Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

Drake (Gods Plan) Song

Wassup TD MAFIA!

It's yo boy TD back with another video

Today i'm going to be doing a walkthrough in Pixel Gun 3D

This is episode #1. If you want an episode 2 let's get 5 likes

I'm out


Joyner Lucas (Gucci Gang Remix)

For more infomation >> Pixel Gun 3D Campaign Walkthrough (FARM) Episode #1 | PG3D Walkthrough #1 - Duration: 2:33.



For more infomation >> GANHEI UMA FACA ABRINDO UMA CAIXA DE 1,40 $ ! ( ABRINDO CAIXAS EM SITE DE SKINS DO CS:GO) - Duration: 18:54.


Can Wind Currents Topple Man's TALLEST Buildings? - Duration: 2:53.

"1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue" on the Nina, Pinta, and Santa maria,

which had both square sails, carrying the ships in the direction of the wind, and jibs,

carrying the ships against the wind's direction.

As for why it's possible to sail against the wind, it has to do with wind dynamics:

the plague of building and structure designers.

The result generated when wind is sliced by a wing shape and has to maneuver around it

is acceleration on the side with the longer path, which lowers air pressure in this area--a

concept known as the bernoulli principle--and it's actually also what generates lift for

plane wings.

Air-current movement may be good for moving sailboats forward, but it could spell disaster

for buildings.

Eddies--regions of slow-moving,circular air currents--are sandwiched in between fast-moving

wind currents as they sweep around and pass objects.

This movement may cause the structure to sway, and, if structure's tendency to 'spring'

back into place begins to synchronize with the wind currents, it means big trouble.

The Tacoma bridge infamously experienced this issue back in 1940, which made the entire

bridge sway back-and-forth violently until it totally collapsed.

Nikola Tesla also found out just how powerful such an effect could be when he attached a

pocket-sized device to the foundation of a building and almost reduced it to rubble within

an hour.

So is all hope lost for tall buildings?

Not so much.

The task of ensuring building integrity falls upon the buildings' engineers, who meticulously

do all sorts of testing, like in wind tunnels, before big projects are done.

In fact, potential wind stress from once-in-50-year weather events or more are taken account before

the building is designed.

In Dubai, the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, is built with alternating

edges to avoid wind-current vortices from becoming organized.

In Taiwan, the world's second largest building--the Tapei 101--has a 1,460,000 pound steel ball,

aka a 'tuned mass damper', suspended inside its middle to act as a sort of 'counterbalance'

whenever swaying tests the building's integrity.

Engineers have even found ways to harness wind-current power through building design,

such as with the wind turbines stationed in between the two segments of the Bahrain World

Trade Center in Dubai.

These wind turbines are designed to receive extra wind flow from the trade center and

generate enough electricity for 15 percent of the building's power usage.

Of course, the invention of the elevator in the mid-1800's was what really allowed tall

buildings to take off, and the need for more space in urban areas means engineers of tall

structures must become more creative in withstanding the elements.

For more infomation >> Can Wind Currents Topple Man's TALLEST Buildings? - Duration: 2:53.


Vidéo présentation d´entreprise : Poulayot Studios - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Vidéo présentation d´entreprise : Poulayot Studios - Duration: 0:31.


Flipping Tables at youtube - Duration: 50:21.

For more infomation >> Flipping Tables at youtube - Duration: 50:21.


Sales Motivation: "Obsessed With Success" | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 7:18.

For more infomation >> Sales Motivation: "Obsessed With Success" | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 7:18.


The Fall of New York - Duration: 3:24.

Hey there.

So the 2016 election was weird.

In a lot of ways.

But one of the ways it was weirdest was not generally discussed.

The three most important contestants were from the State of New York.

Trump, for better and mostly worse, is 100% Queens New York.

Hillary Clinton, fairly or not, spent two terms as a New York Senator.

Bernie Sanders has lived in Vermont for 50 years, but if you've heard him speak you

know he's from Brooklyn.

If you add all this up, this is the most power New York has had on the political stage in

70 years.

There was a time when this wouldn't have been all that surprising.

New York City is now in its third century as the biggest urban mass in the country.

Historically it got a lot more bang for its buck.

For 34 years out of the 1800s a New Yorker was Vice President, and for 20 years a New

Yorker was President.

In the first half of the 20th century New York was even more dominant, with a New Yorker

as president for 20 out of those 50 years.

Now anybody who knows statistics can tell you that this is terrible data to build an

argument with.

The sample size is tiny.

And there are dozens of really important factors here, from the politics of the time, to the

characteristics of the people involved.

But I still think comparing this to what has happened since FDR died in 1945 is significant.

Between FDR and Donald Trump there was a single solitary New York politician who made it to

one of the country's top two offices.

And Nelson Rockefeller wasn't elected, he was appointed to replace Gerald Ford after

Nixon's resignation.

I can't help but think this lack of New Yorkers at the top is significant.

So,the fact that US voters in 2016 had to pick between two New Yorkers really was significant.

New Yorkers weren't all that happy with the result.

They chose Clinton over Trump 59% to 37%.

This is surprising in one sense because Trump represents a throwback to an earlier form

of power.

He may not have come up through New York's political system, but he was definitely a

New Yorker, in ways that Clinton never will be.

Trump is of course uniquely loathsome, but I think it's fascinating That New Yorkers

are no longer interested in a President from New York.

There are a lot of reasons behind New York's loss of national power.

It has something to do with the hollowing out of the State of New York at the hands

of Wall Street, which I have discussed elsewhere.

More happily, it has to do with the distribution of economic weight and population away from

the North Eastern seaboard.

But more than anything else, I think it has to do with a seismic shift in the nature of

presidential and government power that has occurred in this country.

As I laid out a couple years back, The true rulers of this country have changed profoundly.

Thanks for watching, please subscribe and if you want to and if you want to help keep

this channel going, click on the patreon link here to find out more.

For more infomation >> The Fall of New York - Duration: 3:24.


OUR WEIRDEST DREAMS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:13.

From getting thrown into a refrigerator full of dancing Shreks to getting beat up by the

moon, the Planet Dolan Crew re-enacts some of the best true stories from our subreddit

about our weirdest dreams.

I'm Pringle, and today, I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was Submitted by MeLickDolan SpinalPalm SpinalPalm had a dream where he was streaking

down a road, and then got caught by the police.

He was then sent to a jail that looked like his pre-school with all the pre-school students

playing on their Nintendo DSs.

Then a fridge came out of nowhere and opened the door.

All the kids - including the still-naked SpinalPalm - got sucked into it and saw dancing Shreks


He had this dream in preschool, and still has no idea what his brain was doing that


Number 9 was Submitted by Scourgefan0 Froggy When Froggy was 10, she had a dream about

her 4th grade class – particularly her teacher.

She had gotten to school really late, like 11 AM.

Froggy and her best friend were racing down the hall to get to class.

But when they got there, all the chairs were out of the classroom, there were blankets

everywhere, and the lights were turned off.

Her 4th-grade teacher had apparently called for a nap time, which was weird, but Froggy

tried to be good and sleep.

But suddenly, her teacher started cuddling her.

Froggy woke up and never looked at her teacher the same way again for the rest of the year.

Number 8 was Submitted by StutterGuyChris Grgak

Grgak dreamt that his sister was frying chick peas one by one in a pan.

It was starting to piss him off because she could obviously fry them all at the same time.

This led to an argument where they were screaming at each other, which went on for a couple

of minutes.

Eventually, Grgak realized that he had woken up and had been screaming across the room

at nobody.

His boyfriend got a rude awakening and was scared senseless.

Number 7 was Submitted by Revvae Ramona Ramona dreamt she was a scientist, and she

was experimenting on some sort of blue liquid in a lab.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure ran into her, making her drop the liquid and smashing it on the


A bit of liquid fell on her shoe and it turned into a scaly claw – soon, she had completely

transformed into a dragon!

Ramona's surroundings morphed slowly into what looked like a country cottage with a

massive chunk taken out of it.

Some sort of meteor had crashed into it, and Ramona was standing right on top of the smoking


She spread her wings and flew far away with a sense of freedom.

She flew directly towards the sun until everything went white.

When Ramona woke up and started to walk around, she bent her legs and jumped, expecting to


She jumped so high she hit her head on the overhead light.

Number 6 was Submitted by FalloutBoi111 SaltySquid When SaltySquid was about 6 years old, he

had a series of dreams where the moon was his worst enemy.

He would walk around and push SaltySquid around, which was very weird.

But in one dream, he was watching the news when the moon was very visible behind the


The camera zoomed in on the moon, and it called SaltySquid's name.

The moon then broke through the TV and started beating SaltySquid up.

Then, SaltySquid's cousins arrived and told the moon to stop.

He refused, so they threw a staircase at him, and then SaltySquid woke up.

Number 5 was Submitted by slavergd Zaraganba Zaraganba's dream had him running down the

street chasing a van with a foreign language written on it.

Zaraganba fell into a hole, and the van parked right over top of the hole.

To get out, he pushed the van over onto its side.

He thought he was the strongest person alive, so he went around pushing over everything

he could find.

The dream was cool, but when he woke up, he realized he was sleepwalking, pushing over

chairs, dressers, and basically all the furniture in his room.

Number 4 was Submitted by HipsterCicero Tolop Tolop's dream started out with him and his

cousin running towards a pool with inner tubes around their waists.

As they were running, the sky went jet black, and a spotlight turned on from behind them.

They then saw a bunch of foxes running in front of them, and at the end of the line

of foxes was a blue coyote staring at them with cold, black eyes.

Tolop blacked out in his dream, only to wake up lying on a bus seat.

Some kid was eating a burger in front of him, and one of Tolop's feet had gone missing.

When the kid finished his burger, he asked the bus driver for another one.

The bus driver grabbed a huge cleaver from his belt and began to hack away at Tolop's

remaining foot, sending blood all over the place.

When Tolop woke up in the real world, he realized that combining Mountain Dew and Pixie Sticks

before bed probably wasn't the greatest idea.

Number 3 was Submitted by Redpool1120 Andiemations Andiemations had a dream was of her and her

family moving into a house.

But it wasn't any normal house, it was really old and looked like it was going to fall apart

at any moment.

After they had fully moved into the house, Andie started getting ready for bed.

That's when she heard giggling.

She turned to find a small crawlspace with an open door, and she looked in it to find

tons of creepy looking children inside, trying to get out.

Andie freaked out and slammed the door shut, but there was no lock anywhere, so she spent

what seemed like hours holding it shut as the children scratched and clawed at the door.

Soon the children tried to sing Andie to sleep with a creepy lullaby: "Hush little human,

we will not sin.

As long as you always let us in."

And that's when she woke up.

Number 2 was Submitted by -The_Watcher- Nixxiom Once Nixxiom had a dream that his girlfriend

broke up with him.

They were in her car driving somewhere, when she suddenly started going ballistic, accusing

him of cheating and other crazy things he never did.

Before Nixxiom could even say anything, she punched him in the face, and he rolled out

of the car into the highway.

Nixxiom scurried over to the side of the road to get out of traffic, which was all eighteen-wheelers

for some reason.

After Nixxiom got his bearings, he called up his friend to pick him up.

He showed up instantly to give Nixxiom a ride home.

When he got into the car, he immediately noticed a large ox in the back seat.

When Nixxiom asked his friend why there was an ox in the backseat, he responded with:

"That's just the exchange student."

It was a silent ride home until he finally woke up.

Just in case, Nixxiom went out to the store the next day and bought his girlfriend some

chocolate just in case she really was mad

at him.

Number 1 – What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

For more infomation >> OUR WEIRDEST DREAMS | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 7:13.


Spaghetti Sandwich Recipe ~ Spaghetti Sandwich using Leftover Spaghetti - Duration: 3:20.

Sometimes the leftovers are better and in this case just as fun as the main meal.

I'm Tess and today I'm making some spaghetti sandwiches with last night's

leftover spaghetti.

(intro music)

My husband says you can make a sandwich out of anything.

Put anything between two pieces of bread and call it a meal. Well, today I'm putting

that to the test and making a spaghetti sandwich. I'm starting by making a

parmesan crisp and they are really easy to make. I placed a couple tablespoons of

grated Parmesan cheese on my silicone mat and baking at 400 degrees Fahrenheit

for six to eight minutes or until golden brown. Let it cool and harden and you

have a nice cheesy and slightly salty Parmesan crisp that is great in a

sandwich or a side accent. You can use any rolls or buns that you like.

I'm putting on a spoonful of basil pesto. I think this will give the sandwich a pop

and brightness. On goes a nice slice of tomato... and now the star of the show, the spaghetti!

This is spaghetti I made with a meat sauce and it also has some onions

bell peppers and mushrooms. If you would like to see that video recipe I will

leave a link here and in the show more section below. I warm the spaghetti in

the microwave first. Putting on a good healthy serving and do the best you can.

It can be a little messy and it's supposed to be. I have both mozzarella

and provolone cheese so I'm putting a slice of mozzarella on one sandwich and

provolone on the other. Baking at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for six to eight

minutes or just until the cheese is melted.

And this is my spaghetti sandwich. Topping with some fresh basil leaves and

don't forget the Parmesan crisp. This spaghetti sandwich has lots of flavor.

You can really taste the basil pesto, the tomato adds some freshness and texture,

the spaghetti really shines through, the melted cheese holds it all together and

adds some creaminess and the Parmesan crisp gives it some texture and a hint

of saltiness. This spaghetti sandwich really turned out good and I will be

making them again! What odd or unusual leftover sandwich do

you make and enjoy? Leave a comment below or even better take a photo or make a video.

I would love to see them. I hope you try and make your own spaghetti

sandwich, have fun and enjoy.

If you like this recipe please hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button. Remember to

hit the BELL next to the SUBSCRIBE to make sure that you get my future video recipes.

You can also find me on Steemit, Facebook and at my website. Feel free to

SHARE this recipe and my channel with your friends and family.

And until next time, Much Love!

For more infomation >> Spaghetti Sandwich Recipe ~ Spaghetti Sandwich using Leftover Spaghetti - Duration: 3:20.


5 Worst Types of Players in Fortnite: Battle Royale - Duration: 3:45.

5 Worst Types of Players in Fortnite: Battle Royale

For more infomation >> 5 Worst Types of Players in Fortnite: Battle Royale - Duration: 3:45.


Victim of Winchester library stabbing identified - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Victim of Winchester library stabbing identified - Duration: 1:28.


Young Horus - La Indicada (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:11.

🎶 Woo-oo-oo, Woo-oo-oo 🎶

TrvpGvng Beats

🎶 We'd talked for some time, ee-eeh 🎶

🎶 I was texting you, waiting for 🎶

🎶 The opportunity for us to be together to knock 🎶

🎶 And now that the day's right away what I'm wondering is 🎶

🎶 I wonder if you're the right person 🎶

🎶 Or just love for some weeks 🎶

🎶 I want to wake up by your side in the mornings 🎶

🎶 And to spend nights with you 🎶

🎶 I wonder if you're the right person 🎶

🎶 Or just love for some weeks 🎶

🎶 I want to wake up by your side in the mornings 🎶

🎶 And to spend nights with you 🎶

🔎 I try to get inside your mind to read your thoughts 🔎

Not to brake my feelings, you take my breath away ❣️

😻 If what you really feel is what you're telling me 😻

We could be together happily ever after, yeah 👫

🌉 I want to be a priority in your long path 🌉

I want to know if fairy-tale love's true 👰

💘 If I could get inside your heart, baby 💘

👑 I swear you would always be my first lady, yeah 👑

My heart is a mansion with open doors 🏠

🌷 For you to shelter as many days as you want 🌷

From my room we're able to see the stars 💫

While I hug you in cold nights ❄️

My heart is a mansion with open doors 🏠

🌷 For you to shelter as many days as you want 🌷

From my room we're able to see the stars 💫

While I hug you in cold nights ❄️

🎶 I wonder if you're the right person 🎶

🎶 Or just love for some weeks 🎶

🎶 I want to wake up by your side in the mornings 🎶

🎶 And to spend nights with you 🎶

🎶 I wonder if you're the right person 🎶

🎶 Or just love for some weeks 🎶

🎶 I want to wake up by your side in the mornings 🎶

🎶 And to spend nights with you 🎶

Whenever I'm with you, I like to look at you and to touch your hair

Sometimes I imagine passionate nights

While I'm kissing your neck

I want to find out if what you say is true

If everything you say is true

So I can let myself go since you're what I've always looked for

I think you're looking for the same thing, I'm almost sure

I want to be with you in happy moments

And tough ones too

To be the light that illuminates you

In moments where your path goes dark

I'm only giving you true love

The purest love

My heart is a mansion with open doors 🏠

🌷 For you to shelter as many days as you want 🌷

From my room we're able to see the stars 💫

While I hug you in cold nights ❄️

My heart is a mansion with open doors 🏠

🌷 For you to shelter as many days as you want 🌷

From my room we're able to see the stars 💫

While I hug you in cold nights ❄️

🎶 I wonder if you're the right person 🎶

🎶 Or just love for some weeks 🎶

🎶 I want to wake up by your side in the mornings 🎶

🎶 And to spend nights with you 🎶

🎶 I wonder if you're the right person 🎶

🎶 Or just love for some weeks 🎶

🎶 I want to wake up by your side in the mornings 🎶

🎶 And to spend nights with you 🎶

¡Young Horus!

🎶 It's Young Horus 🎶

🎶 Yei-eeh, yei-eeh 🎶

TrvpGvng Beats

Dedicated to you even though our paths separated

For more infomation >> Young Horus - La Indicada (Video Oficial) - Duration: 3:11.


Roma Milan 0 2 Highlights 25 02 2018 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Roma Milan 0 2 Highlights 25 02 2018 - Duration: 2:14.


german tinyhouse timber frame construction -EN subtitle - Duration: 1:57.

jigsaw sawing.

learnt how it works.

great! now we can built a tinyhouse!


There we hav a finished tinyhouse.


and here..

huge thing.

I guess 8m...

What are we doing here?

They built a special trailer.

Timber frame for the base plate,


With the multilayer sheet for reinforcement.

Three pieces.

And then the bas plate is done.

What is happening here? A tinyhouse!

In two days of workshop we have built the base plate on the trailer,

pre-assembled the walls inside and set it up now.

This is how a tinyhouse looks like before the boards are installed.

There will be the roof construction on top and that´s it.

Make the walls thicker and we can insulate it with straw!

For more infomation >> german tinyhouse timber frame construction -EN subtitle - Duration: 1:57.


🔔⚡ Make BFB Bell, Liy & Lightning 🔔⚡ - Duration: 2:26.

Hey Bell!

What's up?

What's your string attached to?

Oh, hehe. I prefer not to tell.

I wanna find out.

It's none of your business!

I'm GONNA find out!

Hup! Ak!

Ding! Ding! Ding! Help alert! I need this eraser off of me.

Whoa belly, what's the ruckus?

Eraser's is climbing my string, and I don't like it!

You have a string? Huh, I never noticed. What's at the top?

Liy, that's not important!

I found my next adventure!

Ding dong! Ding dong! Somebody get these rascals down!

I can certainly punch those weak rascals down for ya!

Gee, thanks, Snowball. I knew I'd find someo-

As long as YOU let me up!


Mmm Donut, where is the rest of your team?

They're all climbing Bell!

Which I frankly find very disrespectful to Bell

Thank you Donut. There ain't a hole in your logic.

Lightning, can you zap me?

Wait, you want to be ZAPPED?

Yeah, cause the shock will travel up my string and zap all those climbers off!

Well, if you say so.

[ Zapping sound ]

That's the biggest zaptation I've ever seen!

Like same yo!

Make BFB Bell

Draw the bell shape on brown paper

Cut out the bell shape

Draw the outline

Colour the yellow shinning part

Colour the brown shade

Attach twist tie

Making of Liy

Draw Liy shape on the light purple paper

Draw the outline

Colour the purple shade

Draw the eyes and mouth

Fold the paper into half

Tape the twist tie inside

Apply glue and stick the paper together

Making of Lightning

Draw lightning shape on a yellow paper

Colour the green shade

Colour the yellow shade

Cut out the shape

Draw the outline

Make a small hole

Put the twist tie thru the hole

Bend the twist tie accordingly

Tape the twist tie

Cut out another shape same as this one

Apply glue

Stick the two paper together

Thanks for watching! Give a thumbs up!

For more infomation >> 🔔⚡ Make BFB Bell, Liy & Lightning 🔔⚡ - Duration: 2:26.


German for beginners | Translation English --- German - Duration: 19:45.

For more infomation >> German for beginners | Translation English --- German - Duration: 19:45.


A Marks Minute | Katherine Choy - Duration: 1:07.

Hi, my name is Lee Taylor Mickelson, and I'm the executive director of Clay Art Center in Port Chester, New York

and this is a #marksminute.

I'm here to talk to you today about a very important person

in Clay Art Center's history.

This is a piece by Katherine Choy, our founder.

Katherine opened up Clay Art Center's doors in 1957

and Clay Art Center has been a beacon for artists

for 60 years because of her.

She was a visionary, not only in her own work,

she was a visionary for the field of ceramics.

Artist like Viola Frey, Michael Frimkiss,

Leslie Ferrin, Judy Schwartz - the list goes on and on -

all of them had their start here at Clay Art Center.

We would not know this was Katherine Choy's work unless she had her mark ...

and that we can tell people when they come visit us here at Clay Art Center

that this is the work of our founder, Katherine Choy.

For more infomation >> A Marks Minute | Katherine Choy - Duration: 1:07.


OP TIWINZA 3 [Part 2] | Airsoft gameplay Peru [SPA/ENG Subs] - Duration: 19:18.

Location: TIWINZA | Role: RIFLEMAN

SITREP: CUEVA DE LOS TAYOS has not been captured yet.

"Want it?"

[Team]: Thanks

"We need a knife to open that shit"

[Team]: You have him there

[Team]: Dead

[Team]: I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead

[Team]: He already moved

[Team]: One left

"Anyone want some water?"

"Thanks, thanks"

"Let's go, we got to recover"

"They're still there"

"How's it going Victor?"

Victor [Team]: Come closer

"Let's take the opportunity that they're distracting them and we move to the right"

Victor [Team]: OK, attack, attack, attack!

[Team]: Attack!

Victor [Team]: Attack! Go! Go! Go! Go!

[Team]: There's one behind here

[Team]: I see one

"OK wait"

Victor [Team]: Rossi, Rossi if you want move to that wall

[Team]: You can advance here

"OK, I'll advance"

[Team]: He's dead! He's dead!


[Team]: Advance

[Team]: Careful

"Someone suppress and I advance"

[Team]: Hey, advance

Ganto [Team]: OK, cover me!

"OK I cover!"

Shonobi [Team]: Giancarlo

Shinobi [Team]: They're shooting from the house's corner


Snihobi [Team]: Careful that they peek from the house's corner


Shinobi [Team]: Giancarlo, hey, careful with the house's corner

"They're here as well"

"Yeah mate. I know where I can cover myself"

"We got friends over there"

"OK, Carlos is up"

"We can climb here"




Shinobi [Team]: Right!


Shinobi [Team]: Climb!

"I'm covering!"

Shinobi [Team]: Who climbs? Climb! Hey, come on!

Shinobi [Team]: Come on! Up!


Shinobi [Team]: Come on!


Shinobi [Team]: OK, come on!

Shinobi [Team]: Come on!

Victor [Team]: Sami, OK

[Team]: Careful

"I don't know, I don't see anything"

"Where's the yellow cone?"

"What do we do mate?"

[Team]: Did he hit you?

Carlos [Team]: He looked at us. He already saw us

[Team]: He's behind

Carlos [Team]: There's one...

"OK Sami, there's one there"

Victor [Team]: There's 2 here mate"

"A grenade over this would be..."

Victor [Team]: Sami, he's gonna hit you

Sami [Team]: I already hit him

"Sami already hit him"


Sami [Team]: There's someone there?

"Yes, there's one in the corner"

[Team]: Sami, can you hit the one over there?

Sami [Team]: There's one talking but I dont have him

"That was a Skull mate"

"He got to reinforce that flank"

"There's one of ours here"

Victor [Team]: Ours?

"Yeah, he was right here, I almost die mate"

[Team]: You have to advance

[Team]: Help Shinobi

[Team]: OK guys

"Sami, check your left corner"

"OK, I'll check the corner, OK?

"OK, the corner is clear"

Shinobi [Team]: Advance!

[Team]: Go up

Shinobi [Team]: There's one behind the tree

[Team]: What tree?

Shinobi [Team]: From the respawn's little house, to the left

Shinobi [Team]: At the height of the blue flag

Shinobi [Team]: You saw him!

"They gotta get out of there. What is he doing standing up, that moron?"

"I don't have a visual. Oh, OK, blue flag, right tree"


"To my right"

Shinobi [Team] Who wants to run right now? Who wants to run?

[Team]: Go with the Chino, go with him!

[Team]: Advance!

Shinobi [Team]: No one advances on the other side

"Who advances other here?"

Shinobi [Team]: Check, Giancarlo

"I advance through here, don't I? Through the left?"

Shinobi [Team]: In angle, cover, check from there, locate him, try to locate him


"He's to the right of the blue flag, behind a tree"


SITREP: CUEVA DE LOS TAYOS has been captured

SITREP: Preparation for the second phase initiates.

"How are we going?"


"Let's go Aguilas"

"Oh I saw them"

[Team]: Where?

"Observation tower to our 1"

"And they're around there"

"Observation tower"

[Team]: You know what happens?

[Team]: If we have to advance up there...

Victor [Team]: What's making the noise?


[Team] The fucked part will be to go down


[Team]: Really. But if we win that, we win everyting

"Of course"

[Team]: Now, let's go knowing we won't shoot. We'll just climb and once up there in position, we take all that

"OK, copy"

[Team]: Let's go

[Team]: Where do we have to go?

[Team]: You see there?

"To the top"

[Team]: OK, to the maximun top

[Team]: We'll go over there. Don't shoot, don't worry on shooting

"He's already hit"

"And near the wall?, to the..."

[Team]: Careful

[Team]: OK, everyone point at him

"I don't think it'll reach"

"Hey, and we advance to the mountain's slope?"

"Like this"

Victor [Team]: Bring a cone!

"We've taking this position, we can bring it... bring it here"

"Bring the orange ones!"

[Team]: Bring the orange one first, it's clear to put it, their shots don't reach us

"Take advantage of the wind to advance"

"Take advantage of the wind"


"There's a lot to the other side. Yes, far away"


For more infomation >> OP TIWINZA 3 [Part 2] | Airsoft gameplay Peru [SPA/ENG Subs] - Duration: 19:18.


Tesla Model S: 100,000km Without Service or Maintenance - Duration: 6:43.

Hello everyone. In this short video we are with one of our TeslaTurk members.

I'm about to present an award to him in just a moment because

he's the second Tesla driver in Turkey to surpass 100,000km.

Even though he's the second to reach 100k, he's the only one to have done it without any service.

In this short video we'll chat with him for a little bit about how he managed to do 100k kms…

without any maintenance fees, what kind of problems he experienced etc.

Because when it comes to EVs everyone have claims like

"Oh it's gonna need a battery change after 100,000kms"

"Are you accounting for its battery renewal cost after warranty?"

"We don't know how much it will have maintenance fees in the long run" etc.

Yet in reality there's nothing to worry about because as you see

We have live evidence right before you here in Turkey.

First of all congratulations. Thank you, thank you very much.

What was 100k kms like in Turkey without service or any help from Tesla?

I started out with a few worries in my mind too like everyone else

However I think it has been 2.5 years, I took delivery in May of 2015

100.000kms in 2,5 years?

So a bit more than 2,5 years almost 3 now.

Based on all of my past experiences with cars I can easily say it has almost been problem free.

Of course we had a few minor issues including the most major one we resolved together

Yeah that was when the car was almost giving every error it had at the same time It was lit up like a Christmas tree with error notifications

Service manager in Graz, or was it Frankfurt?

Yeah Frankfurt's service manager helped us thankfully via FaceTime

He made us remove the trunk basket and had a look.

Turns out the problem was that all the car's 12V system is earthed to the chassis...

and the earthing bolt of all the wires had corroded and cracked.

So we soldered the bolt back on to the chassis and every error was gone.

Was resolved with a simple operation. What else?

There hasn't been any other major issues there is a slight problem with the trunk hatch closing automatically

Yeah the trunk hatch automatically closes whenever you open it.

Yes besides that there were no problems I would call major.

Did your 12V battery change? No my 12V battery never changed.

It never changed because I never left my car with low charge.

My car almost never had 0 km on battery. I think it was only once.

It happened once when I left the car with 50kms at the airport while going abroad

When it was out in the cold for a week it went down to 0 kms when I was back.

It never went that low besides then so the 12V battery was never harmed either.

More interesting than that my battery degradation is almost zero.

Yes that is also very interesting isn't it?

The car is past 100.000kms now and…

What was the range when you first got it vs. now?

On typical range it was 415km on day one. Today still when I charge to 100%

It gets something between 413km and 415km.

Of course on extremely cold days it sometimes gets down to 407km.

But I think it's an extremely good battery performance.

Yes Tesla did their battery studies well didn't they? Yes they did unbelievably well.

Also it is a very accurate battery it shows what it really has.

Some people have questions in their minds because of their experiences with phones

I don't want to name brands

They say when I go outside it dips from 50% to 5% and shuts down. I am left without a battery etc.

This kind of stuff never happen with Tesla.

Phone batteries and EV batteries are quite different.

Yes completely unrelated.

I am extremely happy, still driving my car with the same excitement I had on the first day.

Also I don't think any Tesla driver can get back to driving another regular car. Absolutely not.

Sometimes I have to when I'm travelling and I rent a car but Tesla really is in another league.

It's a really different experience and an excitement. I'd recommend to everyone.

Any other problems until 100,000? If we think a bit more?

With your car I only know of trunk hatch and the earthing of the 12V system. We just replaced the pollen filter.

I was able to use the old one as well cleaning it from time to time but brand new is always better.

I also have a service appointment in Europe for April.

It actually isn't recommended to drive a car until 100,000km without service but it wasn't troublesome either.

For example the coolant liquid had to be changed at 80,000 km but mine I think to my luck was still on good levels.

Oh yes there was the coolant. Have you checked the levels?

Yes recently I had and it was still fine. It didn't decrease.

Even if it had we are able to refill it here with the coolant liquid. It doesn't have to go to Europe for it.

It's a great car I'm very happy.

Did you calculate your savings on 100,000km? Tax, fuel, maintenance?

Yes recently I did, took an average of 0.3₺ for electricity, I spent 7000₺ for fuel in total.

Yeah he was recently saying that his partners bought Audis the same time he was buying his Tesla

Now they're paying thousands of liras to service centres every 5 months or so

Yes exactly, exactly.

Yes service, vehicles taxes and especially fuel savings are extreme.

You don't even notice the electric bill being more expensive in your company's electric bill right?

Not at all. Also with Tesla you're driving a very powerful car in 5 litre engine car category.

If you calculate the fuel a 5 litre engine car needs in 100.000km savings are astronomical.

Yes around 6-7 fold difference.

Also it is a very classy car as well, I have Autopilot this is a 2015 model.

I use it a lot on highways especially, extremely safe.

In short I'm very satisfied. It has been great so far and with Tesla I continue.

This is something we always tell guys but with a live example we wanted to show and tell.

There's nothing to worry, only when Superchargers and service centres come to Turkey it will be better suitable for more people.

Then we will be able to travel further easier.

Thank you for watching. Do you have anything to add?

Well there isn't anything I will add, we continue living the Tesla lifestyle.

It's a different point of look, a different mentality.

We are following the boss' innovations closely, going to space and colonising Mars.

We are here on earth but hopefully we become more efficient.

Have you seen on the paper what Elon Musk's bath attendant during his Turkish bath visit in Ankara said in his interview?

He asked for a free Tesla saying if he can send one to Mars he can send one to me.

Yeah I even proposed that we make the bath attendant our group's honorary president.

Yes the honorary president of our club.

Yes that's it for now. Hopefully see you again on my second 100k km for 200k km video.

Well hopefully you pass the other guy and get to 200,000 first.

Hopefully. Who is the other one by the way?


Yes yes but he had a lot of road trips in Europe.

He also took his car to a service centre, you never did.

Yes hopefully I take it to the service and see your for the second 100k.

Thank you for watching. Please like and subscribe. See you next time.

For more infomation >> Tesla Model S: 100,000km Without Service or Maintenance - Duration: 6:43.


Learn Colors for Kids | Drop Drops | Learning Colors | Farben lernen Videos for Children - Duration: 1:07.









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