Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018


என்ன பேச வைக்கிறியா?




செய்தான் நண்பன்..

எங்கே தான்..


நன்றாக.. செய்தான் நண்பன்..

முதுகிலே குத்தவே பழக வந்தவன்..

கிழிஞ்சி போன பேப்பரா

பறந்து போனவன்..

கெடைச்ச அந்த சிக்கன் பீஸ

உனக்குத் தந்த தியாகி நான்..

மறந்து போயி பாத மாறி

போன நீயும் துரோகி தான்..




செய்தான் நண்பன்..

எங்கே தான்..


நன்றாக.. செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

இரத்தம் சிந்தினேன்..


வேர்வை சிந்தினேன்..


லவ்வு வந்ததும் விட்டுப் போனதேன்..


தூரம் வந்ததால்..


டச்சு போனதே..


சோகம் மட்டுமே.. மிச்சம் ஆனதே..

காத்து வீசி சாஞ்சி போன குடுச போல மாறினேன்.

ஒடைஞ்சு போயி என்ன இங்க பொலம்ப வெச்ச பாவியே..


செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்.

எட்டிப் பார்க்கிறேன்.

தள்ளிப் போகிறாய்..

மிச்சம் மீதியாய்..

என்னைப் பார்க்கிறாய்..

அழுத காதலி..

வந்து சேர்ந்ததும்..

ஆசை நண்பனை..

தூக்கி வீசினாய்..

சிரிச்சி பேசும் பொண்ண நம்பி பிரிஞ்சு போன நேரமே..

சரிஞ்சு போன பாலம் போல ஒடைஞ்சு போச்சி நெஞ்சமே..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

செய்தான்.. செய்தான்..

செய்தான் நண்பன்..

For more infomation >> SEITHAAN NANBAN by SHAMESHAN MANI MARAN (from SUGHAMAAI SUBBULAKSHMI movie) - Duration: 3:33.


[Trọn bộ] NUÔNG CHIỀU VỢ NHỎ - Truyện ngôn tình siêu sủng cô bé ngây thơ | Huệ Trần 3S - Duration: 5:12:46.

For more infomation >> [Trọn bộ] NUÔNG CHIỀU VỢ NHỎ - Truyện ngôn tình siêu sủng cô bé ngây thơ | Huệ Trần 3S - Duration: 5:12:46.


ZO KUN JE ECHT NIET ZIJN.. - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> ZO KUN JE ECHT NIET ZIJN.. - Duration: 4:05.


Economic Update: Karl Marx, 1818 - 1883 [S7 E08] - Duration: 29:01.

Welcome friends to another edition of Economic Update a weekly program devoted

to the economic dimensions of our lives jobs debts incomes those we face those

coming down the road and those confronting our children and the next

generation I'm your host Richard Wolff I've been a

professor of economics all my adult life with the hope that I can bring to bear

what I've learned to make more sense out of the surrounding economic events than

the most major media seem able to do so let's jump right in one of the most

important documents of the last few weeks was a paper a pamphlet actually

issued by Oxfam international Oxfam is the most widely used and respected

institution based in Great Britain that studies global inequality has been doing

it for years in January of 2018 they issued a

document entitled reward work not wealth basically it makes the case for exactly

what it's title says but in so doing it talks about the latest research it has

either done or commissioned on global inequality including the attitudes of

people toward global inequality so I want to bring you some of what they

found because it is crucial to understanding how the capitalist system

that governs the world today both in the so called advanced part of the world and

in the so called less developed part if you want to make

an assessment of the capitalist system take a look at its results it's a

logical way to proceed so here are some of them last year that's 2017

so the biggest increase in the number of billionaires in history

one more billionaire was added to the list every two days there are now and

this may come as a surprise to you 2043 billionaires in the world nine out of

ten of them are men these billionaires these 2043 individuals in a population

on this planet of seven billion individuals mm that's point

0:01 percent of the population their wealth last year increased by a total of

seven hundred and sixty-two billion dollars that is the value of their

stocks and bonds and land holdings went up by seven hundred and sixty-two

billion dollars by every known calculation of the number of people

around the world living in extreme poverty that amount of money is more

than you need to eradicate extreme poverty on this planet let me drive this

point home to you the richest 2043 people on the earth became richer over

the last year by an amount of money larger than what would have been

necessary to bring hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty usually

calculated as people living on less than one dollar and ninety cents per day for

food clothing shelter and everything else what kind of a society would be

organized in such a way as to make the 2043

richest people on the planet seven hundred

sixty-two billion dollars richer when that's more than the money needed to

eradicate extreme poverty for their fellow citizens for their fellow human

beings this is a system that can't solve that problem that makes the problem

worse year after year meanwhile some

statistics I've given you in the past continued to be true and reaffirmed by

Oxfam's research the richest 1% on this planet own more wealth than the other

99% combined the richest 1% this happened into 2016

when over half that is the richest 1% on more than half the other 99% fight over

the remaining half what Oxfam also did last year know what I also want to

report to you is they interviewed they surveyed 70,000 people in 10 countries

population of those countries represent 1/4 of the world's population so they

did this survey in countries that together account for a quarter of the

people on this planet over three-quarters of the people they

surveyed either agree or strongly agree that the gap between rich and poor in

their country is too large the numbers ranged from 58% in the Netherlands

believe that to 92 percent in Nigeria believe that two-thirds of the

respondents in the 10 countries think that the gap between rich and poor needs

to be addressed urgently or very urgently so what if we got o wildly an

equal distribution of wealth and income in the world and a vast majority of the

people who are against it and nonetheless it gets worse but better

with each passing year what the majority thinks is unable in

this culture and in this economy to be translated into corrective action

overwhelming majorities want something which doesn't happen the opposite

happens which means that those at the top know not only have the wealth in

their hands but have bought the political system to make sure it isn't

responsive to what the majority of people would want this means that the

consequences of capitalism are not only gross inequality but also the political

corruption that prevents that problem from being addressed even though the

majority of people want it to be in a peculiar way much of the rest of today's

economic updates will operate a little bit to illustrate what the summary that

Oxfam has produced allowed me to just tell you about so let's begin let me

introduce to you the owner of a store you may have encountered if not

personally well through the internet the store in question is called Victoria's

Secret it is a famous store that sells lingerie and all kinds of underwear and

so forth the owner is a billionaire one of the 2043 I just told you about his

name is Leslie Wexner, WEXNER, he is 78 years of age and he is worth

apparently seven billion dollars that is he owns

seven billion dollars worth of oh I'm gonna tell you about some of the things

he owns but I presume most of it is stocks and bonds because that's what

most of the wealthy hold most of their wealth in those forms but mr. Wexler

lives well perhaps most famous is a huge mansion in

Britain mansions in Britain have their own name this one is called Fox coat

fo x Co te cost him apparently 30 million dollars it is referred to in the

press as a gentleman's shooting estate in October helicopters came in and

apparently the shooting was done from the helicopter what kind of sport you

might want to call this I leave to your judgment and your imagination

mr. Wexner also owns a 47 million dollar mansion outside of Columbus Ohio

likewise one of the largest yachts ever built in the world he owns it in 1997 he

got some more publicity when he paid sixteen point five million dollars for a

1954 Ferrari automobile but he's in litigation fighting with the former

owner or the auction house that sold it to him and so forth why am I telling you

this because I want you to understand that the people who are billionaires are

only billionaires because the rest of us enable them to be billionaires the

people who go in and spend large amounts of money on the products of Victoria

Secret when you buy that highly priced piece of clothing you're feeding the

billionaire mr. Wexner you're paying for that yacht and that mansion every time

you shop there and I don't mean to pick on Victoria's Secret although I do get a

bit of a kick out of it because I could do the same thing with all the other

billionaires all of whom are in that position because you and I pay the money

that flows into their pockets you might think

that if we pay the money we would have some say about how that money is used

but not in a capitalist system they can use it and Mr. Wexner has done it in the

way I've just summarized my next economic update takes me once again to

the issue of immigration I don't mean to harp on it but it is something that

keeps being in the news why because mr. Trump and the Republicans think they

have a politically viable way to impress people so now let's do the numbers to

see whether there's any truth in it the population of the United States is 325

million people roughly so if we want to talk about the economic well-being of

the American people we're talking about the economic well-being the job holders

who are roughly half of that population how many undocumented immigrants are

there and those are the only ones that are being talked about when there's all

this talk about stopping immigration or reversing immigration or expelling

undocumented immigrants best guess of the United States government eleven

point eight million so let's be clear that right we're talking when we talk

about immigration undocumented immigration about eleven that's rounded

off twelve million people in a population of 325 million people here's

a hot flash for all of you nothing about that eleven point eight million no

matter what happens to them or what is done to them is gonna fundamentally

alter the economic situation of the American people lots of attention to

expelling these 700,000 or closing off the border to these million you're not

talking about things that are gonna change the problems of the American

people the economic problems the whole focus on immigration

is fake is phony it's a way to distract Americans from the economic problems

they do have serious ones that affect tens of millions of families in this

country there are not going to be affected one way or the other in any

significant degree by anything that is done to the immigrants so even if you

are the kind of American who conveniently forgets that the whole

country is a country of immigrants precisely because you wiped out the

people who were here when the immigrants first came and even if you're the kind

of American who doesn't care about what it means to expel people at the bottom

of the economic ladder who over a suffered from poverty and lack of

education and poor housing and all the rest and you want them to be the butt of

your action to fix an economy fixing it on the backs of those most already

impoverished by it if you don't have any moral problems with that no ethical

problems with that here's the real argument the reasoning an economist

would give you it's not the issue friends jobs are the issue Automation is

the issue unequal distribution of wages and profits is the issue

our whole capitalist system is the issue immigrants aren't the issue it's as if

you told me that the house was on fire and I told you take a little nail file

and try to work on a corner of the wood at the base of the house you'd scream at

me and say that that's not gonna solve the problem of a house on fire we need a

lot of water we need other faiths but filing the corner of a piece of wood

you're crazy my response is an economists to the

discussion of immigration to seeing mr. Trump and the Republican leaders in the

Democratic leaders arguing and fighting over there is to see a system whose job

it is to distract the mass of people suffering from it from the system itself

nobody's questioning sister we're fighting over immigrants it

is a terrible misunderstanding of what's going on that makes all of that possible

before I go on to other up the updates let me remind you as we always do to

make use of our websites rdwolff with two Fs dot com and democracyatwork, that's

all one word, through those websites you can

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would like us to cover you can follow us on Facebook Twitter and Instagram you

can show us ways we can be more useful to you for those of you that listen to

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and they're available to you at no charge ever 24/7 continuing on our story

after the tax cut bill was passed in December of last year a great deal of

noise was spent saying how this was in the words of our president a middle

class tax cut and so forth I wanted to do some research to basically answer the

question is the tax cut that was passed by mr. Trump and the Republicans

something that will really transform America's people fix the middle class

rebuild the middle class save the middle class transform its economic situation

so let me tell you the research I did in their results I found first I made use

of research done by the Tax Policy Center a non partisan very good very

well-qualified research outfit and they sat down and did a study of how each

level of household in America would be affected by the tax cut let me give you

just a small flavor of what they said if you earn less than twenty five thousand

dollars a year so you are among the poorer folks in America the tax cut will

save you get ready because it's really gonna change your life if you were in

less than twenty five thousand that tax cut will save you sixty dollars that's

right you heard me sixty dollars if you were in between twenty five thousand and

forty nine thousand dollars a year it will save you three hundred and sixty

dollars if you earn between forty nine and eighty six thousand dollars a year

it will save you nine hundred and thirty dollars that's

most Americans right there so most Americans are gonna save between sixty

and nine hundred dollars I understand $900 a significant amount of money for a

lot of people it's not gonna transform your life it's what you save in the

entire year not per week not per month that's what you save across 2018 by

virtue of that fact now if you are a millionaire if you earn over a lot I'll

use this number because you might find it interesting if you earn over three

point four million dollars a year here's how much you will save by the tax cut in

2018 ready here we go one hundred and ninety three thousand three hundred and

eighty dollars let me do that again if you weren't over three point four

million dollars you we'll save nearly $200,000 on your time

that's a lot of money in order to save a lot of money you already have to have a

lot of money that's how this system always works nothing new has happened in

this tax cut for the vast majority of Americans what you save in taxes will

not fundamentally change your situation at all this wasn't a tax cut for you but

it was a tax cut for the really rich they will now have an extra two hundred

thousand dollars not you it was not a tax cut for you there was a tax cut of

your expense because you have to remember that when they cut all those

taxes that don't have to be paid particularly not by rich people the next

step is to say the government not getting all that money from people will

not be able to fund a whole lot of programs for school kids for road

maintenance for college education we're gonna have a season of cutting because

there isn't enough money because they cut taxes above all on the rich so

you're gonna not get the benefit of the tax cut but you are likely going to pay

the cost of the tax cut which is in a reduction in the quality and the

quantity of public services in the United States which middle and

lower-income people rely on more than the folks at the top you want a tax cut

for the middle class then give it to the middle class we don't do that in America

we say we do it but we don't do it in case you're wondering we have actually a

case study that proves all this back in 2012 a person like Trump a man named Sam

Brownback became the governor of Kansas and he did in Kansas what mr. Trump has

now done he cut taxes on the rich and he cut taxes on corporations promising it

would really explode the economy of Kansas it didn't do

anything of the sort Kansas went downward its unemployment

got worse than the rest of the America in a way it hadn't before there was no

explosion of jobs none of it so bad is it that in the last session of the

Kansas Legislature they put back in the very taxes that they had cut out under

mr. Brownback and he was dispatched off as an ambassador to someplace abroad I

can't remember the name of the country he's gone gone from Kansas gone from the

United States a disaster because it didn't work in Kansas it's of course

logical that the same kind of politicians will now do it in the

country as a whole next update many of you have no doubt watched with horror

the public trial of a doctor who worked on Olympic athletes in the United States

particularly young women who was also for a long time a professor of medical

sciences at Michigan State University he has been sentenced to spend the rest of

his life in jail he has had to listen to 150 or maybe more young women testify as

to what he did to them over 20 or 30 years of being the official doctor for

the USA Gymnastics that organizes our Olympic competitors and likewise his

activities at Michigan State in recent weeks the president of Michigan State

University other officials there and likewise the entire board of USA

Gymnastics quit and they quit because of a rising chorus of anger and bitterness

not just from the women who suffered the sexual abuse this

sexual assaults over all those years not even from the just from their families

their friends their communities but from the general public and I want to say to

you a word about that because there's an economic lesson in all of this here's

the lesson if you organize a teaching institution a university such as

Michigan State a good big State University if you organize it as a

school it behaves in one way if you organize it as a business it behaves in

a different way a business depends on customers it is afraid to reveal any of

its shortcomings to its customers lest they go someplace else

it's afraid to admit to its shareholders or those who control it than it did bad

things for fear they will invest somewhere else businesses tend to hide

the illegal the immoral that they do because it's in their interest to do

that the behavior of the people who run Michigan State University is the

behavior of people in a business it turns out that the police department of

Michigan State University received something on the order of 100 complaints

from young athletes at the University about this same dr. nasir some of them

were pursued some of them were nothing ever happened the administration failed

to take the most minimal protections how in the world did you not have a major

investigation after a hundred complaints what is the what is the possibility that

you didn't know that's not serious that you didn't care I'm not willing to

assume that about these people I don't think there

monsters but they are caught up in a system that rewards them for keeping it

quiet for hushing it up for not letting anyone know and when you do that you

don't expose the problem and you don't solve the problem you subordinate the

solving of the problem to the keeping up of your income your money your profits

long ago we made major universities into businesses that sell sports that sell

events that sell all kinds of things they even sell positions in their

schools that's not healthy and one of the prices you pay when you mix business

with education is you get business type results hiding dis simulating making

money even at the expense of the most basic kinds of human care for one

another michigan state stands exposed but these

problems are you not unique to Michigan State they affect the entire universe of

higher education and other institutions being businesslike has always been a

very mixed bag we've come to the end of economic updates first half-hour please

stay with us I think you'll find this second half hour today as interesting if

not more

For more infomation >> Economic Update: Karl Marx, 1818 - 1883 [S7 E08] - Duration: 29:01.


Mini Roadtrip with the Jambus to Mesocco - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Mini Roadtrip with the Jambus to Mesocco - Duration: 6:50.


Видео для детей с игрушками Маша и Медведь и Щенячий Патруль - Невидимки! Лучший мультфильм 2018 - Duration: 7:52.

For more infomation >> Видео для детей с игрушками Маша и Медведь и Щенячий Патруль - Невидимки! Лучший мультфильм 2018 - Duration: 7:52.


THE NEXT COIN ADDED TO COINBASE ?! Ripple (XRP): The Big Bull is Coming - Duration: 13:49.

The next coin added to coinbase?!

Coinbase announced that it would not be updating its list of cryptocurrencies on offer at this

point in time.

Coinbase announced its plans to not update its offerings in a blog post and Twitter update.

Currently, Coinbase offers transactions in bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, and, as of mid

December of 2017, bitcoin cash.

In its blog post explaining the decision, Coinbase pointed to last year's Digital Asset

Framework announcement as one reason for the choice.

As a result of that announcement, Coinbase's other exchange GDAX outlined criteria for

adding new tokens and coins.

In its blog post, cited in a report by Coindesk, Coinbase explained that "as of the date of

this statement, we have made no decision to add additional assets to either GDAX or Coinbase.

Any statement to the contrary is untrue and not authorized by the company."

Therefore, no coins will be added to the coinbase.

However, Ripple (XRP) - The Big Bull is Coming.

Time is money so let's go straight to the chart and I will tell you what exactly is

happening with Ripple (XRP) on the market right now.

At the time of this chart publication on Trading View platform I was concerned about the daily

price swings and anticipated two possible market scenarios.

The first one is that there will be a reversal at 0.872 dollars with a further road back

to 1.216 dollars resistance level that has already been confirmed 2 times this February.

The RSI indicator was telling me "Keep calm and wait for my very soon turnaround!".

And guess what?

It has gained an upward momentum as I expected.

Eventually, Ripple has bounced off a bit and is currently trading at 0.94 dollars but is

still hesitating to enter the bullish trend.

So it is not yet the time to say whether or not XRP has opened the road for a big bull.

The second scenario is that Ripple will fall back again to 0.872 dollars.

In case if this support level is breached a roll down to the bottom line of 0.725 dollars

is confirmed.

However, I doubt that it will ever drop lower than 0.725 dollars due to that fact that it

has already tried to fall below it in December 2017 but failed.

It has also plunged into this area back in the 2nd of February 2018 and also failed.

Though, it 0.57 dollars at the 5th of February but almost instantly retraced back and continued

its upward movement up to 1.275 dollars (by the way, it is not only a local resistance

level it is a 23.6% Fibonacci retrace which actually confirms and even enhances the strength

of 1.275 dollars resistance).

Not enough evidence, guys?

- Ok then look at the volume graph and you will see that it is currently very low in

comparison with other days when Ripple was under the bearish pressure.

The MACD indicates bearish signal (-0.04).

Though, it looks like it is about to make a comeback to the positive area.

As a rule of thumb: when MACD falls below the signal line, it is a bearish signal, which

indicates that it may be time to sell.

Conversely, when the MACD rises above the signal line, the indicator gives a bullish

signal, which suggests that the price of the asset is likely to experience upward momentum.

At this stage, MACD is very close to 0 (signal line) meaning that it could be the end of

a short-term bearish trend.

Please note that MACD has already plunged 2 times to (-0.1) zone in February and hence

we have to keep in mind that there is still a risk that it can drop further way down again

(3rd time).

In my not-so-humble opinion, it looks like the bear has finally gone.

Do you guys think the big bull is coming back?

- I bet he is knocking at the door.

I assume that you are already familiar with the recent news about Ripple so I will not

waste your time by paraphrasing the things that have already been covered by other authors.

Ripple is currently one of the most frequently discussed topics on the internet and therefore

in my article I would like to focus primarily on various long-term aspects that can significantly

affect the XRP price.

Who do you think are the most dangerous rivals to ripple?

Probably, SWIFT is one the biggest one at the moment but that is not a blockchain enterprise.

Ripple outperforms SWIFT in almost every possible way.

The key difference is that Ripple completely eliminates nostro accounts, an account that

a bank must hold in a foreign currency in another bank if it wants to conduct cross-border

transactions, while SWIFT is just a band-aid over an antiquated system.

In addition to that, SWIFT is being constantly hacked – Losers!

(Just kidding).

Probably, the closest XRP's competitor in the blockchain industry is Stellar (XLM).

Both cryptos are on the list of top 10 cryptocurrencies according to Coinmarket.

It is crucial to keep in mind that XLM and XRP are aimed to solve issues related to the

inter-bank payments, but the two have absolutely different strategies behind them.

Ripple's (XRP) roadmap is primarily geared towards banks and existing financial institutions.

Indeed, this is different from what Stellar Lumens proposing in that XLM has a more collectively

exhaustive scope; more specifically Stellar hopes to provide an easy access to the banking

services for those who can not afford it due to various strict requirements and help the

"little guy" to make transfers internationally without the likes of Western Union or other

companies alike taking a chunk.

Though, it seems like XLM has slightly more advantages in term of customer adoption and

real-life use cases.

I told you that it is a big game and the market there is huge.

Both companies have a great potential and a big pie to share.

"Ripple owns about 15 billion dollars of XRP and we will use that to ensure that we

continue to advance."

– Mr.Brad Garlinghouse said that in this interview to Financial Times in October 10th,


What he wanted to emphasize is that XRP's 15 billion dollars crypto reserves could be

used to acquire or partner with its rivals, as it seeks to dominate the sector within

financial technology.

Awesome – Ripple has its own big war chest full of virtual currency!

What does it all mean in a long-term game?

- Ripple has a great power to survive and compete which is very good for XRP price.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention!

- Don't forget regulations in different countries and jurisdictions.

Ripple has been working for a long time already with all of them.

It means that they are, to some extent, ahead of their competitions who want to jump into

the market.

Guys pay close attention to ideas with large liquidity behind them.

Ripple and Stellar are two of them.

The big banks that want to secure their dominance on the market…

Do not underestimate big banks!

The truth is, HSBC and some other big name banks are building their own collective tokenized

infrastructure for launch in 2018 or later, not to mention all the token-less solutions.

These banks have a huge R&D funding and global power.

What stops them from the implementation of their own "Ripple"?

– Can't really answer this question in a broader way but the first argument that

comes to my mind is that banks are highly regulated and are publicly traded companies.

Regulations make it extremely hard for them to be innovative.

In my opinion, for any bank to spend millions or even billions on trying to develop their

own blockchain solution would be a big waste of time and resources.

One option is to spent time on building a stable and beneficial partnership with Ripple

that has proven its success.

However, this option is justifiable for small or medium sized banks.

What about big banks?

What if they will get a huge support from the authorities that are currently seeking

for the ways to regulate cryptocurrencies.

Banks need Ripple's technology, not XRP.

Though, XRP can be integrated into the technology acquired by these banks.

That means XRP holders will get an access to various banking services and this will

eventually affect the price of XRP.

In the fundamental analysis that I am providing you with here - it is crucial to distinguish

Ripple as a technology from its coin.


Ripple, the company, offers banks a software called Ripple Connect which uses InterLedger

Protocol to transfer money between banks with a minimal fee because it doesn't have to

get transferred 2 to 3 times into different fiats or service fees.

It simply needs to get converted once.

This software does not use XRP.

XRP is an option but right now banks are not choosing it because it's new and because

of its volatility.


XRP, a cryptocurrency that exists outside of Ripple Connect that is high in liquidity

and has fast transactions.

As any coin XRP has value of it's own because it solves a proplem.

Comsequently, XRP has its utility and there is a growing demand for it in the blockchain


The higher the demand, the higher the price.

For those of you who didn't know, No money is actually transferred from bank X to bank


Instead, a swift message is used and it happens across a very large spectrum of different

foreign currencies.

Problems mainly arise due to human or system errors, which can lead to discrepancies between

the transacted amounts and overall balance between the banks.

This is where XRP steps in.

If banks implement XRP the price will skyrocket but they are afraid of high volatility.

XRP is designed to solve the issue of long settlements between banks, companies, and


You are NOT buying the currency that banks are using to transfer money.

Banks partnering with Ripple are not buying XRP, they are buying their technology and

you should not expect banks to buy up a whole ton of XRP to sustain the platform.

However, Ripple will advocate for the use of their coin as the main cryptocurrency within

Ripple Connect.

Transactions with XRP have proven to be very fast.

However, nothing is perfect!

One main drawback of any digital currency is that any transaction is final and you can't

make a chargeback in case if you sent it to a wrong person or if the amount transferred

is incorrect.

Well, there may be some blockchain companies that have a solution to this problem but I

don't know them.

Please let me know if you know.

So let's see what the big banks are going to do with a blockchain in the nearest future.

At the moment Ripple is doing great as it has signed new partnership agreements and

there is a quite big "pool" of banks ready to implement Ripple's technology.

Please remember that I give you my observations, you form your own opinion and trade it accordingly!

Never forget to do your own research before considering any investment.

Fundamental analysis is also crucial so please read the news, updates and about the upcoming

events related to a particular blockchain project.

Thank you for watching the video.

What do you think about ripple, if you like the click like button, do not like it dislike.

Please provide your comments in the comment section below.

Please subscribe to your channel.

Thank you!

For more infomation >> THE NEXT COIN ADDED TO COINBASE ?! Ripple (XRP): The Big Bull is Coming - Duration: 13:49.


Keep Attracting Narcissists? Here's Why (And How to Stop It) - Duration: 3:49.

Keep Attracting Narcissists?

Here's Why (And How to Stop It)

Empaths are known to attract toxic people including narcissists.

They attract toxic people because they have too sensitive heart, making them feel guilty

if not helping them.

However, if you are not empaths but keep attracting narcissists, you may have something to change.

There are some things that need to be changed before you are trapped in the world of narcissists.

#1 - Stop making excuse for the abuser

Sometimes, you actually spend your time for contemplating the condition that you cannot

even control.

This includes a naturally abusive partner or friend.

It is absolutely useless for you to spend your time and energy for that kind of people

because they just will not change.

Moreover, they also will make you suffer instead.

Your excuse and your kindness actually the things that attract them, and you absolutely

can push them away if you are a little bit strict.

#2 - Take care of yourself

Narcissists demand attention, care, and love.

They basically will spend their energy and effort for getting those.

Unfortunately, people around them usually give what they want for free, and eventually

making narcissists addicted.

The next thing to consider is that narcissists keep you busy with them.

Thus, it disables you from taking care of yourself.

You need to reflect that you actually spend your time for someone who will not care about

you at all.

Thus, you definitely need to look yourself and start swaying away from the narcissist.

#3 - Reading the red flags

You may not realize it, but you should pay attention to the characteristics of narcissistic


In addition to demanding attention too much, narcissists also do not want to take responsibility.

They also put themselves into the top of the list before anything.

If you can recognize these signs, you should be alarmed.

You need to quickly avoid from that kind of people.

This way, you can avoid the worst things that can happen to you with narcissist around you.

#4 - Being too kind

We all know that good people such as empaths can read people's mind.

They know that there is something wrong with human being just by listening and seeing the

way they behave.

However, if you are just normal people, you cannot detect the real intention of others

so easily.

In this case, it is important to be more careful.

You can be more skeptical about others in order to avoid bad things from happening to


Additionally, it is also recommended to consider the fact that being too kind to others give

you less opportunity to be yourself.

Even though you are naturally kind, it is not recommended to be too kind to others since

people can use it to take advantage over you.

#5 - You are troubled

Toxic people are usually an empath.

They can scan and read your condition, and you will not realize that until they start

entering to your life.

Toxic people can turn the reality upside down with their special to gaslight you, and they

absolutely can make you feel safe with them.

However, it is actually just a strategy from them to keep you under their power.

So, you need to be careful.

Well, that's some of the reasons why you keep attracting narcissists, and hopefully this

short video can also help you to stop it.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Keep Attracting Narcissists? Here's Why (And How to Stop It) - Duration: 3:49.


Beginner's Guide to Washington DC E-book - Duration: 4:18.

If you're visiting Washington DC for the first time, I'm going to tell you about my new Beginners Guide to Washington DC

e-book to help you plan for your trip. If this is the first Trip Hacks DC video you're watching, HELLO! My name is Rob.

I'm a tour guide here in the nation's capital. On this channel

I'm committed to giving you my best tips, tricks, and hacks for exploring the city,

so if you're interested in that sort of thing,

make sure to subscribe to the channel

and at the bell notification icon so that you don't miss any new videos. the Beginner's Guide to Washington DC is an e-book that I

personally wrote and is now on sale for $9.99.

I will put a direct download link in the video description, or you can navigate over to

to find it. And as a special offer, if you book any Trip Hacks DC tour,

I will send you a 100% off discount code

so that you can get the Beginner's Guide e-book

completely free. This e-book is perfect for the first-time visitors to Washington, because I have tried to condense all of my best

information down into one about 50 page e-book. Now before we go any further

I know what you're probably thinking...

Rob, so what secret hacks

did you put in this e-book that I can't find here on the YouTube channel?

The answer, believe it or not, is nothing. All of

the tips and hacks that you'll find in the e-book are the same ones that I have provided, or will provide, here on YouTube. For

some people, their business model is to provide just enough free

information to get you really

interested, then to swoop in with an e-book or an online course that offers some kind of secret sauce. I don't believe in doing that.

I want to give you all of my best content all of the time.

And I don't think it's fair to withhold my best stuff

only for those who can pay. So why bother with this then? The answer is that having this e-book means that all of the information

is written down in one single place. I formatted it as a PDF

that's easily readable on a phone, a tablet,

or you can print it on your home printer. A lot of you have sent me comments saying that these YouTube videos are really helpful,

but have asked if the information is written down, because sometimes it's just not appropriate to be watching YouTube videos.

The next thing that you're probably thinking is...

Rob, why would I spend $10 on your e-book when I could go on Amazon right now and buy any other travel book that's

hundreds of pages long, for the same price?

Another great question! For starters, my book was written by me, a

Washington DC local and tour guide. A not very well kept secret in the travel book industry

is that many of the authors don't even live in the cities that they're writing about. Some authors make a career in

specializing in travel books, and if you look them up

you'll find that they've written books about cities all over the globe. Another big difference between my e-book and many of those other travel books

is that they're often glorified reference books. The reason that they're hundreds of pages long is because they're basically big directories of every hotel,

restaurant, and tourist site in the city. These days

I don't believe that you need to carry around a five-pound reference book because

everything you already need you have in your pocket right here. In my book

I give you my favorite hacks to help you with things like how to get the best deal on your hotel,

how to figure out which airport to fly into, and some of the best tips for visiting the museums and monuments.

I designed it so that you can sit down and read it

cover-to-cover in about an hour to an hour-and-a-half; and by the time you're done

you'll have all of the information that you need to plan your trip, without feeling completely overwhelmed. All right

so if you're still watching this video, I'm going to assume you are serious about getting this book,

so let me show you exactly what to do. head on over to

or click the link in the video description. Below the written description of the book you will see a blue

"Purchase" button. Click or tap that once and you'll see that it's been added to your cart. Click or tap the "Checkout' button which will

take you over to the final checkout page. If you booked a tour and got a discount code from me,

you can enter it on this screen. Fill in your email address and name so you can get a backup copy

emailed to you. If you're purchasing the book you'll be redirected over to PayPal. You can either log in to a PayPal account or

just click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card". Finally on the purchase confirmation page

you will see a link to download your new e-book, and make sure to double check your email because you'll see a link there as

well. And that's it!

Thank you for watching this video. If you found it helpful you can subscribe to this channel by clicking on the Trip Hacks DC logo

which is popping up right now at the bottom of the screen.

And if you're coming to DC and want to sign up for a Trip Hacks DC tour and

get a free e-book in the process, you can click on the Capitol dome on the left side of my head

which will take you over to, where you can see the tours that I offer. Enjoy your trip!

For more infomation >> Beginner's Guide to Washington DC E-book - Duration: 4:18.


What is really street photography - Duration: 13:29.

We need to reflect a lot before photographing and never when photographing

We need to grasp the good subject and situation, not to generate them

the best is simplicity, the natural, the living detail

ours is a work of great responsibility

The photojournalist through the newspapers exposes his point of view to many people

the danger is that in the text tendentious juxtapositions are made that alter the truth

Hi friends, welcome to this new video that we opened today with the images of Henri Cartier Bresson

walking around the street taking pictures

but even more important are his words that define what street photographer is and what is street photography

this video is dedicated to those who want to enter the world of street photography

but also to those who already do street photography and who have doubts about its aspects

today we will not talk about the history of street photography

but we will try to identify the most important characteristics that characterize it

Unlike other photographic genres such as portrait photography, landscape photography, architectural photography, etc.

street photography is a bit more complex

which resulted in discussions or doubts over time

in fact some of you identify some street photos while others do not street

so it's time to clarify what are the key features of street photography

Today we will try to identify what are the characteristic elements of street photography

and in my opinion they are simply two and we will see at the end of the video

we will try to answer some doubts, not with my personal opinion

but looking at the pictures of the great masters of street photography

Meanwhile, we give a general definition of street photography

and as the name says, its main setting is the street

Is this sufficient to define street photography or are there other elements to analyze?

Obviously yes! and we will analyze it in this video

However, before saying what street photography is, let's analyze some of the questions I've read on the web

The first question we will clarify is the most recurrent one:

only a photo set in an urban context is to be considered street

or even a picture taken in an extra-urban context is considered as street photo?

In my opinion, even a photo taken in an extra-urban context (not in a big city)

such as at the seaside, in the countryside, etc., can be identified as a street photo

This is not just me, but let's see what the great masters of street photography have achieved

For example, Elliott Erwitt in this photo that made him famous all over the world

has immortalized these two lovers not in an urban context but certainly suburban

Even Cartier Bresson used an extra-urban context to take this very famous photo

as well as Robert Doisneau

The second question we want to answer is this:

a picture is considered only street if taken on the street, or even if taken inside a building?

In my opinion, even a photo taken inside a building can be considered a photo street

Obviously I do not just say it, but also the great masters of street photography say it through their photos

Here, Cartier Bresson took this photo clearly inside a building because an internal stairway is visible

as well as Erwitt

but also the great Robert Frank

Another open question on street photography is this:

is it considered a photo street if the face of the subjects is not clearly visible?

Many say that if the face is not clearly visible, even their emotions are not clearly perceptible

so these can not be considered street photos.

In my opinion, even if a subject is depicted, for example, from behind, we can define that a photo street

Even here, great photographers help us

in fact many of them have realized this kind of photography

This photo is by Henri Cartier Bresson

but also Elliott Erwitt

Robert Frank

and Robert Doisneau

Finally, let's take a last look at the choice of color or black and white

Many say that street photos must be in black and white

In reality, we see that there are discordant opinions on this choice

There are certainly artists like Cartier Bresson who only produced black and white

and many others have done this by artistic choice

Instead there are others such as Erwitt who took pictures both in black and white and in color

Still others have chosen black and white for economic reasons because a black and white film cost less than one in color

It must also be said that the very first street photographers were shooting in black and white because the color film did not exist yet

So ultimately we can say that the choice of black and white or color makes the photographer for artistic choices

and not for a law that identifies black and white for street photography

So we tried to clarify some doubts that maybe some of you had

or to all those who might have before starting to do street photography

Let us now try to establish what are the secure characteristics of street photography

the one that followed all the great photographers like Cartier Bresson, Erwitt, etc.

The characteristics of a photo street are essentially two

The first characteristic is human presence

This is a fundamental element

In every street photo there must be human presence

just as the great masters did

The second characteristic is spontaneity

That is, the subjects must be caught in a moment of naturalness

The photographer must not interfere on the realization of the photograph nor on the subjects photographed

As we have seen, all the great masters have followed this fundamental rule

The reason is that street photography is the exaltation of emotions

it is necessary to exalt the emotions of the photographed subjects

so they must be caught in the naturalness of the moment

If you remember the initial clip where you see Cartier Bresson walking down the street to take pictures

we note that it is always taken from the shoulders, never in the face

the reason is that he himself asked not to be recognizable to those who filmed or photographed him

this, not because he particularly cared about his privacy, but because he feared to be recognized on the street in the future

this would have altered the emotions of the subjects he wanted to photograph

This is another lesson that Cartier Bresson gives us

In fact, the photographer must be transparent, not visible and present within the scene

because this alters the emotions of the subjects we want to photograph

So we tried to answer some questions and define the characteristics of street photography

As we have seen, the settings can be different: the street, inside a building, an extra-urban setting

we can capture faces or not

The important thing, however, is to follow those two simple rules that we have identified before

they were followed by all the great photographers who gave life to this photographic genre

I hope that with this video we have made clear why on the web they say many different things

so I ask you what you think of street photography and if the analysis we have done is correct

because I tried not to give my personal interpretation, but I simply looked at what some great masters of street photography have done

to identify the true characteristics of street photography

Now I greet you all and I'll meet you at the next video. Good street to everyone! Bye!

For more infomation >> What is really street photography - Duration: 13:29.


Rocket League Xbox One Gameplay | Throwback - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> Rocket League Xbox One Gameplay | Throwback - Duration: 8:19.


Hearthstone Rogue Tavern Brawl Venture into the Wild - Duration: 9:56.

Hello and welcome to the latest episode in the half stone series today

We're going to be doing some tavern brawl which is venture into the wild so as you can see I hit the road deck

Because this is like my lowest level deck

So I venture into the wild is a deck that is pre-made for each class

So as you can see I got one seven which I'm gonna get rid of I've got four as well

Which I'm gonna. Get rid of oh wait

Okay, and we're back sorry about that

Just happened to load up 1/2 stone from the beginning again

So hopefully our pronin hasn't had too much of an advantage. Yes as we connected us back to our game

Resuming, so unfortunately I still kept with the 7 and the 4 that I tried to get rid of

But unfortunately me unlocking my phone and looking at the time

Seemed to have impacted my game

Now I'm not too sure what I'm gonna do now. I'm just trying to close half stone. I've slowed down on my phone. Oh

Missed it yeah. That was ridiculous. I probably should have played the turn and then looked at my phone though. You know how it is

Okay, so he's played this minion

Just to kinda catch up. I'm gonna have to just destroy it stray away so mana crystal hero power of the weapon I

Got this guy as well

Okay, patches

Who'da nerfed before he could obviously attack straight away, and now he can't

So yeah, I still haven't I don't think I've caught up yet


Depends what he doesn't know?

yeah, so I still haven't caught up I

See what can I do?

Okay, that's cool. Yeah, I kind of put her now that he's played that card the lightning bolt. I kind of feel like I have

Kind of go up a little bit because if I was playing that I would have waited for the spell damage

So so I'll just kind of use the hero power again. Just to kind of

Save on my cards a little bit, I know I got a seven cost there which is gonna be a big card

I'll probably use the zero next to it which is one of my favorite rogue cards called preparation

So that means that the next spell, I play this time it will be

three mana crystal less or cheaper

So now I've kind of

So he's got two cards

She were to pillage or piloted shredder oh

This guy and just finish him off and my turn

Yeah, so

I'm not sure if you guys know about this but

There's eight days left or like seven days left in February so for the rest of the month

If you're playing half stone

Yeah, and you before every quest you complete up to up to fourteen quests. You get entered into a prize draw to win


Yeah 3000 I know it's a very big number

3000 and card packs

So I mean one card pack itself is worth about I think is 79 P

so if you're willing 3000 of those

Just for doing your quests. That's that's absolutely amazing obviously there's millions of people that play off stone

So that one lucky person will be lucky obviously there's runners-up prizes. I think up to like 10 places

but it could be laughs to a hundred only read like the first line and I was Wow I

Think I've done about three or four quests in there month so for the rest of the month. I'm going to be pushing those quests

I'm not sure

You guys are gonna be able to see that

But I mean if I win that'd be amazing, and I'll just put everything out there into the into the video obviously

So as you can see I'm on 14 health I'm about to go even lower

He's on three cards, which is only benefit. I would say because if he had more cards

It would be game over by the moment. I'm just like

Controlling him but without controlling him

He's kind of doing this to himself I would say

So I've still got my piloted shredder

Let's get rid of him

To one get rid of patches as well


Don't know I really like the hero power of this guy you know

Not like normally, but in this game. I do I don't know maybe something to do with my opponent being a shaman

I really like the royal care about when you're playing against people that are pinned down one costs

Oh, sorry one health minions. You know so that's that fan of knives

They're so fan of my knives and blood mage town bows which is

The to Coast Guard closest to my left

That combination will work well because

Blood mage tower nurse will give me spell damage and

Kinda knives is a spell that does damage one damage to everybody my opponents

To minions with to health so if I use those, I'll be able to do two damage to everyone

nice and easy

so as you see that's another to the

And another two so and I'm on three health so there's absolutely no way I couldn't miss this opportunity

to do the

Yeah, the combo just talked about so there you go, I've destroyed four minions, and I got to draw a card


So next I can choose to either do damage or the hero power, and it's a bit of a hard one

But I mean if he's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me so

I reckon I've got a bit of time

Your three cards. I've got I think nine

Hopefully I'll get a SAP hair or something to kind of return that meaning to his hand and I'll be amazing

Yeah nice so I'll give that card back to him because that's a big cost card next I'll probably

Probably okay, get some more spell damage

I'll have to take one for a team again and just attack this minion

So I now got two health which is even lower than before

This is really really tense, I don't if you can hear me like

Just like grabbing myself in the background I rub in my face doing like yeah, that sounded a bit strange actually

I should probably I was gonna start probably go to more detail but probably shit, but yeah now

I'm just it's just a bit tense. You know I'm on to health. I don't know what's gonna happen next

I'm gonna have to

I'm gonna have to use my spells on

Yeah, okay that works

Cool so come on to hell

Okay I

Just got that legendary Road card as well. I never know really I've never really know not to use this card because

Okay, it's still fine, so I attack with the to the outermost minions, and then I'll still have three minions who?

So, I'll kill that middle minion first

Mmm. I

Can't talk of my hair power because

I reckon I'm gonna have to


And one abyss awake just for the win and now he's on 14 I was gonna

End my turn so I could do like build up on the hero power by mail or just attack it now

If he doesn't have a cardan which is a spell to do to me. He lost

So I'm going he's taking me along yeah

Thank you. Good a victory

As always if you want to add me up add me up

link in description

Check out a few of my other videos as well as always like share subscribe

Leave a comment below

tell your friends about it as well because I'm really pushing the

Subscribers at the end of this video so from now you're gonna see some

We're gonna see some link stuff

so if you haven't subscribed already that'll be the middle button and

Then on the sides it will have for tonight on the Left playlist and then half stone on the right so please

subscribe like share

Check out a few more videos, and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> Hearthstone Rogue Tavern Brawl Venture into the Wild - Duration: 9:56.


USA v Italy (High School) 🇺🇸🇮🇹📚 / Rvlog #2 [RI] - Duration: 19:26.

I'm sorry for the persistent brightness change because of migratory clouds

uhm yeah

I know I'm not credible

you come in from that door, but you're wearing glasses?

Everyone that knows me knows that when I get out from home I never wear glasses

but just because today I broke my contact at school

you should have seen me at school like a retarded

keeping my hand like this looking at like

everywhere because I was blind in one eye but not in the other one

let's put this

this f****** bag

today is Friday

for me is Friday I don't know when this video will come out

I finished a school week

and there's no better moment for talking about school

you would probably hear my host-parents' voices in the background during the whole video

because I want to get as much light as I can

si f*** that

So, school

Imma tell you the differences between the American and the Italian high school

I'll mainly divide this video by

4 parts

Schedule, classes, sports

and special events like holidays or anything like that

I'll compare both high schools basing on these categories

so American versus Italian High school

So let's start with the schedule of the American high school

the American high school is different for each state

there are 50 states in the US

Each of them are different from each other

depending on schedule...

It so much more various than in Italy

I'll basically explain you

what I usually do at school, because I know that each school is different

so if I'll try to list them all I'll never finish this video

and this will take my entire life and you'll probably skip

School starts, I know this will hurt a little

school starts at 7:10 am

There's an exception for me too cause I have to wake up

every day at 5:40am, when it's still dark outside

take the bus, when it's still dark

around 6:20

get there at 6:45, get off the bus

then wait 20 minutes before the bell rings

school ends at 2:20pm

obviously I take the bus to go back home so

I'll be home around 3

because it takes like 40 minutes from my school to home

but, but

they're starting doing it in Italy too

no school on Saturday

and to be honest they should make it universal for all the students

because, uhm

okay so we were talking

you can't let a student go to school on Saturday

knowing that he only has a day of vacation per week

maybe because I got used to do it in Italy too

but if I would have to go back to school on Saturday I don't even know what I would do

there's something more

in my case on Wednesdays

obviously it's different from a school to another

Each period in the schedule is reduced

what does reduced mean?

it means that they remove some minutes

for each period in your schedule

Theoretically we get out from school an hour earlier

so we get out at 1:24pm on Wednesdays

instead of getting out at 2:20pm

the schedule that you'll get

when you're starting first semester

basically when you start school

it will be the same, identical schedule every

school day, for the whole semester

that means that you'll have the same schedule so

same teachers, same classes for the whole semester

something that you probably have seen in the movies

is that

the teachers don't change class each period

but the students change class each period

Let's talk about the Italian schedule

the basic schedule

of an Italian high school would be from 8:30am

until 1:30 pm

so, the student gets in

at 8:30, he has 5 periods

with a 20 minutes-break

between 3rd and 4th period

I mean that's how high school is

but if they take this schedule they'll have school on Saturday too

I don't have this schedule in my school

I used to do it in middle school, now I start at 8:30am

and I finish at 5:30pm

that are obviously mandatory, so you have to do them anyways

let's talk about the classes

how American and Italian classes are structured

I mean like teachers

everything related to the classes

In America we basically have

a test average, which are all written and multiple choice

you'll have a test almost every 2 weeks for each class

teachers give homework almost every day

so every time you go back home you're supposed to have homework

the incredible difference from the Italian high school

is the classes division basing on approaching levels

if you can call it like that

there are standard, honors, and AP classes

standard classes are the ones where

you can find people that

need more help on learning stuff so

the teachers get used to it and make things easier

so that students will be able to understand

honors classes are considered "the middle classes"

standard classes

always have an honors variant so basically

in standard classes you could find

people that need more help

in honors classes

people actually want to learn something more difficult

they're a little bit more challenging

it depends on the type of class that you want to pick

AP classes are basically "the top of the mountain"

they are college level

some classes don't have

their AP variant

if in standard classes you always had an honors variant

AP classes are selected

and are not always available

for all the standard and honors classes

as I said they're selected

we have ridiculous things to

every quarter, I don't know if I told you

every end of a quarter we do a sort of exam

every quarter is made by 9 weeks

and this exam that is made for each of your classes

is literally called

9 week exam

in this exam you'll basically have

a review of the stuff you did during that quarter

so it's not like in Italy

cause I was like "Oh I finished this in math

so I don't have to care about it no more

here you have to remember everything you did in that quarter

which is like a pain in the ass

because you say like "I took the test"

but then you have to remember it

the most ridiculous thing for me is gym classes

gym classes

are so much different from Italian gym classes because we have

just "physical education"

and we do everything: volleyball, basketball, athletics, anything you want

In America they have specifical classes

so there's a class that does volleyball

there's a class that does tennis,

soccer, weight training

everything is divided





gym classes are everything but gym classes

now I'm going to tell you why

because you say "ah

gym classes

maybe they're almost as fake as Italian gym classes

but in Italian gym classes you could find

the teacher that says

"today we do this, tomorrow we do that", who follows the students

here nobody gives a f***

basically people sit around

it's like a "hanging out" class

In Italy we do a sort of election

where we vote for a rep that will represent each category

because of the fact that we don't change classes

we have to vote for a rep

so, for each class there's two class' reps (students)

and two parents' reps

for the student's parents in each class

then for the whole school

we vote for two school's reps (students) that are voted by

every student in the school

so everyone can vote for everyone

they make up different electoral lists that are proposed at the beginning of the year

so you can pick anyone from every list

I usually have two different lists in my school

but when I talked about standard, honors, and AP classes

you can pick the classes directly from the school itself

like I said in the last video, moving to another school is

difficult because schools are far from each other

In Italy everything is concentrated

there are different schools that have different classes

so you can pick the classical high school

as you can pick the scientific hs

as you can pick the industrial hs



that does specific subjects

that will prepare you for university

or job that you'll do

let's talk about sports

Americans don't joke on sports in high school

you watch the movies with the cheerleaders, the football team...

it's exactly how you think it is

as you watch in the movies

what happens in real life is exactly the same

because you basically uhm, let's say that

you want to join the football team

you have a limited amount of time

to prepare all your forms

in order to go to tryouts and join the team

once you have signed those forms

the coaches call you for conditioning before tryouts

once you're done with conditioning

you start tryouts where coaches start kicking out people

every time you have tryouts

let's say you have 60 people and you have to make

a team of

let's say a soccer team (11 people)

plus 11 more that would replace them

you have to kick out almost 40 people, which is a big amount

In Italy we don't have this kind of tradition

Obviously Italian hs

we don't make teams at school

we don't compete against the other schools, not officially

directly from school

we don't recruit people

it's not as direct as the American hs

We basically join the clubs

that's how you call them

so for example soccer schools outside the school

in America they're called clubs

for Americans people that join clubs are

"daddy's sons"

that don't know how to play, so they join clubs

they make the team and everything

but they pay for it like 2000 dollars a year

so people that join clubs are kind of humiliated

let's talk about special events

yeah, special events! what is really special about it?

the name

in the American hs holidays are spreaded properly

let's start frommm

when school starts here, so August

in August

they don't celebrate "ferragosto"

so I was at school while my friends were at the beach

in September there was not a real vacation or holiday

but we got hit by Irma

you all know what happened

a week with no power, so then a week with no school

in October we supposed to have vacation

but then they canceled it because of Irma

It was not supposed to be vacation but we had a whole week

In November there was

there was Thanksgiving day

so, a whole week of vacation

which started on the



from the 20th to the 27th

and I was so happy because

because my Italian friends have been at school for the whole week and I was like


In December

they have Christmas holidays that on the




nah they start on the 22nd

and they ended on January 8th like in Italy

because there was Saturday and Sunday in between

In January they have Martin Luther King day

In February we have Presidents day

In March they have

The last big vacation

which is the Spring break

basically like Thanksgiving break

because they try to divide the quarters

with vacations

Thanksgiving break was not like that tho

In April we have no vacation

In May school ends, it ends on the 25th

talking about other special events in the American hs

they have the dances

there's the homecoming

which is open to everyone

remember that there are 4 years if hs in America, not 5

then the Prom, which is at the end of the year

only seniors can participate

We have completely different vacations in Italy

I can't tell you month by month because

In September we don't have any

neither in October

In November we have Saints' day, which is on the first

Dead's day, which is on the second but it's a school day

in December my city doesn't have school

on the 6th because it's the patron of the city's day (St. Claus)

the on the 8th

it's the Immaculate Conception

usually we have vacation on the 7th in order to make three days straight

then we have Christmas holidays that started on the 23rd

and ended on January 8th this year

In February there's Carnival

so maybe on

"Fat Thursday" we usually do a party at school

or at least in my school we do

then on "Fat Tuesday", last year it was vacation

but now it's not, I still don't know why

In March we could have Easter

but it depends on the year cause sometimes

it's in April, sometimes in March

April we could have Easter as I said

we would do like

A whole week of vacation

In May we basically have nothing because it's dedicated to making up tests so

ending the school year with the best you can get

like someone who failed a test can always make up a test

with the ones that will come out in May


In June we finish school, just 10 days

it ends on the 10th

then we start summer, everyone says "Yeah, let's go to the beach"

and that's it

Look now the dogs will bark

because Brian is back


Hold on, there you goo

I think we got at the end of this video

thanks for watching until here because

you're tolerating me way too much

Hope to see you in the next video

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so you'll give me a feedback

telling me how it is going

what would you like to watch in the next video?

maybe I should start one of the old videos

or something like that

so let me know, I'm always here

that's all from Riccardo

goodbye everyone!

Yes, I know what you're thinking about

now they're gonna report the video because of copyright

For more infomation >> USA v Italy (High School) 🇺🇸🇮🇹📚 / Rvlog #2 [RI] - Duration: 19:26.


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For more infomation >> Warface: Не очкуй! - Duration: 3:02.


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For more infomation >> Best Lipstick Tutorials from Instagram 💄😱 Top 25 New Amazing Lip Art Ideas You Should Try - Duration: 10:18.


New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #35 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:48.

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For more infomation >> New Nail Art 2018 💓💝 The Best Nail Art Compilation #35 | Style Beauty - Duration: 10:48.


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For more infomation >> RAINBOW SIX ZOMBİ MODU ! | Rainbow Six Siege Outbreak - Duration: 12:10.


Puppy Rumble Special - Ep. 88 - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Puppy Rumble Special - Ep. 88 - Duration: 4:37.


SP 3ds Max objetos desaparecen al girar la ventana gráfica - Duration: 2:07.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about.

Objects disappear when rotating in the 3ds Max.

When rotating or zooming in the 3ds Max Viewport, objects (or the entire scene) disappear using the Perspective viewing mode.

Switching to an Orthographic view will show the objects that cannot be viewed in Perspective Mode.

Objects are too far away from the Home Grid/Origin point (0, 0, 0).

Sometimes this issue can occur due to corrupted preferences or external program variables in Windows as well.

Make sure all objects, cameras, lights, targets, and perhaps even vertex anomalies are moved closer (or exactly) to the Origin (0, 0, 0).

When objects are thousands of thousands of Units away from the Home Grid,

it does create Viewport conflicts with snapping, rotation and general viewing in 3ds Max.

A good way to move entire scenes that include multiple objects, lights, and cameras to the Home Grid or Origin

without changing special reference among the scene models, is to use a single Group to move the scene.

The Group can be selected and moved to 0, 0, 0 using Select and Move (X, Y, and Z) and then un-grouped again.

Alternatively try disabling the ViewCube.

Right-click on the ViewCube in any viewport and pick Configure > Viewport Configuration > Viewcube tab, and uncheck Show theViewCube.

Then restart 3ds Max.

Hope, this information, is helpful. Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy.

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