Does It Slime? Satisfying Slime ASMR Video!
Как стать лучшей версией себя. Маршал Голдсмит. - Duration: 7:02.-------------------------------------------
Como fazer estampas metalizadas! - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
European championship Futsal Portugal Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Spain, Forecast and bet from your phone - Duration: 2:33.HOW TO CHARG: FROM THE PHONE OR TO GO TO THE OFFICE?
Soon the Champions League, WE SUPPLY READY
Hello everyone, this is the betting from the phone.
And the forecast for 2 matches of the Championship European Futsal Championship.
Yesterday the goalkeepers of Serbia AND Russia - Aksentievich and Zamtaradze,
accordingly, did a bunch of excellent saves and
my express.
It was nice to look at their game.
Did not like just too much our playing game in
attack and abundance
"imports" from Romulo and Escardini.
But the victory does not smell like it is said and our pass
Congratulations to the men!
Match Portugal - Azerbaijan.
The Portuguese are listed favorites in this match,
and I think that the game will go under their
dictation, according to their scenario.
And their script for today reflects the saying "we
we'll score as much as we want, you will score
as much as you can. "
Those. the Portuguese all will be offered an open
attacking game on counter courses with hay
moments at the gate of both commands, as in principle it is
already happened in matches between these rivals.
Attack of the Portuguese
at this European Championships I like most of all
at the moment, but with defense and goalkeeper
they are not all so
smoothly, in my opinion.
The main goalkeeper, it seems, broke a finger in the past
game, and even before the injury looked uncertainly.
even at the warm-up before the match with Ukraine, I noticed that
on the reception of the ball he does not fix it is tight and why
writhing as if from pain.
Most likely to the broken his finger was tortured by some kind of
hand injuries.
The second goalkeeper,
which Bebe was not particularly impressed, the last bastion in it
I have not seen.
As for the team of Azerbaijan, then its not
you will call super-defensive: if the opponent does not close,
Azeris with pleasure play open soccer.
Therefore in I put on a common total goals in the match 4.5 more,
coefficient 1.56
Match Ukraine - Spain.
Ukrainians look good in the attack, they scored a lot
at this tournament: and the Portuguese, and
the Romanians.
But today they are playing against them Spain, and this is a completely different
game level on impeccable defense
an excellent goalkeeper.
I think that today the Ukrainians You will not be able to score more
2 goals.
I put on an individual total
Ukraine 2.5 less for kf 1.166
Thus, the overall coefficient express train 1.82
The first on the floor will come out Portugal and Azerbaijan
at 20:00 Moscow time, at 11:00 Moscow time will play Ukraine and Spain, links
the broadcast of these matches I, as usual, I will publish in
group Vkontake.
(ENG SUB)Story of looking for a woman dancing together [GoToe STORY] - Duration: 2:23.Hello everyone. This is GoToe
Today I
I always dance alone
I've never dance together until now
So.. Today I am looking for a girl
who can dance with me!
So let's find together with me!!
Let's start it!!
(Searching profile)
(He can't stay just for a second)
Oh. First girl is coming
She looks so pretty
She exposed her shoulders
I think if I will dance with her
Every eyes are focused on her shoulder. So... pass
2nd girl is so charming too
She looks so Enthusiastic
Maybe I feel to tired with her
So... pass
She is so pretty
Let's see it
Does she prefer mix the sauce with meat?
I think she like it
Does she prefer 짜장면 than 짬뽕??
I think so
Does she prefer result than process??
I think so
(We can ask questions to her)
Do you think salary is more important than education?
I sent the question to her
4th girl is so
so cutty
Personally I prefer balck hair than yellow hair so..
I think all the girls are look similar with me....
Хранение игрушек в большом контейнере. Идея💡 - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
China Anne McClain and Nafessa Williams Talk Black Lightning - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
Extreme Dog Shaming: Eating Sunglasses, Digging Up Flower Beds - Duration: 3:25.-------------------------------------------
【Q&A】繼續回答第一次沒回答完的心路歷程,回答篇 #2【Ryo】(CC字幕) - Duration: 10:12.-------------------------------------------
BEST MICROPHONE EVER - Beyer Dynamic M160 vs. Satan 50 - Duration: 11:29.What's up you beautiful people today, I'm trying out the Beyer Dynamic M160
microphone for rhythm metal guitar playing.
You know I'm a big fan of the
Shure SM57 and 58, and in the past year I've been using my trustworthy old SM58
when recording amp demos or whatever I'm recording with the cabinet.
And the good
thing about the Shure SM58 is that basically I can just slam it on wherever
on the speaker and it sounds pretty good (like everywhere), I don't really have to
spend that much time placing the microphone to get an awesome sound
going, now the Beyer Dynamic M160 are one of those microphones that I've always
wanted to own, because they are just amazing sounding for...
for metal rhythm guitar.
This is a ribbon microphone, looks like this. And the thing
with ribbon microphones is that you cannot use phantom power(+48) because you
will break the ribbon microphone, and...
So I'm not gonna do that today but I am
gonna demonstrate this microphone and compare it to my trusty old SM58 that I
have there. And I'm trying to make this as low-key as possible
because I just want to make a video okay. Let me find a...
One of these...
That reminds me, to remind you guys that Thomann
and their microphone stands suck! It's like all my
stands are broken basically. So yeah.
How am I gonna?
Oohh, if I do it like this...
Sometimes you just have to improvise
That's what I'm doing right now.
Just like my dick you know, just won't point straight, it's just going
one way or the other.
Alright so let me place it about the
same as the SM58 and just hear how it sounds when it's recorded.
Obviously I'm using my trustworthy NEW...
Randall Satan 50 production head. This down here is a prototype
I've had this one for about two years.
This is a brand new one, this is what you get when you buy a Randall Satan 50.
I'm very happy about that!
And here I have a HESU 2x12 with Demon
speakers in it, and the Demon speakers are supposedly like a mix between a
Celestion V30 and a T75. And that's convenient because the V30s are my favorite speaker
and the T75 is my second favorite speaker, so it's a good match I would say
Alright, so let's try out the SM58 first because that's just,
how it works...
Ett, två, tre, fyr...
That was the SM58! Lets switch!
1 2 3 4
juan, tu, free, får
I'm not sure if you
have to, (can you shut up for a second?) I'm not sure if you're supposed to break in
ribbon microphones, I've never used this one before. This is the first time
so let's just see
how it sounds...
*whale in heat screaming*
That sounds good actually, let's move it a bit into the center with my awesome
Millennium Thomann microphone stand.
Look at it!
What are you doing?
It's gone...
RIP microphone stand.
So now it's pointed more into the center of the speaker
*whale discovers tortoise in ahole*
Something that you hear immediately with the M160 is that it's just so much more
even sounding than the sm58 while the sm58 has a very, you know, mid hump kind
of character to it that definitely fits a mix really easy that's why I usually
go back to the sm58 because it's just a finished type of tone going
that really works together with drums and bass but the M160 here you can
hear how it's so even sounding and just sounds polished in a way, and that might
be both a good and a bad thing, for instance like demos like this it
definitely does not hurt your ears in the same way as a sm58 does. So let me
try and record some more because this was just a lot of fun but I'm gonna try and remove
some bass because it was just a lot of bass in that clip so let's try it again
FRACK IT, let's just turn it up even more FNAC the neighbors today okay
*whale discovers secret underwater maze*
Okay let's move it out a little bit more.
Are you tired already? You want to go home?
*whale cannot fit inside maze, asks tortoise to send help*
So yeah, it sounds...
like I remembered and I think this is a really good template microphone for
making impulses with because it just sounds very even if I would say that.
I've made a couple of M160 impulses before and those are usually the ones I
use whenever I need to use impulses so yeah I mean having it as a second
microphone together with the sm58 that would be awesome...
Okay should I try that?
Ok I have to. Because I said it, I have to try it.
Then I have to do a little
hook up kind of thing here. Then I have to go back behind my audio interface again.
It's just a hassle... Everything is just a hassle today.
I mean there's no patience anymore in this world.
People just want instant
gratification and it's aaah.
Yeah everone is just so spoiled nowadays.
It's just stupid.
Oh what the hell is that?
What is that?
woooo shit okay...
Audience requests said that I should record both at the same time and see how
that sounds but right now my microphone stands are not in the mood
for what I want to do.
Alright okay that's uh yeah yeah that just that's
just awesome.
That's the perfect microphone setup right there let's just
try it like that okay
piece of sh€%&t, lets do this again.
*whale finds happiness after joining the navy. It just makes a lot of sense*
*because it's a whale...*
*joining the navy...*
*the end*
yeah you got the idea
That sounds gnarly I must say so yeah that's the mixture of
the sm58 and the Beyer Dynamic M160, I will definitely use the M160 a lot more
for my demos, it's just a better sounding microphone if you just solo out the
guitar I would say, it's just a lot more enjoyable to listen to, so yeah that's it
for this demo if you like this video just give it a like or who cares
just give it a dislike if you like dislikes, just like whatever you
want man, it's it's a free world. And if you want to know what I'm using to
recording these demos, check the description. Good talk! See you next time! Bye!
Burglary reported at Rob Gronkowski's Foxborough home - Duration: 0:49.-------------------------------------------
BACK TO ARGENTINA | VOLTANDO PRA ARGENTINA | DAILYVLOG | Day 1: 02/02/18 - Duration: 8:03.Hi guys all right? I'm Luckas as you know.
and I'm here in the car going to the airport and I'm going to Argentina.
and I'll show you everything.
And I got here now, at terminal 3 of Guarulhos International Airport
I'm here with my cousin Ricardo, who came to bring me, my mother.
and I'm going to get in short so I can go.
We're here with the bag, we're going to board the airport.
I came here only once in 2014, when I went to Argentina as well.
and now.
Guys, I'm already here, checked in my bag and I'm waiting
I have to go to the departure lounge in a little while
but first I'll have to go through the customs, right, to see if I'm not taking anything wrong.
we're here. It's the last moments in Brazil, I'm
so with a tightening of the heart but very happy because
It's what I want, right?
I still have not cried but I believe that at some point I'm going to start crying
It was all going well until they got my bottle of catuaba, did not pass
I had to leave, then
I only catuaba when I return to Brazil, or when someone tells me
It's difficult, send me away, please.
I wanted to buy something, a business, but it's absurd not to give
Look at this, very good things, but very expensive. Look at Dior
no conditions.
Funny because here, in these malls that they put
sells a lot of alcoholic beverage, but when will you go with yours that is in the suitcase
they take it, it's kind of hard to understand
their logic.
I already despatched everything that I had to dispatch, I am very sad I could not take my catuaba
If someone goes to Argentina, take me catuaba. And here we have a panel
Who has the, I do not know if it will show up.
Girls, I do not know if you're focusing, okay?
where are you where
Over there, 2:40 p.m.
It's my flight to Buenos Aires.
and that's it people, I'm here it's super empty
I think the plane is the one here.
I think it's this plane that I'm going to get, is it focusing on girls?
And I have to wait because it's still 1:19 PM
I have to wait until I give the time.
people changed the gate, so I have to walk, it was 309 and now 304
and we have to walk with things, you can not miss an hour
Finally I'm netrando to go to Buenos Aires
I'm still missing a lot but I'm very happy
I still have not cried and I know that soon I'll start to cry but that's it
Oh my God
Oh my God, now there is no turning back, I'm already getting inside the plane
and it's very hot here
When you get inside, I'll record it.
I'm sitting here, can you see outside?
sitting on the plane, waiting to board, still missing a long time
and that's it folks, there's no back
and I try to record something during the flight.
I'm going to stay here some good, to relax and to be able to go good.
You can see better
2:40 pm my flight. But it's looking like something else is not looking like Latam
But I think this is it, is there any other? There is not. So I think it's the same
Guys, here on the plane already.
And it's not enough for us to go, look outside.
I'm anxious and now there's no turning back.
Hi people! Finally I'm in Argentina already, my bag has broken.
but okay, it's old. I imagined that
the airport. Do not cry for me more Argentina
I came back
people now I have to see how I'll do to go where I'm going to stay
with all these things, then I'll record okay
Guys, I'm already here on the subway in Argentina, at the station Federico Lacroze
And everything happened to me, the suitcase broke, I took a crowded bus, a crowded subway
2 subways, to get here. I was greeted well by the Argentine heat, eh?
Look that. Now I'm going down here to go to the girl's house where I'm staying at her house.
Then when I get there I'll finish. I'm very tired, I need to take a shower.
Hi guys, I'm already here at the girl's house that I'm going to stay
I'll introduce her to you later.
I already took a shower, I already went by the pool
I'm waiting for us to go eat already
all very cool, when I arrived at the airport I was treated like an Argentine
because I have the documentation from here, then the foreigners went to a queue, the Argentines to another
I felt like an Argentine, very happy.
and that's it, first day, very tired, I'm going to eat soon
and tomorrow I'll meet the people there I try to record for you
but a little, one more day here in Argentina.
Okay, so give it like that in this video, share
subscribe to not miss the next videos, and even the next videos bye!
Excellent Construction Technique - How to build a brick wall like this - Duration: 12:24.Hello, Today I will be shooting video.
How to build a brick wall like this
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Pour l'amour de Suzie part 2. BABA Film Haitien - Duration: 12:12.-------------------------------------------
Olmeden Once Bilmeniz Gereken 16 Çılgın Psikolojik Gerçek (YOUTUBE) - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
GRINGS - INTEGRAIS - Exercício de Cálculo integral - ( Aula 14 ) - Duration: 12:49.-------------------------------------------
U10TV ep 177 - 허니텐을 위한 업텐션 사용설명서 마지막 편! - Duration: 3:42.jinhoo: Hi. It's up to the uptension.
Name: Kim Jin-wook Hobby: Exercise, collecting pajamas Unusual: Attractive thick lips
NOTICE: It's fine but it will be released soon.
jinhoo: I have several hobbies.
jinhoo: I'm missing these days Exercise and falling into pajamas
jinhoo: I'm looking for pajamas these days.
jinhoo: What should be noted is that it 's fine.
jinhoo: But I was also simple
jinhoo: I'm good at clearing my pants.
gyujin: Yes, it is.
gyujin: I heard it with a rumor,
gyujin: Because I was attractive, I came back to measure.
gyujin: It's 4cm.
gyujin: When you put out your lips, you are about 4cm away.
jinhoo: What if I did not show up?
gyujin: 3.5cm when I did not show up.
gyujin: There is no difference, but the numbers in front are different.
gyujin: Thank you
jinhoo: Thank you
kogyeol: Hello. I'm 22 years old. (22 years old at the time of shooting)
Name: Trouble Hobby: Game, Think Alone Uniqueness: own thin ankle
NOTICE: I am not fascinated. I have long eyes.
kogyeol: My hobby is games.
kogyeol: I think to myself again
kogyeol: What I want you to pay attention to is eye.
kogyeol: I have a very long side of the snow
kogyeol: It was wildly animated
kogyeol: I still think it's attractive.
kogyeol: in my long, double eyeless eyes Please concentrate.
gyujin: Hi. I'm here to measure my ankle.
gyujin: because the ankle of the jade type is beautiful
gyujin: The thickness of the ankle
gyujin: 23cm
gyujin: It is so thin real
gyujin: The point of this type is a pretty ankle
gyujin: Please pay much attention to summer
bit-to: I'm 22 years old.
bit-to: It's a brother.
Name: Lee Chang-Hyun Specialty: Cooking
Unusual: cute charm puffing short arm Miscellaneous: o type that likes ramen
bit-to: I like ramen.
bit-to: I'm good at cooking.
bit-to: I have a very short arm length.
bit-to: So you can make your cuteness better
gyujin: So I came back
gyujin: Vito-type 23 inches. (58cm - may vary depending on measurement location)
bit-to: Yes. My arms are short.
bit-to: Very attractive.
kuhn: pigs 95 years
kuhn: Gara Rice Day Farmers' Day November 11 is the birthday
kuhn: Up Tension Cun Your Name
kuhn: Ansan is a nosui
Real name: Hobby: Sad movie that stimulates tears
Unusual: birthday 1111, wide shoulder possession Please note: Please keep courtesy of people.
kuhn: My hobbies are watching movies a lot.
kuhn: Like a sad thing
kuhn: movies that stimulate a little emotion
kuhn: I saw yesterday too
kuhn: The thing to note is that I like polite people
kuhn: between people and people I want you to keep courtesy.
Joy: So my brother seems to like me
kuhn: Right.
gyujin: Because I heard it again
gyujin: I shoulder length ...
kuhn: Be careful
gyujin: 45cm (may vary depending on measurement location)
gyujin: So our shoulder wide kun
gyujin: Please pay attention to Mann Namkun brother.
hwanhee: Hello, this is the joy of uptension.
hwanhee: My real name is Lee Hwan Hee
hwanhee: The age is 98 years old tiger belt is 20 years old. (20 years old at the time of shooting)
Real name: Lee Hwan Hee Hobby: Real lot. Everyday hobby
Unusual: small hand and own elven ears NOTICE: Do not touch the members' heads
hwanhee: I have a lot of hobbies.
hwanhee: I like listening to songs.
hwanhee: I love singing too.
hwanhee: I like watching movies.
hwanhee: I like dramas too
hwanhee: And on YouTube I also like to look beautiful.
hwanhee: Nowadays it is called 'Haikyu' I'm watching an animation.
hwanhee: It was fun.
hwanhee: My good points are around I hear a lot about the good voice ...
hwanhee: The thing to note is
hwanhee: I hate the way the members touch their hair.
gyujin: Do you own this yourself most?
hwanhee: I have a really small hand
gyujin: Oh 18cm
hwanhee: Too big for your ear.
gyujin: 8cm
gyujin: I think the joy is the biggest ears
hwanhee: What is the difference between your brother and ears?
hwanhee: I'm huge
hwanhee: When I was a kid, my nickname was 'Elf ears'.
gyujin: Please pay attention to the charms of joy in the future.
hwanhee: If you get tired of my charm I can not break it.
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