Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

Elaborate MEDIA THEATER CNN gun control town hall relied on �scripted questions 100%

staged fake news theatrics

Yesterday, CNN staged a fake, scripted �town hall� on the Florida shooting, and to no

one�s surprise, the entire event was scripted as �elaborate media theater� to push the

Left�s radical gun control agenda.

�Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Colton Haab said he was approached by CNN

to ask a question at Wednesday night�s town hall but decided not to after the network

gave him a �scripted question,� quashing one he wrote himself,� reports Real Clear

Politics. �Haab, a member of the Junior ROTC shielded students while the school was

under attack from the shooter, said he was going to ask about using veterans as armed

security guards.�

�CNN had originally asked me to write a speech and questions � and it ended up being

all scripted,� Haab said to a local reporter. �Though Parkland student Colton Haab is

being recognized nationally as a hero, CNN opted to leave him out of Wednesday�s town-hall

event on Wednesday evening � seemingly because his perspective does not fit the narrative

they have been peddling,� reports The Gateway Pundit.

CNN has a long history of scripted questions, audience plants and fake news

CNN is, of course, the same discredited fake news network that routinely uses �plants�

in the audience and secretly gives debate questions to Democrat candidates in advance

of the debates. CNN has previously been caught staging �focus groups� to make sure participants

are nearly 100% pro-Clinton, and Hillary Clinton � the darling of CNN � has been repeatedly

caught using child actors to plant scripted questions.

�CNN has a long history of allowing political plants to flourish in its public forums,�

warns Michelle Malkin in the New York Post:

At the cable station�s Democratic debate in Las Vegas in 2007, moderator Wolf Blitzer

introduced several citizen questioners as �ordinary people, undecided voters.� But

they later turned out to include a former Arkansas Democratic director of political

affairs, the president of the Islamic Society of Nevada, and a far-left anti-war activist

who�d been quoted in newspapers lambasting Harry Reid for his failure to pull out of


During the push for ObamaCare, Democratic plants spread like kudzu across town hall

propaganda events. At White House �citizen town halls� in 2009, Team Obama hand-picked

not-so-random �random� questioners�

CNN�s fake news is a REAL danger to us all Despite the fact that CNN�s �news� is

100% scripted, staged and fake, it also poses a very real danger to society. Thanks to CNN�s

programming of the gullible masses, left-wing lunatics are being successfully whipped into

a mindless, deranged frenzy of hatred toward responsible, law-abiding gun owners.

CNN�s so-called �town hall� event was nothing but a �bullying show trial,� according

to multiple media sources. �Tapper is being singled out for much of the criticism from

those who say he remained silent as abusive personal attacks were hurled at Sen. Marco

Rubio (R-FL) and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch. Incredibly, Tapper also remained silent as

his audience booed a rape victim,� reports Breitbart News:

At the Wednesday night spectacle, those in favor of protecting our Second Amendment civil

rights were vastly outnumbered by an audience packed with hostile gun-haters and emotional

questioners, including children. According to various reports, the anti-gun participants

were given scripted questions crafted by CNN� Throughout the hour, the audience heckled,

howled, and poured derision on Loesch and Rubio. Other than admonishing his audience

for calling Loesch a �murderer,� Tapper stood by in silent approval as abuse and personal

attacks rained down on his outnumbered guests.

Last night, NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch barely escaped the staged CNN town hall event with

her life. �NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch said Thursday morning at CPAC that she wouldn�t

have been able to exit last night�s town hall on the Parkland, Fla. school shooting

if she didn�t have a security detail,� reports Real Clear Politics:

�I want to make this super obvious point,� Loesch said. �The government has proven

that they cannot keep you safe. And yet, some people want all of us to disarm. You heard

that town hall last night. They cheered the confiscation of firearms. And it was over

5,000 people.�

�I had to have a security detail to get out,� she said of the Sunland, Fla. event.

�I wouldn�t be able to exit that if I didn�t have a private security detail. There

were people rushing the stage and screaming burn her. And I came there to talk solutions

and I still am going to continue that conversation on solutions as the NRA has been doing since

before I was alive.�

Loesch said the people who call Trump a tyrant are the same people who want the president

to confiscate weapons.

�The government can�t keep you safe and some people want us to give up our firearms

and rely solely upon the protection of the same government that�s already failed us

numerous times to keep us safe. And then they also call Trump a tyrant but they say they

want the president to also confiscate our firearms? Try to figure that one out,� Loesch


To repeat, the anti-gun Left has been brainwashed with so much seething anger and rage, that

a deranged liberal mob literally rushed the stage, screaming �BURN HER!�

Here�s a short video of deranged, lunatic leftists storming the stage to try to attack

Dana Loesch:

CNN is not just FAKE news, but staged, theatrical mind control programming of the masses

As you absorb all this, keep in mind how CNN is the same vile, hate-fueled network that

stalks elderly women in their own front yards and publicly accuses them of being Russian

co-conspirators while �doxxing� them to the whole world. CNN is populated by anti-American,

communist-leaning, treasonous journo-terrorists who despise liberty, the Constitution and

the truth.

Make no mistake: CNN�s goal is the complete overthrow of the U.S. Republic, the nullification

of the Bill of Rights and the silencing of all conservative voices. CNN actively seeks

to overthrow the elected President, criminalize all gun owners and demonize Christians, conservatives

and patriots. CNN is so deranged and dangerous that the network would no doubt broadcast

and cheer mass beheadings of gun owners across America by Antifa terrorists.

CNN is the enemy of America. It might as well be called the �Communist News Network�

or worse. What CNN is doing is nothing less than inciting violence against its political

enemies. This is all by design.

There�s no question in my mind that once the coming civil war gets unleashed, CNN news

offices all across the country will be named a priority for pro-America forces to occupy

and control in an effort to halt CNN�s anti-America, violence-inducing propaganda broadcasts that

are ripping this country apart. See the related story, �Milo Yiannopoulos tells Alex Jones:

The unhinged Left has made civil war in America inevitable.�

To confirm: Yes, I am saying that CNN is the enemy of America. If CNN is allowed to continue

broadcasting its malicious fake news, it will destroy this country (which is CNN�s ultimate

goal, of course). Today, I call on President Trump to arrest the journo-terrorists at CNN

and halt their malicious, anti-America lies that are inciting violence and transforming

the Left into a mindless mob of hate-filled lunatics.

For more infomation >> Elaborate MEDIA THEATER CNN gun control town hall relied on "scr - Duration: 8:51.


Trump to California I'll Pull ICE Officers Out if You Keep Harbo - Duration: 3:33.


to California I�ll Pull ICE Officers Out if You Keep Harboring Illegals

President Donald Trump is considering pulling U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents

out of California for protecting illegal immigrants.

�Frankly it�s a disgrace, the sanctuary city situation,� Trump said at a White House

meeting Thursday, according to The Hill.

The president said that California has refused to cooperate with federal law enforcement

since it declared itself a �sanctuary� jurisdiction.

Trump added that if the federal agencies left the state, �you would have a crime mess

like you�ve never seen in California.�

�If we ever pulled our ICE out, if we ever said, �hey, let California alone, let them

figure it out for themselves,� in two months they�d be begging for us to come back, they

would be begging,� Trump said. �And you know what, I�m thinking about doing it.�

In January, acting ICE Director Thomas Homan said that California should �hold on tight�

for more ICE operations. On Wednesday, he had to face accusations that the agency was

using raids as a political tool for the Trump administration.

During an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, Homan said, �We don�t conduct raids. We

conduct targeted enforcement operations.�

�We don�t go into neighborhoods, knock on a bunch of doors looking for people different

than us,� Homan said on Fox News. �Every person we arrest, we know exactly who we�re

going to arrest, we know exactly when we�re going to arrest them.�

He added that ICE is merely enacting laws that they took an oath to enforce, and now

under the current administration, they are allowed to enforce those laws passed by Congress.

Sanctuary cities are not protecting the immigrant community as they claim, according to Homan.

�If I can�t arrest a bad guy in the safety of a county jail, then I have to go to his

home or his place of business, and that�s an officer safety concern. Number two, when

I go to that home I may find others, others that were not on my radar that now I have

to take action against,� he said.

�And thirdly, they�re releasing the criminal aliens back into their communities. The very

communities in which they live are the communities they victimize.�

Homan said that immigrant communities in sanctuary states are at �further risk of criminal

activity,� �greater risk of ICE arrest� and �enticing further illegal entry.�

During his Thursday meeting, Trump complimented Attorney General Jeff Sessions�, who frequently

is criticised by the president for the Russia investigation, handling of gang violence.

You�re doing a great job on the gangs,� he said.

What do you think? Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> Trump to California I'll Pull ICE Officers Out if You Keep Harbo - Duration: 3:33.


Big 72 Ounce Steak Challenge Rematch at the Big Texan *from Man v Food* | Freak Eating - Duration: 12:31.

once again we've come back to the Big Texan in Amarillo Texas where they have

the big famous 72-ounce steak challenge that's a big steak three shrimp a salad

a baked potato and a dinner roll but now they're also adding a picture of tea

sweet sweet tea and I only have 45 minutes instead of the usual hour is

that going to be enough time for me to get it done there's only one way to find

out it's time for a freak eating challenge

what's up everybody and welcome to another episode of freak eating we've

come full circle and we're back at the Big Texan steak house in Amarillo Texas

once again I was taken on the infamously famous 72-ounce steak challenge on the

big stage in the middle of the diner now that's a 72-ounce steak a baked

potato a dinner roll a salad and four fried shrimp in one hour or less if I

could eat it all I'd get my meal for free and score a sweet t-shirt countless

have tried and many have failed but I was trying to improve my record to 2n Oh

all right Jackson let me get your interchange please I'm hanging here

saying he ends up being texas-sized at this time he usually has one hour to do

the jobs folks he says he's only going to need 45

minutes sorry he's got a worn-out brown snake

three fried shrimp parole he's got done 45 minutes ago

we were also filming this for an episode of the great American eat off back in

July of 2017 so if you're wondering why Gayle Casper is right there sitting next

to me on stage that's pretty much the explanation cue the critic who you might

recognize from reckless eating and from his own YouTube channel was a special

guest challenger so that's why he's sharing the stage with us we'd already

filmed the main part of the great American eat off and now it was time for

me to tangle with a humungous steak dinner you can check out this episode of

the great American eat off if you'd like I have it down in the description

section but you have to have Facebook and I also have a link to Q's channel so

you can check out some of his awesome burger reviews Q's big thing is burger

reviews he does a burger crawl but it's also a steak man a meat man so he'd

really enjoyed visiting and dining at the big Texas and just so you know we

actually ate breakfast there together the morning of this challenge

of course I need to take a step back and explain that I wasn't taking the regular

72-ounce steak challenge that's easy mode for the sake of the show and to

make it more of a challenge since it already completed it before we up the

stakes big time instead of a regular big potato

I got a fully loaded baked potato I was also required to drink a half gallon

pitcher of sweet tea and instead of getting a full hour to finish the

challenge I would only have 45 minutes the only way this challenge could have

gotten more difficult is if we added a dessert and for the record the dessert

options of the Big Texan are gigantic big slabs of chocolate cake and

cheesecake lined the dessert case out front

maybe if I go back to take the challenge for a third time I'll talk the manager

into adding in a big piece of dessert but all jokes aside the challenge we

created was definitely steep any time you include a bunch of drink in a

challenge you know it's going to be extremely filling and there's an

increased risk of failure because there is a chance that all that liquid is

gonna cause some stomach disturbances and possibly a reversal of fortune you

know what though I really like how the steakhouse goes all out in the

presentation of this challenge it's arguably one of the most famous food

challenges in the whole world and they work hard to protect that legacy I

remember an episode of The Simpsons and kind of made fun of the Big Texan steak

challenge but when Homer and a giant steak

there's sides all over the restaurant and outside the restaurant advertising

this big challenge they have signs posted all throughout the city of

Amarillo talking about it and there's even a few billboards on the main

highway as you drive into town daring you to take it on the announcer that

calls your name and works the crowd as you start the challenge it's literally

the icing on the cake it will be really cool if more restaurants took their

challenge this seriously or made it as fun to be a part of it they maintain a

giant wall of Fame inside the restaurant celebrating the people who finish the

challenge and there's also a web page that you can see online that maintains a

huge historical list of all the winners I got that link down below too but

here's a fun fact or a sad fact even though I finished a challenge in early

2017 and I have a Champions number you won't find me anywhere on the list I

have no idea why I think it'd give me an extra special motivation to do the

challenge again and to put in a little extra effort the stakes were high with

all the extra stipulations we set and I was determined not to fail

honestly I gotta say the cut of steak was excellent the second time around

I ordered the steak medium-well and it delivered from the first bite to the

last when I had done the challenge the first time I found myself battling a

steak that got more rubbery as I went on not so much this time it was much softer

and it was an overall nice dining experience based on this second steak I

would definitely begin to come back and eat at the Big Texan for a third time

maybe I won't take the challenge maybe I'll just eat something normal besides

were not particularly impressive but they were solid I really like to the

starchiness of the baked potato and the fry batter of the shrimp broke up the

dominance of the beef 72 ounces is a big cut of steak and without question it

makes up the vast bulk of this eating challenge if you don't like steak or

beef you probably won't be getting through this one but adding the sweet

tee' was the x-factor to my mind I knew it would make it a close one but as they

got deeper into the challenge and I realized I'd probably finish all the

food in time I really wondered if I'd be able to drink down all that tea within

45 minutes 1/2 gallon is not an insane amount to drink but on top of a large

meal it can feel ridiculous I'm happy I didn't do anything stupid like order a

full gallon of tea on top of my steak dinner now I think that would have been

impossible man it was always gonna be a close one I think that's what makes a

food challenge video interesting watching someone dominate the food is

fun but after a while I think it gets boring similarly when you always watch

someone lose that isn't fun either you need that edge of drama to create a

reason to watch and to see what happens you don't always want to know the result

when you start the video now that was a mouthful but seriously that's why I

sometimes add crazy or weird stipulations to my challenges to

increase the tension and a difficulty level and to make it uncertain as to

whether you're gonna see any win or lose so would I be able to finish all the

steak and the sides and the sweet tea in 45 minutes

or would my sense of over-the-top ridiculousness get the better of me

there's only one way to find out and if you're bored you can always skip to the

end I'll stop talking now

right here he will be our next champion nice tree whoa

a close victory indeed a very close victory but that made it feel all the

more sweeter perhaps a little too sweet and for the record they still haven't

added my name to the wall of fame I finished it twice what's a guy got to do

in this world anyway if you enjoyed the video be sure to smash that like button

I'll see you all in the next video and until we get again stay in school don't

do drugs and eat like a freak got more coming soon

For more infomation >> Big 72 Ounce Steak Challenge Rematch at the Big Texan *from Man v Food* | Freak Eating - Duration: 12:31.


새로운 WE·GIRLS 기대해주세요!Look Forward to the New WE·GIRLS!::Makestar - Duration: 0:57.

Hello, we're Wegirls Crew!

Thank you for supporting us through Makestar

Thanks to you guys, we reached our funding goal

We're very very happy

Now, us Wegirls will begin our album release and promotion step by step

Vivian, YeHana, Hyeny and HaL will start off the game as the first Wegirls unit

Right now, Jaina and Julie could not be with us because they're in China at the moment

but they will continue to participate in our Wegirls Crew promotion

Continue to support us Wegirls Crew and Wegirls Unit Debut Album promotion!

Thank you :)

Please look forward to our Wegirls Unit Debut Album~ Thanks!

For more infomation >> 새로운 WE·GIRLS 기대해주세요!Look Forward to the New WE·GIRLS!::Makestar - Duration: 0:57.


Contagious Faith | 10 Years - Duration: 1:47.

I remember coming off stage

thinking to myself

wow... this could be something

It was just a group of friends

wanting to have fun

This is the way it all started

This journey changed us

High moments, low moments

People… they've come and gone

Ten years

It's been no less than incredible

But… what now?

Is it time to quit?

Or grow?

Our goals have not died:

to spread faith like wildfire

Boldly sharing the truth with love

That's what Contagious Faith has always stood for

And it's what will guide us


For more infomation >> Contagious Faith | 10 Years - Duration: 1:47.


FREE FIRE GOKIL!!! | #NgeGameDuluuuuu - Duration: 13:49.

For more infomation >> FREE FIRE GOKIL!!! | #NgeGameDuluuuuu - Duration: 13:49.


hypixle games - Duration: 48:12.

For more infomation >> hypixle games - Duration: 48:12.


(Ep-2) Destiny Revellion Amnesia Custom Story - Duration: 1:47:38.

For more infomation >> (Ep-2) Destiny Revellion Amnesia Custom Story - Duration: 1:47:38.


The Words 'I Love You' From the Perspective of a Narcissist - Duration: 3:40.

The Words 'I Love You' From the Perspective of a Narcissist

You may not know that words actually mean different things expressed by different people.

If you hear "I love you" from narcissists, you should note that they actually have special

intention that may blow your mind.

Knowing how they think will help you to first identify whether the person you are dealing

with is narcissists.

Second, it helps you to know the reality before you.

Narcissists always have hidden surprise for people around them.

That includes an attempt to hurt your feeling.

Here is some of them.

#1 - I love the way you work to make me feel like your everything

This is the first real meaning of narcissist.

They actually express love just to make you say the same thing.

Expressing love is always followed by an intention to get answer or responses.

All people actually demand the same thing.

However, for narcissistic people, it actually has another intention to put other people

in their trap.

#2 - I am the focus of your life

Narcissist say "I love you" for convincing that there is a pure love that demands the

same feedback.

Thus, it actually gives a sense that this person wants to be the real partner forever.

Those with desperate intention to get love and affection can fall into this trap easily.

They will idealize the narcissists because they are the savior.

The victims then make the narcissists as the focus on their life, and this is when narcissists

win over you.

#3 - You want me to be happy

After saying I love you which is typically followed by the same expression, there is

an exchanged deal.

That is, a responsibility for you, as the victim, you satisfy their needs.

You need to make the narcissists happy by any means.

This also includes harming yourself to the point that you cannot stand anymore.

#4 - I'll never be expected to do the same

Do you remember that narcissist love to project things?

They basically do not love you.

What they express basically refer to the other person, and that is you.

From the perspective of narcissists, you are the one who express I love you first.

Thus, there is no responsibility from the narcissists to express or reply the same thing.

#5 - I love you as a property of my own

They love you because you can be used as one of their properties.

You are valuable because you provide constant energy supply to the narcissists.

If they don't say they love you, the narcissists will not be able to suck your energy.

#6 - I love you as my punching bag

You are the best property of mine because you will always be there when I'm sad.

Indeed, narcissists only think you as the object of their emotional instability.

They love you just because you can be used when they are hurt.

They will verbally abuse you when they need to release their anger.

We know that narcissists demand perfect condition.

However, it is just impossible, and it makes them disappointed.

This triggers rage that will be transferred to you close to them.

Well, that's the meaning of words 'i love you' from the perspective of a narcissist.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> The Words 'I Love You' From the Perspective of a Narcissist - Duration: 3:40.


Episode 20 - Transgender, Dysphorie und Nicht-Binäre Geschlechter | BrainLog CC - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Episode 20 - Transgender, Dysphorie und Nicht-Binäre Geschlechter | BrainLog CC - Duration: 8:47.


OMB Peezy Type Beat - Timeless (Prod. By StackzIsThePlug) - Duration: 2:54.

Stackz What It Do

For more infomation >> OMB Peezy Type Beat - Timeless (Prod. By StackzIsThePlug) - Duration: 2:54.


Nabi Yang Tidak Diketahui-Iskandar Yang Agung (Alexander The Great): Bahagian 3 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Nabi Yang Tidak Diketahui-Iskandar Yang Agung (Alexander The Great): Bahagian 3 - Duration: 3:10.


Welcome! - Duration: 0:35.

Hello everybody, welcome to my channel!

I am really excited to create fun and entertaining videos for everyone!

There will be...

ROBLOX videos...

Tabletop Simulator videos...

and many more! (Most will be decided by you)

It all happens on each Saturday at 6 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)

It's scheduled so you know when my next videos come out!

And I hope I see you there!


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