Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

A Viennese Attire.

Hello, my name is Arthur Arbesser.

I'm a Viennese-born Milan-based fashion designer

who comes home a lot to find inspiration and ideas.

We're at the Café Korb right now.

This is a very peculiar, special place in Vienna.

A very unique Viennese coffee house

and it stands for the very best of meeting interesting people,

exchanging great ideas, sitting down reading the newspaper,

having a strudel, have your coffee and just be yourself.

For me this building says all things like modern

and says things contemporary and they really hit our and my creative spot

and my own passions.

I love that this is a place where you can go and find details

and find clean lines and feel inspired.

And the Loos House is one of those great examples in Vienna.

The whole collaboration that I did with the Vienna Tourism Board

was obviously mainly inspired by the Viennese Modernism

but in my way.

It was particularly focused on Koloman Moser

and his design that he did for Backhausen, the famous fabric mill.

Very saturated, but in a very Viennese way somehow, looks great!

The garments, I wanted to keep them very simple, very linear

and very sort of clean, with the jacket like this and the pants like this.

But it's so beautiful, the way it falls and behaves.

They can't wait to cut in and sew together.

Right now, you are in my studio.

So we have just received the first prototypes.

They are still missing buttons and details,

but already I am extremely satisfied.

I think it's gonna be very beautiful.

For a fashion designer, this is always one of the key moments

and one of the most exciting moments of the whole creative process

because you design a piece, you think about how it will turn out,

but it will always come out in a different way.

Now we are in Vienna again, at the shoot of the Capsule collection.

I'm extremely proud of it because it connects and brings together

three women that I love and adore, which is Elfie Semotan as a photographer

Helena Severin and Cordula Reyer as two models and all these three women

are extremely inspirational to me and muses

and I feel that the images that are created together will live on

and will turn out very beautiful and very rich

and I'm very proud of the whole project.

Get inspired by Vienna.

For more infomation >> Arthur Arbesser X Vienna – A Viennese Attire - Duration: 3:47.


Psalm 23 - Duration: 1:22.

Psalm 23

A Psalm. Of David. The Lord takes care of me as his sheep; I will not be without any good thing. Psalms 23:1

He makes a resting-place for me in the green fields: he is my guide by the quiet waters. Psalms 23:2

He gives new life to my soul: he is my guide in the ways of righteousness because of his name. Psalms 23:3

Yes, though I go through the valley of deep shade, I will have no fear of evil; for you are with me, your rod and your support are my comfort. Psalms 23:4

You make ready a table for me in front of my haters: you put oil on my head; my cup is overflowing. Psalms 23:5

Truly, blessing and mercy will be with me all the days of my life; and I will have a place in the house of the Lord all my days. Psalms 23:6

More Videos

For more infomation >> Psalm 23 - Duration: 1:22.


MAKING PLASTER from alabaster stone - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> MAKING PLASTER from alabaster stone - Duration: 3:22.


এহরাম অবস্থায় কি কি কাজ নিষিদ্ধ || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz New Shor Video - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> এহরাম অবস্থায় কি কি কাজ নিষিদ্ধ || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz New Shor Video - Duration: 2:41.


False Facts That Changed History - Duration: 4:50.

Fake news may be getting its moment in the spotlight, but it's hardly a new phenomenon.

In fact, people have been mistakenly believing total nonsense since the dawn of human civilization.

And sometimes, those mistakes actually end up changing the world.

Here's a look at some false "facts" that changed history.

The immortality elixir

Once upon a time, people believed alchemists could create magical potions that could do

just about anything, including grant immortality.

So in the year 850, a Chinese alchemist finally came up with what he thought was the perfect


75 parts saltpeter, 15 parts charcoal, and 10 parts sulfur.

A contemporary text recorded the results, saying

"...smoke and flames result, so that [the alchemists'] hands and faces have been burnt,

and even the whole house where they were working burned down."

That's because, in arguably the greatest irony of all time, instead of inventing an immortality

potion, the alchemist had accidentally created gunpowder, which would lead to centuries of

warfare and genocide around the globe.



Back in the day, people believed that things burned because they contained a substance

called phlogiston.

Things that burn easily had a lot of phlogiston, and when it was gone, burning stopped.

Plus, when the air absorbed too much of the substance it became phlogisticated and wouldn't

allow anything else to burn.

That theory stood for about a century, but in the 1770's, French scientist Antoine Lavoisier

decided to try and prove once and for all that phlogiston was nonsense.

To do so, he performed a series of experiments, leading to the first descriptions of oxygen,

and eventually to the creation of an entire new field of modern science we now know as…


So, thanks, phlogiston!

The evil eye

Nowadays, we know that your eyes work by receiving light, which is converted by photoreceptors

into electrical impulses interpreted by your brain.

But thousands of years ago in ancient Greece, scientists thought eyes worked not by receiving

light, but rather by sending out invisible beams of fire.

Not only is this wrong, it also contributed to one of the most widespread superstitions

in the world - the Evil Eye.

Cultures and religions across the globe have come up with all sorts of wards and charms

against the power of the Evil Eye.

But the most effective?

Is simply the scientific knowledge that eyes really don't work like that.

Unless, of course, you're in the X-Men.


In 1936, Trofim Lysenko presented the bizarre theory of Lysenkoism to the Conference of

the Lenin Academy in Moscow.

This theory essentially claimed that plants would adhere to communist principles.

Rather than traits being inherited through genetics, they could be trained by the people.

It was nurture over nature, only with beets and potatoes.

Soviet farmers were taught one plant would sacrifice itself for the good of its neighbors,

that plants chose their reproductive partners, and that plants would eventually just get

used to those cold Russian winters and start growing better.

As propaganda, it was great.

As agriculture, it was a colossal disaster.

According to the Smithsonian, it kicked off decades of food shortages, famines, and crop


It also destroyed the science of agriculture itself within the Soviet Union, as those who

argued against Lysenkoism were sent to prison, executed, or simply just disappeared.

Lysenko essentially told Soviet leaders what they wanted to hear and stopped science for

decades, at the cost of untold lives.

El Dorado

The stories of a city of gold hidden somewhere deep in the South American jungles started

some time after 1521 when Spanish explorer Cortes "danced across the water" and looted

the Aztec empire.

Everybody wanted in on the action, and the legend of El Dorado was born.

Of course, no such city actually exists, but thousands of European looters swarmed over

the Western world trying to find it, destroying entire civilizations an enslaving a continent

in an effort to get El Dorado's fat booty.

Ironically, historians now believe the Spanish actually found the basis for the El Dorado

myths when they conquered the Muisca people in 1537.

But the conquistadors didn't realize it, and kept on pillaging and looting for centuries

in search of a non-existent dreamland.

The only good thing that came of it?

Thanks to their pointless search for a non-existent city, European explorers ended up mapping

almost all of South America.

Just like Google, only with way, way more massacres.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Grunge icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love too!

For more infomation >> False Facts That Changed History - Duration: 4:50.


Thank you 5000 times! - VLOG ● # 2 - Duration: 2:41.

Oh my God! I'm a YouTuber.

I need to make an original video..

Hmm.. Let me think..

A subscribers special!

Now let's be serious.

Because I really need to say thank you to all of you guys that everyday watch our videos, leave a comment and follow us.

Without you... Ghooper and this channel wouldn't exist!

When I published the first time lapse, I didn't think to reach all the goals that I'm reaching.

Every day I read your messages and your comments, and that pushed me up to continue with my projects.

Lots of messages make me fall in love, but others..

Well.. Others are so funny.


If he could read that.. Probably his face would be like..


And apparently I look like lots of people like..

Dean from Supernatural..

Kem from Love Island..

Hayden from Star Wars..

Joey the anime man..

Maybe I should create a series of video with all the people that I look like.

Flash news:

Few hours ago, I received this..

.. From one of you and it's a gift.

I really really like it.

It's a set of darts and I don't know who you are, but I will find you and I will play darts with you.

Seriously. I really, really, really appreciate that.

So thank you..

Five thousand times again.

I hope you will keep following us, 'cause many ideas and new projects are coming.

Oh.. One more thing before I let you guys go. sent me this glasses and to be honest, I think that it's a very good product.

So if you're looking for new pair of glasses without spending much money you can go on

For more infomation >> Thank you 5000 times! - VLOG ● # 2 - Duration: 2:41.


Essential Winter Bike Care ESSENTIAL BIKE CARE - Simple Routine for every ride (subtitles) - Duration: 2:58.

Everyone knows the situation..

the buddy's texting you to go for a ride with him

but your bike still looks like shit from the last ride

feels like crap and your chain is already getting rusty

you really have to clean it up again

How you get your bike ready for trail again to go shredding with your bud.. will see in this video

Stay tuned and have fun!

Espacially in winter it's important to keep your bike clean

because you want to leave the dirt as far as possible from your bearings

also from headset and your bottom bracket

All the garden hoses are turned off in the winter because of the low temperature

instead of that you can take a bucket and fill it up with warm water

Before we get started

you also need a brush to get into the tiny corners of your bike

some bikecleaner and a chaincleaner to get rid of the old, dirty oils

When your bike is all wet, you can put on the bikecleaner and let him do his job

For some help you can use a pressured bottle with water

the cleaning can be made much easier with it

Put the chaincleaner directly on chain and cassette

and use the brush to work it into the corners

the more thoroughly you do it

the less wear and tear you get on you chainrings, the chain and also on the cassette

After your bike is all clean again

make sure to wash away all of the cleaner

simply use the rest of the water in your bucket

When your arrived in your workshop..

take a towel wipe your bike till its nice and dry

espacially the chain has to be completely dry for the next step

otherwise it will get rusty again

Before you can ride your bike again, you have to make sure to lube your chain

choose a thicker oil which is completely water resistant

use a lot ..

.. change your gears and let it rest for a moment

after that wipe of the rest of the oil

last of all check your whole bike again

check if your dropper is working like it should

or if your tire pressures are to high or to low

Just roll across the street

check your suspension and your brakes

you're done if everything is working right

otherwise you have to check your bike again

If your are interested in one single theme or step we showed you

let us know and put a comment down below ;)

If you liked the video

leave a sub and a thumbs up

see you next time


For more infomation >> Essential Winter Bike Care ESSENTIAL BIKE CARE - Simple Routine for every ride (subtitles) - Duration: 2:58.


LEARN JAPANESE : Lesson 01 "How to ask a girl out in Japan" - Duration: 4:01.

(Japanese lesson with Sebastiano Serafini)

Hi guys! I'm Sebastiano Serafini in Japan, but today I'm in Bolzano (north of Italy)

today I'm doing the second japanese lesson

since the first lesson, did have so much success, I hope so...

but with the hope that you liked the first lesson, I decided to film the second one

since I explained you in the first lesson, how to get a double visa

like how to approach a japanese girl and ask her to marry you

in this lesson first of all I'm going to teach you how to approach a japanese girl

in theory this lesson should have come out before the other one...but whatever this region they're talking in a unknown language...I can't understand

they speak german

I studied it like for 8 years, but I can't speak it...

because, the most important thing to learn a language, is to have interest in the language

so, if you're not interested in Japanese at all, you will like never learn it

but with the help of my videos, you will learn it, no matter what

let's go on, before other people are coming

how to approach japanese girls in 5 ways...first of all you say --

it means "pick up a girl"

Japan is not such a "pick upper" country

it doesn't happen that often to talk to random people, and to pick them up...

(he's inventing new words - whatever let's go on)

but if you're a really open person, and you want to try to pick up a girl

and you find a girl that wants to communicate,

I will teach you the 5 best ways on how to approach a Japanese girl!

with my help you will marry a japanese girl soon as possible, I assure you!

this channel is so useful, right?

ok, enough talking, let's start with some useful words

the first words are -- (are you free?)

this one is very useful,

you need to know that I didn't invented those, I asked japanese guys

because in my opinion, if you want to pick up a girl, I would say: did you pay your taxes?

or: can I do you laundry? I think these sentences would have been more interesting, but whatever

the second sentence is --

it means let's go to Karaoke? (Karaoke=Karaoke - Ikou=go)

the third thing is -- what are you doing?

if it's in the afternoon, you can say -- (it means are you free tonight?)

-- let's go eating

it can be helpful, especially if it's dinner time, it will work for sure

the fifth thing is ...

but, let's wait, because here basically the whole Bolzano is passing through

(all retirees)

let's see if the dog is coming to me

dogs avoid me^^ (- no, not true...)

(he's italian, he understood you!)

I didn't said a bad thing, it's the truth! cats are hitting me, dogs are avoiding me

the fifth thing is -- you're beautiful!

a small particularity about this sentence

if a girl, around 30 years, stops you with a mask on

and she asks you -- am I beautiful?

(watashi=me - Kirei=beautiful)

it could be that she's the "ghost" Kuchisake-onna

it's this woman, that has the mouth cut from here to here

this whole part is open,

you need to pay attencion, because if you say

yes, she will cut your mouth from one side to the other,

and if you say no, she will cut your body in two

so, my advice as a friend is,

try to say something ambiguous: your not hot, but your also not ugly...

good, I hope this lesson was helpful,

it can save your life

Sebastiano has a full range of high culture informations

so, if you want to learn Japanese, don't miss any of these videos!

you only need to turn on the "bell" (ding dong)

and we will see...

you know it's the air... (you just invented that!)

you know the air of Bolzano reminds me of "Brother John"

ok, but it's actually a french song...but nevermind.

See you tomorrow with another video at 2pm (GMT+1)

thank you so much for watching!

down here you will find my song Alive for downloading!

For more infomation >> LEARN JAPANESE : Lesson 01 "How to ask a girl out in Japan" - Duration: 4:01.


5 CHAINES DE FILLES À CONNAITRE 💖 LeslieTilt - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> 5 CHAINES DE FILLES À CONNAITRE 💖 LeslieTilt - Duration: 5:57.


5 Bollywood Stars Who Have Not Given A Single Flop In Their Career - Duration: 3:39.

5 Bollywood Stars Who Have Not Given A Single Flop In Their Career

For more infomation >> 5 Bollywood Stars Who Have Not Given A Single Flop In Their Career - Duration: 3:39.



For more infomation >> 8 DIETAS INFALÍVEIS PARA EMAGRECER! - Duration: 3:16.


KAIO vs JOHN - Silly Dance Battle XD - Duration: 3:20.

Kaio vs John - Silly dance battle XD

For more infomation >> KAIO vs JOHN - Silly Dance Battle XD - Duration: 3:20.


Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg - Are We Stuck in Bubbles? - Duration: 1:22.

No one listens to anyone else online.

We're stuck in internet filter bubbles

where we only hear things that

reinforce our old beliefs.

Well, that might be the consensus amongst

your friends, bubble boy.

But the whole Dead Wrong.

Researchers haven't found any evidence

that filter bubbles are more common

in this digital era.

Only 10 percent of social media accounts

are used mainly to follow people who share

your own beliefs.

And this group always existed,

in the pre-digital era as well.

Two economist composed an "isolation index"

to see how isolated we are from the point

of view of other people in different settings.

And it turns out that those who follow

news mainly online are more exposed to the

points of view of others than those who

read them in the newspapers.

And do you know where the isolation

index is the highest?

In workplaces, in the neighborhoods where

you live, amongst family and friends...

So, there are no filter bubbles;

there are dinner table bubbles.

So, the reason why it sometimes gets

ugly online is not that we're isolated

from other beliefs there.

On the contrary, it gets ugly because we

are exposed to other beliefs all the time,

day and night.

And that's a little bit scary.

For more infomation >> Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg - Are We Stuck in Bubbles? - Duration: 1:22.


Come COMPRARE su GEARBEST in modo SICURO! Acquisto, Spedizione, Dogana e Garanzia! - GUIDA ITA - Duration: 13:28.


For more infomation >> Come COMPRARE su GEARBEST in modo SICURO! Acquisto, Spedizione, Dogana e Garanzia! - GUIDA ITA - Duration: 13:28.


Essence Of Murli 08-02-2018 - Duration: 6:33.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 8th February 2018

Essence: Sweet children, in order to become a sun-dynasty bead of the rosary of victory, become completely pure according to shrimat.

The children who become pure are liberated from the punishment of Dharamraj.

Question: What intoxication do the children who are engaged in making effort to become soul conscious have?

Answer: I belong to Baba. I am a master of Baba's Brahmand.

I claim my inheritance from Baba and become a master of the world.

Only the children who remain soul conscious have this intoxication; only they become heirs.

They don't remember their relationships of the old world.

If you become body conscious, you are slapped by Maya and your happiness disappears.

This is why Baba says: Children, make effort to become soul conscious.

Keep your chart.

Song: You are the fortune of tomorrow.

Essence for dharna: 1. Become rup and basant and constantly let jewels of knowledge emerge from your mouth.

Become as happy and cheerful as the deities.

2. With knowledge and the power of yoga, have your sins absolved and claim the double inheritance of liberation and liberation-in-life.

Blessing: May you become a successful image and, with the special virtue of "you first", become loved by all.

The virtue of making one another move forward,

that is, the virtue of "you first" makes you loved by all when doing something in the name of God and in your interaction with everyone.

This is the main virtue of the Father. The Father says: Children, "You first".

This is the way to achieve success. ( Virtue of "you first")

Those who love the Father, love the Brahmin family and love world service are the ones who are ever ready.

Slogan: On the basis of churning power, make the treasures of knowledge your own and obstacles will then bid you farewell.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our loveour remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 08-02-2018 - Duration: 6:33.


WE'LL MEET AGAIN | Next on Episode 4 | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


Ann Curry: When you arrived at the Pentagon...

Man 1: I remember the immensity of the tragedy in the sense,

how am I going to go on?



Ann: What was happening in your head?

Man 2: This is the moment when you realize that

it wasn't an accident.

Ann: You remember his face.

Man 1: His comforting smile. Now, I can get through today.

Man 2: Emily walked up to me and said, "You need a hug."

It would be great to tell her, I remember your kindness.




For more infomation >> WE'LL MEET AGAIN | Next on Episode 4 | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


ОЧЕНЬ ВКУСНЫЕ И СОЧНЫЕ КОТЛЕТЫ ИЗ КУРИЦЫ! С сыром и кукурузной мукой - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> ОЧЕНЬ ВКУСНЫЕ И СОЧНЫЕ КОТЛЕТЫ ИЗ КУРИЦЫ! С сыром и кукурузной мукой - Duration: 2:24.


Talk about Scotland and Scottish English - Duration: 12:32.

For more infomation >> Talk about Scotland and Scottish English - Duration: 12:32.


8 Year Old Shooting Victim Writes Letter to Trump — She Gets a D - Duration: 2:35.

8-Year-Old Shooting Victim Writes Letter to Trump � She Gets a Direct Response From

the President

When Ava Olsen was 7 years old, she survived a shooting that occurred outside of her school

in 2016 when a 14-year-old opened fire. Ava�s best friend, Jacob Hall, died in the shooting.

Because of the shooting, she has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and is

now home-schooled.

The Washington Post reports that Ava, who is now 8, wrote to President Donald Trump

in August to plead him to �Please keep kids safe from guns.� The day after Christmas,

the Olsen family received a response from the White House.

�Thank you for your letter,� it reads. �It is very brave of you to share your story

with me. Mrs. Trump and I are so sorry to hear the loss of your friend, Jacob. Our prayers

are with you, your family, your school, and Jacob�s family.�

�Mrs. Trump and I hold you close in our hearts,� the letter continues. �We hope

you always remember that no matter what may happen, there are so many people in your life

who love you, support you, and want to see you fulfill all your dreams.�

President Donald Trump knocked House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday,

suggesting that she, like former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, would

energize his base after describing tax reform bonuses as �crumbs.�

�She�s a rich woman who lives in a big, beautiful house in California, who wants to

give all of your money away,� Trump said while speaking in Ohio.

Trump likened Pelosi�s crumbs comment to Clinton�s �deplorable� description of

Trump supporters she used during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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