Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

This is part 2 in a series of videos about a project I'm working on.

It's a Fluval Evo 13 and a half gallon saltwater tank.

If you missed part 1 where I introduced the project, and talked about the tank and filtration,

I'll link to that down in the video description.

I'll also provide links to all of the products I talk about.

As you can see, the tank is no longer empty.

As is fairly common with these tanks I went with a pretty simple scape.

The sand is from CaribSea which tends to be my go to brand for sand.

It's their Arag-Alive Fiji Pink sand and I used 10 pounds.

They called it 'alive' because it's one of those products that's supposed to jump start

your cycle,

though I never use sand for that because I think it's important to rinse it first.

For the rock I went with some dry live rock from Bulk Reef Supply.

I could have gone with some actual live rock from a lot of different places

and there's nothing wrong with doing that.

But I just wanted to start off clean.

This is 15 pounds of rock which may have been a little too much but I do really like the

look of it.

I have it stacked in the center so that I can easily reach in and clean all four sides.

I put the rock in before the sand for stability which is a mistake I seem to see a lot of

people making.

You really don't want to have your rock on top of sand if you can help it.

To kick start my cycle I just pulled a few pieces of biomedia out of my 220.

It seems to have worked because I had nitrites very quickly.

So for now I can just sit and stare at what has turned out to be a surprisingly clear


The filtration setup I went with seems to be working.

It was cloudy for a day which is about the best you can hope for when you add everything.

The filter floss seems to be doing it's job.

I don't have any chemical media in here for now while it's cycling.

But I do want to talk about one other aspect of this system which is my auto top off.

I'll go into detail next week about how I'm making my RODI and saltwater in the basement,

but up here I decided to go with what I hope will be a really reliable system for auto

top offs.

I went with a Tunze Osmolator, which is known to be one of the best ATOs on the market.

I have it attached to the side of my third compartment with a magnet.

And it has two sensors.

One is an electronic eye that senses the water level.

and the other is a float switch which acts as a backup.

It's a very safe system and the chances of flooding my desk are low.

The return line I just have zip tied to one of the sensor cords for now.

It comes with a clamp to hold it but there wasn't really a way to use that and keep the

tank lid in place.

The controller is pretty straightforward, with lights to indicate the water level and

whether the pump is running.

For my reservoir I went with the Innovative Marine Hydrofill.

It's a 5 gallon glass tank with a couple of cool features.

Part of the back is open which makes it easy to run the cord and water line for the pump.

And the front has a drawer that pulls out so that you can pour your RODI water right


It also has a little red ball that floats to help you see the water level.

I definitely could have used a spare aquarium for this or even a 5 gallon bucket

but this is kind of visible under my desk so I wanted it to look halfway decent.

And having a container built specifically for this purpose is kind of nice.

So for now I just continue to wait for my cycle to complete so that I can add my clean

up crew and fish.

In the next video I'll show my RODI unit and saltwater mixing station that I set up down

in the basement.

So be sure to tune in for that.

Thanks for watching, and have a good one.

For more infomation >> Fluval Evo Project Part 2 - Aquascape and Auto Top Off - Duration: 2:42.


Psychology of Depression - Duration: 7:54.

Depression can often be misunderstood.

That's not surprising considering

how rarely people talk about it.

But...that's ironic because

"depressive disorders", as they're

formally called, are extremely common.

Approximately 1 out of

every 20 people worldwide experiences

some sort of diagnosable depression.

If you don't personally have depression,

you undoubtedly have had contact

with someone who does.

It could be a family member

Or a friend

A coworker

Or your favorite actor?

Everyone experiences

sadness from time to time.

But just because someone is sad,

doesn't mean that they have a disorder.

So when does it tip the scales?

When do we call something

"depression", exactly?

Well, the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual,

which is the tool that

mental health professionals use to diagnose,

defines Major Depressive Disorder as this.

We're usually referring to

Major Depressive Disorder when we

think about depression, but there

are other diagnoses.

In general, they all have features of

sadness and emptiness, as well as

physical and cognitive symptoms

that affect the person's capacity to function

for at least a two week period.

But what causes depression?

Well, Alie talked all about the

genetics of depression and what

depression does to your brain

and I strongly suggest you check out

that video right here.

I'll link to it at the end if you want to check it out.

Psychologists, unlike neuroscientists,

place a lot of focus on cognitive and

social factors that may play a role in depression.

For example, how a person thinks can say a lot.

In particular, there are a couple of

questions that can indicate whether

someone is susceptible to depression.

First, how do they view themselves or others?

And second, do they cope with

problems or avoid them?

Let's say you have negative expectations

about your ability to cope with problems.

Or maybe you think others are

purposefully imposing problems on you.

At any point in your life, if you have

repeated failures trying to solve problem,

you're more likely to feel hopeless,

helpless, or abandon your

usual ways of solving problems.

These factors are all predictive of depression.

Or let's say you run into an issue.

What do you do?

If you're the kind of person who wants to

fix it right away or you use your active

coping skills like reaching out to others

for help or using meditation to

calm down, congratulations!

You are less likely to become depressed

than someone who uses passive

coping skills, such as distraction or avoidance.

Life stressors can also make you

susceptible to depression.

In fact, most people report a

severe life event or difficulty in the 6 months

leading up to the onset of their depression.

Now, not everyone who faces difficult problems

becomes depressed, but prolonged exposure

to stressors can preempt a depressive episode.

This is particularly true for people who

do not have strong social supports like

family, friends, or a community to help them.

If you don't have that external support,

then you only have your internal coping skills to rely on.

Now, if you're feeling depressed just

hearing about all this, don't fret!

There is hope.

Depression can be treated!

Like so many disorders, prevailing research

says that the combination of medication

and therapy is the most effective way

to treat depression.

Different studies have looked at

medication and therapy independently of

each other to see which one works better.

And they found that they're more or less

equally effective at treating symptoms.

Although therapy has longer-lasting effects

after completing treatment

compared to medication.

Alie talked about medication for

depression in the last video and I'm

gonna suggest once again that you go check that out.

Personally, I think that while medication does a

good at treating the symptoms,

therapy can do a good job at addressing

the underlying cause of depression.

What led them to feel that

persistent and ongoing feeling of

sadness and loneliness?

The two most commonly used therapies

for depression are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

and Interpersonal Psychotherapy.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy, or CBT,

takes a two-pronged approach to address

how you think and how you act.

On the cognitive side, it specifically

addresses negativistic thinking.

This is depression's best friend.

It's essentially a takeover of your

thoughts that is overly pessimistic and critical.

A person who engages in negativistic thinking

expects failure and disappointment

at every turn and focuses on past failures

as a way to confirm that belief.

It is so common for these two things

to go together, that a lot of people wonder,

What comes first?

Does depression cause negativistic thinking?

Or does negativistic thinking cause depression?

Well, research indicates that pessimistic thinkers

and optimistic thinkers are both at risk

of depression after exposure to stressful life events,

so it seems like negativistic thinking is probably

the result of depression, not the

other way around.

CBT tries to challenge and modify these thoughts.

And by changing the thoughts,

it relieves the symptoms.

And on the behavioral side, clients are

encouraged to engage in pleasant activities

to treat the numb and anhedonic

symptoms they may feel.

About 1 in 3 people find that CBT alone

helps them with their depression.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy, or IPT,

on the other hand, is a therapy that was

specifically developed for Major Depressive Disorder.

It theorizes that how we interact with others

affects our mood.

As such, by helping a depressed person

improve their relationships and

interactions in social situations,

it relieves the distress they may feel.

Depression can often be sustained

or preempted by interpersonal problems.

For example, social isolation,

unresolved grief or loss, life transitions,

and disputes with family, friends, or coworkers

can all be part of that.

Unlike CBT, IPT does not examine

internal conflicts or personality traits.

And the therapist doesn't even really

address depressive symptoms directly.

Instead, they focuses on

relationship patterns and improving them

to improve the person's overall satisfaction,

incidentally relieving depressive symptoms.

These aren't the only two therapies

that are effective, though they are

currently the two most supported by evidence.

There are other therapies that have shown

some effectiveness in treating

depression symptoms, including

Social Skill Training, Behavioral Activation,

and Psychodynamic Therapy.

I'll talk more about these theories

in future videos.

And finally, because my friend

mentioned it the other day,

there is some preliminary evidence that

controlled sleep deprivation may reduce

depression symptoms.

Though we're not exactly sure why yet.

Thanks Brandon.

None of these may be the right

form of therapy for you.

But there is a wide range of therapies

that can help just about anyone.

If you or someone you care about

is struggling with depression, please don't wait.

And reach out for help and seek treatment.

I've placed resources in the description

below for more information about depression

and finding treatment.

Remember, you are not alone and

things can get better.

Thanks for watching this episode of Micah Psych

on Neuro Transmissions.

If you learned something new about depression,

then hit the thumbs up button.

And subscribe if you want to be the

first to see our new videos as they come out.

If you really want to help us out,

then head on over to Patreon and

throw a few dollars our way.

It really goes a long way and we're

so grateful to all of our Patrons,

particularly Carrie McKenzie, Ryan Shaver,

and Raymond Chin.

You guys rock.

Until next time, I'm Micah.

Think about it.

For more infomation >> Psychology of Depression - Duration: 7:54.


Ice Cream Inspired By Indian Spices & Flavors || Fork Yeah - Duration: 3:47.

- When most people think of Indian food, their mind

goes to things like curries, naan, and chicken tikka,

which we all know really isn't Indian.

But today, we are headed to Malai, a Brooklyn-based

ice cream company that specializes in flavors

inspired by Indian desserts and spices.

Our first stop was to their production facility

to see how they churn out their most popular flavor:

rose with cinnamon roasted almonds.

They start by mixing up their ice cream base,

which unlike a lot of other shops in New York,

doesn't contain any eggs,

the reasoning being that a large portion of the Indian

population is Hindu, and therefore vegetarian.

Also, eggs have a very strong taste, which can often

overpower the subtle flavors that Malai likes

to use in their ice cream.

Once the base has been churned up and has been solidified,

they fold in finely chopped cinnamon roasted almonds,

which gives the ice cream a great contrasting texture.

After, they packaged up the ice cream in pints.

We headed over to their pop-up shop to try it out.

Now this is, without a doubt, the most unique

tasting ice cream that I've ever had.

It has things bounce of sweet floralness from the base

and this delicious spice and great crunch from

the cinnamon roasted almonds.

I also got to try out some of Malai's other popular flavors.

Next up was their golden turmeric, which has this incredible

color that is bright and vibrant, much like its flavor.

Now, turmeric is all the rage right now.

But for those of you who might not have had it,

it's got this pleasant, earthy taste to it.

At Malai, they accent that taste by adding ginger

and a secret blend of spices.

To add to the great spices of the ice cream,

they serve it in a delicious

Chinese five-spice cone, which gives the ice cream

a bit more of a punch.

Last, but not least, I got to try mango sweet cream,

a flavor combination inspired by the classic Indian pudding.

This was hands down the most refreshing ice cream

I got to try all day.

The bits of frozen mango have a great tanginess to them.

A texture that's almost like getting sorbet

and ice cream in one scoop.

While we were there, I got to talk

with owner Pooja Bavishi about what got her

into making ice cream.

- I always hosted Friendsgiving every year,

and I always make the desserts.

I was making these desserts, and I noticed

my ice cream maker and thought that

I should make some ice cream.

Because it was so last minute, I just kind of quickly

putting together the base and looked at my spice cabinet

to see what I could flavor the ice creams with.

My mom stocked my spice cabinet, as moms do.

I just reached for a ginger and a star anise and saffron and

these flavors that were so familiar to me

and so common in my spice cabinet,

and made ice creams out of it.

My friends loved the dessert.

They loved the pie that I made, but they were like,

the ice cream was something that they'd never had before.

So that sort of got me thinking of this concept that I could

incorporate into a dessert business that I've

always dreamed of, of like these spice-infused

ice cream flavors that reflect my childhood and culture.

- I've never experienced ice cream like this before.

Each flavor has this great balance of sweetness, spice,

and floral notes that's really complex but

at the same time so approachable.

If you liked what you saw, please watch another

Thrillist video, and like, comment, and share below.

For more infomation >> Ice Cream Inspired By Indian Spices & Flavors || Fork Yeah - Duration: 3:47.


Eine Bluse aus Viskosestoff nähen - mit Abnähern, Beleg und Rückenschlitz - Duration: 21:38.

For more infomation >> Eine Bluse aus Viskosestoff nähen - mit Abnähern, Beleg und Rückenschlitz - Duration: 21:38.


Goodbye timelapses? - VLOG ● # 3 - Duration: 1:31.

Dear friends,

I'm so sorry if these days I was absent

I was sick and I had few troubles to deal with, especially with my channel.

YouTube send me a notice because, apparently, some songs that I used in my time lapses,

and I took from a program, cannot be used.

I though that the songs that I used could be published but something went wrong.

and now there is the risk that I need to remove my time lapses from "6 Months" to "1 Year & 3 Months".

Actually, I'm searching for a peaceful way to avoid losing all my works.

Now I'm talking to a lawyer to solve that as soon as I can.

Better Call Ghooper

Also, time and space are a problem sometimes because we don't have a proper space.

If it was for me I will make videos every day.

We are attempting to find our personal space to settle down.

We will keep you updated and we start now by telling you that tomorrow a new video will be out

Oh.. Emh.

One little spoiler:

open your closet and get ready to change.

For more infomation >> Goodbye timelapses? - VLOG ● # 3 - Duration: 1:31.


QUANDO UM SONHO SE TORNA REALIDADE Ft. Kuhl Racing 字幕付 ‹ BRclubTV › - Duration: 18:09.

For more infomation >> QUANDO UM SONHO SE TORNA REALIDADE Ft. Kuhl Racing 字幕付 ‹ BRclubTV › - Duration: 18:09.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর ২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Channel 24 Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 12:49.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের বাংলা খবর ২৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ Channel 24 Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 12:49.


Reiki for Empathy - Duration: 11:41.

Hi everyone, this is Lourdes.

The Reiki in this video is to assist you with empathy.

If you are new to Reiki, my videos, or my

channel, please check out my Frequently Asked Questions

playlist. There is a link to it above my head.

If you are interested In Reiki sessions, services, or classes, or readings

please go to my website,

While on my website you wish to check out

or subscribe to my newsletter.

My newsletter has an occasional video,

sometimes an offer for free Reiki,

and at times even contests,

where you can win a free Reiki session from me.

If you are ready, please sit back, relax, and let this Reiki flow to you.

If you are interested in more Reiki videos,

please check out those around me.

Also you may want to check out the Community Tab.

The Community Tab is where

I post Reiki infused photos,

sometimes an occasional poll, even an

exclusive video. It's found on my channel's home page.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Reiki for Empathy - Duration: 11:41.


Galaxy J7 Prime Kutu Açılımı ve Ön İncelemesi - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Galaxy J7 Prime Kutu Açılımı ve Ön İncelemesi - Duration: 1:39.



What is this?

It charges by oxygen

It's a new technology

Lots of jokes later

Hello everybody, it's Damon

And it's Jo

It's Damon and Jo


And Bruna!

Bruna Vieira

I need help

I speak Portuguese, but I'm not as good as you two

Not as good as you

Yeah, I'm not included

I want you to visit Minas Gerais when you go to Brazil

Me too, I never went there

It's my state

We have to practice to go to Minas Gerais

And of course we need help of a brazilian who's from Minas

To teach us some Minas slangs

They're really short slangs, you'll see


I said one already "cê"

Did you get it?

- [Damon ] "Cê", "você" - [Jo] "Cê vai ver"

We cut the "Vo"

Why should I say "Vo" if you can get it just by saying "cê"?

You don't need a "Vo"

"Vo" stays at home.

Let's get it started

In portuguese we have this word

Which you can't translate it

Where we use it in several situations

It's "eita"

You can use "eita" when you're speechless

You see something really wrong going on

But it can also be something really good

There's no way to "Eita"

Like "Eita, I ate a lot"

"I'm serious"

- [Jo] My pants are so tight - [Damon] We were eating just now

We also usually say "Eita mano do céu"

"Mano do céu" What's that?

A "mano" who's in "céu" (sky/heaven)

It comes from "irmão"(brother), right?

Yeah, it comes from "irmão"

"Irmão" to "Mano"

It's like a brother nickname

"Eita" it's not just from Minas

But it's where we use the most

Yeah, my grandmother always use that like

These kind of things

Oh, my grandma

"Eita" it's great

Another expression "Nuu"

What's that?

It's not "naked"

"No boteco" (At the bar)

It's not "naked"

I love it

Because "Nu" also means "naked"


Something really bad happened

But why?

Get this naked person out of your head

No! I wasn't even thinking

It's to express what you're feeling

There's not a specific meaning to that

But it gives intensity to what you're going to say next


She speaks so fast


There's "arreda"

Do you know what it is?

It's like "get out"

It's something we say in Minas Gerais only

Because it's full of farms, country life, crops, cows and cattle breeding

It's like Texas

- [Damon] Like "get out of here" - [Bruna] On the farms they say

"Bezerro"? What's that?

"Bezerro" it's a bull's breeding


I don't know


I'm speaking another language

"Rego" It's like your buttcrack


In Minas we call everything "trem"

For example

Can you hand me this "trem"?

- [Damon] A "thing" - [Jo] This is crazy

I'm confusing you

A "bagulho" it's like "la chose" in french

In english it's "thingymabobber"

Very complicated

The last one "uai"

Why? "porquê"

My grandma says that too

It's not from "why"

You get somewhere and you want people to tell you're from Minas Gerais

You get like

And then people get it

Where are you from? "Uai"


Like when you pause to say something

"Uai, I didn't know that"

It kind of gives you some time to think on what you're going to say

I like it then

Because I need a lot of time

To think on what I'm going to say

Test time

Use at least two words your learned in a sentence


"Eita" I'm speechless

With this "trem" in my head

Can you hand me the "trem"?

You did it

"Arreda" from there, I need to get this "trem"

This is exactly what I said.

I'm sweating a little

See? You know how to use "eita" already!

Thank you

I needed these new slangs

Of the young

We'll wait you in Minas Gerais

Including myself, it's been a long time since I've been there

We also made a video on Bruna's channel

Click on the description box below

"On the description box"

Click on the little box below

Thank you for watching everybody

Is there a Minas's way to say goodbye?


Bye everybody

That was today's video everybody. I hope you enjoyed

I know that there's something about them

We fall in love right after we hit "play"

And they're even nicer in person

That's friendship everybody!

- [Bruna] I think I'll move here, my bags are over there - [Damon] Thank you for the lessons

Today was an important lesson

I really need this

And you need even more

A lot more


Until next time


It's rolling, but wait a second-

Look at her tiny head

Everytime we make a collab video our head looks huge

Our heads

What's going on?

"Boi" is a bull

It's the male of a cow


And "bezerro" it's his child

End of the video

For more infomation >> APRENDENDO GÍRIAS MINEIRAS COM BRUNA VIEIRA - Duration: 5:25.


Digitaler Wandel überfordert Konsumenten | quer vom BR - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Digitaler Wandel überfordert Konsumenten | quer vom BR - Duration: 5:06.


Nähen lernen: Anleitung Rüsche - Stoff kräuseln und annähen - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Nähen lernen: Anleitung Rüsche - Stoff kräuseln und annähen - Duration: 6:05.


Одна Единственная - Красивая и Нежная Песня о Любви | Владимир Гонт - Duration: 3:45.

One Single, Tender Song of Love, Vladimir Gaunt

For more infomation >> Одна Единственная - Красивая и Нежная Песня о Любви | Владимир Гонт - Duration: 3:45.


QUAL É MELHOR? Estudar usando o COMPUTADOR ou PAPEL E CANETA? | Seja Um Estudante Melhor - Duration: 4:54.

For more infomation >> QUAL É MELHOR? Estudar usando o COMPUTADOR ou PAPEL E CANETA? | Seja Um Estudante Melhor - Duration: 4:54.


Saying Goodbye to the Pigs - Part 1 - Duration: 10:42.

Hi I'm Mike, We raise pigs here on the ranch for the sale of pork to our farmers market

customers. Each litter of pigs is filled with excitement and sorrow. When they arrive here

we laugh, we play with them and they are a lot of fun. But along with that comes to sorrow

of having see them go. Today we say goodbye to this years pigs, on our Wyoming life.

Welcome to our Wyoming life. If you haven't yet, please subscribed and join us and explore

the ranch life and escape the ordinary. Neither Erin or I were raised on a ranch,

and as many ranchers will tell you, you shouldn't get too attached to your animals. Don't

name them, don't get to know them, look at them as a crop and when its time for them

to go, its that much easier. I guess because we weren't raised here and we only came

to the family ranch a few years ago, we have never been able to follow those rules. So

when its time to say goodbye its sometimes its hard, whether its calves, pigs, chickens,

it doesn't matter. As farmers and ranchers, we look at ourselves

as stewards of the land and the animals that live here, we make sure they have the best

life they can while they are here but in the end they all serve a purpose.

By us raising pork and beef we are supplying hundreds of families with the food they need

and want. We make sure that our animals are taken care of in the best way possible, and

we don't use any hormones or antibiotics, we pride ourselves in that.

Now its time for us to take the pigs away, they will be loaded onto a trailer and driven

to Sturgis SD to a USDA inspected meat packaging facility. We were actually scheduled to take

them in a couple of weeks but we got the call this morning that they can take them sooner,

on Monday actually. That news kicks us into a little higher gear,

ya see, we still don't have a way to load the pigs into a trailer. My plan was over

the next week to build a load out ramp for them, that has now been put as the top priority

around here and that's were we are going to start today.

This is the shed where the pigs live, they have lived here most of their lives, we got

them from a pig breeder back in July of last year, if you remember, Mitch and I carried

them out of a dog carrier and into their new home. They have had two stalls in this shed

to live in and we have shuffled them from side to side, when we needed to clean one

side they would go stay in the other for awhile. When they first came here they only ate a

few pounds of food per day, now they eat between 6-8 pounds of food per day each, around 50

pounds per day with all 7 of them chowing down and over their entire time here on the

ranch each pig will eat about 800 lbs of pig food.

They also get scraps from the garden, the kids this summer loved to feed them and the

pigs never did mind a little treat. With the time for them to go rapidly approaching,

we need a way to get them on a trailer, in the past we have set up panels but this year

with them in the shed we have a new opportunity to load them out and hopefully it will be

a little easier. This end of their shed is easily accessed by a trailer, our plan is

to build a ramp for them, a loading chute and then cut a hole in their shed where the

chute will sit. On the other end of that chute will be the trailer and we can load them directly

from their stall. Its easier said than done.

Before we can even get a trailer backed up to where we need it, we are going to have

to move some more snow. Moving snow has become by daily activity here lately and I still

have the box blade on the tractor. Using the box blade we can get right up close to the

shed, and pull the snow out of the way, taking it down and piling it up with some other snow

that we have been clearing out already. Now we can go and grab the trailer. First

though I am going to fill the pickup with fuel, mostly because getting back to our fuel

tanks in the winter with a trailer is a bit of pain and we don't want to have to fill

up before we take off for Sturgis on Monday. We always keep gasoline and diesel on hand

on the ranch and 500 gallon tanks pump out just like they do at the gas station. Once

we are full, we can go and get the trailer. When hauling the pigs we will take our 16

foot steel trailer, we have a few trailer to choose from but in all honesty this is

the only one that the light work on right now. Our 20 foot aluminum trailer needs a

new wiring harness, which I haven't gotten to yet.

Once we've got it all hooked up, and the safety chains attached, then its off, but

not to the pig shed yet. First we head to the shop, where we are going build our new

loading chute. These trailers have two different ways of

loading animals into them. They feature a sliding door for backing up to chutes and

a larger swing door that is handy for unloading or loading from a larger gate or corrals.

Our new loading chute will use the sliding gate to load the pigs so first we measure

it for width. With all the outside prep work done for now,

we can now head into the shop, where I already have my materials for this project laid out.

A few 4x8 sheets of particle board and some 2x4s.

We start with the base of the ramp, cutting a ¾ inch piece of particle board down to

30 inches, the width of our chute. We get it up off the ground using some 2x4s and cut

it with a circular saw. Space is a little tight in the shop this time of year, so getting

this cut down will make us some more room as well.

On the trailer itself there is a lip which is part of the sliding door, we are going

to make our ramp so it slips over that lip, cutting our 2x4s that are going to support

the bottom of the ramp and leaving a small gap in the rail to slip over the lip of the

trailer gate. After screwing our rails in place we can drag it outside and test fit

it on the trailer before adding our upright portions of the chute.

These supports will hold up the side walls of the chute and are probably the most important

part of the entire assembly. These pigs weight around 250lbs apiece and will be placing plenty

of strain on the structure of the supports and sidewalls. Making sure they are solid

is very important, unless we want to be chasing pigs around. Each upright is put in place,

then a solid top rail is put in place before adding top cross pieces to hold the side walls

together. In all reality, like many things around here,

I have never done this before. The plan is kind of a work in progress, but do far it

seem to be pretty strong and with the addition of some ½ particle board for the sides its

holding together pretty well. One thing I didn't anticipate is how heavy

the darn thing would be, so in order to lighten it a bit we are going to cut off any material

we don't need. Shaving the side walls down to size and lightening it just a bit. We are

also going to screw on some more supports to the side wall uprights on the bottom of

the chute, to hopefully keep the pigs from spreading the entire thing out as they move

up it. And I think that's it, Its not the prettiest

thing in the world but I think it will work. Lets load it up into the trailer for the short

trip over to the pig shed. Finally, back outside and with the pigs. First

we need to cost them up in the other stall. As you can see they have chewed on the gate

we built earlier in the year. So using a piece of plywood over the hole we can close them

in and take a look at what we have to work with inside the shed. This shed is old, I

have no idea how old but we do have to worry about the structural integrity somewhat. We

know we need a hole that is 33 inches wide and about 40 inches tall to fit our chute

into. Using a reciprocating saw we can cut out the hole pretty quickly, clean it up a

bit and get ready to bring in the chute, which we need to make just a little bit bigger to

get it to fit. Soon after getting it in place, the pigs let

themselves in to check it out as we make some final adjustment. Moving the chute to a place

where the pigs will be able to get up to it and its not too steep for them to get up.

With the sun setting, I'm going to call it good here for the day. The shop is a mess

but we have our new chute in place. Its now Saturday night, I'm going to get this video

edited and up for you. As you are watching on Sunday, we will be out adding some runners

to the chute floor so the pigs have some traction as they go up, we are going to weigh a couple

of pigs before we go and of course we need to get them on the trailer. I'm sure it

will be entertaining, and you can catch it all on Tuesday as we will be filming the whole

process of getting these guys to Sturgis this year.

The pig ramp and chute were actually going to be Tuesdays project list video so we just

got bumped up by a couple of days, I hope you come back on Tuesday and check out the

rest of this story as we say goodbye to this year's pigs.

Make sure you subscribe and click the little bell so you get a notification when we put

out a new video, this week we also invite you to join us for our livestream on Thursday

night at 7pm mountain time and we hope to see you there. Take a minute as well and like

us on Facebook and Instagram for content you can't find anywhere else.

Until next time, have a great week and thanks for joining us in our Wyoming life.

For more infomation >> Saying Goodbye to the Pigs - Part 1 - Duration: 10:42.


Sridevi Hugs Boney Kapoor For The Last Time - Heart Touching Video - Duration: 2:38.

Sridevi Hugs Boney Kapoor For the Last Time - Heart Touching Video

For more infomation >> Sridevi Hugs Boney Kapoor For The Last Time - Heart Touching Video - Duration: 2:38.


গুনাহ মাপের ৪টি উপায়। Islamic Ischool Presents (2018) - Duration: 10:02.

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