Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 24 2018

Hello friends, with you Sofia!

Hello, Sofia!

Hello, Posh!

What will we play today, Sofia?

With very, very cunning mouse

Something I do not like his face

The mouse is so cunning, hid in the hay, what now?

There are holes here and these sticks ...

Yeah, it's clear

You need to push out the mouse with this stick

Yeah, it's clear

I also want to play, I do not know if I can. I'm such a fashionista, but here everything is in the hay, straw ...

Of course you can, it's a great game, you'll see

Hello, Brrr BB! let `s play

will we play

Something fun today will be

Yes Brrr BB, it will be fun. Go park faster

Let's start. Who will be the first?

Come on, Posh!

Good . Prepared, attention and ...

You did well, well done!


Girls, will you take me to play too?

Of course SpongeBob


You just do not be very happy, again, something you'll do

What are you sloppy and naughty

Hey, Gary, come here, help me.

Well, now I'm sure gonna win

Again you start stupid things , Bob. Be more serious


Well, mouse, get out

Wow Bob! I did not expect this from you

Well, the first time you did it

Who is it now, Sofia?

Not yet jumped, rogue, bad mouse!

Give the girls, cheer for me!

I'm rooting for you!

Get ready mouse

No? Okay! Let's wait! What a bad mouse

Come on, Bob, now it's your turn.

Stop doing nonsense, Bob.

Who are you?

I'm not Sponge Bob! I'm the chief director

Look, I have a mustache, glasses, I'm very important

I even have a tie. Come on, mouse, get out quickly from the hay

I think she does not listen to you.

I order you, get out of the hay

Well! Since you do not listen to me, I'll kick you out of the hay

Did not work this time! I still have to think of something

Now it's my turn. Let's see if I can get this mouse out

Come on, Sofia!

Did not work out? Well, it does not matter!

Come on!

No, I do not get it!

I told you, I will win!

We will see! You're too cocky

Gary, come here

Listen, let's cheat this cunning mouse

Come on, you instead of me now, could he not notice

I'll stand here, and you'll slowly creep up

Oh, Gary, why are you so stupid?

could not fool this mouse

And now it's my turn

You're cunning again.

We all know that you like to cheat a little when playing games

You are the liar!

Get ready, come on, Sofia!

I'm rooting for you!


The mouse landed directly in the car!

Come on, dog, take this rogue away, until he hides again in the hay!

If you liked this video give me LIKE and subscribe to my channel! Bye!

For more infomation >> Настольная игра Лови мышь🐭Catch Rat with LOL Surprise Dolls and SpongeBob board game for kids - Duration: 4:59.


AIR JORDAN 1 "BRED TOE" REVIEW | DnA SHOW - Duration: 5:22.

I don't write someone's over. So you know the one type that

but oh

I'm gonna hit. You don't like it no with this all right

You know what

Do it was good DNA okay, so I got some shoes right here, and the bread tall ones about to release tomorrow

So I figured it was only right that we did a review compared to the past to the current

So I know there's been a lot with the shadow back board reviews on this sneaker right here

So I figured it was only right that we just talked a little bit different hitting up the ban one

I hit on one of the new level one so let's do a comparison on the

Materials the cuts the styles and everything that goes along with it

1985 man those were the good old days I remember back when I

Wait I wasn't even thought of acting

Okay, let's get back to the story back in 85 Jordan came to the league

He was wrecking stuff people didn't know what to do. They couldn't guard him and they could not control his shoe game

He had these black and red ones and they tried to ban from him from the league

Fortunately the NBA can't stop you from wearing them

Now that we got our hands on them. It's time to get a little bit deeper into this

Era, Jordan one Brad so 160 bucks retail released in February 24th these things a fireman

Here's a look at the side the back and the top in the sole

So now let's get to the back of the sneaker

I want to compare the differences between the leathers the cuts and the Styles the jump man the ban logo and everything about it

So we want to start with the band one this sneaker released in

2011 it was actually a factory launch this came the Nike factory stores only and it was around a hundred and

$9.99 now the sneakers were

1500 plus dollars crazy right so let's get into the review of the sneaker as you can see the leather is tumbled on the back

Near the eggs here

And it's super nice

the cuts are a little bit different higher at the top of the sneaker in a

separation between the black around the ankles is a little bit of different as well now if you look at the square patch in the

middle of the sneaker you can tell that one is more rectangular and the other one is more square here here and

Also, the color-blocking obviously because it's a different colorway, and then on the newer 2018 pair. You can see it's a lot smoother

We're still kind of assembled now if you compare it to the BMP pack beginning moments this pair is completely different

This was considered a territorial one meet everything essentially looks compressed down on the sneaker

and there's a lot less separation between the leathers on the white and the black you can see here in here and

There in there and then obviously the junkman here and no junkman there the cut is obviously way higher on the new pair

Because it's a high intermediate okay now

I want you guys to pay attention to the color blocking of the sneaker

And how the cut is just a little bit different on each one

But mainly the color blocking it materials on this one

The swooshes are a little bit different materials on each one and the whites are a little bit different on each one as well

Here on the 2018 pair you can see it's kind of off-white and then here on the 2011 band

You can tell that the leather is a lot nicer and then on the 2007 pair

You can see that is pure white and there's a suede swoosh on that pair now getting in the 2018 pair

You can tell it the love. There's a lot more thick more tumbles. It's a nicer leather

With the toe box still has that smooth leather similar to the 2007 pair

I'm kind of not happy about that, but it is what it is on this pair. You can see that

It's really smooth on the white leather

Really smooth it on the black leather and just smooth all around so another thing that I wanted to highlight is here on the back

You can see that the swoosh is suede

and then you can tell the color differences between the leathers where it's kind of white and off-white and

Then also here on the sock liners. You can tell there's a huge difference between each material all three of them

Have a different material if you look here here in here

And then they have separate tongues here here than here so none of them actually did replicate on those

Here's a quick look at the toe boxes and kind of how they're shaped the coloring the laces with them

And here's a look at the back

You can see the Jumpman the band

And then the new pair without the lo going at all let us know what you think in the comment section below

Is it hot or pass?

Personally I think it's a cop sneaker is dope like you can't go wrong with it right so I think

- very cut I like the new style

Imitating separate sort of bread ones and the raw ones so it's a pretty clean. Shoe you can't be mad at that at all

Leave a comment down below

If you like this content make sure you smash that subscribe button

Hit that like button we get to a thousand subscribers with giving away a free pair of shoes in my badies

We never know as soon as we get there. We'll make it happen. So thank you everybody for the support. We don't

For more infomation >> AIR JORDAN 1 "BRED TOE" REVIEW | DnA SHOW - Duration: 5:22.


How to Pronounce Latin (Letter R) / De Latine Pronuntiando (Littera R) - Duration: 3:56.

Salvete, omines! Ego Lucius sum, agnomine / Hi, everyone! I'm Luke, a.k.a.


de littera R loquamur / let's talk about letter R

hic sonus sic ut Itali et Hispani hodierni dicunt / this sound just as modern Italians and Spaniards say it

vibrat lingua / vibrates with the tongue

duplex aut simplex sonari potest / it can be pronounced double or single

e.g. simpliciter / for example singly

etiam dupliciter sic dicitur / and doubly it's said like this

duplex sonus etiam habetur singula R / the doubled sound also happens with the singular R

ante consonantem / in front of a consonant

e.g. / for example

cum R prima est littera sententiae / when R is the first letter of a sentence

duplex est / it's doubled

sed si vocalis ante R initialem venit / but if a vowel comes before an initial R

denuo simplex fit / it becomes single again

cum R ultima est littera sententiae / when R is the last letter of a sentence

duplex est / it's doubled

etiam si consonans sequitur / also if a consonant follows

duplicem sonum habet / it has a doubled sound

sed si vocalis post R finalem venit / but if a vowel comes after final R

denuo simplex fit / it becomes single again

hic est mos Italorum Hispanorumque hodiernorum / this is the standard among modern Itailans and Spaniards

qui hac in re imitandi sunt / who should be imitated in this respect

mea opinione / in my opinion

opus est non "R simplex" / one should not

dupliciter sonare / double a single R

nolite "amorre" dicere / don't say "amorre"

sed "amore" / but "amore"

nolite "cantarre" dicere / don't say "cantarre"

sed "cantare" / but "cantare"

nolite "dicerre" dicere / don't say "dicerre"

sed "dicere" / but "dicere"

bene! gratias / all right! thanks

subscribite quaeso huic canali / please subscribe to this channel

ego sum Lucius / I'm Luke


valete! / bye!

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce Latin (Letter R) / De Latine Pronuntiando (Littera R) - Duration: 3:56.


MCA Motor Club Of America Success | MCA Rep Exposes Secrets Of Why People Aren't Having Success - Duration: 7:28.

For more infomation >> MCA Motor Club Of America Success | MCA Rep Exposes Secrets Of Why People Aren't Having Success - Duration: 7:28.


[Arabic Sub]180213 GQ Feeling Around with ZTAO - مقابلة GQ : تخمين الأشياء من خلال اللمس - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> [Arabic Sub]180213 GQ Feeling Around with ZTAO - مقابلة GQ : تخمين الأشياء من خلال اللمس - Duration: 1:33.



For more infomation >> VEM GRANSKAR GRANSKARNA? - Duration: 10:49.


ఇంటి మగపిల్లల అభివృద్ధి ఆటంకాలు ఇవేనా | Gruha Vastu In Telugu | Sudarshana Vani Paripurna Vastu - Duration: 1:30.


For more infomation >> ఇంటి మగపిల్లల అభివృద్ధి ఆటంకాలు ఇవేనా | Gruha Vastu In Telugu | Sudarshana Vani Paripurna Vastu - Duration: 1:30.


Challenge -BAM- [Spróbuj Zaśpiewać] #MajaCiesielskaMg - Duration: 16:42.

For more infomation >> Challenge -BAM- [Spróbuj Zaśpiewać] #MajaCiesielskaMg - Duration: 16:42.


WHITEST BEACH IN THE WORLD! Hyams Beach | NSW Australia | - Duration: 3:31.

We're still on the road from Sydney to Melbourne and today we're driving to the

whitest beach in the world!

Before I came to Australia I've never seen anything like this but they are

everywhere. They are basically swimming pools that gets filled up by the sea so it's

still saltwater. But it's for free, everyone can access it and it's just a

beautiful way to get the experience the sea in a bit less rougher way.

This is really gorgeous

Australia is full of wildlife and along the way we saw pelicans, seals, birds and

a lot of beautiful beaches.

Welcome to the whitest beach in the world!

We find Hyams beach in Jervis Bay Marine Park. The beach has the whitest

sand in the world according to Guinness Book of Records.

And it really is stunning.

It's so squeaky!

For more infomation >> WHITEST BEACH IN THE WORLD! Hyams Beach | NSW Australia | - Duration: 3:31.


"¡Se murió por fea!" | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:18.

For more infomation >> "¡Se murió por fea!" | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 16:18.


Bangla Tv News Today 24 February 2018 Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:19.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> Bangla Tv News Today 24 February 2018 Bangla News BD - Duration: 11:19.


Harekata Efrîn'ê Dengên AKP'ê Zêde Dike? - Duration: 15:18.

For more infomation >> Harekata Efrîn'ê Dengên AKP'ê Zêde Dike? - Duration: 15:18.


Motor Club Of America Best Affiliate Marketing System 2018 | Secret Affiliate Reveals Top Program - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Motor Club Of America Best Affiliate Marketing System 2018 | Secret Affiliate Reveals Top Program - Duration: 7:13.


Using the present continuous in English (present progressive) - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Using the present continuous in English (present progressive) - Duration: 5:00.


Contrato machista | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 24:58.

For more infomation >> Contrato machista | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 24:58.


今彩539 2018/2/24 ''全车两星'' - Duration: 9:55.

For more infomation >> 今彩539 2018/2/24 ''全车两星'' - Duration: 9:55.


關宇跑酷交流介紹Parkour Ineterview Of Guan Yu-野蠻生長 - Duration: 2:51.

Hi everyone, My name is Guan-Yu.

I come from Taiwan. I am doing Parkour around 5 years.

I'm Promoting Parkour a lot nowadays.

Because there still a lot of people in Taiwan that don't understand Parkour really well in Taiwan.

Q: Why you like Parkour?

A: I feel very good when I training Parkour, because I always set up the goal for myself.

The challenge make me to keep trying different things, when I achieve that I feel awesome of what I done.

I really enjoy the feeling when I achieve my goals. I think this is the reason why I like Parkour.

Q : Do you think Parkour change your thinking or even change your way of life?

A : I think it did change me a lot.

There are 2 parts that are very obvious.

The 1st one is

Before I started training Parkour, I was actually not good in being social with people.

Hard to make a friend.

But during the time I started with Parkour, I got the chance to communicate with a lot of new people.

We share our experience of training, tips and skill.

Even we share what's happen in life, almost everythings.

So, I am more familiar with facing this kind of situation.

And increase social and communication skills.

It feels awesome.

2ed is what I mentioned before,

When I reach my goals in training and I feel great about that.

I think is not only about this but also gain the confidence of myself.

And also I think the confidence is not only on Parkour, it also gives me the power to face a lot of things in life.

I'm not that scared to try the new things anymore and I dare to step out my comfort zone more often than usual.

Q: So do you have some goal want to achieve in the future?

A : Hmmm...I want to keep promoting Parkour for sure.

I hope all Taiwanese they can more understand this sport.

They don't have to like, but at least they will accept Parkour.

I have a small dream is hope one day I can join the international Parkour Jam, event or competition.

Let people know we playing Parkour and we are in Taiwan.

Hey, 野蠻生長(The parkour team from CN)

I am glad that I received the clothes you send.

Thanks for invite me to join the interview this time.

So that's try the clothes on.

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