Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

The new rail line connects South Korea's capital

to some of the country's most remote villages.

The 280 kilometer track - carrying passengers east,

to a little-known coastline - only accessible by car until now.

Sekyung Ju rode the train from Seoul to explore Gangneung's beaches.

A drive that used to take nearly three hours, now cut in half,

with speeds topping 250 kilometers an hour.

We are so proud, and we want to extend our systems to all around the country.

For Albert Ahn, it's a project nearly six years in the making.

Proposed as part of Pyeongchang's Olympic promise to

invest roughly $13 billion in infrastructure.

The Korea Train Express, or KTX, serves as an important pipeline,

shuttling nearly 21,000 passengers from Incheon Airport to Olympic venues every day.

But building it wasn't easy.

The mountainous area meant they had to construct tunnels and bridges,

something that requires top technology and expertise.

The hope is this new rail line opens up opportunities beyond the Olympics,

giving Korea Rail a bigger platform to export its technology abroad.

We are trying to export our high-speed technology

especially to Asian countries such as Philippines or Malaysia.

Thirteen years after South Korea's first entry into high-speed rail,

the country's finally looking to grow its ambitions abroad,

hoping to ride the Olympic momentum.

For more infomation >> South Korea's new high-speed rail line is connecting the country | CNBC International - Duration: 1:42.


How to WRITE YouTube Videos - Duration: 6:48.

This week I wanted to talk about writing, which might seem a little bit out of

place as most of my videos are usually about filming and editing. But your

filming and your editing really rely on your writing. If you don't plan properly

you probably won't be able to execute properly. So this video is just going to

be my best advice for writing a concise video with good structure and flow.

Before you even begin writing you need to have a place to keep track of all of

your ideas. For me this is in the form of a Google Doc that includes quick lists

that I can add to of video ideas as well as brands and creators that I'd like to

collaborate with in the future. Just have some sort of list that you can easily

access anytime that you get a new idea. I like to write my videos on paper for a

couple of reasons. The first is that it's a really good way to visualize your ideas.

If you're someone who's into drawing arrows to connect different ideas this

is definitely for you. Writing also just makes you more engaged than typing does.

Instead of pressing a variety of different buttons you're drawing

different shapes and performing a physical action, and that interaction

with what you're writing makes you more engaged and results in a better product

later. Once I've picked out an idea I can start writing and before I even begin

writing the actual video I'll just write down any ideas that I may have for that

topic as just bullet points. Just get every single idea that you have spilled

out onto that paper and then start organizing. When I'm writing I like to

use an outline format, and that's a format where you indent to elaborate on

certain details and topics. So say the first part of this video is about

filming, and I want to go on to the first tip about filming, so I indent. And then I

want to elaborate a bit on that subtopic that is that first tip, so then I indent

again and I can list details about that. Writing in this format is a pretty nice

balance between straight-up bullet points and a proper paragraph and it's a

really great way to visualize what you're writing. You can really look at it

and see the structure of the video. It's really important that you

don't write for length but instead write for quality and efficiency. The video

should be as long as it needs to be and no longer. You do that by being as

concise as you possibly can be when planning and really thinking about what

details are important to include and what you can get rid of. Even though some

details might be cool or interesting in themselves, you really want to be

thinking about the big picture and if what you're writing contributes to that.

And if it doesn't, scrap it. A good way to be concise is to make the intro and

outro of your video as short as you possibly can so that you can really

focus on the meat of the video- that information value in the middle. For a

tutorial video, that informational value would be the steps in the process. And

for something like a quick tip video that would be the actual list of tips.

The steps in that process or the tips in that list-

those are your subtopics, and the order that you put them in is really important

and is something that you should think about a lot when writing. For example,

when I make a tutorial I try to talk about both filming and editing, so when

I'm writing that video I make sure to talk about all of the filming tips

before I talk about editing. That way, the structure of the video follows the

process of making a film. If you look at this video, I've arranged the different

points in it in such a way that it follows my writing process. The order of

the topics that you talk about is very important for making the structure

understandable for the viewer but it's also important for keeping the viewer's

attention. It's important to grab your viewer's attention early with something

interesting at the beginning of the video but you don't want that attention

level to be dropping off throughout the video, and you also want the viewer to be

left with something interesting at the end that encourages them to check out

your work further, so it's important to work on finding a balance there. When

you're thinking about the order of your subtopics it's also important to have a

way to transition between them. For example, the last thing that I was

talking about in this video is how to order those subtopics to keep your

viewer's attention and now I'm talking about how to

transition between them to keep flow. On here those are two completely

separate topics, but it's pretty easy for me to transition between them when I'm

filming, which makes the video flow a lot better for you. A video with good flow is

one that you can watch without getting distracted, and a foolproof way to

distract your viewer is to constantly repeat words and phrases. Let's say

you're writing a video about f-stop. You want to really limit the amount of times

that you say "f-stop". another bad way to get caught up with repetition is to

start too many of your sentences the same way, and I am completely guilty of

this. If you look back at my recent videos there's one word that I start too

many sentences with. *NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW



NOW NOW* So my problem is the word now but this also applies to common words

like then or next. It seems like a minor detail and that's because it is but

eventually the viewer is going to pick up on that repetition and after a

certain point it gets distracting, it starts to disrupt the flow, and it's also

just a little bit annoying. And the final bit of advice that I have in this video

is not about what you write or how you write it but when you actually write. I

strongly strongly recommend writing a few days before you start filming. This

way before you start filming you have an opportunity to come back and read over

that with fresh eyes and that gives you a chance to edit and notice things that

you won't have the day before. I wrote the outline for this video

two days ago and I've had a chance yesterday and today to come back, look

over it, and think about what I really want to be including. So this was a

somewhat different kind of video for my channel, but I hope you learned something

from it and if you did do feel free to show your support by leaving a like

on the video or even subscribing to my channel. I upload new filmmaking

tutorials every single Saturday, keep creating, and I'll see you

in the next one.

For more infomation >> How to WRITE YouTube Videos - Duration: 6:48.


Selling Wroetoshaw's DIAMOND Plaque on EBAY for $1 - Duration: 10:59.

Selling Wroetoshaw's DIAMOND Plaque on EBAY for $1




For more infomation >> Selling Wroetoshaw's DIAMOND Plaque on EBAY for $1 - Duration: 10:59.


[Creative Commons Music] MBB - Happy [Happy Song] - Duration: 2:13.

BreakingCopyright: Music for videos Free YouTube Audio Library

BreakingCopyright: Music for YouTube Free YouTube Audio Library

Today on BreakingCopyright: MBB

No Copyright Music (Non Copyrighted Music) MBB - Happy

For more infomation >> [Creative Commons Music] MBB - Happy [Happy Song] - Duration: 2:13.


Best Munajat 2018 | Mita De Sari Khatain Meri Ya Rab | Asad Attari & Mehmood Attari | Attari Tigers - Duration: 4:31.




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