Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

Amin Aste Hobe Naki Jore

Naki Uvoyta Sahih

Kivabe Amin Bolbo

Bangla Lecture

For more infomation >> আমিন আস্তে হবে না কি জোরে | নাকি উভয়টা সহীহ? | কিভাবে আমিন বলব | New Bangla Short Waz | About Amin - Duration: 0:29.


عشرة أسئلة لطالما أردت طرحها على هاكر أخلاقي - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> عشرة أسئلة لطالما أردت طرحها على هاكر أخلاقي - Duration: 5:23.


Créer sans flipper ✨ | Comme par Magie - Duration: 11:51.

For more infomation >> Créer sans flipper ✨ | Comme par Magie - Duration: 11:51.


Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:15.

Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Kai'sa Montage 12 - Best Kai'sa Plays S8 | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:15.


Come si chiama il 112? FAQ sull'Emergenza - #DdVotr 203 - Duration: 16:04.

For more infomation >> Come si chiama il 112? FAQ sull'Emergenza - #DdVotr 203 - Duration: 16:04.


Don Walk ft Los G$ - Inocente - Prod By RicoBxng (Video Oficial ) - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Don Walk ft Los G$ - Inocente - Prod By RicoBxng (Video Oficial ) - Duration: 3:25.


The Post • TPN's Movie Review - Duration: 6:00.

During the Vietnam war the Secretary of State at the time, Robert McNamara ordered an extensive

study done by various academics as to all of the American operations in the area at

the time.

The intent was to create a document for future administrations to help guide policy.

In 1969 the document was leaked to the NYTimes who started publishing stories which indicated

that the Nixon administration had been systematically lying to the American public as to the extent

and breadth of operations, and that there were many in the administration, including

McNamara himself who had concluded that victory in the region was impossible.

The government issued an injunction against the Times, silencing them from publishing

and so The Washington Post began publishing stories on the papers as well.

The Post, directed by Steven Spielberg, is the story of that newspapers acquisition of

the documents and internal struggle to decide whether or not to take on the US government

and publish.

Meryl Streep plays the owner of the paper, Kay Graham and Tom Hanks is her lead editor.

It's a gorgeously shot, terribly well acted movie that you've seen many times before.

Spielberg, Hanks, and Streep have all made better movies than this.

That isn't much of a criticism of course, given those three are responsible for some

of the greatest films of all time.

Here Spielberg and Hanks are both pretty good, which is again better than most anyone's

best days.

Spielberg's movies are so ubiquitous and a part of our culture that I don't really

notice his style anymore when I watch his movies.

They just look and feel the way that movies are supposed to feel.

And Hanks of course has weight and gravitas as Ben Bradlee though lately when I watch

a Tom Hanks movie I tend to just see Tom Hanks, not the character he's play.

Bradlee steadfastly confident in his belief of the Post's duty to the public and to


But within the boundaries of the film, that is all he ever is, a catalyst for the plot.

Bradlee wants to publish the Pentagon Papers because it is morally right, whatever impact

that may have on the Post.

The film's main character then is the Post's owner Katherine Graham, played by Streep.

The Washington Post was purchased by her father, who left it to her husband when he passed,

and not her.

Something that Katherine didn't think twice about as things were just different in the

40s and 50s.

After her husband's suicide the paper passed to her, having never held a job in her life.

And Katherine's character must learn to navigate male only boardrooms and find the

strength to lead during one of the most significant journalistic crises in US history.

And Streep does a wonderful job elevating what might otherwise be pedestrian material.

Unlike Hanks, she disappears into the role of Kate and is what makes watching Kay's

'finding my strength' journey fun to watch.

Because outside of Streep, the whole story is so squarely on the nose, with long tracking

shots that follow her from a roomful of women to a board room full of men.

The last tracking shot leaving the courthouse made me roll my eyes a bit, as Streep walks

through a crowd of young women who all look at her appreciatively.

While The Post is rock solid good, you've seen this movie before, and done better.

Newsroom films about historical events can lean into the noble journalist cliche or into

the complexity and intrigue of the history.

The Post leans into the former and because of that you could swap out the Pentagon Papers

for Watergate or McCarthy or a political event they made up and you'd have essentially

the same movie.

Which was disappointing because this is such interesting part of American history.

For a much more fascinating take on that checkout Errol Morris' documentary The Fog of War,

in which the whole movie is conducted as an interview with McNamara himself.

It's one of my favorite documentaries

But because of The Posts volume of cliche, it feels to me more like activist marketing

than just good storytelling - a Hollywood message movie for our current times.

That's not necessarily a bad thing when it's done with this caliber of artists but

while I think a defense of the role free press plays in our society is important, I also

think the movie misses the point as a critique of contemporary culture.

There's a scene in The Post where Tom Hanks scoffs at the idea of creating more editorial.

Today we are nothing short of drowning in it.

Where 50 years ago a handful of titans in journalism were our sources for truth and

the first check against the powerful, the digital information age has brought a mass

proliferation of voices.

Cacophonous and loud, all climbing over each other to battle for our attention mostly by

appealing to our basest instinct for ideological validation.

We all want to feel like we're in the right and today it's very easy to surround ourselves

with agreement.

Consequently the very definition of the word News has been redefined, from "noteworthy

information about recent events" to "information I agree with."

And that has made it profoundly simple for the powerful to take away the one thing that

this check against them needs as oxygen to survive: credibility.

In 1971 the Nixon administration filed an injunction against the Times and sought one

against The Post.

Today, Nixon could've just leaned into a microphone and uttered the words fake news.

When he did a dozen media outlets would start combing the Times reporters Twitter feeds

for contradictions.

While others scrutinized paper itself searching busily for patterns of bias to confirm for

their own consumers the things that they already believed.

There may never be another Edward R Murrow or Robert Frost to speak truth to power on

our behalf because truth is today now relevant to tribe.

No single Ben Bradlee can face this tidal wave for us anymore.

It's on us to listen critically to this noise that erodes our rational skepticism

and fans the flames of our easy and default cynicism.

On us to break our fixation away from the same constellation we fixate on every evening

and consider the whole night sky.

Because if we don't do that, and the people to whom we give the power bring everything

crashing to the ground, maybe, it's on us.

"Cassius is right.

The fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

Goodnight, and good luck."

For more infomation >> The Post • TPN's Movie Review - Duration: 6:00.


Pretty Woman Nail Polish: Chit Chat, YouTube Changes and Life Updates - Duration: 8:17.

back to my channel so today's video is on the pretty woman nail polish it's

also a little chitchat video if you'd like to see my first impressions and a

demo of this nail polish and some of my opinions about YouTube changes and kind

of life updates then please keep on watching make sure you also subscribe to

my channel hit that notification Bally upload a video every single day of the

week and I don't want you to miss any so I did get this nail polish in an Ipsy

bag it is this really pretty like blue shade it is very very bright guys we've

gotten so much snow it is not even funny so I definitely think I need to put some

color on my finger tips to kind of get me out of this slump oh man guys it has

been cold so this nail polish is cruelty free paraben free sulfate free fat free

GMO free it is vegan so yeah sounds like it's a nopal shuts good for you good for

the environment and good for our furry little friends so that's awesome and

this is in the shade Johnny's angels so excited to see how this looks I'm just

giving a good shake obviously my nails are naked I also filed them so let's go

ahead and see ooh nice brush sorry I'm trying to get some

of the excess off because I don't want no polish dripping down onto my lap but

it's got a nice brush okay oh it smells very much like nail polish so I'm just

gonna go ahead and do a coat

that's one coat it's pretty opaque I would definitely do a second coat but

you know that's just me so guys I wanted to talk a little bit about the changes

with YouTube obviously if you were monetized before you know On February

20th unless you had the thousand subscribers and four thousand hours of

view time then you were demonetized guys I have been doing YouTube for almost a

year I upload daily and I've got some thoughts and stuff on this change guys

the now posh goes on really really easy it is super shiny it's kind of looking

like a gel nail polish to me at first so I think that it is definitely a bummer

because for those of us that work really really hard on our YouTube channels then

it's definitely a bummer okay I definitely get that and understand that

but guys how I look at it too is if you've put in so much work to get where

you're at and you were demonetized guys it's really no different than before you

were monetized I was a little over like 80 something dollars so I almost got to

getting my first check from YouTube because you know you get your checks at

$100 but how I look at it guys is you know we before we had reached the 10,000

views to get monetized so you know what it's gonna take me a while

I'm hoping by next year so 2019 I'll be monetized again but guys I have been

getting so many sub 4 subs and guys that's part of the issue too is you have

to get those four thousand hours because a lot of people just do the sub for sub

and then you know they never watch that person's video right so guys don't be

tempted to do the sub for sub because it's really not going to help you in the

end it's gonna hurt your channel so when I do get the hey I just up to your

channel sub back guys I honestly ignore those comments because you know I will

definitely if someone's like hey I checked out your channel you do really

cool stuff I also do whatever kind of videos I'm a lot more like you likely to

check you out and check that person out than if they're like hey we'll stop me

back okay because I'm not going to you know just

go and try to build your subscribers because you know I'm probably not gonna

honestly watch your videos okay when you do that and I just yeah you know okay

guys I put a second coat on my thumb and that is the difference so you can

definitely see that second coat on the thumb definitely made it a lot brighter

and darker but guys so far it's layering really nice it like dried down really

really quick so I like this nail polish it's really really nice so yeah guys

just don't get discouraged with the changes to YouTube it sucks but just

keep on working super hard and you'll get there again okay you really really

well it will take you a little bit longer but guys if doing YouTube is a

passion if you love doing videos then keep on doing it okay don't let you know

them changing things ruin it for you okay like really some life updates

nothing's SuperDuper changed I'm working almost 100 hours a pay period just super

busy with work and then uploading every day but but yeah I'm excited to be going

into springtime soon our car broke down so I've been bussing

it for a while now but I'm looking forward to you know the bus being nicer

to ride because it's not going to be walking through three feet of snow so um

but yeah so guys this is it with two coats guys I know it's super messy

because you know that's how I paint my nails but guys it's really really pretty

it's really pretty shade I like I definitely think this would look

just on toes for the summertime I think it's really really pretty

you do get ten milliliters or 0.3 fluid ounces it is it definitely smells like

nail polish okay but I do think that it's vegan and cruelty-free that is

awesome I do like to see a lot more companies go in that route because you

know it's nice being conscious of that so but guys it's a really pretty shade

it's layered very very nicely there's no air bubbles it just looks really really

pretty I love it and like I said it's starting to dry down and guys like I

said it's super shiny almost like a gel polish it's beautiful but yeah um I'm

trying to think anything else going on no not really just you know work in and

doing YouTube and live in an adult life you know but anyway you guys I hope you

enjoyed this little chit chat e nail polish review if you did then please go

ahead and give it a thumbs up so pretty it's pretty guys also make sure that you

share this video I have never heard of pretty woman nail polish before but it

seems like to be a really good brand I like it a lot guys I will definitely put

in the comment box down below how the wear time was if it were for a regular

amount of time you know five six days without chipping or if it didn't have

that good of a wear time also if you have tried this nail polish let me know

down below what are your thoughts on the pretty woman top polish because so far

I'm diggin it it's really pretty really shiny very opaque went on really easily

layered very nicely also yeah make sure you follow me on my other social media

Twitter Facebook Instagram snapchat it's all at budget glam babe and I will

see you guys tomorrow for another video have a great one guys

For more infomation >> Pretty Woman Nail Polish: Chit Chat, YouTube Changes and Life Updates - Duration: 8:17.


Dubai Police First Emergency Response Course First Session of 2018 - Duration: 3:55.

Dubai Police First Emergency Response Course First Session of 2018

For more infomation >> Dubai Police First Emergency Response Course First Session of 2018 - Duration: 3:55.


#17 // There is not ONLY the MACHU PICCHU // On the INCA TRAILS // Raised on the Road - Duration: 24:30.

so we're on the road to the sacred valley, we left cusco this

morning we will go to the machu picchu this week, there are not many kilometers I

I believe it's about one hundred kilometers, we're going to visit a lot of temples on the way

our first stop in the sacred valley is the village of pisac here it

there are Inca ruins, it's really beautiful we arrive here and feel

so tiny compared to everything surrounding us, all this space around us

it's really impressive!

Martin thought he could jump Each floor, we realize now we are walking on them how big they are..

it's huge, it's not small, it's huge

it's pretty nice, there are three different paths that are marked by yellow-green-red colors and

like that we can see according to our courage or if

we have young children what way to take..

it's a shame that we find very little information, no information at all there actually..

so we will have to do some research

tonight when returning to our 4X4

Rosita wanted to stop a little, to admire the view,

I'm repeating her words, she wanted to admire the view

I really need to pee but I can't, it's forbidden here

That's it we are all done visiting, it's really impressive, we are in the sacred valley

it is a very touristic place in Peru and in fact we really had the place for ourselves

and that's what makes it even more exceptional

you really feel like you're alone in the mountains and the that the Incas were here not so long ago!

it is very beautiful

today we are going to visit the salineras de Maras.

It's an Inca site, we are still in the sacred valley

Let's go !

For those who ask us how we deal with the dogs when we visit places,

we park

they stay tied to the car, they could stay inside

but we prefer to take them out

they can walk, drink, if it's sunny they can find themselves some shade

if it's cold they'll take shelter underneath it too. Generally visits are not

very long because we're leaving with young children so they are about one hour,

two hours, max

they protect the car too, nobody

approaches the car this way ! Bye Iris, Ciao iago!

Rose wants us to carry her but she just got out of the car, how old is she ?

3 years old

Of course before each entry of an inca site we pass dozens

and dozens of stores where they sell loads of crafts !

Do you by them clem? At the beginning yes, now a little less ..

and children?

It's noon..we're so hungry

Is it good Martin?

is it cold or hot?


we have a main source coming in, which is divided into several small channels, it will feed hundreds

and hundreds of small basins and when the water evaporates it creates salt

it's a very smart system and it's crazy to say

that it has been here for about 500 or 600 years and that it hasn't moved,

even though we are in a region with a lot of rain, they were really very good at building the Incas

I received a message on Facebook Clement from a lady that asks if you want to do something funny

So I'm going to swim in the salt lagoon

We are often asked how we take a photo all four so the best

way is to find Chinese because they take 10,000 photos, we just had a picture taken at least 15 times, it's great!

at least one will be


you see clem trying to get some info by getting closer to

groups. I had already seen this in photos but it's huge there are

hundreds of basins

when i touch this water, it is salt water, after I eat it and they become all white my hands

The tour takes about 20 minutes, it's very easy with children, we recommend 100%

we really enjoyed and now we are leaving for Moray.

it's time for a beer

it looks more like a juice than a beer

It's not bad

they are happy to see us again

Iago has a stupid habit of taking something in his mouth when we arrive.

At home it was the same he always took something in his mouth

except that at home he took our shoes

we're crazy with Martin we're naughty

People are always curios clem is talking with a Peruvian who does not

understand how we could bring the car here bu boat and especially how we

could take two dogs on the plane

Where are we?

Where they planted the plantations! Do you know what it is? Dad will explain to you because he knows more about it than me

Dad what is it?

We are on an Inca site. You see there are a lot of mountains around it.

Everything is protected from wind and cold there are several levels. They were experimenting

the lowest level was the warmest level, here they planted

fruits that needed heat to be able to grow

the higher you go, the colder it gets, so that is where they would plant vegetables and fruit that didn't require

a lot of heat.

we are so sad we just arrived, it is beautiful

we want to explain you all about this place but

they are working on the place our sound is going to be so bad so we are giving you some


it's very easy also with children it takes a half an hour

the walk is really very nice it's not too hot so really we recommend

it for famies it's great there are not too many people so

it was even better

return to the 4x4

iago made a friend

no you can not go up!

What's going on Mart?

we rang, the lady did not come,

so dad climbed up the walls to find the lady

yes, because we do not have a phone anymore otherwise we could have called here but

we have no battery

it's okay the security guard has intercepted clem so we will be able to return

What did you do gringo?

I jumped the fence !

she has walked a lot today .. Compared to what she usually walks .. she is so tired !

this is what you get for 50 € in Peru

yesterday we arrived in Urubamba with the SUV after a long day of

visiting and when we arrived at the first campsite which was really very dangerous

the place was practically on the road it was really dangerous for

the dogs and for the kids we went to another campsite, which was full

because they had a group, that happens very very frequently here

it happened two or three times recently to us

we were trying to find a place for an hour in the city without finding anything

There was no place to do wildcamp either so we just

took my iphone and on booking we found a very nice hotel

where we pay I think about fifty euros

it's low season we are the only ones around the hotel and we had 40% discount so it's

really cool so we

slept there tonight and we will sleep here tomorrow we are continuing visiting the sacred valley

we had a great day today and tonight we will enjoy a

having this shelter and we are going to enjoy a hot bath

we will enjoy it because we do not know

when the next time will be !

Rose is always a little late..

Iris ate bread at breakfast

we are having breakfast a few days ago my aunt from the Netherlands

sent me an email She told me the brother of one of her good friends

who was living here in peru and that maybe it was on our

way. And indeed it was in the

sacred valley where we are right now so we sent him an email then he

invited us to come over to spend the afternoon with him

he has a beautiful ranch, a very big one with

incredible horses very beautiful we all got to ride one of his horses

it was extraordinary...

when we left in the evening we looked at his website and we realized

that his ranch is ranked among the 10

best ranches in the world by national magazine

geographic this is what traveling is about as well

meeting incredible people, people that we wouldn't have met back home

it was a great experience

he was so nice and invited us to come to his home after

the machu picchu because we are going to go back to cusco through the sacred valley

so I think we'll see him again anyway the experience was amazing !

I'm so happy I have been able to dry my hair

with a hair dryer I think I haven't done that for the past five months .. It is so good!

I think we're not going to leave .. We don't need the Machu Picchu do we Rose ?

we just want a hot bath no ?


It strangles me!

She is heavy !

Can you say hola to Papa?


It feels like she is falling ..


we are not yet at Machu Picchu but we are so close !

So I am getting exited...

because I think it's somewhere over there..

I wanted to tell you that we are on a small parking lot,

we are going to visit there the ruins of ... Ollantaytambo ..

we will go and visit these little ruins

it's super cool to travel trough the sacred valley because you come from

Cusco slowly and cross quite a lot of Inca ruins and then you approach

you approach, you approach... the Machu Picchu

What Else?

I just wanted to make a little coffee like

in my kitchen and then I realized that no ... my coffee is here ..

so is the coffee coming? It's looks hard !

A little bit ... it's not a Nespresso!

Dad serves coffee to mom and dad

we are in Ollantaytambo if I say correctly because I really find it

hard to pronounce, we have taken a guide otherwise we are so lost..

I think it is going to be great !

martin what is it?

It's an Inca chair for the king to see the sun!

Rosie is super grumpy, she woke up angry in the

car and does not want to participate anymore

We are in the temple part, then there are the stones for the temples so they fit very well together

and these are the stones for the people they weren't


watchtowers to shoot, and these were not to make

offerings but to put away their weapons

we found a nice little place to rest a little bit from our big walk

on top of there

Rose didn't eat at noon as she was sleeping so is eating an empanadas

Martin has found candies that he will taste for the first time

Clem has beer again .. and me a coffee we

bought this book so we visited today

with a guide it was very interesting very nicel and we have

found the book that he had we are super happy because we

did a lot of tours without guides and without enough

preparation so we'll are now able to read a little bit about all the sites

we visited and about others we will visit later and

about the Machu Picchu so we are happy that we found it and it's in

French !

rose went buy some water and the lady tells her that it

costs 6 soles and Rose answers "is ok for 5 soles"?

Today Dad, Mom, Martin and Rose are separated

Rose and I are discoveringOllantaytambo

we will see what we find

we are eating lunch together and than we all meet at 1 pm at the car

they never have our attention for 100%

so today martin and me are discover a little bit the little

village of Ollantaytambo, we will buy something to eat and have fun

and we're going to walk a little bit

the small town super nice so we are happy and we will do this more often

what we like the most is all these beautiful things, all these colors

don't we want to buy everything Martin?


It's a small town

it's funny look who are here ?

dad and Rose!

We are leaving ! See you !

What do we do?

we are just the 2 of us, we are eating at the restaurant today!

We are eating pizza !!

There was a dog fight!

beautiful !

It's a tablecloth!

A tablecloth.. so beautiful!

What do you think Mom and Martin will chose to eat Rose?


Do you think they've chosen burgers?

I think they chose a pizza !

what did you choose?

A burger!

Do you want to see who holds his breath longer?

Yes !

wait at 3 ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ...

She is too good Rosita!

it's really nice to spend time alone with one child

we never do it and I think we'll do it again because it's really interesting

we really realize how much we love them and the chance we also have to

to be able to make this trip to be able to spend all this quality time with them

we feel so lucky

we pick up some avocados, at the market they are cost 2 soles each, that's 50cts ..

we take a few before leaving!

We are taking the road, we are leaving

Ollantaytambo, we'll get closer to the machu picchu we are going to a small village

near Machu Picchu,

it's 1pm we have about a 3 and an half hours drive

we are leaving now to be there before dark and to find our

campsite, to settle down..

rather than hurry on the road

The kind of things we find in Peru ..

For more infomation >> #17 // There is not ONLY the MACHU PICCHU // On the INCA TRAILS // Raised on the Road - Duration: 24:30.


Chapter 2: OFFICER SIMONE - Duration: 2:09.

...Madame Simone?

I haven't heard a word from you ever since I sent you to the South.

If you would have heard from me, I'd consider my mission a failure.

...Did you get it?

Here are the coordinates. The code is hidden in a Northern Renegade bunker.


Might I ask -

- why do we want this code so badly?

That code -

- gives the commanders an access to a huge storage full of rubies.

As you might have heard, we are running out of the metal that we used to make the keys.


The rubies:

They will save our economy.

And those commanders who'd use this code, they would-

They would get a nice little head start.

Naturally, the Warland HQ will only reward those who are fast.

I'll let my troops know so they can spread the word and listen to the news.

Talking about your troops...

Where is that adorable little Assassin of your's?


I heard that the vicious Renegade Captain René

has sneaked his way into the Warland HQ.

So I sent her to assassinate him.

You did WHAT?!

Oh no.

For more infomation >> Chapter 2: OFFICER SIMONE - Duration: 2:09.


Kahani rango ki ( colors make the difference) - Duration: 3:27.

Friends ..

Colors have lot of importance in our life

We all studied VIBGYOR during school time

Violet, Indigo,Blue

Green, Yellow, Orange & Red

If we mix all these colors in our life

we will get different colors in life

White color

is symbol of peace

and it neutralize our energies ..

white color always gives back as per physics

since it reflects back all the colors

its acts as a philanthropist

gives away to all

if you just recall

when ever we stay in hotels .... we used

to get white bed sheet and cover sheet

reason being ... to neutralize

our energies .. both positive & negative energies

otherwise also ...

human being is half dead while


let us talk about black color now

black color.. it absorbs everything

absorbs all color ... do not give back

that is why we say " Buri Nazar Wale Tera Muh Kala "

generally we place Tatto at houses and vehicles to ward-off the evil eye

to ward-off the evil eye

black color " Nazar Battu"

in fact we mark a black dot on small kids

so that any evil eye ..can be absorbed

by that only

it will sound bit strange for you all

specially pet lovers

all dogs can only recognize

only two colors

Black and White

no other color can be recognize

now let us talk about Saffron color

in most of the restaurants

will have saffron or rust color paintings

shades & cutlery ..

because this color increase our appetite

boost up our hunger

in most of the hospitals we will see

Green color will be there ... in form curtains ...

and specially in operation theater

all staff members ....doctors ...

will wear green color ..

because it is a sign of ...

or symbol of recovery ... prosperity

like wise

the most energetic color is RED

It has abundant energy

Our blood is red .....

and most importantly

you can stop a big Train with Red Color

But in case by mistake you wore red color

and come across a Bull .......

You can understand ..... amount of energy there ...

Now days in corporate life

our performance reviews are done

with RAG analysis

RAG - Red , Amber & Green

Friends ..... during the journey of life ...

we will come across so many turns and signals ...

where we will have

Red , Yellow & Green lights .....

It is up to you

You want to become " The Last to cross the signal "

Or " The First one to wait for the signal "

Wish you and your Family " A very Happy Holi "

Thank You....

For more infomation >> Kahani rango ki ( colors make the difference) - Duration: 3:27.


Kangana explaining the benefits of Kadaknath. (Kadaknath Chicken Haven) - Duration: 0:47.

For Kadaknath Chicks Contact - Kadaknath Chicken Haven

Call - 9111-111-020 Whatsapp - 9826470468

1 day old chicks can be transported through train anywhere in India

Authentic Original Kadaknath Chicken.

Time to move from white to #Oragnic Original Kadaknath Chicken

Kadaknath Chciken Haven (Bangalore)

Call - 9111-111-020 Whatsapp - 9826470468

1 day old and 1 month old Kadaknath Chicks available in best price.

Call - 9111-111-020 Whatsapp - 9826470468

Kadaknath Chicken Haven (Bangalore)

Call - 9111-111-020 Whatsapp - 9826470468

Kadaknath Chicken Haven (Bangalore)

For more infomation >> Kangana explaining the benefits of Kadaknath. (Kadaknath Chicken Haven) - Duration: 0:47.


Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning Newport Beach CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning Newport Beach CA - Duration: 1:07.

Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning Newport Beach CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning Newport Beach CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Sewer Cleaning Newport Beach CA - Duration: 1:07.


tribute to sridevi mam|#sridevi last moment | by our perception - Duration: 1:20.

our oerception

our perception

For more infomation >> tribute to sridevi mam|#sridevi last moment | by our perception - Duration: 1:20.


kogama #5 Coin Parkour ★ 30 levels ★ - Duration: 9:18.

For more infomation >> kogama #5 Coin Parkour ★ 30 levels ★ - Duration: 9:18.


Auparavant, Dorénavant, Désormais... - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Auparavant, Dorénavant, Désormais... - Duration: 4:52.


Top 10 Best Hotels In Adler, Russia 2018. Best Luxury Hotel In Adler - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Hotels In Adler, Russia 2018. Best Luxury Hotel In Adler - Duration: 5:42.


Income Consumption Curve and Engel curve Part 2 [Luxury Good] - Duration: 4:15.

Income Consumption Curve and Engel curve Part 2

In part 1, we learned the technique of deriving Engel curve

from ICC for necessary good.

It tells that in case of necessary goods,

as the income increases from low level to high level,

additional increase in income results in less and less

purchase of additional quantities of necessary good.

Hence, it slopes up and also opens up.

In this lesson, we shall try obtain the Engel curve for luxury good.

Look at figure 2. Good-x along the x-axis is luxury.

Given the prices of two goods, the consumer is in equilibrium at E1.

The consumers income is Rs.100. Quantity purchased of good – x is 20 units.

Price remaining the same when the income increases to Rs.200, 300 and 400,

the consumer is in equilibrium at E2, E3, and E4.

The curve joining these points is ICC.

At each equilibrium points E2, E3, and E4 we can find the quantity

at each level of income, by moving down to the x-axis.

They are 25, 35, 50 units.

We have data relating to income and quantity.

Now we shall represent these data in figure 2.

Income is measured along the Y-axis and

quantity of good-X is measured along the X- axis.

At E1, the income is Rs.100 and quantity purchased is 20 units.

We shall plot this point in figure -2 as A.

Corresponding to E2, let us fix the point B, to represent Rs.200 income

and 25 units of Good-X. Similarly point C, represents Rs.300 income

and 35 units of good-x and D depicts Rs.400 income and 50 units of good-X.

Join points A, B, C and D with the help of a smooth curve.

The resultant curve is called Engel curve.

The curve slopes upward from left to right. It opens down.

At the left extreme, its slope is high.

As the consumer moves from left to right, its slope decreases.

The tendency tells us that the proportion of quantity purchased increases

as income increases. According to Engel's Law good-x is a luxury good.

The curve clearly illustrates this.

The income is increasing at a constant rate.

The successive increase in income leads to more and more additional

purchase of quantity of good-x.

It means, the proportion of purchase of luxury good, good-x, keeps on increasing.

We shall meet in part 3 to derive the Engel curve for inferior good.

For more infomation >> Income Consumption Curve and Engel curve Part 2 [Luxury Good] - Duration: 4:15.


Oscars' Shots - "Dunkirk" - Duration: 2:27.

For years, there's been talk about huge aspirations of Christopher Nolan, he is even compared to Stanley Kubrick.

But in recent years, the director of "The Dark Knight" (2008) had missed a lot of opportunities.

The fullfilment of the Batman trilogy was for me really disappointing,

all those plot stupidities only emphasized the incoherence of pompous story.

Similarly, "Interstellar" (2014), a conceptual masterpiece,

disappeared under the weight of exaltation.

Also nominated in 8 categories "Dunkirk" (2017) has similar problems,

but this time Nolan seems to understood his limitations and concentrated the narration on imagery,

by telling through an ingenious concept the story of evacuation of British troops from the French coasts.

Nolan shows his own cinematic fascinations, beautifully filmed scenes depict the story

in cross-cutting montage from the perspective of three time realities: week, day and hour.

In this way, the director presents a complete drama of the situation: the hopelessness of fate soldiers awaiting the evacuation,

difficult position of the commanders without any illusions, the heroism of volunteers who set off to help

and the dedication of those who sought to protect defenseless troops.

Nolan leads the viewer very smoothly through constantly interweaving realities,

skillfully fosters a sense of danger and hope for rescue.

Interestingly, he based the narrative on cinematography, so far advanced that the biggest star of the movie,

Tom Hardy, practically doesn't say anything during the film and his face is covered by a pilot's mask.

As if Nolan knew that he really couldn't make convincing dialogues, which - when they appear in the film -

destroy this meticulous image of an intimate tragedy by their pompousness character.

After all, "Dunkirk" impresses with a muffled scale of production and a fantastic idea,

which refreshes the genre of a war movie.

And, of course, it gives a hope that such talented artist like Nolan finally returns to the right track.

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