Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

Are you happy..

Let's sing a happy song with Bob the train

If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..

If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..

If you're happy and you know It, and you really want show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, clap your hands..

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet...

If you're happy and you know It, stamp your feet...

If you're happy and you know It, and you really want show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, stamp your feet...

If you're happy and you know It, "sanp your fingers

If you're happy and you know It, "sanp your fingers

If you're happy and you know It, and you really want show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, "sanp your fingers

If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"


If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"


If you're happy and you know It, and you really want show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, shout "Hurray!"

If you're happy and you know It, do all four...

If you're happy and you know It, do all four...

If you're happy and you know It, and you really want show it.....

If you're happy and you know It, do all three...

Wasn't that fun remember to stay happy.

For more infomation >> If You Are Happy | Bob The Train | Kindergarten Video For Toddlers | Nursery Rhymes For Babies - Duration: 45:03.


SPAIN or PORTUGAL - Which Country Is Better? - Duration: 6:42.

In this episode we're gonna be comparing the two amazing European nations of Spain and Portugal

You'll get a side-by-side comparison of these nations, and then you get to decide which country. Do you think is better?

How's it going?

Everybody my name is Leroy Kenton, and thank you guys so much for joining me on another episode of FTD facts before you continue

Don't forget give this video a big

Thumbs up and for all you new faces watching FTD facts if you want to keep learning about the different countries and cultures and more

Going on all around the world you gotta hit that subscribe button and that Bell notification cuz we post videos every single day

Yeah ok so let's get into this episode now starting off with the country of Spain

Spain this is officially known as the kingdom of Spain and it's located in southwestern Europe the

1214 kilometer border that Spain shares with Portugal is actually the longest uninterrupted

border within the European Union and Spain is a democracy under a

Constitutional monarchy and Spain is also the 14th largest

Economy in the entire world by nominal GDP

Looking at the population of Spain that number is at forty six point four zero

million now Spain has experienced a lot of

Increase in its population growth rate since the start of the 20th century

And this was due to the boom in the industrial sector of Spain and even more so in the 1960s and 70s

When you look at the population density?

It's at 90 people per square kilometers in Spain and its land area is at five hundred and five

thousand nine hundred and ninety two square kilometers

The capital of Spain is the city of Madrid now when we look at the life expectancy of Spain

It's actually the highest in all of Europe life

Expectancy is seventy nine point six years for males and eighty five point six years for females

Which averages to a total life expectancy of eighty two point six years now Spain ranks fifth in the world for life

Expectancy according to the w-h-o report that was published in the year 2013 now

I want to introduce the country of Portugal so Portugal is one of the oldest independent

On earth and Portugal is known as a very popular destination for people all around the world

With great weather pretty much all year Portugal is a very developed country with a high income economy a developed market

And high living standards, and it has one of the best road networks in the entire world

It's ranked as the most peaceful country in the European Union and third in the world

The official name for Portugal is the Portuguese Republic and the population sits at?

10.32 million the population density of Portugal is a hundred and eleven point seven five people per square

Kilometers and Portugal ranks ninety six in the world as far as population

Density is concerned the land area of Portugal is at ninety two thousand ninety square kilometres making it the 111

largest countries in terms of landmass alone and for the life expectancy in

Portugal that number is eighty one point five two when we average out the male and the female life expectancy

Now I want to move into dollars economy

And the money the currency used in Spain is a euro and that's exactly the same for Portugal Spain is a 17th largest

export economy in the entire world

During the last five years the exports of Spain have increased at an annual rate of one point seven two percent now

According to Spain's GDP in the year 2016 that number was at one point to three trillion US dollars

And that was thirty six point three

Thousand per capita when we examined the highest exports in Spain that subset cars at thirty five point five billion dollars

vehicle parts at ten billion dollars refined petroleum at seven point eight nine billion dollars and for the largest imports in Spain

Crude petroleum is at eighteen point seven

Billion dollars cars are at eighteen point three billion dollars and vehicle parts is at sixteen point six billion dollars

Portugal is a 40th largest export economy in the entire world and in 2016 Portugal exported

54 point seven billion dollars and imported

67 point 1 billion dollars and the expert partners of Portugal are Germany Spain France UK Italy and the US

Portugal's GDP is a total of

204 dollars and the GDP per capita is thirty point six thousand dollars stood out looking at

Portugal's exports their highest exports comes from vehicle parts at two point six seven billion dollars

Then we have refined petroleum at two point two four billion dollars and cars are at one point nine six billion dollars

That's where the imports cars are at four point four nine billion dollars crude petroleum

Is at four point two nine billion dollars and vehicle parts are at two point four billion dollars?

So what are the living costs like when we compare Spain and Portugal well to do that?

I'm gonna look at the capital cities of both countries and see which one costs more or less to live in

Now looking at the capital cities the food in Madrid Spain is 13 percent higher than Portugal housing is

17% higher clothing is 9% cheaper transportation is 8 percent more expensive

Personal care is 9 percent less and entertainment is 5 percent more

So the cost of living in Madrid Spain is 9 percent higher than Lisbon Portugal and the final thing

I want to look at is the debt of these countries so Spain's national debt is one point three seven trillion

Dollars and the debt per citizen is twenty nine thousand six hundred and twenty one dollars

Portugal's debt is a lot less at two hundred ninety five billion dollars and his debt per citizen is pretty close at a little over

Twenty eight thousand dollars, so guys let me know down below in the comments section which country

Do you think is better Spain or Portugal?

I know this is gonna be a pretty tough one and guys be sure to look out for our military

Comparison video where we compare just the military power of Spain and Portugal

That episode is gonna be at the end of this video

Or you can click it on one of the cards be sure to also check me out on social media those links are down below

And I'm out of here guys to make more videos for you until next time see ya

Hey guys, and if you really enjoyed this video you

Definitely have to see this military comparison video that we did of Spain and Portugal to keep it tuned here on FTD facts

Where we post videos daily?


For more infomation >> SPAIN or PORTUGAL - Which Country Is Better? - Duration: 6:42.


11 Bollywood Films Poster Copied From Hollywood Blockbuster Films | You Won't Believe - Duration: 2:54.

11 Bollywood Films Poster Copied From Hollywood Blockbuster Films | You Won't Believe

For more infomation >> 11 Bollywood Films Poster Copied From Hollywood Blockbuster Films | You Won't Believe - Duration: 2:54.


SPAIN or PORTUGAL - Which Military Is Better? - Duration: 5:12.

In this episode of FTD facts we're putting the military power of Spain vs.

Portugal against each other and see which one you think comes out on top. How's it going everybody?

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of FTD facts now

This is an episode that I wanted to do for quite a while because I love both of these

Countries and you guys have been requesting for more videos on the European countries anyways

So I figured it's gonna be an interesting one so I want to get into this and compare these military statistics

But before I do that guys be sure to give this video a thumbs up and for all you new faces here watching FTD facts

So yeah hit that subscribe button and that Bell notification

It's free if you want to keep learning about our world and the different countries and cultures all in it ok

So let's start with

Spain the Spanish armed forces is the military forces of the kingdom of Spain and it consists of the army the Navy as well as

The Air Force the Spanish armed forces are members of NATO the euro corpse the European Union battle groups

And they also provide peacekeeping troops to the United Nations ok

So let's examine the specific military stats

Spain's available manpower is at 23 million people and they have a hundred and twenty four thousand one hundred active

Personnel they also have 50 thousand six hundred reserve personnel

the Portuguese armed forces include the general staff of the Armed Forces

the other

unified bodies and three service branches of the Portuguese Navy the Portuguese Army and the Portuguese Air Force the Portuguese armed forces are

charged with protecting

Portugal as well as supporting international peacekeeping efforts as well as supporting NATO the United Nations and of course the European

Union and guys did you know that Portugal is actually ranked third as the most peaceful country in the entire world

This was according to the Global Peace Index of 2017 because Portugal is one of those countries that doesn't have any

Significant national security issues continuing now with the specific military stats so Portugal's manpower is at 5 million

30,000 people they have 35,000 active personnel and


3,500 reserve personnel now moving back to Spain let's look at their army when we look at their army strength they have

327 combat tanks

2490 three armored fighting vehicles they have a hundred and forty-three towed artillery and 96 self-propelled artillery

Inside of Portugal's army strength Portugal has a hundred and thirty three combat tanks

1080 armored fighting vehicles they don't have any rocket projectors, but they have sixty towed artillery and eighteen self-propelled artillery

Not looking at the power of their whole Air Force

This is what Spain has Spain has 109 fighter aircrafts the air attack aircraft sit at 108

Transport aircrafts are at 181

trainer aircrafts are at

171 and they have

173 total helicopters and 10 attack helicopters

Portugal has 64 fighter aircrafts as well as 64 attack

Aircrafts the total number of transferred aircrafts are 36 trainer aircrafts are 27 total helicopters are 25

But they do not have any attack helicopters now

Let's move on into the Navy the total naval assets of Spain sits at 46

They have three submarines two aircraft carriers twelve frigates eight patrol aircrafts and six mine warfare vessels

Portugal's Navy is pretty close with 41 total naval assets. They have 18 patrol crafts

They don't have any aircraft carriers, but they do have five frigates two submarines seven Corvettes however

They don't have any mine warfare vessels at all and the final thing

I want to look at in this military comparison is the logistics and the defense budget

The labor force of Spain is 22 million eight hundred and ninety thousand people there

Merchant Marine strength is 132 Spain has nine major ports and terminals and a hundred and fifty serviceable

Airports and their entire military is all funded with a budget of eleven point six billion dollars now Portugal's labor

Force is a lot smaller only at five million one hundred and sixty seven thousand their Merchant Marine strength is at 109

There are four major ports and terminals in Portugal and 64 serviceable airports

And I guess you know being such a peacekeeping nation their defense budget is not really that high at all only

3.8. Billion dollars, that's all I got for you in this episode guys really

Hope you enjoyed it be sure to leave your thoughts and comments down below

And also check out the video that we did comparing Spain and Portugal as a country

Overall that was a pretty interesting one because a lot of you have been requesting for us to do that comparison

You guys have been awesome and don't forget you can always follow me on social media. Those links are down below as well

Where you can keep up with what I'm doing when I'm not filming videos and until I make the next video guys just keep staying

Awesome, and I'll see you real soon

Hey yet for any of you that want to just keep on learning about Spain and Portugal check out this video

We compare these two amazing countries

And we go a lot more in depth not just looking at the military power so keep it tuned here on FTD facts

Where we post videos daily?

For more infomation >> SPAIN or PORTUGAL - Which Military Is Better? - Duration: 5:12.



This is my first time at this event, so I'm feeling very nervous

I'm so nervous

I was able to get a signature even though I wasn't selected for this event

From now on, I will be their fan forever

All 12 songs are so great

I cried while listening, as soon as they were released

I was really happy

Most importantly, they all in their heydays in terms of looks

Because their comeback took so long, I'm so happy to have this opportunity to see iKON

I am very thrilled because this is my first fan sign event

Continue with all your hard work

I hope there are a lot more opportunities for them to spend time with fans

iKON I love you

Congratulations on getting No.1 on music charts

I hope that you will always continue to walk on this flower path

We love you~!

For more infomation >> iKON - '2nd ALBUM : RETURN' FAN SIGNING DAY IN GOYANG - Duration: 1:47.


Premoniciones 🌪😳🙏 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:05.

For more infomation >> Premoniciones 🌪😳🙏 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 21:05.


Vidas Paralelas 😩😢👪 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:48.

For more infomation >> Vidas Paralelas 😩😢👪 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 17:48.


Dan's Journey to the West ? A shift in generations in the LCK! [Danyuki ep.3] - Duration: 10:29.

I go by the name 'Dan Wukong', whose name is as short as his height.

You mischievous monkey! You are now perma-banned for 500 years!

After all the intentional trolling he's done, Dan Wukong gets kicked out to the human world

Shen Monk finds him on the street

Under the orders of Shen Monk,

I embarked my journey in hopes of

finding the infamous monsters

Every one of them has such a dreadful face!

Who will I discover today~?

Monster-pursuing action-thriller! Dan's Journey to the West

The inspection continues

There are two monsters who look awfully sad

You monsters! Why do you put on such a sad face?

(Trying to squish in)

There's plenty of space over there…

Kuro (Afreeca / Super mid-laner)

Spirit (Afreeca / Now the authority figure)

From what I hear, you guys lost a big pillar(?) upholding the team?

Yea… He's gone!

How does it feel to part with your beloved big brother of the team?

……………….(Stopwatch activated)

The brother we loved so much…

He will always be in our hearts

It's only right that when one man leaves, another man comes to replace him

A new top laner! Kiin!

A truly insolent friend! He seems to legitimately have zero conscience!

He can only be second to you right…??

The man can only laugh…

This man slightly agrees…

Come on~ I am not even close to his insolence!

First of all, he's very young.

Kids these days… Aren't disciplined well…

Is he that young?

He just turned 20 this year! One step towards adulthood!

< Afreeca team hierarchy, in terms of age> Kuro (25) -> TusiN (24) -> Spirit (23) -> Kramer (23) -> Kiin (20)

(Kuro trying to revoke his words) He's a fresh rookie!

(Spirit doing the same) Very cute indeed!

(Dan Wukong pulling off an amazing play on words…)

Now that's what I call a pun!


Didn't expect less from an ex-rapper…? Oh, maybe I shouldn't mention it…

Stop it... It's a taboo…

After all these years, his rhyming sense only gets better

I know people are pointing fingers at me and bad-mouthing me. I couldn't care less. Let me say this though. Carpe diem

Do you know why I am here today?


I am Dan Wukong!

(Kuro bursts laughing)

You think it's funny?

You can obviously tell that I am Dan Wukong. I am even holding the magic wand

That magic wand is like 5 dollars Lol

Pretty sure I've seen this at school

(Don't you dare!!)

Tell me honestly. You stole this from a local school right?

(How pitiful…)

This thing looks even worse than Doran's Ring…

(Dan Wukong is absolutely tattered)

Kids talking about 'kids these days'

Man… Youngsters these days…

Dan Wukong is going through a rough period…

We can tell that you are!

Putting this monster thing aside…

I ran out of 'QuickView'… (AfreecaTV subscription)

I mean come on… You guys are sponsored by AfreecaTV… What are friends for?

Is it that hard to give me one 'QuickView'?

How's Mr.Seo doing? (Mr.Seo = CEO of AfreecaTV)

Maybe it's because our recent performance wasn't too good…

Truth be told, it's been quite a long time since we've last seen him…

That's so mean! Screw capturing the monsters! I need to go capture Mr.Seo instead!

Mr.Seo… Are you watching this?

What can I tell him for you..?

It's fine. He's my brother from another mother

(Wow! Dan Wukong is so cool!)

(Am I shaking..??)

What if he says he doesn't know you…?

In that case…

We can slowly get to know each other~!

Little brother Wukong, is dearly looking for his older brother, Mr.Seo! Please give us a call!

Okay, I am gonna get going now

Be nice to Kiin

Don't worry~!

(Another really bad pun)

(The room suddenly gets freezing cold)

I can definitely feel the age gap from his puns

Honestly, I don't think the pun was that bad

I should save it for later!

(Spirit is reiterating the pun)

A long profile shooting and continued inspection for monsters


Hm… I sense something strange from this guy

You are a monster, aren't you?

Ah what are you doing~!!??

Sangyoon (ROX/'What're you doing' ADC)

You are 100% without a doubt, a monster!

How did you know??


Hahahaha! My identity has been revealed!

Things are heading towards the wrong direction…

Why are you here today?

I've come here today in order to meet this fella called Son Wukong

I am actually Dan Wukong…

Seems like I came to the wrong address then!

(Awkward laughter)

Apparently, there's a rumor going around that your big brother of the team has left you guys.

That's right…

He is none other than 'Shy'!

Where did he go?

He went home!!

(Another awkward laughter)

Do you keep in touch with him?

Yes sometimes!

It's only right that when one man leaves, another man comes to replace him

A new recruit! Kuzan!

Kuzan!? The Kuzan who used to be in Jin Air!?

Yes, that Kuzan!

Did you guys know each other before?


(Almost laughing hysterically now)

What about now?

Now we get along pretty well

Is that right?

Let's go~!

LET'S GO~~~~!!!

(Beautiful harmony)

Can't say that our teamwork is top-notch right now. But we are getting there!

You are an honest friend!

Now, we must say farewell since I need to go search for more monsters. But before I head off, who do you think is an abnormally strong monster here today?

(Lower your voice!) He's right beside you!!

Beside me?

Quiz time! Take your guess!

His power level is off the chart!

My power level meter is about to break!!

Let's check the answer!

(Faker casually looking at other people filming)

Well, thank you

Well I must leave now

Dude! Didn't you find the monster you were looking for?


How old are you!?

I am sorry sir…

What's with the sudden honorifics?

(Sangyoon was too immersed in his role…)

(Two happy men)

After my encounter with a humorous monster,

I spotted two monsters having a party

(Handsome aura)

(But full of mischief)

These two seem very suspicious!

Nimbus strike!

Crushing blow!

Come fight me, you monster!

(Who is this guy…?)

Smeb (KT / New leader)

Traditionally, the most handsome member gets to be the leader

Is it in the inverse order?

No not really…

Your face is truly shining…

You are pretty good at singing as well?

(Smeb singing montage)


I am not too good at singing…

You know me? The legendary Dan Wukong?

If you get caught by me..!!

Yes of course. I've heard many stories about you...

Kind Smeb… Sparing his time to listen to Dan Wukong's rant…

(Excited Dan Wukong)

Where's the other guy?

Score (KT / Veteran jungler)

Yeah I know. He's a weird guy…

Not just weird but… Very weird…

How dare you point your finger at me!

This guy looks really monster-like

(Score, the best actor)

How did Smeb steal your spot as the leader!?

Of course, he yielded it to me...! (Humble Smeb)

You get Baron stolen. Now, you get your leadership stolen

Despite all that, we won!

Have you watched the KeSPA Cup??

Absolutely 10/10 Baron steal! KT takes away the winning trophy!

The man now understands

Yes. It's me! The man himself!

(The filming day is one day before the Olympic torch relay)

Is that the Olympic torch???

How long do you run for?

For about 200m…

I was actually the top relay runner when I was in elementary school

I ran for 200m as well

Only 200m…? You kidding me?

So each one of you gets to run for 200m??

Then let's make a deal. You each run for 180m…

180m…. And then…??

Let me run for the remaining distance…

But you need to be pretty good-looking to join this event so…

If you can do it! Why not me!?

(Never has he felt such disgrace in his life…)

This guy is running as well~

Also… You guys need to qualify for this year!! Got it??

Yes, we must! Let's go!!!

Victory is ours!

Kt Rolster! Let's go!

Let's do it quietly since people are filming

(Silently) Kt Rolster! Let's go…

What's happening…Lol

After all that,

through the cold wave,

he tracks down his first prey…

I knew it… You were a monster after all

I shall take you into custody!

Clash of the Titans!

Look forward to the battle between Dan Wukong and Score!

For more infomation >> Dan's Journey to the West ? A shift in generations in the LCK! [Danyuki ep.3] - Duration: 10:29.


《Girls' Talk - 扮靚錦囊》第44集 - 香水 - Duration: 11:31.

For more infomation >> 《Girls' Talk - 扮靚錦囊》第44集 - 香水 - Duration: 11:31.


Perfect - Ed Sheeran | Cover by Aldhinn - Duration: 4:12.

How is it going guys? My name is Aldhinn

And today we're gonna be singing

the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran

I hope you guys like it

[plays guitar intro]

I found a love for me

Darling just dive right in

And follow my lead

Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home

I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets

To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love

Fighting against all odds

I know we'll be alright this time

Darling, just hold my hand

Be my girl, I'll be your man

I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

When I saw you in that dress, I whispered underneath my breath

But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight


Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

[plays outro]

***Thanks for Watching***

For more infomation >> Perfect - Ed Sheeran | Cover by Aldhinn - Duration: 4:12.


Cheese Omelette | Easy Breake Fast Chesse Omelette Recipes | Sister's Kitchen - Duration: 3:09.

Cheese Omelette | Easy Breake Fast Chesse Omelette

For more infomation >> Cheese Omelette | Easy Breake Fast Chesse Omelette Recipes | Sister's Kitchen - Duration: 3:09.


How to Make Money Online for Teenagers - Work From Home - Duration: 1:28.

How to Make Money Online for Teenagers - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online for Teenagers - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online for Teenagers - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online for Teenagers - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online for Teenagers - Work From Home

For more infomation >> How to Make Money Online for Teenagers - Work From Home - Duration: 1:28.


T.E.N 청쵸우스의 1분자기소개!T.E.N Joss Cheng's 1 Minute Intro!::Makestar - Duration: 1:07.

Hello, Joss Cheng here.

I'm a professional idol with both the face and the talents.

I'm a perfectionist chic aquarius.

My dream since childhood was to become a charming artist

and I'm living my dream at the moment.

I like music, dancing and acting

and also like to take selfies

I'm often in the spolight due to my unique charismatic nature

and though some may think I'm some sort of an alien

Would you like to know more about me?

If you like me, cheer me on

and if you want to see a different side of me on stage

Cheer me on

and send lots of love my way!

and send lots of love my way!

For more infomation >> T.E.N 청쵸우스의 1분자기소개!T.E.N Joss Cheng's 1 Minute Intro!::Makestar - Duration: 1:07.


Nasıl Intro Yapılır, 5 DK Programsız Intro Yapımı - Duration: 12:24.

For more infomation >> Nasıl Intro Yapılır, 5 DK Programsız Intro Yapımı - Duration: 12:24.


Amazing Umstev View Point Cherrapunjee HD | North East India - Duration: 1:57.

This view point is on the way from Shillong to Cherrapunjee Road.

Entry Ticket INR 10.

Opening Time 8 am to 5 pm

There is proper railing to stand and watch the amazing view.

For more infomation >> Amazing Umstev View Point Cherrapunjee HD | North East India - Duration: 1:57.


How to Make Money Online Free - Work From Home - Duration: 1:28.

How to Make Money Online Free - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Free - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Free - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Free - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Free - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Free - Work From Home

For more infomation >> How to Make Money Online Free - Work From Home - Duration: 1:28.


How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home - Duration: 1:28.

How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home

How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home

For more infomation >> How to Make Money Online Surveys - Work From Home - Duration: 1:28.


So funktioniert die Penis-Massage! | ohja! - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> So funktioniert die Penis-Massage! | ohja! - Duration: 3:01.


Thank You for 200k Subscribers! More videos coming soon. - Duration: 3:14.

Hey guys, I've reached 200,000 subscribers on YouTube I want to thank

you because without your support this wouldn't have been possible. It took many

years for me to reach 100,000 subscribers, but just seven months to

reach the next hundred thousand subs. I will be posting a lot more videos this

year - I've been traveling to various places in India in search of ancient

secrets. This includes sites about astronomy, ancient machining technology

and understanding the Gods. A lot of people have been asking me why I don't

post a video every day. Now, you have to understand that I don't normally make

videos about the places I have simply heard of. I actually go to these sites and

try to research what kind of secret lies in these sites. This is why I'm not able

to post daily on YouTube because I travel and explore each and every place

for several days or several weeks. If you want daily updates you can follow me on

Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and I post pictures on them every day.

Another thing: many of you have been emailing me that you don't get notified

when I publish a video even though you've subscribed to me. YouTube will not

notify you about each and every video I post, but if you click on the bell button

which is right next to the subscribe button, you will be notified every time I

post a video. So, please click on that bell button to get all the updates. 2017

has been a very interesting year I've made some significant findings about

ancient technology of India. I've also appeared on TV shows both in the US

and India. My article about Giants was posted on Nexus magazine headquartered

in Australia and my videos have been getting a lot of translations in various

languages. This is all because of your support, because you guys have been

sharing my videos to various social media platforms. You guys have added

translations to many of my videos. I will continue to post my findings, so stay

tuned and I truly appreciate your support and love. Have a great day guys

and I will see you soon in my next video, bye.

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