Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

Hey welcome back it's it's good to be here we have mystery conspiracy and a few

other things throw and mix we're back here with the episode three of himm hi I'm

Mary Mary we're following the webseries we're following the saga that is known

as him it's it's it's it's pretty cool I'm having a good time going over it

with with that being said I got the program already that way we can figure

things out starts off this is I'm exhausted

at this point you can just tell it's she's portraying she's been in this

house for so long she's just laying at the window it's probably very boring I

don't sleep at night anymore check out the picture here I'm pausing

it it looks like we have it kind of looks like her maybe it's a family photo

she's just bored trying to find things to do is hard

if you know a song that is let me know in the comments you can see that she was

very frustrated with the the heating of the piano I like this part because it's

portraying cross'd the fact that she is very lonely she is very bored whatever

song that she was playing emphasizes on that and then the just the complete

frustration that she's showing us if we can pause that I'd do anything to stay

occupied making little little collages

it's a Virgin Mary there we have the the Virgin Mary which is great because it

plays off hi I'm Mary Mary really liking that looks like we can start to see more

of her face as the saga goes on when it first started it was it was going more

towards the fact that we should not see her face she's rattling the door handle

there low let's see it glitched out a little bit we can just try to check out

see if there's anything there does it look like there is I said alarms now so

I can wake up in time for night then I just watched the Sun go down I never

want to get caught asleep at not ever again now this is when things start to

get creepy turn in the story if you will so she's

laying here in bed check that out just you see in this we have an arm over here

we have this creepy Spectre rising up at the front of the bed she takes notice

she's very very scared now you have to put yourself in her shoes if this was

you can you imagine this can you imagine the search ever I can feel it now

this place is draining me a little bit of a rainbow glitch there so this video

this par on episode 3 is just portraying her frustration the loneliness the how

how it would be if you were just stuck almost like you were if you were stowed

away on an island you start to lose your sanity you start to lose your grip on

reality and what I really want to know is are these things that are happening

are they really happening or is it just a break on her mental is she just losing

grip on reality what do you think as interesting as this is and oh my god is

it ever so interesting there's always one thing that's more interesting than

me that's right you guessed it I want to know what you think Smerch go ahead

leave your creative and/or interesting responses in the comment box be done

just like this always brothers and sisters I will see you in the next video

this was a good one I liked it it was a shorter one it's just really playing

into the depth of the mind of what happens if you were stranded alone for

too long it's it's a thing it's like you have to have human interaction is just

you could be watching this video right now eventually you're gonna have to have

human reaction if you go without human interaction for too long if you're alone

for too long you will have a break in your middle you'll start to act weird

things and things the way you feel is just it's crazy like go go shake hands

with your brother and sister it's gonna get crazy but never fear because this

channel love sure

For more infomation >> HIIMMARYMARY (HIMM) #3 GOODNIGHT? (THE COLD FEAR OF NIGHT) - Duration: 6:26.


Suspect arrested for deadly stabbing in library - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Suspect arrested for deadly stabbing in library - Duration: 1:41.


مخلوقات عجيبة و غريبة ظهرت فجأة و تم تصويرها في غابة الأمازون بواسطة بعض الأشخاص - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> مخلوقات عجيبة و غريبة ظهرت فجأة و تم تصويرها في غابة الأمازون بواسطة بعض الأشخاص - Duration: 8:14.


No Scope Montage #1 Fortnite Battle Royale Best No Scopes - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> No Scope Montage #1 Fortnite Battle Royale Best No Scopes - Duration: 5:59.


2018 Spring Preview | PBS - Duration: 0:31.

VO: It's springtime on PBS.

The season where everything

is new.

A new production of a classic story.

WOMAN 1: "No one can say I don't

have accomplished daughters."

VO: A new look at our greatest


WOMAN 2: "It's an amazing work of art."

VO: A new visit with an old friend.

ANNOUNCER: Bill Nye the Science Guy!

VO: And a new chance to enjoy

your favorite book.

WOMAN 3: Books are a key to a

whole new world.

MAN 1: You open that cover man...

you're gone.

VO: All this and more, this season...

BILL: "Science!"

VO: Only on PBS.

For more infomation >> 2018 Spring Preview | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


Certified Professional Life Coach Stephanie Verry Sunshine Discoveries - Duration: 23:17.

well hey everybody we now have Stephanie very she is our

member of the week this week Stephanie I am just going to I'm just gonna ask you

what you do and why you do it we're just gonna take off here I'm gonna put you on

the main screen here because quite frankly I'm gonna share this to a few

places but I don't want people popping in here like that ladies not even paying

attention I'm going to ladies not even listening go home I'm gonna put you on

the screen and I'm gonna pop back on after I've already shared it but go

ahead and tell everybody um what you do and why you do it

so okay well basically a couple years ago we had some different things happen

in our lives that really brought the woowoo

front and center for us we you know grew up very strict religious and I had many

different things that I experienced all heard new and just kind of you know

pushed it aside that it was whatever and it was a it was an awakening for me of

spirit saying okay now is the time now is the time for you to step into this

life right before that Great Awakening happened I actually had gotten my life

coaching certification because I wanted to help people and right after I got

that certification and got started with life coaching I was told now it's time

for you to learn how to take care of yourself

and unfortunately that concept didn't resonate with me at all and that really

kind of freaked me out so I started on the holistic path way of

getting sessions for myself so I could try to feel better try to find myself

you know living in a dysfunctional family with a lot anons the oldest of

force and then having a family situation with

my own five children and first husband that was dysfunctional as well and I put

everyone else before myself always always always so I lost myself in

the process and once I finally figured out how to find myself that made me

understand that that is what my purpose is and I've got goose bumps for all of

this my purpose is to help people find who they are to take those masks off to

stop hiding in the shadows of everyone else to not just be that chameleon that

is always you know you go to this one place and you act a certain way you go

to another place you act a different way and that's natural that's natural

however there is a core you there is your soul and my biggest question that

I'm asking people is how can you learn to love yourself if you don't know who

you are and if you don't know who you truly are as a human being or know who

your soul is then that makes it very difficult so I can provide services for

people that help in the short term as far as a reading or a house clearing I

love doing house clearings because I don't actually go to your house i

energetically intend and energetically go into the space from where I am and

can see and feel the energies know if there are any entities there I can find

a lot of times people have some sort of block at the front of their door because

they want to keep the world out so we have a conversation as far as what is

your energy want to be in your home what do you want it to be and and let's get

where it should be let's raise the vibration so that negativity can can you

know be dispelled and and let's get you happy so so I have short term things

that I do but I also like to work a long term with people because I want people

to realize that this healing process is a journey and you may have a couple

months that you work on something and then life happens and you let life get

in the way and then you come back to it again or you might end up in a period of

time where all of a sudden it's your awakening time and you realize oh wow

it's time for me to peel and heel and heel and heel and so it's that's what

that's what motivates me that's what fuels me because that is my purpose is

to help people find who they are their soul heal that inner child that's been

hiding for so long hiding behind all sorts of beliefs that we have brought to

ourselves or we let we've let other people bring to us so that's another

thing that I do is it's a modality called k2 healing and it's amazing the

different things that come to us through our DNA our ancestry our past lives that

served us at one point in time but they don't serve us anymore or something that

one of our ancestors had to deal with and it was a trauma and that trauma

carried down through the generations and now is our time to heal that trauma so

one thing that's very interesting is we had a family situation over the past

couple of years that came up and through numbers I love angel numbers through

numbers I discovered that me being born in 1973 it all came full circle together

too it was up to me to bring forth the space

for the healing to occur for this ancestral karma so Wow I mean that's

that's kind of heavy stuff so um I've also done an intuition Academy where I

teach people how to listen to their intuition how to how to read cards how

to dowse psychometry being able to read things off of pictures or objects and so

I mean there's a whole host of things that I do but it's all under this

umbrella of mom I'm a mom to many people I always said that probably have an

invisible energetic sign that says come talk to me because you know people would

tell me their life story whether it's in the elevator or the grocery store what

but it's this overarching umbrella of love spirituality and maternal grace and

forgiveness and I am definitely not judgmental I've lived through so many

things people can tell me anything and it will not surprise me and it will not

hurt me so that's to give a good good example of that I mean yes that's a

fantastic summary and it's only a summary you guys like when she says that

she's been through it I mean there's there's no better teacher and there's no

better person to walk side-by-side with you like as a as a mentor right but then

also just as like a friend right that there's no better person than somebody

who has quite literally been in the situation that you're in and I would say

gosh almost any situation is something that Stephanie's going to be able to

relate with I mean right Stephanie has been through it this has been an

interesting karmic life right or like cleaning up karma or whatever's going on

but let's like it there's like a whole lot of it's

a journey it's a journey this life is is for all of us but man it's just you

you're such a fantastic and that's what I'm trying to say is you're just such a

fantastic person to walk side by side with somebody that's that's going

through really anything traumatic because not only is she's doing it but

she's doing it with such grace and transparency and not pretending

everything's all right it's it's going through it and dealing

with it right I mean when you when you walk through this stuff we can't we

can't glaze over and pretend everything is great as we're going through it we

have to go through it and honor it for what it is right and then and that's

that's exactly I mean that's that's completely what you do Stephanie

whenever I anytime that if I if I hear you're going through something it's like

you're so graceful but you you're also I mean you're very

honest and you're living it and it's it it is what it is and that I'm also

trying to do this like I'm also still doing my work right okay so people are

watching let me see oh my word people saying things Theresa says hi looky

looky he says hey ladies and hi Stephanie and Martha hello Robin is here

if he said Stephanie you look gorgeous and she look great Robin said hello all

Angelique hey y'all love goosebumps Amy's here Allison's here Amy look great

Stephanie nice lighting and makeup good job yeah she looks awesome I love that

backdrop sir Kerry's here Wayne's here Brooke II said

Stephanie is very caring and loving soul yeah absolutely absolutely

so you went through what services you offer sort of in the thing but do you

want to like specifically talk about what you offer sure so when I let me

explain a little bit about my readings too because everybody's readings are

completely different I like it when somebody comes to me

a question I want to know what your question is that needs to be answered

at least tell me what area of your life you want some guidance because I'm an

intuitive person if a skeptic comes to me and just says tell me whatever I need

to hear then I close my eyes and I focus and I don't it's almost like this matrix

type thing that's going on and I'm like scanning you I'm scanning your energy

and then I'm hearing things like teacher horse you know I'm getting things about

you but it's not helpful to you other than validation that yes I'm getting I'm

getting truth about you so I like to use cards however I ask what card deck do I

use how many cards do I need to pull and you know we pull the cards we have a

conversation and I may receive things in a way that doesn't make sense to me but

it'll make sense to you and that's when we do our little happy dance during the

during the reading because it's okay I'm gonna swear you can't make this shit up

you can't I've said that twice today now

you know it always amazes people that if they say oh my gosh you floored me with

that and I said you can't make this up this is truth this is truth and it's

truth coming to you so I love doing readings for people and in that reading

we're doing coaching we're we're we're gal pals we're we're you know guy pal

gal pal whatever we're having fun when I'm teaching classes we're laughing and

we're having fun why should it be boring you know so we're actually my intuition

Academy I hold it at prison escape in Iowa City last year and they really

couldn't have meetings at the same time because the group was so loud with

laughter and stuff definitely no healing sessions were happening at the same time

so readings is something that I I really focus on the lives I've been told I

really need to focus on my mediumship abilities I guess it's one of those

things just kind of second nature to me so if I'm doing a reading for you or if

I'm doing energy work with you like Reiki or angelic chakra integration when

people come in I'll just tell you I'll tell you that person is here and you

know what they have to say to you or I'll write it down so if somebody wants

to connect with someone I'm all for you know just set up a session and we'll see

what that person you know has to share with you I do want to share something I

hope I don't go over time here but something that was that was shared with

me through my sister our father passed away almost 24 years ago she was able to

hear him a lot and I kept getting told by people he's trying to talk to you but

you're not listening and I was told my very respected medium that it would

probably had to do with grief it was too hard for me to hear so just within this

past year I've actually been able to hear him in fact he's kind of a joker

and he's welcomed me up at like five o'clock in the morning laughing at me

saying you wanted to be awakened so my sister was was making breakfast and

she's like this is when I feel closest to you dad this is when I feel your

presence the strongest and he said share that with Stephanie and so what I had to

do and goosebumps here think of my fondest memory of my father and that was

he took me to railroad tracks when I was like three or four with an old tin

Folgers can and we were picking up beautiful rocks fondest memory of me and

my father so I went to the railroad tracks across the highway

i sat down close my eyes and instantly I could feel his love I could feel his

energy she was right there I'm balling just my

husband he was in the truck funny enough actually there was a roll of toilet

paper in the truck and he's like tossing it out the window at me so I can't wipe

my face but here my dad I could feel him it was fantastic so just things like

that I want to share with the world I want to share with you how you can

connect to spirits how you can connect with your loved ones trust these higher

beings that are here for you they love you and they just need you to reach out

to them and give them permission and to listen to get still and listen so

there's the mediumship like I said I do say to healing so beliefs that are

holding you back and making you stay stuck let's let's break through all that

let's not keep these excuses you know we're real good at making excuses we're

real good letting that subconscious mind rule what we do or don't do and the

subconscious was created to keep us safe which means the same are you really

happy where you are if you're not happy where you are let's work on that let's

let's make a loving space that things can happen quickly lovingly gently let's

just let that stuff go let it go so you can move forward empowered with preach

and know that this is where you're supposed to be heading so like I said I

do energy work mostly if I do energy work they do it in person but I can't do

it by distance I try to teach people is all about intention

once you intention and Trust once you have the intention and you trust that

intention the healing will happen and I'm not the one healing people I'm

providing that space I'm fighting the witnessing so that it can

happen and it gives me great honor to be able to do that I love it I love it just

I just love it people are saying stuff I'm gonna go

back oh man

rukia takes great courage to open up about life and stephanie is very

courageous lisa through some hearts in Amina said great to see you let's see

Ruki energy hugs and and she said energy hugs to me and then energy hugs to you

that's uh that's a I'm so glad that you said that you I when you were talking

about you know the the beings and the spirits and the angels and everybody

that are here for us and to really be open to them I for some reason I feel

like I need to say this but if you're watching right now and you need to know

that you came here for a reason that we came from that same space you guys but

we came here and incarnated in human form for a reason because we had

something that we wanted to do here and a lot of times well every time whenever

we start out we forget that and then we work our way back to it it's like it's

like we're all walking each other home but home is really it's our soul that

God sourced the universe is all like it's we are it it is in us right and

whenever you were talking about being open to the other beings and things like

that they're just trying to help us do what we came here to do so we absolutely

need to be open to understanding that and

having a friend in the process and you guys Stephanie is a fantastic friends I

have in that process to help sort of maybe decode things for you or make you

see things in another light it's we all we all need this we all need this it

doesn't matter where you're at on your journey it does not matter where you're

at we all need this we all need these people and we all need each other so

that being said Stephanie where are they able to reach out to you my business

name is sunshine discoveries and I have a Facebook page so it's the Facebook

slash sunshine discoveries I also have a website that's WWI and discovers calm

I'm in the process of trying to make that better or we might be switching to

a new website tribe finder is actually giving me a lot of information as far as

having a better site so I know that mine tends to load kind of slow though but

yeah I just want people to know that that a lot of times it is knowing what

questions to ask and a lot of times it's remembering that when we are trying to

work on ourselves it's very nice to have someone else come from a different

perspective even when we are healing practitioners

ourselves we need other people we need each other

so yeah yes yes we're too close to the situation quite often so exactly exactly

I'll get on down the rabbit hole and you have no idea what's happening outside of

that that space anymore and and what it actually looks like yeah no I love it oh

man all right well everybody you have a good night and a good weekend

Stephanie thank you so much for being a member of the week Thank You Martha

yeah thank you so much just for doing what you do that's it

you hold space for people in an extremely graceful and necessary way and

just thank you so much for that truly thank you for my eggs and everybody have

it awesome I cried during another live it's my thing hey folks that was my

whole intent that was the one make Martha cry no no it's just like a good

old Oprah show I'm gonna cry at least once oh man okay well I love you guys

and you all have a fantastic weekend okay bye bye


For more infomation >> Certified Professional Life Coach Stephanie Verry Sunshine Discoveries - Duration: 23:17.


How to WRITE YouTube Videos - Duration: 6:48.

This week I wanted to talk about writing, which might seem a little bit out of

place as most of my videos are usually about filming and editing. But your

filming and your editing really rely on your writing. If you don't plan properly

you probably won't be able to execute properly. So this video is just going to

be my best advice for writing a concise video with good structure and flow.

Before you even begin writing you need to have a place to keep track of all of

your ideas. For me this is in the form of a Google Doc that includes quick lists

that I can add to of video ideas as well as brands and creators that I'd like to

collaborate with in the future. Just have some sort of list that you can easily

access anytime that you get a new idea. I like to write my videos on paper for a

couple of reasons. The first is that it's a really good way to visualize your ideas.

If you're someone who's into drawing arrows to connect different ideas this

is definitely for you. Writing also just makes you more engaged than typing does.

Instead of pressing a variety of different buttons you're drawing

different shapes and performing a physical action, and that interaction

with what you're writing makes you more engaged and results in a better product

later. Once I've picked out an idea I can start writing and before I even begin

writing the actual video I'll just write down any ideas that I may have for that

topic as just bullet points. Just get every single idea that you have spilled

out onto that paper and then start organizing. When I'm writing I like to

use an outline format, and that's a format where you indent to elaborate on

certain details and topics. So say the first part of this video is about

filming, and I want to go on to the first tip about filming, so I indent. And then I

want to elaborate a bit on that subtopic that is that first tip, so then I indent

again and I can list details about that. Writing in this format is a pretty nice

balance between straight-up bullet points and a proper paragraph and it's a

really great way to visualize what you're writing. You can really look at it

and see the structure of the video. It's really important that you

don't write for length but instead write for quality and efficiency. The video

should be as long as it needs to be and no longer. You do that by being as

concise as you possibly can be when planning and really thinking about what

details are important to include and what you can get rid of. Even though some

details might be cool or interesting in themselves, you really want to be

thinking about the big picture and if what you're writing contributes to that.

And if it doesn't, scrap it. A good way to be concise is to make the intro and

outro of your video as short as you possibly can so that you can really

focus on the meat of the video- that information value in the middle. For a

tutorial video, that informational value would be the steps in the process. And

for something like a quick tip video that would be the actual list of tips.

The steps in that process or the tips in that list-

those are your subtopics, and the order that you put them in is really important

and is something that you should think about a lot when writing. For example,

when I make a tutorial I try to talk about both filming and editing, so when

I'm writing that video I make sure to talk about all of the filming tips

before I talk about editing. That way, the structure of the video follows the

process of making a film. If you look at this video, I've arranged the different

points in it in such a way that it follows my writing process. The order of

the topics that you talk about is very important for making the structure

understandable for the viewer but it's also important for keeping the viewer's

attention. It's important to grab your viewer's attention early with something

interesting at the beginning of the video but you don't want that attention

level to be dropping off throughout the video, and you also want the viewer to be

left with something interesting at the end that encourages them to check out

your work further, so it's important to work on finding a balance there. When

you're thinking about the order of your subtopics it's also important to have a

way to transition between them. For example, the last thing that I was

talking about in this video is how to order those subtopics to keep your

viewer's attention and now I'm talking about how to

transition between them to keep flow. On here those are two completely

separate topics, but it's pretty easy for me to transition between them when I'm

filming, which makes the video flow a lot better for you. A video with good flow is

one that you can watch without getting distracted, and a foolproof way to

distract your viewer is to constantly repeat words and phrases. Let's say

you're writing a video about f-stop. You want to really limit the amount of times

that you say "f-stop". another bad way to get caught up with repetition is to

start too many of your sentences the same way, and I am completely guilty of

this. If you look back at my recent videos there's one word that I start too

many sentences with. *NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW



NOW NOW* So my problem is the word now but this also applies to common words

like then or next. It seems like a minor detail and that's because it is but

eventually the viewer is going to pick up on that repetition and after a

certain point it gets distracting, it starts to disrupt the flow, and it's also

just a little bit annoying. And the final bit of advice that I have in this video

is not about what you write or how you write it but when you actually write. I

strongly strongly recommend writing a few days before you start filming. This

way before you start filming you have an opportunity to come back and read over

that with fresh eyes and that gives you a chance to edit and notice things that

you won't have the day before. I wrote the outline for this video

two days ago and I've had a chance yesterday and today to come back, look

over it, and think about what I really want to be including. So this was a

somewhat different kind of video for my channel, but I hope you learned something

from it and if you did do feel free to show your support by leaving a like

on the video or even subscribing to my channel. I upload new filmmaking

tutorials every single Saturday, keep creating, and I'll see you

in the next one.

For more infomation >> How to WRITE YouTube Videos - Duration: 6:48.


✔ Let's Play Brass Tactics Campaign! #3 COMPLETED [Oculus VR RTS] - Duration: 1:46:02.

For more infomation >> ✔ Let's Play Brass Tactics Campaign! #3 COMPLETED [Oculus VR RTS] - Duration: 1:46:02.


Top 10 Things You Shouldn't Search On Google – Part 12 - Duration: 6:58.


Welcome back to the Most Amazing Channel on the internet!

I am Rebecca Felgate, you rmost amazing host, and today we are talking about the Top 10

things you shouldn't google part 12.

Do I want this?

No, I don't, but you guys keep watching these videos, you keep leaving thumbs up,

you keep leaving comments asking for more, so it is my duty to continue or expedition

into the dark web….

Keep you arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times

10 - Ascariasis Basically this is a medical term given to

a disease caused by a parasitic worm.

Ascariasis causes around 3000 deaths a year, although it is suspected that around 1 billion

people globally are acutely affected…so…you know….

Like 1 7th of the entire world's population are living with little worms in their intestines.

You don't want to see images of what that looks like…especially of what a severe case

looks like!

9 - Mr Methane Video

I guess some of you out there might be interested in watching videos of a guy who can fart on

demand and do tricks with his gassy anus, but I imagine most of us can maybe live without


I have to admit, I am kind of impressed by the fact he has turned his excessive flatulence

into a career.

There is hope for us all.

8 - Webbed Feet This might be a personal choice thing…but

I don't like webbed feet.

I am fine with ducks and various other water dwelling birds having them, but I don't

want to look at them too closely.

What I am not so fine with is seeing human webbed feed….like….

toes and hands attached by skin.

There is a lot of photoshop to get through too, but as we know from our mate trypophobia

….photoshop can be pretty grotesque too.

7 - Russian Dating Site Pictures

Okay, so, these are pretty hilarious at times …but they can also get pretty dark… googling

this is totally up to your digression, I just thought I would give you a bit of warning

that…I don't know…maybe you aren't ready for this new level of weird sexual suggestion.

I am going to show you one picture here of the kind of stuff you can expect and you can

make a decision.

6 - Cyst Popping Oh, such a classic, why has this never been

on one of my things you shouldn't google lists before?

Sometimes the answer is staring you right in the face….

Although I really don't want to stare a cyst in the face.

It's creepy….and messy.

Some people love cyst popping videos, but I for one struggle to deal with pus.

Endless…endless pus.


Don't google this site, and definitely don't visit it.

Definitely don't google image search this site….

Unless you want an eyeful of some pretty grotesque sexual imagery.

This site may or may not give you a virus, but it will definitely infect your mind.

4 - HAI2U

Don't go there…'s an internet shock site featuring vomit and like, honestly, you

don't want to see it!

3 - Last Words

We have all heard of famous last words, sure….and some of them are pretty cool… but there

are websites out there with a collection of peoples last words, often ordinary people

like you and me, and it makes for a truly chilling read.

On top of that, some state departments of Criminal Justice have websites listing the

full transcripts of last statements from death row inmates.

It is very unsettling.

2 - Felching.

Trust me trust me trust me trust meeee…… don't try and find out what this is.

1 - Gotoh Juan Graduation Ceremony

Sometimes I enjoy a little peek into the world of Japanese Manga……but sometimes, like

in this instance, I just straight up don't it and am shocked and disturbed as to how

and why anyone would ever visualise this kind of thing.

This particular piece is about a graduation ceremony where people behead one another….

It is intensely violent and intensely sexual…and…yeah….

It's nasty.

So….what a nasty little list.

I feel pretty uneasy right now.

Let's have a look at some nice things for a moment.

Here is a baby hippo, here is a fresh cut daffodil…

imagine the glorious smell….

See….all thoughts of felching are long gone.


Okay, maybe not…just like… my advice is get outside and enjoy the real world today,

because google is kind of awful.

Thanks for tuning in to this episode of Most Amazing Top 10, Once again, I am your host

Rebecca Felgate …please leave this video with a thumbs up and right part 13 if you

want me to make a new video in this series.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Things You Shouldn't Search On Google – Part 12 - Duration: 6:58.


Selling Wroetoshaw's DIAMOND Plaque on EBAY for $1 - Duration: 10:59.

Selling Wroetoshaw's DIAMOND Plaque on EBAY for $1




For more infomation >> Selling Wroetoshaw's DIAMOND Plaque on EBAY for $1 - Duration: 10:59.


Where Should I Put My Wi-Fi Router? - Duration: 3:45.

SciShow is supported by


So you've just moved into your new apartment, set up the furniture, and stashed away your


The only thing left to do is set up your wireless router so you can watch the latest video from

your favorite science-based Youtube channel.

But where's the best place to put it?

Keeping your signal from dropping out might seem like a black art, subject to the whims

of the internet gods.

But science is here to help!

The main thing to keep in mind is that Wi-Fi is based on a technology much older than the

internet itself: radio.

At the most basic level, your router is essentially just a tiny radio broadcast station — except

that it's using frequencies in the microwave range, which is a little bit higher on the electromagnetic


So, like with all sources of electromagnetic waves, the farther you get from your router's

antenna, the weaker the signal.

And it's an exponential decrease — if you go from 1 to 2 meters away from the router, the signal is only

a quarter as strong, and at 3 meters it's only a ninth as strong.

So the most obvious rule of Wi-Fi is to set up your router as close as possible to where

you want to use your devices.

That said, the electromagnetic frequencies used by Wi-Fi are also absorbed to some extent

by things like walls, floors, and ceilings.

It's even worse if there are a lot of water-carrying pipes in them, because water absorbs Wi-Fi

waves really well.

So just moving your fish tank out of the way can actually make a big difference!

And here's something people don't always think about: we're all basically giant bags

of water.

So a crowded room full of people can also have a measurable impact on your connection

— although asking them all to get out of the way so you can get back to binge watching

Stranger Things might not come off so well.

Metal can also be a problem, because it's really good at reflecting electromagnetic


That's why it's shiny — it reflects light.

That means things like an oven, a TV, or a large metal table will scatter your Wi-Fi

signal, so you're going to want to keep them from getting between you and your router,


And then there are your neighbors.

Most Wi-Fi networks use the 2.4 gigahertz frequency, which only has a certain number

of channels, or subdivided frequency ranges, to broadcast on.

If yours overlaps with your neighbor's, it's much harder for your device to stay

connected to the right signal.

Newer 5 gigahertz networks have more channels available, which makes this less of a problem,

but not all routers and devices can use them.

If you've adjusted for all of this and you're still having issues, it might be time to buy

a Wi-Fi signal booster.

But before you do that, consider one final trick:

Your router's antenna doesn't broadcast equally in all directions.

You might think that pointing the tip of the antenna at your device will point more of

the signal in that direction, but it's actually the opposite.

The antenna broadcasts most strongly in a ring outwards from the axis of the antenna,

in a donut shape.

So to increase the strength in a certain direction, it's best to point your antenna perpendicular

to where you want the signal to be strongest!

Keep all this in mind, and you should be able to watch as many SciShow videos in your bed as

you want to.

But... before you take our advice to your own apartment,

you can practice arranging your routers for the best signal by taking this quiz with us.

So I'm just going to skip through the lesson a little bit, just to show it off.

We have to figure out which one of these rooms can't be guarded by a single guard—or a single Wi-Fi router.

So in shape A, if I'm down here I can see down both of the legs of the room.

Uh, and in B we have the same thing, I can see down all four legs...

Uh, but for C it looks like no matter where I set up... I can't see down this leg and this leg at the same time.

So I think that's the answer.


And this is one of the cool things that I really love about Brilliant—is that they use these examples, like,

guards and art galleries to teach you the concept, but then these ideas are applicable in real life

like setting up your Wi-Fi router.

So if you want to check it out and help support SciShow

The first 77 people to sign up over at will get 20% off

their annual premium subscription


For more infomation >> Where Should I Put My Wi-Fi Router? - Duration: 3:45.


Live Performances That Completely Destroyed Careers - Duration: 6:05.

Let's face it, every performer has a bad show here and there.

Whether we're talking technical malfunctions, sudden illness, or just plain choking under

pressure, there are a myriad [MEER-ee-add] of ways things can go wrong in front of a

live audience.

But for the stars on this list, things didn't just go wrong, they went completely off the


These are the live performances that destroyed these artists' careers.

Ashlee Simpson

Using a backing track is common practice for live performers, but only if that track happens

to be for the song the artist is currently singing.

That was the hitch when Ashlee Simpson was ready to belt out "Autobiography" for the

second song of her 2004 SNL debut.

The track for "Pieces of Me" started playing instead.

What followed was an excruciatingly awkward moment which became her now-infamous "hoedown"


Regardless of why it really happened, Simpson's rising music career hit the skids almost immediately.

Simpson would release just one more album, 2008's Bittersweet World, which reportedly

suffered from both terrible sales and reviews.

Since then, she's been living low-key, except for a few sporadic acting gigs, getting married

twice, and raising her kids.

The Dixie Chicks

The Dixie Chicks made national headlines in 2003 when lead singer Natalie Maines sounded

off on her disapproval of the Iraq War during a show in London.

"Just so you know… we're ashamed that the president of the United States is from Texas."

The pushback from fans was so severe that The Dixie Chicks were essentially blacklisted

from almost every country radio station, and worse:

"This says Natalie Maines will be shot dead Sunday July 6th."

The group's next album, Taking the Long Way, debuted in 2006.

It received critical acclaim and even topped the charts, but the accompanying tour suffered

from "uneven attendance," according to Billboard.

It would take another ten years, and a complete toning down of Maines' once-unapologetic political

rhetoric for The Dixie Chicks to fully stage a comeback.

Having completed a successful nostalgia tour in 2017, which the band turned into a live

album, it seems the chicks may have finally left "the London incident" behind.

Robin Thicke

Robin Thicke's career was hotter than ever after "Blurred Lines" shot him to the top

of the charts in the summer of 2013.

But within months — following that questionable VMAs duet with Miley Cyrus — things quickly


According to Billboard, this period also coincided with the estrangement of Thicke's wife, actress

Paula Patton, for whom he then penned a hastily written and poorly received album in an attempt

to win her back.

"We were childhood sweethearts, so you know, she's the best person I ever met.

So I just thought the best --- the least, I could do would be to devote an album to


It was two performances of songs from that album, Paula, that sealed Thicke's fate and

shuffled him to into the "has been" zone.

First up were the 2014 Billboard Music Awards when he debuted the song, "Get Her Back,"

with the on-the-nose line,

"I never should have raised my voice."

Then there were the BET Awards a month later where things went decidedly downhill.

Us Weekly described Thicke singing "Forever Love" as, quote, "looking tired and puffy

eyed," and sniffling his way through the performance.

In the three-and-a-half years since that teary-eyed misstep, Thick has barely made a blip on the

screen, although he did tell New York Upstate in January 2018 that he's working on a new


Michelle Shocked

Rocker Michelle Shocked may not be a household name, but in the alt-folk scene she had quite

a following until she detonated it with an ill-conceived act of protest in March 2013.

Shocked interrupted her own gig at Yoshi's in San Francisco when she started citing anti-gay

Bible passages.

But the final blow for the singer, whose lyrics and audience were known to be liberally slanted,

was when she used a homophobic slur on stage,

"If someone would be so gracious to tweet out, 'Michelle Shocked just said from stage:

God hates f----ts.'"

The crowd revolted, and immediately left the show.

About a month later, and with many of her shows cancelled, Shocked appeared on Piers

Morgan and declared,

"No, I'm not homophobic."

This all translated to a long period of estrangement with her once-diehard fans.

Shocked confessed to Dallas News in 2017 that the evening at Yoshi's was an intentional

provocation meant to strike back at digital piracy of her music.

How exactly she meant to achieve that, we may never know.

The Sex Pistols

By the time legendary punk rockers The Sex Pistols took the stage at what would be their

last concert for nearly two decades, the writing was already on the wall.

According to The Telegraph, the band was on shaky ground due in part to bassist Sid Vicious'

debilitating heroin addiction, coupled with a poorly managed tour schedule that involved,

quote, "800-mile drives through bleakest midwinter."

On top of all that, lead singer Johnny Rotten had mentally checked out.

He said,

"By that last gig, I'd lost interest.

I'd become incapable of caring about writing another song for this outfit.

I felt like, 'That's it, there's the full stop.

I've achieved as much as I can in this environment.'"

That feeling was the inspiration behind Rotten's infamously bad performance during the band's

January 1978 show at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco.

It was the final stop on the band's first, albeit brief, American tour, and it ended

on a one-song encore — of The Stooges' "No Fun."

As the tune concluded, Rotten famously asked,

"Ah, ha ha.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?


Rotten subsequently quit the band.

The group did reunite for a tour in 1996 — sans Vicious, who overdosed on heroin and died

in 1979 — but it was just more of the same.

Guitarist Steve Jones told the New York Daily News,

"We did a hundred shows, made a bit of dough, but we wanted to off ourselves at the end.

We really don't make enough to put up with each other."

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Live Performances That Completely Destroyed Careers - Duration: 6:05.


Funko Disney Treasures Ever After Castle Unboxing - Duration: 4:47.

Hey guys it's Carrie Anne and look what arrived.

The next delivery from my Disney Treasures box be, Ever After Castle.

I recently heard that Funko is discontinuing the Disney Treasure box.

So this and I have one more delivery and then they won't be sending them out

anymore which is I guess kind of bittersweet. But for me, actually I

thought the Snowflake one just the last one so this is kind of a bonus for me.

So I'm really excited. So I haven't opened it yet.


This first layer that has the

patch and pin. So a great patch. Beauty and the Beast. Luminaire.

Yeah, am I pronouncing that right? Luminaire? The candelabra. I don't mind that. It's a nice one.

The pin, Donald and Daisy.

I'm not really a fan of Donald Duck and Daisy so [laugh]

I'll put that one to the side. And then inside.


Wow. Alright. It's hard not to look.

As per usual, you have your own sort of clean unstuck version of the sticker on the outside of the box.

I like the design of them. I've kept them all. I haven't stuck them on anything.

We've got. Ah, look. Pocket Pops. Lady and the Tramp.

I like the Pocket Pops but I could do without the keychain portion. And even if

I take it off they're still gonna have this little thing in their head.

[kissing noises]

Just need some spaghetti.

I do like these tins. They're actually one of my favourite parts of these boxes.

Disney World if you go to Toontown, which I think they revamped or revamping

I can't remember, but you could walk through Mickey and Minnie's house.

And that's sort of what you're seeing on the outside of the box and if that wasn't

clear enough and the top makes it sort of clear what's probably inside.

Only one though.

And it is Minnie!

It's the vintage Minnie with her red polka dots and her hat. you can stand in front of

She can stand in front of Mickey's house.

She could stand in front of her own house.

I think I like the more retro style of the Mickey and Minnie.

My kind of obsessions lately is the Cup Head game.

Illustration style reminds me a lot of the vintage you know Disney. So that's pretty fun.

You know what? I didn't get the sheet that talks about each piece

and what the next month is so I don't know if that's ... just didn't get included.

So that kind of is disappointing. But then the final piece. And look at this.

It's a double Pop. Ariel and Eric from their wedding. A Little Mermaid. I do like that

these double Pop boxes, they always have these like backdrops for the characters.

Ariel and her wedding dress. I do like they got this little clear

veil on her. But it has this weird line on it. it just looks odd.

And Eric. Eric in his dashing uniform. no I feel like I'm not really saying too much about this and I

I don't know. I feel like I'm not really saying too much about this and I

don't know. Of all of the boxes, the Disney Treasure boxes I've received,

I think this one is a little disappointing.

One, I didn't get my sheet

of paper that talks about all the pieces that are in it and just the items themselves.

I don't know. I was a little disappointed.

I think ... of all of these, the only thing, which is unusual. Usually there's

one thing that I'm not a fan of and everything else I'm a fan of but I have

to say this box is more the reverse. It's only one thing I'm really a fan of and I

have to say it's the vintage Minnie in the tin and everything else is hmmm. I'm sure

the kids will like it. It feels like it wasn't put together all that well. So I'm

kind of disappointed with that. The idea that Disney will be selling these in

park, in stores. I'm not quite sure how I feel about that either. So we'll see.

Pretty sure there's one more box that's coming. I guess that's about it. [laugh]

You can find me here on Tuesdays talking about products that may interest you or your

family. And on Fridays I'm talking about fun family activities. Collecting could

certainly be one of those things that know is an activity we like to do as a family.

But I'm also here talking books for kids,

family travel and other fun family stuff so don't forget to subscribe so you know

when the next video is published. Until next time, ciao.

For more infomation >> Funko Disney Treasures Ever After Castle Unboxing - Duration: 4:47.


[TheSoopah670] Results (finally) - Duration: 4:34.

While it certainly isn't the worst entry in the contest, It certainly isn't the best either, which is why it's at Number 6.

There isn't much else i'd like to comment about this entry, except for one mistake Zoys made, but I probably shouldn't criticize him for that.

As I've made that mistake myself multiple times in the past.

This entry may not look all that great and it has no "Story" at all...

But, it was made in Garry's Mod so I have to give it some bonus points for that.

There's not much else I really can say about this entry, since it has no "Story" at all...

But otherwise it's kinda cool, I-

Hey look, an entry that actually has a "Story" to it.

So I'm gonna try and explain the "Story" as best as I can so here I go.

So the creator of the video itself is just standing in the middle of nowhere...

And then Anti Soops appears with his weapon of choice that appeared in like


And then Masky says:

And then he throws it and he dies probably.

So then SoopahSanikNoob appears out of thin air and then gets really annoyed with Anti Soops for being really bad and stuff

And then he kicks him in the


And then the video ends.

So overall I'd say it's a pretty good entry...

...For it being one of the honorable mentions.

Anti Soops: I personally wouldn't put it on the list at all, I didn't really like it that much.

Soops: Hey, you're just saying that because you were the one that got hit in the video

Anti Soops: No I'm not, I just didn't like the video, okay??

Soops: What are you even doing here anyway?

Soops: You're not supposed to be back until Soopsventures.

Soops: And how did you even get in my house in the first place?

Anti Soops: The front door was unlocked :D

Soops: And why the FRICC would the front door be unlocked?

So here we have another entry with its own sort of "Story" to it.

So again, I'm gonna try as best as I can to explain the "Story" so here I go.

So one day, some random guy falls out of the sky who I can only assume is OldPianoYear...

Sees me on my stupid phone...

And takes...

My chocolate.

my fricking choCOLATE


So then I do what any logical person would do...

Launch a Nuke.

And then after that the video just kinda ends.

Not even any explosion effect.

So, it's a pretty cool entry.

It's kinda nice, I guess.

There isn't very much I can comment about this entry

Because it's a..


of a...

It's not that kind of remake though.

It's not the overdone remake of Gravel Poot that literally everyone and their Mom has made

I'm no stranger to remakes though, but I'm not jumping onto that train.

I'm getting off-topic so let's talk about the actual video now.

This video is a remake of another video called "Engineer is not building a sentry" and it's a pretty good video

Cool, let's move on to #1 now

So this video is just a simple Pokemon battle against me and Phexonia.

And that's it.

But this video is actually the longest entry in the entire contest.

It is the only entry that is over a minute long, and some other entries haven't even tried to stand up to those expectations.

According to the creator of this entry, this entry was originally supposed to be a remake of another video.

But fortunately for all of us, That did not happen.

And I guess since the creator of the video was stuck for an ending, my Pokemon ends up one-shotting Phexonia's Pokemon.

But overall, It's a pretty well made entry. Considering it's at #1.

Alright, so now that we got all that useless crap out of the way, we can move on to the recap now.

For more infomation >> [TheSoopah670] Results (finally) - Duration: 4:34.


Mohamed Hajjaj: أجيو نتعارفو - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Mohamed Hajjaj: أجيو نتعارفو - Duration: 1:04.


Plumbing Camera Inspection Mission Viejo CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Camera Inspection Mission Viejo CA - Duration: 1:07.

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For more infomation >> Plumbing Camera Inspection Mission Viejo CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Camera Inspection Mission Viejo CA - Duration: 1:07.


(Ep-6) Sea Of Thieves Closed Beta Journey - Duration: 2:23:10.

For more infomation >> (Ep-6) Sea Of Thieves Closed Beta Journey - Duration: 2:23:10.



I've found someone that likes E. T. Brothers!

Hi dear viewer and welcome to this video! (The video starts properly at 0:41)

I am Even, the one half of E. T. Brothers and I'm studying my second year of media in college in England!

My brother, (Trond) the second half og E. T. Brothers, finishes secondary home in Stavanger in Norway.

If you're new to the channel, be sure to check out the video up here...

... which shows our highlights from 2017, and what type of content you can expect from our channel!

We upload videos every Saturday, so be sure to subscribe if you want to see more from us!

Four weeks ago, I made a video asking you if you wanted an Omegle special!

And several people responded they wanted it.

So we though: "Okay, this is going to be awesome!

We're going to meet YOU!"

But that didn't happen...

Now it's just to wait...

First, I went on Omegle 4 pm UK time (5 pm Oslo time) as I announced on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

But no one appeared.

And then...

I got in touch with Trond, to hear if he was going on.

And he went on.


And then I searched again, to see if any more people had went on.

I've found someone that likes E. T. Brothers!

See if he responds!

Oh, it's you...

I thought I had found...

*echo 1

*echo 2

I thought I had found someone else, but it was you!



I hear you twice.

I heard you three times!

I'm taking my headset off.

I hear you anyway now.

How are you?

Wow Even!

Nice haircut!

I was convinced I was going to meet someone else than Trond!

Because the screen was completely black, but it just took some time for the camera to work...


That was irritating...

And the internet on my phone was bad, so I weren't notified by snapchat when Lefsa went on Omegle...

So I didn't get to speak to him neither...

Because then I was chatting with someone else.



But it was interesting!

Based on how it went, I think we'll save a proper Omegle special for at least the 1000 subscribers special.

But it was interesting to be on Omegle! I haven't been there for a couple of years...

Last time I were there were...

No, wait a sec! It was when I was watching one of Mathias' streams!

But before that, it was because I were with some friends, and we went on Omegle and...


Have you met any strange people on Omegle? Comment below and share your story if you'd like to!

Before finishing this video, I'd like to thank all of you that drop comments!

It means a lot to me, and I appreciate every single one!

Thank you so much for that exactly YOU watched this video!

I really appreciat it!

Remember to like if you liked it, and comment if you've got anything to comment!

Feel free to check out last video, or the England vlogs, which there will be more of!

See you in another video! Bye!

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