Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

[BRENDA] I can't help but wonder, the more you politicize professional sports, the less exciting they become.

[SARAH] Oh come on, you wouldn't get excited if, every time Steph Curry shot a three pointer,

he pulled a big protest sign out of his shorts?

[BRENDA] No, I'd probably be confused, like, 'how did he fit that sign in there?'

[SARAH] What can I say? He's one of the greats.

(intense intro music)

[DAVID] Would football be more exciting if, before kicking a field goal, you had to announce your stance on single-payer healthcare?

I don't know! But I'm willing to find out.

[BRENDA] The owners probably wouldn't though.

[STEVE] I'm sick and tired of hearing about what the owners think.

You know, professional sports would be so much better if we just got rid of the owners.

[BRENDA] You literally wouldn't have professional sports if you didn't have owners.

[STEVE] Yeah, we get it man, you're afraid of change.

[BRENDA] No, I'm not afraid of change.

It just seems like you're needlessly complicating something which, at its heart, is just entertainment.

[VINNY] Hey, sports and politics have always been connected.

[BRENDA] Yes! Okay, you're right, let's talk about that.

Throughout history, sports have had some huge political milestones.

Like Muhammad Ali's protests against the Vietnam War.

[STEVE] Ali may have spoken out on Vietnam, but where was he on Edwards v. South Carolina,

which extended the power to the people to peacefully assemble and protest state governments?

[BRENDA] I don't know.

[STEVE] (sighs loudly)

[VINNY] And then there's Jackie Robinson!

[BRENDA] Of course, when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in 1948 to become the first black player in major league baseball.

That was a huge moment in American culture.

[VINNY] Being the first black baseball player is great,

but did Jackie Robinson ever steal second base and give a speech on gay marriage?

[BRENDA] No. [VINNY] Missed opportunity!

[DAVID] Look, the bottom line is, no one enjoys sitting in the stands and actually watching the game anymore.

[BRENDA] I do.

[DAVID] Well, you're in the minority.

[RON] Yeah, I mean, I watch for 10 minutes, maybe 15 at most, and then I'm on my phone. Okay?

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook...

[STEVE] And why are we doing that instead of watching the game?

[BRENDA] Because you don't actually care about sports.

[STEVE] Because we want to change the world.

One hashtag at a time.

[RON] Now, what if professional sports took the hashtags off the phones,

and finally put them on the fields.

[BRENDA] I don't understand.

[RON] It's simple, okay? Instead of the New York Jets painting their logo in the end zone, what if they painted #abortionismurder?

[SARAH] And then, in the other end zone, #mybodymychoice.

[BRENDA] You guys, that's not going to drive up the ratings.

[DAVID] But it would start the conversation!

[BRENDA] People don't watch sports to talk about abortion.

[BRIAN] You're wrong!

And to prove it to you, I'm going to make it to the big leagues.

[BRENDA] Oh yeah? [BRIAN] Yeah!

[BRENDA] Okay. Here, catch.

[BRIAN] I didn't want to catch it. Under protest.

(all guests snapping)

[BRENDA] So, what do you think?

Is there too much politics in sports or not enough?

Let us know in the comments.

And subscribe to our channel, We The Internet TV,

and follow us on Twitter and facebook for new videos every week.

For more infomation >> The Fans Who Want More Politics in Sports: Part 3 - Can Athletes do More? | We the Internet TV - Duration: 2:51.


Slow-Mo Coffee | Food Network - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Slow-Mo Coffee | Food Network - Duration: 1:19.


Overwatch - Peel For Your Supports For More Healing | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 8:00.

Hey there!

In this video we are going to talk about peeling, a concept that comes from MOBA games and used

- or should be used - in Overwatch frequently.

Learning about this topic will make sure that the supports in the team stay alive and sustain

you for longer, and that you are able to recognize and solve the situations where one of your

teammates are getting harassed.

Hello guys and welcome to the dojo!

Let's quickly describe peeling.

Peeling is when you as a player, deny an enemy from reaching and harassing your teammates.

This is mostly done to protect supports.

We are going to dive a little deeper into the topic to establish a good understanding

of different situations that call for peeling.

You should know when and how to peel against different enemies by the end of this video!

So why are we dedicating a full video to this simple thing?

Your knowledge of Overwatch is made up from a lot of different mechanical and game sense


Peeling is something a lot of players don't even think about, but it can help tremendously

if the enemy decided to heavily harass your supports and deny sustain for your team.

Playing a support hero against any dive comp is a hard thing to do, and when your team

just runs to the objective like headless chickens to get some kills, your supports will get

harassed or killed if they're left too far behind.

Peeling comes into the picture to make you think about the team and to allow your supports

to sustain the group safely.

The next thing we are going to talk about is how to do it properly, and what your objective

should be when you decide to peel for somebody.

Note that sometimes your teammate are just badly positioning themselves.

If this is the case - meaning that they're not dying because they are getting dived hard,

but just going down to random spam - peeling won't help.

Tell your teammate to try to stay in cover and keep up with the team instead.

Staying with someone who is lagging behind because of bad positioning will weaken your

team's pushing power, and may cost you teamfights and eventually the game.

Peel when it is needed but use the following knowledge to realize when you actually need


When we are talking about peeling it is worth mentioning that there are some heroes who

are pretty good at taking out the back line of your team.

Heroes like Genji and Tracer are extremely good with messing up the backline, as their

kit makes them able to play a hit-n-run playstyle.

They will try to attack from unexpected angles and use the distraction in your team to focus

support heroes, and take them out quickly.

We are not talking about the playstyle of the flankers, but by knowing how you should

defend against it, you can be a stronger flanker.

There is a powerful tool which can help you improve your harasser and flanker game style,

especially if you play Tracer.

Click the card right now or check the description!

We are going to guide you through an example.

Let's say you have a Zen on your team and a Winston in the enemy group.

Your Zen is dying a lot due to being jumped by the Winston and being tickled to death


Whatever class or character you play, the first and most important thing is to be aware

of this situation.

You need to recognize if someone is doing poorly because of the enemy team heavily focusing


Bad positioning occurs in a lot of cases when someone dies, but there are situations when

your teammates are unable to do anything due to being the sole focus for the enemy team.

After you realize this, it's time to peel for your buddy.

Your objective is to keep harassers away, while they try to do what they do.

It's important to note that you just want to make sure your buddy is staying alive,

the primary goal is not to kill the enemies coming for you.

In the previous example if you are playing another support, it is worth it to try to

disable or chase the Winston away and heal your support buddy in the meantime.

Note that it draws healing away from the frontline when you peel for the other support, as you

both will be preoccupied with defending each other.

It is more important to stay alive and heal for the long run then to let your buddy perish

due to divers and try to sustain your team alone.

If you are playing a DPS, you can stay back to make sure that you damage the Winston heavily

during his jump and stay between your support and the enemy to do even more DPS and chase

the monkey away.

This way your support can heal you while you take care of the divers.

If you are playing a tank, you usually have access to protective abilities to defend your

teammate who needs peeling.

Zarya can bubble the target and do damage to the approaching enemies, Roadhog can hook

an enemy and do heavy damage to repel the attacker.

You can see that whatever you play, you will be able to provide peeling for your teammates.

The hardest part in this is realizing the need for it and then staying back to make

sure your team is alive and healthy when you get to the objective instead of going in to

try to hunt frags and potgs.

The next section is about the player who is getting help from the teammate.

Your buddy will stay back with you to fend enemies away, and you should try to help them

as much as possible.

Don't leave your peeling McCree without sustain, or he is going to regret trying to

help you and may never come back to help again.

When you are getting heavily harassed by the enemy team, the first question to ask is about

your positioning.

Help yourself if you can and use covers, break the enemy line of sight, or keep closer to

your team.

However if you feel you are being focused heavily by the enemy team and unable to stay

alive for any teamfight, then there is no shame in asking for help.

You can tell your team that you are in need of protection and that you can not do your

job due to being killed early before the actual teamfight happens.

This can also happen if you are playing a DPS and the enemy is focusing you heavily.

Asking for help and working together will make the whole team stronger.

Two additional examples in felt board style so you can see when it is good to peel and

when you should try to communicate mistakes of another player instead.

The first scenario: You are playing Roadhog in a team with Ana, Lucio, Soldier, Genji,

Reinhardt, so a deathball composition, attacking the first point on Numbani.

The enemy plays Tracer,Genji,Winston,Dva, Ana and Zenyatta.

Your Ana dies a lot and when you check her positioning you can see that she is sniping

from afar, not coming with the team, however Lucio tries to be as close to the frontline

as possible to provide support.

Your enemies realized that Ana is positioning badly and killing her before actual fights


In this scenario, tell the Ana player to keep up with the team and sustain from close.

Rein and you can both protect her with shields or your body, and Lucio can help with boops

and heals as well.

The other scenario: you play McCree in a team of Winston, Dva, Tracer, Zenyatta, Mercy on

Lijang night market.

The enemy team has Genji,Tracer,Dva, Zarya, Lucio, Mercy.

You can not really keep up with your diving buddies, but you tend to stand in the middle

to be able to dish out enough damage and secure kills.

However your Zen is getting counter dived by the enemy, and eliminated in the beginning

of the teamfights, or even before that.

Realize that you are actually better off fighting with your Zen, and then having the extra heal

and damage from him.

Stay back, stun to kill anyone who is diving and has the orb of discord.

Win-win for both Zen and the team.

You should now be able to realize when someone needs your peeling or when you need it and

ask for help explaining what is going on.

This little thing can turn the tides in games where you feel that you can not really do

anything to win.

If you like our videos, please subscribe, like the video and spread the word about us

by sharing this episode.

Overwatchdojo has a great and supportive community for improvement, join our Discord and be the

part of it.

If you want to support our work or get private coaching from experienced coaches, head over

to our Patreon page.

See you guys next time!

For more infomation >> Overwatch - Peel For Your Supports For More Healing | OverwatchDojo - Duration: 8:00.


JoAK - WILD ( Official music video ) | Prod by #Tower Beatz - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> JoAK - WILD ( Official music video ) | Prod by #Tower Beatz - Duration: 3:07.


mabacher macht Standup | Mein 1. Auftritt - Duration: 31:59.

For more infomation >> mabacher macht Standup | Mein 1. Auftritt - Duration: 31:59.


Friz dobija Guralowi wbija 200 k subów a ten robi zadyme bomba na łózko i świeca - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Friz dobija Guralowi wbija 200 k subów a ten robi zadyme bomba na łózko i świeca - Duration: 1:11.


TOP 5 - Nejlepších Českých Youtuberu - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> TOP 5 - Nejlepších Českých Youtuberu - Duration: 2:36.


Phim Ngắn Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Về Sức Mạnh Của Yasuo - Duration: 7:26.

Subscribe And Likes If You See A Good Video

For more infomation >> Phim Ngắn Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Về Sức Mạnh Của Yasuo - Duration: 7:26.


Conhecendo a Empiricus - Max Bohm e Gabriel Miranda - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> Conhecendo a Empiricus - Max Bohm e Gabriel Miranda - Duration: 1:41.


🐺 VLOG #11 - Macao & Hong Kong 【Part 3】 - Duration: 17:11.

Hi there!

Soooo, welcome to Vlog No. 11!

Well this time it's a bit different

for me because basically you're gonna see some Kanji in the background but

those Kanji are not Japanese!

I am in Macao which is like a country inside of China

I staying here just because of

something special let's keep it like that and so

I try to find the right way

But it's really difficult

I'm like in the middle of nowhere and I have to be at some point at around 12 o'clock and it's eleven

I just gotta keep recording okay? Because I don't know what to say ^^

Right? Okay...

Oh ya, catch y'all later!

Well basically Macau is a really nice area it's famous for being the Las Vegas

of the East so there are many many many casinos

Especially on the weekends it's very crowded

there are many Chinese people just coming over to Macao to

gamble and play and play and play

So if my navigation is correct over there

around the corner you should see the reason why I'm here the reason why I'm

here is something I can see right now and

I'm still over a kilometer far away of it and I have to look upwards


I'm here in Macao because the biggest and highest bungee jumping platform of

the world it located up there

on the Macao Tower

233 meters high, well the bungee jump, the tower is a bit higher

Aaaaaaand I'm going to do that!


And I'm scared....I'm really really

really really scared




"Oooohh, I am so scared!"

What does crazy mean in Chinese?





"You speak very good Chinese!"

Hehe thank you!

"You're so cute!"

Thank you so muuuuuuch

"Hiii, helloooo! I am from China!"

I am so scaaaared!

"It means..."

"My face is smiling, but my heart is bleeding"

"O.o! I am going to be on YouTube?"

"I am so happy!"

"A pleasure!"

She's about to jump as well but she's so scared because it's her first jump

"My first time!"


I'm going to do this now!

Highest Bungee-Jump in the I come!

My face is a smile but my heart is bleeding

I'm really scared and I'm so happy at the same time

I want to do it but I

don't want to do's so bad!

Getting down...everything is good....I'm just jumping off

the highest platform in the world

All good!


It was amazing and I hope you had a lot of fun as me....but I don't think so!


So this was the highest Bungee-Jump in the world

The Guinness world record holder!

So I'm kind of finished with walking around

Basically I'm sitting here

next to some kind of lake and a pretty weird building behind me

On the other side there are all the casinos and stuff and I've seen it last night, erm...

After my plane got delayed for five hours I finally landed here in

Macao and as I was taking the taxi which is pretty cheap here in Macao

I was driving on the highway over there and I've seen the casinos everywhere

And they looked really really great it's just really amazing but I haven't been to Las

Vegas yet but some told me that Las Vegas is like smaller than here so yeah really

enjoyed it so far!

Though, my trip is over tomorrow so I am heading back

home and having some rest


So I'm here at the Victoria Peak in Hong Kong and this is like the highest place

in Hong Kong about 428 meters above sea level

Yeah this is the Sky Terrace where you've got the wonderful view around

Hong Kong

Look at this! Yaays!

Well I just have a few minutes left to leave so I need to hurry up to get my

ferry back to Macao

My Asia trip is over now and that means I gonna see you back in


Bye byeeee!


For more infomation >> 🐺 VLOG #11 - Macao & Hong Kong 【Part 3】 - Duration: 17:11.


ESTÁ SEM TEMPO PARA LER? ACABE HOJE COM ESSA DESCULPA! | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> ESTÁ SEM TEMPO PARA LER? ACABE HOJE COM ESSA DESCULPA! | Seja Uma Pessoa Melhor - Duration: 7:12.


How China Controls Southeast Asia's Most Important River - Duration: 7:35.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

Southeast Asian nations are pretty upset

about all China's dam projects.

Hi, welcome back to China Uncensored.

I'm your host, Chris Chappell.

And boy have I got a good dam story for you.

Because we're going to talk about

one of China's megaprojects:

reshaping the entire geopolitical-

environmental-economic landscape

of a large chuck of Southeast Asia.

Using a bunch of dams.

Plus strong-arm politics.

This is the Mekong River.

It's called the Lancang River in China.

It starts in Tibet,

and flows down through Myanmar,

Laos, Thailand, Cambodia,

and finally Vietnam,

where it empties out

into the South China Sea.

Which means both ends of the river

have been Chinese territory

since ancient times.

That last part is a joke.

Except...kind of not.

The Chinese Communist Party feels that

it has the strongest right to control the river.

Partly because China is the most upstream country,

which gives it the terrain advantage.

And partly because China

is bigger and stronger

than those other five little countries combined.

It could beat 'em up with

one river tied behind its back.

China has already built 7 hydropower dams

like this one along the upper Mekong River.

It has plans to build 21 more.

People living downstream are concerned,

because dams upstream mess up

the entire river's natural cycles.

And that affects the whole ecosystem.

The Mekong River is a huge economic resource

for the region.

It's home to one of the world's

most diverse fisheries,

second only to Brazil's Amazon River.

Over 60 million people

in the lower Mekong River basin

rely on the river for food,

water, and transportation.

And China's dams are causing

some serious dam problems.

For example,

in the summer of 2016,

Southeast Asia faced the worst drought

in a hundred years.

It had the biggest impact in Vietnam,

where it directly affected

half a million households,

causing rather serious problems,

like "a lack of drinking water,

food shortages,

and forced internal migration

to urban areas."

Is this because of China's dams upstream?

Well, if you ask Chinese state-run media,

the droughts were actually caused by

the climate cycle known as El Niño.

Which in English translates as "The Niño."

In other words, The Niño did it,

and it was totally not China's fault.

In fact, we should thank China.

Because after desperate requests from Vietnam,

China released a little bit of water

to alleviate that drought—

which, again, was definitely "due to

the prolonged effects of El Niño."

But if you ask, say, any scientist—

they would tell you that Chinese dams

are at least partly to blame.

"When China began damming the Mekong

and its upstream tributaries in the early 1990s,

scientists predicted the kinds of droughts

we're seeing today."

Scientists predicted it,

the CCP ignored the data,

and went ahead with its dam projects anyway.

This kind of intentionally ignoring science

doesn't exactly bode well for the regime

that claims it wants to be a world leader

in tackling climate change.

But anyway,

even before China started building dams,

there was a need to collectively manage

issues related to the Mekong River,

since it's shared by so many countries.

They've come together in various forums

over the past 60 years.

And in 1995,

four of them established

the Mekong River Commission.

The Mekong River Commission

has been helpful,

though not ideal.

Partly because China

refused to participate.

Hey, I totally understand.

These meetings do not look exciting.

Worst way to spend an afternoon ever!

Except maybe that time I watched Battlefield Earth.

But "boring meetings" is not

the reason China opted out.

It's actually because The Chinese regime

didn't like the rules,

and preferred to set up its own

Mekong River group

with its own rules.

In November 2015,

China set up the awkwardly-titled

Lancang-Mekong Cooperation framework—

which sounds even more boring.

But it's actually about power.

It allows Beijing to sidestep

the Mekong River Commission's regulation

that dam proposals need to be discussed

by all the member nations

before they can be built.

Basically, the Chinese regime wanted to make sure

the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation framework

didn't require actual cooperation.

At least not between all the nations.

See, even though all six nations are members,

China emphasises "bilateral comprehensive

strategic partnerships."

That is, one-on-one partnerships,

where China is one of the ones.

It's a classic CCP "divide and conquer" strategy.

"China has dealt with Mekong countries

bilaterally so that these countries

are not able to unite and stand up to China

as a regional grouping."

As another expert puts it,

"If Beijing manages to achieve control

of the Mekong's development

it would quickly become a crucial artery

for China's rise and exportation of influence."

This is not surprising.

Remember Xi Jinping's three and an half hour speech

that cured insomnia at

the 19th Party Congress last October?

How he rambled on about how China

should have more international influence?

Well, in just the past two years,

China has set aside billions of dollars

to support 45 Mekong River projects

in these countries.

For example,

China is helping fund a series

of at least three dams in Laos.

The first one "directly ignored the recommendations

of the Strategic Environmental Assessment"

but Laos went ahead with it anyway.

Because now that Laos has

financial support from China,

it can now flat out ignore the concerns

from Cambodia and Vietnam.

But if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Because Cambodia is building its own dams.

Which, unfortunately,

come with their own dam problems.

They're also paid for with Chinese money.

So the Chinese regime has built

its own Southeast Asia cooperation group,

and it then works with each member country

one by one,

and promises each of them economic development.

Individually, each project is fairly limited.

But combined, they have a major impact

on an entire ecosystem—

which includes a tiny part of China,

and huge parts of Myanmar,

Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

But don't worry,

nothing could possibly go wrong.


That was a different dam

that burst in Laos.

Don't worry about it.

So what do you think?

Leave your comments below.

Once again, I'm Chris Chappell.

See you next time.

Hi, did you notice the use of clever puns in this episode?

Well, if you go to our website,,

you can see all our episodes,

and more importantly,

all our puns.

Once again, that's

For more infomation >> How China Controls Southeast Asia's Most Important River - Duration: 7:35.


WRITTEN IN THE STARS. With Neus Fernández, professor of astrology at the Alexandria Center. - Duration: 20:35.

For more infomation >> WRITTEN IN THE STARS. With Neus Fernández, professor of astrology at the Alexandria Center. - Duration: 20:35.





Deadpool 2‬, Meet ‪Cable‬ || DEADPOOL 2 Trailer 2 (Extended) 2018 - Duration: 2:46.

Deadpool 2‬, Meet ‪Cable

For more infomation >> Deadpool 2‬, Meet ‪Cable‬ || DEADPOOL 2 Trailer 2 (Extended) 2018 - Duration: 2:46.


Welcome to Corner Brook! – Ep. 19 - Duration: 1:41.

You are going to join me for Scotiabank Hockey Day in Canada, in Corner Brook, Newfoundland!


Right now we are in Newfoundland and we're about to go to Hockey Day in Canada.

I'm really excited to meet some of the old NHLers.

For the Orillia Terriers, Scotiabank Hockey day in Canada

is about more than a trip to a place you've never been. Are you ready?

Yeah! Let's go!

It's about more than being coached by hockey legends like Lanny McDonald and Darcy Tucker.

You shoul've had the stick right down on the ice. Who's ready for it?

It was very fun skating with Lanny and Darcy. It's about more than meeting Ron MacLean.

How's about it you guys. Are you having fun? Yeah!

Terriers! [Cheering]

It's even about more than getting close enough to the cup to touch it.

Scotiabank Hockey Day in Canada is about a group of twelve year olds from Orillia who helped a boy named Grayson,

who won't ever be able to live out a hockey dream.

Being kind. Being caring about other people.

The Orillia Terriers have taken that to the next level.

It's about all the things kids learn from hockey. Lanny! Lanny! Lanny! [Cheering]

That are about so much more than just the game itself.

I love everybody here and it's just been really fun.

For more infomation >> Welcome to Corner Brook! – Ep. 19 - Duration: 1:41.


No More Skinny Sheep - Main Preview - Duration: 1:32.

New Zealand is a modern,

thriving country known for its

spectacular landscape.

Much of that landscape is

covered with farm animals.

So on this farm is just under

4,000 ewes and just under

400 cows run on it.

The animals are outside all the time.

It's free range, it's open, it's healthy.

Agriculture doesn't just have a

long history here in New Zealand,

today it's a thriving primary industry.

In recent decades, this country

has had its share of hard times.

Many lost their livelihood.

The people, animals, the land

and waterways, all suffered.

And it just- it ruined some lives.

There was some real pain out there.

There was some real pain, and

some real hurt, and some real anger.

I had some good personal friends

lose everything they had through

those times, and it was bloody hard.

The country was in crisis, and

it was clear that something

drastic had to be done.

New Zealanders, affectionately

called Kiwis, took the painful

steps required to stop the

downward spiral, and bold

reforms were voted in.

For more infomation >> No More Skinny Sheep - Main Preview - Duration: 1:32.


Q&A Queen T - First Video - Duration: 7:07.

For more infomation >> Q&A Queen T - First Video - Duration: 7:07.


How to Escape Brainwashing and Other Emotional Abuse - Duration: 4:48.

Welcome to Reaction Reset! I'm psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini, and

in this episode we're finishing up a two-part series on brainwashing. In the

first video, I explained seven common techniques that abusers use to trap and

control their victims in a false reality. In this episode, I'm going to help you

better understand why victims stay with abusers and how a victim can get free.

In the first video, I mentioned that abusers first control their victims environment

before controlling the victim. Therefore, brainwashing doesn't happen overnight.

So if you're wondering how someone gets trapped in a reality that

is so obviously false, remember it's not very obvious when it's done slowly and

gradually. Brainwashing is so effective because much of the process is outside

the realm of consciousness; the victim isn't aware or is in denial that it's

even happening until they're stuck in it. If you love someone who you believe is

being brainwashed, there isn't much you can do except to stay by their side.

You have to wait until your loved one gets their "a-ha moment" or as psychologists

call it - their "awakening". As I mentioned in the first video, the abuser first

isolates their victim. Don't let your loved one become isolated

from you if you believe they're being brainwashed. So let's pretend you - as a

victim - have had an 'awakening.' What can you do to escape? The first step is to

undo the isolation. Open up to a family member or friend that you can trust and

will support you. Abuse is a crime, and I strongly advise professional help.

A therapist will be equipped to guide you out of the abuse and keep everything

confidential. You can also seek help online. Many sites

will set you up with a mentor who escaped abuse. The second step is to

educate yourself about brainwashing. Note the techniques that were used on you and

how you responded. This will help you validate yourself and understand what

happened. You'll need to replace the abusers "tapes" in your head that told you

that you were crazy, stupid, or weak. You must accept that you've been under the

control of someone who is mentally ill. It is not your fault, but it is your

responsibility to escape. The third step is to let go of your empathy for your

abuser. You may try to convince yourself that your abuser is worthy of your love or

sympathy. You may think you can save them. DON'T spend any mental energy here.

Brainwashing is a type of abuse - not love. It can distort your perception of love.

Your abuser is mentally ill and needs professional help - not your help.

Protect yourself first. Calls, emails, or any form of communication from your abuser

are off limits. Finally, realize that your journey to recovery is just beginning.

Just like brainwashing itself, undoing brainwashing is a long slow process.

You're going to experience painful thoughts, memories, and anxiety for a long time.

You may want to go back to your abuser,

thinking they changed or they didn't mean to hurt you. However, as you gain

clarity and mental health, you'll see everything for what it was. Unfortunately,

this may make you lose confidence in yourself - that you were able to be

brainwashed. You will need a therapist to support you during this time. No matter

how worthless or alone you feel, you have the ability within you to restore your

mind. Don't believe for a second that the fear is too much to bear.

There are many people, including myself, available to help you through the recovery.

You will find peace again.

Remember change your reaction, change your world

For more infomation >> How to Escape Brainwashing and Other Emotional Abuse - Duration: 4:48.


Hanoi Jane' Fonda Says She's 'Not Proud of America,' Then Trump Jr. Delivers a HARD RIGHT CROSS. - Duration: 2:12.

Hanoi Jane' Fonda Says She's 'Not Proud of America,' Then Trump Jr. Delivers a HARD


Actress Jane Fonda is known as "Hanoi Jane" because during the Vietnam War she traveled

to the enemy nation and took pictures appearing to celebrate with Vietnamese fighters.

She is the worst of the worst; everything that is wrong with America when talking about

the disease that is liberalism.

Recently, Fonda claimed she wasn't proud of her country because we voted Donald Trump

president, but she's very proud of "The Resistance" the group of progressives who

do whatever they can to drag Trump and the U.S. down.

Donald Trump Jr. has some words for Jane:

Darn, we lost "Hanoi Jane"… again.

I'm not sure how real hardworking Americans will be able to cope.



Here's how Fonda's conversation went with BBC regarding her stance on America today,

per Breitbart:

SACKUR: Let me ask you a simple question, are you proud of are you proud of America



But, I'm proud of the resistance.

I'm proud of the people who are turning out in unprecedented numbers and continue

and continue over and over and over again to protest what Trump is doing.

I'm very proud of them, that core.

Fonda added, of her days in Vietnam: "The thing that I regret is that on my last day

there, I made the mistake of going to a ceremony at an anti-aircraft gun.

It wasn't being used.

There were no airplanes or anything like that.

There was a ceremony.

I was asked to sing and people were laughing and so forth and I was led, and I sat down.

And then I got up and as I walked away, I realized, 'Oh my gosh.

It's going to look like I am against my own country's soldiers and siding with the

enemy,' which is the last thing in the world that was true."

What do you think about this?

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