Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

Psalm 23

A Psalm. Of David. The Lord takes care of me as his sheep; I will not be without any good thing. Psalms 23:1

He makes a resting-place for me in the green fields: he is my guide by the quiet waters. Psalms 23:2

He gives new life to my soul: he is my guide in the ways of righteousness because of his name. Psalms 23:3

Yes, though I go through the valley of deep shade, I will have no fear of evil; for you are with me, your rod and your support are my comfort. Psalms 23:4

You make ready a table for me in front of my haters: you put oil on my head; my cup is overflowing. Psalms 23:5

Truly, blessing and mercy will be with me all the days of my life; and I will have a place in the house of the Lord all my days. Psalms 23:6

More Videos

For more infomation >> Psalm 23 - Duration: 1:22.


এহরাম অবস্থায় কি কি কাজ নিষিদ্ধ || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz New Shor Video - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> এহরাম অবস্থায় কি কি কাজ নিষিদ্ধ || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী || Bangla Waz New Shor Video - Duration: 2:41.


LEARN JAPANESE : Lesson 01 "How to ask a girl out in Japan" - Duration: 4:01.

(Japanese lesson with Sebastiano Serafini)

Hi guys! I'm Sebastiano Serafini in Japan, but today I'm in Bolzano (north of Italy)

today I'm doing the second japanese lesson

since the first lesson, did have so much success, I hope so...

but with the hope that you liked the first lesson, I decided to film the second one

since I explained you in the first lesson, how to get a double visa

like how to approach a japanese girl and ask her to marry you

in this lesson first of all I'm going to teach you how to approach a japanese girl

in theory this lesson should have come out before the other one...but whatever this region they're talking in a unknown language...I can't understand

they speak german

I studied it like for 8 years, but I can't speak it...

because, the most important thing to learn a language, is to have interest in the language

so, if you're not interested in Japanese at all, you will like never learn it

but with the help of my videos, you will learn it, no matter what

let's go on, before other people are coming

how to approach japanese girls in 5 ways...first of all you say --

it means "pick up a girl"

Japan is not such a "pick upper" country

it doesn't happen that often to talk to random people, and to pick them up...

(he's inventing new words - whatever let's go on)

but if you're a really open person, and you want to try to pick up a girl

and you find a girl that wants to communicate,

I will teach you the 5 best ways on how to approach a Japanese girl!

with my help you will marry a japanese girl soon as possible, I assure you!

this channel is so useful, right?

ok, enough talking, let's start with some useful words

the first words are -- (are you free?)

this one is very useful,

you need to know that I didn't invented those, I asked japanese guys

because in my opinion, if you want to pick up a girl, I would say: did you pay your taxes?

or: can I do you laundry? I think these sentences would have been more interesting, but whatever

the second sentence is --

it means let's go to Karaoke? (Karaoke=Karaoke - Ikou=go)

the third thing is -- what are you doing?

if it's in the afternoon, you can say -- (it means are you free tonight?)

-- let's go eating

it can be helpful, especially if it's dinner time, it will work for sure

the fifth thing is ...

but, let's wait, because here basically the whole Bolzano is passing through

(all retirees)

let's see if the dog is coming to me

dogs avoid me^^ (- no, not true...)

(he's italian, he understood you!)

I didn't said a bad thing, it's the truth! cats are hitting me, dogs are avoiding me

the fifth thing is -- you're beautiful!

a small particularity about this sentence

if a girl, around 30 years, stops you with a mask on

and she asks you -- am I beautiful?

(watashi=me - Kirei=beautiful)

it could be that she's the "ghost" Kuchisake-onna

it's this woman, that has the mouth cut from here to here

this whole part is open,

you need to pay attencion, because if you say

yes, she will cut your mouth from one side to the other,

and if you say no, she will cut your body in two

so, my advice as a friend is,

try to say something ambiguous: your not hot, but your also not ugly...

good, I hope this lesson was helpful,

it can save your life

Sebastiano has a full range of high culture informations

so, if you want to learn Japanese, don't miss any of these videos!

you only need to turn on the "bell" (ding dong)

and we will see...

you know it's the air... (you just invented that!)

you know the air of Bolzano reminds me of "Brother John"

ok, but it's actually a french song...but nevermind.

See you tomorrow with another video at 2pm (GMT+1)

thank you so much for watching!

down here you will find my song Alive for downloading!

For more infomation >> LEARN JAPANESE : Lesson 01 "How to ask a girl out in Japan" - Duration: 4:01.


5 CHAINES DE FILLES À CONNAITRE 💖 LeslieTilt - Duration: 5:57.

For more infomation >> 5 CHAINES DE FILLES À CONNAITRE 💖 LeslieTilt - Duration: 5:57.


Gym Music 2018 - Gym Motivation Songs - Ultimate Workout Music Mix #13 - Duration: 1:01:41.

Gym Music 2018 - Gym Motivation Songs - Ultimate Workout Music Mix #13

For more infomation >> Gym Music 2018 - Gym Motivation Songs - Ultimate Workout Music Mix #13 - Duration: 1:01:41.


5 Bollywood Stars Who Have Not Given A Single Flop In Their Career - Duration: 3:39.

5 Bollywood Stars Who Have Not Given A Single Flop In Their Career

For more infomation >> 5 Bollywood Stars Who Have Not Given A Single Flop In Their Career - Duration: 3:39.



For more infomation >> 8 DIETAS INFALÍVEIS PARA EMAGRECER! - Duration: 3:16.


KAIO vs JOHN - Silly Dance Battle XD - Duration: 3:20.

Kaio vs John - Silly dance battle XD

For more infomation >> KAIO vs JOHN - Silly Dance Battle XD - Duration: 3:20.


Essence Of Murli 08-02-2018 - Duration: 6:33.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 8th February 2018

Essence: Sweet children, in order to become a sun-dynasty bead of the rosary of victory, become completely pure according to shrimat.

The children who become pure are liberated from the punishment of Dharamraj.

Question: What intoxication do the children who are engaged in making effort to become soul conscious have?

Answer: I belong to Baba. I am a master of Baba's Brahmand.

I claim my inheritance from Baba and become a master of the world.

Only the children who remain soul conscious have this intoxication; only they become heirs.

They don't remember their relationships of the old world.

If you become body conscious, you are slapped by Maya and your happiness disappears.

This is why Baba says: Children, make effort to become soul conscious.

Keep your chart.

Song: You are the fortune of tomorrow.

Essence for dharna: 1. Become rup and basant and constantly let jewels of knowledge emerge from your mouth.

Become as happy and cheerful as the deities.

2. With knowledge and the power of yoga, have your sins absolved and claim the double inheritance of liberation and liberation-in-life.

Blessing: May you become a successful image and, with the special virtue of "you first", become loved by all.

The virtue of making one another move forward,

that is, the virtue of "you first" makes you loved by all when doing something in the name of God and in your interaction with everyone.

This is the main virtue of the Father. The Father says: Children, "You first".

This is the way to achieve success. ( Virtue of "you first")

Those who love the Father, love the Brahmin family and love world service are the ones who are ever ready.

Slogan: On the basis of churning power, make the treasures of knowledge your own and obstacles will then bid you farewell.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our loveour remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 08-02-2018 - Duration: 6:33.


WE'LL MEET AGAIN | Next on Episode 4 | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


Ann Curry: When you arrived at the Pentagon...

Man 1: I remember the immensity of the tragedy in the sense,

how am I going to go on?



Ann: What was happening in your head?

Man 2: This is the moment when you realize that

it wasn't an accident.

Ann: You remember his face.

Man 1: His comforting smile. Now, I can get through today.

Man 2: Emily walked up to me and said, "You need a hug."

It would be great to tell her, I remember your kindness.




For more infomation >> WE'LL MEET AGAIN | Next on Episode 4 | PBS - Duration: 0:31.


ОЧЕНЬ ВКУСНЫЕ И СОЧНЫЕ КОТЛЕТЫ ИЗ КУРИЦЫ! С сыром и кукурузной мукой - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> ОЧЕНЬ ВКУСНЫЕ И СОЧНЫЕ КОТЛЕТЫ ИЗ КУРИЦЫ! С сыром и кукурузной мукой - Duration: 2:24.


Is using birth control a sin? - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> Is using birth control a sin? - Duration: 8:47.



For more infomation >> INTERVISTA DOPPIA - LIGHT YAGAMI E L - Duration: 6:58.


MODRÉ ZÓNY | Místa na Zemi, kde se lidé dožívají +100 let - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> MODRÉ ZÓNY | Místa na Zemi, kde se lidé dožívají +100 let - Duration: 7:09.


The video that Will Inspire You to Succeed | Les Brown Motivation - Duration: 18:53.

Les Brown: you've got to be hungry the pathway to your greatness to your dream and your

destiny now what do you mean by hungry we're gonna go in-depth tomorrow but

here's what I mean about hungry hungry is about making it happen what is it you

desire no matter what when you have goals and dreams understanding though

there will be some resistance an airplane cannot fly without the

resistance of air you can't learn good horsemanship by riding a team horse and

the heart of the battle the sweeter the victory that when you have goals and

dreams you want to go to that next level you get an airplane what do they say

fasten your seat belt why because you're gonna have some rejection you're gonna

have some turbulence before you reach a comfortable altitude the same thing in

life you've got the fast and your mental and emotional and psychological seat

though why is it that most people fail because they're not mentally ready for

the game this game called life they're not in it to win it

they're just surviving most people work on jobs where they pay them just enough

to keep them from quitting and they work just hard enough to keep from getting

fired come on a contract of mediocrity as a

book I'm reading now called the road to your best stuff where you bring out your

best stuff you've got to be willing to do whatever is required when you bring

out your breath best stuff you take no prisoners and eat the wounded mighty

tomorrow they got these little things my tea without a home a little pinky

finger let me share this with you as you look at you goes and look at your dreams

I want to ask you a question don't just focus on your goals and

dreams ask yourself the question where am i where am i this first question of

God ask men Adam where are you wife it's very important to know where are you in

relationship to your abilities in relationships to your talents in

relationships to your dream in relationship to the things that you want

out of your life out of your relationship out of yourself

where are you in terms of your contribution to the planet where are you

in relationship to be in alignment with why you here they say that the two most

important moments in our lives a day that we're born and the day we realize

why we were born why are you here you realize when most people die the only

way that we will know is that some loved one or family members of friends will

call their house and they didn't answer the telephone or newspapers accumulate

at the door or there's a stitch that comes through the walls why because most

people's lives are so inconsequential you have something special you were

created on purpose with the purpose you have something special there's something

you brought to the universe there's something that you have some invention

cement idea some music some books of voice that we need you an unrepeatable

miracle you are masterpiece because you the master what do you want and you got

to be a hungry why because it's not going to be easy write this down you're

gonna fail your way to success you're gonna fail your way to success Walt

Disney he he had a nervous - nervous breakdowns and he filed bankruptcy

seven times why we would fail our way to success because the system is designed

against you it's against you I know it's not right that birds eat worms and they

do it's not right in the United States men and women working on the same job

they paid the men more than they pay the women why would they do that and we say

well we're Christians do unto others you like others do you work side-by-side pay

the man more they the women less why it's not fair it's not fair I was on a

tool with a guy named Peter lo motivators it's called get motivated and

so the reason I was on there is because they've got so many letters saying we

want to see that guide Les Brown who was on public television

so finally because of public demand they put me on that's the first time they

ever had a black guy oh that wasn't a football player a basketball player

first they sent me a letter saying do you realize that you were black head

Americans will not respond to a black guy who was the inspirational speaker I

wrote him back thank you for reminding me that I'm

black I never would have know that if you had told me so you your ability was

C on the tour was determined how much product you could sell so Brian Tracy

he had an hour and a half Zig Ziglar when he was alive he had an hour and a

half Jim Rohn he had an hour to have guess where they gave me 15 minutes and

they said that listen Wes everybody has sold over three hundred thousand dollars

if you are not able to make the cut we can't carry you on this tour it's how

much do I have not much time 15 minutes I got five minutes to introduce myself

five minutes to give my speech in five minutes Bradley you drive people to the

back of the road I said you're not kidding me are you 15 minutes

they said they they wanted to see you I didn't invite you here the people

requested you and if you don't sell a minimum of three hundred thousand

dollars when you speak you have disqualified yourself

you won't make the cut come on fifty minutes a lot of time mr. Brown said I

need more time are you coming up with excuses you teach people they gotta be

hungry you teach people that you've got to be unstoppable we're giving you a

shot you're here and we're giving you 15 minutes that's a what a half game same

time as Zig Ziglar Jim Ronan and Brian Tracy oh listen

15 minutes gives you an advantage if kiss me I tell you what if it's such an

advantage what you you're speaking for and I would have give me your hour a

half you take my 15 minutes and let me watch you do it

oh no I've got to keep my hour and a half but we we're giving you your 15

minutes so I spoke for 15 minutes and I sold 55 thousand dollars worth of

products I say well I did 55,000 miles with the

product yes to be safe you won't make it you won't be in the next city with us

you have just eliminated yourself I eliminated myself yes because you didn't

make the cut you didn't sell a minimum of three hundred thousand dollars and

you knew that going in but I could have if I had an hour and a half just like

you guys they say oh there you go give an excuse oh you could have like are you

you could have been pregnant no it's not that kind of party you didn't do it now

these things happen to you you can be come bitter or you can become better I

want you to come tomorrow we're gonna be speaking tomorrow here in London and the

reason I want you to come because I want you to see Marie Cosgrove Marie Cosgrove

was the only female on the job where she worked and she full commission single

mother of four and they told Marie listen you're making too much money so

we need to cut your salary your commission

come on yeah we want you to go on salary she said I can't afford that you guys

not gonna pay me what I'm earning in Commission I know because you're making

too much money so guess what she didn't agree they fired her here's the good

news Helen Keller says when one door closes

another door opens but most people spend so much time looking at the closed door

they don't take the time to look at the open door she got a phone call from the

CEO her former CEO and Morini would you be interested in buying

your company now Marie started another company she said you want to sell the

company yes yes and we will sell it to you because we know you know the

business so she said send me the numbers and they sent the numbers guess what

they discovered there's a song the gospel song and that in our communities

if you dig a hole for me you better dig too because the one you dig for being

might be for you she was earning eighty six percent of the revenue for the

company and after looking at the numbers Marie cosgrove single mother of five she

is speak tomorrow she bought the company hello

what's that lag poetic justice she was laid off came back and bought the

company that fired her and now in my case that's what I did now I'm

introducing my book tomorrow called you got to be hungry and next year no this

year 2018 I will have my own tour so I thank them for treating me like that I

thank them for giving me 15 minutes now I'll give myself an hour and a half or

two hours or three hours whatever I'll behave so here's the key

things can make you bitter or you can become better Elsie Robbins said things

to happen around you and things were happen to you but the only things that

really count other things that happen in you and have they not done that have

they not treated me unfairly if you have they not restricted my ability to be on

the tour to earn more money I would not have worked as hard as I've worked to

get here I said you guys go ahead and do what you're going to do my mentor said

brownie he said even though you don't have

millions of dollars poured into you like Tony Robbins he said change lives keep

the main thing the main thing you decided you want to do this because

somebody changed your life change times he says

drives income impact drives requests he is right as a result of my focusing or

not trying to hype somebody up and by the way this is not a sales fest this is

going to change your life this is about an experience that introduces you to a

power a part of yourself that you don't know right now you can't read the label

if you're locked in the box and so as a result of that focusing on changing

lives now I will have my own tool now in 15 different cities now with corporate

sponsorship now controlling every aspect of it

Elsa Robinson was right things may happen around you things may happen to

you but the only things that really count are the things that happen in you

I decided I'm gonna book myself I decided I am going to have my own

schedule my own platform platform I decided I will train my own speakers I

decided I'm gonna have the music that I want I will have all of the elements so

that when people step in to the experience the less proud experience

Oliver Wendell Holmes said that once a man a woman's mind has been expanded

with an idea concept or experience they can never be satisfied - going back to

where it was you have something special you have greatness within you and

understand that that system is stacked against you you weren't the lucky sperm

the system is stacked against you but it's okay

because when you have goals that's outside of your comfort zone

then what happens is this you introduce yourself to a part of yourself that you

don't know right now all the Linda Holmes is right what happens in you is

major you're watching me for a reason you're not watching other people living

their dream you're not a fan you were born to be rich everything I'm saying is

already in you everything that I'm saying is common sense but not common

practice everything that I'm saying is resonating with you not just in your

ears but in your heart you know I'm saying it's right because you only

attract millionaires or millionaires in training I believe that they're winners

they're losers and there are people who have not yet discovered how to win

they're winners they're losers and they're winners will have not discovered

how to win if you have not earned your first million yet but only 1% of the

population has done that and i've done it 65 times get the ticket be there well

I don't have enough money you truly can't afford that to be there get the

ticket to be there people buy what they want to bake for what they need well I'm

busy I've got something else I've got to do success is not convenient hello

success is not convenient well you know what I'll see you the next time

really no you won't you'll see somebody I trade I had a meeting scheduled with

Wayne Dyer we're supposed to go to public television to do a motivational

presentation together we'd agreed PBS and agreed in principle and we scheduled

the time to do it and we kept putting it off putting it off and then he said les

I'm coming to Orlando are you and Mickey Mouse busy I said no whatever what are

you talking about big boy he said I'm coming let's go into the studio and sign

the contract I said okay wait great wait and Dyer wrote pull your own strings we

diet what are the greatest motivational philosophers of all time and I got a

call last night are you online no I'm not going live why Wayne is gone

come on Wayne didn't have an ounce of fat on his body he sware maybe a mile or

two miles every day wait ah he's gone come on we have the same

mentor Jack Boland the Church of the day out of Warren Michigan Lane is gone what

are you going we don't know the day or the hour or how so somebody said that

life is short and unpredictable no no no no it is unpredictable but life is not

sure it's just that too many people take too long to live

playing it safe don't want to get hurt you're gonna get hurt in life you're

gonna fail you're gonna be rejected it's a part of the process it's not personal

don't say why does that happen what does happen to me why not you who

would you suggest you want to give us some names or some email addresses

listen I want you to go online to Les Ron in London calm go online get your

ticket now this is not for everybody now if you hear me in your heart and you

know who you are then you be there Les Brown in london calm if you just hear me

in your ear here's what I want you to do I want to say something to you but I

want you to do this right now pull your index finger up right now put

it in your ear and listen to me you have something special you have greatness

come on joste join me you have greatness in you you have the ability to do more

than you can ever begin to imagine you were born to be rich and healthy and

have great relationships the world is a better place because you are here you

were chosen with love yes it's your time it's your time we will give you an

experience that will make the rest of your life the best of your life this is

your time yes you've got greatness in you very good

take it out right now the reason I said that I didn't want to go in one ear and

out the other

in there now you can't help it I'm gonna make you rich in spite of

yourself I'm gonna make you unstoppable in spite of yourself I'm gonna help you

to get unstuck I'm gonna help you to begin to let go those negative behaviors

I'm an assassin I don't kill every mediocre demon in you

yes BAM I got you right now baddam aha it's in there I'm nurturing those seats

of greatness and they're going to begin to explode don't you mess with me up it

here sent your whole West bit stuff yes Oh call the fire department

speaking of that don't tug Chevrolet Honda Toyota tell you to tell you have a

good time okay so let's see some of the questions that some of you might have

what if they have any questions Sabrina better sound a nice animated

story later women said

For more infomation >> The video that Will Inspire You to Succeed | Les Brown Motivation - Duration: 18:53.


5 Superb Ways to be fiercely Independent – Unlock your true potential – Personality Development - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> 5 Superb Ways to be fiercely Independent – Unlock your true potential – Personality Development - Duration: 11:01.


[LSL]20180204 試音黨2 part3 寒假感想 - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> [LSL]20180204 試音黨2 part3 寒假感想 - Duration: 1:26.


Subway Surfers World Tour 2018 - Chicago #2 Colors Subway Surfers Games for Kids Children Baby - Duration: 10:33.

Subway Surfers World Tour 2018 - Chicago #2 Colors Subway Surfers Games for Kids Children Baby

For more infomation >> Subway Surfers World Tour 2018 - Chicago #2 Colors Subway Surfers Games for Kids Children Baby - Duration: 10:33.


GLL Pubg Turnuvası 2.Tur Elemeleri 4.Maç (Team Bosphorus, FPP Squad) - Duration: 37:36.

GLL Pubg Tournament 2. Top Elements 4. Team (Bosphorus, FPP Squad)

Good Cruises

For more infomation >> GLL Pubg Turnuvası 2.Tur Elemeleri 4.Maç (Team Bosphorus, FPP Squad) - Duration: 37:36.


GLL Pubg Turnuvası 2.Tur Elemeleri 5.Maç (Team Bosphorus, FPP Squad) - Duration: 39:43.

GLL Pubg Tournament 2. Top Elements 5. Team (Team Bosphorus, FPP Squad)

Good Cruises

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