Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 4 2018

How Do You Know If You�re An Empath

by Erik Chavez,

Many people are feeling intense from the energies coming in.

If you are an empath this will naturally be heightened as your senses are at a heightened

state originally.

It�s not just this new energy coming in, most empathic people have felt deeply their

whole life.

Most star seeds have come in great love now to support this grand master plan of ascension.

If you have read and felt anything up to this point, chances are you are not only an empath

you are a star seed!

It may be a lot of information all balled up in one short paragraph, so it will be best

explained further.

First off, the only thing in your way is your own emotions.

So what we must all do as empaths is master these emotions through love.

Every person who has the capacity to perceive feelings and emotions is already to some degree


This means yes, we are all responsible for our own emotions.

Those emotions are always shared and felt in some way shape or form by the collective.

This article is written to induce emotion and contemplation with that deeper question

we should all be asking!

How Do You Know If You�re An Empath?

The question all hearts ask in the deepest desire, is how to receive truth of self-discovery.

Why is all of this so important (star seeds), and how does it involve ascension?

Many reasons can be explained, so for the sake of time awareness of all, we will discuss

some key reasons.

One major reason is that our thoughts create the shared reality that we exist in currently.

If we as a collective consciousness understand what we are, what we like and dis like, would

that not be exactly the road map we need to shift this realized reality to the most harmonic

temporal reality.

When all on this planet or most are connected to their hearts, this shift would be easy.

Yet we are still living in this reality because many are still not connecting.

So what about being an empath and how is it important for this time line?

The sensitive ones are like the markers that allow the collective to receive direct feed-back.

Collective and direct feed-back, what does this mean some may ask?

The collective consciousness is the combined accumulative thought form that blankets the

created reality in which we all exist.

Simply this information would be available to any being sharing the reality.

So here you are: if you are experiencing a raised heart rate, it is okay.

Remember that in most trying moments all that is required of you, is simply to breathe.

When you take that moment and inhale slowly, remember that it is not just air and oxygen,

it is the Prana.

The life force consciousness you are receiving in to your body and awareness is pure divine


So you feel deep and you are connected to all things giving you the ability to feel

so much more of what other people are feeling.

Some may not like feeling overwhelmed with emotion, so remember the breath as stated


Now for the star seed, this may be a mystery in itself; but it can also be very simple

at the same time.

You may or may not know how or where your soul originated, and that is fine.

Again, a way to a complicated story of self-discovery.

For those of you that get a positive feeling inside your core when you hear or read the

words star seed, you either are one or you are an Earth soul that prayed for us.

With that being said search your feelings and allow intuition to guide you to your truth.

In conclusion time may not exist or even reality, so what we have is what we have always had,


These so called times that are always changing have been trying to the emotional body, so

collectively let us use these bodies to transform these times in to the best times.

If you feel deep, you are an empath to your own heart; and that in its self is one of

the best blessings a being can have.

So if moments and times seem trying, take that moment to breathe in solace, and find

gratitude for the wisdom of the lesson that moment has to offer.

Together we can discover how truly amazing and powerful we are and take that wisdom forward

in a co-creative step to having Heaven on Earth.

In service to love and light, may all hearts that read these words be blessed with joy

and enlightenment.


For more infomation >> How Do You Know If You're An Empath - Duration: 4:59.


Sashbash Testing Software - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Sashbash Testing Software - Duration: 9:23.


Network Marketing Accountancy Specialists - Partnership Tax Return - Duration: 0:55.

Hi, I'm Chris Whitley-Jones from PRB Accountants down in Sussex, and we

specialise in acting for network marketing businesses. If you have a

business partner in your network marketing business, it's important to

remember that you have to register the partnership from the outset with HM

Revenue and Customs, and that will generate a partnership tax reference

number. And also you have to do a partnership tax return which, like

self-assessment returns, has to be filed by the 31st of January after the end of

the tax year. So it's important to remember that because if you're late -

just like self-assessment tax returns - you will get fined if you file your

partnership tax return late. I hope you found this video useful. If you have any

further queries give me a call (on 01444 458 252) or take a look at our YouTube channel (PRB Accountants Network Marketing Specialists). Thank you.

For more infomation >> Network Marketing Accountancy Specialists - Partnership Tax Return - Duration: 0:55.


Primitive Survival: Cooking Meat on a Rock - Duration: 6:54.

Cooking on a rock is a method of cooking since ancient times. By putting the rock on the fire the heat will make the meat cooked. This method of cooking will make the meat less dry and tastier when baked directly on the fire

For more infomation >> Primitive Survival: Cooking Meat on a Rock - Duration: 6:54.


Vegeta's Nipples! Episode 126 Animation Breakdown - Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 10:05.

Welcome back to another Animation Breakdown.

We are so close to the end of Super now, it's kind of hard to believe.

After a few shaky weeks as far as animation goes, last week brought us back around to

the good stuff, with fan-favourite Shuuichiro Manabe making a brief appearance to round

things off.

This week we're continuing the trend of well-animated episodes, and while the high

points aren't quite as high as what Manabe brought us last week, the overall average

is significantly higher thanks to a nice array of talented animators.

Not too surprising considering Yashima solo'd last week, but worth keeping in mind.

The first half comes to us supervised by Tsutomo Ono.

Who, despite being on the series since episode 60, has been a bit of a mystery, with the

two animators on his team that were familiar to me - Taiichiro Ohara and Shin Young-soon

– not taking part in this episode.

Thankfully that's not quite the end of the world as far as this video goes.

Miyako Tsuji, the chief animation supervisor, is all over this episode correcting huge chunks

of artwork, and I have to say I'm seriously impressed by her output here.

The edge to her drawings that seemed to be missing from previous episodes is back, and

it's doing wonders for Vegeta in this episode.

It's maybe not quite as good as some of my favourite Vegeta shots of hers from the

Future Trunks arc, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't all about what she's doing

this week.

A great showing from her that means I don't have to rack my brain trying to work out what

the other supervisor, Yasuhiro Namtame, looks like either.

On to the animation then, this first half is a little bit inconsistent.

It opens up with Toppo vs #17, which is reasonably well done – there's a great sequence of

17 running away from Toppo's blasts which I think might be my favourite cut in the episode.

It's got some absolutely gorgeous effects work, and I think what's sort of bittersweet

about it is that Toei's compositing team forgot to blur one plume of smoke, so the

lovely detailed effects are on full display for a split second.

Comparing it to the other shots that weren't quite so lucky to escape the blur, and I'm

sure you can see why I'm so vehemently against the practise.

It really destroys the detail, and you'll see this with one scene in the second half


While that scene was great in spite on that, I can't say the same for what follows.

There's a lengthy period of action here that's really poorly done.

Toppo firing his blasts is really just a still with some screenshake added, and when you

stabilise the shot, you can see it's a pretty big corner-cut.

I'd normally waive this away because it's pretty inconsequential on the whole, but it

really is pretty extensive – it carries right through to where Freeza chimes in with

the same thing.

When combined with the reused scenes and the digital effects work, it's an unfortunate

blemish in the middle of this quality sandwich.

And I call it that because right afterwards, the effects god Kenji Miuma's turn rolls

around, as he animates the tail end of this section, leading into Goku and Vegeta vs Jiren.

I really can't understate just how beautiful his smoke is.

Effects work often goes undervalued in anime, but interesting shapes and dynamic smoke behaviour

isn't easy to animate, but he does so effortlessly.

I love this section where the beam is whipping against the smoke.

It's not super complex, but it feels really premium thanks to those great shapes.

Moving on, Goku and Vegeta against Jiren is yet another example of what I spoke about

last week with Nikaido's contribution.

Looped or limited animation is not bad animation, it's entirely down to how it's executed,

and I think Miuma's done a wonderful job here.

Although it's looped and although it's not animated with many frames, you get this

feeling that the two characters are stylishly rotating around Jiren thanks to the way he

poses and moves the characters between each frame.

It's very effective conservative animation, and with little moments like Jiren throwing

his beam breaking up the loop, it comes together nicely without making the limited approach

stand out in any meaningful way.

Again, it's like I said with Nikaido last week, and again with Shida's work in 110

and 95.

It can be frustrating when good animators don't have the time to deliver scenes with

stacks of movement, but their abilities will always allow them to excel over others, regardless.

That might sound obvious – good animators are always better than mediocre animators

– but I've seen unfortunate trends of people devaluing strong limited work because

they know they're capable of doing better.

That might be the case, but a scene being limited does not make it bad, in the same

way a scene with lots of movement isn't always more competently executed than a limited


I think the anime Hand Shakers sure proved that one for us.

If you value your eyes, I'd suggest avoiding it.

Anyway, with that tangent out of the way, I wanna touch on the storyboarding in this


The first half's board comes to us from Yoshitaka Yashima.

If you've been watching my videos for a while now, you'll know I'm usually a big

fan of Yashima's storyboards.

They're typically filled with interesting angles, and do a nice job of showcasing scale.

Unfortunately, that's not quite the case with his board in this first half – it's

a little bit flat, and the action isn't framed in particularly interesting ways, either.

It feels really small and by the numbers, which is so unusual for him.

Although boards are done well in advance of episode animation, I can only imagine his

schedule was probably knocked a little out of whack by this coming so soon after his

own episode, especially considering just how many boards he's done lately.

The second half's board, however, is pretty damn fantastic, and it comes from Tadayoshi


I have to say, I'm really surprised and impressed by what he's come up with here.

We all know my thoughts on Resurrection F's very amateur and flat storyboarding, which

was of course his first foray into that field.

His board for the Future Trunks arc special was a significant improvement, but with it

being so heavily referenced from the manga, it was hard to really say whether he'd improved

in any meaningful way.

This definitely confirms it, though.

This is one dynamic board that bests Yashima's efforts in pretty much every way.

He's got some very creative angles going on here, and the scale is definitely realised

very nicely.

I do think there are areas where he falls back on flat compositions, but I'd be lying

if I said this wasn't a significant step up over anything he's shown us before.

I'm now quite curious to see how he evolves in this role in the future – was this a

bit of a luck or is he actively learning?

It'd be interesting to see him transition from an animation role to a directorial one


Back to the animation, this second half kicks off with Vegeta vs Toppo, which I think may

come from Jin Inaba.

This guess is based entirely on process of elimination as you'll soon see.

It's several minutes long, Inaba's the top credited key animator on the episode,

and the rest of the scenes seem pretty easy to identify, so I can't imagine who else

this would be from if not him.

Just a guess, but there you go.

At the tail end of his scene, it looks like Tu Yong-ce takes over as Vegeta punches Toppo

into the rocks.

You can see Tu's smoke effects, which look pretty much identical to his scene in 122.

It's a great little cut, actually.

There's a good chunk of well executed movement, with some neat smears, and a nice bit of the

on-model character art we've come to expect from him.

There's a lot of on-model work scattered sporadically throughout this episode actually,

so I do think Yamamuro played a part in tidying things up, particularly since Namatame, the

supervisor of this half, hasn't demonstrated a particularly strong ability on his work

on the series so far.

Next up, as Vegeta starts up his suicide-but-not-suicide attack, Kenta Yokoya steps in.

Yokoya's a superstar freelance animator with great ties to Studio Bones.

We last saw him do a very tiny scene at the end of episode 116, thanks to Ken Otsuka,

and now he's back presumably of his own volition, doing a very similar scene.

It's pretty limited and effects based, but showcases his trademark debris and smoke.

Unfortunately, it's also the scene that suffers the most thanks to the overzealous

blurring I mentioned earlier.

Instead of us enjoying the lovely shapes that fans of his work are used to, we're left

with a bit of an incomprehensible smeary mess.

It still has the impact the scene needs, but as far as respecting the effort put into the

drawings, it's pretty depressing.

But that's about it as far as noteworthy animation goes.

This was a bit of strange episode for me.

It was written by Ayumu Hisao who's a pretty horrible Dragon Ball writer – he last handled

episode 119, which if you remember was the very disconnected one just after Universe

6 was erased.

I think this suffered similar issues, actually.

After Freeza hit the deck last week, having him pop back up again for a split second felt

very strange.

And again, with how few opponents are left, it's bizarre that this is being written

so episodically.

In spite of the animation this week being pretty satisfactory, I will say that I'm

still not 100% optimistic about the state of the production at the moment.

This episode was still filled with a good chunk of BANK animation.

From the recap after the recap at the start, to the Final Flash from last week, and of

course, the overly lengthy flashback of Vegeta's sacrifice.

These are all ways of saving time, and many of them are clearly not there by choice.

I do feel like we're on up part of the curve now, so I expect the episodes to get stronger

and stronger from here on out, but it's probably not going to be smooth sailing.

I just hope this all makes some sort of sense by the time Super ends.

But that's it from me for now.

Let me know down below how you felt about today's episode, and this time, I'd like

to hear about your thoughts in terms of story too.

I know this episode has been pretty divisive, so I'm curious to hear where you guys stand

on it.

As always, be sure to rate the video, subscribe if you're new, and I will see you next time.

For more infomation >> Vegeta's Nipples! Episode 126 Animation Breakdown - Dragon Ball Super - Duration: 10:05.


Learn Colors with Colorful Dragon Xylophone Funny Animals Colors Videos for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 3:49.

Suti Channel

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Colorful Dragon Xylophone Funny Animals Colors Videos for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 3:49.


Working With Audio And Video (Part Fourteen) - Duration: 13:17.

After long tedious work with Xsplitter, OBS, and Youtube, I do a final review of the settings and compare the three. Looking at both Resolution and Framerates. I also go through the settings on Xsplitter and set them with what was suggested given to me by OBS and its wizard.

#Tedious #tedious #Work #work #TediousWork #tediouswork #Xsplitter #xsplitter #OBS #obs #Obs #YouTube #Youtube #youtube #FinalReview #finalreview #Final #final #Review #review #CompareSettings #comparesettings #Compare #compare #Settings #settings #ResolutionAndFrameRates #resolutionandframerates #Resolution #resolution #FrameRates #framerates #Frame #frame #Rates #rates #SetSuggestion #setsuggestion #Set #set #Sugession #Suggested #suggested #OBSWizard #obswizard #ObsWizare #Obswizard

For more infomation >> Working With Audio And Video (Part Fourteen) - Duration: 13:17.


Great Animation Channels Under 1000 Subscribers! - Duration: 1:44.

Ok, so first on the list is illymation. She is a story-time YouTuber who makes

videos similar to TheOdd1sOut and Jaiden Animations. Her videos are very

funny and well made and they're definitely worth checking out.

Next is Mister. Addison. This is another story-time YouTuber. I actually found out about him

because for a while TheOdd1sOut was subscribed to him. So be sure to check

out this channel.

Next is Panel Penguin. She makes story-time videos as well as other animations.

I really like her animation style, and I would definitely recommend checking out

her channel.

Next up is ScribbleNinja.

He posts story-time animations as well. I really like his style of drawing and his

videos are really funny. So be sure to check out his channel.

Last but not least, we have Atomic Frontier. This is actually not an animation channel, but it's

actually a really cool science channel. And you might be wondering, "If it's not

an animation channel, why did I included on the animation channel list?"

That's because he combines animations with his live-action videos. He usually does this

so we can have visual representations of charts as well as other things

(Click the Chicken if you want to subscribe to my channel!)

(Click the video on the right to watch my previous video!)

(Thanks for watching!)

For more infomation >> Great Animation Channels Under 1000 Subscribers! - Duration: 1:44.


5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score In 2018 - Duration: 9:39.


I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And here we are in early 2018.

And today I am going to give you the 5 things that yu can do that's going to help improve

your score.

If you are interested in this stay tuned.


So if this is your first time to my channel.


This channel is all about helping you play better golf.

And as I said before we are in early 2018 and I am going to give you 5 things that you

can work on to improve your score.

So the first thing we can do to help improve our golf is to try and make sure that we hit

the right club into the green.

And in doing that we probably should add 1.

So most people when I go out and do an on course session with them.

They just don't hit enough club.

They are thinking that if I hit my absolute best shot the ball is going to go that distance.

And they are right.

But invariably they are not great golfers.

They are just very average golfers.

And if they do hit their absolute best shot it will be perfect.

But they don't hit their absolute best shot most of the time.

Most of the time they are hitting the shot slightly less than perfect.

So if you just think it's an 8 iron, if you hit a 7 iron I think you are going to find

that you are going to hit your ball on to the putting surface more often.

And a lot of my clients when we go out on to the course and we talk about this they

say "oh gee it's an 8 iron.

If I hit a 7 iron it's going to go over the back".

Well you really won't.

Unless you hit a really bad shot and you hit it skinny and it rolls and it goes over the


Sure it will go over the back then.

But if you think about it.

Most greens are 30 yards front to back.

That would be the average green.

There is about 7 to 8 yards difference between every club in the bag.

So if you're hitting it to the middle of the green.

That's going to be about 15 yards.

So you have still got 15 yards beyond where the flag is to get to the back of the green

without going over.

15 yards is 2 clubs.

So if you think it's a 7 iron to the middle of the green.

You could take a 6 iron and still hot your best shot and it is still going to be on the


Not even on the back of the green.

It's just going to be on the green.

You are going to be about 7 or 8 yards from the hole.

You could even hit 2 more and be right on the back edge.

So there is not a lot of danger in you hitting it over the back.

Of course if the pin is right up the back of the green.

That then puts you in the category of you might hit it over the back.

But just as a general rule.

If you can try and hit 1 more club than you think.

I think you will find you will hit the ball on the green more often so that will be saving

you a shot.

Hopefully you 2 putt it.

And then you walk off with a par.

The second thing is when it comes to putting.

Too many people are standing over the ball with their putter.

In fact I will grab my putter.

So they are standing over the ball with their putter and they are thinking how hard do I

have to hit this putt to get to the hole?

So they are thinking in terms of how hard or how soft.

And that's really the wrong thought.

Because that is subjective.

It's subjective to how you feel.

Did you get enough sleep?

Have you been working too hard?

Are you a bit lethargic.

Have you gone to the gym?

Did you have some car rage on the way to the golf course.

All of these things effect how you feel.

Feel based systems can work.

But they are not consistent.

I want a much more consistent putting method.

So instead of thinking in terms of how hard or how soft you hit the putt.

I'd really like you thinking more in terms of what legth of swing do I need.

To get the ball the distance that I want it to go.

So timig is important.

And we want to work on our timing.

But if you can just think in terms of how long your back swing should be and how long

your follow through should be to produce the putt that you want.

I think you are going to find you will hit the ball closer to the hole with your first


And if you can get the ball close to the hole with your first putt.

You are going to 3 putt a lot less.

You might even knock one in.

But that's not always the aim.

Sure it's the ultimate aim.

But if you can just get that ball close to the hole with that first putt.

You will have less 3 putts and tht's going to save you some shots.


So the 3rd thing we can do to help lower our score is to just improve our alignment.

A lot of people really don't pay enough attention to alignment.

They are always trying to align themselves down the fairway.

Now that's good if you hit it straight.

But really.

How many people hit it straight?

I know I certainly don't hit the ball staright.

I hit the ball where I want it to go.

I am very accurate.

But I do not have a straight ball flight.

My ball flight is a slight draw.

Which means it spins right to left about 10 yards.

So the worst thing I can do is aim the ball down the middle of the fairway.

If I hit my standard shot I am going to go 10 yards left.

Which is ok if the fairway is wide.

I tend to aim 10 yards right.

Now other people hit it with a fade or even a slice.

That's ok.

I have made a video on how you can hit the fairway with a 30 yard slice.

And I can put a link at the top of the page there to that video.

What I am talking about today is just the number 1 mistake I see people make with their


They pay a lot of attention to their feet.

And they think I have got to get my feet right.

And then they take their set up.

But if I do my set up there.

Which is actually in correct.

But you will see what I mean in a minute.

My shoulders are aiming a lot further left than where my feet are going.

Now I don't feel like they are.

But they are.

You can see it in the that camera view right there.

Now the reason most people get this wrong.

Is it's where the left hand sits on the driver.

We have our left hand on top.

We want to put our right hand on.

And the way most people do it is they do this.

And you can see there that my shoulder is open to my feet.

It just doesn't feel it.

But what I would like you to do is either try to practice taking your grip in this position

here and you can see that the left shoulder is higher on the club sorry that the left

shoulder is higher than than the right.

Because my right hand is underneath.

SO we tilt the shoulder up rather than turning the shoulder.

It's a much easier way of doing it.

It's going to feel strange the first few times you do it.

Your brain is ging to tell you that you are aiming a log way right.

But you won't be.

You will actually be aiming it quite straight.

So on the subject of alignment.

The 4th think we can do to improve our alignment.

Let's say we have got our feet right and our shoulder right.

The next thing we have to do is align the club face.

So if you have a 10 meter fade.

You are aiming 10 meters left of center.

So your feet are aiming 10 feet left of center.

Ah sorry 10 yards left of center.

Your shoulders are aiming 10 yards left of center.

But I see so many people then have a square club face to the middle of the fairway.

So if you're aiming for a little fade.

I want you to pretend that everything is straight but you are standing on a lazy Susan.

One of those little spinning table tops So we want everything to move a little to the


So we align our feet.

We make sure our shoulders are in line with our feet.

Then we have to make sure that our club face is at a right angle to our feet.

We don't want that clubface aiming straight.

That's a sure fire recipe for you blocking it further right than you want it to do.

So we just aim everything slightly left.

The club face, feet, hips and shoulders.

The whole thing.

And that's going to help you to hit ore fairways.

So you are saving shots from chipping it out of the trees, hitting it on the fairway.

That will definitely lower your score.

And the final thing is in the grip.

So many people get the grip wrong.

They pay a lot of attention to how the grip sits up on top there.

But unfortunately most people get the grip in the wrong part.

They ctually get the grip in this part of the hand.

We really need to get the grip in those middle joints.

It's just so important to get that there.

If you keep it in that last joint there.

And you do the correct movement in the swing you are going to get back with a closed club


It's going to make you hook it.

The self adjusting mechanism kicks in and tries to compensate and you then tend to just

block it a little bit and the club face opens too much and you hit it with a slice.

I have made a whole video on this and I will put a link at the top of the page on that


So there you go.

There are my 5 things to work on.

Of course is there more?

A lot more.

But they're just 5 that I have isolated.

If you can work on those 5 you will start to score better in 2018.

Thank you for letting me help you with your golf.

I'm Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

And if you like my videos you can click on the round avatar to Subscribe down the bottom


You can get further information on my FaceBook page or my Twitter feed.

You can also sign up to my electronic newsletter or listen to any of my podcasts at

For more infomation >> 5 Ways To Lower Your Golf Score In 2018 - Duration: 9:39.


ASSISTINDO VIDEOS ASSUSTADORES Ft.paulogamer - Duration: 10:17.

For more infomation >> ASSISTINDO VIDEOS ASSUSTADORES Ft.paulogamer - Duration: 10:17.


Washing Machine Coloring Pages for Kids | How to Draw Washing Machine | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:00:37.













Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Washing Machine Coloring Pages for Kids | How to Draw Washing Machine | 1 Hour Compilation - Duration: 1:00:37.


Being Single On Valentine's Day? - Duration: 3:30.

Valentine's Day is coming up and we all know what that means

exactly:I don't care at all

but sometimes, after watching a couple too many Valentine's Day themed ads and being notoriously single

a little somthing like that happens...

I really need a boyfriend

But instead of letting a corporate holiday bring you down, here are a couple of ideas what you can do instead

You can take yourself on a date

and I know, I know, hold your horses, I know what you're going to say

that's not the same thing and that's my point exactly

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