Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

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For more infomation >> Real Rape in the Movie Last Tango in Paris - The Director Speaks - El Ultimo Tango En Paris - Duration: 2:04.


Louisville man arrested for attempted murder - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> Louisville man arrested for attempted murder - Duration: 1:39.





With a little painful smile at the age of 52, I can say that I�m a person who�s

often impatient and dissatisfied. Characteristics have developed through the course of my life.

Those close to me have witnessed the fallout of these traits over the years and I, myself,

have experienced them. I�ve tried diligently to change these qualities in me and get to

their root, but real improvement remains outstanding. Talking about honesty and being truthful about

these traits hasn�t changed anything about their annoying effects, and yet, it has brought

comfort to my soul.

The relief came by no longer having to pretend I�m focused, efficient, or content. Sharing

truthfully about the darker sides of my personality has taken away some of the exhausting and

painful efforts of trying to be perfect.

So really, speaking our truth has little to do with the Absolute Truth and everything

to do with our human need to acknowledge and share with others things the way they affect

us. Both in pain and in pleasure. It has been about learning how to voice my total experience,

the experience of who I�ve been, who I am, and who I�m becoming, thereby allowing a

flow, instead of stagnation.

Authenticity is About Letting Go of The Armour Being truthful is a risky and yet, deeply

empowering path to walk on. We are talking here about our capacity to hold two defining

experiences that are in conflict by nature, reconciling our wishes with what is.

Our identity or personality, which makes us �special� and demands constant reinforcement,

is always telling us what it wishes for and drives our imagination. It�s who we believe

we are, but not always necessarily who we really are. On the other side is the �conscious�

choice of experiencing life the way it actually happens. This demands simplicity, a quality

rarely taught. A choice-less truthfulness, which has no other intention other than stating

and accepting what is.

The magic of speaking honestly is that we gain integrity and dignity through our words.

We don�t hide behind false intentions or manipulations. We express things the way they


Our needs don�t magically get fulfilled nor does our personality change by speaking

our truth, but something else happens; suddenly there is the acknowledgment of our experience.

Something that has been denied during childhood and other important junctions, and left open

wounds. The pain of having to be someone else, pretending, or hiding out of shame leaves

its scars.

Our Fixation on Saying The �Right Things� Limits The Expression of our Truth

Speaking your truth can be confusing. We may think that we say things the way they are,

but most of the time our focus shifts outwards to how we are perceived instead of remaining

true to our experience.

�Will he be favourable or judgmental towards me?�

�Will she like what I say or do, or disagree?�

The fixation on being important and saying the right things limits the expression of

our truth. It�s deeply healing to take the time as we find our own words, but instead,

even the listener has a hard time being present without judgment or giving advice. Both sides,

speaker, and listener, have learned that presence is less valuable than the narrative of our

story itself.

Interestingly, the attention we receive from the listener actually backfires. Instead of

owning our own experience, we are waiting for someone else to accept our own vulnerability

and humanity. With the focus shifting outwards, no receptivity is possible.

What we rather want to learn is to face our fear of rejection. No doctrine can do that

for us. What doctrine usually does, is create more sophisticated protections, without the

possibility of love entering us.

Speaking Truth is a Love Affair That Needs Time to Unfold

We are both good and evil, both happy and unhappy, satisfied and unsatisfied, fulfilled

and lonely, patient and intolerant, moral and immoral, and the list goes on. We want

to reach a place of balance not because we create it, but through acknowledging its existence.

No doubt, it is hard to live with this confusing duality and the unpredictability it causes.

How do we create stability in our relationships, if we have so much inner division? Usually,

our response is to become one kind of person and repress the other person living inside


What supports us most in facing this inner division is to become intimate with the pain

of lying, manipulating and cheating. Not the pain caused to others, but the pain we cause

ourselves when betraying others. Usually, focusing on pain caused to others creates

more guilt and shame and keeps us locked in a cycle of self-punishment. And even though

it can be helpful in creating some urgency for change, it�s the pain of self-betrayal

we want to get in touch with. The pain we sense when noticing the immense effort we

exercise to stay above water, to be seen, touched, heard, to belong, and loved.

This pain, when it gets strong enough, ignites an understanding that only �I� can take

charge of my destiny. Only �I� am the one who can stand up for myself or ask for

help where needed. To face this inner split though, we, strangely enough, need a kind

of playfulness. If we take our dark side too serious, then we end up making ourselves and

our experience too important. Instead, if we allow ourselves to approach this lightly

and with heart we can arrive at self-forgiveness, understanding, and find a new path for being.

So essentially, we are a work in progress. Maybe for one lifetime and according to many

teachings, for many lifetimes. Our soul is on a journey of finding completion through


Practices To Help Being Comfortable With The Language of Truth

Inquiry | In inquiry, we sit with another person. Instead of telling a story in which

we repeat our known narrative from the past, we let a question sink in and allow words

to arise. This is a deeply nourishing and healing practice in which we become vulnerable

and are confronted with our inner judge that filters what we are allowed and forbidden

to feel and express.

Using the word �AND� instead of �BUT� | Using the word BUT minimizes our experience.

When we use the word AND our experiences suddenly have room to breathe. Notice the difference

between the two sentences: �When I met Paul, I remembered our painful argument from 2 years

ago, but I didn�t say anything to him.� or �When I met Paul, I remembered our painful

argument from 2 years ago and I didn�t say anything to him.�

Slowing down when we speak | Slowing down allows us to choose and feel the words that

arise. Suddenly an intimate connection between us and our words is created. They are no longer

arguments, opinions or express roles we take, but simply reflect our experience.

Looking at the mirror and hearing our own voice | Seeing our own eyes, which are also

windows to our heart and soul, as well as hearing our voice is a unique meeting between

the personality and our being. We can sense

the effort that goes into �making it� in life.



AJ Muss rebounds from coma to become Olympic contender - Duration: 0:29.

For more infomation >> AJ Muss rebounds from coma to become Olympic contender - Duration: 0:29.


Trump Attorneys Approve Second Special Counsel To Probe FBI and - Duration: 3:42.


Attorneys Approve Second Special Counsel To Probe FBI and DOJ

The war between the White House and the FBI/DOJ complex may be turning nuclear.

While speaking to reported aboard Air Force 1, Deputy Press Secretary Raj Shah said that

President Trump�s attorneys have already approved the idea of appointing a second special

counsel to investigate the FBI and Justice Department�s actions during the 2016 presidential

campaign, according to White House pool reports.

The excerpt from the pool in question:

*FISA warrant should it be released? and what about a second special counsel?*

Presidents attorneys have addressed this and said yes to a second special counsel.

FISA: That document along with any other that the House Intelligence Committee chooses to

vote out of its committee through its process and all the House procedures, we would entertain

like anything else

Few people have heard of Michael Horowitz, but that�s about to change.

Horowitz, the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general, is an increasingly critical

player in the controversy surrounding the FBI, President Trump and the Russia investigation.

With little fanfare, he has been conducting a sprawling probe of the FBI�s handling

of the 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton�s use of a private email server.

His full report, which could set off shockwaves, is expected by the early spring.

But Horowitz�s reputation will be put to the test when he releases the findings of

the Clinton investigation.

No matter what he concludes, it�s likely to create a political firestorm, coming at

a time when both Republicans and the White House are charging that political bias is

rampant at the Justice Department and at the FBI.

Horowitz formally announced last January that he would investigate allegations of wrongdoing

by Justice Department and FBI officials leading up the 2016 election, in response to demands

from both Democrats and Republicans.

The inspector general is examining whether then-FBI Director James Comey broke FBI procedure

with his public disclosures about the Clinton case, including the letter that he sent to

Congress a few weeks before the election.

Before Trump fired Comey, Democrats were outspoken in their criticism of those decisions, saying

they violated procedure and cost Clinton the election.

But Horowitz is also looking into allegations that McCabe should have been recused from

the investigation.

Republicans, including Trump, have seized on reports that McCabe�s wife accepted campaign

contributions from Clinton ally and former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe when she ran

for state office in Virginia, calling it a clear conflict of interest.

Finally, Horowitz is also looking into unauthorized disclosures of information

For more infomation >> Trump Attorneys Approve Second Special Counsel To Probe FBI and - Duration: 3:42.


24 Reasons The Meteor Man & My Super Ex-Girlfriend Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:15.

There's this nice guy and everyone knows nice guys finish last.

He's just gotten out of a relationship and his buddy convinces him to start dating again


It's a bad idea to take relationship advice from his best friend because his best friend

is allergic to romance.

He spends most of the movie flirting with pretty women on the job and they turn him

down over and over again.

There's a lady at his job that he has a crush on and from the look in her eyes she

has a crush on him too.

The only thing that stands between him and his soul mate is her boyfriend.

The boyfriend's always cock blocking and showing up to his girl's job.

Before the main character could even ask her out, his life turns upside down like the Fresh

Prince of Bel-Aire.

One day he sees a mugger stealing someone's purse and tries to be a hero.

He should've just minded his own business because as soon as the gangster gets pissed,

the hoodlum chases him down an alley and the main dude has to hide in a garbage can like

a damn Sesame Street character.

His life flashes before his eyes while he's in the trash.

He's saved by the girl outside the garbage can and lives to see another day.

One night a meteor hits earth.

The main character absorbs the energy from the meteor and the meteor gives him or her


The superpowers include flight, super strength, and taking people's clothes off without

permission and without catching a rape charge afterwards.

There's a scene where the superpowers are on display.

A black gunman pulls out a machine gun and starts ba da da da dat ba da da da datting

up the place.

The cops gets scared because bullets hurts.

The hero stands in the gap and protects the officers and manages to disarm the gunmen

without killing anybody.

For the most part though, people with super powers in the movie are immature and annoying

at times.

There's a scene where the superhero doesn't respect the neighbor's privacy by making

a hole in the wall.

There's also a scene where the negligent super powered character harms the main characters

pet and doesn't say sorry afterwards.

A dead uncle once said with great power comes great responsibility.

Since the hero acts irresponsible, the villain in the movie comes up with a plan to defeat

the superhero.

The bad guy knows the hero's identity and takes advantage.

He sneaks into the main character's apartment and does some snooping around.

His strongest henchman gets injured and is a nonfactor for the rest of the movie.

To make up the difference for losing his strongest henchman, he hires someone close to the superhero

to spy on the character.

The plan works and the hero loses power.

Luckily, there's a small piece of the meteor left and the hero and the hero's rival run

after it and touch it at the same time.

They both split the energy from the piece of the meteor and fight each other in the

city streets and the entire neighborhood is in attendance.

It's a tie.

They agree on a tie breaker and determine the winner by having a runway modeling contest

and after that they all live happily ever after.

Those are 24 reasons these movies are the same.

You agree?



Maybe so?

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button for more 24 reason videos.

For more infomation >> 24 Reasons The Meteor Man & My Super Ex-Girlfriend Are The Same Movie - Duration: 3:15.


小さな四角モチーフ 2【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Square Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 14:37.

For more infomation >> 小さな四角モチーフ 2【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Square Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 14:37.


I-95 closure creates traffic nightmare for drivers - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> I-95 closure creates traffic nightmare for drivers - Duration: 2:05.


Trekking na Majorce [napisy] - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Trekking na Majorce [napisy] - Duration: 10:02.


BOOST TURMERIC ABSORPTION // tips to get the most health benefits - Duration: 3:50.

Turmeric. Turmeric. Turmeric. Doesn't matter how you pronounce it.

Turmeric is here to stay - it's one of the most popular health foods today. But did

you know that if you don't have it the right way ,you probably won't absorb it.

So in this video I'm going to talk about two ways in which you can absorb

turmeric better. If you're interested keep watching. Welcome back to The

Whole Happy Life. My name is Ria and I'm a holistic nutritionist with an applied

science background. So in this video we're gonna talk about turmeric, it's

something that I get asked a lot about my clients should I be having turmeric

and it's because it's such a popular topic right now but a lot of people

don't realize that turmeric is really really really hard to absorb so before

we dive into how you can boost absorption just a quick science lesson

turmeric contains a compound called curcumin and curcumin is responsible for

a lot of the health benefits unfortunately curcumin is something your

body does not want to absorb so we need to figure out ways that your body can

absorb it and there are two scientifically proven ways so let's get

into it number one add black pepper really

really simple it's not a complicated thing so there was a study that was done

where black pepper was added to turmeric and the absorption was boosted

significantly 20 times as much that is crazy so if you're interested in

the study and want to see how they did it the link is in the description box

below now what can you do so that was in that lab that was a scientific

experiment what can you do so let's say you're having a turmeric tea latte now

adding black pepper may sound like a little bit too much I mean you don't

want a spicy kick to your latte but the thing is you don't have to add too much

black pepper in the study they used a quarter teaspoon that's actually not

that much but you don't even have to add a quarter teaspoon you could add a pinch

to your turmeric tea latte and that will make a significant improvement to your

absorption level now when it comes to something savory adding black pepper is

really really easy so let's see making sautéed veggies with some turmeric

add a little bit of black pepper to it and you will absorb the turmeric a lot

better okay number one was really easy number two is really easy too number two

is to add some fat the compound in turmeric that's responsible for the

health benefits curcumin is fat soluble so if you have turmeric without fat

you're not absorbing it so for example if you're having let's say a turmeric

shot there are a lot of these shots that they sell at different juice bars so

it's usually just turmeric with a little bit of juice of some sort

unfortunately you're not going to absorb it unless you have that shot with some

fat so you could have some nuts on the side and you will absorb it better now

let's say you're having turmeric tea a lot of people have turmeric tea and they

have it with just plain water so it's turmeric in hot water

unfortunately you won't absorb that so just add a little bit of coconut milk to

it the coconut milk will help you absorb that turmeric better now when it comes

to savory things adding fat is a lot easier so let's say I'm making a curry

that has turmeric in it you can add a little bit of cooking oil if you use oil

or add coconut milk or add some nuts like cashews add something with fat and

you will absorb that turmeric a lot better now for maximum benefits add both

black pepper and fat to your turmeric and you're going to have a real boost in

absorption thank you for watching if you liked the video and you learned something

new give it a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe I create videos like

this every week and before you go let me know in the comment box below what are

some of your favorite ways to use turmeric and I will

see you in the next video bye

For more infomation >> BOOST TURMERIC ABSORPTION // tips to get the most health benefits - Duration: 3:50.


LOS NODOS LUNARES, LA REENCARNACIÓN Y EL DESTINO, por Juan Carlos Pons López - Duration: 1:02:32.

For more infomation >> LOS NODOS LUNARES, LA REENCARNACIÓN Y EL DESTINO, por Juan Carlos Pons López - Duration: 1:02:32.


People Of New Earth Star You Have Ascended To A Higher Dimension - Duration: 3:32.

People Of New Earth Star You Have Ascended To A Higher Dimension

by Ani Ausar,

People of New Earth Star you have ascended to a higher dimension�at this time�higher

than you have in the past 200,000 years.

Be proud and humble.

Be courageous and wary.

Be troubled and relieved.

These are the paradoxes of life that surround you.

Be patient with each other.

Everyone is not at that level and yet no one is better than anyone else.

You are all on the same plane and yet some of you also are not.

Angels will be placed in difficult situations and this is not to test you.

This is your Angelic mission!

Only an Angel can survive in harsh situations and flourish.

You are placed in these situations to bring balance.

Use your light and love energy to bring balance to chaos.

You have the power.

Show others the way�not through lectures and pontificating with the knowledge you possess.

Show them the way through your kind actions; your kind words; emanating pure kindness and

unconditional love.

Treat those who curse you with respect.

Bless those who try to harm you with love.

Your energy will repel them.

They will not be able to harm you.

By now, you know not to seek revenge on them.

The Laws of Maat say:

�I have not avenged myself�.

The Bible states:

�Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves�I will repay, saith the Lord.�

Place your trust forever in God Source and Source will take care of you.

Those who are still living outside of the Law of One are still beholden to the laws

of Karma.

You should be there to help them pick up the pieces.

Some of them will eventually learn.

Some of them will not and they will keep repeating the same cycles over and over until they get

it right, or they fall.

Some will experience physical death and reincarnation on another 3D planet.

Pure energy beings of planet Gaia, Saviors of the New Earth Star, welcome to the 5th


You are beings of light that have chosen wisely and ascended through hard work, sweat and

many tears.

It was not an easy road and you traveled it successfully.

You will begin to see planets in the sky larger than life.

New worlds emerging through the clouds.

Feelings of joy that cannot be undone no matter what the challenge set before you.

There are many layers of the astral plane that you will traverse in the upcoming cycles.

The cycles are now open for co-creation.

Nothing is set in stone.

All is fluid and waiting for you to manipulate with pure intentions�the new timelines and

time cycles.

As the new cycle began with the lunar eclipse January 31, 2018 use that energy to bring

into balance your light body and produce love energy.

Nyame Sheddawo (God Bless You All),

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