Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

hey what's up muscle and strength I'm Scott Herman team BSN and today

we're gonna talk about which is the superior exercise ez bar bicep curls or

straight bar bicep curls and to understand which is best first we have

to know what the biceps actually do and there's two main functions but a lot of

us only seem to remember one of them which is flexing of the forearm that's

why every bicep curl involves this motion but what's the other thing that

the biceps do well they actually help supinate the forearm and so if we take

this information and apply it to bolds exercises it's very easy to see that

when utilizing an exercise like a barbell bicep curl you're not only

flexing the elbow joint to perform the movement but your arms are stuck in the

supinated position which means we're getting maximum bicep engagement

throughout the entire range of motion and now when you use an EZ curl bar

because the EZ curl bar obviously has the different grooves in it it allows us

to grab the barbell in such a way that our hands can be slightly turned in like

this so what happens well you're sacrificing one of the main movements

that the bicep does which is the supination of the forearms so why do

people go for this exercise well the main reason is because some people have

too much tightness in their wrists that it starts to hurt keeping their hands

supinated the entire time and the EZ curl bar can help alleviate that pain

so my suggestion to you if you don't have wrist pain and you can handle doing

straight by bicep curls there's no need to incorporate both into your routine

stick with the one that gets the most biceps engagement which is the straight

bar however if you start to get pain in your

wrist I recommend utilizing the EZ curl bar while working on your flexibility

and then once your flexibility gets to a point to where you can handle the

straight bar switch over to that hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure to LIKE

and subscribe I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> EZ Bar Vs Straight Bar Curl: Which is Better For Building Biceps? (ft. Scott Herman) - Duration: 2:20.


JACIN TRILL over ANNA NOOSHIN & COLLAB met LIL KLEINE?! | Vluggertje - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> JACIN TRILL over ANNA NOOSHIN & COLLAB met LIL KLEINE?! | Vluggertje - Duration: 2:01.


The Thinker End Game REVEALED? Savitar & Abra Kadabra WARNED Us?- The Flash 4x13 Breakdown - Duration: 9:12.

in the future you and I have been enemies for years there have been others

of course there's dawn zoom DeVoe but none of them hurt you likes avatar

what's all this after last night success I thought a toast was an eider success

is that what you called last night yes how would you describe it Barry Allen

was supposed to remain in the metahuman wing at iron Heights but he's now free

even team flash has good luck sometimes and the boss Metis we were supposed to

wait to tell all of them were captured but you only got home I said I would

retrieve them from confinement I never said when or where

there is something else on your mind isn't there wooden Wolf's death he

needed to die I just don't recall it being necessary Wow

oh the chair can wait till morning for now to the enlightenment today Lightman

another yes and I you

I'm going out of my head


what is good youtube warstu here a video on the flash season 4 episode 13

untitled true colors so since season 3 we've known the overall villain of

season 4 was going to be Clifford DeVoe namaz who body

Clifford is in so what's interesting is Abra said to Barry Allen no one

destroyed you like sabotage implying that Clifford devote and the thinker

isn't gonna be no near as good as sabotage and we also know that Barry

tarred sabot are said to them you haven't got there yet you haven't

created the cerebral inhibitor so now after this week's episode we can affirm

how it's gonna go down so let's break down true colors so this week's episode

was partially a filler but there were some set pieces that are gonna set up

some major plot points or later on down the line

so Barry is still in jail he's stuck in the metahuman wing so it starts with

Cecile and iris going to see Barry and then not allowed him but the big bad

wolf Wolfie ward of Murphy tells him that Barry's got into some

altercation he's not allowed to be seen but of course the seals power that she's

got helps him and she knows that he is lying

so Barry Allen being the clever person years breaks out of the metahuman Jail

and brings the Rogues with him but what's interesting is he was never going

to let him escape which is kind of a very interesting because Wolfie tells

and you let the blacksmith that he was a spy sir but they never inferred which

speed sir so that was kind of interesting so they eventually break out

at least to the courtyard where they get their powers back and then they're

stopped pretty fast and Wolfie kind of helps himself by saying the flash and

then they all go at him and then interesting enough hazard who has the

powers for bad luck I don't wipe small out and then this is casting kind of I

don't know kind of interesting so before this happens Wolfie or not Wolfie

Ralph shit-shit-shit shape-shifts into Wolfie so in the comics Ralph can

actually do that in the comics the plastic man can do that so I guess

they're kind of mixing the plastic man and elongated man character into one

which is pretty cool Plastic Man I'll getting man tries to pretend to be wolfy

but he gets out and then this is how wolfy in the real wolfy actually

discovers that they've got they've got out so what's interesting is wolfies

actually powerless and then obviously the mechanic fixes the spaceship and

then we get we get brainstorms version of the thinker he comes down and he

looks absolutely ridiculous and we kind of find out that his overall arching

kind of part of the Enlightenment is to take everyone's power from the metahuman

bus incident that the thinker kind of set up I guess because we don't actually

know if he did really set it up so what's interesting is he kills more and

takes all their powers and he takes the body of Hazzard so now the mechanic is

technically married to a girl and then they kill wolfy which scene is how big

of a comic book character Wolfie is in at the DC rebirth 2016 currently I was a

bit surprised to why they killed off Wolfie I think flash made a big mistake

so why didn't the thinker take barry allen's power at all and it's looking

quite obvious that the thinker's wife the mechanic is gonna be one of the

people to help take down the thinker as he appears to be going mad eats new

power he kind of takes or she takes as we don't know the gender now because it

kind of keeps changing that it's making him go insane so they get him off the

jail they get about a jail basically because brow shape shifts into a thinker

and says it he's not dead and I think the thinkers wife the mechanic looks

pretty shot now the flash don't really introduce new abilities unless they're

gonna have some light or shadowing or some big payoff later on down the line

so Barry Allen is essentially out of jail but he brings up a big point by

saying he could have killed him all at any point but he didn't the weather the

weather the weather wizard was in there but he's only going after the metahuman

bus people which is kind of strange very strange so the mechanic is actually

blocking the thoughts so Becky sharp who is now the thinker I guess you could say

read her mind which is kind of interesting how she has to use the tear

drop ability from her new powers to make her wife say that she loves her oh it

loves him so it's it's like the setting up that the mechanic obviously is

intelligent she made all the samurais it's so obvious who's gonna make the

cerebral inhibitor so what's interesting is they actually haven't said anything

about sabotage warning them about Dafoe are they actually ever gonna bring that

up the flash has a tendency to bring things up wrong like I'm pretty sure

they said that Harrison wells has gone to earth too even though jesse was on

earth three yes and no jay garrick's I was before but they didn't make it clear

where Jay Garrick was so it's kind of interesting so now the flash is actually

on a break for a couple of weeks and when it comes back it's called a subject

9 so the night metahuman ability it's pretty interesting it's going to be

someone who can actually take control you through their singing through their

music so pretty interesting kind of ability but they also foreshadowed that

Ralph could be could be killed because the thinker is going after everyone on

that bus so eventually they're gonna go after Ralph so guys please like

subscribe and comment let me know where do you think your seasons going is the

season the weakest season so far I honestly hate saying this but the

flash season 4 is pretty weak at the moment I mean there were so many ways

that could have broken out of jail and they used that way although it was kind

of funny it was the weakest option they had and

go in anyway guys let me know what is the things plan I mean we know now know

he wants to kill and take everyone's power but why doesn't he want to take

Barry Allen's power I was expecting him to kind of take over the Flash's ability

for some reason is the think of shape like changing body because he needs to

to stay alive is his wife gonna betray him very interesting episode but mostly

filler material anyway guys please like sub and comment that would be awesome

join Team Wars do by hitting that Bell button down below and I will catch you

in the comment section and I will catch you guys in another video very soon

catch you alone are

For more infomation >> The Thinker End Game REVEALED? Savitar & Abra Kadabra WARNED Us?- The Flash 4x13 Breakdown - Duration: 9:12.



For more infomation >> LA RESPIRAZIONE E I POLMONI - SIAMO FATTI COSÌ MALE - Duration: 4:10.


Merkel lobt konkrete Vorhaben der Groko - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Merkel lobt konkrete Vorhaben der Groko - Duration: 1:24.


Zula #1 REKABETÇİ Oynadım! (FN FAL İle 1. Oldum!!) - Duration: 5:44.

For more infomation >> Zula #1 REKABETÇİ Oynadım! (FN FAL İle 1. Oldum!!) - Duration: 5:44.


Highway Chase - The Death of Ironhide | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) (+Subtitles) - Duration: 9:51.

"Can my child smoke in here?"

Okay, all right. Okay.

Go ahead, shoot me.

I'm willing to die for my country. Are you?


You are beautiful. Has anyone ever told you you're beautiful?

She's a beautiful woman.


Dutch! Back in the cage.

Dutch! Hold, Dutch, hold!

Control your boy, please. Control your boy.

Dutch, stop!

I'm so sorry. That is the old me.

Okay, let's everybody just calm down!

Let's lower the heat, lower the guns. Let's relax. World War II is over.

You are about to see one of the biggest Soviet secrets.

America first to send man to the moon.

But USSR first to send camera.

In 1959, our Luna 3

take picture of the dark, the shadow side.

Sees nothing.

But in 1963, Luna 4 sees...

- Strange rocks. - Yeah.

Around the ship. Hundreds of them.

Yeah, show picture.

With some drag marks.

I've seen these. These aren't rocks, these are pillars.

Alien pillars for a space bridge.

We know about them because the Autobots have five of these.

The Decepticons must have raided the ship before Apollo 11 ever got there,

took the pillars, and hid them.

It doesn't make sense.

The Decepticons have the ship. They have all those pillars.

Why would they leave Sentinel

when he's the only one who can use them?


He's the one thing they still need.

We've got to meet up with Sentinel, rendezvous with him and keep him safe.

Mearing, I just picked up Sentinel. Optimus is 10 minutes behind.

We're coming to NEST now.

Mr. Witwicky, I thought I made it clear to you

that I did not want you calling this phone.

Listen, the whole thing has been a setup since the beginning.

The Decepticons wanted Optimus to find Sentinel

because only Optimus could revive him.

But we have the space bridge.

Mearing, you have five pillars. I just learned that they have hundreds.

You're doing exactly what they wanted you to do.

What do you need me to say to you?

The Decepticons are coming for Sentinel Prime!

We're going to NEST.

We have an Energon alert.

Energon readings detected on the D. C. Parkway.

Currently tracking three black Suburbans.

Bee, you got to get Sentinel out of here! You got to guard him!

Oh, mein Gott! I'm fired!

Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!

Got you!

Shoot him! Shoot him! Shoot him, Bee!

Bee, you've got to move faster! Faster, Bee! Go!


All right, back to NEST!

Dino, I got him!


Is there a problem?

A little Mexican standoff we got here.

Weapons down.

And we'll let you escape with your dignity.

Drop them.

That's good.

Ironhide, watch out!

Ironhide, catch!

Behind you!

Decepticon punk!

Class dismissed.

- Get inside! Let's go! - Move! Keep moving!

- Lennox! - Go, go, go!

We got Decepticons everywhere.

I've got my whole team deployed looking for them. Ironhide!

Protect Sentinel! Get him locked up inside!

Consider it done!

Hey, you've got to guard him, 'cause he's the key to the whole thing.

Indeed, I am. What you must realize, my Autobot brothers,

is we were never going to win the war.

For the sake of our planet's survival, a deal had to be made

with Megatron.

- Get back! - What have you done?

I hereby discharge you from duty.

- Bee! - Get back!

Rally all NEST forces back to the base! Come on!


Get a medic down here!

We don't have enough men! Do not engage Sentinel!

Just go to the back gate.

Tak e cover!

Watch left! Watch left!

Let's go! Follow me!

- Director, don't go there! - Stand down!

Hey, Sentinel!

- Director! - What is going on?

What do you think you are doing?

I am a Prime!

I do not take orders from you.

Director Mearing, come on.

We can't fight him. Let's go. We have to go.

Now return what belongs to me!

Oh, my God!

- You guys okay? - Is everybody out?

Everybody, stay calm. You're gonna be fine.

Yeah, take a look, Optimus! This is all on you!

Sentinel hit the vault! Took the pillars.

Come on, let's go. All right, notify the 101St Airborne!

We need to hunt this thing down!

For more infomation >> Highway Chase - The Death of Ironhide | Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) (+Subtitles) - Duration: 9:51.


Qazy Muhammed 2+2=1(Lyric & Kurdish Subtitle) - Duration: 2:01.

i remember at school they asked 2 plus 2 equals what

everyone write equals 4

but i got bad score in math and i get down

cuz i think 2 plus 2 equals 1 would not becomes 4

my opinion

my opinion tooth & 2 lips & tongue do not becomes 4, they are shouting together

my opinion 2 hands & 2 shanks do not becomes 4, they are working within one body

my opinion town house road and streets do not becomes 4, they becomes city

where lives rich and poor peoples

my opinion quotient root trunk leaves do not becomes 4, they becomes tree sometime short sometimes tall like willow

my opinion ogle heart nice clean do not becomes 4, they becomes crush beside beau

that all dont becomes 4 becomes 1 are a lot but where be can calculating

only i know... if you make my body into 100 pieces

if you shoot me or [regbar /rəgbar/] if i climp into the tree

the word on my tongue is

Kurdistan is 1 country and it would never be 4

*people clapping"

( lyric/subtitle: karden karwan ) ( product: hich nothing , black castle on youtube)

*end sound effect*

For more infomation >> Qazy Muhammed 2+2=1(Lyric & Kurdish Subtitle) - Duration: 2:01.


Mustafa Kemal: Channel Introduction - Duration: 0:54.

Hello everyone, I am Mustafa Kemal.

What's gonna be in this channel?

Videos about bodybuilding


Things I've learned from life and my experiences

which will be in my vlogs mostly.

Interviews with other people to learn their ideas and opinions.

What they think about Turkish people and other things.

All that and other videos will be in this channel.

If you like that kind of concept

if you want to support me and watch my videos

you can click SUBSCRIBE button below and

get the news from me

Thanks for supporting me and spending time on watching my videos.

See you on the next video!

For more infomation >> Mustafa Kemal: Channel Introduction - Duration: 0:54.


قازی محمد 2+2=1 | qazy muhamad 2+2=1 - Duration: 2:01.

i remember at school they asked 2 plus 2 equals what

everyone write equals 4

but i got bad score in math and i get down

cuz i think 2 plus 2 equals 1 would not becomes 4

my opinion

my opinion tooth & 2 lips & tongue do not becomes 4, they are shouting together

my opinion 2 hands & 2 shanks do not becomes 4, they are working within one body

my opinion town house road and streets do not becomes 4, they becomes city

where lives rich and poor peoples

my opinion quotient root trunk leaves do not becomes 4, they becomes tree sometime short sometimes tall like willow

my opinion ogle heart nice clean do not becomes 4, they becomes crush beside beau

that all dont becomes 4 becomes 1 are a lot but where be can calculating

only i know... if you make my body into 100 pieces

if you shoot me or [regbar /rəgbar/] if i climp into the tree

the word on my tongue is

Kurdistan is 1 country and it would never be 4

*people clapping"

( lyric/subtitle: karden karwan ) ( product: hich nothing , black castle on youtube)

*end sound effect*

For more infomation >> قازی محمد 2+2=1 | qazy muhamad 2+2=1 - Duration: 2:01.


Evin Demirsoy - Küçücük Bir Işık (Official Video) - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Evin Demirsoy - Küçücük Bir Işık (Official Video) - Duration: 3:48.


Arnold Schwarz is BACK, BABY! Nintendo CONFIRMS ?s, Dr. DisRespect RETURNS, & Switch Success! - MNM - Duration: 1:28.

Sorry about the hat everyone, it's been a long day (yesterday).

I just wanted to send a special little shoutout for the lovely little lady that rear-ended

me and then hit-and-ran today.

Let's talk nerd.

After a couple months of forced hiatus after his confession of infidelity onstream, Dr.

DisRespect has officially returned to streaming as of February 5th.

His stream almost broke records hitting 389,000 concurrent viewers.

In a video posted on Nintendo of America's Twitter account, it appears that producer

Koizumi has officially answered some long-held questions about the Mario universe.

Namely, about the -giggle- release of Mario's nipples in Super Mario Odyssey.

As well as confirming that the mushroom on Toad's head is, in fact, a part of his head.

Now I have so many more questions, Koizumi!!!

In a bit of random news, a chart released from Kotaku puts an interesting spin on the

release of the Switch, which now officially has 3 times as many games as the Wii U had

at this point in it's release cycle.

Maybe this has something to do with the success or maybe it's just because nobody liked the

Wii U.

In some random news, it looks like Amazon has just picked up it's latest star for it's

latest series.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governator himself, appears to have signed on for a new Western

series called, "Outrider."

And that's all the news that we have for you guys today.

Thanks so much for watching this video!

Be sure to join in that conversation down below.

As always, all the links to these sources are in the description box.

And I will you guys next nerd.

For more infomation >> Arnold Schwarz is BACK, BABY! Nintendo CONFIRMS ?s, Dr. DisRespect RETURNS, & Switch Success! - MNM - Duration: 1:28.


The Best Vegan Chili Ever!!! - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> The Best Vegan Chili Ever!!! - Duration: 7:26.


Luxury Brands That Aren't Worth The Money - Duration: 5:05.

Most people think that luxury goods are better than other brands, but that's not always true.

Whether you're looking to treat yourself to something nice or are shopping for the perfect

gift, here are some luxury brands that you may want to avoid if you want to get something

that's actually worth the high price tag.

Louis Vuitton

Has there ever been a more iconic brand than Louis Vuitton?

With a high sticker price, these bags are well-known as an indicator of wealth, but

the markup on Louis Vuitton purses is ridiculous.

In 2000, the New York Times calculated that the production cost of a Louis Vuitton bag

is hundreds of dollars cheaper than what they sell for.

A spokesperson for the company claimed this estimate was inaccurate, but declined to reveal

the real production costs.

The same spokesperson said that part of what you're paying for is

"...the product development that is involved in its design..."

–which is just a fancy way of saying that you're paying for the name behind the purse

more than the purse itself.

"How does an unemployed girl with three roommates afford the patchwork denim bowly Louis Vuitton


"It's rented."


While the art of writing things by hand is quickly being displaced by modern technology,

quality writing instruments still have a dedicated band of followers who are willing to drop

hundreds of dollars on a pen.

Well, save the cash for something better.

The high price tag of a Montblanc pen makes this one luxury good that definitely isn't

worth your money.

As long as you're not a US president, a regular pen will do just fine.

"The ever-reliable, virtually indestructible BIC, just twenty-nine cents.

Does anyone know anything the way BIC knows pens?"

Veuve Clicquot

Whether you're ringing in the new year or celebrating a wedding, a champagne toast is

a classy way of commemorating the occasion.

While it might be tempting to indulge in a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, do you really need


It turns out that you can safely save your money without sacrificing quality.

In a blind taste test conducted by Which?, Veuve Clicquot lost to far more affordable

sparkling wines.


"And that's all she wrote!"


Tiffany is one of the most well-known brands there is, but are you really getting what

you pay for?

If you really want the brand name, which many people do, be aware that you're going to be

paying extra for it.

If you're just looking for beautiful jewelry, however, consider a store like Costco that

offers top-quality gems at much lower prices.

Good Morning America went shopping at both stores and found that a Costco diamond of

a quality similar to one sold at Tiffany's was $10,000 cheaper.

To be fair, though, you'll never get much value for your money with a diamond.

Diamonds are nowhere near as rare as we have been led to believe, and the prices are massively


"And of course a big, perfect diamond is a rare object.

But, the typical diamonds, half a carat, one carat diamonds, they're available by the billions."

It turns out that diamonds actually aren't a girl's best friend after all.


Rolex is another prime example of an overhyped brand.

While the brand is beloved, its overwhelming popularity as a status symbol is a fairly

recent development.

If you want an elegant and timeless watch, look to Rolex's prime competitor, Omega.

Like Rolex, Omega has produced Swiss-made watches for decades and is widely recognized

as a luxury watch brand.

They also tend to be cheaper, so you'll be getting a much better bargain.


Louboutin sells more than half a million pairs of shoes each year at outrageously high prices.

Those red-soled shoes might be iconic, but they're definitely not worth the cost—or

the pain.

Christian Louboutin himself said that his goal is to make stylish works of art and that

comfort isn't even something he prioritizes when designing his shoes.

The designer told Vogue,

"People say I am the king of painful shoes.

I don't want to create painful shoes, but it is not my job to create something comfortable.

I try to make high heels as comfortable as they can be, but my priority is design, beauty

and sexiness.

I'm not against them, but comfort is not my focus."

Basically, the only way that a pair of Louboutins is worth hundreds of dollars is if you believe

the mantra that pain is beauty.


If you love pearls, you're probably familiar with this brand.

Widely acknowledged as the best cultured pearls that money can buy, even a simple strand of

Mikimoto pearls can cost thousands of dollars.

At the end of the day, though, they're only cultured pearls–which means they're nowhere

near as rare as pearls that are grown naturally and harvested.

In fact, there's really not much of a reason to dish out the big bucks on pearls at all;

most people can't tell the difference between real and fake pearls, anyway.

If you're looking for that perfect strand to complete an outfit, go ahead and buy some

imitation pearls.


Balenciaga is a designer that likes to take everyday products, throw their spin on them,

and then sell them at ludicrous prices.

In 2017 they debuted a $2,145 tote bag that looks suspiciously like the ones Ikea sells

for just a dollar.

If you don't want to spend that much money on a tote bag, Balenciaga has you covered

with this calfskin shopping bag–which looks identical to a paper shopping bag.

At just $1,100 you're getting a bargain as far as Balenciaga is concerned, but still

paying way too much money as far as literally all of humanity is concerned.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Luxury Brands That Aren't Worth The Money - Duration: 5:05.


Bewirb Dich jetzt für den Ehrenfelix 2018 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Bewirb Dich jetzt für den Ehrenfelix 2018 - Duration: 1:13.


DDG: Force berries - A Star Wars snack - Duration: 0:41.

Force berries...

Did you wash those?

No why?

*stomach noises* The force is strong in these ones...

For more infomation >> DDG: Force berries - A Star Wars snack - Duration: 0:41.


Hillary Clinton Desperately Tries to Distract From FISA Memo Med - Duration: 2:35.

Hillary Clinton Desperately Tries to Distract From FISA Memo Media Firestorm � Fails Miserably

The FISA abuse memo has dominated the media since it was released last Friday.

It took the DOW plunging Monday to briefly take attention away from the FISA abuse memo

and the scandal surrounding Hillary�s dossier which branches out to Obama�s FBI and DOJ.

Hillary has not said a word about the memo; she subtly hinted Monday the document was

merely a scapegoat for Trump�s camp.

Hillary is desperate to distract from one of the biggest scandals to ever rock D.C.

Hillary�s phony Russia dossier is her dirtiest political trick to date.

A fraudulent dossier she paid millions of dollars for was used to obtain a FISA warrant

to spy on her political opponent during a presidential campaign.

Hillary took to her Twitter account Monday and tweeted a link to �Makers Conference

2018� a conference where different women will come forward to shed light on sexual


Will Bill Clinton�s victims be speaking?

Hillary tweeted, �Looking forward to being a part of #MAKERSConference2018 and talking

about how we can all raise our voices.

Watch live and #RaiseYourVoice Weds 2/7 at 2:30pm ET/11:30am PT.

Learn more here:�

Hillary then tweeted about her serial sexual harasser husband signing the Family and Medical

Leave Act 25 years ago.

25 years ago, @billclinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act, which remains a success

all these years later.

Now we need paid leave to finish the job and create more equitable & family friendly workplaces.


Trump supporters savaged Crooked Hillary.

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