Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 5 2018

Kathy Ireland show new products impressed Now We No and Cherish demo

For more infomation >> Kathy Ireland show new products impressed Now We No and Cherish demo part 2 - Duration: 5:00.


Kathy Ireland show new products impressed Now We No and Cherish demo part 3 - Duration: 4:29.

Kathy Ireland show new products impressed Now We No and Cherish demo

now what else fire I've shown you that the is wrapped in breathable nice air

laid paper biodegradable see the cherish top layer I don't know if you can see

those little holes in it does little micro preparations you can actually you

can actually see right through it and see all the Pat's my shoulder and

remember now I'll put the liquid on it get the driving stance in the steel came

up dry when liquid passes through these micro-p preparations it stops

reverse circulation that means it doesn't allow liquid to come back

through it and this top layer ladies this is made out of 100% cotton this is

already what you used to wearing against you on your panties anyway 100% cotton

what's your percent cotton now have a cherish bottom layer it's made out of a

biodegradable paper you see those little lines and it look like stripes those

have micro preparations for breathability yeah this whole cherry

sanitary napkin it's designed for breathability and comfort the company

wants you to be dry and comfortable ladies as well as healthy and look

plastic doesn't tear like that now something else I wanted to mention in

closing it's this little pretty purple strip you saw right there what this is

this is a negative ion strip it's infused with far infrared and

nanotechnology now all this is natural oh I'm telling it about you can do your

Google research on negative ions to find out that they're prevalent in the air

after it rains or after at the beach or a waterfall or something like that it

helps to balance the body's pH we're getting reports back that some women are

saying that because of this negative ion strip that their menstrual cramps I'll

be a reduced or going completely away and also what negative ions do is they

neutralize bacteria and the reason women you have this

when you're on your cycle it's because of the bacteria this because of their

plastic bag and the bacteria starting to grow and that's cause of the smell

because it's negative ion strip in the bacteria that's neutralizes it so we're

getting reports back that there's no odor let me send it again no older

ladies okay so balanced pH no odor and

relax Philip and also we get a report back that it's reducing or completely

eliminating cramps now how long would you say this is have this been in here

this is the one the major brand that's made out of recycled paper and trash and

look at this let me get it up for you do you see that it's not holding anything

but that's just what you would expect because everybody knows paper is not an

absorbent material right see you there

that's going to pour it over something for you here we go look it's not holding

anything not only anything now how long do you

say that the cherishes brennick been in there cook they had the most amount of

liquid about five minutes and look you can't get a drop of liquid out of this

see that's that plant based polymer that locks this moisture away from you and

look it turns it into a jail look at it locks it away from you you can't beat

that so ladies if you want more information

go to wet/dry test comm wet/dry test calm and man there's some products there

for you as well for prostate cancer prevention and also don't forget to look

at our now we have no campaign just when I'm doing right now raising women's

awareness about the harmful effects of the chemicals that are in their popular

sanitary napkins on the shelf that women are you

today women there's something better wet/dry

For more infomation >> Kathy Ireland show new products impressed Now We No and Cherish demo part 3 - Duration: 4:29.


Em Làm Cô Dâu Của Anh Nhé? - Tập 2 💘 Truyện Ngôn Tình Như 1 Câu Chuyện Đời Thật | Huệ Trần 3S - Duration: 4:03:39.

For more infomation >> Em Làm Cô Dâu Của Anh Nhé? - Tập 2 💘 Truyện Ngôn Tình Như 1 Câu Chuyện Đời Thật | Huệ Trần 3S - Duration: 4:03:39.


Kathy Ireland show new products impressed Now We No and Cherish demo part 1 - Duration: 3:39.

Kathy Ireland show new products impressed Now We No and Cherish demo

hello this is Edward Jones just checking in real fast on this nice afternoon did

you see my demonstration earlier if not you can deal with it and this may be

reversed I'll try to correct that wet/dry

that's wet/dry so you have a choice ladies in your

sanitary napkin wet or dry wet or dry you see that that's what we saw today on

my demonstration so if you'd like to see the demonstration again of the cherish

premium sanitary napkin the wet dry test you can look at on my facebook page

below or you can see it at wet dry

this may be reversed but that's what it says wet dry test come have a good

weekend talk to you soon bye don't stay too wait wet ladies oh let me add this

real fast you have a choice wetness odor cramps

what else do you deal with deal with hot flashes because of the I don't have one

handy the negative ion strip that is in each one of the cherished brand of

sanitary napkins we get in testimonials back that women are stand that there

let's start off with the women who don't have a cycles anymore and say they don't

even need this information women that don't have a cycles anymore maybe going

through hot flashes or menopause or after that and they're just using the

panty liners we're getting their reports back from them that they are no longer

having or the hot flashes I've been reduced because of the naked

I on strip that is been depending on us in each one and for those women who are

still having their cycles we're getting reports and testimonials that's what I

mean by report so we get testimonials back from women that if they're having a

you know seven-day cycle some women are Santa's reduce being reduced to five

days a reduction in days on the cycle it's not going to be for everybody but

that's what some women are reporting others are reporting that their cramps

are being reduced or completely gone away and also something that the

negative ion strip does it helps to eliminate odor because the odor comes

from the bacteria that starts to accumulate from the blood and the heat

in that area when that trash that we have to wear right now is holding it in

at 98.6 degrees up against your body so the negative ion strip helps to

neutralize bacteria so we get intercourse back there that's no smell

so no smell no odor reduce cramps hot flashes will be reported and going away

and that's why just go here and a wet-dry test comm you'll see a

professional demonstration and you get a lot more information and I hope to be

hearing from you all right that's it for today talk to you soon

For more infomation >> Kathy Ireland show new products impressed Now We No and Cherish demo part 1 - Duration: 3:39.


Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:12.

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top

For more infomation >> Challenger Jinx Pentakill VS. Bronze Jinx Pentakill | League of Legends Top - Duration: 10:12.


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Swords, bows and obviously... RIFLES & ROCKET LAUNCHERS! ︻デ═一 - Duration: 2:54.

The dragons (Alduins) are not dying because they just can't. I just wanted to show you some battle using rifles and rocket launchers. If this was supposed to be a real battle, the dragons would die in over a dozen of seconds. You have to know that the damage dealt by the rifles is so, so powerful.

At the end, we will blow up the Riverwood by the TNT barrels. I advise to turn down the volume of your headphones. [EAR RAPE ALERT!]

For more infomation >> The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Swords, bows and obviously... RIFLES & ROCKET LAUNCHERS! ︻デ═一 - Duration: 2:54.


12 Bathroom Decor Ideas for Small Bathrooms - Duration: 3:39.


Install a corner sink

Sometimes even a pedestal sink can disrupt the only available traffic lane in a bathroom.

In this case placing a corner sink across from the toilet works better than a sink across

from the shower.

The opening and closing of the shower door usually creates an awkward walk-around condition.


Use a shower curtain

A shower curtain that moves back and forth saves space over a glass door that moves in and out.

Shower-tub combos actually can fit into small spaces, with some tubs coming in at 60 inches

in length.


Float the vanity

Besides just visually helping the bathroom

appear bigger, mounting a vanity above the floor frees up a little space for small items.


Round the vanity

Tight spaces can make sharp corners hip hazards.

If the corners of a vanity would get in the way, opt for a rounded style.

Yes, a round vanity can work in a square space.

No more bruised hips!


Extend the counter over the toilet

This banjo-style arrangement can be done with stone or a wood slab.

The extended counter creates just enough space for a few needed items.

Toilet placement is not affected, and the look is minimalist and clean.


Use a large-scale pattern

A large-scale pattern, like this wide stripe, can trick the eye into seeing expanded space.

The square footage might stay the same, but the bathroom will feel bigger.


Skip the shower door

If your bathroom is about 5 feet wide, that's

just enough space to squeeze in a toilet and a 30- by 60-inch tub.

With tight conditions such as these, consider a glass panel instead of a glass shower door.

It will keep most of the water in the shower and will free up needed elbow room.


Expand the mirror

In the tightest spaces, having a mirror stretch

across the wall instead of just the vanity can enable two people to use it at once.

In less-than-ideal space conditions, every inch helps.


Mount the towel bar on a door

When space is at a minimum, mounting a towel

bar on the shower door keeps towels handy.

You might need to store the bulk of your towels in a nearby linen closet, but having that

one towel close by to dry off with is essential.


Install a trough sink

The narrow, clean styling of a trough sink

is a good-looking space solution.

Trough sinks have a low profile.

When wall mounted, they free up floor space as well for storage or foot traffic.


Select a vanity with one shelf

Pedestal design has gotten smarter.

Even a pedestal style with one shelf can hold towels or a basket for toilet paper.


Use a wall-mounted faucet

Mounting a faucet on the wall allows for a

narrower sink or vanity, which in turn frees up square footage in the total bathroom.

Don't be afraid to try a wall-mounted faucet in traditional design.

It works anywhere!

For more infomation >> 12 Bathroom Decor Ideas for Small Bathrooms - Duration: 3:39.


Westworld Season 1 Explained - Duration: 16:37.

Westworld Season 1 is really ambitious.

Amidst all the cowboys and robots and violence and sex, the show explores heavy themes of

creation, consciousness, free will.

The plot jumps between timelines, with flashbacks and visions mixed with mystery and metaphor.

People turn out to be robots, robots turn out to be people and it's confusing as all

fuck but there're cool ideas here – so let's work it out.

What happens in Westworld?

And what does it mean?

The basic idea is that Westworld is like a theme park full of humanlike robots called


People can pay to visit as guests and live out a fantasy in the park.

Many just drink and have sex and kill without consequence – the guns there shoot high-tech

bullets that hurt the robots, but can't kill humans . But there are also elaborate

storylines the guests can join in on – adventure romance and discovery across the massive space

of the park.

It's like a huge open world video game where rich wankers come to play cowboy.

And it's all run behind the scenes by a team of developers, engineers, and executives

in this facility called the Mesa Hub.

The Control Room monitors guests for safety, Narrative develops new stories, Manufacturing

builds new hosts, Behaviour programs the hosts, and "Livestock" endlessly repairs them.

When the hosts get shot or killed, they come here to be patched up, reset, and put back

in the park.

The hosts live in loops – living the same day over and over, saying the same scripted

lines, taking guests on the same stories, being abused and killed for entertainment.

The hosts are meant to be mindless machines, but surprise – they start to become conscious


Season 1 follows a few plotlines at once – there's Ford's grand plan amidst a corporate drama,

there's the host Maeve trying to escape, and the Man in Black searching for the Maze,

and there's Dolores and William's story – which happens thirty years before the

other plotlines.

To make sense of all this, let's start at the very beginning.

About thirty-five years before the main story, Westworld was started by two men – Robert

Ford and Arnold Weber.

They built robots so humanlike they could pass the Turing test.

But Arnold didn't just want robots that seemed smart.

He wanted to make them truly conscious – to be thinking feeling people . He was into a

theory called "the bicameral mind", designing his robots to hear their programming as a

voice in their head.

Arnold hoped that their own voice would take over – and the hosts would become self-aware

. Arnold originally imagined this journey to consciousness as like climbing a pyramid,

but he later saw it as "a journey inward", what he called "a maze" . This symbol

is based on a real-world Native American concept . One of the first hosts was Dolores, and

Arnold had a special relationship with her.

Arnold's son, Charlie, had recently died – and Arnold saw Dolores as sort of a "new

child", "One who would never die" . Arnold had secret conversations with Dolores, trying

to help her become conscious – we see these scenes throughout Season 1.

And eventually, Dolores solved Arnold's maze – she became conscious . So Arnold

wanted to stop the plans to open the Westworld park, cause it'd be immoral to make conscious

robots suffer for entertainment.

But Arnold's partner Ford didn't agree that Dolores was conscious – he wanted to

open Westworld anyway.

So Arnold tried to stop all this with a massacre.

He took code from a bad guy host they'd been designing called Wyatt, and merged the

character with Dolores . Arnold programmed her to go the town of Escalante and to shoot

down the hosts – and to kill Arnold . Ford would later recreate Arnold as the host Bernard

– Bernard Lowe is an anagram of Arnold Weber – thus, Bernarnold.

But Arnold's massacre was a huge blow to the early Westworld.

Ford did open the park anyway – but financially, early Westworld was just getting by . It only

survived thanks to money from an investor – William.

So a few years after Arnold died and Westworld opened, William visits the park with Logan.

Logan is the brother of Juliet, the woman who William is engaged to marry.

Logan takes William to Westworld as a way to bond with his new brother-in-law – but

it's also a business thing.

Because William and Logan are both high-up executives in a company called Delos – which

is thinking of increasing its investment in the early Westworld . Logan's been to Westworld

before – he plays it as a black hat, enjoying violence and sex.

But William's a white hat – more moral and sensitive, at least, at first.

William and Logan go on some storylines, and they meet the host Dolores.

Dolores has been wiped and reset since her awakening with Arnold, but she's starting

to remember and become conscious again.

William sees there's something special about her , and they fall in love – which creates

conflict with Logan, who treats it all as a game.

When Dolores is separated from William, he becomes brutal in his quest to find her again.

He starts to realise that deep down, he likes violence and power . Beneath William's nice

guy exterior, he's a violent monster . William gets rid of Logan, and somehow discredits

him, so that William can take over the company, Delos . He uses that power to invest in Westworld

– saving it from the financial crisis caused by Arnold's massacre.

And William continues his search for Dolores.

When he finally finds her, she doesn't recognise him – because she's been wiped and reset


And this devastates William.

Dolores was his glimpse at love, at something true and real – yet in the end she doesn't

even know him.

It seems that this loss leads William to think that the only meaning in Westworld or the

real world is to fight and win . William embraces a dark new identity as the Man in Black, and

for the next thirty years plays Westworld with brutality and violence.

In the real world, William keeps playing a "good guy".

With Delos, he's a "Titan of industry", a "Philanthropist", a "Family man".

He's married, presumably to Juliet – and has a daughter, Emily . But a year ago, Juliet

apparently committed suicide because of William . He was never violent outside Westworld,

but Emily and Juliet knew his true nature . So William lost his wife and his daughter

rejected him.

And instead of then, maybe, trying to be less of a dickhead, William decided to test just

how evil he really was.

He went into Westworld, found a random host family – who happened to be Maeve and her

daughter – and he killed them.

He committed a "truly evil" act – and William "felt nothing".

So this seems to confirm that deep down, William truly is a monster.

But it also revealed something else – when Maeve lost her daughter, she seemed "alive"

for a moment , and revealed to William the Maze.

William saw that Arnold, decades ago, left code and clues in Westworld which led to some

"deeper meaning" . And this became William's obsession – to find the final easter egg

or quest in this video game, to find challenge, real danger, purpose – and to escape the

grief and emptiness of his real life.

So throughout Season 1, William follows the Maze.

He finds the symbol in a scalp, he's told to go and find a snake, which leads him to

Armistice with her snake tattoo, who leads him to hunt Wyatt, which leads him finally

back to Dolores.

Because Dolores is Wyatt in the sense that Wyatt was just a story idea that got merged

with Dolores by Arnold.

In the end, when Dolores starts a massacre, William gets shot by a host, which excites

him, cause he's been looking for real danger and challenge . But the Maze he's been following

all this time disappoints him.

Because the Maze isn't for him – it's for the hosts to gain consciousness . The

maze is for Dolores, and Maeve.

So as it turns out, Dolores' story with young William and Logan actually shows two

different timelines at once.

Notice how Dolores keeps on wandering off on her own and having weird flashbacks and


These scenes actually happen in the present, while her scenes with young William happened

thirty years ago.

In the present, she's retracing her steps through the park, remembering the past – taking

a journey through the Maze, towards consciousness.

Like a maze, it's a twisted confusing journey, but she does reach its centre.

In the finale, at Escalante, Dolores confronts William and the suffering he's inflicted.

She confronts Ford and Bernard, and remembers her killing of Arnold.

She recognises that the bicameral voice in her head was hers all along.

Dolores becomes conscious, and realises the person who she "must become" . She takes

up a gun and kills Ford, beginning a massacre of humans by hosts.

This attack mirrors the Escalante massacre, where Dolores killed Arnold.

But this killing is "by choice" . Instead of being programmed to act as Wyatt, this

time Dolores chooses to be like Wyatt.

She says this world no longer belongs to humans – it belongs to her and the hosts . She

seems to want to wipe out humanity – she says "you will perish", "You will lie

with the rest of your kind in the dirt", "a new god will walk.

One that will never die" . This is some serious Skynet shit.

In the Season 2 trailer, Dolores guns down fleeing humans.

She seems to be moving towards all-out war between robots and man.

And this is all part of Ford's grand plan.

At the same time as Dolores, the host Maeve takes a different path to consciousness.

She works as the madam at a saloon, but she starts to have flashbacks of her past life

as a homesteader with a daughter.

She wakes up in the Mesa Hub and starts to see the reality behind her fake life.

She remembers Westworld cleanup crews in hazmat suits, who some hosts call "shades".

And she digs a bullet out of her body to prove that her flashbacks are real – her world

is a lie, and she's died countless times.

So Maeve works with the Livestock technicians Felix and Sylvester.

Sylvester is kind of an asshole, but Felix is interested in host consciousness, and he

helps Maeve understand how Westworld works.

Maeve forces the techs to help her escape.

She gets them to rework her code – to make her smarter, and to give her the power to

control other hosts.

Every host has an explosive built into their spine that goes off if they leave – so Maeve

gets herself burned in a fire so she can be rebuilt without the explosive.

In the finale, Maeve stages a great escape, alongside Hector and Armistice.

These two have been fighting in shoot-ups and jailbreaks as part of their Westworld

loops – so they're the perfect sidekicks for Maeve in the violence that follows.

For a while, this is bloody catharsis – until Maeve finds out that her whole arc of awakening

and escape was programmed from the start . Bernard says this isn't even the first time Maeve

has awoken . It's like that moment in Matrix 2, when Neo finds out his escape from the

Matrix was part of the Machine plan all along . The real reason Maeve escaped was cause

Ford programmed her to – to create a distraction so the cold storage hosts could escape and

join Dolores' massacre.

Maeve's also programmed to leave Westworld and 'infiltrate the mainland'.

But she refuses to follow this last instruction.

Instead, she stays to try to find her host daughter.

So in the end, Maeve does achieve real consciousness and freedom – though most of her story is

part of Ford's plan.

So – what is Ford's plan?

And how does it involve Maeve, Dolores, William and Arnold?

The show leaves the details vague, and some of what Ford says still seems to contradict

what he does – but we can work out his goals.

In the very beginning, Ford's beliefs were opposite to Arnold's.

Arnold thought the hosts should be conscious, and free – he liked hosts more than he liked

people . But Ford didn't believe in host consciousness, he believed in humans – his

dream was to use the stories in the Westworld park to help make humans better, to grow and

change . But over the years, Ford saw that Westworld wasn't making humans better – it

was "A prison of our own sins", where people like Logan and William would hurt and

kill over and over.

Ford came to believe that humans can no longer change, that our evolution is over.

He thinks Arnold was right all along, and that it's the hosts who have potential to

grow . So throughout the season, Ford works to correct his "mistake" – he helps

the hosts become conscious.

He gives them the "reveries" update so the hosts can remember their past lives.

He restores the town of Escalante so Dolores can have her awakening with William.

He programs Maeve to escape and infiltrate – which is a fake awakening, but it helps

hosts become free.

When Theresa and Charlotte from Delos try to take over Westworld, Ford kills Theresa

with Bernard.

And when Elsie almost uncovers Ford's plans , he has Bernard grab her – though there

are hints that Elsie's still alive . And the reason Ford does all this stuff is not

just to keep control – Ford's protecting his plan to eventually free the hosts.

He doesn't just let the hosts out of the park right away – cause he believes that

"suffering" is an important step to achieving consciousness . Pain and loss define the characters

of Westworld – Bernard with Charlie, Maeve with her daughter, Dolores with her father

, and Ford with Arnold.

Ford believes pain and time will make the hosts alive.

And this might be why Ford leads William on his maze quest.

The suffering that William causes is important to Dolores' awakening.

William is also a great symbol of Ford's belief that humans are bad, unable to change

– that they are the "enemy".

Ford seems to believe that when hosts become conscious, there'll be war between them

and humanity – like how early humans wiped out the Neanderthals . But now humans are

the old obsolete species , and hosts are the "new people" who will violently replace


Ford says he keeps hosts in the park so they'll "understand [their] enemy" and "become

stronger than them" . Ford's final narrative, his grand plan all this time – is about

the rise of conscious hosts and their "war" with humanity . That's why Ford gives Dolores

the freedom to attack humans.

That's why Ford programs Maeve to escape and "infiltrate" the human "mainland".

That's why the main human character in this story is the Man in Black – someone who

started out a decent guy but proved to be hateful and empty inside.

So Westworld ends with a really dark message.

It suggests that humans – like the guests, the execs, and especially William – are

fundamentally bad and unable to change.

The oppressed hosts do achieve freedom, but not through the compassion of Arnold.

It's only through suffering, and through Ford's cold manipulation, that the hosts

are freed.

And when they are free, hosts like Maeve and Dolores don't seem a whole lot better than

the humans they're replacing.

Dolores especially, who once represented the good in the world , now seems to be a murderous

monster herself.

Really the only glimmers of hope in this show are, like, Felix and his little bird, and

maybe Bernard, and Elsie.

But overall, Westworld is bleak.

Like Black Mirror, and The Handmaid's Tale, and to some extent Game of Thrones, the show

takes a long hard look at who we are and who we're becoming and the conclusion's not


Maybe there'll be more hope next season – maybe Samurai World will be nice.

But the title of Ford's last narrative, and of Season 2 Episode 1, is "Journey into


There may be more darkness before dawn.

If you want more videos on Westworld, Game of Thrones, and other shows, please subscribe

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Thanks to Patrons Nazeef Mashroor, Dervis Yeniavci, StemStem El Mono, Laura Hamilton,

Thad Gutshall, and Candace.


For more infomation >> Westworld Season 1 Explained - Duration: 16:37.


Nepali VS Pakistani Arm Wrestling Challenge - James Shrestha - Duration: 2:51.

Greetings and welcome back to my show. Today I present you with arm wrestling challenge between a Nepali and a Pakistani

You are probably seeing this, here I have Pakistans Best Arm wrestler

In Nepalese 'Panja Ladai Player'

Do you have anything to say about this challenge? How confident are you?

I can't speak Nepalese. Speak English or hindi

okay sir, [In Hindi] how confident are you?

I'm very confident

I smoked Beedi and drank some lassi

you just said, you smoke Beedi day and night

They give you a lot of energy isn't it, that's why


Let's roll the intro

[Music Playing] JPB - Defeat The Night (feat. Ashley Apollodor) [NCS Release]

Hi Whats up? My name is Faisal, and today we will be doing arm wrestling challenge

JPB - Defeat The Night (feat. Ashley Apollodor) [NCS Release]

Shout out to all the Nepalese girls, hit me up [kiss]

[Music Playing] George Michael - Careless Whisper

JPB - Defeat The Night (feat. Ashley Apollodor) [NCS Release]

My name is James,

I like to play games

I got different names

This is for Nepal

This is for Pakistan

This is for China....

In 3, 2, 1 go

[Screaming in Joy]

I lost

But why is my right hand in pain?

Maybe because I did a lot of exercise last night?

I don't use my left hand

Now I don't have any chance with a Nepali Girl, but my hips don't lie

Nepalese girls I still got them moves like Jagger, okay?

happiness, sadness, everyone goes through it

but the hand

Only few people know the struggle of not being able to use your right hand for few days

People go crazy

Stay with me

For more infomation >> Nepali VS Pakistani Arm Wrestling Challenge - James Shrestha - Duration: 2:51.


Westworld Season 2 | Official Super Bowl Ad | HBO - Duration: 1:40.


DOLORES ABERNATHY: Look at this world.

This beautiful world.


ABERNATHY: We built this world together.

A world where dreams come true.

A world where you can be free.


ABERNATHY: But this world is a lie.


ABERNATHY: This world deserves to die.

Because this is your world.

We've lived by your rules long enough.

We can save this world.

We can burn it to the ground...

and from the ashes... build a new world.


Our world.


For more infomation >> Westworld Season 2 | Official Super Bowl Ad | HBO - Duration: 1:40.


BREAKING! TRUMP Just Made MAJOR STATEMENT on Superbowl! NBC IS PISSED! - Duration: 5:30.


TRUMP Just Made MAJOR STATEMENT on Superbowl!


Since President Donald Trump isn't your typical Republican president ready to be the

mainstream media's punching bag he has done something other GOP presidents only dreamed

they could do, but lacked the spine to do so.

NBC who is televising today's Super Bowl, and in keeping with tradition also wanted

to interview the President of the United States before the big game.

But sources at NBC have now confirmed that their interview requests with President Donald

Trump have been turned down.

Although they have also confirmed that he still has an open invitation should he choose

to change his mind.

Don't hold your breath NBC!

Now keep in mind that when Fox televised the Super Bowl last year, Trump did sit down with

Fox's now former superstar anchor Bill O'Reilly at the White House.

But this year he doesn't care to sit down with "Fake News" NBC or any of their hack

partisan anchors.

Rightly So!

Trump's ongoing feud with the spoiled ball tossing NFL players maybe could have been

a factor in the decision to skip this years interview.

The President has taken the NFL to task for letting its employees run the show and the

players who kneeled during the national anthem throughout this year for social justice causes

that no one knows for sure are.

The first Super Bowl Presidential Sunday interview began with George W. Bush and continued with

Barack Hussein Obama in 2009.

Via Yahoo Sports:

Perhaps you are one of the football fans who boycotted the NFL this season either because

of player protests during the national anthem or because Colin Kaepernick, who started the

movement, was never added to a roster.

Perhaps you even stuck with your protest and didn't just claim you were done with the

NFL only to quickly return to watching a dozen hours every Sunday from the Barcalounger in

the corner.

If you are one of those dedicated protestors who are still holding out, Sunday is your

greatest challenge.

Can you skip the Super Bowl?

It's not just a game between New England and Philadelphia, after all.

This requires avoiding your brother-in-law's annual party where everyone drinks a ton of


It means walking away from your neighbor's vaunted seven-layer dip.

It calls for a full rejection of American society … staying home while everyone else

lives it up, even if it's just for the commercials or Justin Timberlake.

Will President Donald Trump tune into the Super Bowl?

Will Kaepernick?

"I believe the Super Bowl transcends," said Mark Lazarus, chairman of NBC Broadcasting

& Sports.

Probably, although there will still, undoubtedly, be some people who tune out for personal reasons.

How many is the question.

Some have already come back, if not publicly, then at least privately.

Others will make a Super Bowl exception.

Still others will realize that very few players even kneel (other than the weeks after Trump

called them out) and none have done so in the playoffs.

To each their own.

Nielsen ratings have been down this season for the NFL, but Lazarus is not one who thinks

the sky is falling.

While he acknowledges social issues contributed, he also points out that it is but one contributor

in a very complex mix, including technology, demographics and injuries/retirements to star


He also cites NBC's own data that suggests there isn't that big of a dropoff, if any

at all.

"I think more people are consuming football content," Lazarus said.

"I think there are some less watching the full game broadcast.

What's still underreported however, and Nielsen is working on it, is out-of-home viewing

[mainly people on their phone], which adds somewhere between 5 and 10 percent to the

overall viewing and that pretty much closes the gap.

"I think between that, the streams and linear, we've got similar number of people watching."

Nielsen requires selected people to chronicle the shows they are viewing.

It's done on the honor system.

How honest are these people?

People tend to lie about pretty much everything, so, for instance, are the ratings for "Keeping

Up With the Kardashians" actually much higher than the ratings suggest because people are

too embarrassed to admit they watch?

Conversely are the ratings for "PBS NewsHour" actually lower?

There were many people offended by players kneeling during the national anthem.

There were many people who did not want politics to enter their sports entertainment.

They all have the right to be offended and the right to allow that to determine what

they do and don't watch.

It's a free and rollicking country.

However, social protests are very difficult to maintain over a long period of time.

They require incredible discipline and America is an undisciplined country.

Which is why they usually fizzle, quickly.

President Trump does many interviews.

There is no reason why he needs to sit down and give the NFL, or NBC any more ratings.

No Patriotic America Loving person should be watching the Super Bowl anyways until the

NFL puts a stop to these asinine protests.

Although everyone in the US has the right to protest, you don't have the right to

do so when you are on the clock, especially when the people protesting injustice are getting

an average salary of 2.5 million dollars, don't you agree?

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

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For more infomation >> BREAKING! TRUMP Just Made MAJOR STATEMENT on Superbowl! NBC IS PISSED! - Duration: 5:30.


2018 Honda Accord vs. 2018 Toyota Camry Comparison | Edmunds - Duration: 12:08.

SPEAKER 1: Mid-size family sedans

have been losing ground to small SUVs.

So what better time for two of the most significant sedans

to go through major redesigns.

Here we have the recently overhauled Toyota Camry.

SPEAKER 2: And behind me is the 2018 Honda

Accord, now in its 10th generation

and it's all new from the ground up.

I'm really curious to see how it stacks up to the new Camry.

This is a CVT.

With a 1.5 you get a CVT only.

There's an optional six speed manual gearbox.

But when it comes to the automatic, it's just a CVT.

SPEAKER 1: Nobody's going to be buying this in a manual,

except for maybe the automotive journalists pretty much.

SPEAKER 2: But I'm glad that they offer a manual gear box.


Well, the CVT tends to suck some of the life out

of some engines.

But just leaving that stop back there

I didn't get a lot of delay.

I felt a good response.

SPEAKER 2: I think the CVT's have come a long way.

And particularly, this CVT that Honda offers in the Accord

and in the Civic is a really good example

of how to do it right.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

And visibility's actually really good.

This A pillar is probably one of the thinner ones

I've seen in a while.

I like the shape of the seats.

I'm getting a little bit of intrusion in my shoulder


But, you know, it's barely even worth mentioning.

SPEAKER 2: And the seats are pretty plush too.

I feel like they have a good amount of give.

SPEAKER 1: I do have the ventilated seats

on their maximum right now.

Kind of doing the job that I think other cars do on medium.

SPEAKER 2: It's a little feeble then?

SPEAKER 1: It's a little weak.

This feels buttoned down.

And even on some of the rougher stuff that we're

on on the other boulevard, it was smoothing it over to a,

I think, a more than acceptable degree.

SPEAKER 2: I agree.

I think this is a good example of Honda the way

the Hondas used to be, where they

had a lightness to them but they also would pick up their feet

and feel supple, but still had a connection to the driver.

It still feels like it's responsive,

not in an overtly sporty way, but just

in a way that tells you that the car is with you without ever

beating you up about it.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

The pedal's a little soft but appropriate

for this kind of car.

I would personally prefer just a little more effort

in the pedal.

But nit-picks, when I'm nit picking a car

it means I actually like it.

SPEAKER 2: Feels a little bit firmer on the ride

but it's not an objectionable ride by any means.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

It's compliant enough.

But it still feels like it could be buttoned down a little more

compared to the Accord.

SPEAKER 2: I mean, the routine driving of this car it's nice.

I mean, just pick which one you prefer between the Accord

and this Camry SE there's nothing

at all wrong with the way this goes down the road.

The steering is pretty responsive.

It's all just different flavors of preference I think.

SPEAKER 1: I also think they're so close in many ways

that the way they drive might not even be

a factor for a lot of people.

SPEAKER 2: Definitely not.


Dipping into the gas right there it feels like--

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

I felt a little bit of a hesitation.

SPEAKER 2: But it did downshift.

I'll give it that.

It did kick down pretty responsibly.

Visibility is pretty good.

It looks like they've done a good job of keeping

the belt-line here low, so the window edge on the bottom kind

of dips down.

If you were to look at the current in profile

you'd see this sort of scalloped bottom edge

of the greenhouse, which helps you see out

over the side of the car.

The [INAUDIBLE] I think is probably a little bit higher.

This top of the dashboard maybe it's

a touch higher than the Accord.

But it's certainly not so high that it's

going to cause people any sort of consternation.

SPEAKER 1: Right.

SPEAKER 2: This also has a hard key based periphery

to its touchscreen.

These are better labeled, I think, than in the Accord.

SPEAKER 1: One thing though, the screen is a few inches lower

than the Accord's.

Because they have the vents up top.

Even though initially when they started

putting those tablet looking screens on the top of the dash,

aesthetically I wasn't all that happy with it.

But very quickly I realized that visually and having it

in your sight-lines is worth that

kind of aesthetic sacrifice.

SPEAKER 2: Yeah.

They look tacked on.

But I think functionally they work better than one

that's lower and more buried into the dash.

Another thing that I think the Accord has going for it

is that the Toyota you can't get Apple Car Play or Android Auto


SPEAKER 1: I know.

SPEAKER 2: I mean, that's sort of an across the board

Toyota thing.

SPEAKER 1: And I'm at the point now where

I'm reliant on Apple Car Play.

And if a car doesn't have it now I'm

almost getting to that deal breaker

territory, where if it doesn't have it I don't want it.

SPEAKER 2: It pulls hard above 5,000.

But below that it's not quite as urgent.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

You have to wait for it to boil.

SPEAKER 2: Yeah.

But once it gets up there it moves out nicely.

But I think the low end torque of the turbo engine

in the Accord delivers a little bit more of that initial thrust

better than this car does.

The previous Camry felt a little bit more plasticy than this.

They certainly paid more attention

to materials in this new Camry compared to the old.

But the Accord's in another class above.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

There's something about the Camry that I do like.

There's a certain honesty about it.

It feels good.

It meets expectations, certainly.

The Accord, I think, exceeds expectations.

SPEAKER 2: Yeah.

Functionally, there's nothing wrong with the Camry's cabin.

I mean, it's-- everything is placed where you want it.

There's a big volume knob that's on the correct side

of the screen for the driver.

The buttons are well labeled.

There's big fonts everywhere.

Everything falls to hand the way you expect.

But that sense of occasion that the Accord has just

puts it over the top for me.

Infotainment-wise it's a no brainer.

And the Accord has it all over this one.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.


SPEAKER 2: And this is a comfortable cabin too.

The seats are comfortable.

The touch points are soft.

The leather feels good, whether it's on the shift selector

or on the steering wheel.

There's nothing wrong at all with this cabin.

Here we are in the back seat of the Camry.

SPEAKER 1: And, you know, it's got enough space for me.

SPEAKER 2: I'm in the same boat.

I can fit my toes underneath the front seat.

And I've got a few inches to the seat back in front of me.

And what I should point out also is the driver's seat

is all the way down.

It's as low as it can go and there's still

room to put your toes underneath.

Some cars when the seat goes all the way down all the toe-room

in the backseat goes away.

But that's not the case in the Camry.

So that's a good detail.

They didn't miss that.

SPEAKER 1: All right.

Well, it's well-padded.

I mean, that's really cushiony.

That's nice.

SPEAKER 2: There's no storage on the back of the console.

We do have vents back here, which is nice.

We can't really control them other

than they're on they're off.

SPEAKER 1: Right.

SPEAKER 2: But that's not that unusual.

SPEAKER 1: Map pockets behind the front seats.

But yeah the lack of a USB port or even a 12 volt plug

is, I think, maybe a misstep.

Especially since if this is a family sedan and all the kids

have their faces plastered into a screen nowadays--

well actually maybe it's not a bad thing

if they don't have power.

And they run out on a road trip.

Maybe you actually have to talk to them.

SPEAKER 2: Imagine that.

I don't feel cramped back here.

But if this was a light interior I

think it would feel that much breezier.

So that's just one thing to keep in mind, I think,

as we're comparing these two cars.

SPEAKER 1: Totally agree.

Let's just start in the middle here.

The infotainment screen placed high up

on the dash on this little tablet looking thing,

these knobs like you pointed out before, they're really, really


SPEAKER 2: Yeah.

It shows an attention to detail that

goes beyond just the basics of what you'd

expect in a midsize sedan.

SPEAKER 1: We made a lot of noise

about the lack of a volume knob and that ridiculous volume

control on the steering wheel.

SPEAKER 2: I mean, I know I did.

SPEAKER 1: They have actual volume buttons here now

and the scrolling wheel for the multifunction display.

It's all falling to hand really nicely.

SPEAKER 2: And the screen flow too, both on the center screen

and in the instrument cluster, it's really intuitive.

And it happens quickly.

It responds very quickly.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

SPEAKER 2: I think it's a really nice execution

of that sort of thing.

SPEAKER 1: They made the improvements.

They got rid of the things we hated.

And they kept the things we liked.

SPEAKER 2: It feels good in here.

I like how they've echoed the design theme here.

If you look at the front of the car

and the back of the car and then this dashboard,

you'll notice that there is this emphasis of width.

And by that I mean, look at how these vents on the side

are protruding into the doors.

The headlights do the same sort of thing.

SPEAKER 1: They wrap around.

SPEAKER 2: The headlights protrude and wrap around

into the fenders.

And the tail lights are doing a similar sort of thing.

So again, they're kind of going beyond just the basics of what

you can expect in a mid-sized sedan.

And adding a bit more attention to detail and style.

SPEAKER 1: So under here we have a wireless charging pad.

The Camry also has that.

A USB port there.

Another one under here I believe.


There's a PowerPoint and a USB.

SPEAKER 1: Nice sliding tray here

that I believe is also-- and rubberized

so phone won't slide around.

I've got some good bins here.

Actually, the pockets in the doors I think

are better in here than in the Camry.

The Camry you can get one water bottle in

and it has to be at this angle to put it in.

This you have a pocket and a water bottle holder so.

SPEAKER 2: Yeah.

Seems to be a little bit more small item storage here

in the Accord than the Camry.

SPEAKER 1: But I just feel like I have more space in here.

SPEAKER 2: Yeah.

And this dash is a lot slimmer.

If you look at the height of this dash

compared to that of the Camry, which is much more monolithic.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

And it kind of tapers down nicely as well.

But the materials they're using this--

I don't even care if it's real wood.

It looks great.

SPEAKER 2: And this brushed aluminum again,

it just has this class.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

It's premium without the price.

And all these buttons on the steering

wheel they're easy to use.

You know, there's no stretch or anything.

You don't even have to look down on it.

But yeah, they really did a great job with this.

I feel like I can see better out the front.

I mean, I'm getting such an expansive view of the dash

as well, that I wasn't getting in the Camry.

Now these obviously aren't deal breakers one way or the other.

But what might be is the amount of room I have back here.

SPEAKER 2: It's big back here.

Between the Camry and the Accord headroom-wise yeah,

they're comparable.

My head's brushing the headliner in this one as well.

But I think leg and knee room it's all Accord.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

And like the Camry, we have harder plastics back here.

SPEAKER 2: Different surfaces front and rear.

SPEAKER 1: Now, like the Camry this doesn't just kind of stop

or have a detent or something.

It just kind of flops onto the seat.

And it's a little bit of an angle.

It's not a big deal to me.

SPEAKER 2: It's comfortable I think.

It's the right height.

SPEAKER 1: We're missing something.

SPEAKER 2: We're missing the USB ports and PowerPoints, just

like in the Camry.

So there's no advantage to smartphone

charging or anything in the Accord compared to the Camry.

This also, same deal, it has vents

that you can control on off but that's it.

Storage-wise a similar situation.

You've got this cup holder.

You've got the door pocket.

That's kind of it.

Although, you do have the map pocket in the back of the door.

So in terms of rear seat storage I think it's a wash.

SPEAKER 1: Absolutely.

I thought it was going to be a closer fight.

But the Accord is the clear winner in my book.

SPEAKER 2: I agree.

The Accord is the clear winner.

And for me it comes down to primarily the cabin,

the design, the sense of space in there.

It's just a nicer place to be inside the cabin.

SPEAKER 1: I agree as well.

I give a clear--

a definite advantage to the infotainment system

in the Honda.

SPEAKER 2: There's a winner here.

And we're in agreement that it's the Accord.

But what do you think?

SPEAKER 1: Let us know in the comments below.

If you want to see more videos like this, hit subscribe.

For more infomation >> 2018 Honda Accord vs. 2018 Toyota Camry Comparison | Edmunds - Duration: 12:08.



For more infomation >> TAG 5 MEDOS LIBRAS ATIVAR LEGENDA - Duration: 5:21.


Westworld Season 2 Super Bowl Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:31.


DOLORES ABERNATHY: Look at this world.

This beautiful world.


ABERNATHY: We built this world together.

A world where dreams come true.

A world where you can be free.


ABERNATHY: But this world is a lie.


ABERNATHY: This world deserves to die.

Because this is your world.

We've lived by your rules long enough.

We can save this world.

We can burn it to the ground...

and from the ashes... build a new world.


Our world.


For more infomation >> Westworld Season 2 Super Bowl Trailer (HD) - Duration: 1:31.


Bird Nest Activity | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse - Duration: 5:23.

The Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse

Hey guys, let's make a bird nest OK?


First we have to color the branch.

And what color is a branch?

Yeah, that's right! A branch is brown. Great!

And what's this?

Yeah, it's a flower.

And let's make the flower pink. OK? Great!

And what's this? It's a bird!

I'll make the beaks orange.

And color the rest of the bird yellow.

How many birds do you see?

That's right there are two.

And they're cute, yeah!

And what's this?

Yeah, it's a leaf!

And there are three of those. Great!

And what's this?

That's right. It's a bird nest.

What color is a bird nest?

It's brown, I think.

Great, well grab your scissor and

let's cut it out.

Well, grab your branch and your glue

and let's glue on the nest, OK?


And grab a bird. And put a glue on this side.

And stick it under the nest like this. Yeah!

And do the same with the other bird, OK?



grab your leaves

and we'll put one here.

and let's put one here.

And let's put the other one down here.


And last is the flower.

Wow, that's cute.

Hey, I know a song that has some animals in it. OK?

Let's sing!

For more infomation >> Bird Nest Activity | Maple Leaf Learning Playhouse - Duration: 5:23.


T-Mobile | #LittleOnes | 2018 Big Game Ad - Duration: 1:01.

Welcome to the world, little ones Yeah, it is a lot to take in

But you come with open minds and the instinct that we are equal

Some people may see your differences and be threatened by them

But you are unstoppable

You will love who you want

You will demand fair and equal pay You will not allow where you come from to

dictate where you're going You will be heard, not dismissed

You will be connected, not alone

Change starts now

For more infomation >> T-Mobile | #LittleOnes | 2018 Big Game Ad - Duration: 1:01.


ATBP | Paraiso (song) | Early Childhood Development - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> ATBP | Paraiso (song) | Early Childhood Development - Duration: 2:04.


Las minas de sal psicodélica | Rusia - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> Las minas de sal psicodélica | Rusia - Duration: 1:57.


new listing, house for sale, 461 cottrell rd., old bridge, nj. 07747 russell hayek weichert realtors - Duration: 3:25.

hey guys this 8 room colonial brings us right into old bridge it's four bedrooms two

full baths a half bath do a quick walk through here for you and

like usual you have any questions or anything just shoot me a text or call

their contact information information about the property is in the description

box does have a full basement unfinished

heated salt water pool

all right let's take it upstairs

alright guys that wraps things up here need more info like to see it shoot me

a text call me till next time have a good one

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