Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

Where is Nicole?

She said to meet her here

The line is getting longer

You got my ticket right?

Sure thing man

Hi semuanya

Holly shit!

Kalian udah siap?

Are you sick or something?

Or cold maybe?

What are you talking about?

What are you wearing?

Why on earth are you wearing those?

Yang lain juga gini!

I wanna dress up too you know

Gw kaya kepiting gitu ya

Lo lebih kayak tai sih Nic

You look like a like a train wreck

This is fashion you know!

Dari Ciledug coy!


Have you changed your clothes?

Why? I haven't even taken a shower

What's wrong?

Since when?

It's been a year


Soalnya gw party terus-terusan

Yeah but I mean you stink dude!

Well people on social media couldn't smell it, could they?

The only thing that matters is that I get drunk

Dan gw bisa lakuin apa aja setiap malam

They got some really nice bath rooms in this festival

Wy don't you take a shower here?

But those are not my bathrooms

Wow ini dekorasi hutan hujan ya

Hi, nama gw Gunther

Lo tau ngga mereka lagi coba buat selametin monyet-monyet dengan hutan ini

Rumputnya hijau ya

Semuanya bagian dari alam

Ibu pertiwi

Ngga ada nih hutan hujan kayak gini di Scandanavia

Hi! Oh no there's just only one who's watching me live

Hi Mayang!

Yea I'm at a party right now... Look there's a DJ there!

Look there's that famous dj

Oh we got another one, Hi Sarmilla!

What? Do you wanna see it more closely?

Hi dj! Over here!

My friend here Sarmilla from Kebon Jeruk

He's busy

The reception is not good

Hey you're interrupting me! I was on Insta Live okay bye!

Hi Mil, I'm sorry some one was just calling me

Tadi lo tampilnya bagus banget, keren!

Terima kasih

Lo mau ngapain abis ini?

Ya mau nyantai di rumah

Maaf ya, gw boleh ngobrol sama fans gw dulu gak?

Gw boleh masuk video lo gak?

Engga, maaf ya

Gw aja deh yang ambilin video nya

Gapapa gw bisa sendiri

"Terima kasih semuanya udah nonton gw di..."

I'm sorry, people can't see me with alcohol

Emang kita kenal ya?

Kayaknya kita pake warna lipstick yang sama deh

Kayaknya ngga deh

Tai lo semua!

Hi coy!

Oh my god

I am so wasted

So lit!

Pesta paling meriah!

Shit my head is spinning

Party paling keren dan gw mabok!

This is lit! This drink must be expensive

I only used to drink Ciu

Change place with me, Put!

Oh shit

Hey what is that?

Can I try some?

Can I have some?

3 second!

This is great!

Let me hold that for you

We gave you already

I'm just gonna take a selfie with it for one second

Can I borrow your camera?

That's not enough man

Can we take a picture first?

I looked fat there...

Squeeze in

Hurry up!

That was blurry

Can they see my crab hat?

There's more light here

That's enough no?

Let's take one without the glasses

That's not wild enough! Come one!

Slow down damn it!

What now?

It's blurry if you do it fast

This is my song!


Put come on!

Can we take that later?

I'm done! Bye!

Alright then I'll just take a selfie

Where are we going?

Let's go back to our tent

Do you even realised you have a man sized body

Let's go!

Where are you guys taking me?

To the tent!

You are too drunk!

There was like a guy... Hiii !

Bastard! Why is he with someone else?

Maaf maaf

Hey asshole!

She's so drunk!

Hi... Come here!

Say it don't spray it, Putina!

Calm down, Putina!

Your tits are showing

I don't care...

Hi cowok-cowok

Look at my tits

I'm not drunk!

Putina, did you learn nothing in religion class?

Fuck you! I'm not drunk!

Ja, let's just go home

They're closing, it's done

Five more minutes okay

Udah tutup coy!


Terima kasih udah nonton!

Kita mau nikin karakter baru dan namanya Gunther

Nama saya Gunthur ya

Dari Scandanavia

Rada ambigu sih

Sekitar Scandinavia deh pokoknya

Terima kasih udah nonton dan terima kasih juga udah subscribe ke channel kita

Dan jangan lupa juga buat follow Instagram kita

Terima kasih buat Reza Chandika for always supporting us

Dan selalu bersedia tampil di channel kita dan senang-senang bareng kita

Itu susah banget dan kalian mungkin bisa liat kalau kita ketawa terus

Dan gw juga ngga yakin shot-shot ini bener semua

I don't even know how am I gonna edit this

Jangan lupa juga kalau kita punya merchendise baru yang bakal keluar!

Kaus baru dengan bertuliskan ucapan khas nya Putina

There we go

Tungguin itu di website kita ya

For more infomation >> #FIXSkits: People At Festivals (Feat. Reza Chandika) - Duration: 8:14.


/Nightcore/ → Feel Again (Culture Code ft Harley Bird) - Lyrics ✗ - Duration: 3:10.

Lyrics include in Video

For more infomation >> /Nightcore/ → Feel Again (Culture Code ft Harley Bird) - Lyrics ✗ - Duration: 3:10.


[자막/Subtitles]韓国人がオススメするKpop&K-hiphop(Loco)/Korean introduces Kpop&Khiphop artist(Loco) - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> [자막/Subtitles]韓国人がオススメするKpop&K-hiphop(Loco)/Korean introduces Kpop&Khiphop artist(Loco) - Duration: 3:57.


Best Music Mix 2016 ♫ 1H Gaming Music ♫ Dubstep, Electro House, EDM, Trap YouTube - Duration: 1:00:55.

For more infomation >> Best Music Mix 2016 ♫ 1H Gaming Music ♫ Dubstep, Electro House, EDM, Trap YouTube - Duration: 1:00:55.


Sridevi Last Video In Dubai | RIP Sridevi - Duration: 4:21.

Sridevi Last Video In Dubai | RIP Sridevi

For more infomation >> Sridevi Last Video In Dubai | RIP Sridevi - Duration: 4:21.


BMW E36 325 DRIFT OnBoard/POV - Formula Gruz - Duration: 7:50.


I'm inviting you to see onboard from last drift session

In the description below, you can see car specification

meanwhile I will change the wheel

rear tyres?

eeee... It's okay

classic... turn signal...

trunk lids it's not closing

So I had to do proper mounting


Ok, it's coming

come on!


What happend? Transition? or what?

It works!

I will do challange

Challange named - no handbrake

Subscribe for more!

For more infomation >> BMW E36 325 DRIFT OnBoard/POV - Formula Gruz - Duration: 7:50.


Органайзер Джулиан от Алины. Обзор. (Organizer Julian) - Duration: 13:26.

For more infomation >> Органайзер Джулиан от Алины. Обзор. (Organizer Julian) - Duration: 13:26.


9 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together - Duration: 4:25.

9 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together

It is difficult to tell what makes people in good relationship.

Sometimes, it is not all about how nice they are in terms of appearance when they are together.

It is also not merely because they understand each other.

Sometimes a relationship can happen just because there is a match between types of personalities.

Today, we have INFJ and ENTP personality type.

They are known to be a great match, and apart from that, there are some reasons that make

them good to be together.

So, in this short video, I'm going to share with you about 9 reasons why INFJ and ENTP

belong together.

But before we see the whole lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - Similar perceiving preference

INFJ and ENTP share Ni function which is actually for perceiving the world through intuition.

They can communicate things better, and that is why it is a good Kickstart for their relationship.

Intuition helps them to understand even without expressing words.

Therefore, it is really excellent function which helps them to get ideas shared without


#2 - Dynamic in other function

In addition to having similar function, they also have different functions which allow

them to get dynamic within the relationship.

This dynamic function keeps INFJ and ENTP in very good condition in terms of interaction

and ideas.

#3 - Opposite attraction

Sometimes, something that is opposite actually attracts each other.

It is just like magnet, and I, T, and P actually opposite each other.

This is where the law attraction from personality begins.

It is inevitable that it makes them match, and that also makes both of them feel connected

each other.

#4 - INFJ and ENTP are growth minded

Even though INFJ is idealist and the ENTP is entrepreneur, they actually share similar

intention to have high self-improvement.

They like to invent unique, fresh, and useful idea in business.

They also have ideas that create so much better world.

Both are also highly adaptive, making their relationship even better.

#5 - They like new things

Both are actually open to new ideas.

They also like to get out from their comfort zones.

It is no wonder that they are really good match because of this attitude.

It is also worth noting that both INFJ and ENTP like to experiment with new items that

they invent or they first encounter.

This creates a significant feeling that they really can enjoy.

#6 - Moral support from INFJ

Thinking and feeling difference makes this couple awesome.

One gives emotional support, and the other keeps another rational.

Thus, this is a great combination that supports each other.

You never know that they may be too rational or too emotional.

Fortunately, they can remind each other.

#7 - Appreciation

One element in a relationship that cannot be ignored is appreciation.

Basically, INFJ appreciates ENTP for their eccentric and rebellious trait.

This allows them to care each other without seeing each other's weirdness.

Appreciation is really important in any kind of relationship.

However, it is even more important when it comes to odd traits.

#8 - Admiration

INFJ admires ENTP for their mental sharpness.

Their discussion also produces something interesting, making them ideal couple.

#9 - Creative types

Both want to create something better.

With the combination of creativity and also ideal plans, they both can create remarkable

piece of art.

Well, that's all the 9 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 9 Reasons Why INFJ and ENTP Belong Together - Duration: 4:25.


Diese 5 FEHLER BEREUEN Menschen kurz vor ihrem TOD - 5 Dinge, die Sterbende am meisten bereuen - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> Diese 5 FEHLER BEREUEN Menschen kurz vor ihrem TOD - 5 Dinge, die Sterbende am meisten bereuen - Duration: 7:51.


Кто Ты по Знаку Зодиака из Цветов ♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓ Какой Ты Цветок на 8 Марта 🌸 - Duration: 4:26.

For more infomation >> Кто Ты по Знаку Зодиака из Цветов ♈♉♊♋♌♍♎♏♐♑♒♓ Какой Ты Цветок на 8 Марта 🌸 - Duration: 4:26.


Kitchen gadget testing - Al dente singing pasta timer - Duration: 18:36.

For more infomation >> Kitchen gadget testing - Al dente singing pasta timer - Duration: 18:36.


#TheOpenHouse - Games, Guns and Marketing through Controversy. - Duration: 9:54:17.

For more infomation >> #TheOpenHouse - Games, Guns and Marketing through Controversy. - Duration: 9:54:17.


N. Korean delegation arrives in S. Korea for Olympic closing ceremony - Duration: 2:31.

A delegation of high-ranking North Koreans has arrived in South Korea to attend tonight's

closing ceremony of the PyeongChang Olympics.

They're expected to meet President Moon Jae-in during their visit.

But their presence is controversial.

The leader of the delegation, General Kim Yong-chol ,... is allegedly behind multiple

attacks on South Korea in the past.

Ji Myung-kil reports.

North Korea's eight-member high-level delegation entered South Korea Sunday morning for a three-day

trip... led by General Kim Yong-chol.

They'll attend the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics tonight.

Kim is a key official in the North's ruling party in charge of handling inter-Korean affairs

who's stirred controversy with his links to multiple attacks on South Korea.

During his time as military intelligence chief... he is accused of masterminding two attacks

on South Korea,... the first being the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan in 2010,

in which 46 sailors were killed,... and the second, the artillery attack on Yeonpyeong

Island in 2010, which killed two civilians and two marines.

His inclusion in the delegation has caused outrage in some quarters.

However, Seoul's unification ministry said responsibility for the Cheonan incident cannot

be definitively laid on Kim... despite the fact that he led the North's spy agency at

the time.

Conservative groups including lawmakers from the conservative Liberty Korea Party have

held protests on the southern side of the Tongil bridge in Paju... just south of the

border and at the inter-Korean checkpoint.

Kim was asked by South Korean reporters what he thought of the Cheonan incident,... the

North being the culprit,... but gave no response.

On its support staff, the delegation also included a senior North Korean diplomat in

charge of U.S. affairs, raising the prospect of the two sides discussing the nuclear standoff

with Pyongyang.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in is expected to meet the delegation during their visit,

but talks between General Kim and U.S. representatives are highly unlikely.

The White House said First Daughter Ivanka Trump has no plans to interact with North

Korean officials.

North Korea's decision to send Kim to PyeongChang came hours after the White House announced

that it would send President Trump's daughter.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> N. Korean delegation arrives in S. Korea for Olympic closing ceremony - Duration: 2:31.


Ninja got "BAMBOOZLED" - Duration: 0:12.



[Ninja taunts and Laughs]

That is...


BOOM *and ninja gets bamboozled*

Fucking [Worth] Dude!

For more infomation >> Ninja got "BAMBOOZLED" - Duration: 0:12.


Lupita Nyong'o Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 4:11.

If you want more, please SUBSCRIBE, Thank You...!

For more infomation >> Lupita Nyong'o Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars // Stars Story - Duration: 4:11.


L.O.L. Surprise Series 3 Confetti Pop Opening ( 5 Big Sisters Blind Balls Wave 1 ) - Duration: 24:18.

For more infomation >> L.O.L. Surprise Series 3 Confetti Pop Opening ( 5 Big Sisters Blind Balls Wave 1 ) - Duration: 24:18.


SHE'S LEAVING DENMARK - Work in Denmark #5 - Duration: 9:24.

check out the video from PRIDE CPH on Karolina's channel

I just went out...

ugh, it's so loud here

I just went out of International House

I got stressed. I told them about my situation

that they told me a week ago to come here today

to pick up my tax card etc. Nobody did a thing

But then a lady helped me to contact with people dealing with taxes

And then I discovered that she was the person who said to come next week.

She remembered me, printed this tax card

It looks like that, nothing interesting

Here's my CPR number, tax free allowance and how much tax I'm going to pay

So, tax free allowance is 6 000 DKK

and my tax is 37%

And later, thanks to the fact that this year I won't make more than...

I won't tell you, I don't remember

but it's around 25 000 DKK

I'll get most of it back in May

Update, I waited 20-30 minutes in the bank to open an account but

it turns out that I need some stupid stamp so

I cycled to work, got a stamp and now I'm cycling back to the bank

I was just telling Michał that it was so adorable at work yestarday

because everyone was saying 'bye' to me and I hugged with everyone in the middle of the restaurant

and they said that they're keeping their fingers crossed for my life in London

and one guy from the kitchen, who I didn't really talked to

very funny guy from Nepal

he was always very kind

we had our inside joke

because once he said "something table thirteen"

but Iheard thirty and went to the wrong table

and he was like "noo! thirteen"

And I said you "have to say thirTEEN"

and he was like "thirTEEN"

So always when he saw me he would say thirTEEN

and yesterday I went to table 15 instead of 13

it was my last order ever

and we were laughing about 13 just before that and then I make a mistake and he said "it was 13! not 15"

So he said "Oo, I'll never see your smile again,

you were always so smiley"

They were all saying that I was cute

We had a drama yestarday

because one girl wanted to quit after working there for 2 years

She had a fight with our manager and said "Fck you, I'm not coming here anymore"

so she was sitting there and drinking with others

and they opened prosecco and stuff

and I asked her to make me espresso martini, my fav drink

she did that and I was supper happy

and later I was tipsy so I also has aperol and other drinks

and we left work... quite late

Is there anything Danish worth brining to Poland as a gift?


It's for Monika

It's been very nice

I spent more than a month in CPH

5 weeks to be exact

I came here to make some money

but I also wanted to meet new people and spend some quality time

And I wasn't disappointed

I met a lot of very cool people, mostly through work

and they intorduced me to their friends

Thanks to Kasia's friends I met their friends

So it was nice because

despite the fact that I worked a lot and hated my job

CPH is a very nice and open city

There are cool places to party or just meet with someone

and it's pretty and there are canals

I came here with 1350 DKK

from what I remember

and I spent that much on living expenses

plus maybe 300 DKK from tips or something like that

So let's say I spent 1600 DKK

I didn't buy any clothes or anything

but I went out a couple of times

and I still have to pay the rent

And here're Ola expenses, let me explain

She spent 178 DKK during first week

+ 100 DKK for rejsekort top up

113 DKK duting the 2nd week

here you can see what she spent it on: Netto, chocolate, wine

Third week was crazy, 254 DKK + 100 DKK for top up

and the last week

hmm, I don't know. 160 DKK for food, alco and something else

something something

111 DKK something something?

I don't get it

Anyway, that's how it looks like

The thing I'd like to say about my stay is...

because I can refer to 2 summers I spent in London

It's way harder to find a job here

because it's a smaller city

But it's also slower and nicer to live

You don't have to pay for very expensive public transport

but just bike and it's awesome

You won't really find here illegal work

I mean I'm sure it's possible but less common than in LDN

You have to be ready to get all of the "legal" papers

Don't oppen your bank account in Nordea because they charge you for everything

But yeah, it's a lot of work

Remember about taxes, remember that you're not making as much as they told you

if it's a short term you have to substract around 37%

So bare in mind that you won't make THAT MUCH money

So taxes, CPR and all the problems with getting it

and there are not that many job offers, but you can find it, I did

and there were few places that wanted me

I don't recommend coming here empty-handed meaning that

you should send CV through an email before coming here

because it takes quite some time, walking around with your CV

And you can get lucky or not


Don't work at mother

Just kidding

I'm not

There used to be 3 of us

but now it's only us 2 saying goodbye, sadly

Thank you for watching

we hope that our adventures and me talking about everything didn't bore you to death

And that somebody was watching it

You can find a link to Kardise's channel in a description

I invite you ther!

Ola has instagram so you'll find it there as well

-You can see some parts of their lives there -I also snap a lot talking about my life

and I'm moving to London now, so I'll find many things there!

Subscribe, like, share

Greetings form Copenhagen -Yes

And now let's be true YouTubers

From 1 to 10, how was it?

Hmmm, 8, but it's not 10 because of mother

For more infomation >> SHE'S LEAVING DENMARK - Work in Denmark #5 - Duration: 9:24.


MOBİL PUBG VİDEOLARI ÇEKEN EN İYİ 5 YOUTUBER ! ! | ( pubg mobile, rules of survival) - Duration: 8:25.

For more infomation >> MOBİL PUBG VİDEOLARI ÇEKEN EN İYİ 5 YOUTUBER ! ! | ( pubg mobile, rules of survival) - Duration: 8:25.


Highlights: Watford 1 - Everton 0 | Premiere League | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Highlights: Watford 1 - Everton 0 | Premiere League | Telemundo Deportes - Duration: 5:12.


PyeongChang Winter Olympics to end on Sunday with closing ceremony - Duration: 2:38.

The Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea were 17 years in the making.

And tonight, after 17 thrilling days of competition and dazzling spectacle, the Games come to

an end.

A closing ceremony will be held this evening at 8 p.m., Korea time -- that's 6 a.m. eastern

time in the U.S. and 11 a.m. in London.

With more, our Lee Ji-won is standing by at the PyeongChang Olympic Plaza.

Ji-won, how's the atmosphere there, and can you tell us what's in store at the closing


Jiyeon, the last few games of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics all finished earlier in the

day, and many people have already gathered around the Olympic Plaza for the final ceremony.

About that ceremony -- it will, again, be a flurry of performances, but this time more

focused on South Korea's modern culture, including K-pop, under the theme "The Next Wave," which

represents determination to face the challenges ahead.

The line-up includes K-pop stars like CL and EXO, and at one point, taking to the stage

will be the organizing committee of the next Winter Games to be held in Beijing.

There will be a reprise of the record-breaking drone show in the night sky of Pyeongchang

that grabbed everyone's attention at the opening ceremony,... and athletes will, again, march

in to the stadium, including the unified Team Korea.

And to cheer for them, South Korean president Moon Jae-in, will be present together with

the vice chair of the North Korean ruling party's central committee, Kim Yong-chol,...

along with the United States' first daughter Ivanka Trump and China's Vice Premier Liu


Well Ji-won, the cold was a concern at the opening ceremony, but how's the temperature

looking for the closing?

Ji-yeon, the temperature is going to drop to around minus two degress Celsius, with

the real-feel temperature at around minus five degrees.

With winter nearing its end, it doesn't seem as cold as it was during the opening ceremony.

Regardless, the organizing committee still has winter gear prepared for the spectators,

including blankets and raincoats.

This isn't actually the end of the PyeongChang Winter Games, though.

The Olympics are over, but the Paralympics will start on March 9th and run for 10 days.

So make sure to tune in for more action on the slopes and on the ice coming up in less

than two weeks.

Back to you Jiyeon.

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