Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

Hi guys this is Jordan with Motion Array, and today we're looking at how to save you

time and help you edit faster with keyboard shortcuts!

If you can edit faster in Premiere Pro, that's a big deal.

The faster you complete a project, the faster you can put it out into the world.

And if you're getting paid a set price for the video,

you're technically earning a lot more per hour on the project.

So we want to help you edit faster with our 10 of our favourite keyboard shortcuts

for Premiere Pro.

So let's just start it out with

#1 Shuttle Buttons J,K, and L.

These are pretty much your reverse, pause, and forward buttons respectively.

But while pressing L once makes your clip play at normal speed, hitting it twice makes

it playback at double speed.

And then again makes it play back at an even faster rate.

If you're looking to review your project after you finish it to check to make sure

there's no hidden surprises before you export, watching it at double speed can REALLY save

you unnecessary time just sitting watching it play.

Not too long ago I had to export a 4 hour timeline for a conference…...If I didn't know this

method...I would be absolutely livid

#2 Alt or Option.

If you ever wanted to work with either a video or audio portion of the clip in isolation,

but didn't want to go through the trouble of unlinking it, just hold the alt or option

key while clicking and you can isolate that portion of the clip to edit!

#3 Shift up shift down

If you hold the shift button and press either the up or down arrow keys, the video playhead

will skip to the next change in audio or video on your timeline.

This is really helpful if you want immediately find the next clip after a long duration.

#4 C for Blade Tool

This is by far the most frequent tool I use for editing.


No matter where I am in the edit I will likely have to cut a piece of.

Hold SHift to do a super cut through your whole timeline.

#5 + and - buttons to grow and shrink timeline

Next to the cut tool, this is the next most frequent shortcut I think I use by far.

Without even having to move your mouse you can dive in deeper or get a bird's eye view

of your timeline

Side note, hitting the bracket underneath delete will make your timeline just big enough

to see everything that you're working with.

Kind of like bringing everything back to square 1.

#6 - Rolling Edit tool N

If you need to change your cut location, but you want to do it without having to re-adjust

either of the clips individually.

This is a fantastic option.

#7 - (Y) Slip Tool

Is one of your video's just a little off in timing?

Slip it backwards or forwards to make sure that you're right on the money.

It's easy, just hit Y and click and drag your clip to keep it in the same physical

place on your timeline but move it forward or backward in time.

#8 - Alt and Drag

There's a lot of times I find myself needing to duplicate a clip.

The copy and paste method can work, but what I prefer to do is just hold alt or option,

and clip and drag the clip to a new spot.

Your original stays put and the copy ends up where you let go of the mouse.

#9 - A and Shift A

There will be times when you need to move a big section of clips over in one direction

or another.

But drag selecting everything can be really frustrating depending on how full your timeline


So hitting a will bring up the "select everything to the right tool" while holding shift and

hitting A will pull up the select everything to the left tool.

Next time you click, everything to the right or left of your mouse will be selected

And finally #10 - ctrl + s to save your work OFTEN

This is not one of those mind blowing realizations when you hear to hit control S to save your work

but it's one of those that if you get into the habit of saving your work every minute or so,

it'll save you on more than one occasion in the future, guaranteed.

If you ever have a crash, or Premiere Pro shuts down on you, or just generally freaks out,

you'll be glad that you had this habit baked into your workflow.

Speaking of which if you've every had problems with Premiere Pro crashing on you?

Well if you have, we dive into how to fix those problems in this video over here.

And if you want to see our most recent upload, it's this video, over here.

And as always, please subscribe to our channel, if you liked this video, give it a like

and even share it with a fellow video editor friend if it changed your workflow.

Thanks so much for watching and I can't wait to see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Edit Faster With Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts - Top 10 Premiere Pro Keyboard Shortcuts - Duration: 4:16.


ᄂcorrespondents, fake, i tell u everything + partnership announcementᄀ - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> ᄂcorrespondents, fake, i tell u everything + partnership announcementᄀ - Duration: 8:43.


COMPREI UM ANDROID | Luciana Levy - Duration: 4:47.

For more infomation >> COMPREI UM ANDROID | Luciana Levy - Duration: 4:47.


Vaccine Industry in Panic Mode as Vaccinated Children Keep Dying - Duration: 11:58.

Earvin is coming soon I

Greet you in love and the light of the Infinite Creator

Vaccine industry in panic mode as vaccinated children keep dying from the flu all across America

Children are dying from the flu all across America according to media reports

What a media isn't reporting however is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients?

Make no mistake if only unvaccinated children were dying from the flu

That would be the headline everywhere unvaccinated children dying across America or even flu shot saves children from deadly


But of course you are not seeing those headlines for the simple reason that vaccinated children are among those

Who are being killed by this year's flu?

by Mike Adams

The dominant influenza strain this year is H 3 & 2 this particular strain has a history of causing more

hospitalizations and more deaths

reports the organic prepper in addition to

h3n2 producing a more serious infection in general this year's particular

h3n2 influenza virus is particularly virulent

This year's flu has reportedly killed


116 people according to the CDC the number of children so far killed by this year's flu is

37 say CDC statistics

the flu vaccine

Widely touted by the clueless media has been some sort of magical bulletproof vest against influenza infections is approaching zero


via the organic prepper

Not only does this influence of trained produce a more intense and deadly flu the flu vaccine is less effective against it

this Centers for infectious disease research in policy said wrap

Article discusses a study published in The Lancet spanning 11 years that demonstrates h3n2 is more resistant to the flu vaccine

the flu vaccine demonstrates only a 33 percent vaccine effective

vr8 with the average h3n2 strain

To make matters worse this year's flu vaccine isn't even close to the average

33 percent V rate of prior years this year's vaccine is performing at approximately a 10 percent V rate

So wait what?

you mean to tell me the CDC already knows that this year's vaccine is only 10 percent effective each protecting children from the

influenza strain circulating in the wild

according to CBS News

This year's flu vaccine may only be 10 percent effective experts warn it is the same formulation that was used during

Australia's most recent flu season which typically sets a pattern for what the US will face

And it was only 10 percent effective there

How many children who died from this year's flu were vaccinated with the 10 percent effective flu shot

Note that the vaccine pushing media

Isn't reporting headlines such as child who died from the flu was vaccinated with the flu shot

no, that would be heresy to the vaccine dogmatists and

Propagandists, who desperately push the false science that claims flu shots always work

Even when flu shots don't work these propagandists still claim they sorta kinda almost work

CBS News dutifully demonstrates this pseudoscience delusion by restating the fictitious mantra of the flu

Propagandists experts say that if you do get the flu it will likely be less severe if you have gotten the flu shot

There is no evidence whatsoever to support such a claim of course

But that doesn't stop the media from repeating it

Almost verbatim in every news story that covers the repeated failures of the flu vaccine itself

there is evidence however that mercury laced flu shots are killing infants a

4250 percent increase in fetal deaths was documented following the mercury laced flu vaccination sweep of

2009 to 2010

Furthermore natural news has irrefutably proven that flu shots still contain mercury even though the vaccine industry

Deliberately lies and claimed mercury has been removed from all vaccines given to children

That's a deliberate life

Not only is it unbelievably sad that American children keep dying from a preventable infection

But it's downright criminal that the medical establishment

And legacy media both refused to tell parents how to save the lives of their children through low cost nutrition

Vaccine magic explained even when it's the wrong strain it still kinda works by vaccine magic

their logic if you can even call it that

Demands that you believe in vaccine magic which requires that you abandon all scientific thinking about immunological

responses and antibodies

According to vaccine science your body is subjected to a weakened virus with a very specific

RNA protein pattern your body then builds a defensive blueprint based precisely on this protein pattern

You then generate antibodies which protect you from that protein pattern these antibodies are pattern specific not

Universal which is why immunity to smallpox?

For example doesn't automatically grant you immunity to Ebola

but wait

according to vaccine magic even when they injected you with the wrong protein patterns

Attenuated viruses and your body builds the wrong antibodies the vaccine

Propagandists magically claim that it all somehow works anyway

vaccine science be damned all

Vaccines are also merely because the vaccine industry says so

regardless of medical reality the entire protein pattern explanation behind

Vaccine science is conveniently abandoned with the vaccine itself fails to contain the proper viral strain

This is the same lunatic logic the cancer industry uses to push chemotherapy for non cancer patients as a preventative measure

Yes, people that are not diagnosed with cancer are routinely pushed to accept chemotherapy treatments by profit-driven oncology

centers there's money to be made from

Chemotherapy after all so they flat-out lie to their patients and say chemotherapy prevents cancer even when the horrible truth is that?

Chemotherapy causes cancer so even if you didn't have answer before you got the treatment you're very likely to develop cancer after

receiving it

How's that for a medical business model the binary vaccine trap nutrition is never mentioned as a safe?

Effective way to beat the flu

The scientifically illiterate media by the way is run by nutritionally deficient journalists

Who are routinely lobotomized with mercury and flu shots no wonder

They don't have the mental capacity to recommend the real solution to influenza infections nutrition and stress reduction

Vaccine propaganda is a binary trap in other words every debate is about Pro vaccine versus anti vaccine

This Overton Window limits debate to the vaccine alone

Avoiding any real discussion of far safer and more effective options that don't involve vaccines

vitamins C

And D for example are extremely effective at helping individuals mount an immune response that rapidly overcomes

influenza infections

Zinc 2 has been scientifically shown to limit the duration and severity of influenza infections in

fact if you ask around you'll probably find that people who take

Nutritional supplements instead of vaccines are extremely resistant to influenza for myself

I haven't had a vaccine shot in decades yet

I can't even remember the last time I had a cold or the flu

Yet the very people who seem to get sick with the flu every year are the same ones who routinely get flu shots

How can that be the answer shockingly is that flu shots have been scientifically proven to weaken your immune?

response in subsequent years

flu vaccines scientifically proven to make you more vulnerable to the flu as

reported by vaccines News a

medical study conducted at The Ohio State University

Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years

Lisa Christian

Ph.d. The lead researcher on the study concluded growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have

lower antibody responses in the current year the

study proves yet again that via fish narrative of the flu shot industry and its complicit corporate Iran media is false and

deliberately deceptive

Far from offering bulletproof protection flu shots actually make people more vulnerable to influenza infections which of course

Contributes to more people catching the flu and then falsely thinking they need more flu shots for more protection

Meanwhile the people who aren't being killed by the flu are those who turn to nutrition and immune enhancement to protect themselves

10 ways to save your life and avoid the flu

avoid the flu shot

It doesn't work and weakens your immune response in subsequent years

according to the latest science C vaccines news

Wash your hands especially after interacting with other people who might carry influenza

Avoid chronic stress this also weakens your immune system get plenty of sleep your body's immune system

Rejuvenates itself while you sleep?

avoid highly strenuous exercise

Pushing your exercise too far can make you vulnerable to infections until you recover from the exercise stress

Booster intake of vitamin D. And vitamin C vitamin D. Is fat soluble and goes best with dietary fat sources consider

4,000 to 10,000 E. Per day during the flu season but check with your holistic health practitioner to be certain what's right for you

vitamin C is water-soluble and can be consumed in surprisingly large amount of up to

25,000 milligrams per day to the tolerance of your gut if you overdose you'll have loose stools look for

Non-gmo vitamin C. If you can find it

Make sure you're getting plenty of zinc a trace mineral that helps block influenza viruses from invading your body

consider immune boosting or adaptogenic herbs such as

ashwagandha licorice root ginger garlic turmeric and danisha

Reed herbs dot news for more news coverage of herbal remedies

Drink plenty of water to stay fully hydrated

Ginger tea is also a highly recommended beverage, but avoid cold drinks and sodas

C-6 immune building foods and Erbs you need to consume to stay healthy

Read health dot news for daily updates on health enhancing herbs supplements lifestyle habits and superfoods

Finally don't believe the lying media

Which is 100% beholden to the?

Pharmaceutical industry in exactly the same way the media refuses to report the truth about the FISA warrant memo or the hash

uranium one scandal the media will never voluntarily tell you how to beat the flu without resorting to Big Pharma's toxic injections or


If you like our channel, please subscribe and click the bell to be notified of our new videos

feel free to share on your social media

Thanks for watching. See you next time

For more infomation >> Vaccine Industry in Panic Mode as Vaccinated Children Keep Dying - Duration: 11:58.


The Infamous Pledge Scene (FULL CLIP) | The Quad - Duration: 2:23.

- Sigma Mu Kappa, Beta Nu Chapter was formed

in 1913 at Georgia Agricultural Mechanical University.


- Keep going.

- Beta Nu's fantastic five.

Big Brother Lancelot Cooper.

[stammers] Slim--

- Oh, man, stop. Just stop.

Just stop, all right? Just stop.


Your line brother just butchered my founder's name again.

What we gonna do about that, hmm?

His mistakes, y'all's mistakes. Check up.

- That's right.

[hip-hop music playing]

- Yeah, in the cut, boy.

- Get it, man. Get it.

- Yeah.

- [laughs] Game time.

- How that feel? - Don't break. Don't break.

- Mm. Let's get it.


[blow falls]

- Mm-mm-mm.

He gonna feel that tomorrow.

- Oh, yeah, boy.

- Let's go. - Mm-hmm.

- You ain't got no fire with that swing, boy.

- Whoo!

<i>[ominous music]</i>

- Hey, hey.

- Yo! - What's good, homey?

- Get your hands off me!

- What the hell you doing here, homey?

- I'm just enjoying the fresh air, yo.

[breathes deeply]

It's nice, ain't it?

- Yo, I saw you out here

trying to holler at Bryce, asshole.

- I don't know no Bryce.

I'ma let y'all do y'all thing, you know?

I'm out, a'ight? - No, no, no, no, no.

- Hold up, hold up.

- You ain't going nowhere, a'ight?

Hey, you know him?

<i>♪ ♪</i>

- Y'all looking at each other like y'all lovers or something.

Hell yeah, he know him, man.

- Man, if y'all don't want nobody in y'all business,

y'all need to close y'all blinds.

- What the hell you just say? - Hey.

- What are you gonna do? Let him go!

What you gonna do? Let him go.

Let him go. - Get out of here, man.

Back off.

<i>♪ ♪</i>

- Yeah, you don't want to catch these hands.

- Hey.

Hey, that's not what we about, man.

Get in the house.

For more infomation >> The Infamous Pledge Scene (FULL CLIP) | The Quad - Duration: 2:23.


#28 Fleece Neck Scarf - DIY Curious Creator - Duration: 6:23.

In this video, I'm going show you how I made this fleece neck scarf with contrast piping I

Start with a large piece of this light grey fleece

The material has a stretch going one way. This is where it stretches out more in one direction

I wanted the stretch to be going from top to bottom of the scarf I

Measured out a piece at 25 centimeters tall by 60 centimeters wide

A straight bit of metal and a chalk marking pencil to get the line

And cut the fleece with some sharp shears

Trying to keep the line as straight as possible

And then repeated this and ended up with two equal pieces of fabric

The fleece also has a good and bad side a lady good side up

Are using some contrast yellow piping and made this out with the quartzite facing inwards

I added some pins to hold it in place

I lay down the other piece of fabric on top good side down so the two good sides are facing each other with the piping

in between I

Turn the sewing machine to a zig-zag stitch and set that to be a really small width of one

The zig-zag stitch is best for when sewing fleece as it keeps it secure

And then stitched all the way down the long edge and at the end at a few stitches in Reverse to lock it down

For the bottom of the scarf I use some black piping and laid this in exactly the same way

Ensuring the cord end was facing inside

I switch to using these clips I find them much easier than pins

I'd left the piping long on purpose to make sure I got a clean edge and then trim them off

And then turned it the right way around and it was all neat

Now to serve the ends

I pulled one end over itself until it met up with the other end so it was inside out again

But across the width this time

I made sure that the two sections are piping were lined up for this next step. I remove the lower tray of the sewing machine

And with the same zig-zag stitch I went all the way around the lip of the scarf

I left a small pocket around five centimeters unstitch


Then pulled the entire scarf through it, so it was the right way round

It's easier if you leave a bigger. Hole it just means there's more work hand stitching

Next I took some in the same color thread and a needle and hand Stitch the pocket close

I took the needle and put it about halfway into the fleece and then back up out the top and

Did the same on the other side as well and pulled it tight?

Doing the stitch like this means they will sit flush with the rest of the stitching I did on the machine

Before we can guide the list of items and materials used check out my Instructables or website

Hope you enjoyed this video, and if you did, please like share and subscribe

For more infomation >> #28 Fleece Neck Scarf - DIY Curious Creator - Duration: 6:23.


Comments Questions Tips And Lots Of Answers For Model Railroaders - Duration: 14:24.

it's that time again to answer some important questions from viewers so

let's get started with this right now

I'm Tom Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was

created to help other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their

dream of building a model railroad and I get a lot of questions and comments in

the comments section of my videos all the time and in emails and I like to

answer them here for you since you don't get a chance to see them all if you saw

the video up front at the very beginning when they were first posted it's been

over five weeks five maybe six weeks since I did the last Q&A so it's time to

start doing one now I went back on the comments for about the last three or

four weeks and I ended up with about 32 of them did I need to answer so what I

think I'm going to do is divide this in half do one now and then do one next

week also and maybe by that time I'll have some more two answers to add on to

that one too so right after this we'll get started with it if you would like to

learn more about what it takes to build your model railroad then go ahead and

hit that subscribe button and while you're at adding that bell and that'll

notify you whenever I have a new video coming out so let's start with these

answers right now the first two questions I'm going to

cover is from the ESU tester video that I did and from Frank Whittle he asked do

you find a lot of faulty decoders and what I said to him is no in fact that

was the first bad decoder that I ever had and I think what happened was I've

had that one for two years and I've been taking it in and out of the package so

many times I probably did something to it sometime in the past two years while

I was playing around with it but anyway the second one is from will King and on

the E you test her he says or on the connector

where you attach the wires for that he has wires already connected to it with

color-coded alligator clips on there to make it a little bit easier so if you

have a decoder you just take the alligator clips and clip it on to

wherever you need it and that is a good suggestion right there we'll thank you

very much for that the next two questions are from the video easy

soldering of DCC feeder wires and the first one comes from Charlie wilderness

he says what kind of soldering machine do you use well I went over it very

briefly in the last soldering video and it is an extra onic sometime this month

I'm going to do a little demonstration of it I know I showed you how I was

soldering with it but I didn't really show you the

features that were on there okay the next one is from an old issue from maybe

two months ago pie-pie whack at 69 and he was having an issue with this pr3 and

not being able to do anything with JMRI and this went on for a long time

and he finally wrote back to me said he found the solution and what he did he

went out and bought a dcs 240 and that solved all his problem because all you

have to do is plug in that you know i mean it has an interface built right

into it so you just plug in your cable to it and it hooks right up to JM RI so

that took care of his problem i guess he was just having an issue with the port

or something on the pr3 but i'm glad you finally got it taken care of there now i

have one from the double pole double throw switch video and it comes from

Faria boots and he wanted to know how do I incorporate a kill switch using a

motor and I think what he's talking about is he wants to go up so far and

bring it up with pulleys like a like a crane or something bring it up with

pulleys and once you get to the stop stop and then be able to come back

down and once you get to the lower half stop now that's a little bit complicated

you could do that manually with the double pole double throw switch doing

that just by stopping it when you're up at the top and then reversing it going

down but if you want to get automated and put a switch in there at the top so

it would automatically stop and the only way you would be able to go is reverse

then I'll be able to show you that but it's a little bit complicated and I'll

have to get out the whiteboard but that's good I'm gonna make a video on

that to show you how you could automatically reverse something now you

don't it doesn't automatically reverse it but when it gets to the top

it'll stop it just like on the crane you use your push button up push button goes

all the way up and it doesn't let you go all the way up to the top and it'll stop

and if you try to hit that push button when you're on the top it's not gonna go

all you could hit is down and it'll come down and that's what I'm gonna show you

in a video coming up in the next month okay this next one is from the easy

power supply where I showed you how to hook up or how to get take all the wires

out of it and hook it up so you could use it on your workbench or on your

model railroad and this is from curt Bunning bunting it says a little too

technical for non-techies well Curt that's the reason why I do it it'll

explain it to you so and I put it into the simplest terms that I can so you

will be able to use these devices connect it John Ranson rode in he says

do you think it's alright to splice two feet of wire on to the just plug-ins for

woodland Scenic's and what he's talking about

are these things right here and I told them I don't see why not

because they even make extension cords for these and if you if you wanted to

you just go in there and you're just splice in whatever you want if you're

ever at Hobby Lobby check this out because they normally go for $9.99

and they're selling them for 359 twice I went to actually I went to a Hobby Lobby

in Naples and one in Fort Myers and I picked up a lot of these now they're led

this one's orange I got red and I think there was another color in there that

they're having trouble selling so they put them on sale and I got one of the

controllers for it also for I think five dollars or something like that I got a

ton of these for for $3.59 next time you're at Hobby Lobby go check the

clearance place they usually put them way in the corner

oh yeah here they go the light hub and auxiliary switch now how much do I pay

for it $3.59 for the auxilary switch and $3.59 for

the light hub I thought I paid $5.00 board but they were $3.59 also now this

one is from John Grove and he rode in what video camera do you use

okay now most of the time when I'm filming on right here is my Galaxy s8

it's a cell phone and the reason I do that it has the best quality over every

other camera that I have I have two Nikon Coolpix that I do when we're out

this one here this is a prosumer model it's any x5 that I use I have to put it

in manual focus now that takes a lot of time so that I can't get quick shots out

of it and then we use we used an icon for that but the only problem with the

last time I use the Nikon I was having trouble with the MOV files I also use a

galaxy s3 and a Galaxy Tab pro for videos and on here I have you can see

this right here it's a Logitech this is the 920 and I have two more of them

another 920 and a 925 that I had and this one right here this is a

Microsoft LifeCam this is the very first hi-def webcam that I got and I got this

a long time ago and they still make the same one

this is 1280X720 and I used to do my at the workbench I had this pointing

down when I was doing some of the older videos of at the workbench now the very

first videos that I did was with an old canon H V 30 Vixia HV 30 that took taped

and it just started getting too expensive to keep on buying new tape so

I quit using that but right now the this one here the Galaxy s8 is the best I

mean if I turn if I flip this around and use the other side of it I could do 4k

at 30 frames per second i cant do 60 frames I could do 1080p at 60 frames but

not 4k but this is this one here is the best that I have out of everything and

this you this is my backup right here I like using this and I'm using this right

now on on the overhead and Bobby Davis this where do you get those t-shirts you

said I noticed you wear a lot of different Railroad t-shirts now this one

here the one with my logo on it I got this through Spreadshirt and I'll put a

link down in there you could purchase them toms trains and things there or you

could purchase your own there and the other ones I get from rebel rail at

train shows and some other ones that you'll see from the Rio Grande route and

some other ones I got at the actual museum or the railroads when I was doing

a video on the red and green LED bicolor LED chezko wrote in and said you know if

this is what I heard if you flash the red and green back fast enough you'll

get yellow and I says you're absolutely right I don't know how fast it is but if

you flash them back and forth the red and green will look like it's yellow so

thank you chuck and retired 2009 gauss asked me what kind of power strips do i

use on my layout well I can't pull up any because they're

all attached right now but I use a lot of Belkin they have like the the

straight strips long straight strips would have about six receptacles on it I

have one of those old balcan things that you used to put underneath your monitor

and it has little push buttons on it that I control everything from right

here and I have everything plugged into that and I have extra strips plugged

into them I have a strip over here for the computer that I just put here that I

used to have it in my office and I have a strip back here for my

overhead lights and I use this in case I have to plug in E anything else in there

so I have one two three actually four strips that I plug into here for Power

Distribution all through my layout and the last question I'm gonna do on this

one here is from Andrew Thoreau I think it is I hope I'm pronouncing it right

and he asks who did the icon drawing when I took the two videos on there I

had the links in there where you could click on in the card and at the end on

the end screen and I think I failed to put it in the description but I'll put

it in the description here is e art Z a capital Z a our t-works zark works you

know he helped me out by drawing that for me and I helped him out with his

doing a shout out for him and gave him a few tips here and there in the Creator

community and the Creator community is no longer there it's read-only right now

and twenty-eight it's not gonna be there

anymore so if you want to go find out something go to my channel Tom Kvichak

I do videos there about YouTube and growing your channel on YouTube since

creator community isn't there anymore I have a lot more time

that I'm not spending there I could do the videos on there and teach creators

new creators new youtubers how to get started and how to build their channel

up so they could get the subscribers and the view time that they need so go check

that out if you want to see how to do that I got four videos on there now I'm

about to put another one up there this week so that'll make five so check that

out Tom Kvichakh and that's all the questions for now and I'll put the rest

of them up next Wednesday so we'll see ya

For more infomation >> Comments Questions Tips And Lots Of Answers For Model Railroaders - Duration: 14:24.



For more infomation >> SONGS FOR A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP | LOBELO - Duration: 7:50.


Dark Iron Dwarf Customization & Heritage Armor! - Duration: 5:50.

Hello guys, So in this video we'll take a look at the

iron dwarf customization options and their heritage armor.

Let me know what you think about the customization options so far and what you would like them

to add.


So as you can see I had to show the heritage armor set on a dwarf instead because it didn't

work on the iron dwarfs unfortunately.

For some reason their belt isent complete either but that's probably something on

my part.

but either way I hope you guys will like it.

So that's it for this video, if you enjoyed it make sure to give it a big thumbs up and

consider subscribing to my channel to keep up with my latest videos.

Thank you for watching and I hope to see you again.

For more infomation >> Dark Iron Dwarf Customization & Heritage Armor! - Duration: 5:50.


Турция: Как живут в деревне? Дом, хозяйство, быт в Финике - Duration: 10:44.

For more infomation >> Турция: Как живут в деревне? Дом, хозяйство, быт в Финике - Duration: 10:44.



For more infomation >> BU QIZLARIN YAŞINI BİLƏNDƏ İNANMAYACAQSINIZ... - Duration: 3:19.


Steven Calabresi: Administrative Agencies and the Federal Judiciary - Duration: 2:13.

Currently, administrative law judges are executive branch civil service bureaucrats who are hired

by the administrative agencies themselves and who initially hear lawsuits that are brought

challenging an agency regulation.

And their decisions can be appealed to the agency and then the agency's decision can

be appealed to federal courts of appeals, but only under a very deferential standard

of review.

But I think when the government is taking away life, liberty or property, then an Article

III judge is required.

This is an idea that is as old as Magna Carta.

Um, Magna Carta was a petition signed by King John of England in 1215, when all of his bishops

and subjects rebelled against him.

And Article 39 of Magna Carta says that "No man shall be deprived of life, liberty, or

property except by the law of the land, or by the judgment o- of his peers."

And the judgment of his peers means a trial by jury.

And the due process clause of the f- Fifth Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment captures the Magna

Carta idea, which is now more than e- 800 years old and it says, "No person shall be

deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law."

And I argue that those judges have to be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate,

and that's a huge change from the way we've done things since the 1930s.

But I think it would make the agencies really independent and render them constitutional

in the way that they are not presently constitutional.

For more infomation >> Steven Calabresi: Administrative Agencies and the Federal Judiciary - Duration: 2:13.


Riverdale 2x13 Sneak Peek "The Tell-Tale Heart" (HD) Season 2 Episode 13 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:34.

Veronica, are you trying to manage me right now?

Define manage.

People are gonna lose their homes!

Jughead, why don't you come over with your dad,

and sit down with my dad,

and hash this out like civilized humans face to face?

Okay, one condition.

Your dad comes to Sunnyside Trailer Park.

I want him to see the people that he's going to be displacing.


And trust me, no one is being displaced.

For more infomation >> Riverdale 2x13 Sneak Peek "The Tell-Tale Heart" (HD) Season 2 Episode 13 Sneak Peek - Duration: 0:34.


January Favorites 2018 | Clothing, Jewelry, Beauty, Vitamins, Books, Rouje | Dearly Bethany - Duration: 15:25.

hi guys so I haven't done one of these videos in a long time it's been a couple

months since I did a favorites video so I have a whole lot to talk about today

one of the main focuses that I've had in the month of January has really been

health focused I think a lot of people kind of feel that way as regards to like

New Year's resolutions and stuff and so I have been really focusing on my water

intake and on my fitness and I'm also trying to like help my limited diet with

some vitamins I usually know my stuff as far as vitamins and supplements are

concerned but I usually end up with just a whole cabinet full of like leftover

bottles that I'm not taking anymore so my friend "Chrissstttiiine" on her channel

featured Care/of and it was really cool and I thought that the process looked

really fun to take like a quiz to see like what exactly you should be taking

then I got to talking with them and they're gonna give you guys 25% off your

first order with the code"Bethany" and so I've got all the details down below

in the description so it comes in a little packet like this and you get

these little pouches for everyday use and they put your name on it and it just

got all of the different things that meet my lifestyle needs for how I filled

out my quiz and the quiz online is really fun to take because I'm a

designer like what I do for a living is I make websites and everything

functional and I make apps and so when I see an awesome web app process I

just get really giddy about it and so this was just really fun for me I

learned a lot too the stuff that they recommended with stuff that I hadn't

heard about before a couple of things that I'm taking is astaxanthin I think

it's pronounced it's the algae that makes flamingos pink and that type of

thing and so that was recommended to me and also I am taking a prenatal vitamin

I have a cousin who was a Ford model and that was one of the main things that she

would take while she was modeling is a prenatal

and I also I'm just taking it because I want to kind of prepare my nutrition for

when I want to have kids and maybe a couple years so just kind of doing that

right now that was kind of the process for how it worked for Care/of for me and

I also just really think that the packaging is cool

this is a lot less waste for me than having all of those bottles like I

really have a ton and like just I don't even know like how to mix those

necessarily anymore so this is really cool I can just take all these no they

work together well and then another thing that I've been doing a lot for

this month as well as like so January February

I really reach for some kombucha and this is the only flavor and kind that I

get it's the GTS Synergy Organic kombucha in the ginger berry flavor the

other flavors are okay but this one just is so amazing anytime I've had a cold I

will drink a bottle of this and at least for another four hours I'll feel almost

completely a hundred percent and so I usually just drink like half a bottle of

this a day while I'm trying to get through these flu months and plus it

just kind of tastes like a soda because I don't really have a lot of sodas so

this is just a way that I kind of feel spoiled a lot of ways and I've actually

made my own kombucha a few years ago and that was a science experiment I I'm not

gonna do that again so I'm happy to just like buy one of these at this store now

their focus for me and January has I've been really getting the itch to like

organized and redecorate my place Zack and I actually looked around like two

different parts of the country and also just downtown different parts of our own

neighborhood to places that we might want to live for the next year but we

really just saw potential in the place that we're living now and we're just

kind of having fun to like redecorate a bit so you might notice little things

popping up randomly that you haven't seen before so I'm gonna do an actual

video on that once we get like everything settled the way that we want

it to look just wanted to mention that because I'm sure you guys are noticing

little tiny changes another really cool thing that happened

month is that my friend Anne from "Beauty Bitten" you guys should check out her

channel but she does a lot of like beauty stuff and she sent me like a care

package just bursting with all of these different beauty items and like personal

care items and some hair stuff and I just was like overwhelmed but I am

actually gonna do like a beauty like get ready with me type of thing soon with

some of those pieces but a couple of things that she got me is the Hourglass

lipsticks so they actually come in little tubes like this and she gave me

like six colors they come like this but you can also get it with this applicator

that's very glam and it's like this gold long thing that looks almost like a

cigarette holder but then you can kind of refill them with these little things

and so these ones actually have a lipstick in them and I really like the

different colors I have all different colors like really bright red ones and

some more muted ones and pinks so yeah I have a lot to show you guys later but

that was just so cool like this huge thing that she gave me full of like

awesome things like she is awesome and so generous and it's the least I can do

to just say you guys need to go check out her channel because she is just a

burst of LA sunshine honestly so one thing you might have noticed in my last

video that I did which was like a try on haul is that I've really been reaching

toward Rouje a lot like it's now one of my newfound favorite brands just for the

tasteful style that it has it's very elegant very feminine and I've just been

really enjoying it and I'm also like becoming a huge fan of Jeanne Damas and

just that she founded this brand just makes it all better so this one I will

feature because it's just something that I got recently that I really like out of

all of the Rouje shirts this one is the anna black satin blouse and it's really

cool because it's like a wrap it's got these strings around it that just kind

of cinches the waist it's got the puffed sleeves a little bit and it's just

really feminine and something I think all of the rouge tops will be so great

for like a date night look I've also been wearing this with the

Pamela Card necklace which I'm not wearing right now but the Pamela Card

necklace is 24 karat gold plated and it's got silver underneath it sterling

silver and then it's like hand-carved they're just really extremely detailed

and personal and beautiful and they're kind of heavy too which is nice because

you kind of feel the weight of that in the chains you can choose which length

of a chain that you want to wear and I've been wearing it with like every

single outfit and I've had a lot of like trouble trying not to wear it every

single day I've been like okay I gotta wear something else today especially

because on Instagram you guys see my outfits every single day and so I don't

want to like get too repetitive to where I'm wearing the same thing but yeah I'm

telling you guys if you choose to get this necklace it's going to be something

that you're gonna wear like every day and I feel like coin necklaces are

really popular right now too so this next item is something that I've been

waiting a long time to try to find the perfect one and I finally found it and I

am petite I'm five foot one and a half so things like this can easily overwhelm

me but it's a Teddy coat which I've been seeing everyone wear all over and this

one is from Reformation so it uses deadstock and this one in particular is

for petites it actually says 5'2" and under on their website but they all

should they also have one that is for like regular sizes as well I love this

one because it's got these little boat toggles on them I think that is so nice

and it's not something that I would necessarily talk like tie together

unless I really was cold I've also been really surprised to how warm this is

well I'm also surprised how light it is it's very warm and it feels like the

weight of a teddy bear and like the days where it's been really cold and I wear

this I actually feel really warm like not a lot of wind will penetrate it or

anything I don't get too many things from Reformation and I don't know why

like I'm really happy with the whole experience from them it's also really

soft next I have to about The Greatest Showman because I've

actually gotten to the theaters twice to see it is the music is just so amazing

and it's been like number one on all the charts for a long time I believe and I

can definitely see why like everything is really inspiring and motivating not

only the music but also the movie in general I was motivated afterwards to do

a lot of things like I just really inspired me to make more videos and to

really press in on any creative things that I have going on and I just really

found that it was inspiring too because it wasn't all about lights and fame and

stuff but it was also about family and and there were just so many good vibes

from it that I just think we're something that anyone can relate to and

I just liked the whole thing because a little bit historical fiction so one

thing the sec and I are thinking about doing in like a year and a half or so is

we're gonna go on our first trip abroad together and I'm actually thinking about

going to Paris so if you guys have any advice for me I would really appreciate

it as far as like traveling abroad or like things to do there and this is all

just kind of like not set in stone yet but we're looking at like just the

logistics of it and kind of dreaming about like where we want to stay and

stuff so one thing that I'm doing is I'm learning French on Duolingo I've learned

a little bit of German on Duolingo and I really liked the experience and another

reason why I'm kind of like my mind is on France and Paris right now is the

book that I just read which is The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

and as you can see it's got a full Tower like right there this book actually I

didn't really know what it was going to be about my aunt actually let me read

this book this copy of hers and I loved it so much that I might have to get a

second copy and for my own so I can give this one back to her this is my first

Kristin Hannah book but apparently she's written lots of other incredible ones I

haven't experienced that so if you like Kristin Hannah and you have like

recommendations for what else I should read from her I'm really interested to

know when you find a good author you want to read everything they've ever

written honestly guys I haven't done a book review in a really long time so I

promised you guys that in my next favorites videos I would talk a little

bit about one and this one beats them all out of everything that I've read

recently it's about two women who are living in France they're sisters and

it's during World War two I didn't know when I picked this up that it would be

about World War two I just kind of didn't even read the back or anything I

just like went into it you know there's a lot of books out there that the first

hundred pages are so dry and like building up to who people are and who

this person is and you're like have no context of why you should even care but

this book was not like that like every single page was not dull and everything

kind of had to do with each other and that's what I really appreciate in

writing I generally like historical fiction because it takes accounts that

really happened in real life like the author said that these things that these

women did that were so heroic real people in real life did do those things

obviously these people didn't exist verbatim a lot of people in World War

two a lot of women you really don't read about what they did and you don't really

hear about them in history books so the stuff that she found out about she was

so equal parts enraged that she would not have heard of this until when she

did a lot of research she was enraged that and that stuff wasn't publicly

known or taught and then she was also really excited to be able to feature

heroic women during World War two like a lot of people have said you're

gonna cry in this book and i blubbered like I was reading this by myself and I

just started crying a lot anyways I could go on and on about this

book but it you know it's actually supposed to be a movie I found out like

this January and I'm really excited to learn more about who's going to be in it

and everything and I'm trying to like not tell anyone what happened because

even if they might not read the book I really want them to see it in a movie

for him and it's just gonna be really intense

I think so you guys know that I absolutely love the Maison Louis Marie

perfumes I've gotten quite a few of them in a perfume oil I got the Bois de Balincourt

number four and then I also got like sample sizes of a lot of different

ones that I just like to wear depending on what I'm going to be doing you know

there's times where I will wear perfume only on date nights so that whenever I

wear it I kind of like I don't know it's kind of a sensory thing where I know

what I'm going to be doing and I wear some perfumes for when I'm going to be

working and it just kind of puts me in that vibe in that mood and so my

favorite though is the Bois de Balincourt number four so I ended up

getting a perfume spray as well as like I've had the perfume oil in a while for

a while and why I've gotten both of them is that I've read that if you wear a

perfume oil with the perfume spray the scent will just last like all day and so

yeah so that's one thing that I've just kind of read and known it doesn't matter

what brand it is so one more thing I have to talk about because like you know

I haven't done a favorites video in a while and right before I left town for

vacation for Christmas I didn't get to show you guys this box full of treasures

that Everlane got me they sent these out to a few people and it says for a

special human and everything inside has to do with our 100% human collection so

I'll give you guys links to everything that's included in here so that you guys

can go and check out those items but it was just really cool because the whole

experience was really fun to receive this it's got a hundred percent human

almost a year ago we launched our campaign to celebrate what unites us and

champion equal rights we're just getting started so they gave me like a

sweatshirt and a tote and a t-shirt and like lots of cool things so yeah I'll

link all that down below and that's pretty much it for my month of January

and I'm really excited about what February is gonna bring lots of like

home decorating stuff is gonna happen I hope you guys have an awesome February

and I'll see you guys next week bye

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