Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 4 2018

I've come across some of these tips myself when using Windows 10.

Some of them won't make much of a difference while others really helped me boost my FPS.

Hopefully they'll help you as well.

Hey guys, salut mes amis och hallå gubbar, Maxim here!

I would like to say these tips are not really so common, and I won't be covering things

like lowering your graphic settings for example since I feel like that's pretty obvious so

perhaps you'll get something out of this.

Number 1.

Turn off background apps.

If you go under Settings, Privacy, Background Apps you can choose which apps to run in the background.

You can also turn this off completely or select a couple ones you want to use.

This doesn't really affect CS:GO that much, but you save battery on your laptop, bandwidth,

and some system resources that might be useful for general use.

Number 2.

Disable Startup Applications.

Right click on your taskbar, choose task manager go to startup and choose the starting programs

that you want to disable.

The better everything will run.

Restart your computer when you're done.

Number 3.

Turn off desktop capture on Shadowplay.

This is something that has caused some FPS issues in the past, so turn it off if while

playing since you won't need it anyway.

Now I don't mean turn Shadowplay off completely (even though that will give you an FPS boost),

what I mean is you can still use it in-game I'm just talking about desktop recording.

Hopefully it helps you.

Number 4.

If you're using Google Chrome, make sure you right-click on it and choose to disable it

from running in the background.

Google Chrome tends to take up lots of resources, and even though I really like Chrome, this

really helped me.

And number 5.

Having less things up on your desktop can actually make your game run more smoothly.

Even changing to an ugly gray old theme on Windows will boost your FPS in-game.

But most importantly if you have many things open at least minimize them or exit everything

that you don't need open.

Also, I would love to take this moment to share that I've made some nice adjustments

to my config, which you can find on my website.

Using my config will give you an FPS boost, some nice tweaks and aimbot.

Okay it won't give you aimbot.

My mousepad will... * sellout*

Anyway, let me know if any of these tips helped you the same way they did for me.

Also if you have any tips for Windows, you can write them down below.

Hope you enjoyed the video, you can follow me on my social medias to see what's going

on behind the scenes.

I'll see you guys in the next one, and go bananas!

For more infomation >> CS:GO - 5 Small Uncommon W10 Tricks to boost FPS [2018] - Duration: 2:47.


Świnka Pepe - Dzień talentów [PARODIA] - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Świnka Pepe - Dzień talentów [PARODIA] - Duration: 4:19.


Super Bowl Stormtrooper - Duration: 0:13.

So tell us what do you like about the Super Bowl

Well you see uh, I like that I get food

And you know, I don't have to go to battle

Its pretty awesome

Thank you


For more infomation >> Super Bowl Stormtrooper - Duration: 0:13.


Ending Scene | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) CLIP 2 - Duration: 4:57.

May death find you quickly if you bring them to harm.

Come on, keep up.

Mr. Frodo didn't mean for them Rangers to hurt you.

You know that, don't you?

He was trying to save you, see?

Save me?

So there's no hard feelings.

- Forgive and forget. - No, no, no hard feelings.

Gollum, Gollum.

Yes, master.

- Nice Hobbits. - Very decent of you.

Very decent, indeed, Gollum.

Sauron's wrath will be terrible, his retribution swift.

The battle for Helm's Deep is over.

The battle for Middle-earth is about to begin.

All our hopes now lie with two little Hobbits...

...somewhere in the wilderness.

I wonder if we'll ever be put into songs or tales.


I wonder if people will ever say, "Let's hear about Frodo and the Ring. "

And they'll say, "Yes! That's one of my favorite stories. "

"Frodo was really courageous, wasn't he, Dad?"

"Yes, my boy.

The most famousest of Hobbits. And that's saying a lot. "

Well, you've left out one of the chief characters:

"Samwise the Brave. "

I want to hear more about Sam.

Frodo wouldn't have got far without Sam.

Now, Mr. Frodo, you shouldn't make fun. I was being serious.

So was I.

"Samwise the Brave. "


We're not going to wait for you. Come on.


Master looks after us.

Master wouldn't hurt us. Master broke his promise.

Don't ask Smeagol. Poor, poor Smeagol.

Master betrayed us.

Wicked. Tricksy. False.

We ought to wring his filthy little neck.

Kill him! Kill him!

Kill them both!

And then we take the precious...

...and we be the master!

But the fat Hobbit, he knows.

Eyes always watching.

Then we stabs them out.

Put out his eyeses and make him crawl.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Kill them both.

Yes. No! No!

It's too risky. It's too risky.

Where is he? Where has he gone?

- Hey, Gollum! Where are you? - Smeagol?

We could let her do it.

Yes. She could do it.

Yes, precious, she could.

And then we takes it once they're dead.

Once they're dead.

Come on, Hobbits. Long ways to go yet. Smeagol will show you the way.

Follow me.

For more infomation >> Ending Scene | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) CLIP 2 - Duration: 4:57.


Crazy California lawmakers to begin treating homeschooling - Duration: 5:26.

Crazy California lawmakers to begin treating homeschooling parents like they are all child


by: JD Heyes

Just when you think the idiot Democrats who run the state of California with an iron fist

have outdone their lunacy, they double and triple down on it.

In recent years the state�s Democrats have infringed on parental rights by imposing a

vaccine mandate in which no one could opt their children out of the system, for any

reason (including religious objections, which is a blatant violation of the First Amendment�s

religious freedom protections).

�The vaccine discussion issue just got more complicated as California governor Jerry Brown

signed SB 277.

Just one day after lawmakers sent him the bill, Brown signed it into law, eliminating

all personal and religious exemptions for vaccines for California�s schoolchildren,�

Natural News reported in June 2015.

Now, the state�s war on parents who don�t �conform� by sending their children to

be indoctrinated in California�s socialist-dominated public schools are going to be subject to

the same treatment as a child abuser or molester.

As reported by the Washington Examiner, Democrat-led lawmakers �in that state have indicated

plans to categorically require homeschool parents to prove � through home visits,

interview, and other government oversight � that indeed the parent is not abusive

if they choose to exercise a legally protected and valid option for school choice.�

Because you see, California�s Democrats can�t allow even one child to grow up thinking

he or she doesn�t need them to survive, or that there actually is another party and

political ideology �out there.�

�This measure would shift the burden to the parent to prove to the government�s

satisfaction his or her parental fitness,� the Washington Examiner reported.

�This is absurdly unconstitutional.�

What has prompted this big government lunacy?

One example of abuse � an admittedly horrible one, but not one that should engulf California�s

entire homeschooling population:

�[I]n light of the remarkably horrifying case of Riverside County couple David and

Louise Turpin, whose 13 children were reportedly chained, malnourished, and clearly abused,

the media and lawmakers have chosen to focus on one coincidental detail � the Turpins

were also registered as homeschoolers.

So, because in this one case � one very extreme, very rare, case � Democratic lawmakers

now want to use it as an excuse to exert more government regulation and control over homeschooling

throughout California, no doubt hoping that the most populous state�s example will ripple

across the country.

In fact, lawmakers haven�t wasted any time with this; already they have suggested they

plan to introduce legislation to �cure� the alleged �problem� of laxity in private

school choice options, which of course also entails homeschooling.

(Related: IDIOT California teacher caught on VIDEO calling members of U.S. military

�dumbsh*ts, lowest of low�.)

Measures already being floated include options for mandatory quarterly home visits by state

government bureaucrats who, like all government regulators are motivated to find something

wrong, in order to justify their miserable existence.

Other suggestions include interviews from child protective services (see?) and additional

government agencies, the Washington Examiner noted further.

�This kind of government regulation and oversight would reduce the valid legal option

of homeschooling from a fundamental parental right, to direct the education and school

choice for children, to compelled consent to government intrusion upon the sanctity

and privacy of the home and school choice,� the news site reported.

Without a doubt.

But then, that�s the point, isn�t it?

Because as the Washington Examiner reports, not a single reporting agency that would know

� the World Health Organization, the American Psychological Association, and others � list

�homeschooling� as a child abuse risk factor.

This is nothing more than California Democrats� using an extreme example of abuse and turning

it into an opportunity to essentially regulate a private school option out of existence while

padding the rosters of government schools so they can poison more kids� minds with

anti-American Leftism.

If you still live in California and you�re fed up with these kinds of intrusions on your

constitutional rights and liberties, you may as well pack up and leave because Democrats

are going to run the state for

the foreseeable future.

For more infomation >> Crazy California lawmakers to begin treating homeschooling - Duration: 5:26.


Orakel Himmelreich Channeling mit Connie © 2018 - Duration: 23:31.

For more infomation >> Orakel Himmelreich Channeling mit Connie © 2018 - Duration: 23:31.


Why Gold-Bladed Spinnerbaits? | Bass Fishing - Duration: 1:36.

Glenn: Hey folks, Glenn May here with, and welcome to another addition of Hank Parker's

Fishin' Tips.

This week's question, it comes from Kevin from Boise, Idaho, and he says, "Hank, I noticed

you use a lot of willow-bladed spinner baits with gold blades.

Why gold?"

Hank: Well I like gold.

Sometimes they're a little bit more flashy than nickel.

I use nickel a lot in real clear water, but if that water is off-colored, I'm kinda matching

the water a little bit, I like those gold blades.

So I use Indiana blades, I use Colorado blades, and I use willow leafs as well.

And I always, you know, Indiana blade is kind of a compromise that I found to be really

favorable for me.

So I probably throw more Indiana blades than I do anything else.

It's kind of a cross between a willow and a Colorado.

Puts off good vibration, good flair, and I think that gold just adds to that flash in

that off-colored water, and I like it.

It's been very effective for me.

Glenn: Great, thank you so much, Hank.

And Kevin, thank you for that question.

For more tips and tricks, head over to

Lots of tips and tricks and articles and videos on there for you to check out.

And if you wanna get notified of the next time we post some of Hank's tips, just subscribe

to our channel.

Thanks a lot and have a great day.

For more infomation >> Why Gold-Bladed Spinnerbaits? | Bass Fishing - Duration: 1:36.


Booktube Newbie Tag |AND| New to Booktube Tag [CC] - Duration: 13:17.

I've been a viewer Booktube for almost a year now and I get the sense that it's

such a warm and welcoming community where everyone just has conversations

about books. It's very easy going by the looks of it and I just wanted to be part of it

Hi everyone and welcome back to Foibles

and Fancies. I wanted to do a tag video today and since I'm new to Booktube and

Youtube in general, I thought that I would do one of the newbie tags. Now there

are a couple of new to booktube or book to newbie tags going out there, so I

couldn't really decide which one I wanted to do, so I'm doing them both!

So, one is called a Booktube Newbie Tag, and that was done by Brenda C, and the other

is the New to Booktube Tag by Between Chapters. Here we go.

And onto the Booktube Newbie Tag.

Question 1: why did you start this channel? I have been watching Booktube

for almost a year now and I've absolutely loved the conversations that

have gone on in the comments and the discussions that have taken place on

film and I really wanted to be a part of it. In addition, I just rekindled my love

for reading last year and I wanted a way to keep myself accountable. So, having to

show my face here on YouTube every so often was a great way to do so.

Question number 2 is what are some fun and unique things you can bring to booktube?

Wow, I don't really know how to answer this question so I'm just gonna move on.

Question 3 is what are you most excited for about this new channel? What are you

most excited about for this new channel? The thing I'm most excited about is

actually interacting with everyone out there. I think that is the strongest

point to being on booktube is all the interaction that we get to have with each other.

Question 4 is why do you love reading? I think there are many reasons

why I enjoy reading. I'm the kinda a person who likes to experience all kinds of things,

and I know that I'm not going to be able to in my own life, and frankly there are

some things that I only want to experience through reading. Reading

allows a person to see from someone else's point of view and I think that's

a wonderful thing. There are so many people from different walks of life out

there, and it's so easy to get stuck in your own world that it's a really good

thing to sometimes open up a book and just read about someone else's fictional

life sometimes or even nonfiction and and just to get some other perspectives

out there - broaden your mind a little bit. Question 5 is what book or book

series got you into reading? My first sort of foray into reading was Enid

Blyton. I think I read all of her books. So, Up the Faraway Tree, the Famous Five,

the Secret Seven, Malory Towers, some boarding school called St Clare's... I

think... Anyway, all of her books. I just *gob gob gob* ate them all up when I was really

young. When I was in primary school, I picked up the Sweet Valley Twins and

then I moved on to Sweet Valley High. So I did spend a lot of time reading Sweet

Valley. Question 6 is what questions would you ask your favorite booktuber?

There are a handful of booktubers that I absolutely adore and do not miss any of

their videos. I think it would be more about how they make their channel and

all the things that go on behind the scenes. I'm really intrigued by that part

of it and I am so thankful for Reads and Daydreams for putting together that How

to Start a Booktube channel series. It's a great guide and very practical I loved it.

Thank You Lauren!

Question 7 is what

challenges do you think starting a booktube channel will be the hardest to

overcome? I think, for me, it'll be balancing everything. I really want to be

able to post videos regularly, but I know that they're going to be times at work

where I'm just gonna be so overwhelmed with work-related things and I'll have

no spare time to do any videoing let alone editing, so that's something I'm

gonna have to figure out how to do. I mean, I know there are a

bunch of other working booktubers out there so

I know I'm not special. But, you know, I'll have to figure out a way to work around

that and, you know, I'll probably have to queue some videos up and schedule them

to come out on a regular basis just be.. just before busy season starts.

Things along those lines. On to the New to Booktube Tag. First question is where are

you joining us from? I'm coming to you today from Southern Ontario in Canada,

specifically the Niagara Peninsula, so I'm right on Lake Ontario. The next

question is: how old are you?

The light just changed... I wasn't sure I wanted to answer this question at first, but I'm

thirty-five. The son just disappeared now! Anyways, on to question 3: why did I

join booktube? I enjoy trying new things and even if they scare me just a little

bit, I'm game for it. The idea of putting my face out there for the world to see,

to sit in front of a... to sit in front of a camera and just like look at that

little lens... it's it's all a little awkward! But, you know, it's something that

I would like to get used to. Avoiding trying to look at myself up on that

screen. I also enjoy learning new skills so presentation skills I think is

something that everyone can brush up on, and here I am, trying to brush up on mine.

You know, hopefully I'll get more fluid with speaking in front of a camera. I'm...

I would say that I'm already quite comfortable speaking in front of an

audience, but a camera is so different to an audience, you know, there's there's no...

there's no one in that tiny little screen saying "yeah go" or, you know, giving

you cues with questions you might have. This whole film editing process has been

quite the new development for me too. I was completely new to it and it's it's

been fun learning how to do various things. I mean one of my videos had text

along the top because it was... because my video is blurry and it's just neat

learning how to do all those things, because I had no idea. I mean, I'm pretty clueless

when it comes to these things. But I can learn! ...and my battery died. Complete

newbie fail. Anyways take two in filming my Booktube Newbie tag and my New to

Booktube tag. Question 4 is: what is the meaning behind your channel name? So

a little bit of a long story here. About six years ago, I started a book blog and

I called it This Week's Pairings, and my idea behind that channel was that I was

going to review a book pair it with either wine or a cheese and

do a bit of a double review. I was very ambitious calling it with This Week's

Pairings and pigeon holing myself into book reviews specifically. And I also ran

out of teas and there was only so much I could do with that so I abandoned ship and

renamed the page Fables Foibles and Fancies. After a while, I started actually

blogging about things that weren't book related so I decided to cut off the

Fables and just call it Foibles and Fancies. I figured I could include books

in that anyways because they are my fancies, but that is the evolution of

Foibles and Fancies. Question 5 is: what type of books do you read or want to

talk about here? I would say my favorite type of books to read would be adult

contemporary fiction. I particularly like books about immigration or moving or

being nomadic. Generally, books with a sense of... generally books that have a

sense of belonging or finding it. I find those books to be very interesting. Maybe

because I've found myself in that situation more times than I can remember. I also

tend to gravitate toward books that are set in places that I've never been to or

...or I don't know very much about. So, I both like reading about things that

are similar to myself and I also like reading about things that are not like me.

Question 6 is: who are your favorite authors? I would say my top author is

Anne Rice. I think I've read almost all of her books. I adored the Vampire

Chronicles and also enjoyed the Mayfair witches books. There was that period

where she got a little bit religious, that I did not really get into. Anne Rice

is definitely up there as an author that I can name. Now, there are many other

books that I have thoroughly enjoyed written by other people, but I may have

loved one of their books and not really liked another book, so there's there's no

consistency there. Question 7 is: what's the last book you read? The last book I

read was The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. Question 8 is: what are you

currently reading? I always have two books on the go one audio book and

one either ebook or a physical book. The audio book that I'm currently reading is

Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie and the e-book that I have on the go is

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty. Question 9 is: what you use for bookmarks?

I wish I used pretty bookmarks. I'd love to get some, but I don't have them.

Anyways, I often use little scraps of papers.

If the book comes with a dust jacket, I tend to use that as a bookmark. Receipts if

it's a library book. Library books often come with a receipt with when you need

to return the books by and I often use that. I'm resourceful when it comes to

bookmarks. Question 10 is: show us your current TBR pile! I'm not gonna do that

because most of my books and my e-reader...

but one sec.

I do have a TBR pile from the library and... I don't know if you can see that, but

these are it. So, I've got Shrill by Lindy West, Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan,

I Contain Multitudes by Ed Yong and The Dragon Behind the Glass by Emily Voigt.

I actually have the audio book for I Contain Multitudes as well, so I'll

probably just listen to the audio book. Question 11 is all about preferences, so

here they are: hardcover or paperback? Usually hardcover,

because like I said before I use the dust jacket as a bookmark, but I also like trade

paperbacks because they're lighter. I'm not a huge fan of mass-market paperbacks...

I think that's what they're called... they're the the shorter fatter ones. And

then, this is a great segue, because I actually do prefer e-books over physical

books, um and that's just space wise. like I.. there was a time when I liked

amassing things but, uh, I'm at a stage in my life right now where I

just wanna clear the clutter, and that includes books. But it doesn't mean I

want to stop reading books, so I just use my e-reader most of the time. Next one is

owning or borrowing? I don't really have a preference, I mean if it's a... if it's a

book that I just want to try, I'll borrow it from the library. Otherwise if I see

it and I like the sounds of it I'll pick it up. Question 13 is: how did you

discover booktube? I actually have a very clear

recollection of how I discovered booktube. I remember being on the

armchair one morning thinking about ways that I could be more productive in life,

and, you know, those things like morning routines and waking up, waking up earlier,

getting some exercise in, yada yada yada. but being the crazy procrastinated that I am,

I actually went down the rabbit hole of bullet journaling and I watched a ton of

bullet journaling videos (and they're a lot of fun by the way) but there are some

book tubers out there who also bullet journal, and the first book tuber I

stumbled across was Lauren Elwood, and she's based in South Africa and talks

about a lot of books that are set in or written by African authors. And then I

realized that people talk about books on YouTube, and I went down that rabbit hole

and I have been there ever since, and here I am now, in my own little burrow.

Question 15 is: where else can we find you? I am on Instagram at FoiblesandFancies,

I'm also on Goodreads with the handle FoiblesandFancies. I do have a

Twitter handle called FoiblesandFancies that I haven't started really

using yet, so if you're on Twitter and love using it, feel free to interact with

me on it and get me started. So that's my first tag video for you guys. I hope you

enjoyed it, and if you did please like this video and consider subscribing. Like

I've said a couple of times now, I hope to be consistent with posting videos on

here for you to watch. I hope you have a great day and I'll see you again next time.


For more infomation >> Booktube Newbie Tag |AND| New to Booktube Tag [CC] - Duration: 13:17.


JAPAN Vlog - Day 2 // KANAZAWA - Duration: 7:51.

Good morning,

It's 10 in the morning

and we're going to Kanazawa.

So, let's get rid of this marvel

which I feel very sorry for,

it's so comfortable, which I feel very sorry for,

it's so comfortable,

and we go to Kanazawa together.

I love the snow

but going with this

through this,

I swear is weary.

We are in Kanazawa.

In the 15th century, Kanazawa was controlled

by an autonomous Buddhist government

which was destroyed in 1583 by Maeda Toshie,

leader of the famous and powerful Maeda clan.

Kanazawa means golden swamp

and became the richest region in Japan.

So much wealth allowed the Maeda

to act as patrons

of culture and art

and, until today,

Kanazawa remains an important cultural center.

The Kenroku-en is considered

one of the three best gardens in Japan

and many say it's actually the best.

The name of this garden

indicates that it has





abundant water

and wide views.

In winter, these trees are put on those cones

to help keep them from getting damaged by the snow.

I can't explain to you

how incredibly beautiful this place is.

We are at the gates of Kanazawa Castle.

It that was built in 1580

and the Maeda lived here

up to 14 generations.

However, the castle was

completely destroyed by fire in 1881

and the only thing that remains original about this castle

The Ishikawa-mon gate.

However, since only this part

and this part are the original ones

and considering I'm going to visit Himeji,

I won't go inside the castle

and we're going to head directly

to the Samurai district instead.

We can see some original letters

that were written to Mr. Nomura,

the Samurai who resided in this house,

and it's impressive.

Here, they thank him

for killing a soldier

in the battle of Yokokitaguchi,

a high-ranking soldier,

and for bringinng his head back to them.

And in this one

they care about his health,

since in that same battle he received

several injuries

and they also apologize

for writing such a simple letter.

I find it fascinating.

Kanazawa is also well known

for its work with gold

and to lacquer in gold many of its works

such as, for example, this box

or this set of boxes

dating back to the Edo era.

Here we can see more works

that were found here at the Nomura samurai's house,

which are lacquered in gold.

To this day, we can even find

food items such as ice cream or mochi

which are covered with edible gold leaves.

We are at Higashi-chaya,

which is the largest neighborhood of Geishas

in Kanazawa.

It emerged in 1820 and today,

along with the Gion neighborhood in Kyoto,

and Kazue-mahi's in Kanazawa, too,

it is historical heritage

of important architectural conservation.

In this eastern neighborhood

The Shima tea house

and the Kaikaro tea house.

The owner of the Kaikaro tea house

speaks English

and for that,

the Kaikaro tea house is still very active and functioning

since it is possible to visit it for 700 yen

and enjoy a little Matcha tea service.

The ancient Shima tea house

does work but as a museum

and the entrance is about 500 yen.

And there we can see the halls

where the geisha acted,

kitchen or a presentation of various instruments.

Here we have another one

of the famous Geisha's neighborhoods of Kanazawa,

right by the river,

like Ponto-cho in Kyoto.

Somebody's playing.

Okay, I just walked into the room

after 11 hours away from home

walking and doing what tourists do

and as you probably hear

I'm getting ready for a bath

because I'm exhausted and I deserve it.

Well, these are the views,

buildings ahead,

buildings around here

and a lot, a lot of snow.

Tomorrow we go to the town that's

in the Japanese Alps

named Shirakawa-go.


For more infomation >> JAPAN Vlog - Day 2 // KANAZAWA - Duration: 7:51.


146 - Luz do Sol VERSUS luz do dia na Terra plana: "FAÇA-SE A LUZ!!" LEGENDAS EM PORTUGUÊS. - Duration: 5:25.

For more infomation >> 146 - Luz do Sol VERSUS luz do dia na Terra plana: "FAÇA-SE A LUZ!!" LEGENDAS EM PORTUGUÊS. - Duration: 5:25.


PRO TRIATHLON TRAINING lessons all age groupers will benefit from - Duration: 7:20.

- And I witnessed how he structures

all of the training from everyone from pros...

And that is going to be your fastest possible time.

Who trained 12 hours a week,

and he went sub-nine hours in Kona.

Focus please.

Morning, trainiacs.

As you may know, if you've been around for the last week,

I was just in Scottsdale and Tempe,

and a big chunk of what I was doing down there was

I was meeting with Matt Dixon

and the Purple Patch Pro Triathlon Team,

and I witnessed how he structures

all of the training from everyone from pros to age groupers.

And I think that there is something that's really important

about Matt's approach, as he calls it, methodology.

- Uniting behind a methodology,

a methodology, a methodology, a methodology.

- Just sounds nice when he says it.

That all age groupers need to hear because it means,

potentially, training less while getting faster.

I'm also taking up wearing a hat backwards.

So I'm gonna put this in all terrain terms here,

and I'm probably gonna paraphrase and butcher

a lot of what Matt Dixon says.

If you're very interested

in Matt Dixon's approach after hearing this,

go to Amazon, check out The Well-Built Triathlete

and The Fast-Track Triathlete.

Those are two books that Matt has come out with

over the last three-four years.

So now, in my words, what I gathered from Matt is that

the training approach for every triathlete

needs to match their lifestyle.

And why that is, is because our bodies

can't differentiate stress that comes from work

or stress that comes from training.

And because most of us age groupers

have very stressful jobs

and we tend to have family structures where

triathlon is not integrated into the family,

any time that we do triathlon training

is often taking away and adding to the difficulty

of fitting in all of real life.

And because pros structure their entire lives

around the training,

we can't expect to be putting in

the same amounts of physical stress hours

in the triathlon training that pros do.

And that's because, in the case of pros,

they have more time to rest, they have more time to recover,

they have more time to put their feet up.

So, often when people say,

"Hey, how much training is it gonna take

"to get to Kona?" for example,

the typical answer is anywhere in between 18

and 22 hours a week of training.

That's what we see pros doing.

But when you ask people,

do you have 18 to 20 hours a week to train?

Rarely does anyone actually have that.

Pros do.

20 hours a week from an age grouper

doesn't have the same effect because

we spend that 20 hours a week training

and then we go and work 40, 50, 60 hours on top of it.

Then in the evening we have to cart our families around,

we have to go to events.

There is a whole lot more that goes into it.

So what happens with the pro

is that they're able to absorb

that 20 hours a week of training,

whereas with the age grouper, it might be too much.

So it's not like 20 hours a week is just 20 hours a week.

For every single athlete,

there is a certain amount

of training time and training stress

that they can put themselves through

over the course of a week that is comfortable enough

to absorb the training.

And that's different for everyone and dependent

on your lifestyle and your body's ability to recover.

So instead of trying to cram everyone's life

regardless of what commitments they have

into a maximum training effort week,

what we're looking to do is figure out how much training

you can comfortably sustain and recover from,

and that is going to be your fastest possible time.

Beyond that, you're probably doing yourself damage.

So how do you figure out

how much time you can spend training?

First thing is that you've got to tally up

the non-negotiables.

That's time spent working, time spent commuting,

time with commitments to family,

and at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

Also, then build in a little bit of me-time, essentially.

An hour, maybe two hours every day

where you're not rushing from one thing to the next because

even if you can fit everything in

but you're rushing from one thing to the next,

it's just constant stress on your body

and you need a little bit of downtime throughout the day.

And then what you do is

you build your triathlon training plan around that,

not the other way around.

And if it turns out that 12 hours is

all that you can comfortably get in,

12 hours is going to be your optimal performance

training hours week.

And what Matt also does

in addition to figuring out your optimal amount of time

is he understands that things come up.

So over the course of a week,

let's say there's 10 workouts in a week,

he'll indicate which workouts are key workouts.

These are typically the biggest, the longest,

the most difficult training workouts.

And then the other workouts are the supporting workouts.

These are the technique workouts.

Runners might refer to these as garbage miles,

recovery workouts.

Now, if you need to steal a day

because you're running out of time

or if you need to just shorten up a workout,

you do that with these recovery workouts,

either dropping them or

dropping aspects of it to shorten the workout

so that you can still get those key,

most beneficial workouts in.

So do pros train upwards of 20 or more hours a week?


Will training 20 hours a week

help you more than training 12 hours a week?

Yes, but only if your life is set up

to be able to comfortably train 20 hours a week.

And does it mean that if you

aren't able to train 20 hours a week

that you can't reach your dreams like go to Kona?

No, there's actually a couple of case studies,

very famous ones, where Matt has coached athletes,

one in particular named Sami Inkinen,

who trained 12 hours a week,

and he went sub-nine hours in Kona.

Now, granted, Sami was an incredible youth athlete

and he had a huge engine to begin with,

but it's just to say

that you can reach your peak level of fitness

for your lifestyle on less training than the

gold standard 20-hour training weeks

that people have come to think is the norm.

So you go, triathletes.

If you aren't yet subscribed,

hit that subscribe button below

to catch our daily triathlon videos.

If you want to see a lot of the coverage that we did

with Matt and his pro Purple Patch Team,

check out those videos up here.

If you are an existing trainiac, (jingling)

and if you are an existing trainiac,

if you got any questions, (jingling)

and if you are an existing trainiac,

if you got any questions about this,

ask them in the comments below.

See you.

Backwards hat.

Ooh, ow, ow, ow.

That hurts, ow! Ooh.

For more infomation >> PRO TRIATHLON TRAINING lessons all age groupers will benefit from - Duration: 7:20.


Orem! Suas Orações Estão Funcionando - Duration: 15:31.

For more infomation >> Orem! Suas Orações Estão Funcionando - Duration: 15:31.


directo con musica - Duration: 26:35.

For more infomation >> directo con musica - Duration: 26:35.


Aprender Ingles Frases En Ingles | Learn English speaking in Spanish for beginners Lesson 1 - Duration: 23:07.

I've the ability to complete this task.

I've the ability to complete this task.

I'm able to do it.

I'm able to do it.

Some people are fine with abortion while others are not.

Some people are fine with abortion while others are not.

The match is about to start.

The match is about to start.

Above all that's true.

Above all that's true.

My brother lives abroad.

My brother lives abroad.

His absence shows that he's not serious.

His absence shows that he's not serious.

The absolute value of zero is nothing.

The absolute value of zero is nothing.

You are (You're) absolutely right.

You are (You're) absolutely right.

The sponge absorbs the water.

The sponge absorbs the water.

Don't abuse me.

Don't abuse me.

What's your academic qualification?

What's your academic qualification?

Please accept my apologies.

Please accept my apologies.

Do you have an access?

Do you have an access?

I witnessed a road side accident.

I witnessed a road side accident.

Can you accompany me?

Can you accompany me?

I'll accomplish my goals.

I'll accomplish my goals.

According to me, you are wrong.

According to me, you are wrong.

Do you have a bank account?

Do you have a bank account?

Your point of view is accurate.

Your point of view is accurate.

Don't accuse me.

Don't accuse me.

We'll achieve our objectives.

We'll achieve our objectives.

What are your professional achievements?

What are your professional achievements?

Sulfuric acid is dangerous.

Sulfuric acid is dangerous.

I acknowledge his contributions in completing this task.

I acknowledge his contributions in completing this task.

Our company is going to acquire that bank.

Our company is going to acquire that bank.

This plane can travel across the Atlantic ocean in 6 hours.

This plane can travel across the Atlantic ocean in 6 hours.

Can you please act upon my advice?

Can you please act upon my advice?

The police has to take an action against those gangsters.

The police has to take an action against those gangsters.

She's active in drama club.

She's active in drama club.

He's a social activist.

He's a social activist.

What is the next activity?

What is the next activity?

Shahrukh is the best actor.

Shahrukh is the best actor.

Who's your favorite actress?

Who's your favorite actress?

What's the actual cost?

What's the actual cost?

Actually, he's not coming.

Actually, he's not coming.

Reference to your job ad, I'm applying for this position.

Reference to your job ad, I'm applying for this position.

The tiger adapted to the new zoo environment.

The tiger adapted to the new zoo environment.

Can you add these numbers?

Can you add these numbers?

In addition to that, you are wrong.

In addition to that, you are wrong.

Do we have additional employees?

Do we have additional employees?

Please note down my home address.

Please note down my home address.

You should drink adequate water.

You should drink adequate water.

Adjust your car seat according to your height.

Adjust your car seat according to your height.

Can you do this adjustment?

Can you do this adjustment?

He is good at administration.

He is good at administration.

I'm a networking administrator.

I'm a networking administrator.

I admire your beauty.

I admire your beauty.

He got an admission in an international university.

He got an admission in an international university.

I admit that I was wrong.

I admit that I was wrong.

He is entering into adolescent.

He is entering into adolescent.

I'll adopt your method.

I'll adopt your method.

He should be punished as an adult.

He should be punished as an adult.

We are advancing towards our objective.

We are advancing towards our objective.

Australia is an advanced country.

Australia is an advanced country.

Don't take advantage of someones weakness.

Don't take advantage of someones weakness.

I love to go to safari adventure.

I love to go to safari adventure.

TV channels make a lot of money due to advertising.

TV channels make a lot of money due to advertising.

I'll act upon your advice.

I'll act upon your advice.

Can you please advise me?

Can you please advise me?

He is an IT adviser to the minster.

He is an IT adviser to the minster.

She is an advocate in a local court.

She is an advocate in a local court.

How's your affair going?

How's your affair going?

The credit crunch has an affect on our company.

The credit crunch has an affect on our company.

I can't afford a new car.

I can't afford a new car.

I'm afraid of ghost.

I'm afraid of ghost.

Rawanda is an African country.

Rawanda is an African country.

He is an African-American.

He is an African-American.

I'll do it after the lunch.

I'll do it after the lunch.

Let's meet in the afternoon.

Let's meet in the afternoon.

Let's do it again.

Let's do it again.

I'm not against you.

I'm not against you.

What's your age?

What's your age?

She works in an ad agency.

She works in an ad agency.

What's the agenda of today's meeting?

What's the agenda of today's meeting?

I think he is an agent.

I think he is an agent.

He is very aggressive.

He is very aggressive.

A long long time ago, there was a king.

A long long time ago, there was a king.

I agree with you.

I agree with you.

We'll reach an agreement.

We'll reach an agreement.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country.


I miss her.


I miss her.

He was ahead of his times.

He was ahead of his times.

That country depends heavily on foreign aid.

That country depends heavily on foreign aid.

He is my aide.

He is my aide.

AIDS is painful.

AIDS is painful.

Let's aim higher.

Let's aim higher.

Air is essential for humans.

Air is essential for humans.

A380 is the biggest aircraft.

A380 is the biggest aircraft.

Etihad is a good airline.

Etihad is a good airline.

Frankfurt has a big airport.

Frankfurt has a big airport.

Let's see your wedding album.

Let's see your wedding album.

Don't consume alcohol.

Don't consume alcohol.

He is alive and well.

He is alive and well.

All is well.

All is well.

United Kingdom is a part of a NATO alliance.

United Kingdom is a part of a NATO alliance.

I'll not allow this to happen.

I'll not allow this to happen.

He is our ally.

He is our ally.

I'm almost finished.

I'm almost finished.

Are you alone?

Are you alone?

Along with that, he is right.

Along with that, he is right.

For more infomation >> Aprender Ingles Frases En Ingles | Learn English speaking in Spanish for beginners Lesson 1 - Duration: 23:07.


Apprendre à CHANTER avec le VENTRE [Exercice] - #BienChanter n°54 - Duration: 7:43.

For more infomation >> Apprendre à CHANTER avec le VENTRE [Exercice] - #BienChanter n°54 - Duration: 7:43.


Will WW3 Be Fought With AI? - Duration: 4:12.

A war fought with Artificial Intelligence.

Science fiction?

Or An impending reality?

Technology is improving at an alarming rate, and as technology improves, it will be used

in practice in ways that were not previously possible.

Most notably, in warfare.

Elon musk, CEO of tesla Motors and SpaceX warned that An artificial intelligence race

is more likely to cause world war 3 than a 20th century style arms race, or even North


Look for the elon musk tweet for the screen grab.

Just google search AI world war 3 elon musk.

Naturally, the united states has the upper hand when it comes to military force.

But Russian President Vladmir Putin suggested recently that AI may be the way that Russia

could rebalance the power shift created by the US outspending Russia on defense each


Could other countries follow in russias footsteps?

Today, Life's biggest questions asks, will World War 3 be fought with Artificial Intellgence.

Hello and welcome back to LBQ, I'm charlotte dobre.

Don't forget to like and subscribe and let us know in the comments below what topics

you would like to see next.

There are many reasons why world governments would want to employ the use of artificial

intelligence in warfare.

Employing the use of cyber weapons ensures avoiding the use of nuclear weapons.

Yes, many countries have stockpiles of nuclear weapons, but using those nuclear weapons is

dangerous, and could set off a chain of events that might lead to the destruction of humanity.

Another alternative?

Get technology to fight your battles for you.

Drones, self driving vehicles, cyber security, robot soldiers.

Using AI has many advantages.

AI's don't have empathy like humans, so they do not hesitate.

They make the decision to attack almost instantly, before a human even has a reason to.

They can detect an enemy and fire so quickly, they could replace the need for man to man


AI controlled aircraft will completely change the game.

An aircraft being able to function depends on the pilot surviving.

If an aircraft doesn't need a pilot, that would take away the need for training.

The aircraft would be lighter and therefore faster.

An aircraft wouldn't need to provide things like oxygen to a pilot who needs it at high


AI could save world governments millions, and prevent the loss of millions of active


Currently there are over 30 countries that are developing armed drones, which are getting

more and more advanced with each successive generation.

Up until now, these drones have been controlled by humans.

But that could very well change in the near future.

We already have self driving cars and planes, why not military weapons?

All of this being said, according to many experts there are reasons why AI could be

very dangerous.

Which experts?

Pretty much the best and brightest the world has to offer.

Steven hawking joined elon musk, apple cofounder Steve Wozniak and 1 thousand other colleagues

to call for a ban on Offensive autonomous weapons.

They know the dangers of AI, as I'm sure you probably do to.

We've seen the dangers in films and shows like the terminator, west world, and I robot.

It is entirely possible that artificially intelligent machines and robots could learn

to not take orders from humans, and instead, turn against us.

Imagine what would happen if every killer robot on earth suddenly decided that they

weren't going to fight our wars for us, so they decided to wipe out the human race


There isn't only the danger of AI robots turning against humans, in the words of steven

hawking, AI will bring new dangers like powerful autonomous weapons or new ways for the few

to oppress the many.

Not having empathy means AI robots wouldn't be able to hold back if they decide that a

preemptive strike is the most probably path to victory.

At this time, over 60 non government organizations have called for a treaty that bans autonomous

weapons, but many coutnries are still not willing to take cyberweapons off the table.

And reasonably so.

Cyber weapons could save countless lives.

At the same time though, killer AI robots could be potentially very dangerous.

Obviously its difficult to imagine what a war with AI killer robots will be like, its

never happened before.

But AI is becoming more and more a part of our day today life without us even realizing


Google, facebook, amazon and Microsoft are all using it in their new technologies

So will world war 3 be fought with AI?

I would say that's a yes, whether we like it or not.

Russia is regarding AI development as an arms race, china and the united states are also.

If these counties are developing AI weapons, other countries will be forced to follow.

And its safe to say that the country who is ahead of the game in the AI department, will

be the country who has the advantage.

For now I'm charlotte dobre and you've been watching lifes biggest questions.

If you want to go on an LBQ binge, check out our playlist, biggest what ifs, clickable

on the screen right now.

As always make sure you turn on notifications by clicking the bell, and we'll see you

in the next video

For more infomation >> Will WW3 Be Fought With AI? - Duration: 4:12.


The Dr. Duck Conspiracy - Duration: 2:12.


For more infomation >> The Dr. Duck Conspiracy - Duration: 2:12.



For more infomation >> FORTNITE IS BACK!!! FORTNITE RUMBLE WITH NEW MINI GUN!!! - Duration: 1:00:17.


KSI VS AnEsonGib - Boxing Match *UNSEEN FOOTAGE* - Duration: 15:31.

KSI VS AnEsonGib - Boxing Match *UNSEEN FOOTAGE*

For more infomation >> KSI VS AnEsonGib - Boxing Match *UNSEEN FOOTAGE* - Duration: 15:31.


Why are LGBT+ youth more likely to be homeless? | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 4:42.

Hey everybody, so if my setup looks like a little bit different today, it's because my

girlfriend is here, and she rearranged my filming setup, and I kinda like it, so I'm

gonna try it out for a video or two.

But today, I wanna talk about a pretty serious topic: Homelessness amongst LGBT+ youth.

Unfortunately, LGBT+ people make up a disproportionately high percentage of all homeless youth.

Various regional surveys have found that somewhere between 7-39% of all homeless youth identified

as LGBT, and the National LGBTQ Task Force estimates that between 20-40% of homeless

youth identify as LGBT -- even though people who identify as LGBT are estimated to make

up only 4-7% of the total population of the US.

Basically, all of the available data suggests that queer people are far more likely to experience

homelessness than straight cisgender people.

So, why is that?

Well, according to the LGBT Homeless Youth Provider Survey from 2012, the biggest reason

is that their parents don't accept their sexual orientation or gender.

46% of respondents said they ran away from home because of rejection, while 43% were

kicked out of their house after coming out.

You'll notice that the percentages for all of these reasons don't add up to 100%, and

that's because respondents were able to choose multiple options.

For instance, they could have faced abuse at home, and because of that, decided to run away.

So it's because of societal stigma against queer people that causes youth homelessness

to be so rampant within the LGBT+ community.

When parents can't accept their queer kid, sometimes they just kick them out of their

house, and other times they make life so miserable for their child that they decide to run away.

There's nothing about queer people that makes them inherently more likely to be homeless

-- it's just the fact that there's so much societal stigma against them that they're

often driven to homelessness.

Negative attitudes towards people because they're not straight or cisgender aren't

just an opinion -- they're an actively harmful ideology that puts queer people on the streets.

When people crack jokes at the expense of queer people, when people falsely claim that

trans women aren't real women, when people argue against marriage equality -- all of

that contributes to a culture that is okay abandoning their children just because they're different.

And it's not just that LGBT+ youth are more likely to be homeless -- they're also more

likely to be worse off than straight cisgender homeless youth.

A review from 2014 in the American journal of orthopsychiatry found that LGBT+ people

are far more likely to suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts than cishet people,

they're more likely to abuse alcohol or drugs, and they're also more likely to be

sexually or physically assaulted.

And trans people specifically often have it the hardest, because accessing transition-related

services can be difficult if not impossible while homeless -- and those who are able to

get hormones may self medicate in a dangerous way.

There's also the fact that homeless shelters are often segregated by sex, which means that

trans people fear not being allowed into the shelter that corresponds with their gender,

and instead being forced into the shelter that

corresponds with the gender they were assigned at birth.

For trans women, for example, being forced to use a men's shelter can be not only hugely

invalidating and discouraging, but it can also put them in danger when the cis men there

find out that they're trans.

All of this can cause trans people to avoid shelters entirely, and face more abuse than

cis people when they do use shelters.

There's no overnight solution to fixing how homeless LGBT+ youth are treated, but

increased federal funding would go a long way.

There needs to be more government funding for

explicitly LGBT-friendly homeless shelters and organizations.

For too many queer people, seeking help at a shelter is a gamble.

Will they be accepted?

Will they face rejection, humiliation, and possible physical violence all over again?

A report by The Palette Fund, the True Colors Fund, and the Williams Institute identified

lack of government funding as the main barrier to improving services for homeless LGBT+ youth.

There's just not enough money going towards these kids.

In fact, there's even federal money going to organizations that are known for being

anti-LGBT, like the Salvation Army, which receives millions in federal funding every year.

This leaves homeless LGBT+ youth with even fewer options

for shelter and aide than their cishet counterparts.

If you would like to help in some way, I'll link to some homeless shelters and LGBT organizations

that are doing what they can to help homeless queer youth.

You can donate money, which they obviously need, or donate your time by volunteering.

It could mean the world to a homeless queer kid.

In the meantime though, if we want to protect young queer kids from becoming homeless in

the first place, we have to work on changing how people view LGBT+ people in the first place.

If parents can accept their children for who they are, there's much less of a chance

that they will run away or be kicked out.

That's why it hurts so much to still see people making fun of queer people in 2018.

I feel like people act like because marriage equality is a thing now, LGBT+ people are

completely accepted -- but that couldn't be further from the truth.

When straight dudes talk about how queer dudes make them uncomfortable,

they spread the idea that queerness is wrong.

When cis women claim that trans women aren't "real women", they spread the idea that being trans is wrong.

Surface-level LGBT+ tolerance isn't enough -- we need to be confronting anti-queer ideas

and actively fighting for LGBT+ acceptance.

It's unacceptable that parents are still disowning their children just because of their

gender or sexual orientation, but it's important that we recognize that it's happening.

You can't address a problem if you don't know it exists.

So, please check out some of the links in the description and do what you can to support

homeless LGBT+ youth.

Thanks for watching this video, and I'll see you next time.

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