Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

There's someone behind!

Someone behind!


Are you fucking deaf?

Didn't you hear the tension music?


Oh, literally?

Did I just fart?

Well, if the chair feels mushy, it came witha gift

Let's see...



Bring the mop!

I always wanted to get married to a German guy, this way I would have something long

and hard on the wedding day

A new last name

Come on!

Come at me!

You hate me because I'm black, right?

I'm not sure you noticed but actually, I am black

I mean, I am black and a little white too,

you know, with stripes, I'm black and white a little bit like Michael Jackson, you know,

but without liking kids

Yeah, horrible conversation again


You know, the people get offended with jokes of Michael Jackson, right?


Oh, yeah!

I mean Yeah

What was I saying?

Oh, yes, Easter, what a fantastic tradition

Celebrating the torture of a poor guy that later came back as a zombie


And I can imagine the conversations between

the Roman workers "so, how did you do today in your new job at Calvary?"

"Oh, I nailed it"

Actually, the small ones, you don't even need

to waste ammunition because with a single kick in the nuts it's alright, you can kill them

just, you know, you just grab them by the face and

I really love these Glory Kills And that's it, you don't need to

Because there are some parts that are amazing

Yes, sorry

Got carried away

The old lady sending her slaves to me

well, of course! I'm for years old!

So everything over 10 is grannie to me!

Of course you're not grannie, Madqueen, you're a MILF

Come on, you're so MILF you that when someone is going to eat your pussy you take it to

his mouth doing the sound of a plane, like

This spoon for mummy!

well, she would if she had any kind of sexual life at all

Everything is so sad, so orange you know, like your American president

He should belong to Mars because he's orange

but I'm not racist, I don't have anything against orange people, right? I am not racist

But he's orange

you know Orange is the new Black

People who have spiders as pets, they tell you they're cute, and you're like "arg! that's

a fucking disgusting animal"

I think I'm going to call my character Elsa

Elsa, yes

But now I need an Olaf

By the way, Olaf this is an information you don't need for your life, but

Olaf in Spanish, if it's read backward

it means dick

I want that!

Oh, you're going to love this

Taste my fists motherfucker!!

I'm going to fist you

I really love that

Yeah, fuck you

I know you like it hard

Come here

I'm going to give you a new sexual experience

come here

shit, I just fell

oh, fuck

say goodbye to new sexual experience


That's so cute

I want this in my collection

I would give better blowjobs if the MadQueen would make a hole in my mouth but she doesn't

want to because she's always complaining "hey, my hand is inside" and I always say "that

would be like uncorking a bottle of champaign, you know?"

I don't know what else to say because, well, I don't have many anecdotes to explain because,

as I told you, I'm 4 years old and I don't want to explain the story of my life because

it's quite, uhm

no, it's really interesting but, you know, is short

everything in my life is really short except

nah, everything is short


Yes, I know, I swear a lot I know

It's something like super European, and I'm so Eurotrash I love it

hipster material

I'm so hipster I always burn my tongue with the coffee because

I drank it before it was cool

And I love my women as I love my chainsaws

any type

because, you know, I'm quite desperate

Yes, it's sad, I'm quite desperate

But anyway I don't complain about my sexual life, because

I have Dark Souls and it fucks me every time so

I'm quite happy with that

I remember this time, ages ago, I think we

still had dinosaurs around she was dating this guy and, well, he was

around and he asked her "Do I please you in bed?" and she says "Yes, of course!

I love that trick you do with your mouth" and he hets cocky asking "what trick?" and

she says "yes, the one when you


She's so romantic

I don't discriminate, I don't care what country are you from, I don't care you're a boy or a girl

you're an asshole

or maybe not, but I believe that being asshole, you don't need to be something to be an asshole

you can be an asshole having a dick or not you can be a bitch having boobs or not having them

so don't discriminate, kids!

Fuck everyone the same

Invasor, invasor

I have two questions for you one: where have you been all my life?


Can you please go back there?

Yeah, thank you

Octopus style

Did you know that when a male octopus find a mate he rips off his dick and throws it

to the female so she can inseminate herself, then the male grows a new dick

Now, if that isn't the most epic way to tell someone

to go fuck yourself, I don't know what it is

That was a face sitting?

Face sitting!

I don't wanna talk to you anymore!

And now you can follow on Twitter and Snapchat at MadqueenShow and I need to start appearing

on MadQueen's Snapchats because his... her account is really boring without me

I always say "him" instead of "her"

I mean

she has a pussy


Yeah, forget about that Leave a comment!

Leave a comment and subscribe!

Please subscribe because

Hey! What are you laughing at?

MadQueen is laughing Subscribe

I don't know Goodbye, have a nice day, tomorrow more

Love you

For more infomation >> Mr Ruvver Gameplays - Greatest Hits & Jokes - Duration: 9:03.



Goran : yo it's Goran Ahmad back here with another video

Goran : today, my friends we are going to....

Yoshi : what the hell are you doing in my video fam !?

Yoshi : now sit yo ass down

Goran : it's me !

Yoshi : I forgot to say something.

Goran : what did you forget ?

Yoshi : I don't really remenber fam.

Goran : so lads, we are currently in Yoshi's garage

Goran : and we are still waiting for this son of a B!tch who is taking a sh!t

Goran : there he finally is !!

Yoshi : here I am fam !

Yoshi : so, let's get this started

Goran : we will be back in 2 mins !

Goran : let's get it !

Yoshi : let's go !

Yoshi : so the first step is to get something like a jacket for you.

Yoshi : maybe something like a denim jacket ?

Goran : yeah I'm down !

Goran : I will let you decide since you are the one in-charge aftter all.

Yoshi : do you like this ?

Goran : nope, I mean...

Goran : it's missing like... never mind IDK

Goran : it's weird

Yoshi : weird

Goran : do you see what I mean like

Goran : I can't really say how, but it's weird.

Yoshi : do you think you could wear it ? Hold on.

Goran : you tell me

Yoshi : I honestly think that you could rock them to be 100

Yoshi : maybe it will fit too long

Yoshi : yeah dude i think you could cop them easily !

Goran : well go ahead then.

Yoshi : let me check if they got your size first.

Yoshi : plus it's only 20 Euros.

Yoshi : I will put it in my favorite for now.

Yoshi : what do you think of this one ?

Goran : not this dude lol

Yoshi : why not though ?

Goran : nah I was just joking, le's check it out.

Yoshi : this dude probably Asian and Black like me.

Goran : well, he sure look funny to me.

Yoshi : plus you are pretty tall

Yoshi : how tall are you again ?

Yoshi : How tall bro !

Goran : like 187cm

Yoshi : 178cm...

Yoshi : lit..

Yoshi : and would you wear wear this ?

Goran : of couse without a doubt !

Yoshi : why you lying fam ?!

Goran : no dude.

Yoshi : you would never wear that fam.

Yoshi : you have another one here.

Goran : I'm kinda feeling that one.

Goran : plus it got the same...

Yoshi : Is this the same dude as the last time ?

Goran : we don't give a sh!t lol

Yoshi : I think this would suit you pretty good.

Goran : Yeah i think so too, let me the sizes.

Goran : 106 cm for the chest area ?

Goran : we gotta mesure with a ruler ?

Yoshi : ok so

Yoshi : for the jacket we are good to go.

Yoshi : so

Goran : so

Yoshi : we found something nice from Bellfield.

Yoshi : I don' know this brand.. wait never mind yes I do.

Yoshi : the initial pricing was 60 euros, but now 30 euros.

Yoshi : So I'm guessing that the quality on it is pretty nice.

Yoshi : alright we are good to go for the sweater.

Yoshi : now, for the pants

Yoshi : do you have some black pair of pants ?

Goran : yeah I actually got one.

Yoshi : which looks good ?

Goran : yeah they are pretty slim fitted and all.

Goran : I don't really wear them since I don't really have anything to wear with them.

Goran : I will let you show them and you will tell me if we could use them.

Goran : this ?

Yoshi : some Janoskis huh

Yoshi : I think they are the Janoski zoom

Goran : Let's get them. I like them.

Yoshi : are you ready bro ?

Goran : hell yeah i'm ready !

Yoshi : go ahead

Yoshi : go go go

Yoshi : nah nah not like that

Yoshi : yeah yeah pull it hard

Yoshi : good

Yoshi : it's litttt

Goran : our second item.

Yoshi : looking clean

Goran : we'll go try them out know

Goran : thank you very much Yoshi.

Goran : you've helped me a lot

Yoshi : I sure did fam.

Goran : this guy is a fashion genius.

Yoshi : I'am apparently lol x2

Goran : I'm not fresh right now

For more infomation >> GEEK MAKEOVER CHALLENGE 🤓🔥 !!! || BEFORE AND AFTER CHALLENGE - Duration: 11:25.


Quick and Easy Ham Salad Recipe - Duration: 2:02.

hello everyone it's Stephanie Manley with today i'm gonna show

you how to make a glorious and i'm salad it's not a copycat recipe but it's one

from someone that I met and she made the most fabulous ham salad that she was

nice enough to share the recipe with me so I'm sharing it with you this recipe

is a little unusual why it tastes so good we're starting out with ham slices

like out of a package of lunch meat so when I say ham slices I need something

you would find in a package of Oscar Mayer brand

ham don't get the expensive kind because that's not what we're doing here this is

great a simple Midwest home cooking then we're gonna add a tablespoon of brown

sugar to this and we're getting something kind of crazy we're gonna

cover it with water and we're gonna cook it they're actually gonna simmer for

about 20 minutes what this does is it helps remove some of the saltiness from

the ham and the sugar comes in and it it makes it taste amazing

honestly one and a half tablespoons of grated red onion

so get your box grater grate that onion up one and a half tablespoons of chopped

gherkins pickles those pickles are sweet we're only gonna add about two

tablespoons of mayonnaise I don't mean Miracle Whip I mean mayonnaise like

Hellmann's are Duke's or whatever brands local to you a couple of teaspoons of

the pickle juice that the jar of pickles were in we're gonna pulse this a couple

of times we are not making a paste so we're just gonna pulse it to where the

ham still has some structure to it salt and pepper it up add a little bit of

seasoning remember we took all that salt out by cooking it you're going to season

up the way you like I like about a half teaspoon of each I'm just gonna stir

this in and pulse it a couple more times with the food processor and then that's

it now I think this would work well with other types of cooked ham or some

leftover ham but this is anytime ham salad so there you go it is fantastic

I hope you enjoy this recipe and give this one a try soon thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Quick and Easy Ham Salad Recipe - Duration: 2:02.


Zagrajmy w Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Part 25: Uwolnienie serc (Napisy PL) - Duration: 34:04.

For more infomation >> Zagrajmy w Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix Part 25: Uwolnienie serc (Napisy PL) - Duration: 34:04.


WOTS moments | Thank you for 1000 subscribers! - Duration: 2:47.

Do you know how it's difficult to live in this world?



Do you want me to dance "Peek-a-boo"?


Do you want?


But I am not going to dance!

Today is practice "How much I want". That's it.

Okay, I'm leaving.

Come oooooon!

Why am I sitting here? Honestly. I can sit at home as well!

You can't sit at home with me and look at camera!

Let's go. What should we do? We must practicing.

Shall we eat?

What... then go to eat.

Let's eat. Kate.

Alright, I will go to eat banana~

Do you want banana?


Kate doesn't want banana. Do you want banana?

I love banana hahaha

Give me some bread.

Give me some bread. I really like bread.

Go to dance!

Let me finish eating bread first!

Where must I put it?

You can't throw out bread!

Hey, let's go!

You didn't say "hello"!

Well, hello.

Say "I'm K.O. Give me more love" :3

Looks funny.

Lilya, go to dance.

Do you want to eat something?

I want to dance.

And what are you doing in my fridge?

We have a little time..

And what are you doing in my fridge? Do you want to eat? Go away.

Let's go. From here. To there. Oh God, Lilya. I'll turn off the camera.

For more infomation >> WOTS moments | Thank you for 1000 subscribers! - Duration: 2:47.


7. 5 Earthquake Hit Papua New Guinea today Sun Feb 25 2018 - Duration: 2:14.

Hey guys, I wanted I took down the other video of Papa New Guinea earthquake

What happened was I put them wrong link up because I was looking at other data that had happened in the past

So sorry I was reading the wrong thing when I was

making this video there was a big earthquake though in Papua, New Guinea at


today, I will put this link below ok and the earth quake itself it struck in the heart of the

Island near the southern highlands area with tremors felt across the nearby region

Now the phenomena hit at a depth of 10. Km. Roughly around 4 a.m.. Local time

6 p.m.

GMT time it is currently unclear if any damage or injuries were caused by the substantial

seismic event

Ok now Papa, New Guinea rest in the so called of course as we all know Ring of Fire

it's a hotbed of seismic activity surrounding a tectonic plate that spans the

Pacific all the way

Over ok it

Just spams all the Pacific now the quakes follow another seismic event that happened in Japan they were

5.5. Magnitude earthquake when it struck just hours before

Now despite the magnitude of the huge quakes officials have confirmed

there is no risk of a tsunami ok I

Will put this link below you can go check it all out


it was a

7.5. I don't know if you got to hear me talk about watch out for big quakes coming up within the next

Well at the end of this week through the first week of March and the Hangout last night or not

But there you have it one has happened. Thanks for watching. Thanks for subscribing

Commenting and updating you guys. Have a great day. Stay safe. I love you all peace love and kindness

For more infomation >> 7. 5 Earthquake Hit Papua New Guinea today Sun Feb 25 2018 - Duration: 2:14.


Samsung unveils response to Apple's iPhone X - Duration: 0:56.

Samsung has pulled back the curtain on its answer to Apple's iPhone X.

The Galaxy S9 has a lot of familiar features, but boasts one major upgrade.

At first glance, the S9 design looks pretty much the same as its predecessor, the S8,

with no home button and an edge-to-edge screen.

So it doesn't look much different — until you see its camera.

The S9 camera is one of the first on a smartphone to have two aperture settings.

The settings let users take better-looking pictures in high and low light by changing

the size of the little hole where light enters the camera.

The feature separates the S9 from rival phones like the iPhone X and Google's Pixel 2 — they

both have only one aperture setting.

Samsung's phone cameras are getting almost professional-grade; the S9+ also has dual

cameras that can zoom closer and focus better.

The upgraded camera comes at a hefty price, though, costing about $840 for an unlocked


For more infomation >> Samsung unveils response to Apple's iPhone X - Duration: 0:56.


Viseart Grande Pro Vol 1 Palette Review with Swatches on Medium Tan Skin - Duration: 14:55.

hi guys welcome back to my channel I have a beautiful review to do for a

product that I really feel like all pro makeup artists really need to get if you

don't get this and you should definitely look into this brand it's very

worthwhile if you want to take your eyeshadow game or your home makeup game

to another level then these V's art okay let me say I'm

seeing today that I'm not sure if I'm saying it correctly

I say these art but I believe it's called busy art and it's a brand that's

actually in California this is the grand Pro Volume one Viseart palette this

palette is a game-changer it's amazing and you guys really have to look into it

I hope it's still available when I'm airing this video because it's a

beautiful beautiful palette so what I just showed you was the packaging this

is the packaging here it's gorgeous and it has that really beautiful velvety

feel to it and the palette itself is this one here and unfortunately I've

already started to mess it up let me get a clean hold on unfortunately my

palettes already feeling the love and getting a little nicked

but it's so stunning that it's completely worth it it is on the more

pricey side but if you really want to change your whole eye shadow game then

this palette is the one for you so this is the opening side here and it has a

nice little logo and it says the grand Pro Volume one so it opens like so you

open this part up it flips up and then I'm just gonna angle the mirror so you

guys don't get blinded this is the palette look at those colors they're so

gorgeous this ain't no morphe palette girls this

is stunning absolutely stunning so there's a little leaf in there which I

will remove look at how gorgeous those colors are they are absolutely stunning

now these are all mattes and the colors are actually placed in a very smart way

because they are at they're in a range so you can see that they go from the

darkest color and then they have complementing colors in the same row as

you can see so in the next one there have a little bit more of a yellowy all

of you tone and then these ones are more of the cranberry burgundy tones with a

little bit more pinkish range and then you have the cool purpley tones and then

even further you have the cooler blue tones which are up here so basically

they can cover everyone you don't even need I would save more than this you

wouldn't need another palette if you have this specifically for your matte

tones which as an artist I tend to use mattes most and then I'll add shimmer

where needed if needed but and so I don't even want to put my finger in it

to show you the colors but I've already used a few of the colors as you can see

over here but I've tried to do it as minimally as possible so that I could

show it to you before I really you know show this palette some love but the

beautiful thing about this palette too is that the back of it can flip right up

and attach with a magnet like that I think I'm doing it correctly and then it

stands up for you so you have your palette sitting ready open and you don't

even have to worry about you know I gotta open it again or that it's gonna

fall or anything like that so you can stand it up like so where you can stand

it up like this and then it would sit on the table perfectly where you're working

and you have access to all the colors and you don't even have to think about

it or you can flatten it down if you need to you can flat

like that and that works as well and this little leaf here protects all the

colors when it's closed so you don't have to worry about it

now I'm gonna show you a few of the swatches so I'm sure you guys I'm sure

you guys are eyeing those super bright colors so I'm going to show you those

first but the color payoff for these is absolutely gorgeous like the color that

you see is the color that you're gonna get like look at that oh my gosh it's

beautiful it's I can't even like I'm looking at it in my monitor and the

color looks the same there's no change so I'm gonna put that

here on my arm let me just get my arm in the shot here so there but my gosh

that's beautiful and I'm gonna get another color for you so let's try that

intense purple tone and there is I just rub my finger over that like three times

and there is no there's no powder fall out on the actual palette and there's

none on my finger like I don't have a bunch of powder stuck to my finger right

now so here's this watch again

look at that that's stunning okay and then we'll do this

intense blue color because you know those are the fun ones

and again oh my God look do you see that that's amazing it's so pretty it is so

pretty and again I don't have there's not a lot of powder sitting in the

actual pot and on my finger same oh just wow the colors I think I'm

completely a fan I'm not even kidding I have a couple of the other V's art

palettes as which I'm going to show you today and I'm just like look at my wrist

that's amazing these colors are phenomenal just okay

I'll calm down my fingers all clean now I'm going to show you some of the

lighter tones the kids people tend to feel like you know you didn't even do

those but I'll show you up here this one

nice solid cream white color it's perfect for the brow bone on lighter

skin tones just amazing there's no chalkiness there's no nothing

it's beautiful so those are those colors there and then I'll show you some of the

more neutral colors so here's that in a Ricky orange tone it's a rusty orange

oh.just Wow Wow it's all I'm gonna say it's just well I

will link the website for you below so that you can see if you can get your

hands on this palette because it's so worthless yeah it's so worth it it is a

little bit on the pricier side but I'm telling you guys as a makeup artist if

you're a professional and especially if you work in editorial or if you work in

film these colors stay true so when you're working from one scene to another

scene the consistency that you get from these colors is amazing you don't have

to worry at all about you know having a little bit of a clumpiness in the

eyeshadow or anything because they just apply like beautifully there's no

there's no fallout there's a blends like a dream so you really have to look into

these that's I mean I don't even know what else to say they are all handmade

in Paris they are hand pressed each one is individually done the the company

Anastasia started this company I believe there's also another member which I can

put a little bit more of the history in the description box for you but she

created this line for makeup artist and it's it's absolutely worth the wait for

this palette I'll show you a couple of other palettes these ones are very

well-loved so I apologize if they don't look so hot when I show them one camera

but this one is the busy art professional preview palette and this is

the matte eyeshadow palette in the cool mattes range and this as well the same

thing they are all handmade they're just gorgeous to work with these colors

they're beautiful on everyone I've ever used them on and again like you would

think you know if you're showing like the blue from the the grand Pro violet

palette this blue over here is still quite different in tone and then that

blue this blue has a bit more of a midnight blue this one's more of a navy

blue so that's gorgeous then the pink this one here is the pink

tone which is a really nice Bridal tone and it's very pretty it has like a bit

of mauve in it or move and I also use these for brow powders as well so if you

see like this cool tone it's very usable for brows also for light blonde people I

would use this color very easily for the brow they're just amazing and these are

all Matt's as well there are shimmers but I in my experience I found that

Vizier strength is their matte tones they are absolutely gorgeous and I have

not found one company yet that has matched them in quality in terms of what

they can do with their matte tones shimmer tones I'm not the hugest fan of

I find that there is a little bit more of a patchiness to them on occasion but

the Matt's are beautiful so they're definitely worthwhile there's a palette

that I've created so I actually depotted a lot of my own

eye shadows and stuff out of their pots and i depotted the entire VZ Art palette

in the neutral matte which is one of their most popular it's actually one of

them it's packaged exactly the same as the cool mattes that I showed you so you

can see they're very similar oh let me see there we go they're very similar I

just kind of packed them closely together but the packaging is exactly

the same as this one and these ones to this palette right here if I lost my

entire eyes shadow palates all of them which would be

hugely devastating but if I lost all of them and I only had this palette I could

knock it out of the park every single time with this palette because it is

stunning it really doesn't like it looks pretty

simple and boring but I find when you are an artist for quite a long time you

realize that you don't need to have honestly that many shadows to really do

everything you have to accomplish so with this palette I have some so this is

the busy art here and these are from yabby cosmetics and these are all my

brow powder powders I also have like the bobbi brown right there that one is the

bobbi brown smoke which I've used for my own brows before I have the larger

version for myself but these colors altogether you know it may not look all

that pretty honestly and that's a little embarrassing but this palette is my life

like I can do anything with this palette oh and if you like my case here I

actually got this off of Etsy and if I can find it again I will link it below

in the description box these are beautiful palettes that are handmade

mine is actually quite old and well-loved so it doesn't look quite as

pretty but you can get some really pretty handmade palettes and I think

it's called something soul so I will look into that and link that for you if

you would like to get some they're all magnetized so all of your pots can fit

and you can really customize them to your liking but yeah this palette is

absolutely amazing you really have to invest in this one so that one's the

bricky tone which is one of my favorite colors then I have the dark Holbrook the

darker brick tone is the right there

the perfect transition color for the eye which I absolutely love and then again

you can use like the black is very intense to a very nice black color and

then we have the nice gray tone as well which is right there so you can do

beautiful colors beautiful transitions with all of these palettes highly highly

recommend my quick rave and review of the VZ art palette and this one like I

told you is the grand Pro Volume one I hope you enjoyed that do look into

this brand I promise you you will not be disappointed it is one of the best

eyeshadow palettes I've ever owned and as devastating as it will be because

this palette is so beautiful I am definitely going to make this my my

number one go-to palette for sure thank you so much I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Viseart Grande Pro Vol 1 Palette Review with Swatches on Medium Tan Skin - Duration: 14:55.


CS:GO - All 24 New Gloves In-Game (Factory New) - Duration: 3:42.

Gloves are extremely overpriced.

But still, I've made a couple showcases in the past for new skins in the game, so I wanna

make a video to show you guys how the new gloves look and what I think about them.

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here!

Let's go through them one by one in the same order Valve listed them, starting with Vice,

which is one of my favorites because it has some nice color combinations.

Omega, the first pair of gloves that are legit yellow, these might be the ones I'll use in

the future cause they match my yellow setup.

Bronze Morph, these for some reason remind me of the watermelon guy.

Amphibious, they're pretty cool, I like the water effect.

Racing Green, but in terms of green, they're just boring green to me.

Overtake, I kinda like these, but there's too much brown in the front for my taste.

Imperial Plaid, these look like something the joker would wear.

They would be cooler without the lines though.

King Snake, I like these very much cause they're simple yet elegant somehow.

Polygon, they're cool but I don't like the darker blue color they have.

Transport, they look your average gloves for outdoor activities.

Turtle, these are actually really cool and the ones I believe fit the moto style best.

Pow, these could go very well with the AWP Boom, but that's pretty much it.

Mogul or mogul I don't know how to pronounce it, they're just very random and there's just

too much colors for my taste.

Fade, these are original and they're cool, definitely one of my favorites.

Buckshot, the only thing interesting about these is the name itself, apart from that

nothing special.

Crimson Web, I like these but I really think the red should have been a little bit stronger.

Case Hardened, basically the collector gloves, will be interesting to see future prices for

100% blue or gold.

Rattler, the gloves you make when you run out of ideas.

Mangrove, the cleaner version of Rattler basically.

Emerald, clean and simple, the best looking Hydra gloves anyway.

Arboreal, just your regular camouflage gloves, quite boring if you ask me.

Duct tape, really, Valve?

I can already envision the memes.

Overprint, these were the first gloves I got.

They have some neat patterns, and I like the light blue color.

Lastly, Cobalt Skulls, the bluest gloves you can get basically.

So that's the video, hope you enjoyed it, let me know which gloves are your favorite

down below, I'll see you guys in the next one, and go bananas!

For more infomation >> CS:GO - All 24 New Gloves In-Game (Factory New) - Duration: 3:42.


Von der Demokratie zur Schwarmintelligenz - Eine kleine Demokratieschulung | 25.02.2018 | - Duration: 10:06.

For more infomation >> Von der Demokratie zur Schwarmintelligenz - Eine kleine Demokratieschulung | 25.02.2018 | - Duration: 10:06.


LA VÉRITÉ - Youtube Hero #1 - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> LA VÉRITÉ - Youtube Hero #1 - Duration: 7:48.


A.I. is Monitoring You Right Now And Here's How It's Using Your Data - Duration: 4:57.

We live in an age of mass surveillance.

And big data, mixed with the ever increasing power of artificial intelligence, means all

of our actions are being recorded and stored like never before.This information is being

mined to identify social media trends for targeted advertising, but it's also being

used to predict riots, election outcomes, disease epidemics and that's not to mention

the vast networks of surveillance cameras that could be used to track crowds and individuals

in real time.

This is EMBERS.

A computer forecasting system that sifts through the data that you post on social media everyday.

It mines platforms you'd expect like Twitter and Facebook... and it tracks things that

you might not expect - like restaurant apps, traffic maps, currency rates and even food


Data from tweets and social media is useful for predicting both disease outbreaks, and

events like civil unrest, domestic political crisis, elections, and so on.

You can use these non traditional data sources, like restaurant reservation information, hospital

imagery and so on to predict the flu.

EMBERS mines big data for trends rather than information on individuals.

For example, if EMBERS detects a mass cancellation of restaurant reservations and then hospital

parking lots fill up, the system can predict that there is probably an outbreak of food

poisoning or flu.

And it's incredibly accurate.

EMBERS correctly predicted Hantavirus outbreaks in Argentina and Chile in 2013 and political

uprisings in Brazil and Venezuela in 2013 and 2014.

In fact, EMBERS is correct in it's predictions about 90% of the time.

But EMBERS does have its limits.

While it can mine public data to forecast major social events before they happen, it's

can't predict spontaneous events - like crowd stampedes or terrorists.

An increasing concern in an overcrowded and unstable world.

Which is what Dr Mubarak Shah and his team are trying to do.

They are using video surveillance, AI, and complicated mathematical algorithms to track

and predict the movements of dense crowds and the individuals in those crowds.

Crowd analysis is a very interesting area and very challenging, when you have thousands

of people, it becomes very, very complicated.

This is where A.I. comes in.

It can help spot abnormal patterns in a crowd like bottlenecks.

Take the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia for example.

In 2015, hundreds were crushed to death in a stampede.

In the future computers may be able to detect bottlenecks in real time and pilgrims can

be diverted to uncrowded areas, thus avoiding stampedes and ultimately, saving lives.

Another application Shah's team is working on is to track individuals in crowds in real


We want to be able to track that person where the person enters, where he's going and where

exact sitting and so on.

This kind of surveillance is done manually, but computers are beginning to be able to

detect individuals acting suspiciously as they move through a crowd.

We want to be able to analyze the video in each camera.

We detect people, we track, and we identify and so on.

Using video surveillance and the networks of cameras available in major cities, Shah's

team is working on using AI to track individuals from place to place.

This Boston bomber was seen in many different locations, so you detect a person in one camera,

then it disappears because it's not visible.

And after sometime it reappears in another camera maybe at a distance.

Re-identification in the crowd is much, much harder because there are lots of people.

Camera networks data mined for suspicious behaviour could stop future bombings.

But it isn't easy and they aren't there yet.

There is so much data that needs to be annotated so that machines can understand human behavior.

It can help law enforcement it can make them more efficient and it can help solve crime.

But there is a downside to this.

How much privacy are we willing to give up to be safe?

The implications of these technologies are vast.

Perhaps It depends on how much you trust the people who are mining your data.

For more science documentaries check out this one right here.

Don't forget to subscribe and keep coming back to Seeker for more videos.

For more infomation >> A.I. is Monitoring You Right Now And Here's How It's Using Your Data - Duration: 4:57.


ТУРНИР МЕЖСЕЗОНЬЯ IX-X в WoT Blitz (25.02.18) - Duration: 1:44:24.

For more infomation >> ТУРНИР МЕЖСЕЗОНЬЯ IX-X в WoT Blitz (25.02.18) - Duration: 1:44:24.


WHY DO WE SEE BLACK MATTER IN NIGHT SKY || **ब्रह्मांड काला क्यों है** - Duration: 4:30.

For some days, one thing has been making me excited: what Black Matter in the space is.

If you do not want to miss our all latest videos then please subscribe the channel and

hit the bell button to get all the notifications right into your smartphone.

And click the link to the description to check our last videos.

When the sun goes down, our universe becomes black with some light sources.

At the same time, if we ask other people what black matter that we see in the night sky

is, 99% of normal people will say that it is just some empty space in the universe.

Let me stop you for a second, as if that space is empty, all the planetary bodies and stars

should collapse.

Maybe you will reply that these bodies are being held up together by gravitational force.

Well, yes, you are right that Star's gravity attracts planets to fall into it.

But, due to continuous revolution around the star, the planet acquires the equilibrium

state and keeps revolving around the star without falling into it.

Well, I am not going to talk about the physics behind the movement of stars and planets.

There is something which is controlling all these stars, planets and galaxies.

Yes, scientists determined some invisible matter which covers all the empty space in

the universe.

They named it "Dark Matter" or, in other words, "Black Matter."

Around 76% of matter in the Universe is Dark Matter.

Yes, this non-observable matter is the reason behind the equilibrium of the Universe.

There is a repulsive energy in the universe, known as Dark Energy which is responsible

for further spaces between the galaxies.

This energy is responsible for the universe's expansion.

In 1920, Edwin Hubble was the first to notice that our universe is bigger than just Milkyway.

Together, Dark Energy and Dark Matter consist 96% of the universe.

For over a decade, researchers in Sudan laboratory have been trying to identify the real proof

of Dark Matter.

Due to cosmic radiations, it's hard to detect the dark matter on the surface of Earth.

So, around 2341 feet beneath the Earth's surface, scientists have made a lab in Sudan to carry

out experiments on finding dark matter particles.

Now, the next is what made the scientists believe in dark matter.

Well, the hunting of dark matter started about a century ago.

An astronomer Fritz Zwicky looked up into the Coma cluster of galaxies and found that

a huge amount of matter was moving in the galaxies.

There was something which was affecting the motion of galaxies in the cluster, and something

was holding matter inside the cluster.

Taking it into consideration, Zwicky declared that an invisible matter is behind this phenomenon.

Vera Rubin, an American astronomer discovered a very strange activity in the galaxies' motion.

She found that if a galaxy is a city, all the cars inside it are stars, and planets

are without any traffic, then all the cars move at a constant speed.

She was one of the first people who actually pointed to the existence of Dark Matter.

Dark Matter existence is simple.

Let me give you a simple example.

You can also try it at home.

Tie a small stone on one of the ends of a string.

Hold another end with your hand and rotate the stone.

You will see the circular motion of the stone.

If I make you and the string invisible, only the stone will be moving.

That's how our galaxies are moving.

This proves the existence of Dark Matter.

For more infomation >> WHY DO WE SEE BLACK MATTER IN NIGHT SKY || **ब्रह्मांड काला क्यों है** - Duration: 4:30.


Gen. Jack Keane outlines Russia's role in Syria crisis - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Gen. Jack Keane outlines Russia's role in Syria crisis - Duration: 5:59.


Rad + Reise Hamburg ADFC Messe - Dirk Bartschat - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Rad + Reise Hamburg ADFC Messe - Dirk Bartschat - Duration: 4:45.


ARRIVING To Croatia - Duration: 1:02.

Hi guys! We just arrived to Croatia

We are in Novi Marof, which is a town in the north of Croatia

I'm really excited. It's really cold here.

We will work with the youth.

And.. well.. We are really excited and happy to be here!!

And cuuuuut!!...

For more infomation >> ARRIVING To Croatia - Duration: 1:02.


【REACTION】つばきファクトリー『春恋歌』Camellia Factory [A Spring Love Song] - Duration: 6:28.

Hello everyone! Hana here

Today I'm going to react to "Shunrenka" from Tsubaki Factory's 3rd single

It's a very cute song, with a Spring feel so I want to watch it asap~

So, let's check "Shunrenka"

The set is lovely

So cute!

It's an upbeat song

The heart was so cute!!

Is Maopin the center?

It's a confortable song

It's a very idol like song

I really like it



So pretty!

It's such a Springlike song

I like it a lot

It has a different feel from the other two songs

Idol like songs are so good!!


They look like dolls!

I guess "Graduation" is the theme, right?

That "Graduating from one's old self" feel

Also that "Spring is waiting for you" feel

So cute!! Rikoriko!!


The song makes me remember idol songs from the 80's

I really want to see the dance shot


This is such a sweet song


Woah!! *claps*

It was so cute!!

It was so cute!! It really had a very "Spring" feel to it

Lately H!P's songs have a very cool atmosphere and are very intense

so I'm glad for a cute song like this

I would really like it if they released more cute songs

Of course I like the other styles, they are good too

But we've been lacking in cute songs lately

The costumes are so cute and they are in pastel colours, which was very cute too

Also the song is so cute, fresh

and "Spring" like, I am happy.

Tsubaki Factory's presence is very strong

Listening to this song you already see that this is a Tsubaki song

From this single I like "Teion Yakedo" the most but

I like the other two songs around the same

But which song do you prefer?

Tell me in the comments

Also which were your impressions of the music video?

Tell me in the comments, I will be waiting for them.

It has been Hoshino Hana, let's meet in a next video!!

For more infomation >> 【REACTION】つばきファクトリー『春恋歌』Camellia Factory [A Spring Love Song] - Duration: 6:28.


Make Austria And Hungary Great Again - Duration: 15:36.

Hi All! We are on our way to Graz, to the Styrian GI. Bon appetit Benjamin! - B: Thanks!

We've arrivet to Graz, where the GI currently practicing how to repell an attack when they are at an Infopoint.

After an awesome dinner, we climbed to the Schlossberg to see the beautiful lights of Graz, then we went back to the GI house to make an interview with Luca Kerbl.

So here we are at the Styrian GI, and here is Luca Kerbl, the leader of the IB Steiermark.

After the "Hungarian Party", we are still in Graz, and that's not a traditional Austrian folk music,

but the rythm of a sect of the - how to say - "new-Asutrians"...

As you could see in the video, we are living the European Dream, what the left side only complains about since .

Austria is on the right track, but there are still a lot to do for the GI Austria,

so I would like to wish them a succesful journey in the reconquista of souls!

As you may have seen, the quality of the vids are getting better,

because I spend the donation only for the vlog: like this new 35mm Nikon objective.

With this, I can spread the identitarian content in a much better quality,

so thank you so much for the support, and I can ensure you, that your further support will be spent for the vlog too,

like a new lights, or a better stand. Thank you in advance!

For more infomation >> Make Austria And Hungary Great Again - Duration: 15:36.


Something Has To Change.... - Duration: 8:53.

so in case you've been living under a rock or you just haven't watched any of

my videos in a few weeks then you will know that seven since the beginning of

this year I've been running three entertainment channels I've been running

the NoxxDog channel on Twitch the NoxxDog channel on YouTube and this channel

and I've run into a bit of a problem it's exhausting not only do I have to

record three videos for the Twitch channel I also have to record six videos

for the NoxxDog YouTube channel and one video for this channel every single week

and I've only been doing it for about two months now I mean it's coming up to

the end of February as I'm recording this and it is already burning me out

I'm already getting burnt out by keeping up that video schedule and something has

to change now not long ago I was I was lying in bed just thinking about you

know how I could make things simpler on the channels now how I could make my

recording schedule a bit less frantic and a bit less well shall we say a

little bit less arduous because it's not only the recording that I have to do

it's all the editing it's all of the metadata it's all of the marketing which

has been a bit lackluster granted but you know and then it's staying around

for the Premier's when they go live on Twitch you know I have to be in the chat

just in case anybody wants to talk to me and then it's you know it kinda it all

piles up you know it all it all kind of like snowballs so it's much more than

just the recording and I was just wondering how to make that a little bit

less arduous and one of the things that I did that one of the conclusions that I

did come to is that gotta be honest I don't really like making vlog type

videos anymore you know I mean these sit down ones are okay if I've got something

to talk about but if I don't have anything to talk about then I don't

really see the point in forcing a vlog you know or forcing one of these videos

so what I'm gonna do the main change that I'm gonna make is I'm not really

gonna worry too much about videos for this channel anymore so what that

basically means is that I'm only gonna upload on this channel if

I've actually got a good video to put up on it so only if I've got a topic that I

think I can make a good video about or a subject that I think I can make a good

video about then I will make a video to go up on this channel but otherwise I'm

not gonna worry about uploading consistently on this channel anymore

ever since I started the knocks dog channels twitch and YouTube

my main focus has been there I've been really really enjoying getting back into

you know recording on those channels and it's been taking up so much of my time

that I don't want to take any time away from that to make a video on this

channel you know this this type of video this type of video is kind of okay now

because I'm okay recording this now because I've already finished all of my

recording for next week fur for the knock stock channels so I'm perfectly

okay recording this now but most of the time doesn't really turn out like that

you know circumstances happen and I get a bit behind on the recording schedule

and it's just really quite annoying but yeah so that that's gonna be the most

major change I I will I'm not gonna make regular uploads on this channel anymore

it's definitely gonna be an upload you know as and when I think I have

something good to say so I'm that's really the major change

that I wanted to kind of talk about in in this particular video but there are

also going to be a few changes on the knocks dog YouTube channel side of

things as well and that then that's mainly going to be kind of you know what

what I do because at the moment I've got I record sick I record and edit six

videos a week on the knocks dog YouTube channel Monday to Saturday and then

usually I would have sunday off for you know uploading on this channel usually

now I'm gonna maintain the same Monday to Saturday schedule but at the moment

I'm recording and editing six you know six individual videos and I'm wondering

whether it may not just 'is the recording you know 'is the

recording time a little bit if I just took my Saturday vodcast from twitch cut

it in half and then you know release that as two individual videos for Friday

and Saturday you know for the Friday Saturday timeslot I'm I'm very much

thinking of doing that because number one it means I only have to record seven

videos and not nothing and it kind of cuts down on editing as well although to

be honest with you they were the the two videos the two YouTube videos that I'd

make out of that Twitch premiere would actually be

slightly more heavily edited down for YouTube but it would still mean that I

completely cuts out that recording time it cuts out about an hour and a half of

recording time which is pretty yay which is pretty big it may not sound like a

lot but it is actually a pretty big thing

this recording can be quite tiring depending on how much effort you put

into it so I'm definitely thinking of doing that and just proud perhaps I can

even make those particular videos its own series you know because a lot of the

time on Saturday with my Twitch premiers I do like a bit of like a first

impressions thing I take a take a game I haven't played before and just try it

out you know or it could just be a video that I'm you know it could just be a

game that I'm particularly fond of you know and just it just a bit of an off

style to trim perhaps go a bit retro it can be anything really but I'm

definitely thinking of just taking that Saturday vodcast splitting it into two

and just releasing those videos the following week on Friday and Saturday I

think that's going to be a very good bet to actually do that because I used to do

that when that channel started as a matter of fact when the knocks dog

YouTube channel started it was just twitch vods that's pretty much it just

split into that's literally who it was and and that

worked yeah that worked pretty well until I kind of changed the point of the

knocks dog YouTube channel and started doing like individual stuff but I think

I can I think there's a happy medium between the two things and I'm hoping to

strike that balance going forward but anyway to be honest with you that's

really all I had to say in this particular video if you if you do want

to kind of follow my you follow my gaming stuff do please hop on over to

the NoxxDog YouTube channel or the NoxxDog Twitch channel or both if you really

want to support me on both the the the Twitch the Twitch channel is more kind

of like speedrun practice and let's play research and just like exploring new

games I explore one new game a week and the rest of its more kind of like let's

play research for upcoming YouTube Let's Plays and speedrun practice for an

upcoming speedrun that I want to do for Rogue Squadron 3D so that's sounds like

your jam please also go and follow me on Twitch it's again free a bit like

subscribing on YouTube following me on Twitch is free you don't have to pay

anything it's just you go to my twitch channel and you click the little heart

button they'll be a heart button on my on my twitch channel you click that and

you're following me you know you get notified of all of the

all of the premieres that I that go live basically on my channel and also then

please also go subscribe to the NoxxDog YouTube channel as well you can

film you basically find episodic Let's Plays there while some of them are

highly edited some of them are not I have usually two Let's Plays going at

the same time one of them is highly edited one of them isn't currently I'm

playing Deus Ex with the GMDX mod installed for the give me Deus Ex mod

and I'm also playing through Shogo: Mobile Armor Division which those are

the two I've got running simultaneously so if if that interests you I go to the

subscribe to that channel I will leave a link to both channels both the twitch

and the youtube channels down in the in the description below so please do go

and check those out and if you haven't subscribe to this channel if you do

still want to subscribe to this channel please by all means do but as I say you

will not get regular uploads on this channel anymore going forward so thank

you so much for watching if you liked this video please click the like button

and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already

have a great rest of the day and I will see you soon

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