Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

Kiat = Gym Moo Kao = Village #9

Back in the day we had no muaythai gym in the neighborhood

I really like it and when my 2 kids grow up till 10 years old

both began to fight

and they were the 1st generation of fighters here

- [What are their names?] - Chanapol Kiatmookao, my eldest son

and Jerdja Kiatmookao

- [Whom is the current head coach right?]

He's getting old now... almost 40 and started to fight since he was little

they were the first fighters of my gym

by the time the fight manager was Songchai

their purses were around US$ 650 but we broke up

they used to train here ... in this garage

only two of them

later when Singdam arrived we built the ring

We grew slowly, inch by inch

2 or 3 heavy bags...

- [Which gym did you start?]

- I started right here, my dad was the coach

just me and my elder brother

- [How old were you?] - Around 10 years, I was in 4th grade

- [How was it?] - We were just fighting out there, me and my brother

at first we were fighting countryside

when we started to get famous around we signed with OneSongchai [muaythai promoter and manager]

we did around 10 fights each but we had a problem

Here was a small gym

My father was the coach and the manager

at that time if you have problem, the promoters could take advantage of the smaller gyms

then we came back to fight countryside

until 22 years old I was still fighting

countryside fights but always as main event

and also helping my father to train other fighters

when Panomrunglek and Singdam grew up a bit

I stopped fight and became trainer full time

- [Did you use to fight before?] - Nnever, but I like it

If there's a fight I was always there

Sometimes I wanted to go to Bangkok to watch the fights, have to borrow to go...

It was always difficult, had to go by bus away, but I loved

I always go to watch the practice, as the foreigners do in Thailand

was looking how they train the fighters, how they manage the gym

I learned there and came to teach my children

[The first generations of fighters signed with Onesongchai]

Yes, but it was not a successful relationship

after that, Singdam and the 2nd generation, we signed with another manager, Petchyindee Promotions.

which is still famous nowadays

and today we have one fighter at Channel 7

Saksi Kiatmoo9, 105lb champion signed with Chun from Kiatpetch Promotions.

just for a change

get some fresh air

while we were with Petchyindee only fought against Petchyindee fighters

always fighting the fighters Sia Boat [son of Petchyindee founder ]

we've been with them for almost 20 years

For some gyms is complicated

but my gym is always very quiet

as sons and relatives

We never had problems with fighters with mischief or vandalism

Parents coming here to make a scandal... never happened

since the time of Singdam we never had problems with parents of boys

here it is always very quiet

usually they come here to encourage us

Back when the Singdam trained a lot of foreigners used to come around

now as he stays in Bangkok, foreigners are not coming anymore

They are looking for Singdam but there's no problem

I'm already satisfied

but it is better because there's the language barrier

there are only a few trainers

our fighters earn well, we stay quiet and live well

If it is to start to build a fighter from scratch, I can't do anymore

our trainers prefer to take care of bigger boys, they are old and getting lazy

we don't have beginers

and it's becoming harder to find kids in the neighborhood who want to be fighters

sometimes, little gyms around give us some fighters

when they start to get famous, the ones that have potential I accept

I used to hold the pads, clinch the fighters... everything

when I finished the pads with Singdam, put the pads aside, and go for clinch with him

[When Singdam arrived at the gym, who was his trainer?]

Here was his first gym and he's been here since very young

by that time he couldn't even kick the heavy bag

- [Did you ever imagined he could go that far?] - I never imagined ...

But I strive for all kids that have a good people and are dedicated to training

he trained hard, sometimes he cried during practice, but he never gave up

Singdam got everything and had a successful career

[How was your life before the gym 30 years ago? Did you work and train your fighters?]

Back in the day I was a farmer and was making the gym

over the years my fighters started to get famous

purses started to get higher

and I could only live from fights

and that's what I still doing nowadays, having an ease life

Singdam today is no longer here, yet when he fights he sends money to us

[Who was the first champion of Kiatmoo9?]

Singdam was the first and were many belts

then came Panomrunglek, he was

Isuzu Champion, Lumpinee Champion 112 and 115lb

he never had opponents in his weight class

he never defended the belts

Superlek got around 5 Lumpinee belts

Petchpanomrung wasn't Lumpinee champion, but he was Thai champion 4 or 5 times

and now we have Saksi [Lumpinee champion105lb] that I hope to earn several belts too

- [Do you usually gamble or bet in the fights?] - Yes, sometimes I do sidebets

If Superlek fights I usually bet.

Against Saengmanee we do sidebets since they were really young

Superlek and Saengmanee have fought 8 times

from 8 fights Superlek

lost 2 and won 6

we bet against Saengmanee gym since they were little kids

they weight around 25kg and each gym put US$ 30.000

[28 kg and 30.000 dolars?]

26Kg and US$ 30.000

that fight we won

since they were really small

the first time each side bet US$ 3.000

Superlek won

Saengmanee began fighting on Channel 9, Asswindam

He started to get famous and asked to fight again

26kg, US$ 30.000 on each side in Ubon [neighbor state]

We won again

another fight in Nakorn Rachasima [neighbor state]

US$ 6.000 and we won again

The two became very famous in Bangkok and Saengmanee asked to fight Superlek again

another US$ 30.000 on each side, check out the photos over there

that time fought at Lumpinee and Superlek won again

that's been a while that they don't fight, but were many fights for several years

Superlek also won...

Tanonchai Thanakorngym 2 times

Saengmanee won Tanonchai too and came again

to fight Superlek... and lost again

some fight styles didn't match

[Is Superlek the biggest sidebets winner?]

Yes, it was him

but countryside was Panomrunglek

Panomrunglek was Singdam partner here

- [They arrived at the same time?] - Yes, same time as Singdam

When Panomrunglek was around 6 fights

He could face fighters with over 100 fights and win easily

he was very intelligent

- [6 fights?]

His 6th fight was against an opponent with over 100 fights

We were underdogs and were paying 3-4x more if we win

but when the fight began he won easily

nobody could understand how a boy with only 6 fights could be that good?

after that we started making sidebets and win around the village

if we could match an opponent was another sidebet win

until he was champion Isuzu

honestly speaking, at his time he was as good as Saenchai

He never cut weight, always fight at his natural weight

at the time he used to fight around 50kg his weight was around 46kg

even fighting underweight he manage to win the Isuzu Tournament. I still can't believe

- [who did he beat at Isuzu finals?]

Wanviset Lukbaanyai

Fight was a draw! Isuzu tournament final didn't have a winner.

another fight was schedulled and they fought again [Panomrunglek won]

After Isuzu Tournament he kept fighting at his natural weight

one of his fights was against Tongchai. He was good and was returning

Thongchai Tor Silachai, Fighter of the Year 2001 [only man to win Saenchai by KO]

Panomrunglek reversed the fight

normal weight was 53kg and the fight was 54kg

no big deal, he ate, weigh in, went to fight and won Thongchai

but he was a light fighter, so he was not famous as the others

but very skilled. When clinch fighters came walking forward aggressive...

he swept them in a very shameful way, he was really good on it

then he have no more opponents and he went up again to fight 54,5Kg

against Petcheke Kiatyongyut but he lost. when he came back he said, "I can't do this anymore."

"As I have no opponents they will keep giving me bigger fighter. I'll try to fight boxing."

He want to put at his profile that he was world boxing champion

but we know it is not an easy task to be world champion, it is very difficult

he got a WBA world title shot and fight well

[Against Koki Kameda, 2013], but they did not give him the victory in Japan

[When he started training boxing he practiced here?]

He trained a bit here, a little in Bangkok

It was the first 10 days here, preparing the body, and would go to practice with Petchyindee boxers

their specialty is boxing, our here is only muaythai

We could only help with his fitness

He waited too long for the opportunity but didn't succeed

then he lost again in Japan two months ago

he is now back fighting muaythai

as he didn't survive, he should continue

if they stop inviting he will stop fighting

Petchpanomrung [Panomrunglek little brother]

after 3 fights at Glory he got a title shot

and he could not lose

It was a 4 man tournament but if he lose in the semifinals was out

2 fights of 3 rounds in the same day

was a lot of pressure

We could use another technics, show ability, but we were afraid to lose

today we know that kickboxing needs the show

we know that every fight is different, but there was extra pressure

We needed to win those two fights for title shot

Then the boy was tense, just wanted to play with the rules to win

we saw the foreigners a way more relaxed, making teeps jumping, flying knees

they were having fun, we were just stiffed trying to win

[Do you believe Petchpanomrung has a chance to emerge on the international scene?]

Yes, he have chance. Today we have the strategies, sometimes you need to walk forward and be aggressive

Sometimes you need to walk backwards and be more defensive

but if you only walk backwards foreigners doesn't like it

Some fighters who are only aggressive can win

there's many cases

We had a Chinese against a foreigner

I saw the Chinese winning

but the foreigner was more aggressive and won the fight

just walk forward, even without hit that much, and you can win

[The score system is quite different.]

Very different and difficult, I am still learning how does it work

The rules are also different

It is forbidden to sweep, forbidden hold the kicks

They create a rule system where a foreigner with only 10-20 fights can fight us

we have over 200 fights and doesn't seem that we are in advantage

elbows, clinch, projections ... all banned

[How is the training for kickboxing, is it the same as muaythai?]

Yes, the same way

- [run in the morning, afternoon, clinch, all the same?] - Yes, the same.

But now Petchpanomrung is learning how the international style works

doing fitness, training footwork, how to be faster, punch combinations ...

[Do you have a coach who comes here?]

No, he goes to study and train at Sitsongpeenong gym

they have more experience and Petchpanomrung can stay and learn with Sittichai

he goes there for a month and then come back here

We want them to get more experience as it is getting more difficult to find opponents

it's better if they train somewhere else

fights overseas are better because the purses are higher

Petchpanomrung when fights in Thailand do not earn more than US$ 3.000

When he started at Glory he got US$ 10.000 in his 1st fight

US$ 15.000 in the 2nd fight

in the 3rd fight another US$ 15.000

if he win his next fight is expected to reach US$ 22.000

winning this US$ 22.000 he will fight for the belt

and going to be over US$ 30.000 like Sittichai Sitsongpeenong

I want my fighters to follow this path

and I think he stand a chance

Sittichai when was fighting in Bangkok his purse was around US$ 700-1.000

Petchpanomrung is already one of the best technical fighters in Thailand

it's just a matter of will, dedication and fitness

Superlek let's wait another year, but when he get that chance he should go

I believe Superlek can do better than Petchpanomrung because of his power

He just fought in England, gave his opponent 8 cuts

It is better to fight overseas, purses are too low here

the boys sometimes have to wait 2-3 months for a fight, money is not enough

A fighter like Petchpanomrung make around US$ 2.500 in Thailand

the fight that he got kicked in the ground he got US$ 3.000

it's going to decrease

so now let's leave Petchpanomrung only fighting outside Thailand

since he had the opportunity [What about Superlek?]

He fought overseas twice but his name is still marketable in Thailand

Also in consideration to the promoters whom always helped us

They gave us the opportunity and they also need to work

let's wait another 1 or 2 years

[How is the trip to fight in Bangkok?]

There is no secret ...

They cut the weight here

if the fight is in the next day, we leave here around18h

and we sleep in the van

most of the times we sleep in the van

If we leave 1 or 2 days before the fighters will get tired anyway

then it is easier to make the weight at home and sleep the last night in the van

in the AC. wake up early for weigh in

then we go to the hotel, when the fight is over we come back home.

We do like that for almost 30 years and we never got booed by the gamblers

never send unfit fighters, gamblers trust our gym

- [Never?] - We nevergot booed

not in Bangkok, neither countryside

fighters from other gyms, gamblers wait untill 3rd or 4th round for start their bets

if it's from Kiatmookao, when our fighter goes to the ring they start to bet

they trust us

Another important thing is to know how take care of themselves

even if you train well, but don't take good care you will get tired in the fight

need to know how to rest, these things ...

[The gym provides supplements and food for the fighters?]

We give everything: milk, food, supplements ...

[Do the fighters sleep in the gym?]


Wanchai and Rungnarai stays here

they live nearby, 5 or 6km

Petchpanomrung and Superlek return home

Singdam also goes back home [lives across the street]

I do not know how, but Singdam finish practice returns home and stay with his wife.

Panomrunglek too. Just finins and stay with his wife

it's over 10 years ...

and we never had problems. If you want to win you need to take care of yourself

fighter needs to know that if they win, prizes go up, if they lose it's going to decrease

everything will depend on it

[What was the fight that you were more confident that you would win?]

When Superlek faced Seksan

- [Why?] - Because we were not scared, we like it

We already knew that he will attack non stop

We can't go directly to the exchange

if he gives five blows, it's not about to give the same 5 back. We only need one clean blow

That's how we show to the judges

Not going to brawl. Absorb and answer it clean and strong

Our saddest moment was when Singdam

got knockedout by Anuwat

Singdam was elected Fighter of the Year 2002

if in 2003 we didn't fight Anuwat, we could have taken the award again

we didn't need to accept the fight, Singdam already had his hand on the prize

The following year our manager, Petchyindee, organized the fight for us

to decide who would be fighter of the year for the 2nd time

the title was at our hands and we were knockedout again by Anuwat

so we have to give up the award... That was our saddest fight

This fight I was sure we could win

I've never imagined this could happen

but happened. We were devastated, and lost the chance to be 2 times the best of Thailand

[I remember that fight, Singdam was winning against Anuwat]

Yes, they were paying 10x the amount if Anuwat revert the fight

his a rms were bruised due the kicks

but Singdam missed one kick and got one punch by Anuwat

Anuwat was stubborn, tough, was walking forward trying to land only one punch...

he was a poweful puncher, if he touch you was over

Singdam missed the kick and he landed a clean punch

and he slept

We were the best in 2001. In 2002 we would take it again but we lost to Anuwat

In 2003 we made another perfect year, we had everything to win again

Anuwat knocked us out by the 2nd time. Two years in a row

he was a fighter that gave us a lot of headache

We won more than 10 straight fights and lost to the same Anuwat

Our hardest fight ...

I think it was against Petchboonchu

he was a fighter that did not hurt, but know how to play with odds

Singdam kicked him hard but was still winning the fight

he proved to be a strong fighter, but no skills

Singdam kicked, kicked, Petchboonchu continued walking forward making those little knees

he kept his neck high, show power and win the fights

was one of our hardest opponents, what should we do to beat him?

If we kicked and he kept walking

We have lost some, won others, but it was always d ifficult

And the other one is the Saenchai, the best fighter

this one I have to accept

sometimes we have lost because of the odds and gamblers

but Seanchaí I have to admit

he can change his strategy in the ring

the first fight we lost ...

Singdam kicked, Saenchai hold the leg and sweap the base leg

Singdam felt too much, we lost because of this technique

then we change strategy

bend the leg in the kick, put a lot of Vaseline on his shin

When he tried to hold the leg he couldn't, we think this time we would win

then he began to make projections and put us down

Here in Buriram the first famous gym was Nongkeephayut

then Sit Or, our

and now Sitboonmee

Those were the most famous gyms in Buriram

I think we have over 30 belts

from these 4-5 fighters

usually when you win 1 or 2 belts is enough

if we count the stadiums titles and tournaments it's over 30 belts

Many years ago Singdam

was Fighter of the Year 2001 ...

Panomrunglek was Isuzu champion

and after that the gym started to get more famous

We won Gym the year

in 2003 since

then in 2012 ...

best gym in Thailand

another award from the Association of Sports Reporters

We won many awards

I'm a guy who does not like news

if my boys win I don't stay to take pictures

I will go outside to drink a juice or a beer

I'm already happy, satisfied and proud

my fighter won

I never wait for reporters

Pele Sitboonmee and his academy succeeded because they know how to talk to the press

they have many influential friends

but when the fight ends I get back

I never stay to talk to anyone

Im countryside man, when the fight ended I just stay in the back

I'm not explaining how was the fight, what's next opponent ...

I'm always on my own, but who know how to speak normally earn awards

[Why don't you talk to the press?]

Because I don't know how to talk

My fighter won it already makes me happy and proud

[Do you think about retirement?]

I'm keep going...

It will depend on my health

but the truth is I'm glad... it's been 30 years

Im fully satisfied ... I don't need more

satisfied like after a big dinner when you cannot eat

and just wait to digest

now I want to be home, rest

stay up late, watch TV, see my fights ...

and still there's a way to be happy

better than getting nervous and angry all the time

For more infomation >> Kiatmoo9, building a legacy - Duration: 28:21.


STUNNING SECOND MEMO Just RELEASED: Confirms "Somebody's Going to Prison". - Duration: 6:36.

STUNNING SECOND MEMO Just RELEASED: Confirms "Somebody's Going to Prison".

Sean Hannity released a scathing article that was just posted on Fox News.

His post discusses information that was released in the second memo.

The most striking information is that the memo seems to confirm that someone will eventually

find themselves in prison.

The specifics of who is unknown, but there's plenty of options in the Democratic party,

among others, who would look dazzling in an orange jumpsuit.

Hannity's article discusses the House memo which exposed incidents of deep state corruption.

He then dives straight into the second memo that was released by the Senate which depicts

the phony dossier and how bad the situation is.

Americans have been patiently waiting for more information to come to light regarding

potential incidents of corruption within multiple levels of government.

The information that exists should not be redacted.

Information redacted lacks transparency that most Americans desire.

Transparency in government is sought after from Americans, but we must understand that

there will be certain things that might be redacted to protect national security.

However, that might also be the costume that Democrats wear in hopes to hide pertinent

information that would incriminate them.

They might say they're redacting items for protection of national security, but it would

be to protect themselves from going to prison.

Sean Hannity sliced at the neck of the Democrats and went right for the throat in his latest

opinions column that discusses numerous points regarding the memos, FISA, Fusion, and Senator

Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham.

They released the document, but it there were too many redactions, and then it fives into

the FISA warrant.

Hannity reported more on the memos:

"Grassley and Graham tell us that, while working on a second dossier for Clinton opposition

research firm Fusion GPS, Steele was being fed information directly from the Obama State

Department and from Clinton allies as well as his usual, sketchy Russian sources.

That's right, teams Clinton and Obama were working with a foreign spy to undermine then-candidate

Donald Trump.

" … Mr. Steele's memorandum states that his company received this report from (redacted),

U.S. State Department, and that the report was the second in the series, and that the

report was information that came from a foreign sub source who is in touch with a contact

of (redacted), a friend of the Clintons who passed it to (redacted)."

The Grassley-Graham memo goes on to say "it's troubling enough that the Clinton campaign

funded Mr. Steele's work, but [worse] that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously

feeding Mr. Steele's allegations.

It raises huge additional concerns about his credibility."

So, in addition to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee paying $12 million

for a phony, fake-news Russian propaganda dossier to influence the election, we now

learn that her associates and the Obama State Department teamed up with Russian sources

to funnel allegations to Steele for a second dossier.

The senators are also accusing Christopher Steele of lying either to the FBI or to the

British courts.

"There is substantial evidence suggesting that Mr. Steele materially misled the FBI

about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears on his credibility," they


This Grassley-Graham memo also details how Steele was using his first phony dossier to

brief several mainstream media outlets, you know, the folks who bring you fake news, in

the summer and the fall of 2016.

British court records show Steele acknowledged he peddled his memo to The New York Times,

Washington Post, Yahoo News, The New Yorker, and, of course, CNN.

However, since he was working for the FBI, he would have been barred from leaking to

the media.

In fact, the FBI later cut ties with him when it learned he had broken the rule.

So who did he lie to, the FBI or the British courts?"

If you're confused about all of this, then that's OK.

There might be a lot of information to digest but take your time.

The memos released will, or could, implicate numerous top-level politicians or FBI employees

in crimes that could place them in prison.

We won't see it happen fast as there is proper protocol to follow.

Investigations take time, and people must get their facts straight and based on the

cold hard evidence before filing charges against anyone.

President Trump is most likely enjoying the moment as the people who tried to take him

down are now being exposed.

The American people will one day see the truth exposed, but they must be patient while people

do their work and unravel this mysterious and traitorous behavior.

President Trump said he wanted to drain the swamp, but it looks more like he's draining

the swamp and turning it upside down to get every little stench out of the bog.

Be patient and keep your eyes on the details as more information is exposed and released

from various sources.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> STUNNING SECOND MEMO Just RELEASED: Confirms "Somebody's Going to Prison". - Duration: 6:36.


Opening Scene 'Fall of Cybertron' | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) (+Subtitles) - Duration: 9:03.

We were once a peaceful race

of intelligent, mechanical beings.

But then came the war

between the Autobots, who fought for freedom

and the Decepticons, who dreamt of tyranny.

Overmatched and outnumbered,

our defeat was all but certain.

But in the war's final days,

one Autobot ship escaped the battle.

It was carrying a secret cargo,

which would have changed our planet's fate.

A desperate mission.

Our final hope.

A hope that vanished.

One up there. One over there.

And one more down there.

What you got?

Impact detected.

We have impact confirmed. Contact at 2250 GMT.


Get me SecDef on the phone right away.

Mr. McNamara, the President is expecting you.

Get Bobby in here.

Mr. President, designation, top secret.

We believe a UFO has crashed into the Moon.

We think the Russians are onto it as well.

Well, then you tell NASA to move heaven and earth.

We need to get to the moon.

We're going to attempt a manned mission .

NASA said it would take five years.

You get there before the Russians.

I believe that this nation should commit itself

to achieving the goal

before this decade is out

of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth.

Ignition sequence start.

Five, four, three, two, one.

All engines running.

Liftoff. We have a liftoff.

Thirty-two minutes past the hour. Liftoff on Apollo 11.

Neil Armstrong reporting Apollo 11 on proper heading.

Apollo 11 is on the way, riding that

pillar of flame

from the Saturn V out there, 250, 000 miles away,

where the moon is waiting

for man 's first arrival.

Houston, you're a go for landing. Over.

Forty feet, down two and a half. Picking up some dust.

Thirty feet, two and a half down. Faint shadow.

Capcom, flight.

Four forward. Drifting to the right a little.

Down a half.

Contact light.

Okay, engine stop.


Tranquility Base here.

The Eagle has landed.

We copy you down, Eagle.

You got a bunch of guys about to turn blue.

We're breathing again.

Perhaps 400 million persons are watching this broadcast today

of the greatest event in our time and one of the great events

of all recorded history.

I'm at the foot of the ladder.

Okay, I'm gonna step off the LEM now.

That's one small step for man,

one giant leap for mankind.

- Are we good? - Yes, sir.

Unofficial time on the first step, 109. ...

Apollo 11? This is Houston, over.

Eagle, we're getting a signal interference. Do you copy?

We now have had confirmation

of loss of signal

from the Apollo 11.

The Apollo 11 is, at the moment, on the far side of the moon .

Neil, you are dark on the rock.

Mission is a go.

We have 21 minutes.

My God.

It's some sort of giant metal face.


Control, we are inside the ship.

Extensive damage.

Way too big to check the entire ship.

Everything's dead in here, Houston.

No signs of life anywhere.

These things are massive.

We copy. You've got seven minutes on your oxygen.

We are not alone after all, are we?

No, sir. We're not alone.

Go ahead, Mr. President.

Hello, Neil and Buzz. I'm talking to you by telephone

from the Oval Room at the White House .

And this certainly has to be the most historic telephone call ever made.

I just can't tell you how proud we all are of you.

For every American, this has to be the proudest day of our lives.

Because of what you have done. ...

We have splashdown.

... . the heavens have become a part

of man 's world.

For one priceless moment

in the whole history of man

all the people on this Earth are truly one.

One in their pride in what you have done.

It inspires us to redouble our efforts

to bring peace and tranquility to Earth.

For more infomation >> Opening Scene 'Fall of Cybertron' | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) (+Subtitles) - Duration: 9:03.


SpaceX plans for new rocket and crewed flight - Duration: 1:35.

Now that SpaceX has sent a car cruising into deep space, you might be wondering: What's


It turns out the company is moving on to even more exciting projects, like sending a crew

into space and building an even bigger rocket.

It seems counterintuitive, but even though the Falcon Heavy only launched for the first

time Tuesday, its design is already pretty much finished.

That's because of progress made on the earlier, smaller Falcon 9 rockets.

SpaceX has been launching, testing and refining the Falcon 9 since 2010, giving it more thrust

and figuring out the best landing legs.

CEO Elon Musk told reporters the latest version of the rocket is the last one.

Because the Falcon Heavy is basically just three Falcon 9s strapped together, if the

Falcon 9 is finished, so is the Falcon Heavy.

The company's new top priority is its Dragon 2 capsule — the version designed to carry

a crew.

The current Dragon has been used to deliver supplies to the International Space Station

since 2012, but its successor is also set to carry astronauts.

Since Dragon 2 has been in the works for a while, we might actually see its first manned

flight this year.

We might also see some testing on the Big Falcon Rocket, a new and enormous rocket that's

designed to replace the Falcon 9s and Falcon Heavys.

It's meant to be able to go anywhere, from low Earth orbit to Mars, and return to Earth


It won't be operational for several years, but Musk said we might see some short liftoffs

at the company's test facility in Texas by the end of the year.

For more infomation >> SpaceX plans for new rocket and crewed flight - Duration: 1:35.


Is Dr. Eva Fletcher DTF? | The Quad - Duration: 3:33.

15 minutes, remove the roast, and then you can go.

- Okay, I'll leave through the kitchen.

- Thank you.


Good evening.

- Good evening, madam. - Come in.

Congratulations on your decision

to bring your partners and your money to the table

for this deal so I can save my university.

- Absolutely. - Oh, may I?

- Oh, I'll keep this. - Suit yourself.

[both laugh]

Dinner is served in 15 minutes.

Gives us plenty of time

for you to tell me exactly what I want to hear.

- Listen, let me dismiss with the pins and needles.

We good on all the deal points.

I have an agreement in my bag that's ready to execute.

- [chuckles]

- But, Eva...

Everybody has their way of closing a deal,

and I'm no different,

and I like to close a deal a certain way.

- Mr. Green, let me make sure that I understand you.

Your investors have approved purchasing this land, yes?

- Oh, they have,

but come on, Eva.

You know nothing worth having is ever easy to get.

- I am a "by any means necessary" type of girl.

Add to that the fact

that I really need this deal to make,

because if it doesn't,

odds are I won't have a job six months from now.

I am all out of options.

Absolutely nowhere to go,

but I need to be clear.

There is no way in hell

that I am going to have sex with you.

- This is just an offer to play a game.

No sex involved.

You have my word

and my $5 million...

if you accept.

- Good night, James.

Out of curiosity...

- Well, I can show you

better than I can tell you.

- Is that for me?

- It's for me, of course.

$5 million.

- I want to see the agreement.

- Not a problem.


Now, if you could just point me in the direction--

- Through those doors to the left.

<i>[slow pop music]</i>

<i>♪ ♪</i>

- I'm back!

Hi, Mama. Oh! Oh! <i>- ♪ If I were a boy ♪</i>

For more infomation >> Is Dr. Eva Fletcher DTF? | The Quad - Duration: 3:33.


Green Crack Strain Review & Info by GreenBox Grown - Duration: 6:17.

What's up Cannabis Growers and welcome back for another awesome episode of GreenBox Grown.

Not today I've got some homegrown Green Crack that I'll be reviewing for you guys, and of

course it was grown by yours truly.

And so I'll be grinding some of that up and smoking it out of the Dabuccino Which I've

got in the bathroom right now and I'm going to bring out in just a sec.

I also have my laptop over here so I'm going to be on Leafly to give you guys the strain

details about genetics and lineage and how to grow it, and ideal conditions and stuff

like that.

And of course before we get started I got to remind you guys to check out our MERCH

at under the Merch and Smoke tab.

Also don't forget to check out the link Down Below in the description to check out our

Patreon Page where you can sign up for 1-on-1 growing advice from myself, where I work with

you over the phone each day Guiding you from seed to harvest so you get the best results


 Alright, so now that you guys know what we're doing in today's video, let's get started!

 All right guys I got mr. debit Chino out over here and he looks like he's about to

4 a cleaning so I'll probably do that later today but not just yet.

So I'll be grinding at this little nug cuz I'm not really wanting to go on this big guy

up just yet, actually let me give you guys a close up so you can see The Snug up close.

All right so I'll be saving of that nug for last of course, and I'm going to ground this

guy up and while I'm doing that I'm going to reach you guys some of the background details

on the Green Crack Strain.

Says you guys know already it's a hybrid, sativa dominant, and it's good for grown Outdoors

or indoors, and it's a very energetic and happy high.

 It's other effects are uplifting focused and euphoric, and it's just a sativa dominant

strain so it's got those effects of course.

For lineage it just says skunk number 1 as I guess it doesn't know what the other parent

genetics are for that.

For grow info it's a very easy strain to grow, and like I said it's great for outdoors and

any conditions any growing conditions.

It is a really tall plant but that's kind of the sativa way and what else?

It's about a medium yielding strain so it's going to harvest 1 to 3 ounces per square

foot of grow space so that's not too bad.

And it's got a really short flowering time, only seven to nine weeks.

The stretch is pretty minimal to so you can fill up at That time pretty full before you

flip it over to flower but obviously not too full cuz you want to save some room.

Four flavors it's got earthy, citrusy, and sweet, I don't know about earthy but it definitely

smells sweet in there.

So yeah that is pretty much all of the info that you guys really need.

It's got some test data, so let's see.

Very low in CBN, very high and CBG, but for the other cannabinoids it's pretty low.

Thcv has a .08% so not much there.

So you guys we are now ready for the best part of the video as the bowl is now packed.

Put the laptop away and it is time to get a little lit!

Oh I forgot the lighter but I have an electric one here so let's see if I can get the bowl

lit with this electric lighter.

Cheers guys.

Very smooth, it tastes just like it smells, I'm feeling the head high but I can tell it

is an energetic high and I've been smoking this for a little while not as you guys can


But just like I red the effects are very similar as well as the song The Taste.

Amazing strain and I have a lot of knee pain because I tore my ACL and meniscus back in

high school playing sports.

It still gets really stiff and sore on a cold and rainy day, and I found  that smoking

this strain is great because it is a really relaxing body high.

 It is energetic, but in terms of your muscles and body it is really good for giving you

that warm relaxing sensation, so it is great for pain relief when it comes to my knee and

other joints.

Definitely recommend if you were looking for something for that kind of pain relief.

Alright guys I wanted to give you a close up of how it lights and I want to show you

how it burns and how it has been properly flushed.

You can see the ashes white when it is done so let's see if I can make this work.

  You can see it is starting to turn white, but I have not yet burned it enough to completely

show it.

Alright folks that concludes today's strain review of my homegrown Green Crack.

But if you enjoyed the video please give it a thumbs up and comment below with your feedback.

 Also don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and to turn on notifications for updates

on my latest grows.

As always thank you guys for watching and until next time…

Happy Growing!

For more infomation >> Green Crack Strain Review & Info by GreenBox Grown - Duration: 6:17.


MMD - How to study for your finals | Elsa from Frozen - Duration: 0:07.

For more infomation >> MMD - How to study for your finals | Elsa from Frozen - Duration: 0:07.


Art People / Candy Bembry / Artist Usa - Duration: 1:02.

hey art people friends of Ayhan ...

my name is Candy and I'm a friend of Ayhan I contacted him several months ago

trying to get some information on creating a mosaic for pool

For more infomation >> Art People / Candy Bembry / Artist Usa - Duration: 1:02.




BY Julian Rose

Humanity has, for millennia, been led down the road of an entirely false agenda.

So much so, that every aspect of society is almost the precise reverse of what it should


Just a glimmer of awareness reveals that the true potential of the majority of mankind

remains locked away, unable to exert any influence on the course of events on our planet.

Given the scale of this imprisonment, it becomes apparent that the world has been moving on

a trajectory invented and directed by a false intelligence, whose interests are diametrically

opposed to the intelligence of natural planetary consciousness.

I use the word �intelligence� because its hard to find the right word to describe

that which is very clever, but lacks the ability to feel love or compassion; and is often ruthless

without ever showing emotion.

Intelligence should have a more human ring to it, but the word has been hijacked by the

spying networks: the CIA, FBI, MI5 for example, all call themselves �intelligence agencies�.

Not exactly warm-blooded institutions!

Within the hierarchies of banks, corporations, the military, governments, the media and various

global trading organizations, one will find a plethora of quasi-humans in line to get

their hands onto the levers of the central control system.

The top-down pyramid which steers the daily agenda for millions of mortals caught-up in

the 9 to 5 treadmill.

Yet, those climbing the employment ladder within these same institutions, more often

than not lack any awareness of what is going on above their heads.

We should consider the following question: at exactly what point within this typical

corporate pyramid, does the ordinary mortal metamorphose into the ranks of the subhuman

control master?

Which floor serves as the subtle switch-point where the 9 to 5 worker �just doing a job�

shifts into a dedicated trainee in the art of �power over the people� management?

I am not proposing to answer this, as it is a largely hypothetical question; but I suggest

that the process whereby the false agenda for humanity is able to be maintained, year

in year out, relies heavily on the unquestioning cooperation of those who, at some point, change

their identity � or have their identity changed � from just ordinary workers to

corporate clones.

In other words those who see the world entirely through the lens of the corporation they work


The renowned social psychiatrist/psychologist Dr Erich Fromm, in his last major thesis �The

Anatomy of Human Destructiveness� traces the decline of the sentient human at the hands

of a �corporate intelligence� which is specifically designed to dehumanize those

climbing up its ranks.

So that by the time they reach the top, such people have become robotic, in virtually every

action they undertake.

Here lies the mechanism whereby the human becomes less than human; the less than human

becomes inhuman; and the inhuman becomes a biological robotic clone and proponent of

Transhumanist Artificial Intelligence � which takes the false agenda for humanity ever nearer

to its ultimate goal.

Perhaps not ultimate, but far enough to ensure that humanity as we know it, is superseded

by another form of �intelligence� that has nothing to do with nature or the exigence

expressed in natural human emotions of love, joy, pain and sorrow.

Cyborgian artificial intelligence is just that: artificial.

Art put in reverse so as to eliminate the godly, the beautiful, the spontaneous � all

that which gives expression to what it really means to be human.

But consider the fact that it is people suffering these type of symptoms who are in the driving

seat of world affairs; running governments, banks and technocratic institutions like the

European Union.

The mentality is that of a corporate trained control freak � and the greater the power

on hand, the greater the ego fueled top-down control manipulation becomes.

The structural design of the neoliberal/neoconservative capitalist Leviathon is not an accident.

It is a deliberate formula for the entrapment of mankind.

One which puts into reverse � and thereby completely distorts � the true hierarchical

themes of nature and the cosmos.

In just the same way as Hitler inverted and reversed the design of the original swastika,

an ancient peace symbol from Southern India, into a twisted symbol of war.

The symbols that adorn all top-end corporate chains and industries, follow this same pattern.

They are nearly all based upon ancient archetypal forms.

Forms that symbolized man�s desire to give expression to the powers of nature, as well

as the cosmic influences that were mythologized into gods and pantheistic forces of power

and influence.

Symbols that expressed higher aspirations of bygone civilisations.

The big-chiefs of corporate globalization adorn their high-rise totems and plush office

suites with the very same symbols, but what do they stand for now?

Quite simply, a crassly materialistic paradigm which has usurped the nature gods of old;

declaring itself the new �supreme force� to which mankind must go on its knees in unquestionoing


And, as we know, the majority of mankind has been complicit in fulfilling this role, ensuring

a self-inflicted avenue of slavery and passive acceptance of the role assigned by the prevailing

status quo.

Indeed, there appears to be no end to the butchery and bullying in the cause of keeping

the Leviathan rolling forward.

The US military � backed by its European �allies� � ranges the planet in support

of the ceaseless profligate mining of valuable minerals, to make the fuels that fill the

tanks of Big Pharma, Big Agro, Big Army and Big Business.

While the public, rather than rising up against mammon, appear to be paralyzed by the spectacle,

unable to imagine anything less destructively domineering that might take its place.

I used the words �appear to be� because there is, of course, another emergent energy

that tells another story.

That breaks through the deception that man is nothing more than a psychopathetic instrument

in the hands of all dominant, aggressive and less than human oppressors.

It is not just �any� other energy.

It is the long-buried � and steadily more volcanic � energy of liberated spirit.

A revivified spirit which is finding its way back into the arteries of an ever-growing

number of ex hostages of the status quo, as well as new arrivals on this planet.

Everyday this spirit is gaining further momentum and a stronger equilibrium.

Cracks in the false agenda are widening; the confidence of its perpetrators is wavering;

the old power base is leaking.

Chinks of light glitter amongst the darkness; the sense of an upwardly rising change is

in the air, counteracting the stench of stagnation and decline.

What is this?

We �the people� have arrived at a critical point in this apocalyptic epoch, finding out

that we are possessed of power we never knew we had; starting to believe in a Self we never

knew we cradled; hearing a voice we never could hear before.

Finding in each other, sources of mutual support, not just a shackled fellow prisoner.

As this process grows, so the false agenda is further revealed for what it is, and its

chief perpetrators are exposed ever more clearly for what they are.

The seemingly inexorable drive towards a cybernetic future, or one populated and run by gender-bent,

micro-chipped mock-humans, is being infiltrated by warm-blooded, nature loving true humans.

Trees are being planted where concrete was once the only landscape.

We are learning that where our thoughts go � energy follows.

And that if these thoughts are full of creativity and life, so will our lives also be.

We are learning that we can take charge of our destinies after all.

That, at any moment, we could dispense with the false reality of the top down centralized

command system, and be free to start our own version of reality.

One informed by our love of Truth � a determination to act on this truth � and a growing aspiration

to Be rather than to have.

For more infomation >> A FALSE AGENDA FOR HUMANITY - Duration: 9:01.


Ashford Connections | 3 Scholars for Life - Duration: 1:01.

[Gerri]: We are the 3 Scholars, 3 Scholars for life.

That's us.

[Tanisha]: Graduation was bittersweet.

I had a family issue come up at the last minute that I actually was not able to make it so

it was very disappointing.

[Gerri]: Let's just do a graduation do-over.

We decided to hold our first annual reunion in South Carolina because this is where I


[Tanisha]: You know when she said we're going to have a commencement re-do, I'm like okay, we're

going to have a party.

I didn't actually think we were going to do a commencement do-over and actually be

handed our diplomas and have our names called.

It felt like I was really there.

You couldn't ask for anything more.

[Myke]: We don't leave anyone behind in this group.

Tanisha couldn't walk.

We weren't graduates until she walked.

[Gerri]: I love y'all, and

your families.

You got me in your life for the rest of your lives. I'm gonna tell you right now.

You're not getting rid of me.

So yeah.

For more infomation >> Ashford Connections | 3 Scholars for Life - Duration: 1:01.


World Of Tanks - Análise da Atualização 9.22 - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> World Of Tanks - Análise da Atualização 9.22 - Duration: 6:12.


Boromir Tries to Take the Ring | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) CLIP 24 - Duration: 4:53.

We cross the lake at nightfall.

Hide the boats and continue on foot.

- We approach Mordor from the North. - Oh, yes?

Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil... impassable labyrinth of razor-sharp rocks.

And after that, it gets even better.

Festering, stinking marshland as far as the eye can see.

That is our road.

I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf.

Recover my...

- We should Leave now. - No.

Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness.

It is not the eastern shore that worries me.

A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind.

Something draws near. I can feel it.

Recover strength? Pay no heed to that, young hobbit.

Where's Frodo?

None of us should wander alone.

You, least of all.

So much depends on you.


I know why you seek solitude.

You suffer. I see it day by day.

You sure you do not suffer needlessly?

There are other ways, Frodo.

- Other paths that we might take. - I know what you would say.

It would seem like wisdom but for the warning in my heart.

Warning...against what?

We're all afraid, Frodo.

But to let that fear drive us, to destroy what hope we have...

...don't you see that is madness? - There is no other way.

I ask only for the strength to defend my people!

- If you would but lend me the ring. - No.

- Why do you recoil? I am no thief. - You are not yourself.

What chance do you think you have?

They will find you. They will take the ring.

And you will beg for death before the end!

You fool!

It is not yours, save by unhappy chance! It could have been mine.

It should be mine! Give it to me!

- Give it to me! - No!

- Give it to me! - No.

I see your mind.

You will take the ring to Sauron!

You will betray us!

You'll go to your death, and the death of us all!

Curse you! Curse you and all the halflings!



What have I done?

Please, Frodo.

Frodo, I'm sorry!

Ash GhurÃm (They will fall)

For more infomation >> Boromir Tries to Take the Ring | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) CLIP 24 - Duration: 4:53.


Supernatural 13x13 Sneak Peek "Devil's Bargain" (HD) Season 13 Episode 13 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:54.

Let me get this straight.

You were kidnapped weeks ago, locked up...

Cas, I just talked to you on the phone.

No, no.

Asmodeus had my phone, you've been talking to him.

What'd he want with you?

Well he mostly wanted Lucifer, I just happened to be in proximity.

Lucifer? No no.

No, no - we slayed his ass back in the apocalypse world.

Kevin Tran.

Kevin Tran?

The apocalypse world version, yes.

He managed to open a rift using Lucifer's grace.

They have an angel tablet?


And the archangel Michael.

Again, apocalypse world version.

He wants to use the spell to invade and conquer our world.

For more infomation >> Supernatural 13x13 Sneak Peek "Devil's Bargain" (HD) Season 13 Episode 13 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:54.


Timeline of Wednesday's events in Lake Worth - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Timeline of Wednesday's events in Lake Worth - Duration: 2:48.


How to Use Public Transportation - Duration: 8:41.


Oh my God, we're never going to make it in time before YouTube explodes!

Oh yes we will!


That's because we're on fast, reliable public transportation!


Phew! That's a relief.


According to the American Public Transportation Association, Americans took 10.4 billion trips

on public transportation in 2016.

But if you've never relied on a bus, subway, train or ferry to get around, it might seem

kind of daunting.

So sit back and we'll take you on a high-speed chase to learn a few things you should know

before trying to take public transportation for the first time!

Every time I'm in a new city I get so freaked out by trying to get on the bus.

It makes me extremely nervous.


I hope that this helps me.

#1 - Routes and schedules!

In most industrialized countries, public transportation runs on established routes and set schedules.

Routes might be designated by numbers, like "Bus 1," or colors, like "the Blue Train."

Each route will typically follow a set schedule that might change according to the time of


for instance, some buses and trains might run more often during peak commuter hours

in the morning and evening.

It may surprise you to learn that you have to know the schedule to get where you're

going on time!

This makes a certain amount of sense.

It's your responsibility to get to the bus stop or train station a few minutes before

it's scheduled to depart.

Machines break down, weather can be bad, sometimes people are late.

It happens!

The thing about schedules, is that you need to be on time, even if the bus isn't.

#2 Learn the schedules and the routes!

In the dark days before smartphones, you usually had to rely on printed signs and fold-out

paper maps to figure out what the bus schedule would be.

These days, most transit systems also offer some kind of smartphone app unique to the

area that will let you plug in your current location and your destination to show you

the routes and schedules instantaneously.

Smartphone apps also often send out alerts letting you know if there's been an accident

and your bus will be late.

These alerts won't always be 100% reliable because, well, technology, but it's better

than nothing!

Even if your transit system doesn't have its own app, bigger apps like Google Maps,

Embark or Travalert will probably cover the basics.

You can also look up their timetables on their website before you leave, or just do it the

old-fashioned paper map way:

find your destination on the map, figure out what line runs closest to it, trace it back

to the stop that's closest to you (you may need to transfer lines at a transfer station

or shared stop in the middle), and then check the arrival and departure times of each line

you'll be taking.

#3 Get on the bus!

(Or train, or ferry, etc.)

So of course, you need to figure out where the stop is.

If you're in a busy city with a big transit system, this can be confusing.

Take a minute to consider which direction the bus you're taking is going and what

side of the street that would be on.

That's an important tip. I've made this mistake.

Sometimes the stop you want isn't across the street from the one going the opposite

direction because of the way the streets are laid out, so try to look around a bit and

see if there's a stop further up the way.

Keep in mind that your stop might be inside of a building, or underground, as well.

It helps to double-check Google Maps, your transit app, or a paper map to make sure you're

in the correct spot.

Oh, and make sure you're getting onto the correct bus or train.

Sometimes one stop will be used by multiple lines, so it can be easy to accidentally get

into the wrong vehicle.

Finally, if you're super stuck, it's okay to ask a friendly passerby or transit employee

if they can point you in the right direction, too.

Which reminds me...

#4 Ask for help if you're confused.

Plenty of transit systems have information booths at their transit centers where employees

can show you the ropes.

Or if you're just out somewhere waiting for a bus or train, you might be able to approach

a friendly-seeming passenger or transit employee and ask them how to get where you're going.

Keep in mind, it's not polite to hold up a bus driver for 10 minutes asking for detailed

directions, but it is a pretty normal part of transit to check with other people if you're

not sure where you're going.

Everyone had to learn the system at some point, and if you ask politely, chances are someone

can help you out.

#5 Pay for your ride

Depending on where you are, your transit system may need exact change for your ride, which,

of course, means you need to look up ahead of time and see how much the fare's gonna be.

A lot of transit systems, though, have ticket booths or machines where you can use a card

to buy your fare, or get a rechargeable card or pass.

It's worth it to see if the system offers daily, weekly or monthly unlimited ride passes;

they're usually a good deal.

#6 Other passengers.

The thing about public transportation is that, well, there's a good chance that you'll

be surrounded by a lot of people, and you won't have all that much control over who

you're sharing the space with.

The vast majority of people taking public transit are, like you, trying to get somewhere

without a hassle.

But you can expect the occasional intrusive person or overly chatty stranger.

If you'd like to get where you're going without interacting with strangers, that's


Your best defense is to wear headphones or earbuds and bring something to do, like reading

a book or watching a video on your phone.

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that some people won't still try to invade your space

in not-awesome ways.

Harassment is, unfortunately, commonly reported on many mass transit systems.

If someone's making you uncomfortable, you can get up, move to another seat, and try

to engage with a friendly bystander to help defuse the situation or distract the harasser.

You can also report the incident to the transit authority itself, which helps organizations

understand the extent of the problem and take steps to protect riders.

Some organizations, including the MTA in New York and the LA County Metro, have forms on

their websites where you can report incidents.

#7 Be polite to other passengers!

Public transit might force you to sit or stand closer to strangers than you'd like, but

it's part of the reason that transit systems are more affordable than taking a personal


When you're using public transport, keep your hands, knees and belongings to yourself.

Avoid the "manspread".

Sometimes you'll get on the train and there will be lots of seats, and you'll just put your bag on the

seat next to you and then a few stops later suddenly there aren't a lot of seats

Take your bag off the seat so somebody can sit there.

I hate that when people do that.

Try to avoid having loud phone conversations, listening to music without headphones, eating

smelly food or using strongly scented body products, too.

You might love your Tuna Melt Cologne, but that doesn't mean everyone else does.

#8 Once you've reached your destination, exit at your stop!

There will usually be signage or a map posted in the vehicle, so follow along and keep track

of where you are as you're moving.

Some transit systems will automatically stop at every stop, others expect you

to pull a little cord to let the driver know that you need to get off at that stop so they don't have to stop at a stop

if nobody's going to get off

So figure out which one of those you are on.

Otherwise, the driver might just blow past your stop.

As a side note: if you're pulling a cord, the bus you're on won't usually stop immediately,

it will have to find a suitable place to stop, which may be up to a few blocks from where

you pulled the cord.

Some systems, like ferries, will announce on the loudspeakers when you've reached

your destination.

Which I assume is usually when you get to the land.

I don't know a lot about ferries.

But Congratulations!

You've made it to your destination!

If you've got tips on how to use public transportation, leave them in the comments


And if you want to learn more about how to navigate being an adult

in our modern world with Rachel and I,

subscribe to our channel at

We're never going to make it on time before YouTube explodes!

It stopped.

[OFF SCREEN] Can we also try one where you say that's because

[OFF SCREEN] we're taking fast, reliable public transportation

[OFF SCREEN] really cool?

That wasn't cool?


Say it like REALLY cool, though.

Americans took t....

[small voice] 10.4 billion trips...

One time I asked for help at the D.C. airport and the guy looked at me and said,

"Do I look like I work here?"



[OFF SCREEN] Did he look like he worked there?

No! No I thought he was just a guy!

Like, I was asking a guy where the taxis were!

As a side note, if you're—




For more infomation >> How to Use Public Transportation - Duration: 8:41.


Reacting to Music we Picked in 5 MINUTES (y'all gonna be shook) - Duration: 12:59.

So apparently, this is a visual representation of me and apparently this is a visual representation of you

I just wanted something that can go Yi

You know yeah, we should two flags though

Today we're doing the weirdest challenge we have ever done

We decided we wanted to get at once when we film another surprising surprising

You know it was pretty funny for a dressage app on footage in public is pretty awkward

It's amazing music better than me wait first to talk about our

Giveaway so we both picked up music for each other and we decided to give away some of the vinyls and CDs that we picked

Out I think we got some good vinyls and all you have to do to win the giveaway follow on Instagram boom boom boom boom

Breathe that


Instagram I wanted to make it less formal and not you Jesse that's only for special occasions

I hope you still you know under British accent. You changed it to Joe. Oh, no. No I did okay. Yeah

Well you probably you were like ye, you want to follow my Twitter

And Frank's throat of yours well somebody mentioned this to me the other day

I said this branding where I said if you're not subscribed and then I did a double chin

Should we get you back for this video? I think so bring a chance okay? How let's bring it Shin. Let's bring it

One extra two an extra ten because like the intensity of the giveaway should judge, how many Chin's make you agree?

and if you liked this video and get this video to

30,000 likes we'll keep the chin branding because we totally keep track of all the likes on the videos

Three thousand likes and this week we will make that beauty group channel together because we got we hit the amount of likes mercy makeup

Beauty crime gaming it only took

Or glam with Frank

Exactly it's like Beauty to hide

Exactly motto, that's great. I love

Hello, hello my people wait wait today. This is your channel. Oh wait

I need to show you what I do with a new TV really quick. You can do karaoke

Today we're going to be buying music for each other

Like we don't know the other person like so it'll turn out kind of interesting exactly

Yeah, that works good. Let's go. Thanks up, so we're going to a record store. We're gonna be buying some vinyls today

People say the toes are unattractive, but I think every toe is beautiful fits finish definitely not people always ask me

Why I stopped going on Instagram live. It's because a foot fetish community found my Instagram why?

They're like show me your feet. Yeah. Are you part?

Have you been waiting? No I'm good well if you want to see what my toe looks like here you go

Let's go. I'm gonna

Ask you some questions about this challenge some music that I think she's never heard before

So I used to be really into metal and I think it's gonna be funny to show her like a death metal album

Because she's really soft, and I love corrupting her every time I come over my game plan for this

I'm gonna get Frank to listen to more of my soft music quote unquote

I'm gonna get some Disney Princess music up in here or like some Barbie movie soundtracks


Mean I'm sure than you

Okay, let's go you didn't hear any of that right Oh Jenna

So we have five minutes to pick up music for each other. It's go time

Yeah, how could I be as cool as you? Can you like dad okay?

legends only

Alright my people. I haven't said that yet

You haven't bursted me for saying that why don't you have a name my people? We just get each other

You know okay, Emo's it just works

Do you want to help us come up with a fandom name besides my people will think of something comment down below?

I actually want to see then we're gonna be like the Jesse's

We're taking forever we included some vlog footage before and we filmed us we had five minutes to go and

Pick out music for each other and try to surprise each other

So I've spent this whole uber ride disappointed that your cat doesn't follow me back on Instagram

I'm so how do you feel? I?

Like it. Oh look look. I like all your channel. I like all your cat photo. I'm so sorry

she was

Just a big head, no big ego. She's very picky about who she follows only 23 people

Basically the Kardashian. I walk these streets a little bit differently now all right

Let's go into amoeba okay, all right, so I got called me by your name such a good movie

And I wanted to get the soundtrack from it cuz it's such a good soundtrack

Okay, so I got some news because I just got prank listening to me. I just got the Hamilton right on track

I'm just baiting. I'm getting stranger things to or strangers ABCD or tickets the final

I like the final because it's all out and you can like hang it in his apartment and remember to actually watch it

Legally Blonde, it's funny for the NIEM currently. I'm looking in the wrong section, and I just found

Almost ready yet, I seem to pick out one more vinyl and I'm having issues

We'll figure it out looks like very high in demand there are none left

This would have been so perfect for Frank instead I might go for a classic here some of that action

Look who's in line behind me I?

Have no idea what he got it's on his bag. He was scary, I'm nervous

It looks like you've a pretty full bag scare everyone out even just you it's gonna scare like people your people my people

Don't victimize my people like that. I got some soft stuff. Can you feel it?

Yeah, this might feel hard and edgy


Surprise each other it could just be like it struck me think the other person would like or just new stuff that we wanted to

Play for each other well my goal was to scare you well you'll have to see on Frank's channel

I try to crap Jesse a little more and more in every collab. It's been working. You're gonna. Be arresting me especially

Yeah me react to music Lisa's last video and there were some very inappropriate ones

Remember filming that so we went to this place called amoeba please sponsor us we love you

I got you two vinyls first day. You need to watch

stranger things I

Never saw this coming. What is the other one Riverdale?

So with stranger things, I got like midway through season one

Thanks to though. Yeah wait have you seen that mind of the Shiva in do that like?

Oh, sorry you it's so cute

Music on here


Next got you some seating you so my goal was to make it soft because I'm Way too much

So there's this movie that every single human being told me to watch and I watched it. It's amazing. It's in theaters right now

It's called call me by your name not sponsored not sponsored

Please like freaking wish sponsor the heck out of this meme the playlist is really cool. Just give me like soundtracks

Yeah, are there any bands?

Bands, okay, you get to hear new music. Let's see what's next okay, so Frank. I just recently got into Muse

Of that I would get you this one have that one song that has like a really long guitar builder. That's like every new song

They just described every waiting song ever yeah, okay a newborn are you born yeah?

That's in a different album as I'm worried

It was immature - I'm joking I was gonna buy you out origin of symmetry vinyl trim in the heavy assault

Which wait oh my god that gets harsh

This one this one's off origin asymmetry

Next time like if you want that if this video gets right if you got that

On Twitter, I feel like that and this album means a lot to me and well

I really hope people haven't stopped supporting 1d in one direction my opinion

You stand right to give a poster poster I used to listen to One Direction

Story of my life was a good song. I know we're gonna kill me for liking pop don't mean for it. It's a great album

Is this early this is early?

Writing I know kiss you

Being a middle school girl, I was like wow that's hot I don't feel any softens, so I also got you

Legally Blonde what for the mean I tried to think what is the least likely thing for frame to get Legally Blonde - I

Like the song Franz Ferdinand. Do you know him why is it some familiar play like the most popular truck?

Drink that friends

On tumblr he's kind of like characterized like doctor oh

Yeah as if I don't know I love trying fighter Stefan's new music, I want to keep the stranger thing soundtrack wait

I can never talk he's being ironic Vermont. What's your favorite song off the album? I don't maybe generic and say bite by curries

I'm going to talk me down girl. There are all these ayats

All right, so that's it. What do you think of the music presented to you okay? So those are everything like individually?

Yeah, well several at Troy I stands for a it's problem. You think you wouldn't think I'd like but I love it

That's true. I love the way Troy goes about his style of music. It's just Troy stranger things

I really need to watch more of it

And you tell me to ever tell me hang out and also to watch her in jail. I needed it like sit down

I just have a really short attention span that's my fault the music though. It's awesome. It's a bunch of 80's music

It's so good. I'm keeping this so thank you for this. What's next Franz Ferdinand's. You showed me a little bit

I like the guitar and that's all I have to say about that. I'll listen to more even later. Though one direction

I'm nervous to talk about this because I can get a lot of shit from both sides. Yeah, I did like one direction one direction

Legally Blonde I didn't know we were buying movie soundtracks really nice candy Roman background

This movie call me by your name. This was basically me. Just begin like watch the movie. Yeah, okay. I'll watch the movie

I don't know

It's about can you explain that's about in like three words?

Gay as hell and then Muse Jesse got me into me as a while ago. You never listen to music

I'm like that's so your taste in music and you'll honors and a few days

I'm gonna feature my people here, and you're amazing pose

I love following Twitter actually found my Twitter by

Stranger things album support my memes like my Instagram pictures

And if you come right now from this video comment on my labs Instagram daddy and follow Frank and watch this video

Yeah, but you already know to do that alright. We're gonna keep going meme around have a great Eve and

support Troye Sivan



For more infomation >> Reacting to Music we Picked in 5 MINUTES (y'all gonna be shook) - Duration: 12:59.


Attachment Theory: How Your Childhood Shaped You - Duration: 10:29.


Humans are social creatures, and long ago,

our survival even depended on our ability to build relationships—

otherwise, you'd probably get eaten by a leopard or something.

Today, strong, healthy relationships are still important,

because they offer us security and comfort.

And they're especially important in childhood.

A lot of the research about how babies form relationships

revolves around an idea called attachment theory,

which describes how infants relate to their parents or caregivers.

Today, we know that your experiences during infancy might even shape

how you form significant relationships for the rest of your life.

But how that works, and whether or not

you have any control over it, isn't always as straightforward.

Shortly after birth, infants seem to start getting

attached to their primary caregivers—usually, their parents.

Psychologists define attachment as the deep, emotional bond

that makes you want to be with another person.

It's why you miss someone when they're gone.

The modern idea of attachment theory comes from research conducted by

psychologists John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth starting in the late 1950s.

It was based on the idea that kids go through various stages

of developing attachment, and that forming a secure bond with

at least one main caregiver is really important

for a child's social and emotional development.

First, Bowlby estimated that there are roughly four stages of attachment,

which change as a baby gets older.

In early infancy—when they're less than two months old—

babies are in a pre-attachment stage.

He believed infants that young couldn't recognize

or understand the difference between a stranger and a parent.

Research since then shows that was probably wrong—

newborns can recognize their parents—

so it might be better to lump them into Bowlby's second category:

the attachment-in-the-making stage, where babies

know who their caregivers are but are fine being around strangers.

This lasts until about babies are about six months old,

when they develop clear-cut attachment.

At this stage, they start showing separation anxiety

by crying and protesting when separated from their parents.

So if your friend hands you their baby and they start screaming,

it doesn't necessarily mean you're bad with kids.

Finally, when infants get to be about two years old,

they start to understand that their caregivers have a schedule

and their own lives, and separation anxiety goes down.

After that, kids develop more independence

and tend to be a little more relaxed when separated from their parents.

But attachment theory isn't just about the stages of attachment:

It's also about the kinds of attachments children make,

usually during their first year of life, and how

those relationships can affect kids down the road.

To study this, Ainsworth developed a procedure she called

the Strange Situation—essentially, a series of interactions

that involved an infant, their parent, and a stranger.

Since it was the 1960s and most people still expected

the moms to do the childrearing, almost all of this research

was done using mothers and their babies.

But some recent studies have shown that

other parent-child relationships seem to work in similar ways.

There were three phases of the Strange Situation.

First, the mom and baby would be left alone

to provide a baseline for their interactions.

Then, the researchers would see how the baby reacted

if a female stranger entered the room—

and what the baby would do if they were left

either completely alone or left alone with the stranger.

After observing this test with more than 100 infants

across four different studies, Ainsworth and her colleagues

noticed and described four distinct styles of attachment.

The most common kind—and arguably most healthy—is secure attachment.

In the Strange Situation, secure babies are comfortable

exploring and moving away from their parents,

but might get upset if they're left alone.

Then, they're quickly comforted when their parent returns.

Resistant attachment is more intense.

Babies stay close to their parents, and then get extremely upset

if they leave, sometimes reacting with anger when the parent returns.

When a baby doesn't seem to care whether or not there's

a parent or a stranger in the room, that's known as avoidant attachment.

And if a baby isn't very responsive or seems depressed,

but shows some bursts of intense emotion,

it's called disorganized attachment, which is

the kind that's been most associated with behavioral issues later in life.

Even though there are four categories, in recent studies,

attachment styles aren't sharply defined that way—

you could kind of consider them on a spectrum

from secure to insecure based on certain behaviors.

Building off Ainsworth's studies, scientists have described

a couple of dimensions of attachment, which together

can show how secure a child is on a sliding scale.

One dimension is proximity-seeking versus avoidant,

which basically means how much a baby wants to be near their caregiver.

The other is angry and resistant strategies,

which describes how angry a baby gets at a caregiver for leaving them alone.

If the parent-child relationship is solid and the baby

really wants to be around their parent but doesn't freak out

too much if left alone, that generally indicates secure attachment.

But if a baby ignores their parent, or treats them with anger,

that's usually a sign of insecure attachment.

But it's not really clear if using sliding scales

instead of categories is that useful or necessary.

What's most important is observing the way

a parent treats their child and how the child reacts to that.

No matter how you classify it, that's what seems to predict later behavior.

And attachment styles can be affected by

all kinds of things, or a combination of them.

It's specifically thought that parenting has a strong influence,

but a baby's attachment can be influenced by nearly anything that changes

how much access they have to their caregiver during their first year of life.

In most cases, stable, affectionate parenting leads to secure attachment,

while things that can negatively affect parenting—

like abuse, neglect, or even poverty—can cause insecure attachment.

If a parent is able to spend a lot of time with their baby—

playing with and talking to them, and making sure they

always have a clean diaper and a warm bottle—

that's more likely to lead to a securely attached baby.

But if, say, a single parent works long hours

and can't spend a lot of time with their baby,

or if a caregiver neglects the child, a baby could end up insecure,

because they subconsciously feel like they can't depend on their parent.

Attachment style could also be influenced by

something like a childhood illness, when a baby has to

spend a long time alone in a hospital and

doesn't get enough interaction with their parents.

And this is more than just a bunch of fancy psychology labels.

Attachment styles have been shown to impact children as they get older, too.

Many studies about this come from a huge database that tracked

over 1000 children and their families from infancy

into high school in the 90s and 2000s.

It measured how child care experiences related to overall growth and

development in childhood, and the data has been used for over 600 studies.

For example, researchers found that having a secure attachment in infancy

was a good predictor for whether or not kids

would be good at self-regulation in preschool—

that is, if they could manage their emotions in stable

and socially acceptable ways, like not pelting other kids with LEGO bricks.

Meanwhile, having insecure attachments as a baby

made older kids more likely to have behavioral problems,

like fearfulness and social withdrawal, or bullying and vandalism.

And some studies have found that when mothers

aren't attentive to their infants, it can lead to disorganized attachment.

In middle childhood and adolescence, these kids are more likely

to develop controlling relationships with their parents,

where they attempt to direct their behavior—

almost like they're confused about who's the parent and who's the kid.

And other research has also shown what seems to be

a link between insecure attachment styles and mood disorders,

like depression and anxiety, later in life.

In most cases, attachment problems don't come with a clinical diagnosis,

but if a child seems especially unresponsive and seems sad, afraid,

or reserved, they might be diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder.

This is a rare condition that almost only happens in really severe cases,

like in abusive families where the child

can't establish a healthy relationship with their caregiver.

And if it's not treated, it can lead to kids

becoming abusive and lacking empathy.

Still, it's not all or nothing.

Having a certain attachment style as an infant

doesn't mean you're destined to show certain behaviors

or traits as you get older.

People and circumstances can change.

In general, babies who feel they can't depend on their caregivers

are more likely to suffer from other issues later in life—

but it's not a guarantee.

And today, thanks to the research done by Bowlby and Ainsworth,

there's also a whole field of study focused specifically on adult attachment,

along with how it relates to infancy.

Specifically, adult attachment focuses on the relationships

between adults and their friends and romantic partners.

There are even surveys to determine what someone's

adult attachment style might be, like the Adult Attachment Scale,

which was developed by two psychologists in 1990.

It asks questions about someone's level of trust and intimacy in relationships,

like how easy it is for them to feel close to others.

And like recent views of infant attachment,

it's measured from secure to insecure.

Just like secure attachments seem to be best for infants,

evidence suggests that the traits ranked most desirable in a romantic partner

are associated with secure attachment behaviors—

like warmth and sensitivity.

And overall, adults that test as secure tend to be

happier in relationships than insecure adults.

Now, according to some studies, there is a modest relationship

between childhood and adult attachment.

In a longitudinal study published in journal Child Development in 2000,

about 70% of the 50 participants had the same attachment style

20 years after infancy.

But if they had experienced a serious negative life event, like losing a parent,

a divorce in the family, serious illness, or abuse,

their adult attachment style was more insecure.

On the flip side, another study tracking more than 150 young women in 1997,

which was published the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,

found that some of the participants actually got more secure as they got older.

The researchers concluded that it likely had to do

with their changing ideas about relationships, trust, and stability.

So under stable family conditions, and without life-altering events,

your attachment style as an infant will probably carry into your adult life.

But it's not set in stone, and there are a lot of dimensions that can affect it.

For example, some scientists believe that if your attachment is insecure,

but you're in a relationship with a secure partner,

it can improve your own security—and that makes a lot of sense.

If you had a rough childhood, being with someone who is

caring and attentive can change your outlook on relationships.

And the reverse is also true.

There's also some speculation that certain relationship experiences—

like a nasty break up—could have a negative impact on your attachment,

because it can make you feel like you can't depend on your partners.

But we're still figuring out how exactly our attachment to our parents

in childhood impacts our relationships as adults—

and how our life experiences change our attachments as we age.

Because adulthood is… complicated, and the paths that take us to it—

and to adult relationships—are super variable.

One way or another, the research seems pretty clear that our relationships—

and the care we're given as newborns—can have a life-long impact on us.

But it's not always black-and-white:

Being treated a certain way by your parents won't automatically mean

you grow up to have behavioral problems,

or that you'll be guaranteed to have healthy romantic relationships.

So attachment theory is useful in clinical settings

and to help predict therapeutic needs, but it's not the end-all-be-all.

I guess what I'm saying is…

don't get too attached to attachment theory.

We're all different.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you love learning about psychology and exploring how the mind works,

you can find plenty of videos like this one over at


For more infomation >> Attachment Theory: How Your Childhood Shaped You - Duration: 10:29.


Amateur Chef Vs Professional Chef: Raid The Fridge Challenge - Duration: 8:38.

- Amateur vs. Professional, man,

keep your food in the pot, that's the number one rule.

- Don't put...what? - That's the number one rule.

Keep the food in the pot!

(hip hop music)

Hey guys, my name is Jade, I work at Buzzfeed.

My cooking list is a little short.

I know how to make mac and cheese, shop and feel cookies,

like when it comes with the dough ready already.

I have a slight cooking background.

I actually used to work at Chipotle,

my whole college career.

Making burritos, making quesadillas, making salads.

Man, I was killing the game.

- I'm Alvin, I'm a Tasty producer here in Buzzfeed New York.

I've been cooking for a while.

Love food and I love cooking.

I believe that food is super beautiful.

I really focus on making food that I think is presentable

as well as delicious.

- I feel super confident going against Alvin.

You know, this guy might be the Tasty King

but I'm, like, the Lemonade King.

You give me anything and I can make lemonade.

- All I'm saying is, may the best cook win.

We're gonna find out.

(tense hip hop)

- [Jade] Everyone's fridge is very different.

When I go to my cousin's fridge,

what they have in their fridge can be completely different

than what I have in my fridge.

(tense hip hop)

- [Alvin] Thirty minutes is not a lot of time

to make a meal, especially because you're in a new kitchen,

you're not sure what you're working with.

But I think I can make it work.

- You ready to do this one?

- Yeah, let's do it.

Let's do it. - Let's do it.

- All right, it's on.

- I'm coming for your ass, Alvin.

I'm coming for you, man.

We're on our way to Tara's house.

- What do you think she has in her fridge?

(scoffs) - I have no idea.

I feel like Tara lives right on 34th Street,

so, like, she's around so many restaurants.

What would you have in your fridge?

Let's go see this house.

- Let's go do it. - Let's do it.

- What's up? - What's up, T-Wiz!

- [Alvin] How's it going?

- Wait, wait, why are you here?

- We're here for the Chef vs. Amateur?

- Well, it doesn't matter, we're coming in.

- That's tomorrow-- - We're here today, girl.

- [Alvin] Are you hungry? You better be.

- Don't you want some lunch?

- I just woke up!

(door slams)

- I got five minutes to check out

what food we got lying around,

what kind of equipment we're dealing with.

The special ingredient that I brought

is smoked paprika.

I brought it because I think it adds

a really nice flavor to a lot of foods

that could really take things to the next level.

- [Alvin Voiceover] So, open the fridge

not knowing that to expect, I see eggs,

I see cheese, I see maple syrup, I see bacon.

Tara's got some leftovers here.

This is broccoli. Oh, I could totally use broccoli.

That's, like, a breakfast thing,

broccoli goes with eggs.

Things are starting to work, it's easy to sort of

follow a dish when you know what angle you're going for.

So I think I got something going on.

Some sort of omelet over, maybe, some bacon,

stuffed with some cheese.

Sounds pretty good to me.

- Because I am the Master of all things

wrapped in tortillas, it's only right

that my special ingredient was tortillas.

I'm just gonna take whatever is in this fridge

and put it in this wrap and make it taste good.

Let's check out what's in this fridge.

- [Jade Voiceover] She has onions, cilantro,

she had the lemon juice and the salt,

those are really the only three ingredients

I use in, like, most of my foods.

Oh, we got avocado.

Girl, all I need is avocados

and we get this guacamole popping.

I got pico de gallo and guacamole,

I could make a vegetarian burrito.

I really want to make one with meat

and I was going through the fridge,

there weren't too many leftovers,

but there was this little Tupperware of Chinese food.

It looked like some rice with some carrots

with a little bit of chicken...

Let me see what this smells like.

It'll have to work, guys.

(tense, confrontational music)

I know burritos. He knows Tasty.

Let's see what that looks like versus each other.

- [Man Off-Camera] Three, two, one.

- We're going? All right. - Oh.

- Here it is. - We're going for it.

I don't know if all my cooking techniques are right,

so, don't judge me.

- [Alvin] You're going down, Jade.

- I'm just going downtown after I whoop your ass.

(Alvin hoots) Go back to work.

Shoulda ran this under cold water

because I'm about to start tearing like a bitch!

- Oh, you're cutting the red onion, too,

that's gonna make you cry.

- Yeah, it's gonna-- - Someone cue the waterworks.

Oh no, red onions are the most acidic...

All the onion gas is going in the air

and making her cry and I felt so bad.

- [Jade Voiceover] I started cutting those red onions.

The tears just started falling, man.

I could not make them stop.

It was really, really bad.

It's gonna be such a beautiful victory.

- Gotta whip it.

If you dance while you're doing it,

it gets more air into it.

I don't know if it helps aerate the eggs,

I personally believe it does,

but that might just be me talking.

It's the part where the syrup goes in

and it gets all glazed.

- Look at what he's doing!

Like, are you serious?

- [Alvin] I gotta get this nice and sticky.

Wanna taste one?

- All right. - It's hot though, be careful.

Oh come on!

Gonna be a bed for the omelet.

I now gotta use my secret ingredient, the smoked paprika.

- [Jade] This avocado's really hard,

so I have to slice it and dice it before I mash it.

So that I'm not sitting here all day mashing this thing.

Prep these simultaneously.

Little lemon juice.

I put jalepeños in my pico de gallo and guacamole.

But because we don't have jalepeños,

I saw some jalepeño Pringles, I think.

So I'm gonna mash these down,

hope it turns into sauce.

(grungy rock music)

- [Alvin] Now I gotta add the leftovers.

So it's this broccoli cheddar mix,

gonna kinda, like, put on the side of the omelet.

I think the moment I rolled my omelet,

I kinda knew I'd taken it home.

- [Jade] He really thinks he's gonna win.

His confidence is here

and I'm gonna need him to come here.

This guy thinks that this is a Tasty video.

- [Alvin] That's my boy, right there.


- What the hell was that, Alvin?

Alvin's over here with chips

and he's making some kinda chip concoction.

And he's calling it a "garnish."

- [Alvin] There we have it.

- [Jade] Let me make it an even playing field

and let me make a breakfast burrito as well.

So instead of using the leftover rice and chicken

as, like, a dinner-style burrito,

I'll take the chicken out of the rice

and then put that in some eggs, make a little omelet.

Put the omelet in the burrito,

with some pico de gallo, guacamole.

Success on a platter, bitches.

Ooh, boy! - Are you trying to copy me?

- That's what I do when I cook.

I just throw shit together.

Whatever's in front of me, that's what's going in.

- I'm just gonna cook some bacon as a snack.

- [Jade] I'll just go ahead and throw these eggs in there.

I like my eggs cheesy, actually, too.

- You're copying everything I'm doing!

- I ain't copying you, Alvin, get the hell out of here.

- You're using Kraft Singles, too? What?

- That's the only cheese she has besides Parmesan!

- [Alvin] No, there's--

(smoke alarm beeping)

- Fire. - Where's your fan...?

- I know for a fact it wasn't me

that set off the fire alarm.

- I'm 100% sure Jade set the fire alarm off.

There's no way I could do it.

- Now, back to what I was doing.

Gonna lay that guacamole on the bottom, you know?

Pico de gallo next.

You know with my Chipotle experience

my rolling skills are impeccable

so that burrito looked immaculate after I rolled it.

(peppy rock music)

- I've been sitting in my room for what feels like forever,

because I've been smelling all kinds of different smells,

some good, some...intense,

some fire alarms.

But we have two beautifully presented dishes.

And I'm gonna start with this one.

I can see there's some Doritos on top.

Got some bacon on the bottom.

Oh, ooh! Look at that cheese pull!

(mellow hip hop music)

That is so good.

Number two, just some toppings.

But it's a burrito, so I'm just gonna kinda like...

Saucer it.

Also really good. There's a lot of different flavors.

It looks like we have some of my leftover chicken,

which has been in there for...not really sure how long.

But I love the creativity in that.

There's some eggs, there's some pico de gallo...

There's a lot.

So both dishes were really so good,

but now I have to choose a winner.

So let's bring in the chefs.

It was a really hard decision

and you guys are both my really good friends.

I'm gonna have to go with the bacon and egg omelet.

The bacon, the cheese pull...

- [Alvin] Keep saying it.

I'm appreciating it. - I'm gonna have to award you

with this trophy.

- Woohoo!

- It's okay, you know,

Alvin put his foot in that.

You know, that bacon does look good.

- I think you should try it.

I think you should try Jade's.

- Yeah, I'll try Jade's.

(peppy rock music)

- [Jade] Mm. Mm, okay.

- [Alvin] I like Jade's.

- I think what did you is that broccoli, man.

- Mmhmm.

For more infomation >> Amateur Chef Vs Professional Chef: Raid The Fridge Challenge - Duration: 8:38.



if you're sick with the flu what are the warning signs of complications and more

serious clearly if you're having difficulty breathing that's more than a

warning sign that's an alarm going off if that persistent dry cough dry cough

suddenly becomes productive and you're bringing up sputum green or you've

really yucky and particularly if it's tinged with blood you're likely

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important for all those people I've mentioned who are more likely to get the

complications older persons younger persons with heart disease lung disease

diabetes asthma immuno compromised very young children don't don't try to tough

it out call that health care provider because you may indeed be eligible to

take an antiviral medication that can ameliorate the worst parts of the


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