Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018


Well, guys, it's time to do this

Anyway, this video was supposed to arrive

I put a little message in "#announcements"

And I wanted to have the opinion of everyone in relation to this decision

And then, just, we'll do it

This isss-

We'll see what happens, we'll see what happens



Yeah, we'll see

We'll see, we'll see, so here is

I officially... left... Genesis Recon.

There are people - compared to what happened with the nV, it's completely different

That is to say, there was no drama, no problem-

Huhhh, there was a drama at a moment, buuuut-

Man I don't know how to do this video..

I don't know at all

You know what ? I will tell you everything that has happened to me since I arrived in the GR

So, a lot of you guys know that I left nV, I was in nV Sniping before entering in GR

I remind you, if you do not know why I left the nV, the video is in the description (or search Why I Left nV Sniping)

So, just after leaving nV Sniping, I decided to search between 3 clans : there was QSU who was playing a lot, there was also Bluu, and there was Genesis Recon necessarily

So I decided between the 3

I made my little selection, I saw who was the more active, the number of members, if all the members were grinding, how was the server atmosphere

So between the 3 clans, I decided to join Genesis Recon

And what happened is that I was directly Moderator

There was already Corrin (water) who was already Moderator in Genesis Recon

And at this moment, she was also in the clan

So she talked a little about me at GunnerTDog (the owner)

She said a lot of things like "It's fine, you can trust him, he was in my clan, I know him, he's fine", so here is

And I know the discord group was already talking a little about me

So I was directly Moderator

I didn't need tryout, I decided to talk to Gunner in DMs, I said to him "Okay, I'm ready to join Genesis Recon", and he accepted me, so frankly, thanks to him

So if I decided to quit Genesis Recon today, it's because it isn't active anymore, that's the thing

I realized for a few days

It's too bad, it's a little too bad

I know when I joined, something happened : in the leaderboards, we started to climb, to climb, to climb, to climb, to climb

And we managed to catch up with nV Sniping, it's crazy

And now, nV Sniping took over us again

Now, nV Sniping are very active

Remind that in my "Why I Left nV Sniping" video, I said something like "if nV Sniping continues like this, in one month, the clan will fall down" and I'm happy that Brady knew how to manage his clan, how to clean up his clan, started to invite a lot of people

He has recruited new members

And it's not just anyone

That's the problem, this is not anyone

No there's no Deagle *cough* Damn my voice

There's no Deagle, Never left the GR to join nV, Mardak also left the GR to join nV

A small question that arises, because I know that at one point I talked about it

*cough* "Will I join nV Sniping again ?"

And, I can't tell you anything yet

So, either

I do my own thing solo

When I say "solo", it's really alone, no clans, just my own channel

And yeah, for those who.. want.. to watch my content, don't worry, I'll not change my content at all, I'm still here, it will always be the same

And until there, people appreciate my content, so here is

Either, I join nV Sniping again, but I have to think about it a lot, I have to really really really think about it

I know that nV Sniping changed a lot

And there's no drama anymore, that's surprising

Honestly, I don't know

And I know it would pissed some people

If I join nV again

So, I don't know it I'll do it (probably not lol)

Or, thirdly, simply, do my own clan

Some people told me "But you have already your own clan Golden, the Grind Squad", but the thing is it's a little group, it's for the fun, I decided to do it for the fun (what I'm saying is it's not an actual clan like nV GR QSU etc), because I know that-

Yet, all the-

All the Grind Squad members have at least watched one of my videos

So here's the members of the Grind Squad (at the right), and again, it's not an actual clan, it's just a-

The server is a community, it's my (YouTube) community

It represents my community and Grind Squad represents my group

For which I own

So they said "I quit the GR because the clan isn't active anymore", but like, I have the impression that there was no thanks behind, it's really strange

And I want to thanks GunnerTDog for everything he has done because, it might be one of my.. most supportive subscriber in GR, he comments in almost every video, so..

This guy is great, and I know some people don't like it, I don't get it, I don't understand why

And, it's not necessary, I don't understand

So, yeah, thanks GunnerTDog, really, that's- It was really cool, it was really cool

Anyway, we'll see the pinged message

"Golden, you're not in Genesis anymore ?"

*cough* I'll join them a little

"No they're not english tryharders" (Back and forth between RuZe and me)

"And I'm recording rn" "Yeah"

"Yeah I Left GR" "Well, well, shhh"

"I needed a clan just after nV Sniping" (they're asking me some questions)

"I needed a clan, but now, I'm thinking about it"

"Anyway, I'll leave you, I'm recording" (Shoutout to RuZe and Nitendo)

"Bye !"

Nitendo said I should take my time to think about a new team

Honestly, I don't know

You know what ? I'll stay alone for a moment, like one week, and we'll see, I'll tell you what will happen

It could be less than one week, but one week maximum

In one week, either I'll be in a team or I'll do my own thing

So I hope you enjoyed this video, like usual

I don't know what to say, honestly, I was a little lost in this video, I think you noticed it

If you enjoyed the video, leave a big blue thumb like usual, we're growing slowly but effectively, we're at 330 subscribers, thanks you so much, and we'll see the next time, for a new Roblox WWII video

Bye ! <3 (Big shoutout to the entire Genesis Recon Clan, I love you guys, I wish you the best !)

Oh my god... :')

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