Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

There is nearly no text at all, but okay.

Max is last one, we've lost.

Jumping down, behind you, behind you!


I don't know!

What happened?

For more infomation >> Brothers in Toxicity - Road to cancer (Rainbow Six Siege Montage) - Duration: 4:27.



Chhaila music

For more infomation >> HANG SYSTEM SONG || NEW VIDEO SONG 2018 || CHHAILA MUSIC - Duration: 3:00.


The Right Way to Use a Hammer - The Work Around - HGTV - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> The Right Way to Use a Hammer - The Work Around - HGTV - Duration: 1:37.


Signs that Indicate Your Lungs Could be in Trouble - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Signs that Indicate Your Lungs Could be in Trouble - Duration: 3:00.


[Stray Kids: 제 9구역(The 9th)] EP.04 - Duration: 22:01.

For more infomation >> [Stray Kids: 제 9구역(The 9th)] EP.04 - Duration: 22:01.


Co nowego u nas, czyli Nowości w 07.02.2018 - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Co nowego u nas, czyli Nowości w 07.02.2018 - Duration: 1:50.


Самые Крепкие Орешки По Знаку Зодиака - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Самые Крепкие Орешки По Знаку Зодиака - Duration: 2:25.



let's suppose that you were able every

night to dream any dream you wanted to


and that you could for example have the


within one night to dream 75 years of

time or any length of time you wanted to

have and you would naturally as you

began on this adventure of Dreams you

would fulfill all your wishes you would

have every kind of pleasure you see and

after several nights of 75 years of

total pleasure each you would say well I

was pretty great

but now let's um let's have a surprise

let's have a dream which isn't under


well something is going to happen to me

that I don't know what its gonna be and

you would dig that and come out of that

and say wow that was a close shave

wasn't it and then you would get more

and more adventurous and you would make

further and further out Gamble's as to

what you would dream and finally you

would dream where you are now you would

dream the dream of living the life that

you are actually living today


somebody's lost sleep more than you love

success and I'm here to tell you today

if you're going to be successful you've

got to be willing to give up sleep you

got to be willing to work on for three

hours of sleep two hours if you really

want to be successful some days you will

have to stay up three days in a row

because if you go to sleep you might

miss the opportunity to be successful

that's how bad you got a warning most of

you won't be successful because when

you're studying and you get tired you

quit I'm here to tell you today if you

got it somebody came to my office the

other day crying

I said look don't cry to give up cry to

keep going don't cry to quit you already

in pain you already hurt get a reward

from it don't go to sleep until you



or we must begin to look at what are the

things that we can do that would put us

on some firm footing in life that will

enable us to do some things and and use

some powers that we have that many of us

go through life never ever discovering

that we have those things going for us

and part of that I believe is knowing

what it is your life work what is it

that gives your life a sense of meaning

and purpose because once you find that

it puts you in your power place see if

you know what your life work is I

encourage you to start working on it if

you can't do it all at one time do just

a little bit of it and if you don't know

what it is that you showed up to do if

you don't know why you're here I

encourage you to find out what your

purpose is there what is the meaning of

your life and I say to you that if you

begin to take a conscious effort to find

out what it is that you're supposed to

do I say that it can literally save your

life I said that it can literally save

your life

see when you're going someplace and you

already know how much you're going to

make you already know how far you can go

you had a dead end position it erodes

your self-esteem it lowers your sense of


it creates an inner turmoil

it creates an emptiness in you so I say

that your life is worth finding what it

is that you're supposed to do do find

out what your work is and hold on to it

and don't let your dream go don't let it

go see and here's something else I want

you to begin to look at why is it that

most people don't pursue their dreams so

don't do better than what they're doing

if they're capable of doing it I think

that many of us don't go the next step

because we don't know what to do yet

and I say that that the reason that we

don't even explore the possibility of

what to do is because subconsciously we

don't believe that it can happen for us

and we don't believe that we deserve it

so here's what I'm suggesting how much

time do you spend working on you how

much time do you spend every day working

on your dream in the last 90 days how

many books have you read in the last


what new skill or knowledge have you

acquired what kind of investment have

you made in you so I'm saying that as

you begin to look at where you want to

go if you want to make it today and

things are changing so fast you have to

literally run to standstill I'm saying

that you've got to make some conscious

effort to begin to work to develop you

here's something else most people are

not living their dreams because of fear

ladies and gentlemen fear limited vision

and lack of self-esteem is what keep

most people doing things they don't want

to do the same reason that people stay

in relationships where their bills are

they're unhappy or it's unfulfilled they

can't see themselves beyond that

relationship they can't see themselves

enjoying life without that person they

think that this is all that they can do

the same reason that people get stuck in

a certain level in life they can't see

things being better for them and they

think that this is it and this is all

they deserve this is all they've ever

seen has been passed on to them and they

think that this is

fear is the most subtle and destructive

of all human diseases

ladies and gentlemen fear kills dreams

fear kills hope fear put people in the

hospital fear can age you fear ladies

and gentlemen can hold you back from

doing something that you know within

yourself that you're capable of doing

but it will paralyze you and it seem

like you're in a hypnotic spell and I

ask you a question what is the benefit

what's the benefit of allowing fear to

hold you back what's the benefit of

giving up on yourself I'm not stepping

out on life and taking life on what is

the benefit for you what's the plus in

that it's one of the things I had to ask

myself so I didn't want to make any

mistakes I wanted everybody to like me I

wanted to be perfect the first time I

did something it's not going to happen

you're going to make some mistakes

you're gonna hurt some folks feelings

you're gonna create some enemies

whenever you decide that you want to

begin to take life on you've got to ask

yourself how long am I going to allow

this to hold me back so that fear is

false evidence appearing real that it's

an illusion that we created in our mind

it is a state of mind that can be

changed so let's look at how we can

begin to take some steps to restructure

that fear to begin to expand our visions

of ourselves to begin to increase our

self-esteem Webster said that

self-esteem means confidence and

satisfaction in oneself look at your

life right now whatever you've done up

to this point in time your life is

working whatever you have produced it

came out of you as a result of the kind

of person that you have become as a

result of your choices it's a result of

your consciousness now you have to ask

yourself are you satisfied with what you

have produced this what you want

would you like for things to be better

than this do you believe that you

deserve better than this alright you

content this is it you don't have to do

everything anything else but you already

resign yourself in like I said well I'm

happy I'm not starving like the people

in Calcutta are you allowing yourself to

get off the hook like that or do you

believe somewhere in the back of your

mind or in your heart but there's some

other great work for you to do there's

something else that life has for you and

that's why you're here how do we handle

this fear factor how do we increase our

self-esteem you have to begin to fortify

yourself how do we do that I believe

that you have to begin to consciously

monitor your inner conversation and

start talking to yourself start building

yourself up sometimes the only good

things you will hear about you are the

things that you say to you so I'm saying

learn to be your own booster stop

building yourself up start encouraging

yourself start saying I can do this I

can make this happen it's a natural

inclination for us to put ourselves down

see we have born negative I think in a

negative consciousness because we live

in a negative world so I'm saying that

we have to work through the challenges

of life in learning how to begin to work

to quantify all cells begin to guard

your mind against negative programming

like turn off the television so you've

got to guard the kinds of things that

you put in your mind see if you don't

program your mind your mind will be

programmed because human beings are

goal-oriented that's why we die of

broken hearts early that's why we're

running through life too early grave

most of us go through life running

scared so we created this in our minds

false evidence appearing real

we made it real

our minds there's nothing to fear but

fear itself

that's the destructive monster so turn

off things that can contribute to your

fear turn a deaf ear to people that all

they can do is talk about how negative

things up because they have bought into

the consciousness of the world listen to

things that can empower you that can

enable you to create a new reality for

yourself in a new life for yourself what

idea are you sitting on right your ideas

down and then once you get that idea

take the leap see a lot of people get

the ideas and just walk around with them

take the lead see it's a view of the

universe if you don't take the plunge I

guarantee you somebody else will take

the plunge go into action and ladies and

gentlemen you will be surprised how

things will come together you'll be

surprised now you're going to have some

difficult challenges I can tell you that

now be aware of that things are not

going to work out exactly right for time

they will sometimes and that's when life

is just playing the game with you but

ladies and gentlemen go into action with

your dream and don't avoid where the

fights are get in the midst of the fight

and get some hickeys on your head

get knocked down so you can learn how to

fight so you can hold your position see

most people don't get out in the arena

of life because they don't want to fight

most people don't get out there because

they don't want to get knocked down they

don't want to be dropped to their knees

but see you're going to be dropped

worthy you on the field or whether not

just sitting on the sidelines you're

going to be dropped so at least get

dropped with something don't get knocked

down while you're sitting down

see that's not most people of spectators

in life you don't want to be a spectator

you want to get out in the field where

the action is and you will be amazed

after the struggle there will be a calm

period and things will begin to click

for you come out here with what you got

you don't have enough money don't worry

about it you've got the dream you got

the idea you don't have enough resources

don't worry about it you need some help

don't worry about it you'll get out here

in the arena someone will look at you

and become inspired and say hey can I

help you but if you sitting up on the

bleachers nobody's going to ask you



For more infomation >> WHEN NOBODY BELIEVES IN YOU | One of the BEST MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO EVER - Duration: 12:48.


Baby Lullaby Lullabies For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime - Duration: 1:03:06.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

For more infomation >> Baby Lullaby Lullabies For Babies To Go To Sleep Baby Song Sleep Music-Baby Sleeping Songs Bedtime - Duration: 1:03:06.


Ninja Turtles Toys Go Swimming - Duration: 12:41.

Ninja Turtle toys go swimming

Here comes the water

Hey Dino pals this is Toy Rex here, let's see what toy surprise we have today

Hey, Mikey. You said you had a surprise for us into turtles

Yeah, I got a super awesome special surprise prepared for the in tutorial today. Are you guys ready hurry up and tell me Mikey?

I can't wait

Did somebody see surprise uh its people B Rocksteady high injured Turtles. Don't worry

We're not here to cause any trouble

Where's shredder?

He didn't come with us. It's just me and Rocksteady okay cool. How are you guys doing Angie turtles?

We're really tired, and we both don't wanna be bad guys. We're always fighting can't we just be friends

That's totally awesome. Yeah, we can be friends

And I think you guys need to take a break the surprise that I had prepared for the injured Turtles was we're gonna go swimming

Cool, Ninja Turtles going swimming. Yep, and you guys can come with us

That's a great idea, but me and Rocksteady don't know how to swim

I mean we can probably have the foot engines make a big robot second swim for us

No silly, you don't need a real back to swim Ninja Turtles will show you

We're gonna go with you Angie turtles okay, bebop Rocksteady ninja turtles, let's go swimming

Here's the swimming pool it looks so cool

There's a slide to slide down and there's the pool to go swimming and look. There's another yellow slide over here, too

It looks so fun. Let's open up this sweet hole

Wow there's so many parts to the swing pool

Okay Jennifer are you guys ready to build the sweeper with me?

The instruction manual if we follow these instructions we can build this swinging pool, let's do it together

First you have base at the pool

And then we're gonna put in the pools right over here. Here's number one

Here's number two

This is number three and it goes on the end and the last one goes right here

Next we're gonna connect the poles with these green waves this one goes at the end right here and

This really long wave goes in between these two poles here we go

This is the first floor

and this is the second floor where people can take the slide so we need to put on this floor yours right here and

This is the yellow slide if we put it together you make a really long flat slide

There we go

Now we can connect the yellow slide to the top right here

Now the slide is all connected so fun the next part is this red rope so everyone can get to the very top

Do is right here

Now we're gonna build a little Tower

Here's another one

This is the third green piece

Okay cool. Where is this gonna? Go this part goes on the top right here?

Kids are gonna be walking here, so we need these guards to make sure nobody falls off

and here's another one for the front part and

Then we have this sign it says slow running, and there's no food goes right up here

And we have this cute little pink octopus that goes on the top right here

And this is the floor to the very top and

We use these stairs to get to the very top so people can climb to the top and slide down so cool

It goes right here

Now it's time to put on this giant white slide

Well looks so cool people can go on the top is slide down now we're gonna put this on the very top

Not the very top of the pool it meets this roof, it's red with four yellow buttons

How it looks so cool

Next we have to put on this really cool palm tree. It looks awesome even has coconuts on it

Do you guys like to drink coconut?

And then next we have this really cute red octopus. He goes on the milk for decoration whoa

And this part is for safety. There's a little flashing light and also this is for the lifeguard and it goes right here

And we're all done building a sweet pool. This is awesome. Dinah'll friends this rain pill also comes with some people

There's a mom and her baby and the mum has a red swimsuit, and the baby has a purple swimsuit

Let's watch them go on the slide

Little boy his orange swim trunks on and he also comes at this awesome

Yellow floater you can sit inside and go down the slide

here he goes oh

So cool

Well the sweet pool is so fun into Turtles, thanks for bringing us here, no problem be back here at City

I'm so happy that you're friends with the injured Turtles now me too. We can become few pals

Awesome, how about we all go on the slide? Thank y'all school

Do a big cannonball alright last one? There's a run turtle run turtle that's right here. We go

Let's see who can make the biggest splash, I'm gonna go first

Well cool it's a little baby shirt. Let it a baby shirt go down the slide Wow this baby

Shark looks so cool. Yeah. He's so cute, too

We can take this shark back to shredder and turn them into our shock warrior. No Biba. You can't do that

It's just a baby. Oh you're right. You shouldn't do that. We have to help this baby. Shark find its mommy Angie turtles

We're gonna split up help this baby. Shirt. Be vodka rock steady. You need to help too

Oh, can we will do a little Sharky? We'll find your mom

Where it's a big shirt, I am Aquaman. Don't worry. This shark is really friendly

Baby sure we found a baby shark right here Wow great shopping gee turtles. Thank you for finding this baby sure

Sally the shark is my pets and we lost her baby at this sweet pool. Thanks to you in gee turtles this, baby

Shark is nice and safe. No problem Hockley. That's a big. Thank you to you. Enjoy Turtles. You're gonna get surprise toys

Awesome, we love surprise toys. There's a ninja turtle power

What's what's the price point the indie turtles death?

Wow that's so nice of prized toys. I can't even see the Ninja Turtles anymore

Which surprise toy show better first any mini Manny Moe will put up this one?

Wow, it's a Batman superheroes mystery mini. There's Superman Batman and Wonder Woman

I want to get Superman here we go


Awesome dental house we got Superman. He looks awesome

he's wearing his red and blue and

There's the expert Suman. He's got a really long cape the Superman can fly

He's got super powerful laser eyes

And he's ready to protect planet Earth Superman works with Batman and Wonder Woman on the Justice League time to take off Superman whoa

Next let's open up this one

Wow, it's a transformers. That is so cool

You can get so many transformers, and there's even talk to miss Prime and Bumblebee

That's awesome, which one do you guys want to get guys? I want to get bumblebee cuz he's super cute here we go

Which transformers everyday

Well, we got Megatron he's the leader of the Decepticons

There's his logo. He's got red eyes, and he's a white robot look. There's his blaster so cool

Right now he's in tank mode where he pushed us down

Whoa did he just transform so cool whoa?

Now let's open up this one

Awesome, it's the paw patrol mashups. It's the Super Heroes

You can get all the super pups, which super pup is your favorite. I want to get super rebel

It's rubble on the double here we go

It popped over here

Well, we got super chase. He looks like he's a Batman super pop maybe human bemmon can team up and become superheroes

Cheese is wearing his blue serene uniform Phillip. He's super squishy whoa. That's so cool

Haha, maybe his superpower is stretchy pop. Let's see him go for a bouncy Oh

Now let's open up this one

So cool. It's spider-man mystery mini. I see spidergirl spiderman


These are all the figures you can get there's even ultimate spider-man the Green Goblin

Doctor Octopus vulture and even a syrup out later. I want to give venom cuz he looks so cool

Who'd we get

Wow, so cool. We got this super awesome spider-man this spider-man is wearing a blue t-shirt

It's got a silver belt and silver bracelet. He was super awesome. It looks like he's ready to shoot. It's funny with

Peter Parker he's a really smart student that works with Iron Man unless spider-man's a bobble head ba ba ba ba

Are you guys ready for a Spidey flip?

Now let's open up this

Cool, I'd say you're in of course series 4 there's a bunch of awesome unicorns

There's a pink one the green one the white one and even little rosey. That's awesome which unicorn

Do you guys want to get guys I want to get them all?

This is so fun oh

We got a white unicorn. He looks awesome

He's white with a bunch of cool decorations

I see a yellow star a red star and his blue hair with a gold horn and even got feather

super cute

Pony this would be an alicorn so awesome left ear this helicon can't go for a fly open

Up this one cool

It's the ultimate spider-man surprise a there's Captain America Iron Man Hulk and Thor and there's even spider-man right here shake shake

Spider girl, she looks so cool guy spider Joe

He's wearing a black and white spider uniform, and it's got a hoodie so awesome spider-girl vs.

Spider-man, and she's super fast super strong and super smart. Let's watch her go for a spider flip one more surprise toy to go

It's a Thomas and Friends mystery mini

I see Thomas and orange drink a green drink and this question mark is the Train that's inside?

Which thing are we gonna get guys let's find out?

Here we go

We got a super cute red train awesome

He's already with black wheels and a black trim, and he's got a little black Jimmy so cool

And the street is number five that means this red train is James

He's James for red tree James is one of Thomas's best friend and together they can go very fast time for a choo-choo ride whoa

Wow, I was so fun different Ninja Turtles got all these awesome surprise toys, and I hope all my dar friend

Have a happy happy pig and I'll see everyone in the next toy Rex video

Thanks for watching dino pals you guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the dino club

For more infomation >> Ninja Turtles Toys Go Swimming - Duration: 12:41.


Thomas Bach says joint Koreas' activities at PyeongChang 2018 would be a historic moment - Duration: 1:14.

The head of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, hailed North Korea's participation

in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

At a press briefing following the 132nd IOC session held in Pyeongchang on Wednesday,

President Bach underscored the significance of the two Koreas coming together.

"For me, I don't know whether you can feel with me,... but coming from a formally divided

country and having competed for a divided country in two different teams at the time,

this is a very special and also an emotional moment."

Bach added that thanks to the thorough preparations by the organizing committee, PyeongChang 2018

will be an outstanding and exciting global event.

During the two day session, the IOC shared new sets of reforms aimed at increasing value

and efficiency while reducing cost and complexity.

The international body also highlighted the importance of its solidarity program, which

led to a record number of participating countries in PyeongChang 2018.

For more infomation >> Thomas Bach says joint Koreas' activities at PyeongChang 2018 would be a historic moment - Duration: 1:14.


GLL Pubg Turnuvası 2.Tur Elemeleri 1.Maç (Team Bosphorus, FPP Squad) - Duration: 37:49.

GLL Pubg Tournament 2.Turm Elements 1.Match (Team Bosphorus, FPP Squad)

Good Cruises

For more infomation >> GLL Pubg Turnuvası 2.Tur Elemeleri 1.Maç (Team Bosphorus, FPP Squad) - Duration: 37:49.


🇭🇰🇰🇷 [VLOG] 한국친구가 다 홍콩에 왔니?! Thanks for coming to HK! - Duration: 3:12.

Hi, I'm Cherry ( ^ ^ )/

Hi, I'm 샛별 ( ^ ^ )/

since she's a bit sick today

i'll be responsible for most of the talking today :)

we're taking the longest esculator (in Guinness World Records) now

wow it's long~


this is the esculator from Central to Mid-level

while you're on the esculator

you can look at the surrounding on the side

in order to meet our friend (who's coming from Dajeon)

so we're heading to a Starbucks near Dundell st.

coz there's some special HK-style decorations in there

it's really cold today, right?

yea but i heard it's will be even colder in the next 2 days


the temperature will drop

Here we are at Dundell Street

people usually take pictures here like this (since the gas lamps at the back are heritages)

let's go in~

there's HK decoration in here

the menu is also in HK style

yup, like the Cha Chaan Teng

(special menu in here)

(toys & stationeries in 60-70s)

seems like it's already rolling~

already started

we meet in HK again!

(souvenir from Dubai) it's famous so i bought it

wow i'll eat it soon

this is a snack made with date and almond

so if you're allergic to almond, don't eat it

i don't have allergy (to almond)

i'll eat it now~!


(food) review~

im not able to do review video in Korean T^T

The date and the almond

they peeled off the skin @0@

yea, they did

(take a bite , and sniff =3=)

(taking it seriously...)

the taste is fine ^ ^ (my friend was a bit worried if it doesn't taste good)

it tastes a bit like 곶감 (dried persimmon)

yup yup

actually, they are the best friends whom i met last year

during the full-year exchange in Busan (tons of vlogs available in the playlist, plz feel free to check it out haha)

(take a deep breath =v=)

erm, im not good at expressing my feeling

but then, today,

i want to say sth to them >.<

rmb the time when we first met in Korea?

i wanted to recap that first phrase that we said

hey friends

im really glad to meet you ^ ^

(goosebumps in Cantonese)

(plz rmb to subscribe if you haven't!)

For more infomation >> 🇭🇰🇰🇷 [VLOG] 한국친구가 다 홍콩에 왔니?! Thanks for coming to HK! - Duration: 3:12.


Bitcoins zorgen voor veel onrust op de werkvloer #Workfuel - Duration: 2:32.

For more infomation >> Bitcoins zorgen voor veel onrust op de werkvloer #Workfuel - Duration: 2:32.


What is Marketing? Definition of Marketing. - Duration: 42:16.

For more infomation >> What is Marketing? Definition of Marketing. - Duration: 42:16.


[ENG SUB] BTS achieves a new record: Golden Disk from RIAA, USA (180205) - Duration: 1:29.

Yes, the global group BTS made a another great record again.

The remix version of MIC DROP by BTS was given the Golden disk title from RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America).

BTS have sweeped the music charts in 47 countries including the USA.

After the Billboard Awards last year, BTS continued to make amazing moves with appearances on various popular TV shows.

Q) Criteria for Award of RIAA?

There is this Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). If an album sells more than 500,000 copies, RIAA authenticates the Golden disk for it.

PSY was the first who got the multi-platinum authentication from RIAA by 2M sales of copies.

BTS became the first K-pop group to win the RIAA Golden Disk award.

With the online music market developing, leaving physical album purchases behind; 500,000 copies is a really incredible record.

BTS' JIMIN: We didn't expect this to happen.

We are just so grateful and we always want to move up..

~wanting to achieve more and more~

BTS are writing down unprecedented records, catching the attention of the world.

There is a growing expectation from fans around the world about what other history BTS will make in the future.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] BTS achieves a new record: Golden Disk from RIAA, USA (180205) - Duration: 1:29.


Play Doh Cars Lightning Mcqueen Learn Colors for Kids Finger Family Song Play Doh Modelling Сreative - Duration: 6:04.

Play Doh Cars Lightning Mcqueen Learn Colors for Kids Finger Family Song Play Doh Modelling Сreative

For more infomation >> Play Doh Cars Lightning Mcqueen Learn Colors for Kids Finger Family Song Play Doh Modelling Сreative - Duration: 6:04.


Что стало с ВДНХ? Видео путешествия. - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Что стало с ВДНХ? Видео путешествия. - Duration: 5:48.


How to Monitor FPS, CPU, GPU and RAM usage in Games in 2018 - TrickyTorials YouTube - Duration: 3:38.

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