Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 7 2018

This helicopter is commonly used for emergency evacuation services,

sightseeing, but it's especially popular for high net-worth business executives.

The helicopter is used to take executives from hotels to airports

to business meetings and it can be nice to skip the traffic.

You can also get your helicopter custom ordered, so for instance,

this one has a nice window tint which helps prevent the glare of the sun,

but it's also nice for privacy too.

This section can either be used as an extra seat,

or it can be used for storage, you can store your stuff in here,

but it can also be used for an ice box, so you can keep your champagne nice and cold.

You also have your reading light up here, you've got your own fan

and air conditioning system here.

Of course, you will need to wear a headset so you can communicate with the pilot

but this has soundproofing so it won't be as loud as it typically sounds.

The Bell 429 was designed for a single pilot to be able to operate it

through clouds, at night, you name it.

This is the navigation deck, as you can see it's all electronic.

Looks like a lot of tablets really, and just like driving a car there's a full system.

GPS, navigation, so you can see where you are on a map, zoom in, zoom out.

This helicopter starts at about $7.5 million,

so if that's out of your budget not to worry.

This one over here starts at about $1.4 million.

This is an advanced light helicopter. It's the Bell 505,

one of the fastest selling helicopters and that's probably because it's so light.

One of the first things I noticed when I hopped in was this glass front,

so pretty much everywhere you look you can see out the window.

It's quite popular for air taxis right now.

Bell Helicopter is now working to design an unmanned air taxi

which could be on the market by mid-2020s and it's collaborating with Uber as well.

So who knows? Maybe in the future, we'll be commuting

in a ride just like this but without a pilot.

For more infomation >> We went inside some of the world's most popular corporate helicopters | CNBC - Duration: 2:18.


হজ করার উদ্দেশ্য কি ও কিছু গুরুত্ব পূর্ণ কথা || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী - Duration: 4:13.

For more infomation >> হজ করার উদ্দেশ্য কি ও কিছু গুরুত্ব পূর্ণ কথা || শায়খ মতিউর রহমান মাদানী - Duration: 4:13.


Cours de Coréen en couple : les parties du visage ! - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> Cours de Coréen en couple : les parties du visage ! - Duration: 5:59.


CO2: Second Chance Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 33:53.

For more infomation >> CO2: Second Chance Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 33:53.


CO2: Second Chance Final Thoughts - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> CO2: Second Chance Final Thoughts - Duration: 9:46.


БОКСЁРСКИЕ ПЕРЧАТКИ | Детские боксёрские перчатки с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> БОКСЁРСКИЕ ПЕРЧАТКИ | Детские боксёрские перчатки с АлиЭкспресс - Duration: 3:26.


Comment obtenir son url personnalisée sur Youtube - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Comment obtenir son url personnalisée sur Youtube - Duration: 2:54.


Star Citizen - Système Hades - Duration: 7:04.

Since the appearance of Jump Drive technology

Exploration has become one of the most interesting activities for humanity

Every day, a new jump point could be discovered

Sometimes leading to an already known system

allowing to have one more road to move in the growing immensity of space

And sometimes leading to an unexplored place of our species

Some of these new systems could be without too much interest

but the majority of these discoveries contributed to the expansion of Humanity

New planets to colonize, moons to exploit, and Jumps Points to find

The system we are going to approach today, in my opinion, completely excedeed anything that could be imagined beforehand

beyond the appeal of new fertile lands and new landscapes

this system offered us something truly unique when it was discovered

The remains of a vanished civilization

Moi c'est Daium, et aujourd'hui, on va parler du système Hades

Far from the grandiose discoveries of times past

Hades had to wait a few years after his initial identification to be put before the eyes of the general public

The crew of the Merry Crow were the first to discover the system in 2515

but didn't announced their discovery right away

The ship they were flying was filled with stolen fusion engines

and introducing this new system to the government could have caused some issues.

Nineteen years later, Jake Tapps, a former Crow navigator and the only surviving crew member

was utterly ruined

And to feed his addiction to SLAM, a drug in the form of gas, similar to morphine

sold the navigation data of his ship, revealing the existence of this brand new system

During the initial exploration by Dynamo

Hades didn't appeared to be interesting by any means

A dying star

no green zone, forbiding any attempt at terraforming

and three and a half planets either with a toxic atmosphere or devoid of any type of atmosphere

However, this lack of interest was short-lived

On each of these planets

were vestiges presents, proving the presence of a long forgotten civilization

An ancient civilization that seemed to have self-destructed during an final civil war

This is how humanity learned the existence of the long gone species of the Hadesians.

Hades I was probably inhabited a long time ago

Between the many craters present on site

ruins can be discovered, suggesting a small, past occupation

The lack of atmosphere gave rise to many questions in the scientific circle

Did it had one before ?

Is the civil war responsible for its disappearance?

Hypotheses are many, but the answers, unknown.

Personally, I guess Hades I could have been a planet with a number of industries.

And that during the war, the chain destruction of all these factories

could have ignited the atmosphere.

Causing his disappearance.

Just like the first planet, Hades II was inhabited a long time ago

An atmosphere is still present

but like the rage that destroyed this species

it' won't let humans live if they ever try to venture without a suit

Under the violent winds filled with ash ejected by the multiple active volcanoes of the planet

many Hadesians cities occupy the landscape

All completely destroyed, forsaken at the mercy of the murderous air

Many of these ruins are hidden under consequent layers of ashes

And despite the attempts of thorough exploration done by archaeologists

The hostile environment populated by thunderstorms and tornadoes made progress extremely complicated

Deposits of Kherium (an ore much prized by the Xi'an) were discovered

but due to the historical and archaeological value of the planet

no mining operation is allowed on site.

As if each planet of the system had to advance even further in violence and inhospitality

Hades III is even tougher than his colleague of the same name minus 1.

It has an highly toxic atmosphere. Leaving only the best protected teams access to its surface

However, despite this hostile environment

Many ruins have been documented over the years

Suggesting that there is still much to learn from this species

Some things should be forgotten definitively

That's what most people must be thinking when they look at Hades IV, the last planet in the system

Beyond the ruins still present on the surface

Hades IV is, in itself, a gigantic ruin

A planet shattered into two distinct pieces, by a weapon of immeasurable power

The climax of a civil war that ravaged an entire race

This weapon, whatever its form, whatever its operating mode

should remain in the most complete secrecy for the sake of humanity and still existing species

There is an almost infinite number of theories about Hadesians

And every year, a lot of new graduates rush into the system

hoping to solve the mysteries surrounding this civilization

And every year, only failure is at the rendezvous

But that does not mean that this species is unknown

Scientists have a rough idea about their physical dimensions

Based upon the architecture and skeletal remains

The Hadesians were creatures with a massive torso

many fine appendices, the exact number varying from one Hadesian to the other

a pair of long arms and multiple legs to complete the picture

Beyond that, scientists are certain that the civil war that caused the extinction

would have occurred more than 300,000 years ago

Unlessbeing passionate about mysteries and stories

This system isn't really that interesting

Technically classified as abandoned by the UEE

it's not a place where people come to eat a croissant

No repair or refueling station is present

And the pilots present on site do not necessarily have the best intentions

Between those trying to protect the archaeological value of this place

threatening anyone loosely suspicious

and the outlaws trying to get artifacts out of the system illegally

It's not the best place to make friends or trade

Any resource coming from Hades will be considered as contraband by the Advocacy

In addition to this pretty cold atmosphere

many traveler hints that the system may be haunted

Some kind of ghost, named the Cryptid of Hades, would have been seen by Humans, Banu and also Xi'an

The creature would have been described as a skinless entity

leaving its musculature covered with blue veins visible on the surface

Appearing only in the extreme periphery of the vision, those who saw this ghost were unable to look directly at it

The entity disappearing instantly

On my side, I find this system truly fascinating

Filled with mystery, stories and risk

this vast area will be something truly unique to visit and feel

And beyond this aspect

I think that Hades echoes the situation in which Humanity is found, not only in Star Citizen, but also today

Our species and life in general, well it's kinda fragile

And we may be only one war away from our complete destruction

Whether it's a nuclear war on our side, or the potential civil war between Terra and Earth in Star Citizen

Thank you all for watching and thank you to the Tipeurs (the french Pätreon) for the highly financial support that is very pleasant

this sentence does not make much sense even in French ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

It's been a long time since I had not talked about Lore so I hope you liked it

But in short, I'm going to leave you, I have some roulades to make in salt

The word of the end very generously chosen by Sgmat :

Koe no Katachi

For more infomation >> Star Citizen - Système Hades - Duration: 7:04.


Only those 6 companies should use milk | Best Milk Companies - Duration: 2:24.

milk companies

best milk companies in pakistan

For more infomation >> Only those 6 companies should use milk | Best Milk Companies - Duration: 2:24.


(static cam) CO2: Second Chance Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 33:53.

For more infomation >> (static cam) CO2: Second Chance Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 33:53.


Pizza Nachos | Made Personal with Barry - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Pizza Nachos | Made Personal with Barry - Duration: 6:51.



For more infomation >> ПОЛУЧИЛ СЕКРЕТНУЮ НАГРАДУ В WARFACE - Duration: 10:39.


Дом 2 новости 8 февраля 2018 (8.02.2018) Раньше эфира - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Дом 2 новости 8 февраля 2018 (8.02.2018) Раньше эфира - Duration: 4:12.


I'm A Stay At Home Dad - My Experience - Duration: 16:35.

You got this man

Good morning everybody this is the stay-at-home dad episode

This is a collab we're doing with Whitaker family vlogs and the Bennett's life. We're gonna be kind of covering stay-at-home dad

non-traditional father roles

secondary income that kind of thing

It's gonna be a lot of fun very interesting, and I would say probably not your typical

Sitcom father role type video. This is real life today. Not even wearing a hat go on full bed

Head I'm gonna show you what it's really like on a typical day. While Sierra's getting ready

I get up come out to the kitchen make the breakfast for everybody and

get together all the things that she usually takes to work I

Also feed the dogs

and then when Gabriel wakes up I get him out of the crib and feed him and

I'm sorry this video kind of started out like hey

This is what my day is like my daily routine style video

And that's not what this is gonna be the purpose of this video is to share my experience

What led you to become a stay-at-home dad?

How do people react when you tell them you're a stay-at-home dad and hopefully we can offer you some encouragement?

So my stay-at-home dad experience has been positive. I will say that but it has been a little complicated

Is a complicated, but not because of this kid

I've had a job since I was 13 years old

Or some form of income since I was 13 years old and a regular job since high school

So the idea of not working regularly

Is kind of foreign to me and a little hard to get used?

In the early days of Gabriel's existence. I did try to work full-time I was working from home

And I thought that I would give it a try I actually googled if it was possible

just to see if anybody had any tips or anything like that and

everything that I read said that it was not possible and

I thought the kid just sleeps in in his little swing all day. You know how hard can this be?

And it was an absolute nightmare like it was the worst experience

It cannot be done if you're watching this video, and you think it can be done, I'm telling you that it can't

With the baby that age and a full-time job


They've quite. They both require too much, and I was just ripping myself apart trying to give 100% to vote and it can't be done

When I quit my job

I had a hard time feeling like I was

Pulling my weight in the house even though I was doing a lot of the housework

Caring for him you know keeping him alive

Those kinds of things and Sarah was very good at reassuring me that I was pulling my weight

But not bringing in a paycheck always just kind of laid on me it made me talk

It made me feel really guilty so

So I tried to think of him as a job

kind of reframing my thoughts and

that didn't work because

On some level most people tend to hate their jobs

Even on even jobs they love their days that they hate him and I didn't want to feel that way about him

So I had to stop that mindset

So I'm not real sure at what point I decided to just to just chill to stop trying to think of it as a job

To try to relax and enjoy it take it day by day, I really didn't know what I was doing

Hey still don't if I'm being totally honest

You know keep him alive that seems to be the the important thing

I will say that he rolled off the couch once

Bumped his head I was getting his bottle ready and this was

The very beginning of when he started to move

You know and it used to be you could put him somewhere, and he wouldn't go anywhere

But I learned that day that those days were over because I put him in the corner of the couch

And he leaned forward and then slid right off the edge, so it wasn't like he just fell

But he slid down

And I heard and then he started crying and that was the first time I said you ever have I told Sarah I said

you know

That time you realize the one the first time you really mess up at a new job

You make a mistake you know and you feel like you're bad at your job that

Day was the day he rolled off the couch was that day for me

But he's alright that doesn't mean we didn't call the doctor and get him checked out because we're overprotective first-time parents I

Honestly thought

Being a stay-at-home parent

would not be as

Exhausting as it is I was very naive


It actually

When it when I when we were starting out

When we were starting out

People say how's it going, and it's like you know it's a whole lot less stressful

But it's way more exhausting, so it's a real job. I don't get paid I get paid and loved

But there's no money in it so

My personal experience being a stay-at-home dad

It's been an overwhelming blessing. It was difficult at first to get used to and to kind of

internally accept some of the

The new things the role changes and stuff like that I guess the part about Sarah being the you know

breadwinner and all that that wasn't hard for me, but


stopping work

that was hard for me and

Just giving myself all to him, but that part was easy

So I would say that my experience my experience although complicated at first

Has been overwhelmingly positive, what do you think?

Alright Gabriel's down for his big nap of the day. That's the that's usually the time that I get to do other things

Maybe some housework

Lifting or some of my some work from my part-time job that I do

So me becoming a stay-at-home dad

Really isn't that exciting at the story so even back when we were dating before we even had kids or were married or anything like

That Sarah always said she never wanted to put our kids in daycare. She wanted to be able to raise him at home

That was just her preference. I didn't have a problem with putting kids in daycare

Because the idea of me being a stay-at-home dad or her being a stay-at-home mom seemed kind of foreign at the time we were both

You know working on careers and that kind of stuff so

We just didn't really even think about it, or I didn't even think about it

So we moved to Dallas for Sara's career, and she was already counted the main breadwinner or she was the main breadwinner

So this kind of took her out of the running for staying at home with the baby?

So when she got pregnant?

We already started talking about me staying at home with the baby

so with the cost of daycare

Sara's desire for the kids to be raised at home, and she's the main breadwinner and

Her career being here in Dallas. I'm already working at home, so it just made sense that I take on the role stay-at-home dad

Jeez I hate leg day

You put your socks off

Got a lot of Mg me to go for a walk Gabriel is up from his nap

Or out for a quick walk

It's a little chilly outside

But I got to get him out of the house every now and then or he and I both kind of go crazy

You know 90s sitcoms

Tell us that dad goes to work his mom stays home takes care of the kids

You know gets them off to school and all that stuff, but so you grow up thinking. That's the way it's supposed to be

So honestly

The moat the book of the people that I've come in contact with been very supportive you know

traditionally like I said the the man goes to work, and this is 2018 and I

I don't think that you can say anything is traditional anymore I

Guess you can't say its traditional, but well about breaking those traditions these days

Well nanika the north

So I'd say really up until this point I haven't met many others stay-at-home dads. I have known a couple in my life

but only as acquaintances never really actually got to know them and

interestingly enough it's through YouTube that I've met a couple others I

Do get a variety of reactions though you know after

Having done this for almost a year

When you tell people oh, yeah, I'm a stay-at-home dad you get you get the oh?

Well good for you

Really, that's so interesting. Oh, man. It must be nice not having to go to work every day

but honestly they had been too bad mostly people are very respectful and

Generally pretty impressed. I feel like we're kind of at the dawn of the stay-at-home-dad era so

typically when I tell people that I'm stay-at-home dad

I kind of get looked at almost like I'm a unicorn. It's like really okay. That's cool. You know

No, one is outright

disrespectful or anything like that and usually

Everybody's pretty cool about it freeze you little fingers off

So being a stay-at-home dad is definitely it takes an adjustment. It's not

For most people I guess I mean I can really only speak from my own experience

It's not what I expected


It has definitely been rewarding. There's nowhere. I'd rather be right now

He's been working on this thing for good ten minutes

He's gonna get it eventually and

You have to sacrifice

To to be a stay-at-home dad. I know we have had to sacrifice

we went from two incomes to one I

Do my part with a few of all side jobs that I work on in the evenings and while he's napping and stuff like that


You know it's nothing like having two full-time incomes, so

There are gonna be sacrifices involved, but I guarantee you

That's totally worth it

So it's important that I mentioned that none of this would be possible without Sarah

Sorry he's too fast for me


She we're a team you know everything that we do we do it together, and she really helps

It's not just one-sided thing. I don't do all the housework

Because she realizes how much

How exhausting it is taking care of him, so she'll work, and then she comes home, and then she plays with him

Well, I can get other things done or we play with him together

We work through books with him together and that kind of thing trying to read to him or point to the pictures on the page

Anyway, and then she helps with the dishes she helps with the cooking I mean

she she really played you know pulls her weight she put you know plays her part and

She's an excellent partner

And I've always said that we're a good team now he's got a third member of the team

And I guess this will be the last thing that I really want to leave, but leave you with

Watching your son daughter sons and daughters whatever the situation is watching them grow up

like this is

better than the view from any corner office

I would never get the same kind of fulfillment at work that I get

changing this kids diapers

So again this was a collab that we did with Whitaker family vlogs and

the Bennett's life

so be sure to

Check out their channels, I'm gonna put the link link to the playlist and links to their channels in the descriptions. They're both excellent channels

great families

at different points of parenting

You know aged kids and that kind of thing so they're they're a lot of fun to watch

I encourage you guys to check them out, so thanks again for watching this video

I hope you got something out of it

Be sure to give it a thumbs up give it a like leave us a comment

Let me know if you're a stay-at-home dad if your stay-at-home dad and you would like to contribute to this playlist that would be awesome

You could send me an email make mention something in the comments reach out to me on Twitter

any of that stuff we'd love to have your video in the playlist and

Kind of get you in the stay-at-home dad Network get to know you a little bit more so thanks again for watching

If you're not already be sure to subscribe to our Channel. I will see you guys next time

For more infomation >> I'm A Stay At Home Dad - My Experience - Duration: 16:35.


John 3:22-36 Read Conversationally. - Duration: 3:31.

Hello. In this video, we will be reading from John chapter 3 verses 22 to 36. From

the World English Bible, in a rather conversational manner. My name is Charles

Yerkes and this is the Simple Not Shallow video channel. This, is coming

from an excerpt from the video where I discussed some of the nuances that I

heard while reading this passage. I'll link to that video in the description

box below. Well, let's kick back, enjoy a cup of

coffee, and listen to what this passage has to say.

After these things, Jesus came with his disciples into the land of Judea. He

stayed there with them and baptized. John was also baptizing in Enon a near

Salem, a Salim rather, because there was much water there. They came, and were

baptized; for John was not yet thrown into prison. Therefore a dispute arose on

the part of John's disciples with some of the Jews about purification. They came

to John and said to him, "Rabbi, he who was with you beyond the Jordan, to whom you

have testified, behold, he baptizes, and everyone is coming to him." John

answered, "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given to him from

heaven. You yourselves testify that I said, 'I am not the Christ,' but, 'I've

been sent before him.' He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but a friend of

the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the

bridegroom's voice. This, my joy, therefore is made full. He must increase,

but I must decrease. He who comes from above is above all. He who is from the

earth belongs to the earth and speaks of the earth. He who comes from heaven is

above all. What he has seen and heard, of that he testifies; and no one receives

his witness. He who has received his witness has set his seal to this, that

God is true. For he whom God has sent speaks the words of God; for God gives

the spirit without measure. The Father loves the Son, and has given all things

into his hand. One who believes in the son has eternal life,

but one who disobeys the Sun won't see life, but the wrath of God remains upon


Now, if you liked what you've heard, please click the like and subscribe

buttons below. And after you click that subscribe button, click that gray bell

icon that's going to pop up. This will help keep you informed each time a

new reading is posted. And I will be posting two readings a week, one on

Wednesday and one on Friday. Thank you. And until next time love

simply, love wisely, love well. For that is where excitement and meaning in life


For more infomation >> John 3:22-36 Read Conversationally. - Duration: 3:31.


Satyricon drums only - Your Brethren in the Dark + drum Transcription - Duration: 6:07.

SATYRICON - Drums only of song To Your Brethren in the Dark

For more infomation >> Satyricon drums only - Your Brethren in the Dark + drum Transcription - Duration: 6:07.


How to Research the Ocean on a Budget - INDEPENDENCE AT SEA Video Log 1 - Duration: 12:22.

Two weeks ago, we covered our boat with a tent

We knew that one of our hatches was having some problems

So we called the welder

How is it looking?


And our unexpected journey with the welder begins

Ones the hatch was out we could see the real extend of the problem

We spent an entire day just cutting, grinding and welding the new steel plates in place

And another half day until we got the old hatch back

Sometimes it was like Christmas - REALLY Shiny

Meanwhile Manuel stayed inside and recorded all the details

And finally we put our hatch back

when Manuel finished the painting work, the hatch was looking shiny!

Meanwhile I was working on our hatch and putting some Teak Oil on the frame

And of course we had a day for shopping in between

And we found another surprise....

In the end we had another hole!

And we called the welding guy again

Best rust so far!

There was one Chip THIS thick


Deckhands are the only ones getting excited about rust...

Here, in some places you can tell,

This seems to be original thickness. 3-4 mm

And in here

If you scratch for a little bit you're probably through

But all in all it's just this plate here

But chances are, because this is the...

The Jib sheet - the forward forward sail

Goes through that block there, then through the one on deck

Then through this one and on to the winch, which is now covered up

But it is one of the lines - on this boat probably THE line

That takes the most........ most load

So maybe, and that's really just a theory - because the line is pulling back

it's why we have these two little holes here

But you found it because it was really rusty?

Really rusty.... it was a tiny little rust leak

that came out here

and then I opened it up and found a little bit of rust

dug deeper and found a bit more rust

and under the rust was a hole and I thought..... ?!?!#$%

Jap, and that's what we found

Now we're waiting for the welder who two hours ago said he would be here in 30 minutes

Smokey and toxic....

After welding we decided to clean up all around

And after cleaning up it was time to get rid of the tent

And we did a last cleaning session on deck

And finally we could have a dinner outside!

We did it!!!

Hello and welcome aboard Independence. I hope you liked the first introduction to our new boat!

And as promised at the beginning of the video some more information for the independent researchers out there

As announced a while ago we finally pulled the trigger

And we made it an open invitation for people who have...

good and valuable projects, that they want to conduct in the Mediterranean

primarily for now

And if you have one, come aproach us, write a Mail or join the facebook group

Independent Research At Sea

which leads you directly back to us

So if you have a project get in touch with us and we can work out how we can make it happen!

And for the rest of us - Thank you for watching, hope you liked it!

Leave us a comment, subscribe to the channel and also check our Instagram and facebook feeds!

Bye! See ya next time!

Also one of our very first Patrons that we had a year ago

Found her way back to us

Welcome back to the family Susan!

For more infomation >> How to Research the Ocean on a Budget - INDEPENDENCE AT SEA Video Log 1 - Duration: 12:22.


Reading John 1: 1-18 - Duration: 3:27.

In this video, we will be reading from John chapter 1 verses 1 through 1. From

the World English Bible, and in a rather conversational manner. Now my name is

Charles Yerkes and this is the Simple Not Shallow YouTube Channel. Now, this is

an excerpt from the video where I discussed some of the nuances that I

heard while reading from the book of John. I'll link to that video in the

description box below. Well, kick back and enjoy as you listen to what this passage

has to say.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things

were made through him. And without him, nothing was made that has been made. In

him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light that shines in the

darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There came a man, sent

from God, whose name was John. The same was came as a witness, that he might

testify about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not

the light, but was sent that he might testify about the light. The true light

that enlightens everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and

the world was made through him, and the world did not recognize him. He came to

his own, and those who were his own didn't receive him. But as many as

received him, to to them gave he the right to become God's children, to those

who would believe in his name: who were born not of blood, nor the will of the

flesh, nor the will of any man, but of God. The word became flesh and lived

among us. We saw his glory, such glory of the one and only son of the Father, full

of grace and truth. John testified about him. He cried out,

saying, "This was he of who I am said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me,

for he was before me.'" From his fullness we all received grace upon

grace. For the law was given through Moses. But grace and truth were realized

through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time. The own one... The one and only

Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, has declared him.

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be informed each time a new reading is posted. And I will post two readings per

week, one on Wednesday, which will be from the book of John, and one on Friday, which

will be from the Psalms. Thank you. Well, until next time, love simply, love

wisely, and love well. For that is where excitement and meaning in life dwell.

For more infomation >> Reading John 1: 1-18 - Duration: 3:27.


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