Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 26 2018

10 Reasons Why Most Men Cannot Handle an Empath

Men are actually afraid of female empaths.

Either the man is empath or not, he will be troubled knowing that he's in front of a

female empath.

We all know that empaths like to help others.

However, it somehow does not make men better most of the time.

If you want to know why, there are some good reasons for that.

In this short video, I'm going to share with you 10 reasons why most men cannot handle

an empath.

But before we see the whole lists, If you're new to our channel, make sure to click the

subscribe button below, and don't forget to like this video if you find this information

is helpful to you.

#1 - Too many questions

Men just cannot handle the burst of questions from female empaths especially if the questions

are too vague and imaginative.

Men cannot answer what they haven't experienced in confident manner, and this makes them feel


Moreover, what they perceive is not always what the empaths actually want them to see.

#2 - Too much honesty

Empaths know when people before them are lying.

Men who don't put honesty as priority just cannot handle them because their lies will

be debunked.

Those men also will spend their time to think about the best lying strategy that won't

work, and it is exhausting.

#3 - They know what they want

Men who demand relationship with empaths may regret their decision because they become

hurdle or obstacle instead of helper.

Empaths already have vision and they know how to achieve that.

Unfortunately, that vision is sometimes different from what men have because of the possible

effects to other shrouding people and environment that empaths consider negative.

#4 - Empathic partner

Being in relationship with empathic partner is not easy for men.

The reason is because they cannot just convince the women to be their partner in single night.

It even takes months to convince them, something that men cannot handle.

#5 - Intimacy

More often than not, men like cheerful women.

Unfortunately, empaths are usually filled with problems, and this makes men feel uncomfortable.

Though empaths rarely share their problems to people around them, they sometimes do.

When they do, the empaths always tell horrible stories from people around them which make

men even feel uncomfortable.

#6 - Seeing the worst

Empaths also can read minds from men, and men who are lacking of confidence may have

to think more than once to even see empaths in their eyes.

The men who try to look great in front of their empaths friends also struggle, making

them feel humiliated and vulnerable.

#7 - Consistency

Men usually are trusted because of their words.

Unfortunately, consistency sometimes occurs.

When this happens, men are afraid that their flaws are spotted.

Men are also afraid to express what they want knowing that the empaths know what they are

going to say already.

#8 - Empathic intensity

Men may already know that empaths can be too dramatic on certain occasions.

Despite of this, they still want to stay with empaths.

However, some other men just cannot handle this condition.

#9 - All or nothing

Men may not be willing to stay in a relationship for too long unlike the empaths who always

want to sacrifice their life for the men.

#10 - Being independent

It means that they do not really need the men.

This is what men are worried about.

They realize that their role will be minor, and that is why they are worried.

Well, that's all the 10 reasons why most men cannot handle an empath.

So, really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 10 Reasons Why Most Men Cannot Handle an Empath - Duration: 4:10.


U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:47.

Let's begin with the post-Olympics diplomacy between the U.S. and North Korea that's being

meditated by South Korea.

Pyongyang claims it's up for talks,... but Washington insists a meeting can only happen

when the North makes a solid commitment to abandon its nuclear weapons program.

Lee Seung-jae starts us off.

It's seems the United States and North Korea are inching toward direct talks,... but only

under one condition.

The White House released a statement on Sunday saying the U.S. "will see" if North Korea's

willingness for talks is a commitment to denuclearize.

It added that the U.S. and the world must continue to make clear that Pyongyang's nuclear

and missile programs are a dead end.

However, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Pyongyang's willingness to talk

is a "first step" along the path to denuclearization.

This comes as South Korea's presidential office released a statement earlier in the day,...

stating that Kim Yong-chol expressed North Korea's willingness to begin dialogue with

the U.S. when he met with President Moon Jae-in shortly before the closing ceremony for the

PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

According to a spokesman for the Blue House,...

President Moon pointed out that U.S.-North Korea dialogue must take place in order to

improve relations between the two Koreas and to find a fundamental solution to issues on

the Korean Peninsula.

The spokesman added the North Korean delegates agreed that inter-Korean ties and relations

between the North and the U.S. should develop simultaneously.

Dubbed the 'Peace Olympics',... there's hope the PyeongChang Winter Games have opened doors

for a more peaceful Peninsula,... and could potentially be the catalyst that brings the

U.S. and North Korea back to talks.

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S "will see" if North Korea's willingness for talks is commitment to denuclearize - Duration: 1:47.


China set to allow President Xi to stay in office indefinitely - Duration: 1:36.

Now for a look at stories making headlines around the world and we start in China…

The ruling Communist Party is working to make President Xi Jinping ruler of China indefinitely

by altering its constitution.

For more on this and other international news we turn to our Ro Aram….

Aram…yet another move by the Chinese government to solidify Xi Jinping's grip on power…

That's right Mark… the Communist Party on Sunday proposed removing a constitutional

clause that limits presidential services to just two five-year terms.

That would lay the groundwork for President Xi to continue his rule beyond 2023.

The proposal, which also covers the vice president position, will likely be approved by China's

rubber-stamp parliament at an annual meeting beginning next Monday, where Xi is set to

be appointed to his second term.

There had been other moves by the Chinese leader to cement his grip on power.

During the party congress last year, Xi secured his status as China's most powerful leader

since the late Mao Zedong, the founder of the People's Republic.

That meeting ended without the appointment of a clear successor, pointing to Xi's longer-term


Also, since taking office five years ago, Xi has overseen a radical shake-up of the

Communist Party as part of his crackdown on corruption.

That led to some top leaders, once thought untouchable, to be removed.

An extended rein of power will enable Xi to see out his ambitious political visions, including

his One Belt One Road initiative to build new global trade routes.

For more infomation >> China set to allow President Xi to stay in office indefinitely - Duration: 1:36.


Naac y Evelin (activar subtitulos) - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Naac y Evelin (activar subtitulos) - Duration: 0:44.


YOUTAITE REACT to their First Choruses - Duration: 6:56.

I am Fome.

I've been on YouTube for, like, 11 years now?

My online handle's Myst.

I have been in the Youtaite community since

2011? 2010 actually, I think.

Hi everybody! My name's Kyle.

My alias is NabaroKairu.

Hi, I'm Eva aka waterpixieva.

And the video that I'm reacting to is

one of my first collabs in 2007.

The group is RE:_10UP, or RE semicolon

or is it colon?

underscore 10 UP

[Oh my god are you reacting to Magnet?!]

I have no idea what I'm about to look at here, but uh

I'm sure it's gonna be very embarrassing so

I'm ready. Let's do this!!

[You ready?]

(chiisana noise)


I'm not ready. [You're ready.]

Oh my god, Zessei Bijin?

Oh my—oh, it's TK (Tonkhai)!

Oh my god

There's voice acting in this.

The cabbages!


What? You are "CELEB" or NOT??

Oh my god.

All the voice acting!

Oh Beibi!

Oh my god, I miss her so much.

Aw, Beibi-oneesan~

This art makes me so happy so happy to look at!

I think this is like 3 years ago? Oh gosh!

Oh shi—we wrote our...

There are custom lyrics.

Oh hey, we know her!

It's Chiisana. [Oh.]

Oh, you guys might recognize her.

She's Zoey and she's still doing stuff in the community.

[She's trying to be a k-pop idol now, right?]

I think so.

I remember this time, like, people were super against mixing.

Or no, they were super against tuning, so

Everything is raw.

It sounds pretty good for raw still.

The sky!

I remember watching this for the first time. I was like, WHOAAAA in the background.

This video is an—

It's a slideshow.

Oh no.

Oh no... I forgot about this.

This is so much more intense than I thought it was.

I love how the animation is just like

An equalizer, or like spectrum thing with like

flashing things.

Dude, did I mix this in Windows Movie Maker?

The video for sure I did in Windows Movie Maker.

The mix... Possibly.

The cabbage is flying across

[What the fuck is that?]

Like a meteor rocket thing and there's tiny little cabbages. [wtf what's happening?]


And it says bye.

Oh, Beibi.


I like that.


Oh my god, my voice!

Oh finally, I have my first solo!

Oh, that vibrato's too much.

Oh no, there it is!

There's my picture!

Oh no.

Oh yeah, that DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN

The moving of the characters.

Man, I remember the days where

everybody just used stock pictures from anime.



Oh my god, that note.

Oh my god.

Happy birthday Anba.

From 2011 I think.

Wow. 2012!

Holy shit.


Oh, oh my friends.

Oh, the emblem!

10UP. Pssshh~

Then shine shine shine, fade out, fade to black, end~

[So how did you get involved in this project?]

I think it was 'cause I met TK (Tonkhai) in Gendou Idol.

And then, we were...

We became friends there and then

She introduced me to Minnie and then Zessei Bijin.

We were actually planning for another birthday chorus.

But that one we realized that we weren't gonna complete in time, so

I think within like

either like 3 days to 1 week, we came up with this second project.

[How did you get involved in this community?]

So I've been lurking for a really, really long time.

I commented on Noki's video

And I was like, "Oh hey! I really like your singing!"

"Can you introduce me to stuff and how you get involved in this?"

And, "Oh, you need a microphone."

"You can use this program and that program to edit and stuff."

And I was like, "Oh cool!"

"Do you know anyone who does, like, the chorusy things?"

"How do I join that?"

And then she just thrust me into a group.

She's like, "Oh hey! These 10UP folks..."

"They're doing a thing for a chorus battle."

"They're doing a thing for a chorus battle." It was accidental.

It was accidental.

I made some friends; they were just getting into the community.

I was just in the Skype chat.

They just added a bunch of people from the Youtaite community.

And I was like, "YAY FRIENDS!"

[Do you have any special memories regarding this project?]


When I uploaded this video, I coined the term 'groupdub.'


I remember giving, like

crafting my own OC stuff.

And I was like, "I don't know how to do this!"

The artist in the group was so fantastic.

I saw the first draft of everything. I was like,

"Whoa, all the colors! Everything is popping!"

I'm like, "WHOA THAT'S ME! WHAT!?"

[Are you still in contact with a lot of the people involved?]

Well, you know, TK (Tonkhai) became

a professional singer and talent in Japan right now.

We still keep in touch.

Wishing her the best of luck.

You know, some people have branched off to other things.

It's now a new generation of Youtaite.

A lot of young blood coming in.

And uh

It's time for us to retire, maybe.




[Exactly! There you go.]

[And do you ever regret falling into this pit of eternal singing projects?]

[And friends~]

No. Because I think...

Doing all this video editing and audio editing and recording and stuff

led to my career doing video.

Cut to behind-the-scenes shots please.

I don't regret it; I think it's fun.

I mean, because of people I met through circumstance

they ended up being Youtaites.

And then I ended up meeting a bunch of other friends, and then

I got together with a bunch of the NorCal Youtaites, and then

Now I'm... involved.

And I'm indoctrinated in the cult.

This community has become a lot more than just singing projects.

And these...

These relationships I have made are like lifelong at this point.


Okey dokey!

Thank you for watching Youtaites React to their First Collaboration/Chorus!




Please if you enjoyed the video, comment below and...

Comment what you would like us to react to next!

Alright everybody! Thank you, see you next time!

And fade to black~

For more infomation >> YOUTAITE REACT to their First Choruses - Duration: 6:56.


Prosecutors call in former president Lee Myung-bak's son for questioning in corruption probe - Duration: 0:53.

Prosecutors called in former President Lee Myung-bak's son Lee Si-hyung on Sunday to

question him in connection with slush fund allegations and suspicious trade involving

an auto parts company he owns.

Prosecutors suspect his father, the former president,... abused his presidential power

to help the company -- called DAS -- recoup investments and create slush funds under dozens

of fake names, evade taxes and embezzle money.

Investigators are also looking at who actually owns DAS,... with more and more people suspecting

the owner is Lee Myung-bak, the former president himself, not his son or his brother.

Watchers say, with the investigation zeroing-in on the former president's family members,...

Lee Myung-bak could soon be called in for questioning himself.

For more infomation >> Prosecutors call in former president Lee Myung-bak's son for questioning in corruption probe - Duration: 0:53.


South Korea praised for hosting successful PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:22.

From North Korea's participation to the extreme weather conditions.

Amid the various issues and concerns that arose before and during the PyeongChang Winter

Olympics, the 17-day-long sporting event concluded on Sunday, and the overwhelming majority of

visitors and spectators say the event was a success.

Lee Ji-won takes a look back at the highs and the lows of the Games.

From tears of joy, sighs of disappointment to exhilarating excitement.

The past 17 days of the PyeongChang Winter Olympics were packed with incident and raw


Now that the event is over, many are looking back at their February in South Korea's alpine

town of Pyeongchang and the sub-host city of Gangneung.

Many commented on how it was a huge success.

"I have been to 16 Olympics, winter and summer, and I thought this was one of the best ones

I've been to in terms of organization, logistics, the quality of the infrastructure.

You want to be as easy as possible to move around and to enjoy the games."

The friendliness of the locals and volunteers was also praised.

"We've been really impressed by how nice all the locals have been to us, especially patient,

because we don't speak any Korean, and even with the very wide language barrier everyone's

been really accommodating."

Of the many highlights was North Korea's participation in the Games.

While the decision and process was initially controversial, people say these exchanges

prove the Olympics is more than just a sporting event.

"Not just bold, but I think it's sent a message to the world and there's really only one place

that could do that and that is here in South Korea and here in Pyeongchang.

A lot of people say that's politics hijacking the games, no actually, this is a not a story

about politics, this is a story about people."

The bone-chilling temperatures during the Games was a major concern and it caused a

number of snow events to be postponed.

But journalists who've covered numerous Winter Olympics say cold is not a problem for winter


"Olympics are so big, there are always going to be issues.

In terms of the weather, it was very cold the first week, but in a way, this is the

Winter Olympics, they are supposed to be cold."

Visitors also suggested room for improvements.

"I think they should've taught English to most of the work force because I don't speak

Korean and as a foreigner it was hard for me to get information."

"It wasn't that expensive to book a place to stay, but I came here to watch numerous

events on different days... and there weren't many vacancies."

With the general consensus that the PyeongChang Olympics were a success, many visitors said

one of the best legacies of the Games is that South Korea "took a step forward in presenting

itself" to the world and the world got to know Korea better as well.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News, Pyeongchang.

For more infomation >> South Korea praised for hosting successful PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 3:22.


PyeongChang 2018 draws to conclusion with celebration of future, spirit of adventure - Duration: 2:28.

Staying with the closing ceremony.

Tens of thousands of people gathered at the PyeongChang Olympic Stadium on Sunday night

to bid farewell to the 2018 Winter Games.

It was quite the show in terms of visuals and music,... and there was a party atmosphere

in the air as the hard work was done.... and the athletes and all those involved in making

the Games a success could finally let their hair down a bit.

Won Jung hwan reports.

Seventeen thrilling days of sport in PyeongChang and the sub-host city of Gangneung came to

an end on Sunday night where it all started a couple of weeks prior: the PyeongChang Olympic


The ceremony started with the stadium drenched in light, and the crowd counting down to the

start of the fun.

Under the theme of a celebration of future and the spirit of adventure,... there was

a mixture of traditional and contemporary Korean culture on display.

Among the highlights,... former 2NE1 singer CL and boyband EXO took the stage to thank

the athletes for their hard work with a thundering performance.

The crowd let out a huge roar when the athletes entered the stadium.

But the biggest cheer was reserved for the South Korean and North Korean teams,... who

again entered the stadium together.

Unlike the opening ceremony,... this time they waved their respective national flags

and wore their nation's uniforms -- the South Koreans clad in white and the North Koreans

in red.

Continuing the goodwill of the Games,... the North Koreans also held the Korean Unification

Flag as they made their way around the stadium.

The closing ceremony attracted more than 35-thousand spectators, including President Moon Jae-in

who watched the ceremony in the VIP box with Ivanka Trump, the U.S. president's first daughter,...

Kim Yong-chol, a vice chair of the North Korean ruling party's central committee,... and Chinese

Vice Premier Liu Yandong.

The Pyeongchang Games officially ended with the traditional raising of the Greek flag,

the lowering of the Olympic flag,... and the Beijing 2022 flag handover ceremony.

The Olympic flag that fluttered for over 17 days at the Olympic Stadium in PyeongChang

was handed over to Chen Jining, the major of Beijing, for the next Winter Games in four

year's time.

The Olympic flame was also extinguished,... but this isn't the end -- the PyeongChang

Winter Paralympic Games will start on March 9th and run for ten days.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> PyeongChang 2018 draws to conclusion with celebration of future, spirit of adventure - Duration: 2:28.


youtube test - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> youtube test - Duration: 0:47.


Komik Video Şırıl Şırıl Akıyor Anlatmaya Gerek Yok ikinci video Mükemmel Görüyorsunuz youtube imrak - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Komik Video Şırıl Şırıl Akıyor Anlatmaya Gerek Yok ikinci video Mükemmel Görüyorsunuz youtube imrak - Duration: 1:26.


North Korean delegation attends Olympic closing ceremony - Duration: 2:15.

A delegation of high-ranking North Koreans attended the closing ceremony of the PyeongChang

Winter Olympics.

But their presence was highly controversial -- the leader of the delegation, General Kim

Yong-chol, is suspected of having orchestrated two deadly attacks on South Korea in the past.

Ji Myung-kil has more.

North Korea's eight-member high-level delegation entered South Korea on Sunday for a three-day

trip... led by General Kim Yong-chol.

They attended the closing ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

Kim is a key official in the North's ruling party in charge of handling inter-Korean affairs

who's stirred controversy with his links to multiple attacks on South Korea.

During his time as military intelligence chief... he is accused of masterminding two attacks

on South Korea,... the first being the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan in 2010,

in which 46 sailors were killed,... and the second, the artillery attack on Yeonpyeong

Island in 2010, which killed two civilians and two marines.

His inclusion in the delegation has caused outrage in some quarters.

However, Seoul's unification ministry said responsibility for the Cheonan incident cannot

be definitively laid on Kim... despite the fact that he led the North's spy agency at

the time.

Conservative groups including lawmakers from the conservative Liberty Korea Party have

held protests on the southern side of the Tongil bridge in Paju... just south of the

border and at the inter-Korean checkpoint.

Still, the South Korean government has welcomed his visit amid improving inter-Korean relations

and hopes for an Olympics-inspired detente.

Meanwhile, the two Koreas will hold working-level talks on Tuesday to discuss the North's participation

in the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games starting March 9th.

The two sides will meet at the northern side of the inter-Korean border at Panmunjeom,

with Seoul sending a three-member delegation.

Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> North Korean delegation attends Olympic closing ceremony - Duration: 2:15.


Challenge for you!!! - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Challenge for you!!! - Duration: 2:01.


Makara Rashi Bhavishya (March 2018) Monthly Kannada Astrology - Duration: 2:06.

My Dear Kannadigas

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Monthly Horoscope


March 2018

For more infomation >> Makara Rashi Bhavishya (March 2018) Monthly Kannada Astrology - Duration: 2:06.


Samsung Electronics unveils Galaxy S9 at Mobile World Congress - Duration: 3:04.

Samsung Electronics has given the world its first glimpse of the Korean tech giant's latest

smartphone offering -- the Galaxy S9.

The new model puts emphasis on visual applications for social media, hoping to attract tech-savvy

young consumers.

Park Soyun reports.

A new chapter for smartphones is about to begin.

Unveiling the Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Sunday,...

Samsung's highly-anticipated new models have taken smartphone cameras to new levels by

adopting top-notch technologies.

The Korean tech giant says the device will bring users optimized experiences, allowing

them to share messages and emotions visually.

It's also a significant improvement from previous models -- the Galaxy S9 is focused on the

camera, boasting improved picture quality in low light, a super-slow motion video mode,

and a new feature called AR Emoji.

The screens are brighter and slightly bigger than Galaxy S8 -- Galaxy S9 is 5.9 inches

and Galaxy S9 Plus is 6.2 inches -- and will be released in black, gray, blue and purple.

Samsung says the camera is its best yet,... with a new feature that takes clear pictures

even in very low light by taking 12 photos at once and stitching them together to form

a crisp image.

"At Samsung, we believe it's time for a new kind of phone.

Not just a great smartphone that takes good pictures.

A breakthrough camera that sees the world clearly in any light, built around an amazing


A new feature includes a super-slow motion camera setting that lets users take videos

32 times slower than a traditional video.

Samsung also launched a new feature called AR Emoji, which allows users to take a selfie

and turn it into a custom emoji.

These are animated cartoons created from facial scans of users that mimic their expressions,

and users can customize features like hair and clothing.

"The most important function of a phone is not making calls.

It's to capture the fleeing moments that express what you want to say in an instant, like taking

photos and selfies, sending emjois and sharing videos."

The new Galaxy also has a useful live language translation feature in 54 languages that scans

objects such as signs and menus.

With the release of the Galaxy S9, Samsung has added fuel to its ongoing battle with

Apple for who makes the best smartphones.

The Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus will hit the shelves around the world starting March 16th, with

South Korea accepting pre-orders from February 28th and pre-orders set to be released on

March 9th.

Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Samsung Electronics unveils Galaxy S9 at Mobile World Congress - Duration: 3:04.


अभ्यास 63 ऋषि प्रणाली HINDI SHORTHAND - Duration: 28:47.

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For more infomation >> अभ्यास 63 ऋषि प्रणाली HINDI SHORTHAND - Duration: 28:47.


Noryangjin Fish Market - Workers at Dawn - Duration: 5:15.

Noryangjin Fish Market is one of Korea's largest seafood markets, open 24/7, 365 days

a year.

Let's zoom in on a day at the fish market, the earliest start of a workday in Korea.

Noryangjin Fish Market is located in Dongjak-gu, Seoul.

This place comes to life just after midnight with trucks filled with seafood coming directly

from the sea.

A whopping 300 tons of marine products are traded here every day, which is about 50%

of metropolitan volumes of seafood.

"I'm from Tongyoung.

Sales are bad, so I only brought yellowtail that is in season currently."

This is the auction house.

All the marine products here are distributed to local markets and restaurants through the

auction process.

The early morning auction starts at 1 o'clock with four sub-auctions for the different types

of seafood.

The dealer is calling out for wholesale merchants.

Apparently, spoken words aren't very important here.

It's numbers that matter.

"Rather than just announcing prices, I shout and make noises during the auction to add

amusement and create a rhythm.

This is to stimulate the highest bids possible."

There are 11 auction dealers and some 200 commission merchants in the market.

Interestingly enough, all the participants are wearing hats.

"The main auctioneers wear black hats with leaf patterns and the assistant salespeople

wear blue hats.

The assistant salespeople have the rights to make purchases on behalf of middlemen.

Only these certified agents can participate in the auctions."

The highlight of the night starts at 3 am with a live fish auction.

The atmosphere is getting more intense with wholesale merchants trying to buy the best

live fish at the lowest price.

The more the bidding, the more vibrant it gets.

All the auctions for the day ended around 6 am, just before dawn.

The dealers and commission merchants can finally relax.

"The supplies are limited due to the cold weather, but it's not too bad."

Transactions take place immediately on-site, and the retail dealers are getting ready for


"Our work schedule is the opposite of ordinary people.

We work from 11:30 p.m. to 9 a.m. and the executives work till 11 a.m."

The market is composed of nearly 1,200 shops with an abundant amount of marine products,

including live and fresh fish, shellfish, and deep-sea produce.

Established in 1927 near Seoul Station, it moved to its current home at Noryangjin in


Over 2,000 people make a living here.

The face of the market has changed over time, but the bustling of diligent workers remains

the same.

"I've been working at the market for 33 years to educate my children and help them

settle in life.


"The harder I work, the more I earn.

I enjoy it because I can earn quite a lot."

The market draws numerous customers throughout the year.

An average of 30,000 people visit daily with sales of over 900- thousand us dollars.

"Here, I can select any delicacy directly out of the aquarium and at reasonable prices.

The product is fresh, and the portions are generous."

"The market offers very fresh seafood, probably the freshest in Seoul."

This place is also a popular tourist spot.

"We have many visitors from Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Vietnam."

Customers choose live seafood from tanks and see vendors slice up the fish.

Prices vary by type of fish or seafood, season, and by weight, but it's still 20 to 30%

cheaper than general restaurants.

"In Japan, fish markets aren't very accessible to the general public.

However, this market is open to everyone, and customers can pick what they want to eat."

The market is facilitated with restaurants where customers can go to eat the fresh seafood

any way they prefer.

Offering a wide range of fresh seafood, this place is considered a must for foreign visitors

who want to experience unique Korean food culture.

"Whether you like it or not, you can try buy here in first floor, come back in the

restaurant and they make you very good sushi like this."

"Since Mongolia is a landlocked country, fresh fish and seafood are rare.

I'm really enjoying the raw fish.

I want to bring all my Mongolian friends to the market, so they can taste it."

Noryangjin Fish Market has been a part of Korean culture for many years.

The hard work and diligence ensure that the legacy of the market continues as the rest

of the country is asleep.

For more infomation >> Noryangjin Fish Market - Workers at Dawn - Duration: 5:15.


Kumbha Rashi Bhavishya (March 2018) Monthly Kannada Astrology - Duration: 1:59.

My Dear Kannada people

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Monthly Horoscope


March 2018

For more infomation >> Kumbha Rashi Bhavishya (March 2018) Monthly Kannada Astrology - Duration: 1:59.


youtube test - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> youtube test - Duration: 3:59.


Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, Japan rattled by earthquakes early Monday - Duration: 0:47.

A number of earthquakes hit several locations around the world early Monday, with the strongest

hitting Papua New Guinea.

The U.S. Geological Survey says the 7-point-5 magnitude tremor struck 89 kilometers southwest

of Porgera at a depth of 35 kilometers.

It wasn't immediately clear if there was damage and there was no tsunami threat.

In Taiwan, the China Earthquake Networks Center says a 5-point-0 magnitude quake hit waters

about 34 kilometers off Yilan County.

It struck at a depth of 17 kilometers and no immediate tsunami warning was issued.

Meanwhile in Japan, a 5-point-7 magnitude tremor struck about 64 kilometers off the

coast of Fukushima.

It also didn't pose a tsunami threat.

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