Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

hi friends welcome to my channel kitchen to kitchen today I'm going to

share with you a very healthy chicken soup recipe that will be loved by

everyone in the house especially kids and the oldies during cold weather this

is a very good recipe to beat that hope you like it let's look at the


I have taken here about four to five medium sized pieces of chicken and I'm

using the pieces you know that are not necessarily too good to eat in any curry

so more with the bones two cloves of garlic a small piece of ginger some salt

to taste 1 TSP of turmeric powder about half a teaspoon of black pepper powder

and two and a half cups of water

Here I am taking a pressure cooker and we are gonna cook the meat in a pressure

cooker so add all the chicken pieces to the cooker add the piece of ginger

add the garlic pieces turmeric powder


and two cups of water

now give this a good stir like that and we are gonna cover and cook this for

about three to four whistles on a medium high flame

now the cooker has cooled down and I have opened it let's give it a stir and

make sure the chicken is nicely cooked we have not used a single drop of oil

all the oil that you see is from the chicken so give it a mix and we are

gonna grind it in the grinder so add all the chicken pieces first to the grinder

so now the chicken pieces are well grinded we'll add some chicken broth

from the cooker so add about cup of chicken broth and again grind it to a

fine liquid like this even though the liquid looks nice and fine there are

gonna be small pieces of bones in there so I'm gonna take this mixture and

strain it so add all the broth as well and the chicken mixture and strain it

not necessarily you know straining it really hard do it very gently we don't

want any bones in the soup continue straining it till you kind of get that

leftovers and have this fine liquid ready now we are going to give it a

quick mix just like that notice the consistency of the chicken soup is nice

and thick

now we are going to put the flame to medium high and we are gonna put this

strain mixture on the gas

if you feel the consistency is too thick add some water so I have added about

half a cup of water now add the pepper powder

give it a good mix

we are going to boil the chicken soup for about five to seven minutes so start

noticing the bubbles forming up after seven minutes switch off the flame and

garnish it with some coriander leaves the chicken soup is ready

chicken soup is always served hot so take a bowl and serve it as mentioned

earlier this is a no oil chicken soup recipe that will be loved by kids and

oldies and especially to be that cold weather hope you liked today's recipe

please don't forget to Like subscribe and comment thank you



The 15 Years Of Filmmaking That Led Tosca Musk To Passionflix - Duration: 7:29.

Film Courage: So I know you've produced numerous movies, you've worked for other

people but you've wanted to direct for a very long time and I was wondering what that

journey was like?

And now to finally be able to direct three movies (and more are on the horizon it sounds

like), as well?

Passionflix, Co-Founder Tosca Musk: Well, I did two movies prior to Passionflix.

I directed two movies prior to Passionflix, three movies actually.

I started out as an actor and then went into directing and then after directing my first

feature I realized it's like really, really hard to actually get it out and do things

and then I went into producing and I produced for the next 10 years.

It was after I had my kids that I realized I wanted to do something that's more creatively

fulfilling for me.

And I went and met with an executive producer who I produced a couple of movies for before

and she is an awesome woman.

She works at Lifetime now (her name is Sharon Bodis).

And she said "What do you want to do?"

And I said "I want to direct."

And she goes "Hmmm…I'll let you direct.

I have a movie now.

Do you want to direct it?"

And I went "Yeah, sure!"

And she said "Okay."

And within a month I was on prep with that movie and directing.

It was called YOU CAST A SPELL ON ME and that's the one the Joany saw.

So having that lunch with her basically changed my life and brought us to Passionflix because

she said I could direct that movie, Joany saw it, she loved it, Joany contacted me and

now we have Passionflix.

That's basically it.

That's the short story.

I got to make two movies for Sharon.

I made that one and then the following year they hired me to make a CINDERELLA CHRISTMAS,

which was a Christmas story and also a love story for ION as well.

Great experience, that's where I met Emma Rigby and as soon as we made Passionflix,

I asked Emma Rigby to be my first female lead of Passionflix for HOLLYWOOD DIRT.

So it all just sort of worked together.

I was very fortunate.

Of course it was 15 years of slogging to get to that point.

But I was very fortunate to be given that opportunity by a great supporter of women.

Film Courage: So to know that someone believed in you that quickly, where you were probably

just coming down the line and [possibly] this was something (probably you weren't expecting

it so fast), what was that first day on set like?




Tosca Musk: It was exciting, actually.

I definitely felt that I was in my own and that I owned it for sure.

It was a very positive experience.

That entire movie was wonderful.

Again the two lead actors that I worked with (Ryan McPartlin and Nikki Deloach) had great


We had great chemistry together.

And so we still are in contact and we still want to make another movie another.

And so it was a really positive experience.

I knew exactly what I wanted as a filmmaker.

I had a great DP with me and he was very knowledgeable (a lot of experience).


Actually on that one I didn't [have him] but I had a great DP.

She was new to the field in that particular one but she was so supportive.

So I had the DP that I had a lot of experience on my next movie CINDERELLA CHRISTMAS.

So it was a positive experience, it was just fun.

And I think once you're doing something that you are passionate about and that you

really, truly believe you should be doing, you do a great job, you excel in that.

And that's why to me it's not considered work, it's considered play.

So I can do it forever, which is great, I have a great time.

Film Courage: So going back to that first experience [as a director], it was also the

chemistry and the environment.

It all seemed to kind of work?

Tosca Musk: Yeah, the chemistry and the environment, I mean I think at the end of the day (and

I've been fortunate to have been told this by a lot of my crew members) is that the environment

is created by the director.

So the director, the mood on set is going to be based on how the director is feeling

that day.

And if I was throwing tantrums and yelling at everybody, probably it wouldn't have

been a great set to work on.

But I arrived and we were laughing and joking and having a fun time from the second we started

and so everybody was laughing and joking and having a great time and that really helped.

My producer Jina (who is the producer on all the movies, as well) she and I have a No A**hole

Policy on the set.

We actually give people a warning so when we hire them we say "Hi, listen the only

drama that happens on set is going to be on screen.

So if you're going to be dramatic in anyway and cause problems, you are welcome to leave.

You don't have to stay.

Nobody is making you work here.

If you don't like it, you are absolutely welcome to leave.

But if you do like it, we'd love for you to stay and let's have a great time.

We are going to make a movie and it's not rocket science, it's not brain surgery and

people's lives are not on the line here.

So let's just have fun creating something."

And so that goes over really well with a lot of crew members.

And there have been a few times that we've had crew members that have been…(and actors)

people who have not been nice.

And so we kindly invite them to leave…rarely.

Film Courage: So having that sense of humor…yeah…I would hope so…it happens…it definitely


Sometimes people clash, whatever.

I think also having a sense of humor [helps].

Sometimes I don't always see that in people and even if it's just going to the grocery

story and it's rare…maybe it's just because Los Angeles is so crowded and everybody

is thinking of being somewhere else, doing something else.

But maybe having that sense of humor and people think "Okay, I can relax a little bit."

Tosca Musk: Yeah, I've very funny on set apparently!

I love laughter.

Romantic comedies are my strength so that is what I love to make the most.

HOLLYWOOD DIRT was definitely a great one for me, it's an empowering woman but it's

a comedy and it's a romance.

And then MATCHMAKERS PLAYBOOK, it's a romance and a comedy.

What was actually hard for me was AFTERBURN/AFTERSHOCK because it's a drama.

So I had to try and figure out how to make a drama and still keep it light and funny

on set because there are so many dramatic scenes in that movie.

But if you see the behind-the-scenes, as soon as I call cut everyone is laughing and having

a great time.

I whistle a lot so people…I whistle and I sing on set, a lot!

Which is somewhat embarrassing because I don't realize that I'm doing it until the boom

operator or the sound mixer will come up and just start recording it and then they'll

play it back and I'll be like "Oh…wow!

Yes that's me whistling on set."

But it keeps it…there's a levity then to set, it just keeps everything light and

fun and I think that's important.

But romantic comedy is definitely my strength, I say.

Although I did like making AFTERBURN/AFTERSHOCK.

For more infomation >> The 15 Years Of Filmmaking That Led Tosca Musk To Passionflix - Duration: 7:29.


self toe suck and sole lick feet sexy girl ­ - Duration: 6:12.

self toe suck and sole lick feet sexy girl

For more infomation >> self toe suck and sole lick feet sexy girl ­ - Duration: 6:12.


3D Printed Star Trek Combadge & painting tips - Duration: 2:41.

hey welcome back to diode press I'm Graham today's video was just a fun

little 3d printing project starting with a quick sketch and then jumping into

fusion 360 to start modeling it all up this project was to create some props

for a Star Trek murder mystery game I was hosting for some friends but I

thought it'd be a fun video to share about finishing 3d prints I printed them

off in matter hackers Pro PLA plastic as well as a few in proto pasta glitter

flake on the lulzbot mini printer after printing out the combadges I send them

down a bit to smooth out the tops and the mountains of the Montes sticks with

a dab of hot glue so I can start painting I laid down a few coats of

primer which helps delune some of the layer lines pretty nicely now the trick

to spray paint the two different colors without having to fuss with masking tape

is to 3d print a spray guard since I have the exact geometry is easy enough

to design a little cap that'll protect the top from paint and give a nice clean

edge on the glitter flake prints I can clip the little cap on the badge and

then spray them with the gold paint with really no regard for overspray or taping

it up

then when you remove the cap you have almost a perfect edge for the gray

badges I've painted them all first with metallic chrome paint then once that was

dry I put on the paint shield and then sprayed the gold layer pop it off and

you have a finished paint job the last step was to add a way to wear the badges

I used a pin back magnet and hot glued it into the cavity on the back and then

after the party I gave up magnets to replace the pins so people could use

them as fridge magnets as souvenirs so that wraps up this project hopefully you

picked up something that might help in your own projects let me know what you

think down in the comments and I'll be back soon with a new video thanks for

watching to keep up with the videos when they're posted make sure to subscribe to

the channel and if you want to help support this channel you can check out

the diet press patreon page where I post behind the scenes photos as well as

other patron rewards thanks

For more infomation >> 3D Printed Star Trek Combadge & painting tips - Duration: 2:41.


NEW WORLD RECORD SOLO KILL WIN in Rules of Survival! - Duration: 10:24.


Ladies and gentlemen we are back with some more rules of survival

I posted this a few days ago, and it did pretty well, so I figured you know what let's give it another shot

I really enjoy these battle royale games as of lately I've been playing a lot of fortnight on my second channel and a lot when

I'm not like making videos so being able to have a mobile battle royale is definitely awesome

starting in five

seconds so while we're loading onto the airplane if you guys can please leave a like on this video and

Subscribe if you're new I would greatly

Appreciate it

also since

I'm still pretty new to this game if you guys can leave a

Comment letting me know like which places. I should check out because I'm still getting the hang of this game

I still have to explore the map basically

I'm still like a very big noob so if you guys have any tips for me. Please let me know down below

Where do we want to go so in my last video we went to thermal power that was pretty interesting?

But my friend said bitter Lake was good. I believe so let's put a waypoint for right there on that house

I don't know. This is gonna be good

I don't know if it's gonna be bad who knows I'm probably landing in the wrong part of bitter Lake

But we're gonna go check out wherever that Waypoint is. Hopefully I land near people

I don't want to sound too cocky, but I feel like I can write some kids. We are parachuting on down right now

Where exactly do we want to go? Let's just go right to this house? I see a car outside. Oh my god

There's like a whole town. Everything's loading in so is anyone near us um. Let's do a little loop around

Don't really see anyone. Okay, so I think we're off to a good start

Let's come to this building actually this looks a little bit better

And I am gonna turn my volume up a little bit someone is on this building, so looks like we have some action

I'm gonna run in here and see if we can just outplay this guy come on a loot loot loot um okay

I'll take that we have a shotgun and we're in a very close range building so whenever I find this guy he is gonna go

Down now one thing which you guys let me know in my last video is that there's actually?

Footsteps on like my map whenever someone is near me so that is definitely gonna

Help me out a lot because there's so many times where I hear people, but I just don't know where anyone's like

I don't know it that person was doing he's actually getting shot at from somewhere though. Who is shooting at this kid

Thank you for your loot come again does this guy not have any ammo. Oh my god, okay?

Let's just continue looting this place right here

There's footsteps in front of me someone just walked in right now

So let's go worry about this guy and try to kill him to the best of our ability

I think you might have just went outside actually where did he go is he trying to follow me now, okay?

Let's turn around. I guess maybe he's crouching or something dude. I totally hear someone. He's right here

I have the shotgun though, so I'm really not too concerned honestly

There's two people now, but it's coming this one right here is anyone in here, bro

Oh, I see him this guy's about to get smacked right outside. Where did he go? Where are you?

I just saw you dude. Oh, my god. This is like

Ring-around-the-rosy because there's so many people, but we're just all running around each other. Okay. They have to be in this one

I'm calling it. Oh boom. Oh, we missed the shot we got four shots to go. Oh my god. He is weak

Let's reload up real quickly this dude still doesn't know where he's getting shot from oh

Oh, oh get out of here, dude wow he could have totally just got me

So let's take his body armor does he have anything decent

Excellent we are very close in the zone, so I cleared out all these people I have a whopping two kills

Did I just close that door okay?

I wasn't sure there was somebody else here, but he must have ran away or maybe somebody killed him

I'm not really too sure, but we're pretty much in the safe zone right now

So I'm just gonna kind of head up this way

I want to try to get into as much action as possible because I don't want this to be a

Super slow video all boys we got some company we got oh my god. He's in the house with me right now

What are you doing? Man? You just you walked in here. I was I was chilling right there brother. You know

I probably should have looked for a car before I decided to run across the map on foot so we started

Somewhere over here, and now we're all the way over here trying to go to the training base. Oh

We see someone we see someone and boom boom boom

Where did he go am I even why did I kill him already? Oh wait over there?

Got him - that guy dead yet, then oh he's dead

There's another one over here now what the heck is this where's everyone coming from right now. Oh my god

There's another one let's kill. That kid

He's not dead yet. Now. We gotta get this kid boom boom boom. Holy crap. Oh, there's more

I really is there more of them. Are they all done. Holy crap dude

I was just lighting these kids up so I think I had two kills before all this now. We're at six kills

There's 51 people AB that was decent on our end

Please have gas if this car doesn't have gas that is gonna be a rip. Oh my god

We got like a full tank in this thing

So let's put auto drive on all the nitrous you gotta love the nitrous on this thing. There's a Jeep right there

I'm just gonna continue on driving. Let's head up to the observatory. Holy crap someone's actually here who is outside my house

Trying to go kill some people so whoever was shooting if you can just return back to me. That would be appreciated

I'm trying to get some kills wherever you want come right back to the blue house. I'm gonna shoot a little warning shot

Just come to me and we'll be good

Yo, I totally hear someone driving right out this way, and there's also that big tire on my map

So let's go try to find out wherever this guy is gonna get that sniper rifle out. I still hear him

It sounds like he's down this mountain a bit. Oh wow it looks pretty beautiful out there. Oh my god

Are you kidding me look at this dude?

Get out of here brother. I told you I heard someone

I don't know where this guy even came up from though kind of looks like he came out of nowhere

Where the shots coming from where are the shots coming from we got the sniper out right now?

I'm thinking about driving my doctor go crazy, man

I don't know if you hear my dogs, but oh wow they're just there yapping up a storm

We gotta go get some kills though. Where are you at brother brother?

Where are you? Yo someone is totally like shooting at me, but I do not see them, so we're gonna get out right here

No idea where this person's at where did they go they were there were totally just people like right here a second ago

Oh, I see him. I see em right there. This dude is about to get dusted

He's inside the window right upstairs um. He just kind of ran by he's gonna be this way probably soon

Oh got him once got oh, I don't got too many shots. Oh, I got one shot at one shot laughs

Let's pop boom right there switch the weapons boom boom boom. Oh god. Okay. We're just gonna go challenge him

No clue where he's at Oh

What do I gotta reload gonna reload? Oh god get him? Oh, holy crap my heart's racing a bit. I just OH

You know someone's coming up on me guys so we are gonna get him here always said oh my god again

I'm getting into getting in holy crap and now there's someone outside as well, so let's go get this guy so right now

We have 9 kills and there are seven other people that I'm just gonna keep around this house and just keep running circles

Someone's actually coming up on me right now, so let's get down try to play a little bit sneaky. Oh my god

Let's get him right here

Oh, you are done sir 10 kills that dude was just shown in the driver's seat did it really work out, too

Well for him, let's just go see what he has oh my god

And would you look at that the safe zone is still right on us in this tiny little space so?

Six people remaining we still have ten kills. I'm just gonna keep on showing all your people this way

Oh check this out guys boom boom can this not shoot that far. Did I kill him what just happened there?

Hello, dude

I just I see his bike now did he die oh?

I'm getting shot getting shot getting shot getting shot boom boom boom boom boom boom get outta here

Bro that poor person just got turned on so badly. Okay. We are all good five people after we have 11 kills

We're doing pretty decent right now considering. I still haven't played this game too much, so let's just look around anything for me here

I really don't feel like I need much. Maybe I'll take another medkit, but besides that oh god bullets bullets bullets

Where is he? He is gone boom boom boom boom? Oh I missed I missing get him Oh

Pop pop pop pop he's popping me. We ultimately though got him so that was good. Let's heal up again

I have three more med kits. There are four people left in total. They're all just starting to come to me now

Okay guys

I may be a little bit quiet from here on out just because I'm really trying to listen and I don't want to lose like

There are three other people that besides me, maybe even soon after I kill this guy oh

There we go took us long enough, but there are two other people alive right now

I am just so spooked out right now. My heart is racing out of my chest

I have no idea where these other two people are remaining so my strategy

Here is to try and stay on the mountain for as long as possible

Because if I have higher ground it's gonna be a lot easier for me to take care of these people so I'm just showing up

Here wherever these other two guys are I'm just going to try to keep my distance stay up high, and I'm pretty confident

I'll be good. Where are these other two people at I'm not sure if they're hiding maybe they're looking for me

This is just a big mess right now. This circle is so tiny right now. I'm just trying to stare at my map

Oh, I see one person right there that dude is Dawg

Someone's actually shooting at me though, so that is not good either or at least I think they are

Where is the person over here at all boys? They are right there, so let's get that person out of the way

Oh that person is dead and the final person is behind that rock right there

Please don't die is to be a very unfortunate time to die we got this I'm challenging you

Where are you? You can't hide forever person this person is right behind the rock heart is racing right now

They just like disappeared on me

Get up Popo 15 kills there

We go first win heart is racing 15 kills zero downs that is awesome, so let's hit next and return from home

We are officially bronze one not sure if that's good probably not that's probably you really trash

But I think we're gonna be ending today's video here

Remember if you want more rules of survival just show some love leave a like and be sure to subscribe if you're new but guys

This has been eclipse. Hopefully you enjoyed today's video and peace out

For more infomation >> NEW WORLD RECORD SOLO KILL WIN in Rules of Survival! - Duration: 10:24.


I'm Putting on an Amazing Live Stream Concert! - Duration: 4:01.

Hi, I'm Eli, and Welcome

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! Jewish Music Toronto.

I started JMT back at the end of 2014, to share lessons and sing-alongs about Jewish music,

and slowly create kind of a database where anybody can learn about Jewish songs, how to sing them,

and, since there are loads of different melodies to the same songs, who composed their tunes...

When I can find them... Sometimes... that's really tough.

I also started making mini-documentaries about Judaism, Jewish life in Toronto,

and I even got into vlogging, sharing the daily adventures during a trip to Israel!

(Flashback clip) Everywhere you look, it's kosher candy!

(Flashback clip) Everybody except Leah... Leah's standing up straight!

(Flashback clip) We're in the Knesset at lunchtime, and listen to this place!

Now, after nearly a quarter of a million views, and over 5,000 hours of my videos being watched,

I'm nearing 1,000 YouTube subscribers, and I want to do something to celebrate that milestone!

I know. In YouTube terms, those are "just-starting-out" numbers, and that's the point!

I'm looking to grow the channel, with bigger and better lessons and sing-alongs, and MORE of them!

So here's what I'm planning!

I want to put on a YouTube Live Stream concert for you... my subscribers... anybody who wants to watch!

I don't just want it to be some simple cell phone video with me singing and talking all by myself.

I want to shoot it on a good camera, with good mics...

And I want to recap favourite songs from JMT's past

and maybe even do a couple of songs you've never heard before...

With guests! In fact, my buddy David,

who joined me for some of my very first videos,

is already on board to be the featured guest for the whole concert!

Putting this kind of thing together isn't easy though, and that's where Kickstarter comes in.

I'm looking for your support to help make this live stream as awesome as it can be.

To do that, I'm going to need a few things because, contrary to what we all might think,

doing a live stream with more than just your phone or webcam is SUPER complicated!

There's the camera, the mics, the mixer and, then, after you've got all that,

whatever device you're using to connect it all to either your computer or phone,

and keeping it all in sync!

Thankfully, I do already have the computer and my regular mic, but they won't do the job on their own,

...not for a live-streamed concert anyway.

By backing this Kickstarter, you'll directly help me bring together all of the necessary equipment

for David and I to put on an awesome show!

Better yet, I'll be able to use that equipment for my future lessons and sing-alongs!

And it wouldn't be Kickstarter without some great backer rewards!

Since the live stream will be free for anyone to watch, I've put together some rewards that either

give your interests priority during the stream, or get you something physical, or both!

Take a look in the rewards section to find something that suits you.

Or, if you just want to show your support without a reward, that is immensely appreciated.

I'm already making videos that people around the world are enjoying.

Your support will help make them even better!

Before I ask you to click that big green "Back This Project" button,

I want to share one more big plan with you!

While I couldn't include it as part of the regular fundraising goal for this project,

I've already planned my very first stretch goal,

which, I guarantee, would make this live show EVEN better!

I've spoken to my friends at the outstanding vocal group Countermeasure,

and if we reach that stretch goal, they're going to join the live stream as special guests,

performing one of their amazing original songs!

Where will things go after that first stretch goal is hit?

I've got some ideas...

So click that "Back this Project" button and help me put on an amazing live concert!

And remember, if you want to help even more, click the subscribe link in the description,

and share this project and my channel with your family... friends... everyone!

Thanks for your support!

Click that button!

♪ Music Fading Out ♪

For more infomation >> I'm Putting on an Amazing Live Stream Concert! - Duration: 4:01.


Aphmau Funko Pop with Celestia the Dog - Duration: 6:10.

hi everybody I'm Paula and I am going to do Aphmau as a Funko pop and also her

dog Celestia I thought that would be cool you know the dog that she found if

you don't know f mal I know most of you do she does do gameplays and also she

does roleplay stories so yeah she is she is definitely pretty cool but let's see

what we can come up with it Funko okay I'm going to start there and let's go to

the face and I have to put the blush on I just have to okay so let's get that

and she needs some eyebrows and her hair is black so yeah I'm going from the

minecraft skin obviously so you know we'll do the best that we can to come up

with something to look like her okay her hair now this is gonna be hard because

as you could see for remind crafts skin I don't see hair that matches exactly

okay and I know she doesn't have pigtails or does she

I don't think she does I see things hanging down front but I don't think

they're pigtails okay this this will not be perfect but we're gonna do as good as

we can because it has to look like ass now it just has to oh that's pretty good

I like that one okay I like that and that's a little that's probably a little

too curly and I just clicked off that that one looks good looks it's not real

long but I think it looks good okay I'm going to go with that one and let's look

and see what we can do about her outfit well she has it looks like black shorts

and I do have black shorts so I'm gonna click on those because I know I don't

have a lot to choose from in shorts and we just have to go with whatever shoes

they give us because we don't get to pick those okay now the problem is going

to be a purple shirt and I know I don't have anything with open shoulders like

that but let's see what we have here oh that's blue not purple well there's

pink now that is purple but that doesn't exactly go that doesn't look right to me

oh we're really limited on the purple side definitely definitely limited now

they do have this over here that has purple in it but that's not the same we

need something that is solid purple okay what about this wait let's check these

first no oh my gosh no purple they have blue they love blue seriously

okay that is purple all right well I'm gonna have to pick that I wish it had

open shoulders that would be cool wouldn't it that would be so cool I

would love that but it doesn't so let's go on to

accessory and we are going to add Celestia so let's see wait I'm pretty

sure there's something no okay that's a cat oh no there okay that's cute it's

not exactly perfect but I think it looks good seriously okay

well I don't know if I need anything else like a necklace or anything to you

know tie this in and make it look a little better like we don't need that no

that's not really doing much I don't know that's kind of cool although she

doesn't have a tail yeah she needs that definitely ankud ears because that would

really help okay so there you are there is a smell and Celestia and let's go see

what kind of background we can do because I want to make her look really

pretty with the background let's see where do you think they would be oh

that's cute

that went this one right here is just a little too wild I think maybe we should

just do a Funko pop background and that way you know that looks pretty cool to

me well that looks good the blue is really nice so let me click on that for

right now that looks really nice I don't want to get anything really really wild

that's that's bright but it does look nice

seriously that looks kind of nice and I love these up here I think these are

nice that looks good I like that that really stands out and

actually there's so many that look good like that looks good yeah that could be

good anything could be good but I'm gonna

leave it a little plain so that it doesn't like totally clash or something

but I think that looks really good now let me just double check with this blue

that looks good too I don't know I really love that color though I think

that is just awesome but anyway guys that is f now and Celestia seriously and

if you can think of any other youtubers or anybody you'd like to see me do as

the pops as Funko pops let me know and I'll see if I can do those I was

thinking about also doing errands what do you think of that that that would be

kind of cool wouldn't it I mean F Mao and Aaron and yeah I probably should

have done them both in this but I will do maybe some of the other characters in

another video and I'll talk to you guys later bye

For more infomation >> Aphmau Funko Pop with Celestia the Dog - Duration: 6:10.


【視聴者参加型】【MHW】最高のふーど装備を求めて狩りへ ふーどの人のゲリラ放送(ふーどの部屋)#13 - Duration: 1:36:33.

For more infomation >> 【視聴者参加型】【MHW】最高のふーど装備を求めて狩りへ ふーどの人のゲリラ放送(ふーどの部屋)#13 - Duration: 1:36:33.


Bye, Multipla... bye, my friend! - Duration: 1:06.

Today is a sad day…

We have to change our car and say "bye" to the one we loved for so many years.

Our Multipla!

With four wheels.

One stirring wheel, and even…


I know, it's amazing.

I will miss it!

So many good memories on* those SIX SEATS!

What will I do now?

I know!

I know what I must do!

If I can't have it… then no one will!

You moron!

For more infomation >> Bye, Multipla... bye, my friend! - Duration: 1:06.



Hi friends

In today's session we'll learn a short division technique

that's faster and easier than the long division technique

that kids learn in school.

We'll focus on single digit numbers this time.

Let's take number 496 and divide it with 3.

So we need to make lines like this for our process.

Then we'll take first number here 4 and see how many times 3 goes into it.

3 goes into 4 one time

so we write 1 on the top and the remainder 1 in the bottom

as 4-3 is 1.

Then we'll take 19 from here and see how many times 3 goes in 19.

3 goes 6 times in 13 and the remainder is 1

So 6 goes up and 1 in bottom.

Then we'll consider 16.

3 goes 5 times in 16 and the remainder is 1.

So, 5 goes up and our final remainder is 1.

Our answer is 165 with a remainder of 1.

Our second example, 3462 divided by 7.

First we'll consider 34.

7 goes 4 times in 34 with a remainder of 6.

So 4 goes up and 6 at the bottom.

We get 66.

Now 7 goes 9 times into 66 with a remainder of 3.

9 goes up and 3 at bottom.

We get 33.

Next 7 goes 4 times in 32 with a remainder of 4.

Our answer 494 with final remainder 4.

Final example, 59328 divided by 9.

Here 9 goes 6 times into 59 with a remainder of 5.

So, 6 goes up and 5 goes at the bottom.

Then we'll consider 53.

9 goes 5 times in 53 with 8 remainder.

5 goes up and 8 comes down.

Then we get 82.

9 goes 9 times in 82 with 1 remainder.

9 goes up and 1 comes down.

We get 18.

9 goes 2 times in 18 without any remainder.

Our final answer 6592.

Hope you find this one helpful.

Please subscribe to my channel if you like this trick and want to see more every week.

Thanks for watching,keep on counting.

For more infomation >> HOW TO DIVIDE FAST MENTALLY / MENTAL DIVISION STRATEGY for 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade/ SHORT DIVISION - Duration: 3:16.


Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 26 февраля 2018 года от Наталии Рунной #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 26 февраля 2018 года от Наталии Рунной #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:34.


Why Adding New Words to the Dictionary Isn't Scary - Duration: 7:15.

So, I honestly don't know how long it's been since I filmed a video, but we're here now,

so we're just gonna let it happen.

Anyone watching who is a friend with me in real life will know that my side passion is


So, you know, I just study the structure of languages for fun because I'm a super nerd.

But, um, I say this to say: there are two types of linguistic study.

The first kind is prescriptive linguistics, and the second kind is descriptive linguistics.

And they're basically two schools of thought when it comes to linguistics.

Prescriptive basically is linguists telling the people who use the language being discussed

how they should speak the language, and how the language should be used.

Descriptive linguistics just describes how the language is being used.

Now, there is no right or wrong when it comes to the two schools of thought.

My own personal opinion is that I prefer descriptive linguistics because languages are living things.

I mean, not all of them, obviously, some of them are dead.

But the ones that are living are constantly evolving and changing and moving, and all

we should be doing is just describing what's happening and how the language is being used.

Obviously I differ slightly when it comes to English because I'm also a grammar-nazi

and I need to stop.

[laughs] Um, I, I am a bit of a- an English purist at heart, but in general I try to prefer

descriptive linguistics over prescriptive linguistics.

And because of this, I've no- I've been thinking about the outrage people feel when new words

are added to the dictionary that they don't necessarily like, because it gives those words

weight, or "real-ness," or some sort of stamp of approval just because it's been put in

a dictionary.

There's always some sort of pushback when dictionaries add words like mansplaining,

manspreading, stuff of that ilk.

You know what I'm talking about.

Now those people could be described as prescriptive linguists.

They want people to use the language how they think the language should be used, or how

it has been used in the past.

They don't think these words are "real words."

They don't think these words should be given validity by being put in the dictionary.

But all the people writing the dictionary are doing, and updating the dictionary are

doing, is being descriptive linguists.

They're just describing words that have entered the lexicon.

People use those words.

A word - and now, again, this is getting into opinion territory.

But, if someone presents you with a series of sounds and you understand what those sounds

mean, then it is a common, shared thing, and it is a word.

If I tell you what mansplaining is, if I use mansplaining in a sentence, it's not a "real

word," it's been created, but it is a real word because people use it and people know

what it means.

It's a portmanteau.

It's fine.

We know what it means.

You may not like it, you may not like that it's come about and is in the lexicon now,

but all the people writing the dictionary are doing is just describing the growth of

the lexicon.

And so, yes, a few years ago, I definitely was one of those people that was like, "Ugh!

They've put 'selfie' in the dictionary.

How could they do that?"

But selfie is a word!

People use it!

And all the dictionaries are doing is describing how we use the language now, and how the language

has evolved.

That's why the dictionary's constantly being updated, because there are constantly new


I don't remember there being outrage when "gigabyte," if it was added to the dictionary,

was added to the dictionary, because gigabyte is not politically charged.

It's harmless.

It describes a unit of storage.

Or, it, it's a unit of measurement now, of, you know, data storage.

People only get upset when politically charged words are added to the dictionary, ones that

they don't necessarily like.

You can't pick and choose which words you want to be added to the dictionary and which

ones you can't.

If it's a "real word," then it will be added to the dictionary, because that's how descriptive

linguists operate.

So, I don't think there's any need to get enraged by new words being added to the dictionary,

because new words are being added to your vocabulary all the time.

English is such a...

It's so alive!

English is one of the languages that, like, any word can just happen.

It's so easy in English to just create new words.

We do it all the time.

When you don't have a word for something, if you don't have an adjective for something,

or a verb for something, you just add the general adjective or verb endings to that

word and people know what you're saying.

Like, if, at, you know, the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards, or whatever, people get slime

poured on them.

People may call that "being slimED."

"I have been slimED."

And that's not a real word, per se, necessarily, or "real" in the context that it's being used,

but we all understood what I just said.

We all know what it means.

And therefore now it is a word because we have this shared understanding of what I have

just said out of my mouth.

Does this make sense?

Am I making sense?

I hope I am making sense.

This is another moment where I can have a little PSA: none of my videos are scripted.

All of this just comes out of my mouth.

So if I ever never make sense, it's because I don't script my shit.

So, yeah, that's a little [snaps] quickie one that I've been meaning to make for a while.

Um, hopefully I will be able to make more videos in the future, and I will see y'all

next time.

Whenever that happens to be.

For more infomation >> Why Adding New Words to the Dictionary Isn't Scary - Duration: 7:15.


LIÊN KHÚC REMIX|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> LIÊN KHÚC REMIX|Nhạc Sống Miền Tây|Ban Nhạc Điện Tử Sơn - Duration: 7:51.


New Popular Kalam | Tere Sadqe Me Aaqa | Hasbi Rabbi | Asad Attari | Faraz Attari | Attari Tigers - Duration: 7:23.




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