Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

[Both grunt]


Simons: We just finished shooting.

Lennie, who plays Morgan,

ends up getting tackled by one of our Saviors.

[Both grunt]

And it's pure ferocious anger.

[Both grunting]

And he reaches into the bullet hole

that's in this guy's chest...

[Savior groaning, screaming]

...sinks his hand up to his wrist...



...and pulls out all of his entrails.


It's like wet Play-Doh

and honey.


-Want to load him up? -[Laughs]


The Savior is today being played by Oliver Keller,

one of my stunt guys.

It involves a little bit of acting.


[Both grunt]

Of which, Oliver is very good at.

We end up doing so many strange things like this

in the stunt business.

With Oliver, I told him, I said,

"You're gonna have a little fight scene,

you tackle this guy on the stage,

you've already been shot,

and he's gonna reach in your stomach

and rip your guts out."

[Both screaming]

And you might as well be talking

about going to get dinner at Waffle House.

"Oh, yeah, cool. Let's go."

All right. Reset. Go again. Keep rolling.

Oh, my God.

I felt bad for Lennie, you know?

Like I was just gushing blood on him.

It's like he's pissing on me!

James: When it first happened,

it completely took me by surprise

just how much blood came out of him.

I thought, "Oh, my God.

The stunt guy is not potty trained.


And he's a grown man."

Man: Let's tuck it back in

and go again, guys, real quick.


Keller: The makeup special effects piece

the KNB guys put together was awesome.

We built a cradle for him to lean on,

and on the front of the chest,

we had a little cavity that we put all the entrails

and the guts in.

To make sure between the lubrication they use

and the blood and the silicone intestines

just makes it look awesome.


Greg Nicotero, he's very passionate about it,

and so he's also very good at explaining what he wants.

Just said, "When it's time to scream,

just go violent

and feel the pain."

[Both screaming]


[Both scream]




To get this opportunity to perform

a special effects makeup stunt scene

in front of Greg is a pretty exciting situation.

It's an honor.


Man: And action!


James: It's an original.

We've literally done everything virtually.

But the hand in the gut?

I don't know. I might be wrong,

but I don't think anybody else has done it so far.

Very fun night. Time to go to bed, though.



For more infomation >> 'A Gut-Wrenching Fight Scene' Behind the Scenes Ep. 809 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 3:26.


DO NOT DO THIS IN JAPAN! Ask Japanese girls and boys what to NEVER do as foreigner in Japan - Duration: 14:00.

Walking while smoking.

Walking while smoking is a NO

How about people taking sneaky pictures. That just happened now.

Yeah that's no good.

Hey Youtube it's CathyCat and we went to the streets of Japan and asked

Japanese people things you should never ever do

when you come to Japan. Some of the things Japanese people have told us

are mistakes they have seen other foreigners do.

So let's try not to do those things and Ask Japanese.

What shall you never do in Japan?

Forbidden things? - Walking while smoking!

Walking while smoking is no good at all.

If you want to smoke, go to the smoking areas.

Where in the city are those areas?

They generally have them near stations.

And then there are restaurants that allow you to smoke.

Some family restaurants and such.

When you're out on the streets, you can't smoke? - That's right.

If you want to smoke you need the smoking area. But what if...

you get caught smoking in other public places, walking around.

Depending on the place, the police will make you pay money for it.

We have that here, so please be careful.

Also don't litter.

Don't just throw things on the streets... like that.

Stuff like that! Don't do it.

Who did that!

Some foreigners wear really strong perfume... That's a bit meh...

That's not good.

For example...

When the smell is just far too much.

People who top up so much.

I don't know if they just wanna hide their bodily odor under it but...

they spray on way too much perfume...

and those strong smells will make people feel sick on the train and such.

Some Japanese do the same mistake but...

Foreign fragrances are much stronger than Japanese ones.

A little bit of fragrance goes a long way.

I don't think you need that much.

I totally understand. When one person wears too much perfume on the train

that person stands out so much.

Apart from that it's all ok. Foreigners are generally all nice.

Glad to hear that.

Maybe Japanese people are even worse.

I bet the person who littered there was Japanese.

Don't make too many sounds when you eat. - I get that.

What do you mean?

Sounds like this...

- Close your mouth. - Exactly.

Have you seen people who get it wrong?

Yeah sometimes.

I think that's a cultural difference there.

It doesn't bother me too much but...

if people didn't do it, their manners would improve.

Japanese people stand in line for a lot of things, right?

But when we do that, I sometimes think, people abroad don't know about that...

They might not mean harm, but they cut in line.

I will try and call them out on the fact that we are all standing in line

and they'll apologize.

If there is a line, then you should stand in line like everyone else.

Don't cut in line. I believe in that too.

I heard this somewhere but...

when you ask a woman to go on a dinner with you, it's like going on a real date.

But when you ask them to go for lunch, it's not as heavy of a invite.

We don't have that divide in Japan.

I have the feeling some foreign women don't get it.

For example, if a girl comes here to Japan and gets asked to lunch...

if a Japanese man invited you for lunch, doesn't mean that's an easy invite.

I think there is a gap in understanding that.

So what I personally want to know now is...

Are both lunch and dinner equally a real date, or equally just a normal invite?

Neither too heavy or to easy...

They are both the same kind of level.

But there is just no divide between the meaning between lunch and dinner.

So there isn't just a dinner date, but also a lunch date?

We have that here.

I think the recent young people are doing that.

If I get invited by a man to go for lunch...

I am allowed to wonder if that person likes me or not?

Yes, then you actually should.

If you think it's nothing, you might be wrong.

Please do not litter.

In Tokyo are not many garbage bags.

So what should people do?

Carry the rubbish home.

And then you need to recycle. - Yes recycle.

At the escalators, don't stand next to each other.

You have to stand behind the person in front of you.

Make space for the people who want to walk up the escalators.

And here are the people that just stand.

Who stops, left or right?

In Tokyo people on the left are standing.

But in Kansai it's the other way around.

Please take care of that depending on where you are going.

Do not cut in line. When everyone is lining up...

do not push in. Wait for your turn in line.

If people do it, how does that make you feel?

It makes me feel kind of sad.

Will you tell them to not do that?

Japanese people can't culturally really do that...

Because they can't tell you, please protect the rule.

You are not allowed to pass things from one set of chopsticks to another.

How shall you receive food then? - Hold out your plate instead.

Don't pass things from Chopstick to chopstick

Many girls don't wear a bra. - I've never heard about that.

Many foreign girls don't wear a bra underneath. You'll stand out in a bad way.

- You better wear one underneath. - You should. It's dangerous.

What is dangerous about it? - The looks of men.

Tourists take so many pictures. Pictures of places Japanese would never take pics of.

Makes me think they must really like taking pictures of crowded areas.

Especially at Shibuya's scramble crossing.

Even though there are so many people passing, tourists try to

take selfies with selfie sticks and such. I think that's really dangerous.

Watch out for the people around you. - Exactly.

Foreigners talk so loud on the train.

Just now there was a foreign guy on the train who was way too loud.

We won't understand what he is saying, cause we don't speak the language but...

it felt too loud for the train.

Anything else? - I think Japanese people make mistakes too.

Littering. We both don't really like that.

In Tokyo are barely any rubbish cans. What do we do?

Bring a bag and carry your rubbish around.

I generally try avoiding things that will become garbage to carry round.

You have a real strategy there.

It's also bad manners to stab your chopsticks upwards into rice.

Don't do it. Just put them down.

How about people taking sneaky pictures. That just happened now.

That's bad too.

We were just walking and there are many people who just take pictures on this street

Yes or No.

Not at all!

No sneaky pictures guys!

If you ask if you can take a picture it's ok. - That's still ok.

There are many people who take random pictures on the streets. That's dangerous.

If you bump into people, that's dangerous.

What should people do then?

Look at things with your own eyes and take the picture with your heart.

With our hearts.

- Do not cut in line. - Did you see foreigners do it?

I am from Okinawa. In Okinawa we see that a lot.

Thank you so much.

We asked Japanese people on the streets about things that you should not do in Japan

and that actually annoy them when foreigners do them.

I think top of the list is the cutting in line part.

I know your country might not be a country where you have to stand in line

please don't come to Japan and cut in line.

Even I saw a foreigner who sneakily cut in line before...

you get so much hate for it.

Everyone lines up. That's how Tokyo works.

If you don't line up, Tokyo would not be working the way it does.

So please stand in line. That's number one.

Number 2 is littering. People hate it when you litter.

Tokyo is a very clean city and there are barely any bins.

I know it's hard but you sometimes just need to carry your garbage around.

Sometimes I do that too, I buy myself an item that doesn't have a large plastic pack

so I don't need to carry it around.

Just get something simply wrapped so you can take it home and throw it away there.

Other things: Don't eat with your mouth open.

Lunch date is still a date. Don't think the guy is just asking for a casual date.

A lunch date is still a date.

Don't smoke on the street. I actually like that.

No one smokes on the street. There are designated smoking areas...

And restaurants and cafes that have smoking areas.

Don't smoke on the street otherwise you might be in for a fine.

We continue with chopsticks. There are quite a lot of

chopstick manners. You might want to look them up.

You're not supposed to stab them into your rice and leave them there.

You're not supposed to pass items from chopstick to chopstick.

Be very careful how to use your chopsticks before you come.

Don't speak so loud on the train, it's a common thing with foreigners.

I am sorry america... many people say Americans are the loudest people on the train...

I have an American friend who said he is always the loudest on the train.

People get easily annoyed and lots of people in Tokyo

are under a lot of stress.

Stress and having to work very hard and being squished in the train in the morning

and you'd rather be anywhere else and there is this really loud tourist

who shouts into your ear.

You don't want to be that person.

Sneaky pictures is a topic that I am so annoyed about

that I am gonna be on fire.

NOT NOT NOT take sneaky pictures of people in Japan,

there is actually a law against taking pictures of people

You're not allowed to just go and take pictures of people.

Just because you think you are from a different country you can get away with it

DON'T do it. We have so many people on a daily base and that's always tourists

who come and take pictures of us when they shouldn't.

They don't ask. If you ask a person, it's totally fine.

We also have a video that tells you how to ask a person

if you can take pictures of them.

But don't just go and take pictures.

It really annoys people...

heavily annoys people and me.

Don't do it. It's not cool and not legal. Don't do it.

Don't wear too revealing clothes. Especially Japanese ladies

show a lot of leg but they do not show cleavage.

Cleavage is the most part hidden.

It's really rare to see girls who show their clevage.

As lady in Japan be careful about that. I've seen a couple of girls who were like

see through tops so you can only see the bra.

People will judge you for that.

It's interesting because showing leg is ok and even having like

knee-high socks and socks that are like over-knee

Even suspender looking socks

That's something that you wouldn't do in the UK or Germany.

But you can do that in Japan.

As a balance you don't show too much cleavage, you don't emphasize your chest.

Everything is hidden in this area.

So be careful about that, otherwise you might get weird stares on the train.

Don't wear perfume that is actually too strong!

You can always tell who the foreigner around you is

because some people just shower themselves in perfume.

Many foreigners have a problem when they come to Japan

they cannot find the right deodrant.

So they just shower themselves in perfume.

Don't do that.

What you wanna do, when you come to Japan, even for a short holiday,

Bring a perfume... not a perfume.

Bring a deodorant that actually hides your smell and have daily showers before you go out

Japanese people don't seem to smell as much.

It's magical, I don'T know I am so jealous.

They don't smell of anything or just smell of soap.

Don't go round with a strong cologne.

I made that mistake, bought myself a really nice perfume

from lush. I can't use it here because...

I only wore it once, just a little bit. I had one spray...

everyone could smell me everywhere. So you don't want to do that.

That's a couple of things that you do not want to do in Japan.

If you would like to add anything to the list, so other people can

read it and take it as a reference,

please leave us a comment

in the section below.

Then guys you can check it out and find hints of stuff

that you shouldn't do when you come to Japan.

I hope you enjoyed this video. We are gonna do a couple more videos

and we have already done a couple of videos of

what you need to know when you come to Japan.

Be sure to check out our other videos.

Thank you very much for watching and I catch you soon on Ask Japanese.

For more infomation >> DO NOT DO THIS IN JAPAN! Ask Japanese girls and boys what to NEVER do as foreigner in Japan - Duration: 14:00.


সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর ২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ ATN Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 16:42.


For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের সকালের বাংলা খবর ২৬ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০১৮ ATN Bangla Tv News Today - Duration: 16:42.


'Just One, Simon' Official Sneak Peek Ep. 810 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 1:14.

Garbage people.


Eliminating those who reneged

might leave us a tad short on ammo, but it's worth it.

I need you to hear me on this, Simon.

Those piss-stained double-crossers

may have pulled a triple cross,

but it doesn't change the fact that they are still a resource.

So you're gonna choke back

whatever (no audio) is stirring up inside you

and remind them that a deal with the Saviors

is a lock, stock, suck-my-barrel deal.

Deliver the standard message.

Take one out... and the rest will fall in line.

Just one, Simon.

For more infomation >> 'Just One, Simon' Official Sneak Peek Ep. 810 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 1:14.


Spanish ASMR! you will fall asleep with scissors sounds! - Duration: 20:12.

For more infomation >> Spanish ASMR! you will fall asleep with scissors sounds! - Duration: 20:12.


이달의소녀탐구 #281 (LOONA TV #281) - Duration: 0:58.

Yves: Send a video message to your hair.

Go Won: Your pineapple like color was so beautiful.

(Why dose she send a message to her hair?)

(Because she had to change her hair color into black!)

ViVi: It's done! Go Won: Black hair!

Yves: It seems like it looks better on you...

Go Won: I'm gonna shoot dance scene with this black hair and black outfit!

Yves: It seem like she looks similar with me now. Go Won: Right!

Yves & Go Won: Twin look!

Yves: Hello, this is Yves, 19 years old!

Yves: We are of the same age!

Go Won: Yves~

ViVi: Why do you two suddenly become friends?

Yves: Us?

Yves: You don't know we were friends?

Go Won & ViVi: Ah...

(Yves wants to be younger...)

(But suddenly a staff calls Go Won's friend of the same age!)

ViVi: Your friend is gone?

Go Won: (Kind explanation) We wore almost same clothes.

Go Won: It's the reason we became friends of the same age.

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #281 (LOONA TV #281) - Duration: 0:58.


(SPOILERS) Carl's Farewell to The Walking Dead Family - Duration: 4:12.

Dad! Dad!

We are still all trying to deal

with Carl getting bit.

And I think it's seismic.

I mean, everything...

that drove Rick

from the first episode --

everything, his engine -- was his family.


I'm trying to figure out how he moves on from here.



Hey, I'm like you now.

We've both been shot.

[Chuckles softly]


There's definitely a lot of responsibility

that comes with the hat.

But I think, you know,

by Season 15, Judith will live up to it.


I was in so much devastation about the storyline...


...because it really was something I could not process.


I -- I just thought Judith should --

should know what her mom looked like.

For me, Michonne grew as a character

through Chandler and my interaction on screen.

I see how you've been looking at your dad.

That's how her heart opened, was through Carl.

I'm not what he thinks I am.

[Silenced gunshot] [Grunts]


I'm telling you...

he gunned that kid down.


I'm just another monster, too.

Huth: That experience is what pulled Rick back then,

because he didn't want to turn him into a monster.

That, I think, has always been so critical to this show,

and losing that, I think, changes Rick in ways

we can't even imagine yet,

of not having him there to sort of be his mirror.

We're strong enough that we can still help people.

And we're strong enough that we don't have to be afraid.


I've always thought Carl, and Chandler, for that matter,

were the most level-headed people on this whole cast.

Why haven't you killed me?

Or my dad? Or Daryl?

Huth: In a weird way, Negan is one of the only people

who treats Carl as an adult,

He sees Carl as... as the future of this world.

'Cause this kid's special.

If I had a kid...

I'd want him to be just like your kid.

Rick Grimes doesn't have his son anymore.

There's nothing more terrifying

than somebody who's lost everything,

and I think he will come back,

and he will be willing to lose every...part of himself

in order to wreak vengeance on this.


Nicotero: When it came time to shoot his last episode,

I was really honored and really proud,

and his performance makes that episode

unlike anything we've ever shot.

I grew up.


Riggs: Carl's dream for this new world is --

You guys have seen it --

It's, you know, Rick with the big beard

and everybody kind of happy and a very utopia kind of place.

-Jerry! -'Sup, Jude!

He started this when he was 10. He ended when he was 18.

He spent almost half of his life on television,

and not only on television, but on a giant television show.

For the first time since he was 10 years old,

he gets to do whatever he wants.


Riggs: I want to personally say "Thank you"

to all of the fans of the show

and to everyone that's grown up with Carl.

It's been...awesome.

For more infomation >> (SPOILERS) Carl's Farewell to The Walking Dead Family - Duration: 4:12.


Swamp Watch: State-level corruption - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> Swamp Watch: State-level corruption - Duration: 6:18.


(SPOILERS) 'I Couldn't Protect You' Talked About Scene Ep. 809 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 2:37.

[ Crickets chirping ]

Carl...I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.

A father's job is to protect his son.


It's just to love.

[Breathing shallowly]

[Ragged breathing]

No. No.

Michonne: Carl...

It -- It -- It...It should be --

I know. I know.

Somebody you love.

When you can't do it yourself.

But I still can.

[Voice breaking] I grew up.

I have to do this.



I love you.

[Crying] I love you, too.



[Voice breaking] I love you, Dad.



[Crying] I love you, Carl.

I love you so much.



[Whispering] I'll make it real.

I will.

I will.

For more infomation >> (SPOILERS) 'I Couldn't Protect You' Talked About Scene Ep. 809 | The Walking Dead - Duration: 2:37.


Homeland 7x04 Promo "Like Bad At Things" (HD) Season 7 Episode 4 Promo - Duration: 0:31.

I authorized the air strike.

It was me.

My presidency's just been hijacked.

CARRIE MATHISON: The airstrike in Syria?

Wellington authorized it.

We've got to tell Dante.

No one can know.

That was the deal.

Call the medics!

You said you'd hand yourself over before anyone got hurt,

but you're still here.

There's a news report about JJ.

That he died. - Tell them it's not true.

JJ's fine.


What happened?

We've been betrayed!

Tell me what just happened!

For more infomation >> Homeland 7x04 Promo "Like Bad At Things" (HD) Season 7 Episode 4 Promo - Duration: 0:31.


Кадры из фильма Притяжение - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Кадры из фильма Притяжение - Duration: 1:20.


Кадры из фильма Тельма - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Кадры из фильма Тельма - Duration: 0:30.


TGIH_Why Eating Healthy Or Taking Pills Might Not Be The Way To Enhance Your Natural Immune Response - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> TGIH_Why Eating Healthy Or Taking Pills Might Not Be The Way To Enhance Your Natural Immune Response - Duration: 3:22.


Кадры из фильма Мастер и Маргарита - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> Кадры из фильма Мастер и Маргарита - Duration: 1:20.


Кадры из фильма Великий мастер - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Кадры из фильма Великий мастер - Duration: 1:39.


NINETY ONE - Ah!Yah!Mah! (Official Music Video) - Q-pop Reaction - Duration: 7:21.

Hi guys all right? I am Luckas as you know, today we will react to a video

of Ninety One again

with Q-pop né that is a style of music there from Kazakhstan, which is growing and you are asking for a lot

for me to react here on the channel

first of all I would like to speak, that the program here of the channel will have to give

a change because I'm traveling and I can not record

so many videos for you, I apologize a thousand times

keep sending me the songs because as soon as I can I watch everything and

that I make a video indicating the songs I watched for you

both Q-pop, thai-pop, v-pop and all that I can do

Ok folks, and do not miss watching the survival videos

of the things that I'm going to do in Argentina, I apologize but I can not do it

so much video so for one video per day I'm

very sad about this, but I'm entering a new stage of my life

and I hope you support me along with her, okay?

and without curling, without further ado we go

the new song of Ninety One, new not because it left a while ago, it is

Ah! Yah! Mah! everybody is already reacting to this song

and they asked me to do it because it seems to be very good. 1 2 3 e

Ah! Yah! Mah! Ah! Yah! Mah! the name of the song

Let's see the Q-pop right, which I quite liked

Wow, I thought he was going to start singing in English, but it just does not sound good.

it seems not but

Ninety One is a group that is growing outside of Kazakhstan.

a lot of people already know

no matter what country it is!

People, Q-pop is very good, huh?

I like to see new songs like that because I like to know

some of the other languages

He's got something on his shirt and it looks like it's tag, looks like he did not take the label.

Ah, people, very good. The choreography seems hiphop, right?

look that

I thought it was a more upbeat song, it's the new Monstar type that came out

Guys, I keep thinking, talking is difficult

the language of Kazakhstan, imagine doing rap

The Q-pop image is also very good, right?

it's kind of psychedelic this mv

It's not a hectic song but it's a good song too.

The image reflects well

They are very handsome

I loved that hat with a hole and pass the lights.

Guys, I'd like to know what he's talking about.

It's so different to see these new languages.

Ninety One, from Kazakhstan, look at people

very cool their new song, and so

I really like Asian music so much that I already told you

so for me it's always something new and I like it

to see, but it's a lot of people

so I'm sad that I can not continue the programming I had done

for you, it was super organized, every day videos for you

but as I am traveling and I do not have a fixed house soon you will

know what my life will be like there, I hope you will accompany my videos too

they will always be subtitled

And I will not be able to make video for every day, I'm recording this video before traveling

yes in February, on the day that is coming out

but I can not make people

Really, I stopped to think, it's not going to take time.

I will not be able to do everything now and post it too

and there I will not be able to record, but whenever I can I will record something for you

I hope you continue with me, no matter what happens.

Thank you. If you liked the video, give like, comment and share do not forget to sign up for the channel for

do not miss the next videos, whatever they are. I wait for your support

and you can know me a little, there is enough that I want to show you more

things happen, right, I have a life too and I can not

to be stopped just for this, I need to work and follow my future

my way, and I hope you are with me to see everything I

I want to do it and they're cool, maybe I will not go to Kazakhstan either

and do not do a season there, and know several places

who knows know you and know a lot of people

Anyway, thank you, people. Until the next video. Goodbye!

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