Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths and

misinformation surrounding various areas of the gun world.

I'm your host Adam Kraut and today we're going to tell you the truth

about the gun buying process.

After the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, gun control has been trotted back out as a way

in which we can prevent these incidents from occurring.

While gun control advocates continue to push for more restrictions on law abiding citizens,

it has become rather clear that a number of people are undereducated on how guns are bought

and who can actually buy them.

It's worth noting that when we are talking about gun laws, federal and state law comes

into play.

Let's start with the most common misconception.

Background checks.

No one is able to walk into a gun shop or gun show and buy a gun from a dealer without

undergoing a background check.

Federal law requires that a dealer complete a background check on the person purchasing

a gun prior to transferring the gun to them.

The person must complete a form called the Firearms Transaction Record or 4473 which

contains a number of questions related to federal prohibitions.

Questions on the form include things like whether the person is subject to a restraining

order, been convicted of a crime punishable by more than one year imprisonment, whether

they've been dishonorably discharged and if they've ever been involuntarily committed

or adjudicated a mental defective.

We actually covered the ins and outs of the 4473 and prohibited persons in separate videos

which will be linked in the video description.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

kA person could just lie and get a gun.

Not quite.

After the form is completed, the dealer must run a NICS check, otherwise known as the National

Instant Criminal Background Check System, on the person.

Some states, like Pennsylvania, are point of contact states, where the dealer contacts

the state police who then in turn contact NICS.

Either way, NICS gets contacted.

NICS is run by the FBI and contains a repository of information which, among other things,

pertain to the criminal records of people.

The system tells the dealer they can either proceed with the transfer, delay the transfer

(meaning NICS looks to obtain more records or information about the individual attempting

to purchase the gun before making a decision) or deny the transfer.

If the background check system denies a person, the dealer is prohibited from completing the


In other words, they don't leave with a gun.

There are a variety of reasons that a person can be denied.

As I mentioned before, those reasons include things like being subject to a restraining

order or being a felon.

On top of that, states have their own prohibitions which go beyond that of the federal government.

I've included a link to Pennsylvania law as an example.

Currently, the federal government prosecutes less than 1% of individuals who attempt straw

purchases, which is a fancy name for buying a gun for someone who can't legally possess

one, or making false statements on the 4473, since a person is certifying their answers

are true under penalty of perjury.

This figure was relayed to me by a representative of FBI at the NICS Retailer Event.

Federal law also prohibits a dealer from transfering a handgun or ammunition to be used in a handgun

to an individual under twenty one years old.

Eighteen year olds may purchase a shotgun or rifle and the ammunition to be used in


There is also no lawful way for a person to mail order a modern firearm and have it delivered

to their doorstep.

Any firearm ordered online must be sent to a licensed dealer, who then must conduct a

background check.

While some politicians would have you believe that you can walk into a dealer and walk out

with an automatic rifle, that is simply not the case.

It is true machine guns are legal for civilians to own.

However, civilians are banned from owning a machine gun made after 1986.

As a result of market economics, on the cheap end, a machine gun is on average around 7

to 10k.

Couple that with additional paperwork requirements and the tax for a machine gun, the number

of people who purchase them are extremely limited.

It requires a lot of their hard earned money, time and compliance with additional requirements

to own one.

As you can see, gun laws at the federal level are not as lax as some might have you believe.

There are already a number of existing laws that prohibit people from legally obtaining


However, all the prohibitions in the world don't actually matter if the government

does not enforce the existing law.

And to those out there that are shocked a person is able to purchase a firearm and take

it home the same day, I leave you with this thought.

It's a good thing that law abiding citizens are able to do so.

If you aren't a criminal, you should be able to exercise your constitutional right to keep

and bear arms without a hassle.

Just like you should be able to walk down the street without the police stopping you

and asking for your papers.

Just like you should be able to hold an unpopular opinion, express it, and not fear reprisal

for doing so.

After all, these are your RIGHTS, as enumerated in the Constitution.

Sick of bad information finding its way around the internet?

Make sure you share this video with your friends.

Don't forget to hit that like button, get subscribed and consider supporting us via

the links down in the video description.

If you haven't yet, be sure to download The Gun Collective Podcast on iTunes.

We would love to get your feedback on that!

And as always thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> How Do People Buy Guns Legally? - The Legal Brief! - Duration: 6:05.



For more infomation >> UM POUCO DA ROTINA | VLOG | GABI SALES CUNHA - Duration: 10:28.


কি ভাবে porn দেখা বন্ধ করবেন || how to quit pornography in bangla || porn addiction in bangla - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> কি ভাবে porn দেখা বন্ধ করবেন || how to quit pornography in bangla || porn addiction in bangla - Duration: 5:22.



For more infomation >> GTA VICE CITY: CHUYỆN GÌ XẢY RA NẾU BẠN BỊ 7 SAO??? - Duration: 4:39.


Governmental Oversight - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Governmental Oversight - Duration: 3:30.


4 Categories Of Incarnated Lightworkers - Duration: 2:39.

4 Categories Of Incarnated Lightworkers

Some of you might be wondering, who are the lightworkers?

Well, this term might be new for you, but it is something that �Doreen Virtue� thinks

is very important for understanding the spiritual realm.

So let us see what they are:

Lightworkers are people who feel a sense of duty towards the world to spread love, education,

healing and greater consciousness.

They play a very significant role in the spiritual advancement of the world.

Dr. Doreen Virtue categories them in 4 different earth angel realms.

The earth angel realms are:


Incarnated Angels These people have distinct features such as-

heart shaped faces or light hair.

They are generally calm, follow rules and are patient.

They usually carry artifacts like angel locket, books etc.

Due to their polite nature, they seek work in fields like teaching, counseling, nursing,



Incarnated Elements The incarnated elements can vary a lot in

terms of looks.

They might have wavy hair, short nose or anything that represents any element of nature.

Their personalities are usually very energetic, they love to play, laugh and have fun.

They have clear affinity for nature and animals.

They usually take up jobs like being a comedian, actor or a musician.


Starpeople They took birth on this planet with the mission

to spread kindness.

The demarcating feature of their physique is their almond or inverted U-shaped eyes.

Males are usually tall and thin.

They are intrigued by UFO�s and technology.

They often work as an energy healer.


Wise Ones These people have a serious demeanor and are

highly intuitive.

These include people who in their previous births were witches, wizards, shamans.

They enjoy learning about the dragons, wizards, mythical eras and so on.

For more infomation >> 4 Categories Of Incarnated Lightworkers - Duration: 2:39.


Brookfield pharmacy offers breast milk - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Brookfield pharmacy offers breast milk - Duration: 1:40.


How to Pronounce "I don't know." [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:27.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today we're going to take a look at this expression.

How would you pronounce this expression?

Alright, you would read it "I don't know" but actually native speakers would say "I dunno."

They drop the "t" and combine "don't" and "know" and it sounds like "I dunno."

Alright, so let's practice that together.

Please repeat after me.

I dunno.

One more time.

I dunno.


Now let's try that three times quickly.

Please repeat after me.

Are you ready?

I dunno.

I dunno.

I dunno.


So the next time you are not sure about something, you can use this expression, "I dunno."

My name's Richard and remember please click like, share, and subscribe and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce "I don't know." [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 1:27.


Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 24 февраля 2018 года от Наталии Рунной #рунныймаг - Duration: 3:14.

For more infomation >> Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 24 февраля 2018 года от Наталии Рунной #рунныймаг - Duration: 3:14.


$23 Budget wide angle lens! - Duration: 4:53.

Hi everyone, Cherry's here

and today, we're going to do a little unboxing

for our new wide angle lens

and yes,

even though I said it is a wide-angle lens

and this box does seems to be quite big

please don't be too excited

because it is not something that is really expensive

I'm not able to afford those lens yet,

and I don't think I'm professional enough to have one of those yet

but anyway

This is one of those good deals

that I found online

the lens itself cost 22.99 dollars

so like twenty three dollars and

and erm...

To be honest I'm not a professional photographer

and I don't really know much about those technical terms

So yea, without further ado,

let's just open it >v<


(take a deep breath)

(whisper) let's open it~


as you can see the box is quite big

but inside, it's pretty small

and wow

these bubbles are sooooo big @0@

if you had seen one of those unboxing video that I did before

with the pencil case from Taobao

Well, that bubble wrap, the bubble is super small

and when compared to this

This is like

seriously big @0@

alright, anyway, bubble wrap's not the main dish of today

and erm, yea

let's put this aside

oh my days

I've watched some of those

YouTube review videos about this lens online

So I'm really looking forward to it

(unintentional tongue click sound)

The packaging is so cute.

This is like one of those mini handbags

that the children will be happy to play around with :D

Alright, I keep going off track.

i know, im sorry =v=''

but erm...

(just took it out)

There isn't so much I can say apart from "im really excited"

Do I look like a minion?

alright, let's just try it on @v@

(plz wait for a little while when i was fixing this onto the original camera lens....)

wooooh @0@

Think this is good

This is much better than what I'd imagined

there isn't really much distortion on the sides

and there isn't any of those like

those black triangular thing that we will see when we use the fisheye lens

so yea @v@+


I'm pretty happy with this and

Even though this is not an ad

I will just put the link in the description box below

And if anyone of you is interested,

please feel free to check it out

and erm....(here comes the mini CANTO time >v<)

CANTO time ( ๑ > ᴗ < ๑ )/

the Canto phrase for today is:

if you break it down into 3 separate characters, it would be:

but when you put these three characters together

我ngo5 今gam1 日jat6 買maai5 到dou2 心sam1 頭tau4 好hou3

I'm really glad that I got this good deal today.

I can't wait to see you soon in our future vlogs

with this lens @v@

遲ci4 啲di1 再zoi3 見gin3 啦laa1 (see you soon~)

bye bye~

For more infomation >> $23 Budget wide angle lens! - Duration: 4:53.


The Celestial Journal - Duration: 10:05.

I n today's bullet journaling tutorial we're gonna calm things down and take it

easy and prepare this celestial themed sleep tracker

Hi guys I'm Shayda welcome to my youtube channel

if you're new here I teach hand lettering bullet journaling

and watercolor so consider subscribing and I want to take a sec to say thank

you to Amino for sponsoring today's video Amino is a social networking

app but they differ from apps that you might be using in that they help you

connect with people who share your interests like bullet journaling or hand

lettering the Amino network has a community for pretty much every interest

you can imagine and I'm a member of the bullet journaling community so let's

check it out oh that's pretty ok so right now there's over a hundred and

eighty people live in the BuJo group and as you can see there's lots of

sources of inspiration here and Amino has cool features like group chats and

polls you'll find me on here and if you'd like to download the free app just

check the video description for the link so we're gonna start today by preparing

sort of a very basic simple sleep tracker and then decorating it with this

celestial theme I've got my bullet journal here and I've just clipped it so

it makes it a little easier to work with especially if you're halfway through

your journal and then I'm gonna write the month which is March in cursive and

then I'm just gonna do a simple print to write sleep tracker so nothing too crazy

you could make a more interesting title then I'm writing the numbers 1 to 31

down the side of the page along the dots so not in the square write the number on

the dot if you're using dot grid paper and then I'm writing my sleep hours

across the top here and I've done from 9 to 9 but you should do whatever hours

suit you within a 12 or 13 hour period and then because you've done everything

on the dots you'll see here you can put in your sleep hours whether it's 10:00

to 7:00 or something and you just can make a nice line along the dots so

that's a very basic sort of sleep tracker

and you can prepare that and keep track of things as the month progresses and

now let's decorate our tracker so I'm gonna draw a circle here I'm just

using a little lid from a glass jar and I've drawn a small circle in the top

corner and we're gonna decorate our celestial tracker with sort of some

crystals and starry skies and just sort of relaxing funky stuff so I'm what I

need to do is show you how to draw some crystals so I've got my sketch pad here

and I'm doing this sort of lumpy shape you can really do any shape as long as

it's sort of a little more larger across the top and then in the front at the

very bottom of this lumpy shape I'm just doing these sort of nondescript

lines and some of them come to sort of a point some of them are topped with a

more of a square point and you're just gonna sketch this out and sort of see

what works for you and then in behind those initial lines you can sketch out

some larger lines that come to a point and I think you can see how this is sort

of coming together it doesn't take a lot don't overthink it I would say it sort

of comes together just with a lot of sketchy vertical lines and then some

triangular points and some square tips and you just sort of give this geometric

feel to some of these areas so let's do it again here and I think I'll go over

this one in pen so you can really see it you start with this bulbous form that's

like this squared off muffin that sort of comes it becomes a little larger

across the top and then you can see you've got these small lines in the

front or at the bottom and then these larger lines rising up to meet the top

of your form and they all sort of come to some sort of geometric point so

triangles and squares and then as you complete this little crystal

you can sort of do a little line shading and that really helps make it pop you

can do some smaller crystals here just by doing sort of a nondescript shape

could be a rectangular or triangular and then all you have to do is draw some

lines to make it look as though there were prisms within it so this would be

sort of like your gemstone that you get at a I don't know in a barrel or

something you know those trays of gemstones whereas the other ones that we

drew would be more like a chunk of amethyst you could also try drawing a

geode that sort of open so you're gonna do this half potato shape

give it some stippling or a lumpy appearance with your pen on the outside

here because that's where it's Rock that's where it's rough and then on the

inside make sure you draw that border and then you're just gonna do these

little triangle shapes within it to represent the amethyst or the the

crystal that would be contained within that geode and you can also do a simpler

illustration by drawing the geode from above so it creates this very

two-dimensional drawing or illustration and all you really have to do is do a

funny sort of lumpy again potato shape and then you can do these rounds within

it and this these ones really come to life as well when you add some color so

by colouring them in in a bright pink or purple and doing some detail with your

pen I think you'll have fun drawing these crystals but that's sort of some

of the basics the basic illustrations and then what I've done here is I'm

going back to my circle that I did on the sleep tracker and I'm drawing I'm

using the same illustration that we just did to draw the amethyst crystal or the

first crystal and I'm just doing some smaller geometric shapes and rectangular

prisms and lines in the front and then I have them getting larger towards the

back of this circle or the top of this circle well I think you'll see how it

comes together here I just drew it out in pencil first so I've got all these

vertical lines I've topped them off with diamonds and squares and triangle shapes

to give the look of these triangular or rectangular prisms sort of rising up you

want to leave some negative space towards the top of the circle and once

you've sketched it all out in pencil you go over all of it in pen and then it's

time to add the line shading and this is where it really comes to life now what

you want to do is decide where your light source is so I'm saying that my

light source is sort of coming from the top right and that really matters in how

I shade so what now I'm doing right now is all the left facing bits are gonna be

shaded the darkest so I'm doing my heaviest bit of line shading on the

left-hand side of each prism and you can see me going here anywhere that looks

like it's left leaning or left facing that's getting the darkest shading now

I'll go back in and anywhere that looks like it's right facing or right leaning

those sides of the prisms will get a much lighter line shading and then

anything that's sort of facing upward I'm doing just the lightest line shading

of all if any and by doing it in groups by doing all the left and then all the

right it makes it much easier and then I filled in the entire top of the circle

with my black pen I used a black marker for that and then I'm just going in with

my white gel pen and adding the starry night sky and you can put as many stars

as you like it really helps make it pop and bring it to life and that's sort of

my little celestial crystal sky illustration it's just sort of a fun

idea you can see I've brought some of the smaller crystal illustrations over

here and I'm just adding a bit of marker I'm using marker to add a bit of color

and I'm just not colouring it in all the way I want the color to look like it's

coming from within the crystal so by putting the the color a little bit off

side and not quite filling it in all the way I think it gives this crystal a look

like it's coming right off the page and you could color these crystals in very

vibrant colors or just do use a bit of gray to make them look clear here I've

brought that sort of and best illustration over I just put a

touch of warm gray along the bottom and then you'll see how this one really

comes to life with color because you just color from the top down so you

leave the bottom bit white and that really makes it look realistic it gives

the look of that real crystal that's clear or white near its crust and very

vibrantly colored in the center or at the top of the crystal there now this

one I wasn't sure if I liked the pink I was like oh my page is too colorful this

is what it's like to be me so I made another one to cover it up so that I

would have a more mellow color palette and then always well in my world just a

little glimpse into my mind there so that's what the sleep tracker looks like

after you do about a week of your sleep tracking I hope you guys enjoyed doing

this relaxing celestial sleep tracker I really enjoy the relaxation element of

bullet journaling so that's partly why I wanted to put this video together if

you're into bullet journaling and hand lettering and illustration don't forget

to hit the subscribe button and I will see you next week with a new tutorial

thanks for watching!!


For more infomation >> The Celestial Journal - Duration: 10:05.


Scarlet Witch Becomes An Avenger | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) CLIP HD (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:29.

I got airborne, heading up to the bridge.

Cap, you got incoming.

Incoming already came in.

Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely.

The rest of us have one job,

tear these things apart.

You get hurt, hurt them back.

You get killed,

walk it off.

Go, go, go!

How could I let this happen?

- Hey, hey, you okay? - This is all our fault.

Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault.

Who cares?

Are you up for this?

Are you?

Look, I just need to know.

Because the city is flying.

Okay. Look, the city is flying,

we're fighting an army of robots,

and I have a bow and arrow.

None of this makes sense.

But I'm going back out there because it's my job.

Okay? And I can't do my job and babysit.

It doesn't matter what you did or what you were.

If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill.

Stay in here, you're good. I'll send your brother to come find you.

But if you step out that door,

you are an Avenger.

All right. Good chat.

Yeah, the city is flying.

I got you!

Just look at me!

You can't save them all.

You'll never...

"Never" what? You didn't finish!

What, were you napping?


You're bothering me.


All right, we're all clear here.

We are not clear!

We are very not clear!

All right, coming to you.

Keep up, old man!</font>

Nobody would know.


"The last I saw him, an Ultron was sitting on him.

"Yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little bastard.

"I miss him already."

For more infomation >> Scarlet Witch Becomes An Avenger | Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) CLIP HD (+Subtitles) - Duration: 4:29.


"What Country are You From?"-10 Responses in English and Korean - Duration: 2:30.

Hello, how are you? I am from the Republic of South Korea.

I am Iris.

Pleased to meet you.

Hey everybody, it's John from the United States.

What's up people!

Are you ready to learn a little bit about countries in English and Korean?

Let's rock!

What country are you from?

I am from South Korea.

I am from Canada.

I am from Vietnam.

I am from Japan.

I am from Thailand.

I am from Mexico.

I am from China.

I am from the United States.

I am from France.

I am from Germany.

For more infomation >> "What Country are You From?"-10 Responses in English and Korean - Duration: 2:30.


Upgrading Channel Gear! NEEWER Ring Light 18" Review BEFORE and AFTER! - Duration: 13:01.

What up guys? Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry and welcome! If you are new

here, hi hi hello! If you are one of my returning subscribers, hi I missed you!

I'm so sorry I missed the last two uploads but I've been waiting for this

ring light that you see right here! And if you're new here and you want to see.

If you clicked on this because you want to know my first impressions of the

Neewer 18 inch ring light that I ordered from Amazon....I'm also gonna be showing

you a before and after! So I want you guys to see, especially if you're

starting out there, what this could look like before your ring light and what it

looks like after ring light. Because let me tell you, there is a quite a

difference in there! So if you want to see what that's all about, then you know what to keep watching!

*intro music*

Alright you guys. I want you to see really quickly what this looks like

before the ring light. I messed around a lot with my camera settings. I researched

a ton during this week and I this actually already looks better. ISO I have

turned all the way down to a 320. Which is not even as low as it should be. It

should be around 100 to 200 for ISO. So hopefully with the ring light I'm

able to get it there. But this is enough to still see me, still be lit up without

looking too grainy. Before I got the ring light, before I messed with these

settings, I had my ISO all the way turned up between 800 and 1000. Now one of

my friends did warn me about that. But I'm pretty CAMERA illiterate and I

tried to make it as bright as I could and just do that. But I didn't realize that

you can mess with other settings to make that ISO setting not have to be so high.

Now this will be a little bit of a training thing for me. To try to figure

out how to not move around so much and go out of focus. I realized that my

focusing, the autofocus, was crazy! Before it would go in and out and while I was

editing it was just driving me I try to cut as much of that shifting

out as I could. But now I have to stay more position. To not move around

so much either. So I will work on that for sure. But I wanted you guys to see

what I was working with before. So in order to get the ISO down, I changed my

other settings. So my aperture, the lowest that I could put it at was 4 on this

camera. And if you want to know what camera I'm using I'll link that all down

in the description box. Then I also have my shutter speed at 1/60 of a

second and I learned that from...I'll link his box down below. But it was super

informative when it comes to these cameras. And he said whatever your frames

per second setting is that you do you want to double that. So I am filming in

30 frames per second, a little bit higher than the standard 24 frames per second.

Just to give a smoother finish. So he said double that just made sense.

The way he put it makes a lot of sense. Let me

try to find his name for you really quick...his YouTube channel is called a

BVC Co. So I will link that down below in case you have questions about cameras

and camera settings. I specifically have a Nikon D5600 and I could not find any

information. I've had it since October and like there was barely any thing out there

with it. And...and so I just kind of had to make it up as I go along. And take little

bits of what I learned here there. But he made it super easy and super clear, so

thank you for doing that if you're watching. But if not, go down and click

that little link if you have some more questions and he will help you to answer

them! Definitely good.

Okay so let's go and find out how the all the new ring

light is...hopefully a lot better than this!

Alright, here it goes. Trying it on

and I have only my recessed lights on and my fan light...let me find the button.


Yeah that's pretty bright! Okay so this is a dimmable one. So let's go ahead

and oh! This is nice, you guys! Ooh this is actually...haha! Hello welcome to AEHM

artistry I'm Ashley Elizabeth! Hello! No but really...just finished unboxing the

whole thing, this whole kit and caboodle. And first impressions, I'm obsessed with

this! I love it! Okay first of all, the quality off the bat...I mean who knows how

long this will last and how often I'll have to get the light replaced...but it is

way better than I was expecting! This light that's dimmable it's super...whoa

look at how bright it gets! And then all the way to the lowest, before it turns

off. That's nice! Okay the reviews that I was reading on

this, maybe they upgraded I don't know, all the reviews on YouTube and on Amazon

has said that it only had clicks: one, two,'s a light, medium, dark. But this

is actually completely dimmable and smooth! So, you can get it exactly how

you want it. That is super neat. Um the bag was really nice. Okay let me see

really quickly...I'll show you the couple little gadgets and gadgets with the

camera, but I want to see if I can turn my ISO down even more now. And get a more

smooth finish. This is really pretty though.

oh I'm so excited!

Okay this is with ISO down to 100.

It was 320 before. This looks too dark, even still. Even with this crazy bright

light and I definitely need to brighten up my background. So I might turn my

lights back on, kind of play around with it.

Let's bring the ISO up a little bit more. This is also with the brightness of the

ring light all the way up. So I'm more blind talking. So let me adjust that.

So what i also bought while i was purchasing this ring light, is I got a

cloth the diffuser. So it's this little guy right here, I'm gonna put it on

really quickly so you guys can see what the difference is...and if there's a

difference between using the diffuser and not. And yeah should be pretty easy

to slide it right on. So let's see...

Alright that is with the soft...

softening...whatever it's called...little stretchy guy. I'm blanking and I just

said the word. And I don't notice that much of a difference except I'll have to

review the footage and see which one I like better. But I I see more of my lines

underneath my eyes. Well maybe they were already showing. I don't know, you tell me.

But it's supposed to be a softer effect. More natural effect. So let me know

whether you like it with the this diffuser are on or without.

And then you've seen the brightness with it on. It is softer when the lighting is

totally up. And too dark...yeah that's really pretty.

Alright so they say if you're gonna check your white balance to just pull

up a white sheet of paper. And see if it actually looks white, if it looks too yellow

you need to adjust it to a more cool tone. If it looks too blue you need to

add some yellow in there. This looks pretty pretty darn tootin' white. I

might see a tinge of blue, but I'll have to look in the footage and take a better

guess. And if it is I'll adjust the white balance on that. But that's just a little

snippet. You can go down the rabbit hole and learn more about that stuff for sure.

And let me take you guys really quickly and show you a couple of little things

of why I'm really loving the quality of this so far.

Alright, you guys. So here's

everything as I was unpacking. You already know that that is all set up. So

that is the box that it came in. I saw some complaints that the packaging

came damaged or whatever. I kind of have to agree because there was a big open

space in the box right here. And then this was the bubble wrap all shoved onto

one side. So it was packaged really good because it came in a carrying case. So I

didn't have any damages. It was fine but if you UPS wanted to be extra rowdy,

which they tend to do, that this would have come damaged. But that wouldn't

necessarily of been Amazon or Neewer's fault. It would have been UPS's fault. But

nonetheless...And then this insert was inside. So it was double boxed, so that was

good. And because I got the case it came very well packaged. I actually thought

this was gonna be a super flimsy case. And I didn't care, I don't really need a

case but you know if I ever want to store it, it's good to have the option.

And especially because it came packed in it, it's really good! Look at this case. This

is nice. I was just expecting a flimsy black bag, but this is actually quite

nice. Has perfect holder and it actually has the holders for the attachment

diffusers if you get those plastic ones. And then extra accessories too. And then

you put this right on top to double secure it. So a really nice bag. I think

if you're getting the light, for me, it's worth it.

So think about getting the bag with it because that's definitely worth it. I

also saw a lot of people complaining that I didn't come with instructions but

my instructions were laying right here, just like that.

Super easy instructions. People were freaking out but I don't know again if

they upgraded things but all the instructions even with all the extra

attachments that they sell came with it. Which I didn't purchase any of those, I

just purchased the cloth diffuser but but it was super easy. And then this

tripod came in the box too. So I did get the tripod with that. And again it had

all the instructions there. So right here is the tripod. I did not actually

purchase a camera attachment because I already have a...let me focus this...focus

focus. I already have a camera tripod that I like. So I just stick it right

there and it works perfectly. I didn't really see the need to

camera right directly on it. And my lens is really long so it goes through really

easily. No big deal. So you don't have to necessarily get that stand if you

already have that. If you're wondering if it fits perfectly, it does! And then

I also heard complaints that the cord was super short, however you can see how

far away on them from the wall and I have a lot of give. So that's really nice.

I also heard complaints about the outlet plug and coming with two and stuff, and

no it just comes with a standard u.s. American outlet plug. And then what else...

this is the softbox that you guys saw me go over. That's the

softbox on there, really nice. That is how far away I'm sitting. It was getting only

slightly warm. Yeah these definitely get warm. They're

not hot though. I can touch's fine but it's still slightly warm. So if

you're filming for like two hours, you might be pretty hot? But not too sure yet.

And you can see, look at that compared. So that's the ring light look how cool it

is, like cool tone. And that is my regular standing light, so look at how warm tone

that is. So maybe I could have just switched out the lights to be more cool

tone, but it still wouldn't have filled my face completely. Like it is. So I might

switch those out to fill out the background and we'll see, I'll play

around with it. But I just wanted you guys to see all that. Those were some of

the complaints that I heard about the Neewer ring lights and I did not

experience them! So I wanted you to see a first firsthand everything going on with

that. And obviously because it came with instructions assembly was a super easy.

All I did was pop up the tripod make it to the adjustment that I like, the height

that I like. And then pop on at the actual ring light and plug it in. It was

super super freakin easy. I really liked it.

Alright you guys, this is with my backdrop.

And this one I've been using a lot more. I have a few new ones but this has been...

this one's pretty pretty frequent because it just kind of is black and it

goes with everything. But this looks super good with the background. I think

I'll just be filling with backdrops, if not rearranging my area, because I think

my room was just too yellow. Like I have tan walls and it's just too much. And the

background isn't that interesting anyways. So you might be seeing even more

backdrops now that I have this because I don't want to deal with lighting up the

background. ...That's a guest bed, not that interesting. So there

is what that looks like. Also, I do...after looking at the footage...I

do like the diffuser on the ring light a little bit

better because it softens the texture of my skin. It doesn't look as intense and

the shadows are just there. They are what they are. Alright and so you know I will

have everything linked down below in the description box to show you what exactly

I purchased and how much.

Thank you guys so much for watching! If you are new here

please go down and hit that little SUBSCRIBE button! I am a beauty channel

however I do film my progress throughout my journey here on YouTube. As well as,

stepping-stones, I go through everything from Adsense changes, to SEOs, and Tubebuddy,

and upgrading my equipment. So I now have upgraded my ring light. So you

can see what that is all about. My next upgrade? Who knows! But you make sure you

SUBSCRIBE so you find out about that. And also when I hit 1000 subscribers, there

will be some changes with my adsense as well. And I promise a video, so I will be

filming that once I hit that. Alright you guys, have such a lovely day. And if

you're already a subscriber, thank you so much again! For sticking with me and

watching me grow and bearing through the grainy videos that I had! With ISO up all

the way to 1000! I'm so sorry! But again thank you guys so much for seeing

through the grain! You guys have a great lovely day! XOXO

For more infomation >> Upgrading Channel Gear! NEEWER Ring Light 18" Review BEFORE and AFTER! - Duration: 13:01.


Song Friday / Scared / Three Days Grace cover request / CC - Duration: 3:05.

At night I hear it creeping at night I feel it move

I'll never sleep here anymore

I wish you never told me I wish I never knew

I wake up screaming

It's all because of you

So real these voices in my head

When it comes back you won't be scared and lonely

You won't be scared you won't be

You won't be scared and lonely

You won't be scared you won't be lonely

I know there's something out there

I think I hear it move

I've never felt like this before

I wish You never told me I wish I never knew

I wake up screaming It's all because of you

So real these voices in my head

When it comes back you won't be Scared and Lonely

You won't be scared You won't be

You won't be scared and lonely

You won't be scared you won't be lonely

It's all because of you

I wish you never told me

I wake up screaming now

So real these voices in my head

So real these voices in my head

I wake up screaming now

I wish you never told me I wish I never knew

Scared and lonely you must be scared and lonely

You must be scared and lonely

You won't be scared and lonely

You won't be scared and lonely

scared and lonely you won't be scared and lonely

For more infomation >> Song Friday / Scared / Three Days Grace cover request / CC - Duration: 3:05.


Gay公园百态人生:来了HIV"阴阳恋"男生、园长为何不出柜而结婚,我的直男情结 - Duration: 16:00.

For more infomation >> Gay公园百态人生:来了HIV"阴阳恋"男生、园长为何不出柜而结婚,我的直男情结 - Duration: 16:00.


Overreaching Oversight - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Overreaching Oversight - Duration: 3:06.


The Only Thing That Matters Right Now' Trump Supporting Dad's Me - Duration: 3:14.


Only Thing That Matters Right Now� Trump-Supporting Dad�s Message to President Goes Viral

A father who lost his daughter in the school shooting last week in Florida has a message

for lawmakers: �We need to come together as a country, not different parties, and figure

out how we protect the schools.

It is simple.�

Alexandra Seltzer, a reporter covering the shooting, tweeted a picture of Andrew Pollack

who was searching for his daughter, Meadow, after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas

High School, and later followed up with him when he found out �she�s gone.� According

to The Daily Caller, the father received criticism for wearing a �Trump 2020� shirt.

Pollack was one of many who went to the White House to talk to President Donald Trump about

the horrific tragedy and discuss what should be done.

�I�m here because my daughter has no voice,� he began when it was his turn to speak.

�She was murdered last week, and she was taken from us, shot nine times on the third


Pollack called for protection at schools as he told his heart-wrenching story that has

since gone viral.

And we need to come together as a country and work on what�s important.

And that is protecting our children in the schools,� he said.

�That�s the only thing that matters right now.�

He added, �And if we all work together and come up with the right idea � school safety.

It is not about gun laws.

That is another fight, another battle.

Let�s fix the schools and then you guys can battle it out whatever you want.

But we need our children safe.�

In the State Dining Room, parents and students from different school shootings, including

the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, told the president their personal

stories and pleaded for him to make their schools safer, NBC News reported.

�I didn�t think it was going to happen to me,� Pollack said.

�If I knew that, I would have been at the school every day if I knew it was that dangerous.

It�s enough.�

In the State Dining Room, parents and students from different school shootings, including

the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012, told the president their personal

stories and pleaded for him to make their schools safer, NBC News reported.

�I didn�t think it was going to happen to me,� Pollack said.

�If I knew that, I would have been at the school every day if I knew it was that dangerous.

It�s enough.�

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