Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

I assume that you missed EXO THEORIES!

And this video is going to be adequate to the weather!

Let's get started!

EXO always release winter MVs and they also did it this time

However in this video, I'm not going to talk about Universe only

But about all EXO winter MVs

Starting from Miracles in December

And you should be sure about one thing - they mean a lot!

Each of those MVs has its own winter atmosphere

And it brings us values such as love and friendship

Miracles in December is sung in Korean version by D.O, Baekhyun and Chen

In Chinese version we have Luhan instead of D.O

We see 3 of them standing in some kind of triangle

And we can also notice memories and scenes from the MV moving around them

In first part of this MV, we can see decorations, gifts and preperations

We see those preperations during whole MV, to be honest

At the very end, EXO is going to the same place

And they're about to meet their girlfriends

A lot happens in front of this building and those are the most important scenes in this MV

In the previous EXO Theories parts, I explained how important the eclipse is for their concept

And it also occurs in this MV

From the story about two world, teasers or What is Love MV we find out that EXO powers became active during the eclipse

EXO members also became aware of their super powers and the existance of the other members

When eclipse appears in Miracles of December, everything changes

The members look at the sky

And Tao is moving back time

And this is why a girl that Sehun wanted to give the flowers to... Just disappears

and we also see EXO's tears at the end of this video

If we connect those scenes to the superpowers concept, we know that because of their powers, EXO cannot be happy, they can't fall in love and have their normal life on Earth

Winter MVs are not complicated nor hard to understand

After the 2nd one Sing for You was released, many questions appeared and comments about the fact that Sehun the Astronaut and the flying whale don't make any sense

As we find out later and it's not a surprise for me,

everything was based on a poem

and also on a living whale

Besides the story about Sehun and a whale, we also have a story about the rest of EXO

They are happy with each other

They have fun - in a car and also in a bar

and they also play basketball together

But there is a moment when Sehun just leaves them

And the plot is also focuses on Kai and he symbolizes loneliness and the feelings of other members

The lyrics and an MV shows us a moment that happens also in our lives: we see isolated, we feel lonely like we don't belong to this place

And this is the moment when we leave to find our own self

This is also the story that we see in Sing for you

Sehun is the first one to leave

However we see more members disappearing

Happiness turns into anger

Friends become enemies and they fight with each other

Kai's character is very important

He shows sadness and anger after the leaving of other members

And he also symbolically shows the fight between Suho and Chanyeol

Another important scene is when Kai catches a ball thrown by Xiumin

This is the moment when everything is back to normal

The members appear again and they're happy

It is possible that Kai helped others to be together again

or maybe we can look at this from another point of view

I will remind you that Kai means 'open' in Chinese

Kai was the member who opened the eyes of the other members

He made them aware of their powers

But he seems very lonely in Sing for you

He's alone and he wants to leave because he feels that he doesn't belong to this place

Earth is not a place he belongs to

But thanks to him, EXO could be together from the beginning

When Kai leaves, more members also disappear

but when he understands that he's the center of EXO and he connects all the members, everything is back to normal

There are many theories about this MV

One of the most popular ones is the one that says that Sehun symbolize the members that left EXO

that is Luhan, Kris and Tao

Their leaving caused a lot of anger, problems and misunderstandings

If we believe in those theories, it probably means that EXO wanted to give up

It is shown in the scene when Suho wants to leave

It didn't happen because Chanyeol stopped him

If we look at this MV from this point of view, we can easily fit those scenes to EXO's situation after 3 members left

Maybe it is true, maybe not, we don't know it

But we know that the reference to those 3 members happened quite often in EXO's MVs

When we watch Sing for you, the symbolic meaning is more important

Everything is based on the poem, 'The Astronaut's Whale'

It tells a story about Vincent the whale

He was different than the rest of the whales

Different than his family and friends, he didn't seem happy about the same things

Different things made him happy

We can connect this story with a scene when Sehun leaves EXO

When we read the poem, we understand that the place we belong to is the place where people we love are

Vincent left his family and friends because he wanted to find happiness

He met an astronaut on his way

The astronaut showed him a different life, life in the universe

It made the whale happy for a moment

And he became friends with the astronaut

But after some time has passed, the whale understood that it's not the place where he should be

An ocean is his place

A place with family and friends

And this is the place where he should be happy

This is also the reason why happiness is back in the MV

The members appear again, they are happy because they understood that all that matters is the fact that they are together

Just like Kai understood the source of his happiness

Sing for you is one of the more sad EXO MVs

It's also more difficult to understand but it has a beautiful meaning

Besides the story of An Astronaut's Whale,

it also refers to the most lonely whale on this planet

It keeps on singing the same melody

It's the only creature that undersands it and it does it alone

This whale makes 52Hz noises

This is why it is called 52Herz-Whale

When it comes to the whales, the normal frequency of their noises are around 10-25 Herz

This whale is the only one on the whole planet that makes different noises

And it travels alone

The whale's loneliness is also connected with EXO's Sing for You MV

Kai is the one who left and he's lonely and nobody understands him

Another winter MV is For Life

It seems a bit more easy but... Not really

At the beginning, we see Kai leaving a bar

And we can also notice a neon writing 'You were here'

Kai gets inside a car and a girl appears; she gives him a bracelet with amber

Amber is made of fossilized resin

and it refers to the Tree of Life

and we know the story from MAMA's narration

I explained it in the previous videos

And the narration also mentioned the heart of the tree

The bracelet has an amber and it means that this stone is the heart of the tree of life

Kai cannot believe what happened

He wants to ask the girl about it but the car is leaving

For the rest of the MV, you see that everyone wanted to give this stone to Kai

They wanted to give the heart of the tree of life to Kai and, again, it means that he's the center that connects EXO

Besides being the center, we also remember that Kai was lonely and isolated and this is why he gets the bracelet

Amber is a stone that can erase sad thoughts and negative feelings from your mind

After the analysis of Sing for you, we know that those were the thought he had back then

He gets the bracelet so he can erase those thoughts

and finally find happiness

The chronology in this MV is a bit different

The end is the beginning

But it's shown from a different point of view

Kai closes his eyes and he seems to fall asleep

Suho wakes up in the middle of the forest and he has this bracelet in his hand

He notices the girl and he starts to chase her

He gets inside a room and we find out that it's the same maze we saw in Overdose

Suho looks at his reflection, he closes his eyes and a scene with Chanyeol occurs

For more infomation >> EXO THEORIES: Universe, For Life, Sing For You and Miracles in December - Duration: 13:21.


Sridevi Passed Away | Sridevi Ki Mot Se Pehle Ki Kch Tsaveer. - Duration: 2:54.

sri devi pics

sri devi passed away

For more infomation >> Sridevi Passed Away | Sridevi Ki Mot Se Pehle Ki Kch Tsaveer. - Duration: 2:54.


BREAKING! CNN Just Caught Shamelessly Doctoring Evidence! Parent Releases Emails - Duration: 5:52.


CNN Just Caught Shamelessly Doctoring Evidence!

Parent Releases Emails.

And Fake News CNN is once again up to its usual shenanigans.

The embattled "news" network is now accusing the father of a student who survived the Marjory

Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida of doctoring emails with a CNN producer.

This comes as 17-year-old Colton took to various media outlets to claim that CNN executive

producer Carrie Stevenson scripted a question for him to ask lawmakers in Sunrise, Florida

on Wednesday during the fake anti-gun town hall production.

Haab's father, Glenn Haab, sent a Word document of his email exchange with Stevenson to Fox

News, and HuffPost after his son decided to drop out of the fake event when CNN didn't

let him ask his own question.

If you notice in both versions of the email, Stevenson rejects a speech the teen wrote

and tries to get him to agree to ask one question, she typed out with the excuse that they need

to can get to as many people as possible.

CNN should be ashamed of themselves.

Haab used Kevlar sheets to shield his fellow classmates, while the anti-gun students did

nothing to help their fellow classmates as they were shot and CNN decides to attack the



So the narrative that we aren't supposed to question the so-called "activist students"

has now for all intent and purpose gone out the window.

We can now start asking real questions.

Why is it that these students who lost their fellow classmates are not even in shock?

The day after the shooting they were already all over the media doing appearances, sounding

as prepared as Sean Hannity, Jake Tapper or Laura Ingram.

Via Real Clear Politics:

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Colton Haab said he was approached by CNN

to ask a question at Wednesday night's town hall but decided not to after the network

gave him a "scripted question," quashing one he wrote himself.

Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC shielded students while the school was under attack

from the shooter, said he was going to ask about using veterans as armed security guards.

(CNN response below.)

UPDATE: Shooting Survivor Appears on Tucker Carlson: CNN Told Me "I Needed To Stick

To The Script"; They Scripted Entire Town Hall

"CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being

all scripted," Haab told WPLG-TV.

CNN aired a town hall on the Florida school shooting with Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and

Bill Nelson (D-FL) that included NRA's Dana Loesch and Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel

that was moderated by Jake Tapper.

Students and parents asked questions about gun control and school safety.

"I expected to be able to ask my questions and give my opinion on my questions," Haab


"Colton Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC who shielded classmates in the midst of terror

says he did not get to share his experience," WPLG's Janine Stanwood explained.

"Colton wrote questions about school safety, suggested using veterans as armed school security

guards but claims CNN wanted him to ask a scripted question instead so he decided not

to go," Stanwood reported.

"CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions and it ended up being

all scripted," Haab said.

"I don't think that it's going get anything accomplished.

It's not gonna ask the true questions that all the parents and teachers and students


UPDATE: CNN released the following statement Thursday morning:

CNN did not, and does not, script any questions for town hall meetings, ever.

UPDATE 8:47AM ET: CNN released a more extensive statement that explained the situation.

In a longer statement, CNN confirmed Haab was invited by the network to participate

but his father decided to withdraw his name from participation.

CNN said Haab wanted to give an extensive speech and not just ask a question, something

the network said the forum was not designed for.

CNN noted the subject Haab wanted to address, arming teachers, was discussed at length in

the 2-hour long town hall event.

CNN has invited Haab to appear on the network.

Full statement from CNN's Richard Hudock:

There is absolutely no truth to this.

CNN did not provide or script questions for anyone in last night's town hall, nor have

we ever.

After seeing an interview with Colton Haab, we invited him to participate in our town

hall along with other students and administrators from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

Colton's father withdrew his name from participation before the forum began, which we regretted

but respected.

We welcome Colton to join us on CNN today to discuss his views on school safety.

According to a CNN insider Haab wanted to give an extensive speech and not just ask

a question, something the network said the forum was not designed for.

When the family was told this they decided to pull out of the event.

The CNNer also noted the subject Haab wanted to address, arming teachers, was discussed

at length in the 2-hour long town hall.

I don't know about any of you, but I know that to this day.

If God forbid I would find myself in a situation like this I would be rattled.

And wouldn't be able to hold my composure on worldwide TV the way these "victims"

have done.

I don't fully understand what is going on here, but something just doesn't sound or

look right here.

And no, I am no conspiracy theorist.

But when I start to see far left wing antigun celebrities donating millions of dollars to

the cause, it makes me question the validity of the narrative I am being sold.

Don't you agree?

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING! CNN Just Caught Shamelessly Doctoring Evidence! Parent Releases Emails - Duration: 5:52.


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DIY How to make Easter bouquet out of fresh flowers (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #458 - Duration: 1:40.

Hi. Today I will show you how to make Easter bouquet out of fresh flowers.

Detailed list of all needed items is in the description of this video.

Put narrow flower vase inside wide flower vase.

Now make the layers between the flower vases. First the sisal.

Next, add Easter eggs.

To make the third layer use feathers.

Place the sisal on the top as the last layer.

Pour the water to the narrow flower vase.

Finally, put the flowers in flower vase and make a composition.

And it's done.

This bouquet is beautiful not only thanks to flowers,..

...but also because how extraordinary the flower vase looks.

Of course you can create your own floral composition with different flowers and decorations.

I invite you to my Facebook page and Instagram profile.

Thanks for watching. Bye bye.

For more infomation >> DIY How to make Easter bouquet out of fresh flowers (ENG Subtitles) - Speed up #458 - Duration: 1:40.


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[kt Rolster TALK] The lord leads the team to victory by being in forefront as the emperor - Duration: 1:43.

Lord is taking the CS peacefully on Mid lane

Enemy team came to interfere him..


never knew

what this behavior will cause.

(PawN) What?

(PawN) What, what, what?

Not so satisfied (PawN) What are they doing

Pawn is pressuring Mid lane by himself

while ally is taking the Rift Herald after checking the enemy route

The enemy team closes the net to catch Pawn left alone

However Lord, did not even blink and have done 1 on 3

Exclamations are falling out

Lord preparing to call an end to this mutiny

The Bot lane duo was planning to back off after destroying the inhibitor

Pawn is a man who says yes when everyone else says no

His boldness that even made Xayah astonished

The Lord led the crowd as the emperor and have led the team to the victory

For more infomation >> [kt Rolster TALK] The lord leads the team to victory by being in forefront as the emperor - Duration: 1:43.


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Latvia - Moldova - Slovenia (Eurovision 2018 – My Top 19 part 1 ) - Duration: 4:38.

Hello everybody and all aboard to "Chev's Choice"

Man, I'm exhausted.

So much is happening this week that it's hard to keep up.

5 Songs have been chosen just last night, so let's talk about them.

In this video I'll be talking about Latvia, Moldova and Slovenia.

Hungary and the Ukraine will be up later today and during the next week you'll get videos

about the finalists in San Marino and the 3 Songs for Saara Aalto in Finland.

If you want to see them and hear my opinion that often doesn't correspond witht the country's

choices, subscribe to my channel and click the notification bell, so you don't miss them.

Now let's look at the first 3 of the songs chosen last night alphabetically and how they

place in my in ranking list:

Latvia I think Latvia missed out on their best chance.

Esamiba would have been the better choice in my opinion, because there's far more innovation

to it.

But they chose Laura Rizotto with "Funny Girl" and by that we have finally found the mandatory

James Bond theme song of the year.

Every year there has to be at least one of them in the running, but seeing how last year's

issue that came from Georgia placed in the end, I don't think that it was a smart choice.

I think the lyrics of the song are good and definitely relatable to many people, and it's

a solid performance.

But nothing that makes me think, "well that's something we haven't seen before".

It definitely won't place last, but it won't make it out of the middle field for sure.

Moldova I haven't really followed Moldova's national

selection, so I'm not sure if there were better choices.

But it doesn't matter because DoReDo's "My lucky Day" made the cut and will represent

Moldova in Lisbon.

I guess this is just something for the Eurovision fans, because it's almost an hommage to the


It feels like they it comes from a Eurovision musical that took inspiration from winners

in the first decade of the 2000s.

There's Greece's "My number 1" from 2005, a little bit of Turkey's "Everyway that I

can" from 2003, and others.

It's quite fun to watch and guessing that they will improve the staging to look a bit

more expensive for Lisbon it might be fun to see them perform.

But it's definitely not a current pop song.

It's well made, the voices are okay, but I don't think that it has the chance to really

get the majority of Europe to vote for them.

So while I'm looking forward to see them, I think it will rather feel like an intermission

act than a real contestant.

Slovenia Yes!

Thank god, Slovenia did chose the right song.

I was afraid they would send BQL to Lisbon just because they missed them last year.

But it would have been devastating.

Now, Lea Sirk with "Hvala Ne!" has a strong chance of actually getting to the top 10.

It's so much fun to watch, it stands out, it feels current, she has personality.

And I'm sure that the staging will only get better from here.

It does need some refinement and I hope it looks a bit more expensive in the end, especially

the dresses of the background singers/dancers.

But I'm sure they will deliver a great show.

I also hope that there won't be as many fast camera cuts during the quick dance breaks

so we can actually see them do a little bit of choreography, because with the cuts we

couldn't really see that.

I have high hopes for Slovenia this year and I wish them good luck!

Now let's take a quick look at the scoreboard.

Don't be surprised, I did give Malta a little upgrade in their points, because compared

to the many other songs that came in since then, I think it's better than I initially


So I actually have Slovenia on first place right now.

Let's see if it can stay there in the next weeks.

Latvia shares the tenth place with Italy, Malta is on 12th now, and Moldova on 14th.

I'm sure not all of you will agree on this, so tell me your opinion in the comments below.

Now's your chance.

Don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more.

For now thank you so much for watching and I see you soon.

Bye :-)

For more infomation >> Latvia - Moldova - Slovenia (Eurovision 2018 – My Top 19 part 1 ) - Duration: 4:38.



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