Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

Nightcore - Havana X Mi Gente X Shape of You (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Havana ✗ Mi Gente ✗ Shape of You (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:23.


Cat Crashes A Dog Park And The Dogs Welcome Her With Open Arms - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Cat Crashes A Dog Park And The Dogs Welcome Her With Open Arms - Duration: 1:39.


-_Speed Run parkour 24 level KoGaMa #7 😝 😉_- - Duration: 4:09.

For more infomation >> -_Speed Run parkour 24 level KoGaMa #7 😝 😉_- - Duration: 4:09.


Birthday in March. Happy birthday. Beautiful video greetings - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Birthday in March. Happy birthday. Beautiful video greetings - Duration: 1:47.


💲KONKURS na AWP | Okręt wojenny (50zł)💲 Giveaway za Darmo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> 💲KONKURS na AWP | Okręt wojenny (50zł)💲 Giveaway za Darmo - Duration: 0:40.



Hi, what's your name

Cell and I'm the perfect being

Lord Freezer

how old are you?

it depends on what timeline you are referring to

I've lost count for centuries

among you who is the strongest

obviously me

Do not talk nonsense, I'm the evil emperor you're just a computer-designed being

My strength is different in yours I am composed, by the cells, of the warriors who have disintegrated you, little one!

how dare you ...

Do you really believe that stupid apes can still beat me? I became much stronger

I doubt it


hey, you need to wake up!

calm gentlemen, we are still at the beginning ...

and already I got bored

but please continue with the questions posed by our fans, I am very curious

What was the evil deed you are most proud of

having sucked the power of c 17


do not say it is very intimate and personal what you say ...

what did you understand?! With my thing I absorbed the power of the two androids and became the perfect being


that be repulsive

and you lord Freezer?

instead I...

I could not choose

Perhaps having exterminated in Namecciani, or having destroyed the planet Vegeta

I do not know, I'm undecided

How many arias ... you decide once and for all!

You must wake up!

bad are you born or do you become?

among the data provided by Doctor Gelo does not appear an answer is relevant

In the meantime, that being seeks, to put together two words I answer

They are by nature

what is the secret of your strength

you know ... it sucks

People inside me

you are not original

ah! Unlike you my strength is innate

and if I trained seriously I could become stronger than Golden Freezer and become ...

Pink Freezer?


Do you mean blue?

Blue Freezer? it sounds bad

Do you two have something to say about the names I give to my transformations?

Dalle mie trasformazioni tranquillo non me ne importa nulla ero solo spinto dalla curiosità

Those of you who have more followers on instagram

Well I can boast of having 13 thousand followers


so few?

I ate the rest

well ... I can say that I also dominate the virtual world with 18 thousand functions!

an adjective to describe others

lower beings


Revolting creatures

are you in favor of gay marriages?

I do not care


well, who knows

bu have you ever thought of proposing to the mediaset the scene where Goku bites you the pigtail as an advertisement of the Big Bubble?

according to you it would be able to formulate such a thought

He fell asleep for mental effort

Big Bubble race in human form you have to wake up!

question for Cell

You must really have a bad taste since Goku did not bite you

we see that he has not had the chance

if you want ... I'll take care of it

you have to stop it!

Question, to Cell and Kid Bu, if you were to merge who would be to absorb the other

because nobody wants to merge with me

because you are a repugnant being and anyway I would be the one to absorb it

this is all to see

but who do you think you are a gnat

can you understand what he says?

no, but I imagine his answer with his reactions

the world of villains is sexist?


'man is recognized for his strength is in our nature

Well we must take into account that there is a new entry, c21

wow I forgot about her

If memory does not deceive

He knows how to suck better than you

in what sense to suck


Imagine you can...

what is your favorite dish

stew of Dodoria and Zarbon



of what you regret more

not to have won

what do you think of super dragon ball

they did not invite me

they are making me look like Crilin

we play a game

Imagine that two of you are founded by potara the third one chooses the name of the fusion

OK then

between Bu and Freezer? Well, I think it will be called freebu, it seems like the name of a tax imposed on the first house

then I guess your name will be Cebu

the same name as the dragon ball recovery schools

and it's not a product placement

How so small bastard


We arrived at the end of this interview

as a tradition to this last question we ask you to respond instantly

The question is...

Does the interrupted coitus function as a contraceptive method?


Personally I think that interrupting a coitus is comparable in fact, to one, of the curses without forgiveness


There are much more powerful contraceptive methods, one above all, and the appeal spell also known by the

Formula made sperm

Closed, this reprehensible parenthesis, I'm here to announce that, my presence was like saying

Request to participate, to a very particular talent. That, you will see on this channel in the next video

If you cherish the virginity of your backside I advise you not to MISS

For more infomation >> TRIPLA INTERVISTA - CELL, KID BU E FREEZER - Duration: 7:17.


Why Don't Humans Have a Penis Bone? - Duration: 3:07.

There are 206 bones in the human body, and yes, it's the same for men and women.

No, women don't have fewer ribs than men, and men don't have one extra bone, if you

know what I mean.

You know what I mean.

But several mammals, including our close relatives like chimpanzees, do have that extra bone,

so today let's talk about why other animals have penis bones while humans got the shaft.

It wasn't always this way.

Researchers who traced its evolutionary timeline found the penis bone, also known by its scientific

and less fun name the baculum, first evolved around 145 million years ago after placental

and non-placental mammals split.

This means that way back, our ancestors had a baculum, and on the way to being human they

lost it.

The researchers put that about 1.9 million years ago.

Ironically, in the time of Homo erectus.

The reason why we lost our baculum may be down to our mating strategy.

Baculum length in primates is closely correlated with intromission time, which is how long

the penis is inside the vagina.

If a primate is going to spend a longer time doing their monkey business, it helps to prop

up their banana.

What constitutes a long intromission?

According to the researchers, 3 minutes, and humans don't quite make the cut.

Our average time from penetration to ejaculation is less than two minutes, so it looks like

we just don't need the extra support.

There are primates like bonobos who copulate for 15 seconds at a time, and yet they still

have a baculum.

This might be because they're polygamous primates, where many males mate with many

females, meaning competition is stiff so they have to be too.

In other polygamous species, having a bone in their boner will help keep them copulating

longer, so other males don't get a chance with their lady.

They are, quite literally, cock blocking.

By comparison humans face less competition for mates because of our monogamous mating


And that along with short intromission times may be why our baculum was lost to history.

You may think we got stiffed, but I have some news that'll pick you up.

Penis bones come in all shapes and sizes, and while some of them are impressive and

slightly terrifying, like the 2 foot baculum of the walrus, plenty of them aren't.

Chimps, for example, have a baculum about the size of your fingernail.

In fact even without the extra skeletal bone, humans still have the biggest penises of the

great apes.

So, you know what, I don't miss it.

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For more on that crazy walrus baculum watch Carin talk about it on Wild Sex, here.

Make sure you subscribe for more videos and remember…

Gorillas, with all their chest-thumping, only have a 2.5 inch penis.

Showing yet again, that we are all compensating for something.

Thanks for watching and I'll see you next time on Seeker.

For more infomation >> Why Don't Humans Have a Penis Bone? - Duration: 3:07.


6 space technologies we can use to improve life on Earth | Danielle Wood - Duration: 10:52.

I was 17 when I chose my career.

I was standing outside

on a hot summer night in Florida

and just a few miles from the ocean.

I was waiting for a miracle to happen.

That summer, I was privileged to work as an intern

at NASA's Kennedy Space Center,

and the miracle I was waiting for

was the launch of the Columbia Space Shuttle

carrying the Chandra X-Ray Observatory,

a telescope that would allow scientists to peer into the edge of black holes.

The entire sky filled with light.

And it was as if it was daytime in the middle of the night.

Soon, we could feel the rumble of the engines vibrating in our chests.

And it wasn't a miracle;

it was the combined effort of a team of thousands of people

who worked together

to make was seemed impossible a reality.

And I wanted to join that team.

So I decided to apply to a university where I could study aerospace engineering.

And the following year,

I started at MIT in my engineering training

and joined a student project building space robots.

And everything was going as I planned,

except I was confused about something important.

Now, my confusion arose in my summer breaks.

I traveled to a school in Kenya,

and there I volunteered with girls ages five to 17,

giving them lessons in English and math and science.

And they taught me songs in Swahili.

And mostly, I just spent time getting to know the girls,

enjoying their presence.

And I saw that these girls and the leaders in their community,

they were overcoming important barriers

to allow these girls to have the best possible chances in life.

And I wanted to join that team.

I wanted to be part of a team that would help break down barriers

and improve the lives of girls around the world.

But I was worried that studying aerospace engineering

wasn't the most useful.

I was worried this team in Kenya couldn't use the technology

I was learning about space.

But thankfully, I still learned that I was wrong.

I came back and interned at NASA again,

and this time,

a mentor taught me

that countries like Kenya had been using space technology for decades

to improve the lives in their own countries.

And then I knew that I could have a career in space

and in development.

This idea is not new.

In fact, in 1967, the nations of the world came together

to write the Outer Space Treaty.

This treaty made a bold statement,

saying, "The exploration and use of outer space

should be carried on for the benefit of all peoples,

irrespective of their level of economic or scientific development."

We have not truly lived up to this ideal,

although people have worked for decades to make this a reality.

Forces such as colonialism and racism

and gender inequality

have actually excluded many people from the benefits of space

and caused us to believe that space is for the few

or the rich or elite.

But we cannot afford this attitude,

because the world is engaged in a vital mission

to improve life for everyone.

Our road map for this mission comes from the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

of the United Nations.

All the member states of the United Nations have agreed

that these are priorities between now and 2030.

These goals give us our key moments and opportunities of our time --

opportunities to end extreme poverty,

to insure that everyone has access to food and clean water.

We must pursue these goals as a global community.

And technology from space supports sustainable development.

In fact, there are six space services

that can help us pursue the Sustainable Development Goals.

Over the next few minutes, let's explore these six services,

and see examples of just a few of the goals they help support.

You ready?


Communication satellites provide access to phone and internet service

to almost any location on Earth.

This is particularly important during times of disaster recovery.

When Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines,

the local communication networks needed to be repaired,

and teams brought in inflatable communication antennas

that could link to satellites.

This was useful during the time of repair and recovery.

Positioning satellites tell us where we are

by telling us where they are.

Scientists can use this technology to track endangered wildlife.

This turtle has been fitted with a system

that allows it to receive location information from positioning satellites,

and they send the location information to scientists

via communication satellites.

Scientists can use this knowledge to then make better policies

and help determine how to keep these animals alive.

Earth observation satellites.

They tell us what's going on in our environment.

Right now, there are about 150 satellites

operated by over 60 government agencies,

and these are just those observing the Earth.

And meanwhile, companies are adding to this list.

Most of the governments provide the data from the satellites for free online.

Some of these satellites provide images like this,

that show what you would see from a camera.

This is an image showing agricultural land in Kansas.

However, the majority of the Earth observation satellites

don't take pictures at all.

They take measurements.

And they combine these measurements with complex computer models

and make beautiful, global visualizations such as this one,

showing the ocean currents

and the temperature of the ocean, globally.

Or we can look at the salt and smoke and dust in the atmosphere,

or the rainfall and snowfall, globally,

as well as the annual cycle of vegetation on land and in the ocean.

Now, scientists can take this information about the rainfall and the vegetation

and use it to understand

what areas on Earth are in danger of a famine or a drought

and provide that information to aid organizations

so they can be prepared with food aid before the hunger becomes severe.

In space, we have an orbiting laboratory on the International Space Station.

The vehicle and everything inside are in a form of free fall

around the Earth,

and they don't experience the effect of gravity.

And because of this, we call it "microgravity."

When astronauts are in the microgravity environment,

their bodies react as if they're aging rapidly.

Their bones and muscles weaken,

and their cardiovascular system and their immune system change.

As scientists study how to keep astronauts healthy in space,

we can take the exercises and techniques we use for astronauts

and transfer them to people on Earth

to improve our health here.

Often, as we develop technology for astronauts and exploration

or for spacecraft,

we can also transfer those inventions to improve life on Earth.

Here's one of my favorites.

It's a water filtration system,

and a key component of it is based on the technology

to filter wastewater on the space station.

It's now being used around the world.

Space is also an infinite source of inspiration,

through education,

through research and astronomy

and that age-old experience of stargazing.

Now, countries around the world are engaging in advancing

their own development

by increasing their local knowledge of engineering and science and space.

Let's meet some of the world's newest satellite engineers.

This is Elyka Abello, from Venezuela.

Elyka is training as a satellite engineer

as part of her national satellite program in Venezuela.

She has designed a software tool

that allows her team to better design the power systems for engineering.

This is Adel Castillo-Duran,

from the Philippines.

Adel is both a meteorologist and a satellite engineer,

and she uses data from satellites in her weather forecasting.

And finally, meet Hala.

Hala is from the Sudan,

and as she was studying electrical engineering as an undergraduate

in Khartoum,

she and several students decided to build their own satellite.

And later, Hala earned a scholarship to study satellite engineering

at the graduate level.

These stories that I've shared with you

all illustrate that space truly is useful for sustainable development

for the benefit of all peoples.

But we have more work to do,

because there are still barriers that exclude people from space

and limit the impact of this technology.

For many people, Earth observation data is complex.

And satellite communication services are too expensive.

And microgravity research just appears to be inaccessible.

This is what motivates my work as a professor at MIT's Media Lab.

I've recently founded a new research group called Space Enabled.

We are working to tear down these barriers that limit the benefits of space.

And we're also going to develop the future applications

that will continue to contribute to sustainable development.

We'll keep on this work

until we can truly say that space is for the benefit of all peoples,

and we are all space enabled.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> 6 space technologies we can use to improve life on Earth | Danielle Wood - Duration: 10:52.


Generic: Part 2 | Short Film - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Generic: Part 2 | Short Film - Duration: 4:04.


Russian Asia - Duration: 20:42.

Russian Asia

Altay Republic

I got to the road of Chuysky Trackt

a lot of motorcyclists are going to Mongolia

right now I'm on the Chike-Taman pass

it's its old version of this road

new version has an asphalt road, and the old Chike-Taman pass is still unpaved

then I'm going to the Aktash for a sleepover and then gonna go to the Katu-Yaryk pass

Full tank

Ok, now I'm on the Katu-Yaryk pass

I think I'm going to put a tent right here

Wind blows and it is raining and they are standing still

It's actually unbelievable

Today was an awesome to ride a motorcycle around Kosh-Agach district

I put a tent in camping place

Tomorrow is a pouring rain forecast, but the day after tomorrow I'll try to go to the Ukok Plateau

local people say that you can't even get to the pass because everything is flooded

I have to get to the top

The hairy yaks

Karagem pass

50 meters was not enough to the top

because there's too much snow

Shepherd's motorcycle drove higher than my motorcycle

It is actually really cool here

good luck of weather


I have no idea where shepherd went, but here lies his shirt, pants

I'm on a high place of 2500 m

Right now I'm on the Mars. You can find it close to the 52 highway

on this Mars there is no life

except traces of rams and cows

Sayan Mountains

There are too many fords

I just crossed the river and now I have to cross another

If you like taking pictures with a long road going beyond the horizon

than you have to visit the Republic of Khakassia

Sayan pass

on this side is the Republic Khakassia

and on this side is the Tyva Republic

Yesterday was good

you can look up the photos on the internet

What are your thoughts about this

It's really cool

better than sitting home, even if it's raining

Sakha Republic (Yakutia)

Dima just joined my travel

Right now we are waiting for loading by ferry to Yakutia

3-day cruise on the Lena River awaits us

we want to get on the alternative road of Yakutia

this is Vilyui highway

we will see a diamond quarrys on this road

and then we go to Yakutsk and Magadan.

Our road to Yakutia has just begun, we will go to the diamond capital of Russia, the town of Mirniy

This is such a funny road we took to get closer to the Natural Park Lena Pillars

Hello, I need to get to Tumul

is there a better road or the same?

No, it is better

Ok, now we can climb

We swam on a boat, for two hour, and now we're climbing to the top of this beauty.

It's so beautiful here, I can't even speak

shouldn't even look at the pictures

you just have to go and see it yourself!

Magadan Region

I thought we would never get to this gas station

my tank is completely empty

People say the road to the Magadan is really bad

and the reason why this road is bad is because bears are eating tourists


can you please tell me in how many kilometers will the gas station be

It will be in 200 kilometers

Oh, only 200

We received a wrong information from other bikers

that's why we extremely need fuel

and road workers helped us

That's how people in Magadan go to find gold

in Yakutia we get diamonds with an excavator

but here they find gold

What do you have on your head?

Shave your heads

did you find gold?

We're going to the one of the biggest camps of GULAG

its name is Butugychag

The camp is mostly known for its deadly uranium mines

On this old rocky road

someone drove trolleys

with ore

Ok, we swallowed a few kilograms of dust

and now we're in Magadan

Primorsky Krai (Vladivostok)

I'm on my way, I'm excited about travelling

after a short break, I came back from Kalyma

to continue the journey to the east

my plan is to ride on beach of the Sea of Japan

and then I'm going to Kamchatka

to volcanoes and bears

Is it tasty?


there was a fortress here

at the corners stood towers

and here was a town

the healing spring is not here, it is far from here

Are you eating?

Yeah, eating our breakfast and mosquitos are eating us

let's help you

our friend was attacked by a bear

and goes back to Vladivostok

Typhoon Lionrock came to Primorye

hundreds of houses in the disaster zone

a number of settlements have been cut off from the outside world

Cars are standing still, because the trees fell down

All the bridges were carried to the ocean

there was not a single road left to get out

right now we're having an evacuation

and there is our helicopter

Kamchatka Peninsula

I'm in Kamchatka

it's the last trip of my exploration around Russia

i plan to climb two active volcanoes

and chill on the volcano beach

and I want to eat a lot of fresh fish

i hope the weather will be good for climbing tomorow

It was snowing at night

and if we look outside it looks like winter

I'm standing close to the two volcanoes

this is the Avachinskiy the one that I'm going to

and the Koryakskiy

both volcanoes are active

RUSSIAN ASIA. Anatoly Chernyavskiy

For more infomation >> Russian Asia - Duration: 20:42.


CAPTIVATED Chapter 3 - Official Trailer - Duration: 1:10.

He found it.

I didn't think, he had the guts to pull through...

...not after everything, that happened.

You know...'s a good thing, we locked that damn suitcase.

Now they have to find the code.

Buys us time.

And soon...

...he'll finally know, what happened to her.

Are...are you there?

For more infomation >> CAPTIVATED Chapter 3 - Official Trailer - Duration: 1:10.


O-Buchstaben-Song singen für Kinder | instasmart KIDS - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> O-Buchstaben-Song singen für Kinder | instasmart KIDS - Duration: 3:11.


♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡We will rock you♡ - Duration: 1:57.

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise

Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day

You got mud on yo' face

You big disgrace

Kickin' your can all over the place


We will we will rock you

We will we will rock you

Buddy you're a young man hard man

Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day

You got blood on yo' face

You big disgrace

Wavin' your banner all over the place

We will we will rock you

(Sing it!)

We will we will rock you

Buddy you're an old man poor man

Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day

You got mud on your face

Big disgrace

Somebody better put you back into your place

We will we will rock you

(Sing it!)

We will we will rock you

We will we will rock you

We will we will rock you

We will we will rock you

Sing It

We will we will rock you

For more infomation >> ♡MMD♡Eddsworld♡We will rock you♡ - Duration: 1:57.


Parblo Coast 13 [Tablet Review] - Duration: 5:07.

So, I've been asked to do a review of this tablet by a company with probably the greatest

name ever.

Um, This is the Coast 13 Graphics Monitor by Parblo,

which is my new favorite word...


They've included some stickers here but we'll get to that in a second.

And there's a little poster!

I like this guy, he's funky.

No, wait...

This guy.

Also, I am kind of losing it, because look at this.

Good morning.


I gotta put this on my computer just so I can, just, see it, every single day, and be

reminded of the stud that I really am.

Okay so, the actual tablet.

This is the only pen monitor that I have ever had experience with, so I'm kinda going to

be comparing it to uh, a Cintiq by Wacom of the same size.

Inside the package is the tablet, with a- just a whole mess of buttons.

Customizable, programmable keys, and a handy dandy little scroll wheel, which is very very

fun to click.

There is also a crazy-looking cord, a dust cloth, a glove, which is nice, the driver's

included on a CD, and this weird little box that, I wasn't really

sure what it was at first, but it's a freakin' pen box!

It's so fancy!

And it feels really nice.

It also comes with six extra nibs, and a little doohickey to get them out.

I don't know why I'm so thrilled by that, it just makes me really happy.

As far as pen pressure goes, it has 2,048 levels of sensitivity, and it does not support

pen tilt.

For comparison, the Cintiques usually have more than 8,000 pressure levels, but the Coast

13 handles so smoothly I don't think I'd be able to tell.

Like, it doesn't feel like it has very low pressure levels.

I can press really really lightly on it, and it'll still pick up the strokes, so that's


Especially for people like me who don't like to bare down super hard on their tablets.

The screen itself feels really nice, like even without the glove on, your hand can glide

over it really really easily.

One thing though is, um, things can get underneath the glass very easily.

There's some cat hairs and dust that I don't think were there when I first got it that

just appeared after minutes of holding it.

I don't know if that's my fault...

Or what.

There doesn't seem to be a way to get them out, so that's...

A little troubling.

The screen resolution is 1920x1080, which is the same as Wacom has for their Cintiqs

on their website, but the screen on the Coast 13 is not quite as sharp as I would like.

Maybe I'm just spoiled by like, my mac daddy computer monitor, but I just feel like it's

lacking in the resolution.

I just feel like it's a little bit fuzzy.

When I first started using it, the colors and the contrast were like, WAY messed up.

It didn't match what was on my computer at all, so after quite a while of messing around

with them on the settings, I think I got it pretty close, but it's still not exactly the

same color.

And I don't think I can get it to match up completely.

It works totally perfectly with Paint Tool SAI and Photoshop, um, I haven't used that

many other programs with it so I don't know, but I hear that it has some problems with

open source programs like GIMP and Krita.

So you might want to check up on that if you use those programs.

The pen itself doesn't need to be charged.

It has an eraser on it, which is super great.

I kind of wish that the button on the side was a little bit more raised, but that's (trailing

off) just a personal preference...

I don't know, I've been using it for a few days now, um, my biggest problem with it is

that the colors aren't very true to life.

So, a lot of times I just end up looking up at my computer screen instead of the tablet

to make sure that the colors are okay.

But, there's almost no lag, very little parallax.

There's a little bit of space but that's to be expected.

It's bigger than the tablet that I normally use but it's light enough that you can carry

it around with you.

Y'know, coming from a beginner to pen monitors like this, I think that this will be a really

good tablet for a beginner.

There wasn't a whole lot of fuss setting it up, except for...

I forgot to uninstall my Wacom drivers so the pen sensitivity didn't work, but that

was my bad.

The Wacom Cintiq Pro 13 is 1,000 dollars, whereas the Parblo Coast 13 is only 345.

So, it's less than half of the price of a Cintiq of the exact same size, and while you

may be sacrificing pressure levels and other things, I think it's really worth it, because

it feels like just a good, sturdy tablet.

So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope it was at least a little bit helpful.

I'll be back next week with another tablet review, and keep an eye out for more speedpaints.

Because I am going to be using the heck out of this thing.

Also, if you want to support me and what I do, and want to help me be an artist as a

career, I have a Patreon where you can get so much- Just SO much exclusive art that I

don't post anywhere else.

There's a ton of stuff.

There's also some public posts over there if you want to go browse.

Then there's physical rewards that you can get, like pins with my art on them and hand

written thank you notes, y'know.

But thank you so much for watching.

Seeya next week!

[Music fades in]

For more infomation >> Parblo Coast 13 [Tablet Review] - Duration: 5:07.


WOWEscape WOW - Snowflake Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 9:27.

WOWEscape WOW - Snowflake Escape

For more infomation >> WOWEscape WOW - Snowflake Escape Walkthrough 2018 - Duration: 9:27.


Opening My FIRST Fan Letter (sexy) - Duration: 8:42.

oh my gosh I hope you something super exciting to share with you guys hey guys

welcome back to my channel and today's gonna be a bit different not just

because we're featuring Olivia which I feel like I never get to do but she's my

best friend and she's about to go off to China and we're hanging out so she has

to join me she's been really supportive of me

having to take a hiatus from YouTube because I got sick and she's my best

friend and so we filmed something and I decided I'm just gonna make a whole

video of it so let me just cut to that I am super excited because I spat oh I am

super excited because I finally got fan mail which thank you so much guy that

I'm going to ban because I paid a lot of money for this UPS box for no one to

send me fan mail but look who's cool now now I thought it would be better if

Olivia opened this letter here we go Oh first impressions there multiple notes

oh my gosh is this like multiple love letters is this where I have to check

yes or no or maybe okay okay in the beginning God created the heavens and

the earth then on the 69th day dot dot dot winky face God decided the earth

need to get a little bit more sexy so he created Leslie then everything else like

YouTube was made and a guy that desperately needed to get banned was

made that guy was me it all started on a hot summer's night I oh I put down the

porn and

and decided to manifest myself onto YouTube

till I felt YouTube didn't have enough perverts an injustice that needed to be

rectified after my creation I went on an odyssey to search for any sexually

desirable females to see what links to at least my converted just reading them

who's gonna give me to monetize so at least write reverted cosmas on their

comments section that's wow that's sentence after a handful of successful

bannings replies out of distraught and the occasional lawsuit I felt I was

finally going to fulfill my birthright and become a super troll God but then

one night everything changed forever for some reason my arm fetish was tingling

that night so I typed down oh my god are we talking about this today cuz I was

thinking about this cut my arm hair on YouTube I scroll down and found this

video of this little cutie-patootie blond blond haired beauty pulling

pulling out her arm hair cook an ancient form of Egyptian torture I thought to

myself this should be good oh okay oh man

the video started I went to the comments section and began to type but then I

looked at the video and saw that cutie-patootie much more clearly

I saw a glowing ball of sexual sunshine

her lips had a juicy look of watermelon to it her curves reminded me of a

real-life Lola bunny her eyes sparkled with the shine of trumps desk as one of

his tears falls on it when he realizes the good

economy was Obama's doing now I'm getting turned on her hair looks strong

and blonde like the Thunder the Hawaiian natives have to deal with just sum it up

this chick was sexy then I looked at the recommended videos and saw another

another chick by the name of Leslie x1 doing the same type of video

JK this little ball of central sunshine was you girl anyway - do you like this

just I think there's more videos for you okay

anyway I now think I should okay go on go on anyway I looked at your name and

notice it was Leslie with two y's an ancient Tibet having two wise in a name

it's considered a mating call but the ex one threw me off needless to

say I didn't comment I just clicked on another one of your vids and I actually

started to watch it you're actually a pretty funny person and have interesting

stories however I couldn't bring myself to comment something so brash I clicked

on another video I don't know about that but okay I clicked on another video and

I began telling myself come on call her a whore

tell her to rip her top off tell her you want to spank her tell her booty cheeks

turn red is this like me the other comments no but for some reason I

couldn't bring myself to to do it I couldn't be the troll I was destined to

be I mean yeah I still called you hot sexy yummy delicious and went crazy for

your song / Hall vids but I wasn't the perfor was with all the other with all

the others it became apparent that reaching and my

super troll god of legend might not happen but in time it managed to become

one of your top fans so in that it all worked out this is my origin story let

me know if you want a part too um sorry for the long letter here's a potato with

love from the guy you're going to bend oh my gosh here's a picture of the

potato now like choice key and this is put this on my resumes I mean it look

like I changed a man and that's really hard to do Oh what do I get

then oh my gosh another wall drawing and here oh here's the dead animal the dead

animal was because that was my one request that I didn't want that to me in

the mail I don't feel like I'm gonna add on my second request not to have anthrax

sent to me in the mail but those two things are really nice to not send to

someone but oh my gosh I am so touched I think I kind of fell in love a little

bit and I really hope that there's more in the future I'm gonna save this and

now the guy that I'm going to ban will forever be my first fan mail what are

your thoughts my super feminist friend yeah um so I definitely don't like that

you know you go around trolling people and saying misogynist stuff and you got

a troll stuff that's not based let's not give him a huge lecture cuz he did send

me fan mail he cut up and which I might do where everyone one bleep that

concludes today's video thank you so much the guy I'm going to ban you've

always been so nice to me and I love it when you tell me that my videos make you

cream your pants sorry my mom got mad at you for that but you know I appreciated

the comments and again send me more stuff because I love fan mail

bye guys bye

For more infomation >> Opening My FIRST Fan Letter (sexy) - Duration: 8:42.


CAPTIVATED Chapter 3 - Official Teaser - Duration: 0:31.


is dead.

For more infomation >> CAPTIVATED Chapter 3 - Official Teaser - Duration: 0:31.


Myth 24: Taking Your BBT Every Morning is Inconvenient - Duration: 1:06.

And we're back with myth #24.

Taking your BBT every morning is inconvenient.

The truth

It doesn't have to be!

So remember, your BBT, or your basal body temperature,

is the temperature of your body at its most rested state.

And you can measure it to confirm ovulation.

So ideally, you want to take your BBT first thing in the morning before getting out of bed,

after a minimum of 5 hours of sleep,

and approximately the same time each day plus or minus an hour.

To get the most accurate reading, take your temperature for 10 minutes.


I know, I know.

It sounds impossible.

But I have 2 words for you...

snooze button!

My trick is to set my alarm 10 minutes before I actually want to get up.

Once the alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button,

put my thermometer under my arm,

and go back to sleep.

When my alarm goes off,

my temperature is taken,

and I'm ready to get up!

Show me someone who couldn't use an extra 10 minutes in bed!

For more infomation >> Myth 24: Taking Your BBT Every Morning is Inconvenient - Duration: 1:06.


5 Bollywood And TV Actresses Who Change Their Name And Converted Muslim For Love - Duration: 3:03.

5 Bollywood And TV Actresses Who Change Their Name And Converted Muslim For Love

For more infomation >> 5 Bollywood And TV Actresses Who Change Their Name And Converted Muslim For Love - Duration: 3:03.


John Prine - Come Back To Us Barbara Lewis Hare Krishna Beauregard: 0:48 - 1:11 - Duration: 0:24.

♪ Don't you know her, when you see her? ♪

♪ She grew up in your back yard ♪

♪ Come back to us, Barbara Lewis ♪

♪ Hare Krishna, Beauregard ♪

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