Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

Welcome in a special episode on the occasion of 20 thousand subscribers of Asiasiowo.

Today I will show you how to make paper YouTube button by using quilling technique.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

First cut a rectangle out of thick paper. It should be slightly smaller than a frame.

Now, cut a template.

Copy it on the paper.

Take a strip of paper. 5mm in width.

Attach a quilling needle about 2cm from the top...

...and roll up the strip.

Remove the needle.

Attach it 2cm below and roll up the strip again.

Roll up entire strip in the same way.

Now, do the same with narrower strips (3mm in width).

Glue a narrower strip (3mm) to the line of Play symbol.

Now apply glue on the circles and glue them inside.

Next, use 5mm strips to make a frame of button.

Fill it by using paper circles (5mm).

Apply a glitter on the Play symbol.

Cut the letters out of paper and glue them below the button.

Apply glue on the back of the frame. Leave about 1mm of spacing from each edge.

Glue the paper.

And it's done.

Quilling technique gives us a many ways of making decorations or gifts.

You can use it to create beautiful flowers, ornaments or fill various shapes.

I want to thank all of my subscribers for subscribing my channel...

...and I invite you to the next episodes.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY Paper YouTube Play Button, 20000 subscribers, quilling (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #457 - Duration: 3:27.


Maik's skiing holidays - Duration: 6:59.

Yo guys, nice that you watch to this

video. In this video I go

ski in Austria.

It was verry nice for me, but I forgot

to record the intro on the balcony with a

nice background. Last year I did that.

video in the description and video from 2 years ago

also in the description. but I go

ski in Austria, I was there

and here comes the video, Let's go

but then........

Man: Do you understand German?

Me: Yes, a little bit

Man: This is forbidden

Man: yo may ski here, but this is only for raceteams

Last video Random video

For more infomation >> Maik's skiing holidays - Duration: 6:59.


Hearthstone - Bataille d'idole corbeau - Episode 1 - Duration: 24:38.

For more infomation >> Hearthstone - Bataille d'idole corbeau - Episode 1 - Duration: 24:38.


Taimur Ali Khan And Inaya Naumi Looks So Adorable While Met For The First Time - Duration: 2:42.

Taimur Ali Khan And Inaya Naumi Looks So Adorable While Met For The First Time

For more infomation >> Taimur Ali Khan And Inaya Naumi Looks So Adorable While Met For The First Time - Duration: 2:42.



I'd wanna talk about

something that isn't made in winter,

it's usually made in May, but

I don't now if I'll have time

to talk about this then.

I'm talking about the artificial swarms!

How it's made an artificial swarm?!

First of all, at

multistoried hives or storied hives

on vertical,

after the bees moved into

storage, and you wanna see if

a hive is ready for swarming,

you take 3-4 frames

from the middle of the storage

and if on those frames

are queen alveolus or even eggs,

because the bees compel the queens, when they're

getting ready for swarming, to climb there, too,

to have a reserve queen alveous,

or more.

Then you work down

in the proper hive. Depending on

the hive's size

and if we wanna do a swarm or not,


check the proper hive

and if it's full of queen alveous,

we can destroy them, in order not

swarm, at least 7 days, or

we take the queen with another frame

with honey and we put them in

an empty box,

and we leave that hive

with maximum 2 queen aleveous,

because if we leave more of them, it swarms repeatedly.


we already have a swarm, which

has a queen.

Those bees don't come back in the

proper hive, because the queen it's

with them, and the other ones take care

of the sapling

and collect a lot of honey, especially!

If in the same period,

we wanna change one hive's queen,

about which we aren't satisfied,

we take

the queen with the frame and

we put them into a core

and we leave the queen 1 day, 2 maximum

and then we take, from the hive in which there are

a lot of queen aleveous, a frame

with sapling and queen aleveous, but without bees

and we put it in the hive we wanna change its queen

and suddenly, we've 2 hive here, too!

From the queen,

which we took, even though it's weaker

we can cut

one of its legs or a bit from one of its wings,

and then the bees compel her

to lay eggs and they'll make

a queen replacement,

which will be peaceful

and we'll have a new queen

and a hive, which changed its queen,

especially, if we give it

a covered queen alveous,

it hatchs very quickly and the hive doesn't loss,

contrariwise, it gets stronger very quickly,

because it'll have new queens!

Dear friends, thank you for watching!

If you like this video and you want

more videos like this one, don't forget

to SUBSCRIBE to the channel

and to click the bell fromthe right part of

the 'SUBSCRIBE' button, in order to be the first who see

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in order to remain turned about

the newest information about the channel!

I was Siminic Clep and until the next time,

I wish you to have as much as

possible buzz in your hives!

For more infomation >> HOW IS MADE AN ARTIFICIAL SWARM?! (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) - Duration: 4:34.


[kt Rolster TALK] A sad story from Top Lane - Duration: 1:41.

Mid and Jungle. Somewhere between there

Score and Deft setting their position firmly and a Support Mata protecting two players

Enemy Top laner who was on a recall came into Mata's eyes

Mata marching in right away while giving up on his recall (Mata) Ah, it's coming again!

How could you show your greed on our Score's Red buff!

(Mata) We need to get that

4 man expedition including Kassadin is marching in to kill Gnar (Mata) We might.. We might not be able to get that?

The anxiety was only there momentarily, the turned back after completing the execution

!One man left behind!

Ahah.. Score in pain.. (Mata) Score!

Let's rewind back to the moment ago,

Score is taking the camp with a relieved mind as Mata is near him

He feels urgent after detecting Gnar

Deft : Bro, let's go together! I'll help you!

Took the Red buff safely with the help of Deft

Caught Gnar successfully

As I earned some gold, let me think about what to buy!

He throws the lantern as fast as he can

(Score) Wow- sh

but it could not reach Score

Mata knew it all

That someone else would come as Gnar died..

(Score) Ah- I died while shopping, ah..

(Score) I made a mistake..

(Mata) Score...lololol..bro lolol

Mata's heart is torn into pieces as all he could do was to watch Score in danger (Mata) You're so poor..

For more infomation >> [kt Rolster TALK] A sad story from Top Lane - Duration: 1:41.


ఇంటి నిర్మాణంలో కంపాస్ ప్రాముఖ్యత | Vastu Compass In Telugu | Vastu Compass For Home | Vastu Compass - Duration: 1:57.


For more infomation >> ఇంటి నిర్మాణంలో కంపాస్ ప్రాముఖ్యత | Vastu Compass In Telugu | Vastu Compass For Home | Vastu Compass - Duration: 1:57.


投資家に対してうぬぼれるな! - Duration: 11:49.

For more infomation >> 投資家に対してうぬぼれるな! - Duration: 11:49.


T-Bao Tbook X8S Pro - A $299 Gaming Laptop - Duration: 20:16.

hi guys so I have something a little different here it's a gaming laptop I

mostly focus on more budget orientated things and the occasional premium gaming

laptop but this one sells for $299 and it has a dedicated GPU and the CPU is a

quad core now it's nothing amazing spec wise as you would expect for that price

range of course so it has a sell run j34 55 I have never reviewed this Apollo

Lake chipset most commonly I'm looking at the end

3450 which is right here in the Teclast F7 now this cpu is very similar to

that one it's slightly higher clocked it has a TDP of 10 watts instead of the six

I think it is on the N3450 so it offers just a slight increase

there in performance I think it's something around 20% or 50% more it's

not amazing but what's interesting is it's paired up with the six gigabytes of

RAM that you typically see now on those budget laptops but it's got a dedicated

GPU and Nvidia 920M so I picked this one up here from geek bind comm and they

threw in some free Valentine's Day gift and actually arrived on Valentine's Day

so how's that for luck and what it was is this funny little thinking out and

what it is happy monkey but I'll give that to my four-year-old daughter noise

you'll love to play with that so as you can see the box is brother basic here

and it's not offering a lot of protection so hope it's going to be ok I

can see it hasn't taken any knocks or anything and just to point out that on

this side I won't show it we've got a Windows 10 home key now it could be the

Chinese home key but it should allow us to do a clean install as well with that

CD key which is good so in the top of the box here we've got the power supply

and cables I can see ok geek Viacom has included an adapter and there is the

cable so now this power cable actually looks like the Australian New Zealand

one so that three pong prong style one and the power supply which isn't that

big I mean we're only powering a Apollo Lake and then the 920 M from Nvidia so

this is rated to 12 volts for amps the power adapter takes that standard Mickey

Mouse plug so this is going to be very easy to

get a replacement in your own countries a local plug and then just of course

plug that straight in so no need for any adaptors then okay so the box doesn't

look that strong the packaging but it does have that phone either side and I

can see we've got silver on the bottom so far and it's protected up with this

sleeve here so no damage to that alright so before I get into the design and

build quality of it let's just check out the way - feels rather heavy as expected

so 1.69 kilos so then lettuce made out of plastic it has a little bit of a

cheap feel - it's just painted plastic it has this t Bayeux or however

pronounced that logo on the top now this you can actually remove because the

previous ones I looked at the t book from them you can actually just get like

a knife or a tool and pull that ugly looking logo there icon the name off

there which is great now on the bottom I've got two downwards firing speakers

screws there two screwing things in place the intake vent so if you use it

on your lap you'll block this now that's made out of the silver plastic again it

feels a little bit cheap here now I've got my knife there for a reason I'm just

covering up the Windows 10 home CD key that they have there I'm not going to

broadcast that out to the world I actually need to use that so on the left

hand side we've got a full size USB 3 port 3.5 millimeter headphone jack and

an SD card reader so that's good to see that on here and also a LAN port on here

now I think this Ethernet port I don't know where it's 100 megabits or a

gigabit port I doubt it's gigabit but I will test that out I've just noticed

that this plastic around here that is so cheap and tacky looking just look at it

it's got a few little rough edges the finish of this laptop as expected for

the price isn't amazing and that's just out of alignment a little bit as well

that USB 3 port right hand side we have DC end for charging then we have a type

C port this is USB 3 spec only I think I don't think it accepts charging but I

will test it many HDMI out so that'll be 4k 30 Hertz

maximum that it supports don't think it supports the 60 here as well definitely

white because that needs to be HDMI to speak of course

then another USB 3 port now you see some more imperfections here with those

plastics the plastics its use is not an amazing quality okay so first peek now

at the keyboard so no cannot be open to one-handed and there hinge sorry

something's rubbing just opening that all click noise okay that's not

wonderful it's this right here it's the plastics around it's just come undone

I'll have to try and clip that in so gaming style keyboard of course is in

red now this is not a backlit keyboard flex actually that's quite firm keys

feel a little bit clunky plastic II kind of feel a little bit cheap they do not

feel as good as the tech lasts if sevens keyboard this one feels a lot yeah that

feels a lot better just the sound of those keys and the feedback you get from

them so the touchpad looks rather large in fact it's about the same size of the

tick last if7 touchpad here clicky mouse clicks within that touchpad

and you notice this ugly looking red v symbol can't say i'm a huge fan of that

but i can probably live with that so the polymers plastics is matte it

gained not a super high quality plastic they have used here but overall so far

I'll type and use this keyboard for a little while as well before my full

review there kind of feels ok the keyboard then we do have some status

LEDs here and the power button is located probably where the Delete key

should be I'm not a big fan of that placement it just give you a close up

two of the keyboard so I mean it does look good but it's missing shortcuts

there I can't see controls therefore the volume and screen bonus I'm sorry there

they are with the arrow keys normally they're up here so I was looking in the

wrong place okay so that display is glossy as you can see let's pull off the

screen fatigue that is it Matt underneath no it's not it's glossy as

well so it's supposed to be 1080p and an IPS panel but I'll check that out in a

second okay so just powered it on and went straight into the bias you know me

I want to check out and see if this has the Advanced Settings open to us and it

actually looks like it does the one after is our power limit and that's

under CPU power management right here and yes the power limit is in fact

disabled out of the factory so that's good sign there that means it can use up

to about 15 watts it's normally the maximum I see out of these chipset but

that's when it's using the integrated graphics now I'm not too sure if it's

going to have in videos optimist so that set graphics switching technology used

to integrated and then swap over to the dedicated when it actually needs it so

let's just get out of here now we'll take a look at that screen but I can see

already that yes it is an IPS panel because it's not shifting the colors

they're now viewing angles aren't amazing I think it's to do with the see

that how works we're flicking a lot because it's not a matte screen I would

have preferred this to have been a matte scream it anyway let's just get out of

this and get into desktop here and see if it's running Windows 10 in English

okay so it looks like it is now I haven't commented yet but look at those

bezels they're actually not too bad so we have rather slim bezels top and

bottom and the screens not looking too bad really for a 15.6 inch display okay

so straight away I found a con with this touchpad it does not seem to be

supporting any gestures so the double tap that doesn't work swiping none of

those windows 10 gestures are working it's definitely not a precision touch

better just check the drivers so quite annoying you'd have to right-click using

that clunky button there no I don't like this little so okay it's a gaming laptop

so you probably be using a mouse anyway but even so if this had a precision

touchpad that would just be so much better

so touchpad is crap so just to check out and run through a few things here to do

with the hardware first so we can see that the maximum toolbar here is 2.3

gigahertz instead of the 2.2 on the N 3450 the base clock is 1.5 gigahertz

inside a 1.1 so this should give us a little bit of a boost there so that's

not really gonna really be super-powerful anything like that but it

should be sufficient for light tasks at least now if I have a look at the

monitor just have a look at the it says it's a flat panel it's

definitely not 768 P this is a 1080p panel so it's not reading that correctly

it's saying it's an MS underscore triple zero 3 no that is not the case here so

the memory is not actually running at the higher supported speeds I was just

having a look at that before because we have a look here under memory in Windows

and the task manager you can see it's running at one point 3 gigahertz and it

should be actually one point one what I typically see on the the other sale run

so the entity 450 series of laptops that I commonly review those budget laptops

with itself for around two hundred and thirty fifty at us so hopefully I can

change that in the bias I probably won't mess about with it right now in case I

end up just breaking this completely so the hardware the device manager as well

I just wanted to have a quick look at a couple of things so network we have

right here a Broadcom while it says she got listed twice but that's not the case

here it's the Intel dual band wireless AC 31 65 so very common here I don't

know why this has been listed in here twice if I look at the device manager

it's only in here once here so that's the one it is so it's the Intel dual

band I want to say see that's not too bad I mean it's recently facets wireless

AC of course so a better than wireless in that we were seeing last year and the

Ethernet port that's only 100 megabits per second so not a gigabit one there so

it's not the fastest and you can see that the drive so we've got an NT 128

gigabyte Drive that has approximate I think was 90 something just bring that

up for you 90 something gigabytes free okay here we go

so you 97 point for free and the speeds of the drive and see right here so these

aren't actually too bad now why we're seeing full right speed

set of three right speeds on this is because it's actually a 22 by 80 so the

longer MDOT to SATA 3 SSD that this has within there which is another positive

here this is good see if you can upgrade you can put an even larger SSD on this

this is the size I'm talking about so my crucial 22 by 80 this one's 290

gigabytes you could put this in there I'll show you the internal zone where

you can upgrade what is available to us to upgrade so the wireless card and the

SSD now the battery capacity is being reported as 40 watt hours which I guess

that's actually okay considering just a touch on that screen again it's really

not a bad display considering the price of this I must say I'm impressed with

the displays probly the best part so yeah that the build quality overall is

pretty plasticky and cheap II kind of feeling at least I put a decent panel on

here now this isn't even the full brightness I have at the moment so I'll

just increase that at full brightness now just looking at the information of

this dedicated GPU we've got on here it supports DirectX 12 so that as good the

driver version doesn't seem no that's not the latest I have to update that

we've got dedicated memory we've got two gigabytes of double data rate 3 so not

the fastest time I think it's the 940 m or the 940 MX that has the double data

rate 5 spec so it's a little bit faster but I mean for the price you can't

expect much here there are the clocks there so it's 900 megahertz on the

graphics clock the RAM is 1800 megahertz and we have 192 CUDA cores so as I

showed you at the start we've got the 2 speakers that are down with firing I

don't particularly like that location because if you use it on your lap

beginner block 2 speakers but I'll give you the sample of them now

hmm okay they're not very loud at all they've got a tiny hint of bass in there

mostly medicine trebles but they are seriously lacking volume they need to be

way louder than that maybe that can be tweaked via software hopefully we can

boost it up a little bit so if you need a good web cam I think you can forget

about it with this one so the location is like the Dell XPS is next to be a 13

I started with that that we've got the location right down here at the bottom

so it's kind of looking up your nose and I can see already that it's like VGA

resolution the quality is pretty rubbish there so I wouldn't be using this webcam

I would use an external one now Linux Manjaro just tested out seventeen point

one point four build and everything is working so wireless screen adjustment

controls battery everything so this is good news if you want to run Linux on it

it should run perfectly fine as long as you've got a new distro that has the

latest kernels checking out the internals now what we're looking at is

that 22 by 80 SSD its king spec so you can put your own one in there if you

wanted to I've got a crucial as I showed you before that I could fit in here so

that will fit you can upgrade the SSD you can put up to 2 terabytes I think it

is in this size but just make sure it's set of three spec it will not support

PCIe times two or four drives no not at all so this is the cooler here with the

thermal transfer pipe going to defense along here pushing air out so it's

sucking it in from below and hopefully that's going to do a good job of cooling

now we can go along Andry paste this if you wanted to do that now the battery

cell that's 10,000 milliamp hours in total and it's screwed in place we've

also got this metal backing you can see here now that of course is keeping that

keyboard quite firm so that's why it doesn't have a lot of flex this is good

to see here is a shot of the CPU cooler now I've heard this on most of the time

very low so it's only around about 15 20 percent you can hardly hear it's just

the light buzz keeping things cool but when it wraps up to 80 percent or a

hundred you definitely hear it come on now you see that of course we could reap

a stun as well they use poor quality thermal paste normally the factory so I

do recommend doing that if you're gonna open it and get this far you probably

just reap a with a quality paste and that'll be a

lot better now I can't see the RAM but definitely not upgradeable it will be

part of the motherboard on the other side there those Samsung low-power

double data rate threes is two three gigabyte chips on there shot of the

wireless card here too so if you weren't happy with the spec of the Intel way si

si si 165 then just pull it out and put something better in like the 82 60 80 to

65 and here are those tiny little speakers that aren't loud enough and

they do have a tiny tiny little bit of bass but they're pretty hopeless really

so as far as build quality goes for the internals it's you know average it's not

too bad it's good to see that they've got things screwed in place we have the

middle backing behind the keyboard just to make it a little bit more firm so it

doesn't have any flex and over all the wiring and things like that everything

looks fine we've got proper plugs nothing's you know just glued in place

so it doesn't look too bad to me again considering the price I can see one of

the antennas is right here so that's for the widest AC so they put one in the

base and I believe the other one is up in here or probably up in the lid there

alright so have a look at benchmarks here just very quickly so this is not

any faster than the SEL run in 3450 disappointing I expected it to be about

a hundred points more at least or something it's the same speeds as the

tick last f7 maybe it's down to the fact that the Rams only running at that 1333

and stead of 1600 megahertz that could have something to do with it so a

statistic out so Geekbench fours OpenCL GPU benchmark so this is the integrated

graphics here it's almost nine thousand now okay we know that Nvidia 920 M I've

never tested it before is very very low-end lacks Rambam 'lets yadda yadda

yeah it's not powerful at all but wait for it

bump bowl this is so low I did not expect 9429 that's just you know okay

that just shows how weak it is so what I decided to do alright I'll boost it up I

did a slight overclock so added 150 to the core 150 to the memory with MSI's

afterburner and it's gone up about 10% now 11,000 I mean

I expected 15 or 20,000 OpenCL score from this dedicated GPU I had no idea

the Nvidia 920 M is so weak super weak but let's test out a game and see if we

can at least get better results in gaming because benchmarks are one thing

than the integrated Intel 500 HD GPU so here we go the only game I'm going to

test is Counter Strike global Offensive now I'm going to try running 720p on

very low settings this is an old game but as we just saw before that it's a

super weak GPU so let's see how it handles it ok so not very good at all

look at their 720p running about 20 frames per second yeah that's really

slow very slow I mean it's marginally better than the Intel HD 500 with the

power limits removed so let's see if I can lower that resolution down at least

get something that's it's got playable framerate

okay so 1024 by 768 this really isn't much better at all look at that 19

frames per second a high of about 30 this is just not working

at all why is this hardware configuration even exist

it's denier it's just useless this GPU all right I'm gonna just wrap up this

video here I will not be doing a full review of this hardware because after

testing out some games on this so-called ultra budget gaming laptop you can see

that it's no faster than having the integrated graphics of for example the

tick last if7 without a power limit on it which is in the background there so

there was absolutely no point to this hardware configuration I didn't actually

know I was under we're completely unaware that the Nvidia 920 M was so

weak and absolutely hopeless that an Intel 500 integrated GPU is almost as

fast so that is it for this video here now if you want to know about the fan

noise yes it comes on and off and you do hear it at 100% volume the keyboard is

okay to type on the screens alright but just go for something like the tick last

f7 I'll be having a full review of that one coming out

shortly and don't waste your time with this one here thanks so much for

watching this video and making it this far do subscribe if you like these kind

of videos and I'll be covering more interesting texts something a little bit

better than this they may possibly check out a 940 MX version similar to this

it's a little smaller from day sky that GPU should be a lot more powerful than

this piece of rubbish that is the Nvidia 920M

For more infomation >> T-Bao Tbook X8S Pro - A $299 Gaming Laptop - Duration: 20:16.


하마히로 - 바벨 서커스 (バベルサーカス) - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 하마히로 - 바벨 서커스 (バベルサーカス) - Duration: 3:35.


5x DIY Sewing-Fabric Gifts / 5x DIY šité-látkové darčeky (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 10:19.


In this video I will show you 5 things that you can sew

or make from fabric and gift it to someone.

Some of the things I already made and published tutorials

and some I made just now and I will show you the tutorials.

I published tutorial for this apron just recently and I will leave link in the description box.

It is easy to sew and I think it is a cool gift for a friend, sister or mum.

This backpack I sewed for my friend as a birthday gift.

It didn't take long and it was easy.

I published the tutorial a year ago and link will be in the description box.

Now I will show you how I made these notebooks.

I followed a tutorial by an amazing youtuber Sea Lemon

so deffinitely check out her video!

I will show you short clip of the process.

I binded papers according to the tutorial.

I glued the back.

I glued there a piece of paper for better stability.

I covered the notebook with this skirt I thrifted for 2 €.

I cut the walls of the notebook from carboard and glued them onto the fabric.

I glued the edges of the fabric inside.

I glued the paper block to the cardboard.

Besides the leather one I made also few patterned ones

and I gave them to my friends on Christmas.

For the pillow, I decided to make it 34 cm large.

So I cut this rectangle from a light cotton.

I folded it in half and sewed it leaving a gap.

I snipped off the corners

and through the opening I turned the pillow to the right side.

I decided to stuff the pillow with scrap fabrics

but you can use regular pillow stuffing.

When I filled the pillow I handstitched the opening.

I decide to make the cover for the pillow from scrap fabric

that I used to make this skirt.

I cut two 35 cm squares from the fabric.

I used this zipper.

I chose a plastic one because they have coloured teeth and smaller runner.

But you can also use an invisible zipper so it wouldn't be visible.

Right sides together I sewed the zipper to one edge.

Then to the other.

I shortened the zipper.

I opened the zipper and right sides together sewed it close.

I turned it to the right side.

I made these pillows for myself from scrap fabrics

but I'm sure someone would love it as a gift.

And if it gets dirty I will just take the cover off

wash it and then put it back on.

Lastly I will show you how to make a laptop case.

First I measured the laptop.

These are the measurements.

I added those 3 cm of width to the height and length.

I added 2 cm seam allowance to the legth

and 1 cm to the height

because I will cut it on fold.

I cut the pattern from newspaper.

I used this fabric for the outside.

I folded it in half and cut the pattern on fold.

I used this fabric as a lining.

I cut the same piece.

For the inside I bought 0,5 meter of this material.

I don't know it's name but it's used in jackets.

I folded it in half and cut the pattern

cutting of 1,5 cm from those three sides which are not on fold.

I decided to make the inside from 2 layers to make the case more cushiony.

I cut one more piece

but since I already downsized the pattern I just cut it all around.

I sewed the two pieces into one around the edges.

I used this zipper.

Right sides together I pinned it to one side of the case.

I sewed it.

Right sides together I then pinned also the lining and sewed it.

I turned it to the right side.

Same way I sewed the zipper to the other side.

I flipped the case back inside out

and on one side I sewed separately first the main fabric and then the lining.

On the other side I sewed only the main fabric.

Through the opening in the lining I turned the case to the right side.

I put the stuffing inside through the opening.

I hand stitched the opening close.

So this is the case all done.

I made this one for myself but I made same one for my friend.

So that is all for todays video.

I hope you liked it and see you next time.

Bye! :)

For more infomation >> 5x DIY Sewing-Fabric Gifts / 5x DIY šité-látkové darčeky (SK, EN sub) - Duration: 10:19.


The 8 Most Common Narc Sadistic Conversation Control Tactics - Duration: 3:05.

The 8 Most Common Narc-Sadistic Conversation Control Tactics | Conscious Reminder

Absorbing attention.

It is the best thing that narc sadistic can do to other people in their circle.

When they are having conversation, you will notice that it is a hell to enter.

Before jumping to the video, dont forget to give a like to this video and subscribe to

our channel.

Here is the most common strategies to keep you exhausted.


Reverse projection As normal human being, we usually say something

nice to others.

However, when we say that to narcissist, they sometimes feel unhappy.

They reverse the projection into something negative, and we become confused on what has



Conversation is verbal competition The main goal of their conversation is to

win it.

The typical characteristics of the conversation are manipulating, controlling, deflecting,

distorting, and confusing.


Topic change If you are in the middle of conversation and

they start telling lies and you noticed them, the narcissists will switch the topic to win



Blaming After diverting your argument with illogical

reasons, they start to pummel you by blaming you through questions, conclusion, and gestures.


Volume up Loud noise is their special power while increasing

their tempo to bully you in a conversation.

It is meant for you to draw back, and this offensive state is quite effective as they

also do this in public space for winning.


Playing the victim Narcissists want compassion from other people,

and they want to make people who disagree with them regret.

That is why they play victim in order to make them look innocent.


Gas-lighting Another classic strategy in a conversation

for altering information with fake ones.

This is used for making you feel regret, unconfident, and weak.

That way, you will doubt your judgment and logic even though you are on the right track.


Interruption This is another weapon that narcissist do

to divert the conversation into something beneficial for them.

This way, your opinion or your argument will not be valid since it is always interrupted

before it completes.

All in all, that's the 8 Most Common Narc-Sadistic Conversation Control Tactics | Conscious Reminder.

So, Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The 8 Most Common Narc Sadistic Conversation Control Tactics - Duration: 3:05.


Мурс читает рэп / Ванес тестирует Импульсную гранату (Лучшее с Fortnite) - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Мурс читает рэп / Ванес тестирует Импульсную гранату (Лучшее с Fortnite) - Duration: 5:34.


⚫🐚 Siyah İnci/Czarna Perła, odcinek 19, napisy PL ⚫🐚 - Duration: 2:04:04.

For more infomation >> ⚫🐚 Siyah İnci/Czarna Perła, odcinek 19, napisy PL ⚫🐚 - Duration: 2:04:04.


Kayak Tour: Day 1 | Mecklenburg Lake Plate - Duration: 1:50.

This is the first day of our kayak tour through the Mecklenburg lake plate.

My brother, my father and I went on this tour a year ago

and since the nature was astonishing, I wanted to capture some moments on video,

which is what you are seeing right now.

On the first day we mainly got to know our kayaks.

After some rivers and lakes we got to a hidden campsite,

which was not even on our map.

That is where we put up our tents for the first night.

I hope you enjoyed this video!

If so, consider subscribing to get notified, when the video of day two comes out.

Thank you for watching!

For more infomation >> Kayak Tour: Day 1 | Mecklenburg Lake Plate - Duration: 1:50.


REISE: Morten Landmark lager kunst av gamle skip - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> REISE: Morten Landmark lager kunst av gamle skip - Duration: 3:27.


《晚吹 - 總有一瓣喺左近》第29集 - 桃花橫財運 (主持: 潘紹聰, 關寶慧, 岑樂怡) - Duration: 22:22.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 總有一瓣喺左近》第29集 - 桃花橫財運 (主持: 潘紹聰, 關寶慧, 岑樂怡) - Duration: 22:22.


فيلم كرتون قصير كوميدي روعة - المواجهة أنمي رائع - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> فيلم كرتون قصير كوميدي روعة - المواجهة أنمي رائع - Duration: 4:13.


Почему я презираю DOTA 2? - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Почему я презираю DOTA 2? - Duration: 4:45.


Making of: The World is Ours - Duration: 2:31.

Now Michi has to edit this ...


This is Denis' performance room for Guitar and Vocals.

We're doing things like...

Sometimes I play faster, sometimes I play slower...

Sometimes you can't tell how fast I'm actually playing.

We'll see what cool effects we can get out of this!

"Oh yeah"

[door creaking]

This was the room for drums

Denis, play some drums!

Yeah, it was very loud "It was terribly loud"

My ears are going to be dead after today

I don't have any hearing protection... Would look silly in the video, anyway.


A stairwell .... wheeeee

Denis, you sit in front of the piano, you don't stand there...

Please sit!

Yes, that's more authentic!

Looks like you're taking a dump...

That's what I have to put up with all day! "Yep"

At every rehearsal

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