good so I'm using glasses (as you can probably tell), and for me

rangefinders are much easier to focus than this type of focusing view finders

but if you don't use glasses or you're used to that maybe you can be quite

comfortable, actually. it's super easy to use it looks quite

durable. it's made out of metal, mostly. the shutter is satisfying. kind of noisy,

but it gives like an old-school feeling so I like it

especially the rewinding lever is super satisfying because it just winds so easily.

I wish my Leica M3 were this easy. I don't know. it's really satisfying.

the winding knob is it's really cool. to open it you just

lift this and then just open the back and here it is works perfectly. the

the camera has a cloth shutter so when you take a picture you just wind it back and

that's how it works. it's a mixture of plastic and metal... like, this parts are

made of plastic but the camera itself is made of

I guess aluminum or metal I'm not quite sure but it feels durable.

the lens is so nice this is a Rokkor PF 50mm f/1.7 and, as you can tell by pictures...

the background is just melted. it looks awesome. gives you like a

nice sense of depth. almost like a 3d image. it's super cool, like, this lens

looks amazing and it works like a charm on this camera... so if you happen to find

this camera with this lens around on the internet (which there are several copies of)

I recommend you trying it if you're looking for a manual camera

without light meter. this camera doesn't have a hot shoe (as you can tell), but...

there are some attachments that you put right here in the viewfinder and then

you screw it and it can hold a flash, so you put the flash on top of it and then

you connect it here through the PC sync. so if you want to use your flashes with

this camera you can get one of those attachments. I don't know how

common they are, if you want to try a flash with this you might want to

purchase one that has a cold shoe, so that's a thing to remember.

As always this camera goes to one of my patrons he already has an owner because

I already did raffle... so congratulations to the winner of this camera, and if you

want to participate in the raffles I give cameras away every month I also

give away films and I give away some stuff

and add some extra content on my patreon so if you wanna be part of that maybe

you'll be interested just link in the description and you'll find all the

information you need to become my patreon and then we can all have fun

there and I guess that said I have nothing else to say I hope you have

enjoyed this episode and I will see you next week with another one

so until then just keep shooting, guys

For more infomation >> Seville on film with a Minolta SR-1s - Duration: 12:17.


[Real Happiness 真開心頻道] 《孖寶2018》NG花絮 Making of - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> [Real Happiness 真開心頻道] 《孖寶2018》NG花絮 Making of - Duration: 4:05.


Kablosuz Tv Ve Pc Klavyesi | Logitech K400 Plus - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Kablosuz Tv Ve Pc Klavyesi | Logitech K400 Plus - Duration: 1:58.




Frenzel maneuver was invented by Herman Frenzel, a German ENT officer of the Luftwaffe,

as a safe maneuver for Stukas pilots, whose vertical descend resembles diving.

This maneuver, also known as throat piston,

is more gentle than Valsalva and avoids most of her contraindications.

Therefore, her use is strongly suggested against Valsalva.

For more infomation >> PHORCYS UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES - EPISODE#55 - Duration: 10:43.


Csgo - Hoje Vamos Fazer Sopa De Cabeças ! 💀💀 - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Csgo - Hoje Vamos Fazer Sopa De Cabeças ! 💀💀 - Duration: 3:59.


ОСЕНЬ 2017 Трудовой День На Даче в Харькове/Мои Путешествия/ВСЕ В НАШИХ РУКАХ! - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> ОСЕНЬ 2017 Трудовой День На Даче в Харькове/Мои Путешествия/ВСЕ В НАШИХ РУКАХ! - Duration: 3:16.


ANNEME EŞCİNSELİM DEDİM (To Be Continued Serisi) - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> ANNEME EŞCİNSELİM DEDİM (To Be Continued Serisi) - Duration: 7:01.


NAJLEPSZY moment by odwiedzić NAGASAKI - Duration: 6:30.

For more infomation >> NAJLEPSZY moment by odwiedzić NAGASAKI - Duration: 6:30.


Cosa ci rivela il COLORE della pipì sulla nostra salute? - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Cosa ci rivela il COLORE della pipì sulla nostra salute? - Duration: 3:35.


Khud ko zinda rakhna Your self existence - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Khud ko zinda rakhna Your self existence - Duration: 3:23.


কিভাবে জিকির করে আল্লাহ হওয়া যায় | পীর সাহেব চরমোনাই | Dr Mujaffor bin Mohsin | New Bangla Waz 2018 - Duration: 2:10.

Chormonai Pir Shaheb

Bangla Lecture

Dr Mujaffor bin Mohsin

For more infomation >> কিভাবে জিকির করে আল্লাহ হওয়া যায় | পীর সাহেব চরমোনাই | Dr Mujaffor bin Mohsin | New Bangla Waz 2018 - Duration: 2:10.


Weird Potato Chip Taste Test w/ JoJo Siwa, Kira Kosarin, Jack Griffo & More 🐙 | Nick - Duration: 2:29.

Ah, oh these are nasty!

What's up, guys? Kira here!

As you probably know, potato chips come in all shapes and sizes, all beautiful.

So today we've gathered some of the most outrageous ones we could find.

This is the Weird Potato Chip Taste Test.

[bell ringing]

First one, let's do it.



I feel like my taste buds can't taste anything

but they can.

- I don't even know what it tastes like. - I'm like 98 % sure that's seaweed.

It's seaweed?

I'm eating another one, judge me.


Oh, it's spicy, ah, this one's spicy!

Jalapeno maybe?

Ah, it's spicy!

It doesn't taste too spicy like jalapenos.

Oh, it's like... In my mouth, ah!

That was nothing.

I love me some jalapeno chips, so...

[bell ringing]

These look like little fish.

Just try it.

Now this one tastes like wet water.

I really don't like that one.

Something like, that you feel dolphins.

[dolphin noise]

- Oh, it's octopus! - Why do I like these taste tests?

[bell ringing]

Here we go.

This one smells like dog food.

[music playing]

- What is that? - That's definitely beet.

You can't beet 'em!

I'm so sorry.

[bell ringing]

Alright, here we go!

- These are good! - They taste like eggs.

It's some kind of cheese or something...

I'm really scared to find out what they are

because I know they're gonna be something disgusting.

Oh, it's shrimp chips!


It's such a subtle shrimp flavor.

Who invents a shrimp chip?

It's almost like you were eating a chip and then somebody said the word "Shrimp!"

Really loudly from the next room and you were like "Right."


[bell ringing]

- Last one. - They taste pretty normal.

- What is that? What did I just eat? - It's a little buggy.

It's made out of crickets.


Cricket chips?

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!

You just had me eat a cricket?

Oh my god, no, no, no, no, no, that's like my biggest fear!

- Crickets... - Get your protein, kids.

And that was the Weird Potato Chip Taste Test.

- Thanks for watching, see you next time. - I just ate a cricket.

For more infomation >> Weird Potato Chip Taste Test w/ JoJo Siwa, Kira Kosarin, Jack Griffo & More 🐙 | Nick - Duration: 2:29.


SQUAD GOALS: Meet Phoenix Squad 🛡️ w/ Daniella Perkins, Owen Joyner & More! | Knight Squad | Nick - Duration: 2:25.

Get ready to meet your new Squad!

The Phoenix Squad is the Knight Squad to be in

if you wanna straight up slay in Astoria!

Let's meet these Knights in training, check out Ciara!

Ciara the Brave, mistress of kicks!


She's got serious swordsmanship and a serious secret!


- You touched my ring! - I know, your princess is showing!

She might be royalty...

If you like this ring you're gonna love the bottom of my shoe.

But she can royally kick butt!

There's Arc, the new guy.

I've dreamed of becoming a Knight since I was a baby.

He's got some major skills!

A quick wit.

Time for you to meet my friend, Clif.

Clif! Because you threw him off a clif!

And one mission.

The only way I can save my people is by becoming a Knight of Astoria.


We've got Prudence whose friends call her Prudi.

Up top, Prudi!


She may only be a quarter giant but she has giant strength.

She likes crushing it on the battlefield, vanilla floats and cute things.

I just wanna pinch his widdle cheek!


But hates meanies!

We've got another meany on our hands!

Finally, Warwick.

His father and his grandfather were both Knights.

Yep, I'm a third generation Knight, first generation stud!

He was born with a sword in his hand but he's still figuring out how to use it.

[sword clanging]


I'm... I'm still working on my hands.

Other Squads might try to mess with them!

I need one Squad to volunteer to help with today's lesson.

Watch this, boom!


Too easy.

But with Ciara, Arc, Prudence and Warwick,

Phoenix Squad is total Knight Squad goals!

You're looking at a full days worth of Knight School training

coming at you, buddy!

Yeah, what do you got that we don't got?

Yeah, they're gonna be Knights in no time!

Fire, he's got fire!

Yeah, no time at all!

Think you have what it takes to join the Phoenix Squad?

Let us know in the comments below!

- For Astoria! - For Astoria!

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