Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

Keep Attracting Narcissists?

Here's Why (And How to Stop It)

Empaths are known to attract toxic people including narcissists.

They attract toxic people because they have too sensitive heart, making them feel guilty

if not helping them.

However, if you are not empaths but keep attracting narcissists, you may have something to change.

There are some things that need to be changed before you are trapped in the world of narcissists.

#1 - Stop making excuse for the abuser

Sometimes, you actually spend your time for contemplating the condition that you cannot

even control.

This includes a naturally abusive partner or friend.

It is absolutely useless for you to spend your time and energy for that kind of people

because they just will not change.

Moreover, they also will make you suffer instead.

Your excuse and your kindness actually the things that attract them, and you absolutely

can push them away if you are a little bit strict.

#2 - Take care of yourself

Narcissists demand attention, care, and love.

They basically will spend their energy and effort for getting those.

Unfortunately, people around them usually give what they want for free, and eventually

making narcissists addicted.

The next thing to consider is that narcissists keep you busy with them.

Thus, it disables you from taking care of yourself.

You need to reflect that you actually spend your time for someone who will not care about

you at all.

Thus, you definitely need to look yourself and start swaying away from the narcissist.

#3 - Reading the red flags

You may not realize it, but you should pay attention to the characteristics of narcissistic


In addition to demanding attention too much, narcissists also do not want to take responsibility.

They also put themselves into the top of the list before anything.

If you can recognize these signs, you should be alarmed.

You need to quickly avoid from that kind of people.

This way, you can avoid the worst things that can happen to you with narcissist around you.

#4 - Being too kind

We all know that good people such as empaths can read people's mind.

They know that there is something wrong with human being just by listening and seeing the

way they behave.

However, if you are just normal people, you cannot detect the real intention of others

so easily.

In this case, it is important to be more careful.

You can be more skeptical about others in order to avoid bad things from happening to


Additionally, it is also recommended to consider the fact that being too kind to others give

you less opportunity to be yourself.

Even though you are naturally kind, it is not recommended to be too kind to others since

people can use it to take advantage over you.

#5 - You are troubled

Toxic people are usually an empath.

They can scan and read your condition, and you will not realize that until they start

entering to your life.

Toxic people can turn the reality upside down with their special to gaslight you, and they

absolutely can make you feel safe with them.

However, it is actually just a strategy from them to keep you under their power.

So, you need to be careful.

Well, that's some of the reasons why you keep attracting narcissists, and hopefully this

short video can also help you to stop it.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Keep Attracting Narcissists? Here's Why (And How to Stop It) - Duration: 3:49.


What is really street photography - Duration: 13:29.

We need to reflect a lot before photographing and never when photographing

We need to grasp the good subject and situation, not to generate them

the best is simplicity, the natural, the living detail

ours is a work of great responsibility

The photojournalist through the newspapers exposes his point of view to many people

the danger is that in the text tendentious juxtapositions are made that alter the truth

Hi friends, welcome to this new video that we opened today with the images of Henri Cartier Bresson

walking around the street taking pictures

but even more important are his words that define what street photographer is and what is street photography

this video is dedicated to those who want to enter the world of street photography

but also to those who already do street photography and who have doubts about its aspects

today we will not talk about the history of street photography

but we will try to identify the most important characteristics that characterize it

Unlike other photographic genres such as portrait photography, landscape photography, architectural photography, etc.

street photography is a bit more complex

which resulted in discussions or doubts over time

in fact some of you identify some street photos while others do not street

so it's time to clarify what are the key features of street photography

Today we will try to identify what are the characteristic elements of street photography

and in my opinion they are simply two and we will see at the end of the video

we will try to answer some doubts, not with my personal opinion

but looking at the pictures of the great masters of street photography

Meanwhile, we give a general definition of street photography

and as the name says, its main setting is the street

Is this sufficient to define street photography or are there other elements to analyze?

Obviously yes! and we will analyze it in this video

However, before saying what street photography is, let's analyze some of the questions I've read on the web

The first question we will clarify is the most recurrent one:

only a photo set in an urban context is to be considered street

or even a picture taken in an extra-urban context is considered as street photo?

In my opinion, even a photo taken in an extra-urban context (not in a big city)

such as at the seaside, in the countryside, etc., can be identified as a street photo

This is not just me, but let's see what the great masters of street photography have achieved

For example, Elliott Erwitt in this photo that made him famous all over the world

has immortalized these two lovers not in an urban context but certainly suburban

Even Cartier Bresson used an extra-urban context to take this very famous photo

as well as Robert Doisneau

The second question we want to answer is this:

a picture is considered only street if taken on the street, or even if taken inside a building?

In my opinion, even a photo taken inside a building can be considered a photo street

Obviously I do not just say it, but also the great masters of street photography say it through their photos

Here, Cartier Bresson took this photo clearly inside a building because an internal stairway is visible

as well as Erwitt

but also the great Robert Frank

Another open question on street photography is this:

is it considered a photo street if the face of the subjects is not clearly visible?

Many say that if the face is not clearly visible, even their emotions are not clearly perceptible

so these can not be considered street photos.

In my opinion, even if a subject is depicted, for example, from behind, we can define that a photo street

Even here, great photographers help us

in fact many of them have realized this kind of photography

This photo is by Henri Cartier Bresson

but also Elliott Erwitt

Robert Frank

and Robert Doisneau

Finally, let's take a last look at the choice of color or black and white

Many say that street photos must be in black and white

In reality, we see that there are discordant opinions on this choice

There are certainly artists like Cartier Bresson who only produced black and white

and many others have done this by artistic choice

Instead there are others such as Erwitt who took pictures both in black and white and in color

Still others have chosen black and white for economic reasons because a black and white film cost less than one in color

It must also be said that the very first street photographers were shooting in black and white because the color film did not exist yet

So ultimately we can say that the choice of black and white or color makes the photographer for artistic choices

and not for a law that identifies black and white for street photography

So we tried to clarify some doubts that maybe some of you had

or to all those who might have before starting to do street photography

Let us now try to establish what are the secure characteristics of street photography

the one that followed all the great photographers like Cartier Bresson, Erwitt, etc.

The characteristics of a photo street are essentially two

The first characteristic is human presence

This is a fundamental element

In every street photo there must be human presence

just as the great masters did

The second characteristic is spontaneity

That is, the subjects must be caught in a moment of naturalness

The photographer must not interfere on the realization of the photograph nor on the subjects photographed

As we have seen, all the great masters have followed this fundamental rule

The reason is that street photography is the exaltation of emotions

it is necessary to exalt the emotions of the photographed subjects

so they must be caught in the naturalness of the moment

If you remember the initial clip where you see Cartier Bresson walking down the street to take pictures

we note that it is always taken from the shoulders, never in the face

the reason is that he himself asked not to be recognizable to those who filmed or photographed him

this, not because he particularly cared about his privacy, but because he feared to be recognized on the street in the future

this would have altered the emotions of the subjects he wanted to photograph

This is another lesson that Cartier Bresson gives us

In fact, the photographer must be transparent, not visible and present within the scene

because this alters the emotions of the subjects we want to photograph

So we tried to answer some questions and define the characteristics of street photography

As we have seen, the settings can be different: the street, inside a building, an extra-urban setting

we can capture faces or not

The important thing, however, is to follow those two simple rules that we have identified before

they were followed by all the great photographers who gave life to this photographic genre

I hope that with this video we have made clear why on the web they say many different things

so I ask you what you think of street photography and if the analysis we have done is correct

because I tried not to give my personal interpretation, but I simply looked at what some great masters of street photography have done

to identify the true characteristics of street photography

Now I greet you all and I'll meet you at the next video. Good street to everyone! Bye!

For more infomation >> What is really street photography - Duration: 13:29.


Rocket League Xbox One Gameplay | Throwback - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Rocket League Xbox One Gameplay | Throwback - Duration: 8:19.


LUSH Cured Egg Yolk Recipe - GREAT with Pasta, Salads & More #Ad - Duration: 1:49.

Hi, I'm Warren Nash and today I'm making cured eggs using Heritage Breeds Copper Maran hens


Cured eggs are perfect to grate over salad and pasta to enhance flavour.

To begin with, take a glass dish to the cure the egg yolks in.

Pour in 475g of kosha salt and 300g of sugar.

Mix the two together then take a separate bowl and pour out half the mixture.

Make and indentation in the sugar and salt (in the glass dish) for each yolk you'll be


For each cured egg yolk, take and egg and separate the yolk from the whites.

Really carefully place a yolk into each indentation in the sugar and salt.

Choosing eggs from farms run by farmers who ensure the best quality of life and diet for

it's hens means you'll get a really tasty cured egg yolk.

Next, take the remaining sugar and salt mixture that was separated out earlier and sprinkle

it over all the yolks until covered.

It can be useful to mark where each yolk is by placing something on top of the sugar and


Here I'm using peppercorns.

You need to tightly wrap the dish with clingfilm and leave in the fridge for 4 days to cure.

After 4 days, take the dish from the fridge, remove the cling film and carefully scoop

the yolks out with a spoon.

As you can see, the yolks should have gelled up nicely.

You'll need to brush off and excess salt and sugar then rinse under the tap or dip in water

(to remove any remaining cure).

Grated cured egg yolk is brilliant for jazzing things up like salad and pasta, or anything

you would usually by grating over cheese.

You can see more of my recipes using Heritage Breeds eggs by clicking on one of the videos


For more infomation >> LUSH Cured Egg Yolk Recipe - GREAT with Pasta, Salads & More #Ad - Duration: 1:49.


Warface: Не очкуй! - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Warface: Не очкуй! - Duration: 3:02.


স্বামীর ডাকে স্ত্রী বিছানায় না আসলে কোন গোনাহ হবে কি ? || Bangla Waz New Short Video || Salim Uddin - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> স্বামীর ডাকে স্ত্রী বিছানায় না আসলে কোন গোনাহ হবে কি ? || Bangla Waz New Short Video || Salim Uddin - Duration: 4:37.





Top 10 Best Hotels In Vienna, Austria 2018. Best Luxury Hotel In Vienna - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Hotels In Vienna, Austria 2018. Best Luxury Hotel In Vienna - Duration: 5:42.


Không còn bình yên - Bảo Thạch - Juun Đăng Dũng - Piano Cover wizardrypro - Duration: 5:17.

For more infomation >> Không còn bình yên - Bảo Thạch - Juun Đăng Dũng - Piano Cover wizardrypro - Duration: 5:17.


Sridevi Hugs Boney Kapoor For the Last Time - Heart Touching Video - Duration: 2:38.

Sridevi Hugs Boney Kapoor For the Last Time - Heart Touching Video

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