Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

Hi guys this is Jordan with Motion Array, and today we're looking at how to save you

time and help you edit faster with keyboard shortcuts!

If you can edit faster in Premiere Pro, that's a big deal.

The faster you complete a project, the faster you can put it out into the world.

And if you're getting paid a set price for the video,

you're technically earning a lot more per hour on the project.

So we want to help you edit faster with our 10 of our favourite keyboard shortcuts

for Premiere Pro.

So let's just start it out with

#1 Shuttle Buttons J,K, and L.

These are pretty much your reverse, pause, and forward buttons respectively.

But while pressing L once makes your clip play at normal speed, hitting it twice makes

it playback at double speed.

And then again makes it play back at an even faster rate.

If you're looking to review your project after you finish it to check to make sure

there's no hidden surprises before you export, watching it at double speed can REALLY save

you unnecessary time just sitting watching it play.

Not too long ago I had to export a 4 hour timeline for a conference…...If I didn't know this

method...I would be absolutely livid

#2 Alt or Option.

If you ever wanted to work with either a video or audio portion of the clip in isolation,

but didn't want to go through the trouble of unlinking it, just hold the alt or option

key while clicking and you can isolate that portion of the clip to edit!

#3 Shift up shift down

If you hold the shift button and press either the up or down arrow keys, the video playhead

will skip to the next change in audio or video on your timeline.

This is really helpful if you want immediately find the next clip after a long duration.

#4 C for Blade Tool

This is by far the most frequent tool I use for editing.


No matter where I am in the edit I will likely have to cut a piece of.

Hold SHift to do a super cut through your whole timeline.

#5 + and - buttons to grow and shrink timeline

Next to the cut tool, this is the next most frequent shortcut I think I use by far.

Without even having to move your mouse you can dive in deeper or get a bird's eye view

of your timeline

Side note, hitting the bracket underneath delete will make your timeline just big enough

to see everything that you're working with.

Kind of like bringing everything back to square 1.

#6 - Rolling Edit tool N

If you need to change your cut location, but you want to do it without having to re-adjust

either of the clips individually.

This is a fantastic option.

#7 - (Y) Slip Tool

Is one of your video's just a little off in timing?

Slip it backwards or forwards to make sure that you're right on the money.

It's easy, just hit Y and click and drag your clip to keep it in the same physical

place on your timeline but move it forward or backward in time.

#8 - Alt and Drag

There's a lot of times I find myself needing to duplicate a clip.

The copy and paste method can work, but what I prefer to do is just hold alt or option,

and clip and drag the clip to a new spot.

Your original stays put and the copy ends up where you let go of the mouse.

#9 - A and Shift A

There will be times when you need to move a big section of clips over in one direction

or another.

But drag selecting everything can be really frustrating depending on how full your timeline


So hitting a will bring up the "select everything to the right tool" while holding shift and

hitting A will pull up the select everything to the left tool.

Next time you click, everything to the right or left of your mouse will be selected

And finally #10 - ctrl + s to save your work OFTEN

This is not one of those mind blowing realizations when you hear to hit control S to save your work

but it's one of those that if you get into the habit of saving your work every minute or so,

it'll save you on more than one occasion in the future, guaranteed.

If you ever have a crash, or Premiere Pro shuts down on you, or just generally freaks out,

you'll be glad that you had this habit baked into your workflow.

Speaking of which if you've every had problems with Premiere Pro crashing on you?

Well if you have, we dive into how to fix those problems in this video over here.

And if you want to see our most recent upload, it's this video, over here.

And as always, please subscribe to our channel, if you liked this video, give it a like

and even share it with a fellow video editor friend if it changed your workflow.

Thanks so much for watching and I can't wait to see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Edit Faster With Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts - Top 10 Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts - Duration: 4:16.


Vaccine Industry in Panic Mode as Vaccinated Children Keep Dying - Duration: 11:58.

Earvin is coming soon I

Greet you in love and the light of the Infinite Creator

Vaccine industry in panic mode as vaccinated children keep dying from the flu all across America

Children are dying from the flu all across America according to media reports

What a media isn't reporting however is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients?

Make no mistake if only unvaccinated children were dying from the flu

That would be the headline everywhere unvaccinated children dying across America or even flu shot saves children from deadly


But of course you are not seeing those headlines for the simple reason that vaccinated children are among those

Who are being killed by this year's flu?

by Mike Adams

The dominant influenza strain this year is H 3 & 2 this particular strain has a history of causing more

hospitalizations and more deaths

reports the organic prepper in addition to

h3n2 producing a more serious infection in general this year's particular

h3n2 influenza virus is particularly virulent

This year's flu has reportedly killed


116 people according to the CDC the number of children so far killed by this year's flu is

37 say CDC statistics

the flu vaccine

Widely touted by the clueless media has been some sort of magical bulletproof vest against influenza infections is approaching zero


via the organic prepper

Not only does this influence of trained produce a more intense and deadly flu the flu vaccine is less effective against it

this Centers for infectious disease research in policy said wrap

Article discusses a study published in The Lancet spanning 11 years that demonstrates h3n2 is more resistant to the flu vaccine

the flu vaccine demonstrates only a 33 percent vaccine effective

vr8 with the average h3n2 strain

To make matters worse this year's flu vaccine isn't even close to the average

33 percent V rate of prior years this year's vaccine is performing at approximately a 10 percent V rate

So wait what?

you mean to tell me the CDC already knows that this year's vaccine is only 10 percent effective each protecting children from the

influenza strain circulating in the wild

according to CBS News

This year's flu vaccine may only be 10 percent effective experts warn it is the same formulation that was used during

Australia's most recent flu season which typically sets a pattern for what the US will face

And it was only 10 percent effective there

How many children who died from this year's flu were vaccinated with the 10 percent effective flu shot

Note that the vaccine pushing media

Isn't reporting headlines such as child who died from the flu was vaccinated with the flu shot

no, that would be heresy to the vaccine dogmatists and

Propagandists, who desperately push the false science that claims flu shots always work

Even when flu shots don't work these propagandists still claim they sorta kinda almost work

CBS News dutifully demonstrates this pseudoscience delusion by restating the fictitious mantra of the flu

Propagandists experts say that if you do get the flu it will likely be less severe if you have gotten the flu shot

There is no evidence whatsoever to support such a claim of course

But that doesn't stop the media from repeating it

Almost verbatim in every news story that covers the repeated failures of the flu vaccine itself

there is evidence however that mercury laced flu shots are killing infants a

4250 percent increase in fetal deaths was documented following the mercury laced flu vaccination sweep of

2009 to 2010

Furthermore natural news has irrefutably proven that flu shots still contain mercury even though the vaccine industry

Deliberately lies and claimed mercury has been removed from all vaccines given to children

That's a deliberate life

Not only is it unbelievably sad that American children keep dying from a preventable infection

But it's downright criminal that the medical establishment

And legacy media both refused to tell parents how to save the lives of their children through low cost nutrition

Vaccine magic explained even when it's the wrong strain it still kinda works by vaccine magic

their logic if you can even call it that

Demands that you believe in vaccine magic which requires that you abandon all scientific thinking about immunological

responses and antibodies

According to vaccine science your body is subjected to a weakened virus with a very specific

RNA protein pattern your body then builds a defensive blueprint based precisely on this protein pattern

You then generate antibodies which protect you from that protein pattern these antibodies are pattern specific not

Universal which is why immunity to smallpox?

For example doesn't automatically grant you immunity to Ebola

but wait

according to vaccine magic even when they injected you with the wrong protein patterns

Attenuated viruses and your body builds the wrong antibodies the vaccine

Propagandists magically claim that it all somehow works anyway

vaccine science be damned all

Vaccines are also merely because the vaccine industry says so

regardless of medical reality the entire protein pattern explanation behind

Vaccine science is conveniently abandoned with the vaccine itself fails to contain the proper viral strain

This is the same lunatic logic the cancer industry uses to push chemotherapy for non cancer patients as a preventative measure

Yes, people that are not diagnosed with cancer are routinely pushed to accept chemotherapy treatments by profit-driven oncology

centers there's money to be made from

Chemotherapy after all so they flat-out lie to their patients and say chemotherapy prevents cancer even when the horrible truth is that?

Chemotherapy causes cancer so even if you didn't have answer before you got the treatment you're very likely to develop cancer after

receiving it

How's that for a medical business model the binary vaccine trap nutrition is never mentioned as a safe?

Effective way to beat the flu

The scientifically illiterate media by the way is run by nutritionally deficient journalists

Who are routinely lobotomized with mercury and flu shots no wonder

They don't have the mental capacity to recommend the real solution to influenza infections nutrition and stress reduction

Vaccine propaganda is a binary trap in other words every debate is about Pro vaccine versus anti vaccine

This Overton Window limits debate to the vaccine alone

Avoiding any real discussion of far safer and more effective options that don't involve vaccines

vitamins C

And D for example are extremely effective at helping individuals mount an immune response that rapidly overcomes

influenza infections

Zinc 2 has been scientifically shown to limit the duration and severity of influenza infections in

fact if you ask around you'll probably find that people who take

Nutritional supplements instead of vaccines are extremely resistant to influenza for myself

I haven't had a vaccine shot in decades yet

I can't even remember the last time I had a cold or the flu

Yet the very people who seem to get sick with the flu every year are the same ones who routinely get flu shots

How can that be the answer shockingly is that flu shots have been scientifically proven to weaken your immune?

response in subsequent years

flu vaccines scientifically proven to make you more vulnerable to the flu as

reported by vaccines News a

medical study conducted at The Ohio State University

Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years

Lisa Christian

Ph.d. The lead researcher on the study concluded growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have

lower antibody responses in the current year the

study proves yet again that via fish narrative of the flu shot industry and its complicit corporate Iran media is false and

deliberately deceptive

Far from offering bulletproof protection flu shots actually make people more vulnerable to influenza infections which of course

Contributes to more people catching the flu and then falsely thinking they need more flu shots for more protection

Meanwhile the people who aren't being killed by the flu are those who turn to nutrition and immune enhancement to protect themselves

10 ways to save your life and avoid the flu

avoid the flu shot

It doesn't work and weakens your immune response in subsequent years

according to the latest science C vaccines news

Wash your hands especially after interacting with other people who might carry influenza

Avoid chronic stress this also weakens your immune system get plenty of sleep your body's immune system

Rejuvenates itself while you sleep?

avoid highly strenuous exercise

Pushing your exercise too far can make you vulnerable to infections until you recover from the exercise stress

Booster intake of vitamin D. And vitamin C vitamin D. Is fat soluble and goes best with dietary fat sources consider

4,000 to 10,000 E. Per day during the flu season but check with your holistic health practitioner to be certain what's right for you

vitamin C is water-soluble and can be consumed in surprisingly large amount of up to

25,000 milligrams per day to the tolerance of your gut if you overdose you'll have loose stools look for

Non-gmo vitamin C. If you can find it

Make sure you're getting plenty of zinc a trace mineral that helps block influenza viruses from invading your body

consider immune boosting or adaptogenic herbs such as

ashwagandha licorice root ginger garlic turmeric and danisha

Reed herbs dot news for more news coverage of herbal remedies

Drink plenty of water to stay fully hydrated

Ginger tea is also a highly recommended beverage, but avoid cold drinks and sodas

C-6 immune building foods and Erbs you need to consume to stay healthy

Read health dot news for daily updates on health enhancing herbs supplements lifestyle habits and superfoods

Finally don't believe the lying media

Which is 100% beholden to the?

Pharmaceutical industry in exactly the same way the media refuses to report the truth about the FISA warrant memo or the hash

uranium one scandal the media will never voluntarily tell you how to beat the flu without resorting to Big Pharma's toxic injections or


If you like our channel, please subscribe and click the bell to be notified of our new videos

feel free to share on your social media

Thanks for watching. See you next time

For more infomation >> Vaccine Industry in Panic Mode as Vaccinated Children Keep Dying - Duration: 11:58.


Comments Questions Tips And Lots Of Answers For Model Railroaders - Duration: 14:24.

it's that time again to answer some important questions from viewers so

let's get started with this right now

I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and I get a lot of questions and comments in

the comments section of my videos all the time and in emails and I like to

answer them here for you since you don't get a chance to see them all if you saw

the video up front at the very beginning when they were first posted it's been

over five weeks five maybe six weeks since I did the last Q&A so it's time to

start doing one now I went back on the comments for about the last three or

four weeks and I ended up with about 32 of them did I need to answer so what I

think I'm going to do is divide this in half do one now and then do one next

week also and maybe by that time I'll have some more two answers to add on to

that one too so right after this we'll get started with it if you would like to

learn more about what it takes to build your model railroad then go ahead and

hit that subscribe button and while you're at adding that bell and that'll

notify you whenever I have a new video coming out so let's start with these

answers right now the first two questions I'm going to

cover is from the ESU tester video that I did and from Frank Whittle he asked do

you find a lot of faulty decoders and what I said to him is no in fact that

was the first bad decoder that I ever had and I think what happened was I've

had that one for two years and I've been taking it in and out of the package so

many times I probably did something to it sometime in the past two years while

I was playing around with it but anyway the second one is from will King and on

the E you test her he says or on the connector

where you attach the wires for that he has wires already connected to it with

color-coded alligator clips on there to make it a little bit easier so if you

have a decoder you just take the alligator clips and clip it on to

wherever you need it and that is a good suggestion right there we'll thank you

very much for that the next two questions are from the video easy

soldering of DCC feeder wires and the first one comes from Charlie wilderness

he says what kind of soldering machine do you use well I went over it very

briefly in the last soldering video and it is an extra onic sometime this month

I'm going to do a little demonstration of it I know I showed you how I was

soldering with it but I didn't really show you the

features that were on there okay the next one is from an old issue from maybe

two months ago pie-pie whack at 69 and he was having an issue with this pr3 and

not being able to do anything with JMRI and this went on for a long time

and he finally wrote back to me said he found the solution and what he did he

went out and bought a dcs 240 and that solved all his problem because all you

have to do is plug in that you know i mean it has an interface built right

into it so you just plug in your cable to it and it hooks right up to JM RI so

that took care of his problem i guess he was just having an issue with the port

or something on the pr3 but i'm glad you finally got it taken care of there now i

have one from the double pole double throw switch video and it comes from

Faria boots and he wanted to know how do I incorporate a kill switch using a

motor and I think what he's talking about is he wants to go up so far and

bring it up with pulleys like a like a crane or something bring it up with

pulleys and once you get to the stop stop and then be able to come back

down and once you get to the lower half stop now that's a little bit complicated

you could do that manually with the double pole double throw switch doing

that just by stopping it when you're up at the top and then reversing it going

down but if you want to get automated and put a switch in there at the top so

it would automatically stop and the only way you would be able to go is reverse

then I'll be able to show you that but it's a little bit complicated and I'll

have to get out the whiteboard but that's good I'm gonna make a video on

that to show you how you could automatically reverse something now you

don't it doesn't automatically reverse it but when it gets to the top

it'll stop it just like on the crane you use your push button up push button goes

all the way up and it doesn't let you go all the way up to the top and it'll stop

and if you try to hit that push button when you're on the top it's not gonna go

all you could hit is down and it'll come down and that's what I'm gonna show you

in a video coming up in the next month okay this next one is from the easy

power supply where I showed you how to hook up or how to get take all the wires

out of it and hook it up so you could use it on your workbench or on your

model railroad and this is from curt Bunning bunting it says a little too

technical for non-techies well Curt that's the reason why I do it it'll

explain it to you so and I put it into the simplest terms that I can so you

will be able to use these devices connect it John Ranson rode in he says

do you think it's alright to splice two feet of wire on to the just plug-ins for

woodland Scenic's and what he's talking about

are these things right here and I told them I don't see why not

because they even make extension cords for these and if you if you wanted to

you just go in there and you're just splice in whatever you want if you're

ever at Hobby Lobby check this out because they normally go for $9.99

and they're selling them for 359 twice I went to actually I went to a Hobby Lobby

in Naples and one in Fort Myers and I picked up a lot of these now they're led

this one's orange I got red and I think there was another color in there that

they're having trouble selling so they put them on sale and I got one of the

controllers for it also for I think five dollars or something like that I got a

ton of these for for $3.59 next time you're at Hobby Lobby go check the

clearance place they usually put them way in the corner

oh yeah here they go the light hub and auxiliary switch now how much do I pay

for it $3.59 for the auxilary switch and $3.59 for

the light hub I thought I paid $5.00 board but they were $3.59 also now this

one is from John Grove and he rode in what video camera do you use

okay now most of the time when I'm filming on right here is my Galaxy s8

it's a cell phone and the reason I do that it has the best quality over every

other camera that I have I have two Nikon Coolpix that I do when we're out

this one here this is a prosumer model it's any x5 that I use I have to put it

in manual focus now that takes a lot of time so that I can't get quick shots out

of it and then we use we used an icon for that but the only problem with the

last time I use the Nikon I was having trouble with the MOV files I also use a

galaxy s3 and a Galaxy Tab pro for videos and on here I have you can see

this right here it's a Logitech this is the 920 and I have two more of them

another 920 and a 925 that I had and this one right here this is a

Microsoft LifeCam this is the very first hi-def webcam that I got and I got this

a long time ago and they still make the same one

this is 1280X720 and I used to do my at the workbench I had this pointing

down when I was doing some of the older videos of at the workbench now the very

first videos that I did was with an old canon H V 30 Vixia HV 30 that took taped

and it just started getting too expensive to keep on buying new tape so

I quit using that but right now the this one here the Galaxy s8 is the best I

mean if I turn if I flip this around and use the other side of it I could do 4k

at 30 frames per second i cant do 60 frames I could do 1080p at 60 frames but

not 4k but this is this one here is the best that I have out of everything and

this you this is my backup right here I like using this and I'm using this right

now on on the overhead and Bobby Davis this where do you get those t-shirts you

said I noticed you wear a lot of different Railroad t-shirts now this one

here the one with my logo on it I got this through Spreadshirt and I'll put a

link down in there you could purchase them toms trains and things there or you

could purchase your own there and the other ones I get from rebel rail at

train shows and some other ones that you'll see from the Rio Grande route and

some other ones I got at the actual museum or the railroads when I was doing

a video on the red and green LED bicolor LED chezko wrote in and said you know if

this is what I heard if you flash the red and green back fast enough you'll

get yellow and I says you're absolutely right I don't know how fast it is but if

you flash them back and forth the red and green will look like it's yellow so

thank you chuck and retired 2009 gauss asked me what kind of power strips do i

use on my layout well I can't pull up any because they're

all attached right now but I use a lot of Belkin they have like the the

straight strips long straight strips would have about six receptacles on it I

have one of those old balcan things that you used to put underneath your monitor

and it has little push buttons on it that I control everything from right

here and I have everything plugged into that and I have extra strips plugged

into them I have a strip over here for the computer that I just put here that I

used to have it in my office and I have a strip back here for my

overhead lights and I use this in case I have to plug in E anything else in there

so I have one two three actually four strips that I plug into here for Power

Distribution all through my layout and the last question I'm gonna do on this

one here is from Andrew Thoreau I think it is I hope I'm pronouncing it right

and he asks who did the icon drawing when I took the two videos on there I

had the links in there where you could click on in the card and at the end on

the end screen and I think I failed to put it in the description but I'll put

it in the description here is e art Z a capital Z a our t-works zark works you

know he helped me out by drawing that for me and I helped him out with his

doing a shout out for him and gave him a few tips here and there in the Creator

community and the Creator community is no longer there it's read-only right now

and twenty-eight it's not gonna be there

anymore so if you want to go find out something go to my channel Tom Kvichak

I do videos there about YouTube and growing your channel on YouTube since

creator community isn't there anymore I have a lot more time

that I'm not spending there I could do the videos on there and teach creators

new creators new youtubers how to get started and how to build their channel

up so they could get the subscribers and the view time that they need so go check

that out if you want to see how to do that I got four videos on there now I'm

about to put another one up there this week so that'll make five so check that

out Tom Kvichakh and that's all the questions for now and I'll put the rest

of them up next Wednesday so we'll see ya

For more infomation >> Comments Questions Tips And Lots Of Answers For Model Railroaders - Duration: 14:24.


Dark Iron Dwarf Customization & Heritage Armor! - Duration: 5:50.

Hello guys, So in this video we'll take a look at the

iron dwarf customization options and their heritage armor.

Let me know what you think about the customization options so far and what you would like them

to add.


So as you can see I had to show the heritage armor set on a dwarf instead because it didn't

work on the iron dwarfs unfortunately.

For some reason their belt isent complete either but that's probably something on

my part.

but either way I hope you guys will like it.

So that's it for this video, if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a big thumbs up and

consider subscribing to my channel to keep up with my latest videos.

Thank you for watching and I hope to see you again.

For more infomation >> Dark Iron Dwarf Customization & Heritage Armor! - Duration: 5:50.



For more infomation >> CÓMO CONSTRUIR ESTUDIO DE VÍDEO || YOUTUBE || RUNBENGUO - Duration: 7:35.


The Ending Of The Cloverfield Paradox Explained - Duration: 4:04.

The Cloverfield Paradox has a relatively simple plot: a space station crew is tasked with

activating a particle accelerator called the Shepard, which will create a clean and renewable

source of energy for a resource-deprived Earth.

Things start to get complicated, however, when the machine creates a rift in space-time,

propelling the crew into a parallel dimension.

Little do they know, this also sets into motion the events of the first and second Cloverfield


So, how does the movie get from simple a energy experiment story to an all-out monster invasion


Let's walk through the last bits of The Cloverfield Paradox and break it down.

Monster madness

Cloverfield fans have long speculated about where the monsters from the first movie came

from, but Paradox finally offers a definitive answer: they came from another dimension.

Oddly enough, we find this out thanks to an on-screen interview with a conspiracy theorist,

who warns the world that launching the Shepard could have devastating consequences.

"They risk ripping open the membrane of space-time."

"This experiment could unleash chaos."

His words are unfortunately ignored, of course, but he's ultimately proven right once an overload

of the Shepard system thrusts the crew into an alternate reality while introducing untold

numbers of hellbeasts to run roughshod over Earth.

The film's closing moments reveal that by 2028, there's been a full-on invasion of monsters

all over the planet.

"You're having her come back to these things?"

Judging from the size of the one we do see pop through the clouds in the last shot, if

there's a significant number of these things roaming about the place, humans don't stand

a chance.

World War What?

Before the extra-dimensional chaos breaks out, it's very clear that Earthlings are already

having a lot of trouble sustaining their way of life.

A global energy crisis has put several nations -- Germany and Russia in particular -- at

the brink of war.

And that sense of desperation and paranoia trickles into the dynamics of the international

space station's crew, which features both a German and a Russian scientist working on

different aspects of the mission.

"I don't have a problem with you" (in Russian) "but your little German boyfriend here I do."

Once we journey with the crew to the parallel dimension, we discover that on that Earth,

war has already broken out, and that timeline's Schmidt actually was a German agent who'd

been sabotaging their mission to stoke the flames of war.

So, chances are, even if the monsters hadn't shown up, the human race might have gone over

the edge all by itself anyway.

The God Particle

Like its franchise predecessor, 10 Cloverfield Lane, The Cloverfield Paradox was written

as an entirely separate project at first.

Lane was based on a script called The Cellar, while Paradox was developed as The God Particle

for reasons that aren't altogether clear from the movie itself.

In scientific terms, a "god particle" is a name for what is properly called a Higgs boson,

a particle effectively responsible for the origin of mass.

They're also theorized to have the ability to overlap and occupy the same points in space-time

— unlike other particles, like electrons or protons.

In theory, god particles may have played a part in the fictional function of the Shepard

particle accelerator in earlier cuts of the film.

Or perhaps it just served as a cool title to a weird sci-fi movie that dabbled in particle

physics, but either way, there aren't any god particles in The Cloverfield Paradox,

so it's a good thing they changed the name.

One world saved

It's easy to chalk up the efforts of the film's protagonists to a zero-sum game.

They go through all of the effort to get back to their home dimension and figure out how

to make the particle accelerator work, only to realize as soon as they do that Earth is

now facing a problem the accelerator can't fix.

It's a bitter twist, but there is one silver lining: The crew does save Earth.

It's just not their Earth.

Right before activating the accelerator and heading back to their Earth during the film's

climax, Hamilton and Schmidt send the schematics for the Shepard particle accelerator to the

parallel Earth, the one at war over energy resources.

It might take some time, but this planet now has the means to access clean, renewable energy

and save itself … hopefully without inviting a bunch of massive monsters into this dimension.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Ending Of The Cloverfield Paradox Explained - Duration: 4:04.


Coming soon to WWE Network - Duration: 0:53.


Is the unplugged storyteller experience with Elias.

Finn pooped his pants. >> [LAUGH]


>> I remember you. >> He was literally ripping my hair out.

I was pretty pissed off.

[MUSIC] >> This is NXT.

[MUSIC] >> Let the Cruiserweight

Championship Tournament begin.


>> And it's the road to WrestleMania.


For more infomation >> Coming soon to WWE Network - Duration: 0:53.


Top 5 Most Dangerous Social Media Challenges – Part 2 - Duration: 3:52.

Sometimes people can be real idiots.

Theres no point sugar-coding it – it's a fact.

And when dangerous social media challenges come around that's when these people seem

to thrive.

I mean its one thing to try the tame social media challenges- but it's a completely

other thing to compete in the dangerous ones and that's what were going to be talking

about today.

Hey youtube im court McGinley and this is the most amazing top 5.

You guys loved part one so much that we are bringing you a part 2.

But before we get started I want to know whats the craziest thing you've ever done?

Let me know your answer down in the comments.

Also I just wanted to thank all of you for clicking on this video.

If you havnt subscribed yet then join the family by hitting that subscribe button.

Also show us some love by giving this video a big thumbs up.

Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the top 5 Dangerous Social

Media challenges part 2.

Coming in at our number 5 spot--Duct tape challenge- yeah this one is really stupid.

It started trending one youtube last year.

Basically for this challenge your suppose to duct tape someone to a pole And they need

to break free.

There were several reports of injuries from this challenge- but One person get seriously

injured while doing this- his name was Skylar Fish and he was a 14 year old boy from Washington.

So his friends wrapped him up and when he tried to break free he actually fell and hit

his head on a window frame and concrete.

The teen was left with a crushed eye socket that caused a brain aneurysm and he needed

48 stitches in his head.

In at number 4--Butt Chugging challenge- oh yeah this is actually a thing- I know I couldn't

believe it either.

And its weird enough if this was done in private but people actually post videos of this on


Yeah youtubes a weird weird space.

So basically this is a teen trend where instead of drinking alcohol some teens ingest their

alcohol thorough their rectums.

Yeah that's why teens arnt suppose to drink- because they do ridiculous stuff like this.

Obviously this is extremely dangerous.

It can cause alcohol poisoning- tissue damage and even death.

Back in 2012 there was a case where a student was actually hospitalised after this challenge

left him with severe alcohol poisoning.

At number 3--Eyeballing challenge- speaking of stupid teen drinking challenges here is

another one- this one is called eyeballing.

And it first became popular in the youtube world as well.

For this challenge youre suppose to take a shot of hard liquor through your eye socket.

Obviously this isn't going to lead to anything good.

it causes irritation- swelling- cornea scaring and blindness.

So obviously if your underage dont drink ..period.

But if you are of legal age then consume your drink in a proper and safe manor.

I don't even understand why people would do this.

Coming in at number 2--Vampire biting challenge- yeah this ones pretty straight forward.

When Twilight came around I guess some people got a little too into it.

So this is a challenge where usually teens would give each other what they refer to as

love bites.

So basically this was like a hickey but up a level as you were actually suppose to pierce

the other persons skin with your teeth and then post it to your social media account.

And apparently whoever gives the most bites is the winner or something like that.

Kids who do this are under the impression that your super close to whoever you give

or get a love bite from.

Yeah when im super close with someone we just like hangout..but hey that's just me.

Obviously this isn't safe and diseases could be spread this way.

The most serious ones being HIV or hepatitis.

Not to mention after you bite someone youre leaving them with little open wounds – so

its also possible for infection to set in.

And at number 1--Condom snorting challenge- ok what is wrong with people?

Like how does this sound appealing in any realm of reality.

Like common..just why?

Ok so apparently condoms are no longer just used for practicing safe sex- they are now

also being purchased for the sole purpose of this challenge.

Basically for this challenge you snort a condom up through your nose and then pull it out

through your mouth.

Like how much spare time do people have?

Who was so bored that they came up with this.

Like go outside.

Go for a jog- grab a coffee- catch a movie- anything but this.

And the danger of this is that you could pretty easily choke to death.

So yeah for that fact alone don't do it.

And there you have it that's our list of the top 5 most dangerous social media challenges

part 2.

Thank you guys so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Most Dangerous Social Media Challenges – Part 2 - Duration: 3:52.


best amal to solve all problems - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> best amal to solve all problems - Duration: 1:08.


L. Errore ft. L. Bertè - Cattiva Karaoke - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> L. Errore ft. L. Bertè - Cattiva Karaoke - Duration: 3:56.


Couple Finds New Ways to Protect Costal Communities From Weather | TIAA - Duration: 2:34.

we're here in Aguadilla Airport a charter flight came in with 2125 panels

for our effort with resilient power Puerto Rico to bring free solar systems

to the most needy communities on the island

so what we're doing is powering the emergency room this is the only stable

uninterruptible power once we set this up it can generate 30 years of power for the emergency room

5 years have come and gone since Hurricane sandy we remember those

who died and so many who lost everything we know the weather is changing we know

the sea level is rising this year and we had had category 5 storms back-to-back the

federal funds they're on their way out so it depends on the community to lead

with political will thanks for your time guys

thinking about how green

technologies can show a better return on your investment and building in

traditional ways it's been the work of this practice you know ever since Walter

and I met each other

we've been really lucky we've basically been able to craft

our dream jobs for ourselves

you know added into that is that I'm a nine-year

breast cancer survivor so you know that adds to our financial worries so knowing

that we have access to resources and advisors through TIAA has been a big

burden off of us

whether it's in government contracts that shape the

city's future reversing level rise or building gardens that protect residents

that can't afford gardens doing the projects that pay the bills that allow

us to do the projects that really matter from the ground up

For more infomation >> Couple Finds New Ways to Protect Costal Communities From Weather | TIAA - Duration: 2:34.


Dragon Quest Builders előzetes 2 - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Dragon Quest Builders előzetes 2 - Nintendo Switch - Duration: 0:31.


An Innovative Vet Is Helping Fight Off Bone Cancer in Dogs | TIAA - Duration: 2:01.

My name is Nicola Mason and I'm an associate professor at the University of

Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine

I run a translational research laboratory which focuses on cancer

immunotherapies and our patient population are mostly dogs he was

diagnosed with a very aggressive bone cancer called osteosarcoma it was

devastating the outlook was pretty bleak at the time the course of action is

amputation and then follow-up chemotherapy and even with that these

survival times are about a year the problem is the cells that have already

peeled off the tumor and are hiding somewhere and the idea of this new

immunotherapy is to educate the patient's immune system to actually go

and find those tumor cells and then specifically eliminate them it's through

stuff that we're doing here there's not very many labs that are doing this kind

of thing we're seeing them live out much longer than expected

Dexter coming up now to five years out with no evidence of metastatic disease

and that is half of his lifetime osteosarcoma Moondogs

is almost identical to the cancer in children in every way with these very

positive results we're seeing in the dog we might be able to translate that over

into children and that would be incredibly important we can learn from

each other and if we do learn from each other we can move forward faster in both

human and veterinary medicine we're five years out now and things look really

very good thank you [Music]


For more infomation >> An Innovative Vet Is Helping Fight Off Bone Cancer in Dogs | TIAA - Duration: 2:01.


♡ BIG ART RAFFLE ♡ Win Free Art! o v o (Deviantart, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube) - Duration: 2:29.

So, today I have


So, today I have


Today I have


Hiyo my beautiful potatoes! o v o

Today I have something big for you ♥

Yesterday I had my last exam

So I'm finally a free person

for two weeks, thank you so much T v T

and I was thinking about making a raffle

And because lately you've been asking a lot about free art and requests

So I think you may be interested o v o)/

Because I feel pretty generous, I want to split my raffle for three sections

The first one for deviantart

The second one for instagram, facebook and maybe twitter

And the third one, of course the most important one // v //

for youtube, so for you guys! ♥

About the rules - I think they will be pretty simple

So of course you have to like my art

because you can win my art, so it's like pretty obvious T 3 T

So you have to be a subscriber or a follower or a watcher o ^ o

it depends on the social media

Aaaand - what else //Kiki's thinking

You can join and win every raffle

so you can win like three drawings from me

and I will be your art-slave o n o

//super sad music//

About the prizes:

you will be able to pick between a detailed chibi, a thigh up or a traditional art with speedpaint ♥

So it's up to you!

My raffle will end on Valentine's Day

you know, it's a great day to just show my love and appreciation

and just... yeah //Kiki's thinking//

yeah, I don't know what to say


//Kiki's thinking// again //

I think that's it for now

For more info please check out my description box

So join us and just have fun

Thank you so much for watching! Bye bye~♥ ♥ ♥

For more infomation >> ♡ BIG ART RAFFLE ♡ Win Free Art! o v o (Deviantart, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube) - Duration: 2:29.


Autofocus: How To Set Up Your Laser Cutting Machine (2018) - Duration: 24:39.

Well welcome to another Lightblade Learning Lab. Today we're going to tackle

something completely different, we're going to go back into the mechanics of

the machine and we're going to do a little bit of setting. The item that

we're going to look at is the autofocus sensor switch, otherwise known as a pen.

Now I'm afraid you're gonna have to put up with another one of my very high tech

drawings. The lenses sit at different points above the work surface, which is

here. The lenses in this particular machine always produce the focal point

at approximately the same position. The idea is that the beam focuses down

from any one of these lenses, this being a two inch, this being a two and a

half inch and this being the four inch.

They all focus down to this one point, which is approximately seven millimetres

below the nozzle itself. I say approximately, because you cannot

guarantee that to within better than probably half a millimetre, even when you

change the lenses. If all the lenses were perfect then once you've set the

autofocus system up, you would never have to touch it again. It would always set

this seven millimetre dimension here. Built into the RDWorks software in the

vendor settings, for this machine there is something called a five millimetre

offset from Z-zero. What we've got here at the side,is a switch and I'll draw it

like this. The five millimetres that I'm talking about is relative to this work

surface. The table will move up, it detects the switch at that position

there and calls it Z zero. Then it goes into its software and it moves the table

down by five millimeters and resets that to zero. So this table position is now

Z equals zero and it's seven millimeters below the work surface. Now the problem

is because the lenses might not have exactly the same focal point as you

change the lenses, what we'll have to do is to be able to set this switch to suit

the lens in question. So as you change the lens over we shall have to change

the switch position to give us whatever this dimension is. It could be seven

point five dimension, it could be six point five, we'll have to

wait and see. Okay well let's dive in and get started should we. Okay now before we

start looking at how we set this pen relative to the nozzle,

I'm going to be a bit rude and say that I am NOT very much in love with this

piece of engineering here. It's aluminium, it's very very fragile, I

have actually got thumb screws in here as opposed to the cap head screws that

were in there originally. Because you've only got to put the smallest amount of

pressure on there with an allen key and you'll strip the thread. I've always used

these two thumb screw things,they're not all that steady look, they you can

still wobble it. You can't, you can't put enough pressure on it to clamp this

really securely. So before I show you how to set this up, I'm going to make a

radical change to this design and we're going to replace this with my own design.

Before you even start to think about setting up this system, the one thing you

must know is what the gap is we're supposed to have between here and here.

Now for most of these lenses it's around about seven millimetres. It would be a

wonderful dream if all the lenses were set to exactly the same focal point, so

that you only had to have to set this once and then after that you could just

rely on the auto focus to set the correct focal point for whatever lens it

is that you're using. If we look in here, we shall see that the lens is set quite

a long way back down that tube and that's because it's a two and a half

inch focal length lens. Now what's in here at the moment is a two inch lens

and the lens will be much closer to the front of this tube. There's also a 4-inch

lens which sits right back here, so the lens will go up and down according to

its focal length but the focal point will always remain approximately

seven millimetres below this nozzle. Now even if you change from one, 2 inch lens to

another 2 inch lens, I would advise you to check the focal distance, because not

all lenses are exactly the same. One might be a Plano convex lens and the

other might be a meniscus lens for example. |Whenever you change the lens in

your system here in the tube and from time to time you'll need to change that

lens in there, it's always worth carrying out the focus check. The irony of this

situation is that before we can do any calibration on here, we have to have

something to reference it against and so what I've got here are some little step

gauges. This one runs in steps of 1 millimetre between 1 and 20 millimetres

and this one has got an extra half a millimetre added to the bottom of it,so

it runs from one and a half millimeters to 20 and a half millimeters. So with

these two gauges we can set any gap between work and nozzle to within half a

millimetre which will be good enough. Now the lens I've got in here at the

moment is a 2 inch lens, for each one of my lenses I have already worked out what

the gap is between here and the work piece and they're not all the same.

For this 2-inch lens it's 7 millimetres, so the first thing we're going to do is

to set this gap here to 7 millimetres. Just undo that,

lift the nozzle up as high as we can get it. Raise the table,

when we're raising the table you can't really take the surface of this table

any higher than the surface of the frame.

Otherwise it will hit the micro switch. Okay, so we're now going to cut our piece of

acrylic and make a new bracket that goes on here.

The top surface that we're going to see is perfectly clean.

Now these little nick's in here are to make it easier for me to locate when I

drill screw holes, I've only got to locate the drill across the work

approximately in the centre, because the drill will automatically focus onto the

V and hold it in the correct position relative to the centre line of the hole.

So first of all I've got to set my piece of acrylic up at 45 degrees like that, so

that my holes run vertically downwards. Now I've already drilled and tapped

those holes m4, but what I will do is show you how I went about tapping those

by doing the last one. the V will automatically line the drill up this way all I've got

to do is concentrate on getting it approximately in the centre of the V,

like that.

I'm going to remove the belt from the drill spindle so that the Chuck is

rotating manually, because I'm going to do a bit of an engineering cheat and I'm

going to use this drill as a hand tap, but I'm going to do it so that it holds

the tap perfectly in line and tapping my m4 hole in there. Now what I've got is an

o-ring, I could have used a small compression spring but I decided that

people probably won't have a spring, but you certainly might be able to get hold

of an o-ring very cheaply and this will do the same job. So what I'm going to do

is to snip a piece of that o-ring out, about a quarter of an inch long. It's got

to be approximately half the distance to this edge here. We're now going to remove


undo this, take it off remove the pen. Wow,

so now we've really upset the settings, that were supplied with the machine.So

hopefully, if I've designed this correctly that will be quite a nice

slide fit in there, which it is and what we're now going to do is to put

the piece of o-ring into the hole that's at the back there, that flat hole,

and we'll put in a m4 screw in behind it. We should see the o-ring just start

to come through the hole. What we're trying to do is to get this so that it

is, when you tighten that screw up, you can still move it like this. It's clamped

but not clamped. It's clamped but still able to slide around like that.

Okay, so what we've done we've actually put a small compression system in there

that allows you to adjust this very accurately and it will stay put and then

through here we can now put a cap head screw. Because A:

we've got a lot of material here and B: we don't need much clamping load and we

shall do the same in there. We'll put a cap head screw in there. We've only got

one clamp screw in here this time instead of two and that's because

basically what we've got here is a V block. I've changed the design so that

it's located here and here and clamped just there. So now when I slip that on,

and put that back in there,

like that. I shall be able to clamp that up and feel it snuggle up like that, put

just a small amount of load on it and that will be really a nice stiff

positive fixing for this. But bear in mind that this we can still move it

around you could go back and look at session 10 to find out how you would

find the exact focus for this nozzle. It really doesn't matter where you do your

location and reference from and we're going to set it off a block, we could set

it off this surface, but it might be too low. So the first thing we've got to do

is we've got to raise the table so that we've got approximately seven

millimetres under here well in this particular instance I know it's exactly

seven millimetres. 10, 9, 8, 7 is there, I'm gonna drop that down onto the gauge like

that. Hands off, just so that there's no pressure on anything and then I'm

clamping it up. So that's my seven millimetre position.

This has to be switching exactly five millimetres above the same work surface

and hey look I've got a five millimetre gauge here and I can now adjust this up

and down until it just touches the step, but that's not going to help me.

So now we'll come across to the keyboard and we'll press the Z/U button and

we've got to use the arrow keys to go right the way down to the bottom and

down this list as well until we find diagnosis.

Enter, and in diagnosis we shall find that we've got a series of basically

indicator switches and just here we've got Z plus and Z minus. So if we now

tweak very carefully the limit switch, the pen, what we should find is that at a

certain point it will change. Pull it up and just gently put it down again,

until you make the switch go red and there we go. Okay, so now we can tighten this one

up, we can feel it now, snuggled up and what we can do is test it. We will just

exit, escape from this screen and we get back to this screen here where we can

press the up arrow until we get to autofocus. Now I purposely moved the block

out of the way, just in case there's any risk of

something going wrong. Better safe than sorry, so if we press autofocus, enter

and then it drops away five millimetres, which is why we used that five

millimetre step,

and now if it's all worked properly we should find that we've got a seven

millimetre gap underneath there, just like that. Look, absolutely perfect,

seven millimetres. If all of a sudden I decide I want to do something, I want to

clean my lens for example. So I need to take my lens out, well rather than take

everything out we leave that behind, we shall often need to take that off to

clean the end of the the actual nozzle itself to keep that nice and clear.

Because that's an, if you like something that people tend to overlook. Now we've

done that, we put this back on

and the first thing we do is push everything right to the top, push

everything right to the top and tighten it up again.

We're guaranteed that our clamp is sitting down on this shoulder which is

most important. Okay and from now onwards we've got the autofocus set. It doesn't

matter that we've had it off and put it back on again because this point, switch

point here relative to that shoulder has not changed. We've got lots of space down

below now we've turned the block over and let's just do another autofocus. Run

to the bottom of the list, autofocus, Enter.

So we'll just use the real world to check again five, six, seven, they won't go

on eight and it's just a lovely slide fit under seven. So that switch is set

absolutely perfectly, now you'll need to do the same thing for every lens that

you've got in your system. Check where it's true focus point is and come back

and do this same procedure. Now if you didn't make these the first time round

and these are made out of five millimeter material just so that they

stand on their edge and are self-supporting. If you find they're not

exactly the dimensions that are shown on here either you can tweak them yourself

or leave them as they are because you're not interested in real-world dimensions

what you're interested in is the numbers that are on these here. So for instance I

don't know whether that dimension that I've just set there is exactly seven mil

it may be 7.3 it doesn't matter because whenever I set it up I'm using this


Some very observant person is going to say, "yeah but look I've got a screw here,

if I undo that screw I can adjust the micro switch from up here", yes you can do,

but it's a lot more fiddly and you don't have the same precision control that you

do down here with my friction system that I've introduced. This will be very

much more difficult to actually set, so I would advise you not to touch this one

and just do your settings down here with this one screw. Now I'm personally not a

lover of the autofocus system because it gets in the way of me messing around

with the Machine far too much and I'm going to give you an example of that now.

Look we've just set this up to etch for example on this surface, fantastic.

If I want to raise the job and I go to Z/U and I try and raise the job, I can't.

I can lower it, but I can't raise it. It'll only come up to zero which is the

autofocus position. So all it will ever do now is come back and set to seven

millimetres IE zero Z. So if I want to for instance go and engrave something on

there what I've got to do, is I've got to go all the way through to Z/U and

down to autofocus again.

Which is fine, but I now want to set up for another job and I want the table up

how do I get the table up because it's already at zero. So when you start the

Machine up when you press reset, it automatically cancels your auto zero and

now you've got full control of Z and that's how I tend to operate the Machine.

Because if all of a sudden I want to bring for instance that surface into

play Z/U button, raise the job up, I just

drop my gauge under there with the seven mil step, let that drop down onto it, job done!

The only reason I could see, that you'd want an auto focus system, is if you wanted to

do some sort of in-process change of height. Now I don't know what the in

process change of height would be, I'd not discovered anything in the work that

I've been doing over the past two years where you have to change the focus

height during the process. There is a myth going around that if you want to cut

thick material you should drop your focus point to something like about a

third of the way into the material. Well all the experimentation work I've done

shows that I don't get any advantage. I leave my focus point set always on the

surface of the job and just adjust the speed to get the cut right. Now although

I'm not a convert to this system, I'm very happy to make it stable and to show

you guys how to set it up. If you have a real need for it within your process

then fine. In theory this is a good idea, in practice it's about as useful as this

other thing that I have strapped up. This is the red dot pointer, so when you're

not looking I shan't be using this autofocus system. I

can leave it like this, it's not dangerous like this and I will be able

to set this up in a tenth of the time that it takes for the

autofocus system to work and it gets even worse if I've got a very small

product that I want to put on there for instance let's just say I want to

autofocus on that now. Let's just see what happens. All the way down to autofocus,

press the enter button.

Ah it's now hit the limit stop for the table and so what it will do it will

find its limits position there and then it will drop down to a safe position,

like that and now I can drop this down until it just about touches the

surface and then I can lock it up and now I've got to go through the whole

process again. So we've got to set the Z/U button, go down to autofocus and

press Enter.

I've just wasted a minute of my life and at my age I can't afford to do that. Well

here we are at the end of this session and I've got to make it very very clear

that some of the opinions that I have expressed are very personal opinions,

there is no criticism of Thinklaser and the product that they are selling. This

is a well engineered product and it is in demand by the marketplace, so all that

Thinklaser are doing is satisfying that demand. It's just that the marketplace

doesn't realise that there is very little use for this lovely feature. If

you're going to do some acrylic origami work and I've seen some great stuff

online well I was quite excited at the possibility, but I've never got around to

it. The need has never arisen, I haven't got a business that would require it, but

maybe you're in a business where you have got that specialist niche that

really requires this autofocus system, but I hope today that are demonstrated

that those people that think they need it probably don't really need it. It would

be a lot quicker to set the Machine up manually. I don't want to take anything

away from the quality engineering that's been built into this machine. Well thank

you very much for your time and your patience for listening to the rantings

of an old man. I shall see you in the next session.

For more infomation >> Autofocus: How To Set Up Your Laser Cutting Machine (2018) - Duration: 24:39.


♥♥- La Death Note de Yiu -♥♥ (The Death Note of Yiu) Ft.- JAXJEX, COOKIE, RIONDUKI 5. - Duration: 1:34.

The rules for use the "Death Note"

The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

Yeah sure you telling me that whose name that i write here, that person will die?

Yea -_-...

I do not lose nothing trying it.


And let's see.


It's supposed to that i write "JAX" it's supposed JAX would be die.

Hi everyone! Welcome to JAXJEX-


*he die already :v*

*she doesn't cares about him*



Sup' guys! Welcome to a new video! And Welcome to!-

*yiu laughs >:3*

*he dies already again.*

Who chose now?! Who chose now?!


Who i will write in this moment!

H-Hey guys

And Welcome to a new chapter of!-


*yiu laughs*


*ok that's enough. Thank for watch! >w<*

For more infomation >> ♥♥- La Death Note de Yiu -♥♥ (The Death Note of Yiu) Ft.- JAXJEX, COOKIE, RIONDUKI 5. - Duration: 1:34.


Dominanciaharc a beszélgetés során | Jordan Peterson (magyar felirattal) - Duration: 11:34.

For more infomation >> Dominanciaharc a beszélgetés során | Jordan Peterson (magyar felirattal) - Duration: 11:34.


(Half) Day in the Life of a Mom - Duration: 5:14.

Oh, okay lovely, thank you excuse me

That time I was planning on doing a whole day in the life of kind of like warming

routine, and then I didn't pick up the camera, so we're just kind of getting ready to

Almost wind down for a nap the kids are playing and then we are going to be John Mark is enjoying watching


Have to do Natalia's hair today, so that is kind of going to be our project to tackle

You see mommy hey

Mommy's looking at you

mm-hmm yeah, so we're gonna do a little Miss Natalia's hair today and

We already cleaned, and then we have to kind of get some laundry together, so that's the day oh?

If you haven't noticed we moved the couch from the hallway from that one time that I pushed it down in the hole

We're probably just gonna have to get like a different situation for the office because the

the chit the couch is too wide to fit in there, so it's a little little difficult, but

We found the couch that we think we like and it'll do us um. No. Thank you

Yeah, do not do that we do not stand up there. It is very dangerous

Thank you, John Mark can mommy have her water cuz you're drinking out of her water bottle

Hello terrible twos are you being a crazy, too?

I'm the grandma

See hugging that

Did you have a good nap


Let me take a picture look I mommy

Stay down

All right well proud to give my daughter her first well

We've done her hair, but not with bees or barrettes so her first buck experience

She's gonna sleep with the bonnet tonight because that's what we do

And chip I are gonna hang up

This is gonna get copy strikes beat VeggieTales in the background. That's okay

Gum and gleaming


but we're gonna head out I

Feel like I did an outro already, but I'm gonna do it again, so this is our vlog

This will probably be up when you watch this it will be Wednesday. I'm

Sorry, there wasn't a blog or anything for third Tuesday unless I went live then that would

But yeah other than that I guess we'll catch you in the next one

You say hi a nation

a nation camera

For more infomation >> (Half) Day in the Life of a Mom - Duration: 5:14.


Safewords Aren't Magic - Kinky Quickie - Let's Talk About Safe Words and Consent - Duration: 13:00.

sometimes I worry just a little bit about the way people talk about safe

words so today we're gonna talk about how safe words just aren't magic hey

guys it's Morgan with BDSM relationships in education thank you very much for

checking out this video if you haven't done so already please don't forget to

subscribe to my channel by clicking the button down there and don't forget to

turn on the notification Bell and that way you'll be updated every time I post

a new video now before we get into this video on safe words I have a question

for all of you guys I want to know what a BDSM toy if you could pick one toy

that I could teach you how to use so please like you know keep in mind what

we're allowed to do on YouTube but if there is one toy that I could teach you

how to use what would it be leave that in the comments below for me and I will

try to get to everyone's requests because I have a dungeon humblebrag here

I have a dungeon full of toys and the problem with having all of these

wonderful implements all around me that you guys can't see because they're not

in the shot but just trust me they're there you've seen them in the other

shots but yeah I've got all these great toys but I'm like what should I show

them next I have no idea there's just so much stuff so I do have some rather

interesting medical stuff because that's something that I enjoy I've got a basic

impact implements I've got all kinds of stuff so even if you aren't sure that I

have it just shout it out because if I don't have it maybe I will go and get

some because I'm always always up for buying new BDSM toys and we're going to

be talking about those in a couple of videos coming up I am researching some

inexpensive options for you guys and we're gonna do reviews here on the

channel anyways let's get to the topic of this video because I've babbled on

long enough we're gonna talk about safe words and how safe words are not magic

so a safe word is only gonna work if first of all the bottom is able to

use the safe word so they're you know not gagged and bound

where they don't have a safe word or a safe signal I'm including safe signals

in with safe words here so whether that's you know tapping or you know

blinking fast or whatever it is a couple of grunts you know read safe word

you know pistachio whatever it is you know that's what I'm counting as safe

words so those bottom has to be able to actually physically you know use the

safe word whether it's a verbal word or a safe signal whatever it is they also

need to be confident enough to use it so that's confidence within themselves to

assert their own boundaries and say hey I need this play to stop or I need

something to change in order to continue on with this play or whatever it is so

they do need that confidence within themselves now they also need confidence

in the talk that the top is going to listen so one of the big things that I

hear when people when somebody comes out with a consent accusation and the

immediate responses well why didn't you use your safe word so I think that and

what I was hearing from a lot of these submissives and bottoms and and other

people was that they didn't have confidence that the top was going to

adhere to the safe word they didn't think the top or the dominant or

whomever was going to honor their safe word and they figured it would just

anger them or make the situation worse by using the safe word and and this is

not an unusual thing and this isn't you know just BDSM we see this in all kinds

of different cases of you know assault and sexual assault where victims will

say well I didn't want to fight back because I thought it would make it worse

for me so I think that that's a really important thing to recognize is that

bottoms submissives don't always feel confident that tops or dominance are

going to honor their safe word and so that's a reason why secrets don't get

used sometimes another thing that I've seen some dominance and/or so-called

dominance and and tops talk about online is that they have threatened

punish their bottom or submissive if they use their safe word which makes it

orange leaves it too many times or for you know bad reasons or whatever and and

I think that I'm horrified I hope you can see but look on my face that I am

horrified by this because you know nobody should be discouraged from using

a safe word I played with I mean I haven't played with countless bottoms

over my you know more than 20 years in the King community and and working as a

professional and just enjoying you know casual pickup play and things like that

I played with so many people and so many of them I have to really encourage them

and really give them a lot of reassurance that I will honor your safe

word and I want you to use it it's a communication tool you know I prefer

just honestly I prefer to have just regular conversation and check-ins and

things like that we just use plain language but if you know a lot of people

do feel more confident with a safe word or they just want to have that because

it makes them feel better I'm fine with that I have no problem whatsoever

whatever makes the person I'm playing with feel more comfortable and you know

more trusting of me I think is a wonderful thing and I never want to

violate that but yeah it's I've had to really coax people and say it's okay

using a safe where it is not a bad thing so that's something that is really

horrified me the idea that anyone would be punished for using a safe word or for

using it for a bad reason because Who am I to say what a bad reason is I don't

know what's going on in the body or the mind of the person I'm playing with they

all I know is what they tell me and using a safe where it is is a way of

them telling me what's going on so I don't know I like communication a lot of

communication and I think that it's important case you haven't noticed from

all of my videos where I'm like communication so important

but anyways okay so the other conditions other than that there aren't on the

bottom there are some that are on the top you know a safe word is only gonna

work if the talk will actually stop you know like plain and simple there's

there's no way around that if the top is too

and that they are gonna do whatever it is that they want to do and you know

everyone else be damned well unfortunately there's not gonna be much

you can do I mean you could if you're capable of getting up and walking away

if you're not bound or whatever then I mean that's definitely an option scream

bloody murder and if you're a you know a dungeon party then you know you at least

have the backup for the DMS diem is going to step in and stop anybody in a

scene where somebody is screaming ready ready to ride safe word or you know

pistachio or whatever but yeah if you're playing alone I mean you have to trust

the table is going to stop and that's I mean that's why BDSM it needs to be

built on a foundation of consent and Trust but yeah you do nee absolutely

need to trust that they're gonna stop and so tops if you're out there

dominance whatever you want to call yourself there on that side of the slash

we need to make sure that we always without hesitation honor safe words

because if we don't then we set up bottoms who are hesitant to use them and

it's a big problem so we need this is our responsibility we are responsible

we're taking charge of the situation we are you know the one that is making the

decisions and stuff we need to take responsibility for it and we need to you

know honor our partners safe word if they use it

no of course tops get to have a safe word to if they need it usually we don't

use a safe word just we stop doing whatever it is but maybe some cases I've

used safe words or similar type things I have played with a lot of brats

throughout my life and bradden can be a bit of fun but I certainly have a

tolerance level and it may not be as high as some people and it really

depends on the day so my safe word in that situation and I think I've talked

about this before is that's enough and you know so that's an example of a top

safe word anyways the important thing to remember here is that

safe words are a communication tool they're like any other communication

tool if we don't use our tools properly you know we're not gonna get the end

result we're looking for sorry the dog of course needs to make lots of noise he

I can't do anything without him like right by me so so of course a safe word

can be used for a range of different things it could be something like hey I

have a leg cramp and I need to be moved to I withdraw my consent for this entire

scene don't touch me again just get me out of this bondage and go so I mean and

anything in between of those things so the important thing with safe words is

that you agree on first off what they are but also what they mean so if you

are playing with me I always tell people that yellow means hey I'm getting close

to my limit or something is like a little wrong could we switch it up and

red is I need to check in and either stop the scene or we can continue if

these things are changed so I got used to doing that because I played

professionally for so long and in a professional scene if you tell somebody

well as soon as you say read the scene is over

you know they paid for an hour two hours three hours they're not gonna want to 15

minutes in if something's gone wrong you know say red and then you know lose it

on all their play times so often we just used it as and it's and I use this in my

you know lifestyle play as well where if somebody says red I check in now if they

say I need to stop then we stop obviously if they say hey you know I

thought I would like this activity and I don't well then we don't do that

activity anymore or whatever it is the red is a check-in for me yellow is one

of those like I'm just gonna keep going and maybe change it up a little bit I

may say you know what's wrong but I'm gonna keep playing as I do it if I hear

read I'm gonna stop whatever it is I'm doing and check in and talk but your

mileage may vary on that so you need to decide

you and your partner and do this with every partner that you have and it's

always a good thing you can have different safe words with different

people or whatever to remind them and that's why I always but I prefer to use

the sort of universal safe words of yellow in red or safe word and even if I

have negotiated an alternate safe work with somebody if they're like no I have

a safe word that I've practiced using or whatever then I'm like okay I will honor

whatever safe word they use but I'll also honor you know red and safe word

and to be honest with you unless I've negotiated some resistance play/stop no

those are safe words to me now I mean if we want to do some resistance play then

obviously I'm going to tease and say that stop and no are not safe words but

unless we've specifically talked about it those are just as good as a safe word

I mean it's a withdrawal of consent and if they wanted to do resistance play but

didn't tell me well then that is a communication problem that we need to

address right away and I've been in that situation where people are like no what

are you doing stopping I wanted to keep going and it's like well why did you say

stop and you know they hadn't told me so anyways that is just kind of a quickie

little thing that I wanted to talk about with safe words because I see them

talked about so much and there has been a lot of talk about consent violations

and everything recently online so I just really wanted to talk about safe words

because it's such an important subject anyways I'm gonna leave it there thanks

so much for checking out this video yeah I will see you guys in the next one I

felt like I had something else to say oh I do don't forget in the comments below

leave what you want to learn about BDSM down there and I will check those out

and see about getting to them anyways guys I'll see you in the next video

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