Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

if you converted your computer power supply like this for your layout or your

workbench you're gonna want to see this or if you have one of those too so let's

see what this is all about I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things

this channel was created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in

pursuing their dream of building a model railroad and some time ago we talked

about taking one of these things apart and taking all the plugs off here and

dividing all these wires up into the voltages and using it as a power supply

on our model railroad or on our workbench and we also talked about this

one right here which gives you a constant voltage but only one voltage

you can set the current on it also well what can we use it for well that's what

I'm gonna show you in this video right here then right after this if you would

like to see more videos like this on Toms Trains and Things about model

railroading about beginners about electronics about just about anything go

ahead and hit that subscribe button and while you're at it ding that Bell so you

can be notified whenever I have a new video coming out so let's get started

with this thing right here and see what we could do with these power supplies

that we have where we're gonna put it on our model railroad or what we're gonna

do with it on the workbench the first thing you want to take note of before

you do anything is check the data plate on your power supply now your power

supply may be different than mine mine's a 305 watt and it was manufactured for

Dell although all power supplies are made in the same place now this one here

is 5 volt is 22 amps max 12 volt is 18 amps max minus 12 volt is one amp max

3.3 volt is 17 amp max now there's two rails in this one a low voltage rail and

a high voltage rail so the low voltage rails 3.3 volt and 5 volt

and it says do not exceed 150 watts in there and I'll show you how to figure

that out and the 12 volt A and 12 volt B rails not to exceed 264 watts okay so

that's one thing that you have to take into consideration if you're using a lot

of the three volt and the 5 volt ones you can't exceed 150 watts on there and

those two voltages but your power supply may be different so that's why you have

to check the data plate on it that's what you have to take a look at and you

could run many things on your layout and on your workbench now this one here it

doesn't have to be this specific brand this one goes anywhere from 0 to 30

volts at 5 amps now they make them up to 10 amps also but the one that I have is

5 amps and I'll show you what we could use on this one also figuring out the

maximum wattage on your power supply is a piece of cake or should I say a piece

of pie on my example for the Dell we had 150 watts maximum for three and a half

three point three and five volts so with this formula here P equal I times E

which is pi we could transpose that and we want to figure out current so the

current which is I would be equal to P over e so we put 150 over three point

three and that comes out to 45 and a half amps now you're not going to be

using that many amps on there now that is a lot of amps now figuring out for 5

volts is 150 over five which is 30 amps now if you put those two together you

can't exceed the what the 450 watts so somewhere in there the maximum for the 5

volt and the maximum for the 3.3 volt is far below what the maximum is if you

would use it by itself on the 3.3 it said the maximum amperage on there

was 17 amps you're not gonna be using 150 watts on there because 150 watts is

all the way up to forty five and a half amps twice that so don't even worry

about it you've got plenty of power on here now for the 12 volts you have 264

Watts divide that by 12 and that comes out to 22 amps and the maximum on the 12

volt was 18 amps and if you wanted to use the the minus 12 honor that was the

maximum on one amp so you could combine the the want the minus 12 and the plus

12 to get 24 volts now there are some items that you can use 24 volts on but

it's only one am and what I'm gonna tell you right now is these Woodland Scenic's

Just Plug you could run that off of the 24 volts because that is it they want to

sell you a wall wart for $20 which is 300 milliamps at 24 volts DC and that is

plenty of power on that you got one amp that's more than the 300 milliamps that

you need for running this right here that just plugs so that's one thing that

you could use on there another item that you could use if you're using digit ax

that D s 64 the DF 64 is anywhere from 12 to 14 volts so you could use you

could tap in on the 12 volt one for the D S 64 now a lot of the other items for

digit tracks come with a power supply the ps4 Tina and that is 14 volts DC PM

42 BDL 168 PR4 all of those come with a wall wart but if that wall word

ever goes bad boom you could use a 12 volt off of

there now I am going to show you how to use a voltage divider say you want to

use nine volts off of that 12 volts or say off of the 24 volts you want to drop

that down to 16 volts or 15 volts to replace one of the ps4 teens I'm going

to show you how to do a simple voltage-divider and all it requires is

two resistors and I'll bring the diagram right up here and I'll show you how to

calculate that now if you have any other type of DCC equipment most of those come

with the power supply but if you want to use a command station a lot of command

stations don't come with power supplies so this thing right here is a good

candidate for that for up to five amps now they do make like I said they do

make them up to ten amps so you're covered on here this goes up to thirty

volts you could plot you you could Dow in

whatever voltage you want on there you could also doubt in the maximum amperage

that you want to limit this to so this is a good source for those command

stations for your DCC now for all the accessories that you're using like the

tortoise switch machine 12 volts will do it everything circuit ron has runs from

12 to 18 volts except for the Tortoise Switch Machine which is 12 volts now you

could use that power supply here for anything that's circuit Ron now for DCC

concepts the cobalt switch machine that's 9 to 12 volt DC for DCC

specialties everything on that runs off of your track power so you don't have to

worry about anything on there but let's talk about that voltage divider on that

voltage divider right there you have two resistors r1 and r2 and then you tap off

the center and you can also do this with a potentiometer

but anyway r1 and r2 say you have 12 volts over here and you want to bring

the output to 9 volts you want r1 now you could change the value of this R 1

would be 1 K and r2 would be 3 K and that would bring your output

down to nine volts pretty simple and here's the formula for it

piece of cake so if you want to bring your voltage down to another voltage off

of that 12 volt 9 volt you could do it if you want to bring it down to 6 volts

you could do it to 6 volts if you if you're using the 24 volts and you want

to bring it down to 15 volts or 14 volts you could do this also on there where

did we get the term watt W ATT well we got that from James Watt he was an

18th century mechanical engineer he also made improvements to the steam

engine even James Watt who we think of in electrical terms had a lot to do with

the steam engine that we use on the locomotives today every accessory that

you use on your model railroad if it's powered with DC you could use this power

supply here from the computer or you could use this power supply right here

instead of a wall wart if it if you have something that requires a wall or you

could use that power supply on it and you could adjust the voltage on it to

match whatever voltage you need as long as it's DC LEDs can be powered at 3.3

volts at 5 volts at 12 volts there's even some that are 24 volts

like the woodland scene you just plug coming up in some videos later on we're

going to be doing things on an Arduino and right here this is 9 volts on the

USB USB is typically 5 volts and they also have pins on the side for 3.3 volts

and 5 volts right over here now I have one that I bought about four years ago

it was manufactured by make instead of the 18 mega 3:28 chip that's normally in

there it's got an SMD chip in there similar to that and in some future

videos these right here are ATmega3:28 for

the Arduino and I'm going to show you how to make your own Arduino

board keep an eye out for that that's coming up in March because I just got

all the stuff here from Sparkfun that I've been waiting for for a couple of

weeks I got everything in this little red box here that we need to make our

own arduino's for our projects it we're gonna do it with this and we're gonna

make our own one and do it with that so we could store it anywhere we want on

our layout in a smaller package to this now granted you could get them though

Arduino minis and do the same thing but with this it only cost about five

dollars to make an Arduino so and it's more fun to alright keep an eye out for

the Arduino projects coming up in March we got a resistance substitution box so

we could do some projects with the Arduino and other electrical projects on

our railroad so we'll see ya

For more infomation >> What Can We Hook Up To Our Power Supply On Our Model Railroad - Duration: 12:40.


😎Zula PP Bizon Montage😎 - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> 😎Zula PP Bizon Montage😎 - Duration: 3:04.


A Very Wary Unbirthday - Devstream 107 Recap N' Review [Warframe] - Duration: 4:35.

Ahoy thar, Legion!

Tis the ...something after the Devstream so ya know we gotta recap n review for ya!

Sorry I missed out on the last one, lads.

Got under the weather and, while I was functional, I don't think the vocals woulda been...

pleasant to anyone, so I opted to rest instead.

Hope ya don't mind.

So here we are, the big 5th year devstream anniversary episode!

For such a momentous occasion DE will surely pull out all the stops and do their best to not disappoint.

All I can say is thank god for sarcasm and khalua.

[thump] Mmm. That aughta do it. Okay!

Kuva is still not in the kuva fortress.

Which is weird as they signed off on doing just that sometime last year.

Sheldon said he thought that was in-game already, and actually, lemme dig that up...

"Why you no Kuva on Kuva Fortress?!

This was something they admitted was ridiculous and Sheldon thought he fixed already."

So Sheldon thought it was fixed in-game already on THIS devstream, he thought it fixed already

on THAT devstream, and that was back in November!

How far back does this Devstreamception go where they conveniently forget to add it.

But before I go on a tangent on that, just what *was* their excuse for not putting Kuva

in the Kuva fortress way back when in 2016?

Because they didn't want players to burn out.

Ya know!

By farming the stuff that takes ages to get as you need so much of it to make any real

progress that they went out of their way to make even harder to find.

That reminds me of something else they talked about that very devstream I showcased:

"Even better news, they are removing the hard cap and adding diminishing returns instead.

And that's not a bad thing!

As you start the day off with a positive booster applied, somewhat like rested experience in WoW."

...Patiently waiting for those to go in live.

The vastly superior wall running animations are still something they want to address,

but they only need to find the time.

So file this one right next to Hydroid prime trailer, Zephyr deluxe skin, dark sector armistice,

kingpin system, Umbra...

And I'm not intending to be a smartazz here, they actually mentioned the hydroid prime

trailer, dark sectors, kingpin system, and umbra being delayed for an undisclosed amount

of time this very stream.

Now Umbra and hydroid's trailer we actually know is in the works and coming soon-ish,

but both dark sector and kingpin systems were said to be more or less reset to scratch.

Which makes it for about the third time now and they have nothing new to comment about

them because of it.


Gimme some good news, Khora!

After all these damage changes and time to work on her, they announced they are finally...

just starting work on her again today.

So uh... queue the party horns now then, I mean this WAS supposed to be a celebratory

stream, right?

Spider bots were shown in action, both the small and slightly less small variety.

Arcane installment changes on the way potentially as early as next week, unless they forget

about it again like Kuva.

You can have two slotted per frame now and it's on the mod screen for simplicity.

They added two new Zaw weapons, if anyone still cares about those things or the plains,

though the scythe weapon did look pretty nice.

Still waitin' on my chainsaw myself, but movin' right along!

The Venus landscape was shown off a bit and it's lookin' to be just about double

the size PoE was.

It's also really stinkin' hot, and won't have a day night cycle.

The story is the Orokin were terraforming it, so the corpus hijacked the tech but don't

really got it down.

So a glacier will form in the sky as it gets cold, then they melt it with machines...

or something.

Note the date on some of the concept artwork being from just a few days ago... so take

that how you will.

They hinted Nef Anyo might be involved, so I wonder if we'll get that Nef and Derf raid

content after all?

And here is some awesome concept art that, I gotta say would make an amazing art print,

I really like the color on this thing.

It shows the town hub which will be under the landscape instead of next to it.

And there ya have it, Legion!

Whaddya like?

Whaddya love?

Or, maybe love not so much?

Lemme know in the comments below!

I still want the wall running animations to not suck, so I'd like to see how they change

it, even though it'll likely cost plat so I won't have access to it anyway.

And I still really want that two handed chainsaw, Geoff!

With a planet filled with Corpus on the horizon, I require a weapon to rip and tear until the job is done!

Gonna head back to my massive video-game review in the works, hopin to get that up and runnin' in

the comin' days, but until then,

thank-ya for watchin' and catch you next time, Legion!

Take care!

For more infomation >> A Very Wary Unbirthday - Devstream 107 Recap N' Review [Warframe] - Duration: 4:35.


Survivor 2018 Bil Bakalım 1 Bölüm FULL İZLE YouTube - Duration: 38:29.

For more infomation >> Survivor 2018 Bil Bakalım 1 Bölüm FULL İZLE YouTube - Duration: 38:29.


Animales para niños en español - (Parte 14) Aprender los colores con animales - Animales de Granja - Duration: 7:09.

Animales para niños en español - (Parte 14) Aprender los colores con animales - Animales de Granja

For more infomation >> Animales para niños en español - (Parte 14) Aprender los colores con animales - Animales de Granja - Duration: 7:09.



For more infomation >> 5 ГИГАНТСКИХ СУЩЕСТВ, С КОТОРЫМИ ЛУЧШЕ НЕ ВСТРЕЧАТЬСЯ - Duration: 7:35.


Vượt Ngoài Ranh Giới (Trọn Bộ) - Nhạc Phim Anime Hay Nhất 2018 | Anime System - Duration: 1:03:04.

Subscribe my to channel

For more infomation >> Vượt Ngoài Ranh Giới (Trọn Bộ) - Nhạc Phim Anime Hay Nhất 2018 | Anime System - Duration: 1:03:04.


ওয়াজের জন্য চুক্তি করে টাকা নেওয়া যাবে? | Waz er Jonno Taka Newa Jabe | Abdur Razzak bin Yousuf - Duration: 0:51.

Waz Er Jonno Chukti Kore Taka Newa Jabe

Abdur Razzak bin Yousuf

Bangla Lecture

For more infomation >> ওয়াজের জন্য চুক্তি করে টাকা নেওয়া যাবে? | Waz er Jonno Taka Newa Jabe | Abdur Razzak bin Yousuf - Duration: 0:51.


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For more infomation >> SAÇMA SORU SOR ! [Kamera Şakası] - Duration: 3:39.


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Australian actress Isla fisher Movies List 2018

For more infomation >> Isla fisher movies list - Duration: 2:11.


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For more infomation >> American Red Cross Louisville preparing for annual Wrapped in Red gala - Duration: 2:46.


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For more infomation >> Jonathan "Bomba" González habla con Telemundo Deportes | Boxeo Telemundo | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 1:51.


What Black Panther Means For Infinity War - Duration: 4:37.

Black Panther has brought to life a new chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that's refreshing,

innovative, and full of compelling characters.

It also helps pave the way for Marvel's next on-screen adventure with Avengers: Infinity

War in a few key ways.

Let's take a look at how Black Panther sets the stage for the third Avengers extravaganza.

A new smartie

The MCU is built upon a sturdy foundation of super-geniuses, including Tony Stark and

Bruce Banner, two men of science who are responsible for much of the technology and innovation

that makes the super-heroics of Marvel possible.

Heck, Tony's dad Howard is another great Marvel genius, and one of the men responsible for

the creation of Captain America.

In the wake of Black Panther, though, there's a new smartest kid on the block… and we

mean "kid" in the most literal sense.

Shuri, T'Challa's 16-year-old sister, has now been established as the smartest person

in the MCU, which means she'll have the edge on innovation from here on out.

And who knows.

Maybe she'll get to cross paths with Peter Parker, the other teen genius of the MCU.


Let's go!"

A new shield

Captain America's original shield was forged from vibranium, which meant it could withstand

bullets, explosions, and everything else his foes threw at him.

But at the end of Civil War, Tony Stark demanded he return the shield that his father had designed,

and it's unlikely he'll pick it back up before the Infinity War.

However, since he's taken refuge in Wakanda, T'Challa is going to be pinching off another

piece of vibranium to make Cap a new shield before the big battle begins.

"And get this man a shield."

And from the looks of the Infinity War's trailer, he's gonna like it.

"Let's go."

Bucky is back

One of the other significant cliffhangers at the end of Civil War is the fate of Bucky

Barnes, the former Winter Soldier and Cap's best friend.

While he's begun to remember his past after being brainwashed by Hydra, some of his programming

still remains.

The film ends with him going into cryogenic slumber to wait it out while a cure is developed.

Black Panther's second post-credits scene provides some resolution with the revelation

that Bucky is back — only now he's going by Shuri's nickname for him, "White Wolf."

Considering he's shown sporting a new arm in the teasers for Infinity War, there's a

good chance he'll have Shuri to thank for the spiffy prosthesis.

The Soul Stone

Most of the Infinity Stones have been found in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far, except

for the Soul Stone.

With Black Panther marking the last film before Infinity War, many have drawn the conclusion

that the Soul Stone may be hiding away in Wakanda.

It's been suggested that the stone may lie in the heart of the massive vibranium deposit

under Wakanda, granting the metal its multitude of special abilities.

From the previews, it looks like Thanos is going to pay the once-hidden nation a visit

in Infinity War, so what else would bring him into town but the bauble he's been after?

Ready to fight

Between its various tribes, the Dora Milajae, and Black Panther himself, Wakanda is a military

force to be reckoned with.

Its policy of isolation has kept it from war with the outside world, so we've yet to see

what a collective Wakanda would look like in battle.

The film's climax gave us a peek at this, but even then we were only seeing a couple

of tribes and the Dora Milajae.

Of course, the trailers for Infinity War have given us some hint as to how massive a full-scale

Wakandan army might be.

And in the wake of Black Panther, the nation's policy of isolationism has ended, so they'll

now be sharing their technology and resources with the world, which means Earth's defenses

just got a lot more promising.

The Wakandan weaponry in Black Panther is shown to be second to none, heavily utilizing

vibranium and the technology Shuri and her team have built around it.

With an entire lab full of toys Shuri has designed, and an alien invasion coming their

way, Wakandan vibranium weaponry will be a must for the team and may end up being the

only reason our heroes stand a chance against Thanos.

A new team leader

One of the cool things about the MCU's Avengers is that they really do seem to function as

a sort of miniature democracy.

Of course, that team dynamic has significantly shifted in the wake of Civil War, and it looks

like Infinity War will bring even more changes to the group.

One seems all but certain: If T'Challa joins the Avengers, there may be a new sheriff in


It's not that T'Challa will install himself as the team's benevolent dictator or anything,

but more likely, since he's a literal king, he probably isn't going to be taking a subordinate

position as an Avenger.

It seems far more likely that we'll see him step up and take on the responsibility of

leadership for the new Avenger refugees.

And who knows?

Maybe he and Iron Man will become equals in head honcho status.

Either way, don't expect him to be relegated to coffee runs.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> What Black Panther Means For Infinity War - Duration: 4:37.


[Phụ Đề_Lời Việt] By Trương Kiệt OST Tam sinh tam thế thập lý đào hoa - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> [Phụ Đề_Lời Việt] By Trương Kiệt OST Tam sinh tam thế thập lý đào hoa - Duration: 4:20.


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Flowers Coloring Pages

Thanks For Watching

For more infomation >> How to Draw Flower Coloring Pages for Kids Learn Colors | Flowers Coloring Pages | Coloring Pages - Duration: 2:37.


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