Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

Hi everyone!

I'm Whitney and I post a new tutorial every Wednesday to help sewers of all skill levels

learn new projects and techniques.

This week my tutorial is actually how to instal child safe eyes and noses in your stuffed

animal sewing projects.

This video is the first in a memory bear I'm doing here on Whitney Sews.

If you're watching this video right after it's posted make sure you subscribed so you

don't miss out on the rest of the series.

If you're coming across this video later I will have a playlist of all the tutorials

linked down below in the description box.

When you buy safety eyes and noses they will come with the eyes or noses and the same number

of backing pieces.

The posts will have grooves on them that the backing will snap past to look into place.

I get mine from Hobby Lobby, but I will have some from Amazon linked below in case you

don't have a Hobby Lobby nearby.

I'm working on bear, so after I've sewn the three face pieces together I'm ready to instal

the eyes and nose.

The pattern had marks where they need to be and I transferred those to the fabric before

cutting the pieces out.

I like to start with an awl to make a small hole right where the mark is.

As you can see, my awl is much skinnier than the post on the eye, so I then use a small

pair of scissors to carefully enlarge the hole.

Be careful doing this because you don't want the hole to end up too big.

When the hole is just large enough push the post of the eye into it as far as it will


Get one of your backing pieces and place it on the post so the flat side of the back will

be against the flat side of the eye when it is all the way on.

Press the backing onto the post as firmly and tightly as it will go.

Once the backing is on it is on to stay.

Repeat for the second eye then move on to the nose.

Some people like to put the nose right in the center seam, but I don't because these

posts are so large that I would have to snip a stitch or two to get it in and I feel like

that will weaken the entire seam.

So I try to position it just off the seam, but do whatever you feel is best.

Make the hole the same way as before, insert the nose and add the backing.

I like to turn it back to the front and make sure the nose is on straight before pressing

the backing on past the final groove.

As I mentioned earlier this is the first in a whole series about making memory bears and

stuffed animals.

I'll have the series playlist linked right over here once they are posted.

If you have certain techniques you want me to cover in the series make sure to those

requests in the comments below.

Until next time, Happy Sewing!

For more infomation >> How to Install Eyes and Noses on Stuffed Animals | Sewing Memory Bears | Whitney Sews - Duration: 4:40.


ICE to President Trump Don't Cave on Border Security Promises - Duration: 5:25.

ICE to President Trump: Don�t Cave on Border Security Promises

The National ICE Council sent a letter to President Donald Trump on Friday expressing

its opposition to his administration�s proposed immigration plan.

The council, which endorsed Trump in the 2016 presidential election, argues against the

White House�s four-point plan to address the issue of �dreamers� � illegal immigrants

brought to the U.S. as children who were previously covered by the Obama-era Deferred Action for

Childhood Arrivals program.

Trump�s plan provides a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients and other illegal immigrants,

while also setting aside billions of dollars in funding for security measures along the

U.S.-Mexico border.

But according to ICE President Chris Crane, the plan doesn�t do enough to stop businesses

from hiring illegal immigrants or crack down on sanctuary cities.

�We simply cannot in good faith support any legislative effort on immigration that

does not include provisions regarding immigration detainers, sanctuary cities and the smuggling

and trafficking of children across U.S. borders,� Crane wrote in the letter, according to The

Washington Times.

�What you negotiate on immigration isn�t just a give and take negotiation,� the letter

added, explaining that the proposed plan leaves �gaping holes� in ICE�s ability to protect

the border.

�It sets the table for our nation�s immigration enforcement policies and strategy moving forward,

and any critical enforcement measures bargained away potentially leaves gaping holes in law

enforcement�s ability to provide for public safety and national security,� the letter


Trump detailed his immigration plan last week in his State of the Union address.

Under the proposal, roughly 1.8 million illegal immigrants would essentially receive amnesty,

but only if certain demands are met.

These demands include $25 billion for construction of a border wall and an end to the visa lottery

and chain migration systems.

Instead, Trump wants a merit-based program that prioritizes skilled immigrants who will

contribute to American society.

As noted by The Times, Trump has touted the proposal as a compromise, with the White House

saying that stronger enforcement measures will be implemented in the second phase of

the plan.

Many Democrats, though, have rejected this proposal, arguing that the president is holding

DACA recipients hostage.

Crane, on the other hand, thinks the immigration plan doesn�t go far enough.

His organization, which represents 7,500 ICE employees, will not support amnesty for dreamers

unless there is legislation that promises to immediately crack down on illegal immigration.

We cannot and will not turn our backs on the victims of sanctuary cities and jurisdictions,

and therefore cannot support any legislation that does not attempt to rectify this growing

problem,� Crane wrote.

Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill have about a month to come up with a legislative

solution to the DACA issue.

Trump rescinded the Obama-era executive order in September 2017, giving Congress until March

5 to pass legislation addressing the fate of DACA recipients

In the House of Representatives, many conservatives support an immigration bill put forward by

Virginia GOP Rep Bob Goodlatte, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee.

That bill �would crack down on sanctuary cities, impose mandatory E-Verify on businesses,

make it a crime to overstay a visitor�s visa and protect communities that cooperate

in deportations,� The Times reported.

But in the Senate, it�s more difficult to rally support for hardline immigration legislation.

On Monday, Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona and Democrat Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware

proposed a bill that would protect young illegal immigrants from deportation.

The legislation also increases border security, though it does not specifically contain funding

for a wall.

However, in a Monday morning tweet, Trump seemed to reject this proposal on the basis

that it �does not include STRONG border security and the desperately needed WALL.�

�Any deal on DACA that does not include STRONG border security and the desperately

needed WALL is a total waste of time.

March 5th is rapidly approaching and the Dems seem not to care about DACA.

Make a deal!� the president tweeted.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below

For more infomation >> ICE to President Trump Don't Cave on Border Security Promises - Duration: 5:25.


CO2: Second Chance Final Thoughts - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> CO2: Second Chance Final Thoughts - Duration: 9:46.





Ralph Peters: US military needs funding, not a parade - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Ralph Peters: US military needs funding, not a parade - Duration: 2:24.


БОКСЁРСКИЕ ПЕРЧАТКИ | Детские боксёрские перчатки с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> БОКСЁРСКИЕ ПЕРЧАТКИ | Детские боксёрские перчатки с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 3:26.


Class 12 History Chapter 14 Understanding Partition reasons & effects of partition of India Notes - Duration: 23:57.

Class 12 History Part 3 Chapter 14 Understanding Partition Politics, Memories, Experiences cause/reasons and effects of partition of India In Hindi Important Question Chapter Notes, Important point

For more infomation >> Class 12 History Chapter 14 Understanding Partition reasons & effects of partition of India Notes - Duration: 23:57.


2/8 Q&A for Love -Part4 - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> 2/8 Q&A for Love -Part4 - Duration: 6:24.


দেখুন শেষ বারের মতো যা বলে গেলেন খালেদা জিয়া l khaleda zia - Duration: 3:22.

bangladesh news

For more infomation >> দেখুন শেষ বারের মতো যা বলে গেলেন খালেদা জিয়া l khaleda zia - Duration: 3:22.


Star Citizen - Système Hades - Duration: 7:04.

Since the appearance of Jump Drive technology

Exploration has become one of the most interesting activities for humanity

Every day, a new jump point could be discovered

Sometimes leading to an already known system

allowing to have one more road to move in the growing immensity of space

And sometimes leading to an unexplored place of our species

Some of these new systems could be without too much interest

but the majority of these discoveries contributed to the expansion of Humanity

New planets to colonize, moons to exploit, and Jumps Points to find

The system we are going to approach today, in my opinion, completely excedeed anything that could be imagined beforehand

beyond the appeal of new fertile lands and new landscapes

this system offered us something truly unique when it was discovered

The remains of a vanished civilization

Moi c'est Daium, et aujourd'hui, on va parler du système Hades

Far from the grandiose discoveries of times past

Hades had to wait a few years after his initial identification to be put before the eyes of the general public

The crew of the Merry Crow were the first to discover the system in 2515

but didn't announced their discovery right away

The ship they were flying was filled with stolen fusion engines

and introducing this new system to the government could have caused some issues.

Nineteen years later, Jake Tapps, a former Crow navigator and the only surviving crew member

was utterly ruined

And to feed his addiction to SLAM, a drug in the form of gas, similar to morphine

sold the navigation data of his ship, revealing the existence of this brand new system

During the initial exploration by Dynamo

Hades didn't appeared to be interesting by any means

A dying star

no green zone, forbiding any attempt at terraforming

and three and a half planets either with a toxic atmosphere or devoid of any type of atmosphere

However, this lack of interest was short-lived

On each of these planets

were vestiges presents, proving the presence of a long forgotten civilization

An ancient civilization that seemed to have self-destructed during an final civil war

This is how humanity learned the existence of the long gone species of the Hadesians.

Hades I was probably inhabited a long time ago

Between the many craters present on site

ruins can be discovered, suggesting a small, past occupation

The lack of atmosphere gave rise to many questions in the scientific circle

Did it had one before ?

Is the civil war responsible for its disappearance?

Hypotheses are many, but the answers, unknown.

Personally, I guess Hades I could have been a planet with a number of industries.

And that during the war, the chain destruction of all these factories

could have ignited the atmosphere.

Causing his disappearance.

Just like the first planet, Hades II was inhabited a long time ago

An atmosphere is still present

but like the rage that destroyed this species

it' won't let humans live if they ever try to venture without a suit

Under the violent winds filled with ash ejected by the multiple active volcanoes of the planet

many Hadesians cities occupy the landscape

All completely destroyed, forsaken at the mercy of the murderous air

Many of these ruins are hidden under consequent layers of ashes

And despite the attempts of thorough exploration done by archaeologists

The hostile environment populated by thunderstorms and tornadoes made progress extremely complicated

Deposits of Kherium (an ore much prized by the Xi'an) were discovered

but due to the historical and archaeological value of the planet

no mining operation is allowed on site.

As if each planet of the system had to advance even further in violence and inhospitality

Hades III is even tougher than his colleague of the same name minus 1.

It has an highly toxic atmosphere. Leaving only the best protected teams access to its surface

However, despite this hostile environment

Many ruins have been documented over the years

Suggesting that there is still much to learn from this species

Some things should be forgotten definitively

That's what most people must be thinking when they look at Hades IV, the last planet in the system

Beyond the ruins still present on the surface

Hades IV is, in itself, a gigantic ruin

A planet shattered into two distinct pieces, by a weapon of immeasurable power

The climax of a civil war that ravaged an entire race

This weapon, whatever its form, whatever its operating mode

should remain in the most complete secrecy for the sake of humanity and still existing species

There is an almost infinite number of theories about Hadesians

And every year, a lot of new graduates rush into the system

hoping to solve the mysteries surrounding this civilization

And every year, only failure is at the rendezvous

But that does not mean that this species is unknown

Scientists have a rough idea about their physical dimensions

Based upon the architecture and skeletal remains

The Hadesians were creatures with a massive torso

many fine appendices, the exact number varying from one Hadesian to the other

a pair of long arms and multiple legs to complete the picture

Beyond that, scientists are certain that the civil war that caused the extinction

would have occurred more than 300,000 years ago

Unlessbeing passionate about mysteries and stories

This system isn't really that interesting

Technically classified as abandoned by the UEE

it's not a place where people come to eat a croissant

No repair or refueling station is present

And the pilots present on site do not necessarily have the best intentions

Between those trying to protect the archaeological value of this place

threatening anyone loosely suspicious

and the outlaws trying to get artifacts out of the system illegally

It's not the best place to make friends or trade

Any resource coming from Hades will be considered as contraband by the Advocacy

In addition to this pretty cold atmosphere

many traveler hints that the system may be haunted

Some kind of ghost, named the Cryptid of Hades, would have been seen by Humans, Banu and also Xi'an

The creature would have been described as a skinless entity

leaving its musculature covered with blue veins visible on the surface

Appearing only in the extreme periphery of the vision, those who saw this ghost were unable to look directly at it

The entity disappearing instantly

On my side, I find this system truly fascinating

Filled with mystery, stories and risk

this vast area will be something truly unique to visit and feel

And beyond this aspect

I think that Hades echoes the situation in which Humanity is found, not only in Star Citizen, but also today

Our species and life in general, well it's kinda fragile

And we may be only one war away from our complete destruction

Whether it's a nuclear war on our side, or the potential civil war between Terra and Earth in Star Citizen

Thank you all for watching and thank you to the Tipeurs (the french Pätreon) for the highly financial support that is very pleasant

this sentence does not make much sense even in French ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

It's been a long time since I had not talked about Lore so I hope you liked it

But in short, I'm going to leave you, I have some roulades to make in salt

The word of the end very generously chosen by Sgmat :

Koe no Katachi

For more infomation >> Star Citizen - Système Hades - Duration: 7:04.


Only those 6 companies should use milk | Best Milk Companies - Duration: 2:24.

milk companies

best milk companies in pakistan

For more infomation >> Only those 6 companies should use milk | Best Milk Companies - Duration: 2:24.


When will I get my tax refund? - TurboTax Support Video - Duration: 1:20.

(cheerful music)

- [Narrator] Once you file your taxes,

you might wonder when you'll get your refund.

Sign in to one to two days after you e-file

to see your e-file status.

Once your return shows as accepted,

you can start tracking your refund.

To track your federal refund visit

and follow the steps on the website.

Nine out of 10 people who e-file

get their federal refund within three weeks.

If you send your taxes in the mail,

the IRS asks that you wait four weeks

before looking up your refund status.

The best way to track your state refund

is by going to the state's tax website.

Sign in to TurboTax and search for "state refund".

Select "How do I track my state refund?"

and choose your state.

It can take a couple of days for the IRS and states

to update your refund status on their website.

Don't worry if your refund status

doesn't show up right away.

Just try again in a day or two.

Tracking your refund is easy with the help of TurboTax.

For more answers to your questions


(cheerful music)

For more infomation >> When will I get my tax refund? - TurboTax Support Video - Duration: 1:20.


Understanding key economic indicators - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Understanding key economic indicators - Duration: 3:53.


(static cam) CO2: Second Chance Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 33:53.

For more infomation >> (static cam) CO2: Second Chance Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 33:53.


Two Friends - Just A Kid ft. Kevin Writer (SuperJet Remix) - Duration: 3:07.

Two Friends - Just A Kid ft. Kevin Writer (SuperJet Remix)

For more infomation >> Two Friends - Just A Kid ft. Kevin Writer (SuperJet Remix) - Duration: 3:07.


Super NT Console vs. SNES Classic & OG Super Nintendo - Graphics Comparison - Duration: 4:54.

So we got the Super NT in a few days ago--and we have to tell say, it's pretty darn cool.

In case you haven't heard of it, it's pretty much a modern Super Nintendo, with HDMI output

at 1080p and a ton of cool features--right down to the fact that you actually have plug

in the same game cartridges.

So to find out more about it, make sure to check out our full review linked in the description


Anyways, we of course wanted to see exactly how much better the games looked on the Super

NT, versus not just the original Super Nintendo, but the but the Super NES Classic too.

So we've decided to pit them against each other in a head to head comparison across

3 different games.

Super Mario Kart, Yoshi's Island, and Star Fox.

And for each one, we'll first show some footage full-screen, cycling between the 3 platforms

with the logo of the current console located at the top of the screen, before shifting

to a 3-way split screen so you can see exactly how they stack up.

Got it?

Well here we go.

So as you can see with Star Fox, the game ran much closer to the original speed on the

Super NT than it does on the SNES Classic--interesting.

Besides that, I generally found the NT looked sharper across the board--but again, make

sure to check out our full review for more details.

And with that thanks for watching and make sure to Subscribe to GameXplain for tons more

Nintendo videos.

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