Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

Amin Aste Hobe Naki Jore

Naki Uvoyta Sahih

Kivabe Amin Bolbo

Bangla Lecture

For more infomation >> আমিন আস্তে হবে না কি জোরে | নাকি উভয়টা সহীহ? | কিভাবে আমিন বলব | New Bangla Short Waz | About Amin - Duration: 0:29.


Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:15.

Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:15.


Pretty Woman Nail Polish: Chit Chat, YouTube Changes and Life Updates - Duration: 8:17.

back to my channel so today's video is on the pretty woman nail polish it's

also a little chitchat video if you'd like to see my first impressions and a

demo of this nail polish and some of my opinions about YouTube changes and kind

of life updates then please keep on watching make sure you also subscribe to

my channel hit that notification Bally upload a video every single day of the

week and I don't want you to miss any so I did get this nail polish in an Ipsy

bag it is this really pretty like blue shade it is very very bright guys we've

gotten so much snow it is not even funny so I definitely think I need to put some

color on my finger tips to kind of get me out of this slump oh man guys it has

been cold so this nail polish is cruelty free paraben free sulfate free fat free

GMO free it is vegan so yeah sounds like it's a nopal shuts good for you good for

the environment and good for our furry little friends so that's awesome and

this is in the shade Johnny's angels so excited to see how this looks I'm just

giving a good shake obviously my nails are naked I also filed them so let's go

ahead and see ooh nice brush sorry I'm trying to get some

of the excess off because I don't want no polish dripping down onto my lap but

it's got a nice brush okay oh it smells very much like nail polish so I'm just

gonna go ahead and do a coat

that's one coat it's pretty opaque I would definitely do a second coat but

you know that's just me so guys I wanted to talk a little bit about the changes

with YouTube obviously if you were monetized before you know On February

20th unless you had the thousand subscribers and four thousand hours of

view time then you were demonetized guys I have been doing YouTube for almost a

year I upload daily and I've got some thoughts and stuff on this change guys

the now posh goes on really really easy it is super shiny it's kind of looking

like a gel nail polish to me at first so I think that it is definitely a bummer

because for those of us that work really really hard on our YouTube channels then

it's definitely a bummer okay I definitely get that and understand that

but guys how I look at it too is if you've put in so much work to get where

you're at and you were demonetized guys it's really no different than before you

were monetized I was a little over like 80 something dollars so I almost got to

getting my first check from YouTube because you know you get your checks at

$100 but how I look at it guys is you know we before we had reached the 10,000

views to get monetized so you know what it's gonna take me a while

I'm hoping by next year so 2019 I'll be monetized again but guys I have been

getting so many sub 4 subs and guys that's part of the issue too is you have

to get those four thousand hours because a lot of people just do the sub for sub

and then you know they never watch that person's video right so guys don't be

tempted to do the sub for sub because it's really not going to help you in the

end it's gonna hurt your channel so when I do get the hey I just up to your

channel sub back guys I honestly ignore those comments because you know I will

definitely if someone's like hey I checked out your channel you do really

cool stuff I also do whatever kind of videos I'm a lot more like you likely to

check you out and check that person out than if they're like hey we'll stop me

back okay because I'm not going to you know just

go and try to build your subscribers because you know I'm probably not gonna

honestly watch your videos okay when you do that and I just yeah you know okay

guys I put a second coat on my thumb and that is the difference so you can

definitely see that second coat on the thumb definitely made it a lot brighter

and darker but guys so far it's layering really nice it like dried down really

really quick so I like this nail polish it's really really nice so yeah guys

just don't get discouraged with the changes to YouTube it sucks but just

keep on working super hard and you'll get there again okay you really really

well it will take you a little bit longer but guys if doing YouTube is a

passion if you love doing videos then keep on doing it okay don't let you know

them changing things ruin it for you okay like really some life updates

nothing's SuperDuper changed I'm working almost 100 hours a pay period just super

busy with work and then uploading every day but but yeah I'm excited to be going

into springtime soon our car broke down so I've been bussing

it for a while now but I'm looking forward to you know the bus being nicer

to ride because it's not going to be walking through three feet of snow so um

but yeah so guys this is it with two coats guys I know it's super messy

because you know that's how I paint my nails but guys it's really really pretty

it's really pretty shade I like I definitely think this would look

just on toes for the summertime I think it's really really pretty

you do get ten milliliters or 0.3 fluid ounces it is it definitely smells like

nail polish okay but I do think that it's vegan and cruelty-free that is

awesome I do like to see a lot more companies go in that route because you

know it's nice being conscious of that so but guys it's a really pretty shade

it's layered very very nicely there's no air bubbles it just looks really really

pretty I love it and like I said it's starting to dry down and guys like I

said it's super shiny almost like a gel polish it's beautiful but yeah um I'm

trying to think anything else going on no not really just you know work in and

doing YouTube and live in an adult life you know but anyway you guys I hope you

enjoyed this little chit chat e nail polish review if you did then please go

ahead and give it a thumbs up so pretty it's pretty guys also make sure that you

share this video I have never heard of pretty woman nail polish before but it

seems like to be a really good brand I like it a lot guys I will definitely put

in the comment box down below how the wear time was if it were for a regular

amount of time you know five six days without chipping or if it didn't have

that good of a wear time also if you have tried this nail polish let me know

down below what are your thoughts on the pretty woman top polish because so far

I'm diggin it it's really pretty really shiny very opaque went on really easily

layered very nicely also yeah make sure you follow me on my other social media

Twitter Facebook Instagram snapchat it's all at budget glam babe and I will

see you guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys

For more infomation >> Pretty Woman Nail Polish: Chit Chat, YouTube Changes and Life Updates - Duration: 8:17.


Dubai Police First Emergency Response Course First Session of 2018 - Duration: 3:55.

Dubai Police First Emergency Response Course First Session of 2018

For more infomation >> Dubai Police First Emergency Response Course First Session of 2018 - Duration: 3:55.


Youtube is a serious THING [Sub-ENG] - Duration: 1:47.

Hey guys, I'm glad to announce you that the channel has reached 10 million

In one of my typical soirees, me and my friends decided to prepare an incredible surprise!

I gathered 100 of you in a local middle school to cherish the event

Once there we gathered them in a classroom and created a ditto of mine and put him on the desk.

However, nobody knows the ditto is a professional actor filled with explosive.

Not even he does know about the explosive, that we made him digest during the night!

Can I have an autograph?

Guys, I made this for you, in order to sensibilize you about terrorism,

because terrorism is a very serious matter and you should not joke around it.

best youtuber 2018

For more infomation >> Youtube is a serious THING [Sub-ENG] - Duration: 1:47.


Kangana explaining the benefits of Kadaknath. (Kadaknath Chicken Haven) - Duration: 0:47.

For Kadaknath Chicks Contact - Kadaknath Chicken Haven

Call - 9111-111-020 Whatsapp - 9826470468

1 day old chicks can be transported through train anywhere in India

Authentic Original Kadaknath Chicken.

Time to move from white to #Oragnic Original Kadaknath Chicken

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1 day old and 1 month old Kadaknath Chicks available in best price.

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Kadaknath Chicken Haven (Bangalore)

Call - 9111-111-020 Whatsapp - 9826470468

Kadaknath Chicken Haven (Bangalore)

For more infomation >> Kangana explaining the benefits of Kadaknath. (Kadaknath Chicken Haven) - Duration: 0:47.


Top 10 Best Hotels In Adler, Russia 2018. Best Luxury Hotel In Adler - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Hotels In Adler, Russia 2018. Best Luxury Hotel In Adler - Duration: 5:42.


Income Consumption Curve and Engel curve Part 2 [Luxury Good] - Duration: 4:15.

Income Consumption Curve and Engel curve Part 2

In part 1, we learned the technique of deriving Engel curve

from ICC for necessary good.

It tells that in case of necessary goods,

as the income increases from low level to high level,

additional increase in income results in less and less

purchase of additional quantities of necessary good.

Hence, it slopes up and also opens up.

In this lesson, we shall try obtain the Engel curve for luxury good.

Look at figure 2. Good-x along the x-axis is luxury.

Given the prices of two goods, the consumer is in equilibrium at E1.

The consumers income is Rs.100. Quantity purchased of good – x is 20 units.

Price remaining the same when the income increases to Rs.200, 300 and 400,

the consumer is in equilibrium at E2, E3, and E4.

The curve joining these points is ICC.

At each equilibrium points E2, E3, and E4 we can find the quantity

at each level of income, by moving down to the x-axis.

They are 25, 35, 50 units.

We have data relating to income and quantity.

Now we shall represent these data in figure 2.

Income is measured along the Y-axis and

quantity of good-X is measured along the X- axis.

At E1, the income is Rs.100 and quantity purchased is 20 units.

We shall plot this point in figure -2 as A.

Corresponding to E2, let us fix the point B, to represent Rs.200 income

and 25 units of Good-X. Similarly point C, represents Rs.300 income

and 35 units of good-x and D depicts Rs.400 income and 50 units of good-X.

Join points A, B, C and D with the help of a smooth curve.

The resultant curve is called Engel curve.

The curve slopes upward from left to right. It opens down.

At the left extreme, its slope is high.

As the consumer moves from left to right, its slope decreases.

The tendency tells us that the proportion of quantity purchased increases

as income increases. According to Engel's Law good-x is a luxury good.

The curve clearly illustrates this.

The income is increasing at a constant rate.

The successive increase in income leads to more and more additional

purchase of quantity of good-x.

It means, the proportion of purchase of luxury good, good-x, keeps on increasing.

We shall meet in part 3 to derive the Engel curve for inferior good.

For more infomation >> Income Consumption Curve and Engel curve Part 2 [Luxury Good] - Duration: 4:15.


Oscars' Shots - "Dunkirk" - Duration: 2:27.

For years, there's been talk about huge aspirations of Christopher Nolan, he is even compared to Stanley Kubrick.

But in recent years, the director of "The Dark Knight" (2008) had missed a lot of opportunities.

The fullfilment of the Batman trilogy was for me really disappointing,

all those plot stupidities only emphasized the incoherence of pompous story.

Similarly, "Interstellar" (2014), a conceptual masterpiece,

disappeared under the weight of exaltation.

Also nominated in 8 categories "Dunkirk" (2017) has similar problems,

but this time Nolan seems to understood his limitations and concentrated the narration on imagery,

by telling through an ingenious concept the story of evacuation of British troops from the French coasts.

Nolan shows his own cinematic fascinations, beautifully filmed scenes depict the story

in cross-cutting montage from the perspective of three time realities: week, day and hour.

In this way, the director presents a complete drama of the situation: the hopelessness of fate soldiers awaiting the evacuation,

difficult position of the commanders without any illusions, the heroism of volunteers who set off to help

and the dedication of those who sought to protect defenseless troops.

Nolan leads the viewer very smoothly through constantly interweaving realities,

skillfully fosters a sense of danger and hope for rescue.

Interestingly, he based the narrative on cinematography, so far advanced that the biggest star of the movie,

Tom Hardy, practically doesn't say anything during the film and his face is covered by a pilot's mask.

As if Nolan knew that he really couldn't make convincing dialogues, which - when they appear in the film -

destroy this meticulous image of an intimate tragedy by their pompousness character.

After all, "Dunkirk" impresses with a muffled scale of production and a fantastic idea,

which refreshes the genre of a war movie.

And, of course, it gives a hope that such talented artist like Nolan finally returns to the right track.

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