Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

Tony Robbins in Khmer

What's you don't know about Tonny Robbins in Khmer

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins - What's you don't know about him in Khmer #SuccessReveal - Duration: 15:11.


How to Hack into Intimidating Veggies | Food Network - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> How to Hack into Intimidating Veggies | Food Network - Duration: 3:02.


MSD putting flood gates up throughout the city - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> MSD putting flood gates up throughout the city - Duration: 2:53.


Martin Luther, Rebel Monk | NYT Op-Docs - Duration: 3:32.

Once upon a time, the devil laughed with fiendish glee,

the gates of hell stood wide open

and damnation lay in wait for everyone.

But this story isn't about the devil.

It's about God — and Martin Luther.

Like most Catholics 500 years ago, Luther feared God.

He prayed and prayed, but his fear persisted.

Luther wondered why.

He brooded long and hard upon the matter while walking,

at church, even on the latrine.

Until it hit him —

"I found it!

God does not hate us, He loves us," he rejoiced.

"We don't need to be afraid.

The Church exploits our fear to enrich itself,"

was his provocative idea.

Out of this idea grew many others,

and Luther trumpeted them far and wide.

"Such impudence!" fumed the pope,

when he got wind of Luther's views.

His anger was unsurprising. After all,

the Church had amassed a fortune selling indulgences.

"What a lousy, no-good monk!" he cried.

"Only the pope possesses the key to grace."

Luther protested,

"Only God can bestow grace, and the pope is a mere man."


I order you to obey," the pope seethed.

"Christians are free and subservient to no one,"

Luther insisted.

But this went too far for the pontiff,

who now threatened Luther.

"You will be excommunicated!

Your writings will burn."

"Big deal," scoffed Luther, as he heaped ridicule on the pope.

"That's it," the pope raged.

"This Luther, he must go," he cried.

And expelled him from the church.

The emperor too took Luther to task for his beliefs.

"Take it all back," he demanded.

"Especially that nonsense about freedom."

"That I cannot do," Luther replied.

"I must follow my conscience," he said in defiance.

"How dare you," the emperor exclaimed,

and declared Luther an outlaw.

"Wait a minute," the nobility thought.

"Conscience and freedom aren't such bad ideas."

City and municipal officials also got to thinking.

"If what Luther says is true,

then the church doesn't deserve another penny.

We alone should determine where our money goes."

But some Germans took this concept too far.

When a merchant confronted a noble man for taking his horses

and wanted to burn down his house,

using Luther's idea of freedom as justification,

Luther set the record straight.

"I never spoke of political freedom," he said.

"You are free in your thoughts, yet subjects

you remain, nonetheless."

But it was too late.

People had already embraced Luther and his ideas

of freedom and conscience.

Even now we honor him with books,

quotes, praises, exhibitions on his legacy.

The cultural and intellectual transformation he triggered

remains with us around the world to this day.

For more infomation >> Martin Luther, Rebel Monk | NYT Op-Docs - Duration: 3:32.


Sight Fishing - The Key To Success | Bass Fishing - Duration: 3:19.

Glenn: Hey, folks.

Glenn May here with

Sitting here in Hank Parker's boat answering your questions every week.

And this is another here for you Hank.

This week's question, it comes from Janet from Kitchener, Ontario.

And she wants to know, she says I would ask, "What does Hank think is the key to sight


Hank: Key to site fishing, good sunglasses.

Number one key to sight fishing are good sunglasses.

I wear these Solar Bat glasses that fit tight around my eyes.

You know, you look out of a window at night and there's light in the room, you can't see

very good.

But if you'll cup your hands around your eyes to seal off any light that's protruding from

the side you're able to see.

So, wear a hat pulled down, good Solar Bat or polarized sunglasses.

And always put the sun to your angle, to your advantage.

Have it behind you where you can see down in the water.

It's very, very difficult to see down in the water when the sun's shining in your face.

So, I always like to put the sun to my back, pull those glasses down and get a pace that

I'm comfortable with where I can see.

I don't wanna go too fast.

And I wanna cover some water so I wanna go as fast as I can go without going too fast.

So, you get you a little rhythm going.

But get those good glasses.

Get that hat, pull it down.

And just cover that water looking.

And I'm telling you site fishing is as much fun...

I love to hunt.

So, I spend a lot of time hunting.

And site fishing to me is a lot like hunting and fishing combined because you're hunting,

you're watching that fish react to a bait in a bed.

And to me, it's my favorite way to fish.

I love sight fishing.

And Guido Hibdon, Shaw Grigsby, all those guys that were so great at it, it's amazing.

And I wanna plug, while I just said that, Guido Hibdon is a world champion.

He's the only father-son world champion that there is, he and Dion.

Guido is in poor health.

Guido needs our help.

We have got a channel they call Go Fund Me for Guido Hibdon.

He's fighting cancer.

It's been a long battle.

And he needs our financial support.

So, go to that Go Fund Me channel and give a buck or two and help Guido out because we're

really, really wanting to do that for him.

The fishing family want to prove that we are truly a caring family and we need to help

our brother.

So, Guido needs our help.

Go check that out.

It's called Go Fund Me, Guido Hibdon.

Glenn: Absolutely.


Thanks so much Hank.

I do appreciate that.

And Janet, thanks again for the question.

For more tips and tricks like that go to and check out all the articles and the videos

that you have there.

Definitely go to that Go Fund Me channel and help out Guido.

He's a long time champion that all us fishermen need to get behind him and support him.

For more tips and tricks check out our YouTube channel, subscribe to it.

And have a great day.

For more infomation >> Sight Fishing - The Key To Success | Bass Fishing - Duration: 3:19.


Being Genuine in Business and Competing With Reece Irrigation and Total Eden - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Being Genuine in Business and Competing With Reece Irrigation and Total Eden - Duration: 1:22.


Engg ki Aam Jindgi Vs Men Toss Jindgi!!! - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Engg ki Aam Jindgi Vs Men Toss Jindgi!!! - Duration: 1:17.


BREAKING! Backstabbing Sheriff Colluded With Obama… Force-Fed Americans BIGGEST SCAM! - Duration: 8:12.


Backstabbing Sheriff Colluded With Obama…

Force-Fed Americans BIGGEST SCAM!

Looks like we have one more entity to blame in the Parkland Florida High School Valentine's

Day shooting which left 17 people dead.

It seems Broward County schools intentionally created a few policies from 2010 through 2016

which could have led to the 2018 mass school shooting in Parkland.

And who instituted these policies?

You guessed it, school board members which tend to be far left hacks who protect the

communist teachers as they indoctrinate our children with leftist ideology.

The Miami-Dade and Broward County school districts enacted a few policies which beg us to ask

the question if they did indeed lead up to this Valentine's Day Massacre.

The policies were called "diversionary programs" and were put in place in order to stop high

school students from being arrested.

Law enforcement was instructed to avoid arrests and defer criminal conduct to school administrators


You have got to be kidding!

Bombshell claims alleging collusion between Broward County law enforcement and the Broward

school district to protect criminal students from arrests and disciplinary action have

been leveled by a journalist familiar with the protocols in practice.

According to information currently available, Parkland mass shooter Nikolas Cruz was visited

by local law enforcement 39 times over the course of seven years and was also reported

to the FBI at least twice, leaving many to wonder how he slipped through the cracks,

evaded arrest, continued attending school, and legally purchased firearms that he would

later use to kill 17 of his former classmates and teachers.

Some clues may have emerged from a report chronicled by the editors of the Conservative

Treehouse (CTH), an independent blog, who have provided corroborating documentation

that paint a very convincing picture for the circumstances that may have enabled Cruz to

slip through the cracks.

Bombshell claims alleging collusion between Broward County law enforcement and the Broward

school district to protect criminal students from arrests and disciplinary action have

been leveled by a journalist familiar with the protocols in practice.

According to information currently available, Parkland mass shooter Nikolas Cruz was visited

by local law enforcement 39 times over the course of seven years and was also reported

to the FBI at least twice, leaving many to wonder how he slipped through the cracks,

evaded arrest, continued attending school, and legally purchased firearms that he would

later use to kill 17 of his former classmates and teachers.

Some clues may have emerged from a report chronicled by the editors of the Conservative

Treehouse (CTH), an independent blog, who have provided corroborating documentation

that paint a very convincing picture for the circumstances that may have enabled Cruz to

slip through the cracks.

I spent about 18 months in 2012, 2013 and 2014 investigating Broward and Miami-Dade

school policies and how those policies transfer to law enforcement practices," CTH explains.

"What I stumbled upon was a Broward County law enforcement system in a state of conflict.

The Broward County School Board and District Superintendent, entered into a political agreement

with Broward County Law enforcement officials to stop arresting students for crimes."

"The motive was simple.

The school system administrators wanted to 'improve their statistics' and gain state

and federal grant money for improvements therein."

The 2013 "Collaborative Agreement On School Discipline" between the School Board of

Broward County and the Sheriff of Broward Country, as well as the Fort Lauderdale Branch

of the NAACP and a variety of other state and local legal bodies, can be found HERE.

In short, the agreement established new standards and practices by which law enforcement would

seek alternatives to arresting students who had committed crimes or "minor disturbances,"

with a specific focus on "students of color, students with disabilities and LGBTQ students,"

who were "disproportionately impacted by school-based arrests for the same behavior

as their peers."

CTH asserts that the types of lawbreaking being swept under the rug quickly escalated

from minor offenses to serious felonies.

"The need to continue lowering the arrests year-over-year meant that increasingly more

severe unlawful behavior had to be ignored.

Over time even the most severe of unlawful conduct was being filtered by responding police,"

CTH writes.

"We found out about it, when six cops blew the whistle on severe criminal conduct they

were being instructed to hide."

Media reports corroborate the external results of the new policies implemented in Broward,

and school district superintendent Robert Runcie, who had been brought in from the Chicago

public school system to mitigate the massive issues in Broward, was hailed as a hero as

suspensions magically dropped by 40% percent and arrests by 66% in just two years.

The American Prospect reported at the time –

"Broward announced broad changes designed to mitigate the use of harsh punishments for

minor misbehavior at the beginning of this school year.

While other districts have amended their discipline codes, prohibited arrests in some circumstances,

and developed alternatives to suspension, Broward was able to do all these things at

once with the cooperation of a group that included a member of the local NAACP, a school

board member, a public defender, a local sheriff, a state prosecutor, and several others."

In 2015, Runcie was invited to join an Obama White House school discipline summit to share

his 'secrets to success' in lowering student arrests and suspensions.

In 2016, Runcie was awarded 'Florida Superintendent of the Year.'

The Miami Herald alluded to the types of oversights and 'missed' signs that enabled Nikolas

Cruz to glide through the system in a report on Wednesday.

"And long before Cruz embarked on the worst school shooting in Florida history, Broward

Sheriff's Office deputies had multiple warnings that the 19-year-old was a violent threat

and a potential school shooter, according to records released Thursday."

"In November, a tipster called BSO to say Cruz 'could be a school shooter in the making,'

but deputies did not write up a report on that warning.

It came just weeks after a relative called urging BSO to seize his weapons.

Two years ago, according to a newly released timeline of interactions with Cruz's family,

a deputy investigated a report that Cruz 'planned to shoot up the school' — intelligence

that was forwarded to the school's resource officer, with no apparent result."

On Wednesday, Broward Sheriff Scott Israel revealed that an armed Parkland school officer,

Scot Peterson, arrived on the scene at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School as Cruz was in

the process of killing 17 innocent victims, but never went inside the building to render


The problem of the conflicted policy -vs- legality policy is that like everything from

the liberal spectrum, it worsened over time as the police excused much more than misdemeanor


Over time, this led to police officers falsifying documents in order to abide by the strict

school regulation.

Which led to the hiding of criminal activity, lying on official police reports, and even

hiding stolen merchandise police retrieved from high school students.

Looking back we can see the whole Trayvon Martin killing could have actually been avoided

if maybe the correct departments could have stopped his delinquent behavior.

This School Shooting is what happens when a school board along with local and national

politicians weaponize kids in order to push their own failed ideology.

This was all brought to us by the Barack Hussein Obama administration who made it OK to treat

students with white gloves which in turn gave us a generation of snowflakes.

These policies might very well be the reason why although the police were called to Cruz'

residence 39 times in 7 years, they never did anything.

Was it because they didn't want to do anything?

Or that they couldn't?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today

For more infomation >> BREAKING! Backstabbing Sheriff Colluded With Obama… Force-Fed Americans BIGGEST SCAM! - Duration: 8:12.


MIRACLE Weight Loss Capsules at Home || Natural Remedy to weight lose By Rani G in Urdu / Hindi - Duration: 7:20.

Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips

For more infomation >> MIRACLE Weight Loss Capsules at Home || Natural Remedy to weight lose By Rani G in Urdu / Hindi - Duration: 7:20.



hi friends welcome to my channel kitchen to kitchen today I'm going to

share with you a very healthy chicken soup recipe that will be loved by

everyone in the house especially kids and the oldies during cold weather this

is a very good recipe to beat that hope you like it let's look at the


I have taken here about four to five medium sized pieces of chicken and I'm

using the pieces you know that are not necessarily too good to eat in any curry

so more with the bones two cloves of garlic a small piece of ginger some salt

to taste 1 TSP of turmeric powder about half a teaspoon of black pepper powder

and two and a half cups of water

Here I am taking a pressure cooker and we are gonna cook the meat in a pressure

cooker so add all the chicken pieces to the cooker add the piece of ginger

add the garlic pieces turmeric powder


and two cups of water

now give this a good stir like that and we are gonna cover and cook this for

about three to four whistles on a medium high flame

now the cooker has cooled down and I have opened it let's give it a stir and

make sure the chicken is nicely cooked we have not used a single drop of oil

all the oil that you see is from the chicken so give it a mix and we are

gonna grind it in the grinder so add all the chicken pieces first to the grinder

so now the chicken pieces are well grinded we'll add some chicken broth

from the cooker so add about cup of chicken broth and again grind it to a

fine liquid like this even though the liquid looks nice and fine there are

gonna be small pieces of bones in there so I'm gonna take this mixture and

strain it so add all the broth as well and the chicken mixture and strain it

not necessarily you know straining it really hard do it very gently we don't

want any bones in the soup continue straining it till you kind of get that

leftovers and have this fine liquid ready now we are going to give it a

quick mix just like that notice the consistency of the chicken soup is nice

and thick

now we are going to put the flame to medium high and we are gonna put this

strain mixture on the gas

if you feel the consistency is too thick add some water so I have added about

half a cup of water now add the pepper powder

give it a good mix

we are going to boil the chicken soup for about five to seven minutes so start

noticing the bubbles forming up after seven minutes switch off the flame and

garnish it with some coriander leaves the chicken soup is ready

chicken soup is always served hot so take a bowl and serve it as mentioned

earlier this is a no oil chicken soup recipe that will be loved by kids and

oldies and especially to be that cold weather hope you liked today's recipe

please don't forget to Like subscribe and comment thank you



Petal Palette Thank You Notecard - Duration: 3:40.

hi thanks for joining me this is angie at chic n scratch this is the project

we're making today it's a super simple thank you note card and speaking of the

note cards they're in our annual catalog you get twenty two a pack you do get the

note cards and the envelopes so head over to my website leave a comment on

this project and i'm going to draw one winner for this okay so as for the note

cards the front of them measure five by three and a half if you don't want to

buy the package twins you can just cut it to measure seven and then scored at

three and a half okay you can make your envelopes with the

envelope punch board then the designer series paper you get six of these at a

one-sheet so they measure four and three quarters by three and a quarter what

you'll do is you'll take your twelve by twelve sheet cut it at four and three

quarters and four and three quarters and then cut them to measure three and a

quarter and you get six so that's why I have six cards over here I need to make

six actually I need to make more and then the little white piece right here

that measures two and a half by two so we'll start with that

the stamp set that we're using love it love it has lots of choices for

greetings okay we're using memento ink and I'm gonna start with the thank you

at the bottom oops I almost put that on my desk okay

right down here it's easier to stamp the thank-you first then that way you know

exactly where to place the bird see so it's right above in the center right

above the K now we'll give that a minute to dry we'll go ahead and attach our

designer series paper to the front of our note card I'm looking for my

adhesive and cannot find it so I'm just gonna use my liquid glue which this

stuff works great if I'm not out there we go

I made a bunch of these note cards in January I think I may have actually used

liquid glue at that time and that's upside down there are several patterns

in this pack of designer series paper so you can make a lot out of that whole

entire pack now we're gonna take the soft sky ink pad with a little sponge

dauber and we're just gonna just dub on some soft sky ink okay so that's done

and then we're going to take the basic black shimmer ribbon and what we want to

do is fold it just like that and then take the scissors cut them i've got ink

on my finger so i'm trying to not get it on my project now this is the retired

stapler you can use any stapler you have and you can see the ribbons a little

long so we can trim it and then place dimensionals on the back it's gonna go

just like that I gave this one a little bit more color and then as soon as we

attach this then we'll just take the wink of Stella and add a little bit of

glitter so there's that and just brush this on I hope you guys can see it it's

really pretty okay don't forget to head over to my website to leave a comment to

enter to win the note cards there they both are have a great day thanks a lot


For more infomation >> Petal Palette Thank You Notecard - Duration: 3:40.


Winter Olympics Games 2018 - It's Dexter The Dog - Duration: 1:52.

Winter Olympics games 2018

It's Dexter The Dog

Getting excited for the Olympics games

Olympics game gloves and t -shirt

It's Dexter The Dog ready for the olympics games

bring on the winter 2018 olympics games

faceing down other olympics teams. go canada go

team canada

I am Canadian flag

Snacks for watching the olympics games

It's Dexter The dog watching the Olympics games.

Sharky is with It's Dexter The Dog watch the Winter Olympics games together.

Canada wins

Go Canada Go

For more infomation >> Winter Olympics Games 2018 - It's Dexter The Dog - Duration: 1:52.


Video: Sunshine for most of the week - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Video: Sunshine for most of the week - Duration: 2:19.


Southwest Jefferson County flooded - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Southwest Jefferson County flooded - Duration: 2:06.



For more infomation >> SIT-DOWN TOGETHER WITH COFFEE AND WIFE - Duration: 1:43.


Samsung Electronics unveils Galaxy S9 at Mobile World Congress - Duration: 1:01.

Samsung Electronics has given the world its first glimpse of the company's latest smartphone

-- the Galaxy S9.

Unveiling the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Sunday,...

the Korean tech giant says the device will bring users optimized experiences, allowing

them to share messages and emotions visually.

Samsung says the camera is its best yet,... with a new feature that takes clear pictures

even in very low light.

Another feature is the phone's super slow motion video.

Samsung also launched a new feature called AR Emoji, which allows users to take a selfie

and turn it into a custom emoji.

The phone will be released in black, gray, blue and purple.

The S9 will hit shelves around the world starting March 16th, with Korea accepting pre-orders

from February 28th and pre-orders set to be released on March 9th.

For more infomation >> Samsung Electronics unveils Galaxy S9 at Mobile World Congress - Duration: 1:01.


Roads in Southern Indiana remain flooded - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Roads in Southern Indiana remain flooded - Duration: 1:14.


Little Glee Monster - 好きだ Indonesian Version 【Suki da! Acoustic Cover by Monochrome】 - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Little Glee Monster - 好きだ Indonesian Version 【Suki da! Acoustic Cover by Monochrome】 - Duration: 2:05.


SOFT CRUNCHY ICE EATING - Satisfying Ice Eating and Drinking ASMR Compilation #5 | OSVchannel - Duration: 4:50.

SOFT CRUNCHY ICE EATING - Satisfying Ice Eating and Drinking ASMR Compilation by OSVchannel

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