Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

for this video I wanted to do something a little bit different this video is a

Rahl just behind the scenes of our trip to Iceland if you've been following my

channel for a while you know that I started my youtube channel with just a

point-and-shoot I'd say for the first year and a half I filmed everything on a

point-and-shoot currently we're pulled over on the side of the road we're

getting some shots at these mountains off in the distance if you have to flash

back to this morning--i during the hurricane a blizzard snow storm it's

again idea of where we're at now you know this whole trip we've been

talking about the weather how the weather can go from a blizzard to a

sunny day tomorrow morning we were planning to go to Diamond Beach at 6:30

a.m. but every single person in town has been saying there's a storm coming

honestly the craziness of the weather has always worked in our favor

because people have been saying oh it's going to be terrible it's going to be

windy but then we get out there and you just send it and then send didn't then

the clouds just part for us folks and it however did you show the map I showed

the map yeah so like I mean now it's just going to be able to wake up

tomorrow and seeing what happened so either we are going to wake up in the

next scene we will be at Diamond Beach and it'll be beautiful

or we're gonna be pulled over on the side of the road in there blizzard

we made it but a half mile road and got stuck in a snowdrift

I'm battling shoveling we're digging out we're gonna head back to the air B&B

this is the worst no show I've seen in my life it is an Icelandic Code Orange

which means all the roads are shut down

you're on the road now the storm cleared up and we are making our way to Diamond

Beach as planned the road they say it's closed but it looks pretty clear to me

now so we're just to drive very cautiously the storm is past that which

isn't good and I mean you saw earlier today that clip that just showing it it

was bad where you guys from we are from all and what are your names

these guys helped us out so much we were Scott guys for over an hour trying to

get out and then these guys buckled up and helped push the car so thank you one

of the people working at the gas station that we took refuge in said they

recorded the highest wind gust ever in Iceland and it was 214 km/h if you are

from the stage you can do the conversion but it's just about a hundred and thirty

three miles an hour which i think is a category three hurricane it's the

strongest wind we've ever felt and it literally is an isolated record breaker

that we experienced outside today and they looked at us like what were you

guys thinking driving out here like we're like oh it's we've driven into the

snow before but when the Icelandic people tell you not to drive you don't

turn they don't try I mean lesson learned like that I'll admit that was

very reckless of us now it's pretty dumb so we're gonna make our way up to

Diamond Beach driving very slow and cautious the

I'm making a video of the top seven destinations in Iceland you have to see

to believe and Diamond Beach is number one on that list Diamond Beach is a

scene out of a sci-fi film welcome to a diamond beach on the southeastern coast

of Iceland there's a massive glacier off in the distance way way in the mountain

range and all the pieces of the glacier wash up here on the beach it's like

giant pieces of sea glass washed up on a black sand beach and all my travels I've

never seen anything like this

oh my gosh that was that was that was intense so we're driving home Mike pulls

up the weather map and there's just a storm cell kind of hovering above longus

the whole time where maybe I'd say 60 kilometers away and all of a sudden just

blizzard like you can only see probably 20 meters in front of the car and and we

made it we made it back the treachery that we just endured I'm not gonna lie

today's been probably the most intense day in the recent memory again this is a

has been a test of our physical and mental wits just to like get through

this without getting upset getting aggravated like we've been pretty cool

all day but like it takes a lot of effort to not not lose your cool when

the elements are against you when time is against you when you have a job to do

and we did it though cuz we're nuts um I'm a space cadet right now I'm just

we're gonna get a bogus we will see you in the morning at the next location

which is magical tomorrow's gonna be such a better day just wait it is now

the next day and as you can see the weather and Iceland changes instantly on

a sunrise and Mike scheppers heads up good morning might say good morning how

are you sleepy blue skies I know have a go treachery today we're up here early

in the morning and we are at gova Paul

we're still in the southeastern corner of Iceland and skogafoss is so unique

because of the sheer height of the cliff that this water is pulling over and we

have all of our rain gear on because we're gonna get wet this thing is

massive being this coach you can see the raw

power of this waterfall make it a point in life to come and see things that make

you feel small it's very important to do I honestly feel like I'm back I'll Mount

Kilimanjaro but we're trekking to a glacier that was right by the waterfall

we were just at thank me to your leader so we trekked up this glacier which you

will see in the top seven Iceland video and you know this is a behind the scene

vlog so I don't want to give too much away of the glacier climb the top seven

video will be out right after this vlog and it is perfect for anyone who wants

to visit Iceland in the winter after the glacier we thought it was the right

moment to take some time and finally unwind after all the blizzards and

treachery of the trip thus far if you saw the first video traveling to Iceland

you know where we're at last time we were here it was freezing it was snowing

the other hot spring was full of tourists and looked behind me there is

not a single person here we're very Oprah paired for this so

we're behind me this little door that is the entrance to the hot spring and if

you look over that way that is actual hot spring but we different bathing

suits or towels and there are a few other people here so we can't really go

in naked we are definitely gonna come back here at some point on our side

adventure you see behind us the Sun is out it is a beautiful afternoon in the

land of the ice all right here we go into the hot springs oh my gosh dude

it's hot yeah it's

you know if you've been watching this video series with the blizzard yesterday

and just the hectic hectic weather to have a few minutes I mean more than two

minutes we're gonna be here for probably a few hours in a natural thermal spring

a secret natural thermal spring in Iceland it's unreal

I do have to say it's fun to come here with you I know you but this is the spot

this is every new day after Valentine's Day chill you literally the day after

Valentine's Day this is the spot where you come here with a significant other

and you watch that sunset and you make some sweet look this ain't no jacuzzi

installed with chlorine and artificial you I mean hot lava is underneath that's

heating this it's crazy it's this is it's one of the it is one

of the coolest experiences I've ever had one of the most unique travel

experiences and the fact that there's also no tourists here compared to

everywhere else that we've been like it's good to make friends with the

locals because they'll show you stuff like this and they know where it's at

that's why it's always good to be nice and you know reach out to people and

make friends wherever you go I heard a quote once be nice to everyone because

you never know

this is then sadly we are leaving Iceland back to New York and he enjoyed

the video make sure to leave a like if you're new here subscribe for more

travel videos and we will see you in the next video is our fight we'll see you

guys the next one in peace

For more infomation >> The ICELAND TRAVEL VLOG in 4k - Duration: 8:34.


MINIMALISM: The Revolutionary Idea || Less Is More Philosophy || Nilanjan Paul - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> MINIMALISM: The Revolutionary Idea || Less Is More Philosophy || Nilanjan Paul - Duration: 10:28.


Unlimited Power vs Ultra Instinct, The Pivotal Moment of The Tournament - Duration: 3:51.

Hello and welcome back all my dragon ball theorist as you know with no episode this

weekend they are definitely hyping up the next episode reminiscent of the special that

we got for the first encounter of Goku vs Jiren.

They released a special extended preview which I will put a link in the description if you

aren't subscribed to the official Toei Youtube channel yet.

It is Unlimited Power vs Ultra Instinct and who will be the victor when all is said and


It's an Unstoppable force vs the Unmovable object in the making and there are some beautiful

shots in the new preview as everyone looks on to witness this event deciding what Universe

will survive.

The thing about Jiren is he has another level then another level with even more power.

Kinda like Goku who wants to surpass and surpass his limits.

I just can't help but laugh a little bit at that wording as Goku intends to Super Surpass

his limits to battle Jiren.

There are a couple amazing moments coming up in Dragon Ball which is why we have no

episode this week which will give them extra time to make this look amazing.

First that moment of Jiren actually countering Goku in his Ultra Instinct Omen when he was

going for a Kamehameha here.

As I said in my reactions of the Gods video I do believe this is the moment of Goku taking

damage and he will arise finally fully into Ultra Instinct.

It will just be that.

Not mastered Ultra Instinct just finally Ultra Instinct at last is the official name.

Goku's new overwhelming power will shock us all except Jiren.

I think Jiren is counting on it and is the main reason he left Goku in the tournament

instead of eliminating him.

Jiren wants to finally test his absolute power that he has worked on his entire life against

a worthy opponent.

So Jiren can finally not hold back anymore and Goku will bring out his best and I can't

wait for the fighting scenes with the extra time they have to animate these last episodes

of Super.

I can't help but still wonder though while this insane battle is going on, when will

be that pivotal moment.

Will it be Goku's Ultimate Kamehameha vs Jiren in a beam struggle.

Will they both be evenly match and then the turning point is Frieza doing something to

foil everyone's plans?

Obviously Frieza isn't even in the realm of power that Goku and Jiren have now so there

isn't anything he can do to probably harm either of them.

If anything though he can be just that distraction that is needed if they are evenly matched

in order for Goku to eliminate Jiren.

After all Frieza is pretty worked up that Universe 11 has been getting the drop on him


Maybe he does finally put his life long grudge against Goku aside to really be the one to

deal the deciding blow against Jiren.

It would be a pretty epic ending to the tournament if in a way Frieza ends up being the Hero.

I am not saying he is turning good but desperate times call for desperate measures.

If Universe 7 wins even if Frieza doesn't get the wish from the Super Dragon Balls Goku

still needs to fulfill his promise and resurrect Frieza with Earth's Dragon Balls.

It's still a win for Frieza and with the series ending it could be a great way to leave a

lot of things open ended for them to continue on with in the future.

So now I want to ask you when will that pivotal moment be coming up with Goku vs Jiren.

Will it be a classic beam struggle?

Or will both Goku and Jiren be so evenly matched that it's finally Frieza coming through as

the deciding factor for Universe 7 to win?

I always love to hear your theories in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video

don't forget to hit that like button and please subscribe and turn on that notification bell

to keep those theories coming!!

For more infomation >> Unlimited Power vs Ultra Instinct, The Pivotal Moment of The Tournament - Duration: 3:51.


Las 8 coincidencias mas extrañas de la Historia - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Las 8 coincidencias mas extrañas de la Historia - Duration: 8:58.


L'EMPIRE MANDINGUE #1 : Qu'est-ce que le Mandé ? - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> L'EMPIRE MANDINGUE #1 : Qu'est-ce que le Mandé ? - Duration: 5:19.



♫ Music ♫

For more infomation >> FREE MINECRAFT OPTIFINE CAPE GIVEAWAY (w/ HamC) [OPEN] - Duration: 1:11.


"MILK" | CreepyPasta Readings | Nosleep Readings - Duration: 11:42.


When I was a kid, I was obsessed with milk.

We all had that phase, right?

Where there was a food or drink we just couldn't get enough of and wanted it morning, noon

and night.

That was me with milk.

I could drink it by the gallon.

My parents didn't mind, they would rather I wanted something healthy like that to quench

my thirst than be constantly after soda or one of those concentrate drinks full of sugar

that you had to add water to.

I could make myself sick sometimes, drinking too much, too fast.

But didn't every kid?

Hell, even adults can have too much of a good thing and make themselves ill for it.

It was never enough to put me off though, no amount of aching bellies could separate

me from my beloved milk.

Nothing could.

Or so I thought.

See, our kitchen was pretty small or at least it was too small to fit in the gigantic fridge

(and freezer) my parents had.

So it was kept in the basement instead.

One summer when I was around sixteen, my parents decided I was old enough to stay at home alone

whilst they took off on a second honeymoon or something.

I didn't mind, at that age I would rather have stayed at home with my friends than been

a third wheel to my parents as they tried to rekindle the romance.

Besides, if I needed another my grandparents lived right across the street.

Yeah, my family was the kind who didn't stray far from their roots.

It was uneventful as you might expect: I had friends over and we played video games, pigged

out on takeout and that was about it beyond my taking care of the house duties.

Until the third week.

The house was old so creaks and groans and other 'unexplained' noises were something

I was used to and easily brushed aside.

This one night, however, I had just come back up from the basement – the door to which

lay in our kitchen – with a glass of milk, ready to crawl up the stairs and settle into

bed for the night when an unusual banging came from the room I'd just left.

I tried to brush it off as just the ancient stairs airing their complaints after I'd

trampled up them, but there was something so off about it.

In my sixteen years of living in that house I'd never heard anything like it.

I figured it might've been a wild animal, maybe a raccoon or opossum that had somehow

got in during the day.

Being a typical teen, that was not something I wanted to deal with late at night, so I

simply locked the basement door to prevent it getting up into the main house and went

to bed.

Morning came and I tentatively went down into the basement to check for any signs of a wild

animal, and beyond the few cobwebs to be expected even in a furnished basement like our own,

there was nothing, so I decided it really had just been one of the many noises of our

old house, got my usual glass of milk and headed back up the stairs.

That night, the noise returned.

This time I was sure it wasn't simply random creaking, because it started up at the exact

same time right before I headed up to my room for the night.

The only difference was I hadn't been down to the basement yet so it definitely was not

the result of me stepping on some well-worn floorboards.

Being the not particularly brave teen I was, I bolted out of the house and across to my


Fortunately they were still awake and my grandfather was a bull of a man not to be messed with.

He marched over with his shotgun to investigate, only to come back a half hour later claiming

he couldn't find anything or anyone.

He reasoned, like me, that it was maybe a raccoon and was hiding in a nook or cranny

somewhere down there, and had locked the place up to stop it getting out much as I had done

the previous night.

I stayed at my grandparents from that point on, going back into the house during the day

to take care of any chores and play on my Nintendo for a couple of hours.

I didn't go back down into the basement, opting to eat and drink at my grandparents'

home too.

About a week before my parents got back there was a summer storm that caused a power outage.

It lasted a couple of days but gave me all the more reason to spend the remaining time

my parents were away at my grandparents.

When I returned one morning to open up the curtains I noticed a foul smell spreading

throughout the house.

Knowing the power had been out I assumed the heavy, pungent odour was coming from the food

in the fridge and freezer that had begun to go bad.

The thought of dealing with it was unpleasant but it wasn't something I wanted my parents

to come home to.

I didn't want to deal with the cleanup and my grandparents would be out of town for the

night visiting my great-uncle and I didn't much fancy having to clear out rotting food


So I did what any bone-idle teenager would do and left it.

Sprayed some air freshener and dealt with it for the day, choosing to eat dry cereal

and drink water rather than going down to the basement and be overwhelmed by the stretch

seeping out of it.

That night was particularly hot – even for summer – and so I ended up turning the AC


The cool air spreading through the house was a relief as I went to sleep, but it was soon

a decision I was regretting.

I woke up at around four in the morning to find the air of the house thick and muggy,

it was worse than when I had gone to bed.

Worse still, was the stench so strong I could taste it in my mouth.

It was sweet and sour all at the same time, mixed with the sulphuric smell of rotting

eggs and something my adolescent brain could only describe as someone having missed the


I thought about a time when I was younger, when my dad had accidentally unplugged the

fridge and none of us had noticed until the milk had gone off.

I could remember that smell as I gagged and hurried into the upstairs bathroom, kneeling

before the toilet as my stomach threatened to empty itself.

It was sweet and bitter like this smell, with something acidic I've never known how to

explain, and I could remember the thick, chunky sludge the milk had become, none of this helped

me as the scent that filled the house seemed to flood into every pore of my body.

I could smell it on my clothes, it was so strong my eyes watered and with one final,

heavy flip, my stomach heaved and I vomited.

How could the smell have gotten so bad in just a few hours?

It was only when I was cleaning myself up at the sink that I noticed the air vents weren't

pushing out any soothing, cool air.

Knowing that I obviously hadn't turned it off as I had been sleeping, I assumed the

system was still messed up after the power outage.

I couldn't stay in that house with that heat and that smell and so, dressed only in

my underwear, I hurried over to my grandparents and, once again, spent the night there.

When they arrived in the morning I explained the situation to them.

Neither were pleased I hadn't taken care of the rotting food the day before, but agreed

to help before it could get any worse.

'Worse' would be an understatement for the odour that smacked us in the face.

My grandmother couldn't even make it into the house, she was an ashen white and bent

over the table on the porch, gagging.

Even my grandfather lost his hardened composure upon setting foot into the house, having brought

a tissue out of his pocket to cover his nose and mouth.

"Stay here," he told me, a clear command even if his words had been a little muffled.

I, of course, didn't listen to him – because it made no sense to me for him to make me

stay out and have him clean up all the mess – and once I heard the basement door open

I cut through the house to the kitchen.

I can only describe walking into that kitchen as having your face millimetres from an oven

door when it's opened and the wave of heat knocks you off your feet.

It was that, but only the smell.

I could hear my grandfather retching and coughing as he descended the stairs, and I myself was

soon doing the same as I made my way to the basement door with tears forming in my eyes.

Now my grandfather was a hard man, but I had never heard him swear until that moment.

And it was as if he was making up for a lifetime of never saying a bad word with the string

of curses leaving him.

This urged me on through the heated murk of stench that made traversing the stairs a grinding


I wish I had listened to my grandfather when he told me to stay with my grandma.

He tried to urge me back up before I saw anything but it was much too late for that.

The noises I'd heard from the basement weren't from the house settling, nor were they from

an animal.

They were from a human.

A human now rotting in the summer heat and half-hanging out of an air vent.

Now I knew why they'd stopped working, and how the smell had permeated the whole house

so quickly.

It also explained why neither me or my grandfather had found anything upon investigating the

basement- they'd been in the vents.

The fact a person had somehow gotten into my home was chilling enough, to see them as

the first dead body in my life was worse.

Death is a part of nature, but a disgusting part when the usual human ways of dealing

with it aren't in practice.

A body rots quickly in heat, and their corpse was hanging in such a way I'm sure that

if it had been left another day or two the body would've snapped in half.

Fluids leaked down the walls: congealed blood, dirty brown liquid I didn't want to think

about, and the worst of it- something thick, white and pus-like that reminded me of that

sour milk.

The smell of death clings to everything, and even after the body was removed, all furniture

from down there tossed out and the basement professionally fumigated, it still lingered.

I threw out the clothes I'd been wearing that day, no matter how many times they were

washed it was still there.

I couldn't go down to the basement, it still hit me like a truck each time I so much as

passed the door.

Even my parents who were fortunate enough to still be gone during the worst of it couldn't

deal with it.

They moved to the street over and from what my grandparents have told us, whenever someone

new moves in they always complain about the smell.

We never did figure out how they got in, the police believed there must have been some

open window I missed one day and I'm inclined to agree.

They were homeless, looking for food and shelter, something I can't hold against them.

I almost feel guilty in a way.

The noises they made sneaking around the basement at night drove me away to my grandparents.

Maybe if I'd stayed I would've heard them call or help – if they had called for it

at all – when they'd got stuck in the vent.

Maybe they'd still be alive.

I don't know.

What I do know is from that day on, I couldn't drink milk.

The smell of even fresh milk would bring the reek of death back to me, like it had just

been trapped and waiting somewhere at the back of my nose.

The sight of it reminded me of those fluids seeping down our basement walls.

When I was a kid

I loved milk, now I hate it.

For more infomation >> "MILK" | CreepyPasta Readings | Nosleep Readings - Duration: 11:42.


Crossout - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Crossout - Duration: 1:12.


Ep 7: A Votação | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 12:20.

Hey, girls, how are you?

Uhul! What's up, Levi?

Well, today is the big day of our first vote! The first vote of the Censuradas Reality Show.

Are you ready?

Well, to start with, I'll explain a little bit of how our 1st vote will work.

Each of you will enter the voting room and you will have 20 seconds

to tell me whom will you vote for and why.

The two most voted girls go to the public vote,

that we affectionately call of Exile.

Exile? What a dirty trick!

And the Exile's most voted will receive a penalty.

Barbara, calm down, you crazy! I'll speak which penalty it is. Take a deep breath.

The penalty is as follows: the most voted will be replaced.

In other words, she will leave the house and another participant will enter the place.

Well, girls, as you know, in this program there is no elimination by vote, only substitution.

And the only way for you to lose the game is if some participant asks to leave the house.

But, let's start this vote because today is full of surprises!

Ah, Levi, the last time you spoke about surprises this house has gone crazy!

Ihhh! Barbara... Barbara, you're anxious today, right?

Okay, let's start with you since you're so anxious to vote. Go to the voting room.

Remember that Andreia and Gabriele have immunity because they won the Uncensored Room test.

Don't forget that, ok girls? Come on, Barbara.

Come on, Barbara, you have 20 seconds.


Well... It's no secret to anyone, right? I think everyone from home already knows that I vote for Eduarda.

And the reasons are completely obvious. And I don't mind tell it. You know I say whatever I have to say.

Anyway... I think she came to the house... She just caused confusion, it made a lot of people fight.

Gabi has already cried, Andréia went ballistic, Rafa and I had a fight, she made Malu drunk,

left Malu crazy, embarrassed. I'm against it. I think the house has to be in harmony.

And this girl just came here to cause problems. I didn't even mention yet the times that...

Oops! Don't even begin because your 20 seconds are over. Come back to the room, please, and call Malu.

Oh, boy, but it was getting good. All right, I'll go.

Malu, your turn. Go there.

Hey, Barbara, how did it goes?

It sucked. I couldn't say everything I wanted, they don't give us enough time.

Malu, tell me everything, don't hide anything.

Well, Levi, doing a psychological analysis of each one, I could see that this Barbara's question

of getting into everything and making gossip can be very detrimental to the home.

So your vote today is for Barbara? Yep. My vote is for her.

Show! Thank you very much, Malu.

OK then. Kisses for you, mom!

So, Gabi, do you know who you're voting for today?

Hi Levi. Well, I was not initially going to vote in this person, but I thought a lot about it

and I really think I'm going to vote for her, So my vote goes to Eduarda.

I think this story has to end soon. OK? Thanks.

Thanks, Gabi.

Andréia, your turn! Go to the voting room, please.

Tsc... this chair is all wrong.

Look, Levi, to be honest, I was going to vote for Duda.

But I think Gabriele deserves that she stays in the house.


I'm going to vote for Malu just because of our affinity.

Well, expanding my hooking up radar, I think I'll vote for the person who does the least of my type in here.

That is Maitê. That's it.

So, I'll vote for Rebeca today because I find her unfriendly.

She doesn't talk to anyone, she stays silent in the corner... And that's it.

So... Since the first day she's been talking shit to me, she looks strange to me every time.

So my vote goes to Larissa.

I vote for Malu.


I vote for Duda.

Well, girls, we already have the result of our first vote.

And the most voted today is:

You will know in a while, after the commercial break.

I'm kidding, girls! It has no commercial.

Just kidding you. Just to relax, right?

To soften today's heavy vibe, this voting vibe.

Seriously now. Let's get down to business.

The first member to go to Exile, today's top rated

is Eduarda.

And the second most voted of our 1st vote, the 1st vote of the Censuradas Reality Show,

and who will keep company with Eduarda in Exile, in the public vote, right?

is Malu. Oh, thank God!

However, due to a situation that happened yesterday inside the house,

The production of the program decided to put another participant in the Exile. That is, in the vote of the public.

Since the beginning of the program... In fact from the stage of inscriptions and selection,

the rules of the program were clear. And we also made it very clear to you

that, if any of the rules was disregarded,

we could, at any moment, eliminate one of you.

And yet, one of the participants in the house lied to us, pretending to be a lesbian.

Girls! Calm, calm. Let me finish, shall I? Then you talk.

The production decided not to eliminate this participant.

We came to the conclusion that the best, the ideal,

would be to let the public decide the penalty or not of that participant.

So, because of her bad faith behavior,

Rebeca, you're going to keep Malu and Eduarda company in this first Exile from the Censuradas Reality Show.

Is she straight?!

But oh, girls, girls! Please, silence, girls. Please.

Look that!

To soften this heavy vibe that is here today,

I want to tell you that we brought some testimonials from your friends and family.

So let's check it out? Watch there.

Hi, Barbara, my beautiful love!

Are you aware that you have a girlfriend, right?

Because, things in there are very good, very beautiful, many new friends, a house full of party,

but I'm not stupid to be here waiting for you, got it?

And you know very well why I'm saying that.

In fact, I already got the contact from Larissa's ex-girlfriend and we're taking turns on pay-per-view,

doing 24-hour surveillance.

Well, everyone here is sending a huge kiss for you. I love you.

Oh, girl, I love you. A lot! Thanks. Thank you!

Oh, that was amazing!

Thank you!

I loved meeting your girlfriend, my friend. She's so fucking awesome. Great.

Hey sis. How's everything in there? Here we are missing you terribly.

We are very, very proud of you!

Keep being this sweet girl, loyal, responsible person you've always been.

Don't let anyone or anything let you down, because you deserve this prize so much.

Now mommy will talk to you a little.

Hi sweetie! We are here cheering so much for you. We miss you.

Me, your father, your grandmother, your aunts, cousins​... The whole family, all of us!

Mom loves you so much. A kiss. Be strong, okay?

Oh, your family is so beautiful, Danda. Your mother is a sweetheart.

Here is the deal: you'll be there for two months and didn't let the advance payment of the rent.

Beyond all outstanding bills.

Juliana already wanted to throw all your things away. Then I told her that if you win,

you'll have money to pay for everything. And there's still plenty left over for a beer.

Yeah, but in the meantime she is renting your room.

Shut up, didn't we agree not to talk about it?

My bad, Beca. Good luck, okay?

Well, things are not good for you, rignt colleague?

Big news!

My friend, what a shame in national network.

Well, Censored girls, that's all for today.

But look! In the coming weeks we'll bring more testimonials from friends and family to you, okay?

So relax, we'll bring the testimonials for you to stop missing your loved ones.

That's a wrap. Now I'll open the voting to the public. Good luck Malu, Eduarda and Rebeca.

Well, girls, let's call it a day. Uhul!

Kisses. See you soon.

Well, now you there, watching us, it's time to take part.

Who do you want to replace? The party animal Eduarda?

The funny joker Malu?

Or the controversial Rebeca?

I'll warn anyone who's watching there I really owe, I don't deny,

but I'll pay whenever I can. After all, I'm here to make money

and fix my life, right? Because it's kind of messy.

Well, to vote, just click the link below at the video description.

And choose which of the girls you want to replace.

But don't worry. If you are still in doubt,

during the week the girls will record a video, saying why they deserve to continue on the show.

So that's it. I hope you are enjoying the Censuradas Reality Show.

Keep up with us, ok? Because there's so much more to come!

You know: anything can change at any time!

So, kiss, guys. And I count on your vote, ok?

Do you want to know this wonderful house? You can!

Take a look down here at the description. Kisses!

For more infomation >> Ep 7: A Votação | Websérie LGBT - Duration: 12:20.


Caliza - Nw Goia , H.MORALES , JClark (Video) - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Caliza - Nw Goia , H.MORALES , JClark (Video) - Duration: 3:49.


WE'LL MEET AGAIN | Tom on Marla: 'She Accepted Me Unconditionally' | PBS - Duration: 3:39.

- Marla, I had met around my senior year of high school.

She was very innocent.

Didn't take sides.

I felt we shared similar values, if you will.

Her parents were also very religious, very strict.

So I felt that we also shared that in common, as well.

But she grew up Jewish.

There was something about Marla.

This hippie, this, she just loved everybody,

and she just accepted everybody.

And I had known her for about a year and a half, two years,

and one night we're driving around in my car and she knew

there was something wrong, that was bothering me.

Now, I don't know how she's gonna react.

You know, is she gonna run out of the car,

is she gonna call me a freak?

I said I had an attraction to men.

And you know, and I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop,

you know, because she's the first person I'm speaking to,

and I'm going, oh my God, here it comes.

Marla goes pfft, so what?

You're Tommy, you know, you're a good person, so what?

What difference does that make with your life?

She accepted me unconditionally.

Unconditional love, if you will, was a friend.

And then I mentioned to her how I was going to

the psychiatrist, and I says, well he wanted me

to get electric shock treatments.

She goes, no, no.

So, yeah.

Big moment.


Big moment.


- [Ann Curry] For the first time, Tom felt it was okay

to be gay, but within a few weeks of coming out

to Marla, he discovered she was dealing with her

own family's expectations.

- I think her parents were worried that she hung around

with too many different people, and not enough Jewish boys.

- [Ann] To make matters worse, Tom and Marla

went away together one weekend to Woodstock,

but she didn't tell her parents.

- Drove Marla home.

Marla's father came outside and was quite upset.

For her father was just yelling,

Marla, where have you been, what are you doing?

And it was within a week, she was on a plane

to Israel, to live in a kibbutz.

- [Ann] The one person who knew Tom's secret,

and accepted him just the way he was,

disappeared almost overnight.

- [Tom] She was the first human being that I could talk

about my feelings and understood, and it didn't matter.

- [Ann] If she had reacted differently,

your life might have gone a different way.

- Oh my God, yeah.

No question.

I hate to even think.

- The power of her acceptance.

- Mmhmm.

- Is why you turned out okay.

- Absolutely.

You know, thank God she was the one.

- [Ann] So why now?

Why do you wanna see her again?

- I wanted to let her know that I turned out

really okay, and it kind of started with her.

You know, I came out of it okay, I hope you're okay.

I'd like that very much.

For more infomation >> WE'LL MEET AGAIN | Tom on Marla: 'She Accepted Me Unconditionally' | PBS - Duration: 3:39.


SpookieLu - Obsession [Official Music/Lyrics Video 2018] Feat. The X-Files - Duration: 2:23.
























































For more infomation >> SpookieLu - Obsession [Official Music/Lyrics Video 2018] Feat. The X-Files - Duration: 2:23.


Interview de Chris Vincent, Coach Vocal - #BienChanter n°57 - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> Interview de Chris Vincent, Coach Vocal - #BienChanter n°57 - Duration: 11:10.


【視聴者参加型】【MHW】最高のふーど装備を求めて狩りへ ふーどの人のゲリラ放送(ふーどの部屋)#14 - Duration: 3:12:24.

For more infomation >> 【視聴者参加型】【MHW】最高のふーど装備を求めて狩りへ ふーどの人のゲリラ放送(ふーどの部屋)#14 - Duration: 3:12:24.


How to use Google Hangout and Zoom at same time - Duration: 6:28.

For more infomation >> How to use Google Hangout and Zoom at same time - Duration: 6:28.


Roblox musical #05 *feat juntos pandas!, GianBloxBr xd e matheus* - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> Roblox musical #05 *feat juntos pandas!, GianBloxBr xd e matheus* - Duration: 2:51.


Monster Hunter World [Comic Dub] - Tracking Monsters - Duration: 0:19.

Always examine large monsters tracks even if you don't need them at the time. New information is always useful.

As expected.

For more infomation >> Monster Hunter World [Comic Dub] - Tracking Monsters - Duration: 0:19.


What If The Crusades Didn't Fail? - Duration: 4:18.

The crusades were a bloody and turbulent period in history.

They were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims during the medieval

period orchestrated by the Catholic Church.

The Crusades took place between 1096 and 1291 across Europe and asia.

Ther main purpose were to regain control of religious sites that were taken during the

expension of islam by the turks.

Christians intended to regain control of sites that were sacred to both Muslims and Catholics,

as well as to fight against paganism and heresy.

many lost their lives.

But in 1291, The crusades lost the city of Jerusalem and the city of Acre, and this marked

their downfall.

The crusades, did not necessarily fail, but their purpose failed to remain successful

over the course of history.

Today, Life's Biggest Questions asks, what would have happened if the crusades did not

fall, and continued on?

Hello And welcome back to LBQ, I'm charlotte dobre.

Don't forget to like and subscribe and let us know in the comments below a question you

have always wanted to know the answer to.

The crusades was a long, turbulent period.

So in order to understand what would have happened if the crusades fell, I will first

generally explain the state of Europe at the time of the crusades.

In 1096, Pope urban the 2nd called for a war against the invading turk armies after Byzantine

Emperor Alexios asked for military aid in response to the expanding turks.

This was known as the first crusade.

At the time, the turks were expanding their territory across Europe, and the Christians

were determined to regain the control they had in the first few centuries after Christ.

By 732 AD, Christians lost their strongholds in Egypt, Palestine, Syria, North Africa,

Spain, Much of Asia Minor, and southern france.

Italy, was also under threat from muslim invasion.

The first crusade was successful for the Christians, they captured the holy city of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was sacred to Christians because it was a place where Jesus Christ ministered.

He died and rose again in Jerusalem.

Many churches exist there that celebrate the significance of Jerusalem to Christians, so

its only natural that the crusaders would want control of it.

But at the same time, Jerusalem was a jewish city, something the Christians failed to recognize.

Christians believed their religion had become more important than judaism, even though their

leader, jesus Christ, was jewish.

When the city of Jerusalem was taken in 1099, Christian soldiers pillaged the city, and

massacred its civillians.

Christian soldiers killed every woman and child who was muslim on the temple mount.

They killed many jews as well.

The reputation of Christian soldiers was likened to barbarians from this point forward.

Many muslims tell this story to this day, and experts say it contributed to the growing

hatred of Christians in the muslim world.Some say it also may have influenced the muslim

extremists of today.

The crusaders lost the holy city of Jerusalem in 1187 to the muslim empires Under Saladin.

The loss of Jerusalem and the fall of acre marked pivotal turning points in the crusades.

Acre was a crusader controlled city, and a major stronghold in the kingdom of Jerusalem.

For some time, they kept control of a fortress, engaged in some raids, but continued to fail.

The Crusaders did not control any part of the holy land any more.

So then, What if the crusades did not fail and the christians kept control of Jerusalem?

For the time being, The Christians would have continued with their policy of conversion

or execution, where whomever did not want to convert to Christianity, would be executed.

The jewish population would have been depleted, and Judaism might not have been as widespread

in Europe.

Who knows how this could have affected history further down the line.

Maybe world war 2 would have unfolded differently than it did.

If the crusades didn't fall, it is likely that the kingdom of Jerusalem would have endured

many more wars between Christians, muslims and jews.

The city was, of course, sacred to all three religions, but jews, muslis and Christians

had occupied it.

There would have been uprisings and millions more would have lost their lives.

One can assume that if the christens had kept control of Jerusalem, Christianity would likely

have been far more widespread as well, perhaps throughout the middle east and asia.

Remember, at the time the turks were invading Christian occupied territory.

The crusades were a response to the invasion.

It is safe to say that Islam would not have been as prominent in the middle east if the

crusades pushed onward and the Christians gained back control of their lost territories.

The Christians could have also expanded further into asia.

The middle east would cease to exist as we know it today.

Furthermore, when the Mongolians invaded the middle east, it would have been occupied by

far more Christian Europeans than muslims.

The mongol invasion of the middle east would have been fought against Christian Europeans.

The cursades were a long period in history, it is difficult to say how history would have

been affected if they had continued on.

Please, if we missed anything, continue the discussion and let us know, What do you think

would have happened if the crusades did not fall?

For now I'm charlotte dobre and you've been watching life's biggest questions.

If you enjoyed that video, why not check out our playlist biggest what ifs.

As always make sure notifications are turned on by clicking the bell icon, and we'll

see you in the next video.s

For more infomation >> What If The Crusades Didn't Fail? - Duration: 4:18.


L4D2 Unfunny Moments - Duration: 5:31.

[No subtitles needed because I edited in subtitles, I'm amazing I know]

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