Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 5 2018

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:12.


Nepali VS Pakistani Arm Wrestling Challenge - James Shrestha - Duration: 2:51.

Greetings and welcome back to my show. Today I present you with arm wrestling challenge between a Nepali and a Pakistani

You are probably seeing this, here I have Pakistans Best Arm wrestler

In Nepalese 'Panja Ladai Player'

Do you have anything to say about this challenge? How confident are you?

I can't speak Nepalese. Speak English or hindi

okay sir, [In Hindi] how confident are you?

I'm very confident

I smoked Beedi and drank some lassi

you just said, you smoke Beedi day and night

They give you a lot of energy isn't it, that's why


Let's roll the intro

[Music Playing] JPB - Defeat The Night (feat. Ashley Apollodor) [NCS Release]

Hi Whats up? My name is Faisal, and today we will be doing arm wrestling challenge

JPB - Defeat The Night (feat. Ashley Apollodor) [NCS Release]

Shout out to all the Nepalese girls, hit me up [kiss]

[Music Playing] George Michael - Careless Whisper

JPB - Defeat The Night (feat. Ashley Apollodor) [NCS Release]

My name is James,

I like to play games

I got different names

This is for Nepal

This is for Pakistan

This is for China....

In 3, 2, 1 go

[Screaming in Joy]

I lost

But why is my right hand in pain?

Maybe because I did a lot of exercise last night?

I don't use my left hand

Now I don't have any chance with a Nepali Girl, but my hips don't lie

Nepalese girls I still got them moves like Jagger, okay?

happiness, sadness, everyone goes through it

but the hand

Only few people know the struggle of not being able to use your right hand for few days

People go crazy

Stay with me

For more infomation >> Nepali VS Pakistani Arm Wrestling Challenge - James Shrestha - Duration: 2:51.


Westworld Season 2 | Official Super Bowl Ad | HBO - Duration: 1:40.


DOLORES ABERNATHY: Look at this world.

This beautiful world.


ABERNATHY: We built this world together.

A world where dreams come true.

A world where you can be free.


ABERNATHY: But this world is a lie.


ABERNATHY: This world deserves to die.

Because this is your world.

We've lived by your rules long enough.

We can save this world.

We can burn it to the ground...

and from the ashes... build a new world.


Our world.


For more infomation >> Westworld Season 2 | Official Super Bowl Ad | HBO - Duration: 1:40.


Westworld Season 2 Super Bowl Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:31.


DOLORES ABERNATHY: Look at this world.

This beautiful world.


ABERNATHY: We built this world together.

A world where dreams come true.

A world where you can be free.


ABERNATHY: But this world is a lie.


ABERNATHY: This world deserves to die.

Because this is your world.

We've lived by your rules long enough.

We can save this world.

We can burn it to the ground...

and from the ashes... build a new world.


Our world.


For more infomation >> Westworld Season 2 Super Bowl Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:31.


Bird Nest Activity | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse - Duration: 5:23.

The Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse

Hey guys, let's make a bird nest OK?


First we have to color the branch.

And what color is a branch?

Yeah, that's right! A branch is brown. Great!

And what's this?

Yeah, it's a flower.

And let's make the flower pink. OK? Great!

And what's this? It's a bird!

I'll make the beaks orange.

And color the rest of the bird yellow.

How many birds do you see?

That's right there are two.

And they're cute, yeah!

And what's this?

Yeah, it's a leaf!

And there are three of those. Great!

And what's this?

That's right. It's a bird nest.

What color is a bird nest?

It's brown, I think.

Great, well grab your scissor and

let's cut it out.

Well, grab your branch and your glue

and let's glue on the nest, OK?


And grab a bird. And put a glue on this side.

And stick it under the nest like this. Yeah!

And do the same with the other bird, OK?



grab your leaves

and we'll put one here.

and let's put one here.

And let's put the other one down here.


And last is the flower.

Wow, that's cute.

Hey, I know a song that has some animals in it. OK?

Let's sing!

For more infomation >> Bird Nest Activity | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse - Duration: 5:23.


T-Mobile | #LittleOnes | 2018 Big Game Ad - Duration: 1:01.

Welcome to the world, little ones Yeah, it is a lot to take in

But you come with open minds and the instinct that we are equal

Some people may see your differences and be threatened by them

But you are unstoppable

You will love who you want

You will demand fair and equal pay You will not allow where you come from to

dictate where you're going You will be heard, not dismissed

You will be connected, not alone

Change starts now

For more infomation >> T-Mobile | #LittleOnes | 2018 Big Game Ad - Duration: 1:01.


FULL Katalog Tupperware PROMO Februari 2018 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> FULL Katalog Tupperware PROMO Februari 2018 - Duration: 3:06.


Benedict Cumberbatch Movies List - Duration: 1:28.

Benedict Cumberbatch Movies List

For more infomation >> Benedict Cumberbatch Movies List - Duration: 1:28.


How to Install WordPress Step by Step Tutorial (Easy Way) - Duration: 12:14.

so you're new to WordPress and now you're wanting to get online right you

know you've heard all the great things about WordPress but now you want to

build your own WordPress website or WordPress blog maybe for your business

or personal use but how do you do it how do you install WordPress in this video

I'm gonna show you how to do it in seriously like 60 seconds stay tuned

welcome back I'm Chris Heidlebaugh and I teach digital marketing to diyers

meaning on this channel I talk about WordPress and SEO and web design video

social media and things like that my goal is to help you take control of your

own online success and so if I provide you with value would you consider

subscribing to this channel all you have to do is click the little subscribe

button underneath this video and also you have the opportunity to hit the

notification bell so that way when I create a new video you'll be notified

but also when I go live when I do my live shows you can come on and ask me

your questions live and also if you want me to look at your website well I'll do

a website evaluation we can look at your website look at some ways that we can

help improve like your search engine rankings and things like that so again

it would mean so much to me and it's such a great thank you from you to

subscribe it really appreciate it so let's get into today's video okay so I'm

gonna go ahead and I'm going to take my square here my little screen I'm gonna

put me down in the corner so that way you know that I'm here talking to you

but I have to wear my glasses and and the glare and stuff is not the best and

so I'm gonna move over to the side here but I'm gonna assume that you already

have a domain name and web hosting now if you don't just visit my website at

Chris Heidelberg com go to resources and I share with you exactly what I use for

my clients and I use for my students just simply go down here you can get a

domain name for like 99 cents you get a web hosting for less than like 4 bucks a

month if you need to WordPress theme after you install WordPress I have a

blog company that I use and also a company if you're using it for your own

website so I'm just gonna assume that you already have a domain name and web

hosting but again if you don't you can visit there and also in the descriptions

video you'll be able to go in and check that as well so when you typically have

web hosting you get a cPanel usually I mean every company's different but a lot

of times you'll get a sea handle and this is like your dashboard

for all of your stuff so I'm gonna go ahead and login and I'm gonna actually

show this to you so if you become like a fan you subscribe you'll actually be

able to see how I do this build out my website and things like this now my

website is my fake website com I know it's kind of goofy but I wanted to have

a you know a place to do tutorials and things like that and if I mess something

up I mean that way you can kind of see that's you know how things work you know

it's no big deal now again you know you're - more might

look a little different so no worries but what we're looking for is something

to install WordPress you might have to just contact your web hosting company to

ask them so this one for me is under Estela Tron yours could be like soft

Elissa or something you know there's different ones so depending you know

what company you're using a lot of times like Bluehost for example they'll say

here install WordPress okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on

this and now you can install all these other you know different scripts and

things like that but we're looking for WordPress okay now I'm not going to time

this but i'ma show you how simple this is really I mean we just logged in I

mean you saw us just login and this is how easy you go to it and we're just

gonna install it I mean that's how simple this is okay we're gonna go into

install now one key thing I want to tell you right here okay so again this is my

website my fake website com now this is a huge thing right here this is one of

the biggest things and biggest tips to tell you and and you know something to

look at I'll make this bigger to explain the importance here so you you need to

decide whether or not your WordPress installation is gonna be your entire

website or is it just gonna be your blog and you might be saying well Chris hold

up a second my website is my blog okay that still counts nope no problem at all

so what we're trying to define though is whether or not you're gonna have you

know your website maybe you already have a websites already created maybe you

already have a wordpress installation for your main website and you're just

gonna add on a blog right and you want to have two separate installations maybe

you can have different themes maybe you know you just want to have two separate

things but a lot of times clients will come to me and they'll already have an

existing website that was coated with HTML

or something and they want to go ahead and add WordPress as an additional

website so you would go into here and this is where you're going to show until

the databases where they were pressed is gonna be install that so let's go back

to this okay so look at your domain name now if you have HTTPS go ahead and click

on that now it's up to you if you want to put the www you know just pick one or

the other so if you go and you make other you know URLs and things like on

Facebook or other places make sure you just pick one and stick with the case so

if you just want to be like hey visit me at my fake weapon you know like my fake

website comm or like my website okay if I go back here it's Chris Heidel bot

calm okay so I have no wwk and and so that's the kind of thing is you know

what you know what do you want to have you know so so don't necessarily worry

about just pick one or the other but if you have the opportunity to get the

HTTPS don't don't get HTTP and if you don't see HTTPS available maybe contact

your web hosting provider and see what does it cost to get to HTTPS now a lot

of times web hosts will go ahead and clue this or you might to pay like

twenty-five dollars a year or thirty dollars a year but this is for you know

encryption and and and you know Google counts as a ranking factor I'll talk

about this in another video we're just installing WordPress today but if you

have the opportunity for HTTPS go ahead and make sure that you have that

selected okay so again I'm gonna click this so this would be my website HTTP

colon four slash four slash my fake website comm and the backslash and up

until now again this is the huge thing right here okay if your website is going

to be just all WordPress leave this like that okay you're completely fine don't

put nothing here just go down pick your website go on to the next thing

okay but if you say well Chris I already have a website I'm adding WordPress on

as you know an add-on okay great let's go ahead and name it okay do you want to

be blog is they can be the blog okay so if you look at

you know the URL is it gonna be you know your website comm 4 slash blog ok maybe

don't want to be called blog maybe you know maybe it's Learning Center ok you

can name it whatever you want you know maybe it's gonna be articles and maybe I

need a spell checker ok leanest write articles ok so maybe is gonna be that ok

I mean you can name this whatever you want but it's gonna it's gonna put

WordPress where you tell it to so this directory is where you're gonna put it

at ok so the main thing here you gotta take away from this ok this whole entire

video is where's the wordpress gonna go is your entire website going to be it

you know the wordpress or is it gonna be on a directory and again if you say oh

Chris my whole website is a blog ok that's completely fine because that

still counts as the domain name being the entire WordPress but if you already

have a different website and you're adding on WordPress to use as the blog

go ahead and enter that there you know again you would put blog and then we're

good to go but for my website for this one we're gonna make it the whole entire

thing basically all the stuff is completely fine just default don't worry

about too much of this stuff some of this if you want automatic updates if

you don't it's kind of borderline you know if they install if they

automatically install something and it breaks your website sometimes that's not

the best you can leave most of us just unchecked it's no big deal ok and then

when it comes to your settings you can go ahead and put in your admin name

whatever you want to be sometimes if you make it you know whatever you want like

if I do admin Chris or whatever and then of course your admin password ok and of

course you help your email goes to this is my gmail but you know like you can

change it to whatever you want you know no big deal ok and this stuff here you

can change later on you know it doesn't you don't have to think of your website

title right now or your website tagline you can go and change that stuff later

two-factor authentication so if it's something where you know you want your

thing you know your website to be super secure you know you might do that I

typically do just do the limit limit login attempts

because that way I mean you know just helps after so many times it just resets

okay or nobody can login enable multi-site I mean again a lot of these

is just very default okay so let's back up here i'ma show you I

told you let's do this 60 seconds or so okay I'm gonna show you exactly how it's

done okay so we're gonna login okay we logged in and again your cPanel might

look a little different to see wherever the WordPress is out it could be like

against I call like one of them is like soft delicious and or something like

that or subscription subscriptions or something like that you'll know you'll

know where's that and it just asked your web hosting provider but then mind

underneath this install it Ron go ahead and click on that I'm going to WordPress

okay great gonna install great and then I'm going to change the HTTP I'm gonna

go to HTTPS again big deal my website is gonna be the entire thing it's gonna be

WordPress no big deal we're gonna go down I'm gonna keep as admin I'm gonna

change my password are you watching my password please don't please don't a

hack me right I'll leave my emails my personal email

no big deal and I'm gonna click install yep there's already something on there

but no big deal I have a I think I was testing this but basically I'll just

install yeah so I got my blog dis installing no big deal installation

complete great go to my website

and now I I'm online right I have I have a website now of course I need filled

out but that's that's how easy it is right I mean it's super simple I can go

and log in and this is this is the backend of WordPress ok and so you know

then from here we can make our changes we can add themes we can do whatever so

again super simple very easy that's all of this to it and now you're online so

make sure you you know remember your passwords make sure you take care of

that if you forget you know you can go back up here to the wrench here and you

can go back in and you can like I got to change my stuff and again I guess

already had an installation and you know installs in a big deal but you know now

I can go back and if I want to change it I can you know but it's no big thing but

this is where you know if you're like oh man I forgot my password and go back

here and change it again super simple very easy and that's all this to it I

mean that's how easy it is to install WordPress and so hopefully this has

helped you and you don't yeah that's how simple it is so hopefully that'll help

you get online and start making content you know that's a big deal so so again

thank you for watching this video hopefully you can see how easy it is

means not very hard is very simple just go in click a few buttons and you're

good to go right I mean it's very simple and again make sure you subscribe to

this channel because I'm gonna talk more about you know how do you know how to

dress up your WordPress now you know how to you know add a theme you know how to

make it look nice you know talk about FTP and other things and then we talked

about search engine optimization you know so we have a lot to cover so

definitely make sure you hit that subscribe you can also punch me in the

face and go ahead and you know subscribe it that way to thank you again for

watching this video and no matter what I hope that you find success online

offline and in your life take care

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