Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

(vigorous music)

- Now we're gonna take a look at

a few attacks from the mount position.

When I'm able to apply the mount position.

One of the best way to go.

Lay down there please.

When I'm here I always expect to what he's going.

I'm waiting to see which way he's trying

to work his way out.

The most common one, they extend the arm

trying to push you off so they can come up.

We're gonna go for our arm lock from here.

One of the most effective ways to do it,

especially to learn that move ...

What I do, I wanna transfer all my weight,

both hands here, one straight to his chest,

the other one on top of the arm that I wanna attack,

on top of my hand.

And from one shot, I transfer the weight to my hands

and I bring both legs up at once.

Right here.

Do a couple times so you can get the right motion.

Now that you have that, you start to move the leg

that you want to attack on the same side of the arm,

you're gonna move forward a little bit.

Now to make it 100%, the full motion,

once you're able to dominate in this position,

all you have to do is transfer the weight

and you're right on the arm.

The most important thing here is to place

your hip right behind his elbow, right there.

That's why I transfer all my weight to my hands

to allow my hip and my legs to spin around.







(vigorous music)

For more infomation >> Armbar Drill - Renzo Gracie Online Academy: Mount Control and Submissions - Duration: 2:16.


Recette facile de lunettes à la framboise - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Recette facile de lunettes à la framboise - Duration: 2:34.


髪の毛が生えました!? My Hair Is Back!? Sebastian Goes on Omegle! - Duration: 4:59.

For more infomation >> 髪の毛が生えました!? My Hair Is Back!? Sebastian Goes on Omegle! - Duration: 4:59.


°°°°° 🔥Testserver Neue Kerne Neue WaffenEffekte einfach Genial 🔥 °°°°° Drakensang - Duration: 8:24.

Nice Levl. 50

Gifts from BP

Weapons yesss

New Cores


cool fire effect

For more infomation >> °°°°° 🔥Testserver Neue Kerne Neue WaffenEffekte einfach Genial 🔥 °°°°° Drakensang - Duration: 8:24.


UN sanctions chief calls on members to lift travel ban on North Korean official for ... - Duration: 1:58.

The UN is set to grant a North Korean official exemption from sanctions for the Winter Olympics.

The request to lift the travel ban comes from Seoul, describing it as an opportunity to

reduce tension in the region.

Kwon Jang-ho has the details.

The head of the UN committee on North Korea sanctions has called on members of the Security

Council to approve an exemption for Choe Hwi, a senior North Korean official, for the PyeongChang

Olympics, at Seoul's request.

Ambassador Karel Van Oosterom of the Netherlands, who chairs the meeting, has sent a letter

for approval to all the members, which will be granted if there are no objections by Thursday

3PM Eastern Standard Time.

Choe is the chairman of Pyongyang's National Sports Guidance Committee... but also headed

the regime's propaganda department previously.

He has been on a UN sanctions blacklist since June last year, which banned him from traveling

and froze his assets.

The official was included in North Korea's Olympics delegation list provided by Pyongyang

on Tuesday.

Seoul formally requested that the UN allow all members of the proposed delegation to

come, saying that it will, quote, "serve as a timely opportunity to reduce tensions on

the Korean Peninsula and beyond."

However, this request comes at a time when the international community's main policy

on the regime is pressure and sanctions, and with North Korea showing no interest in giving

up its nuclear program.

The move to lift sanctions on Choe opens up the Moon administration to criticism of pandering

to Pyongyang, but the potential outcomes mean it's a risk Seoul is willing to take.

"If, through these efforts,... steps are made toward North Korea's denuclearization, or

leading to lasting peace on the Peninsula, then for the Moon administration it would

be worth it.

How they are judged will depend on the gains they make after PyeongChang."

If the expected greenlight is given, Choe will join other officials in the delegation

that will arrive in South Korea on Friday.

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> UN sanctions chief calls on members to lift travel ban on North Korean official for ... - Duration: 1:58.


美到以為是人間天堂!➲ 16湖國家公園 x 克羅埃西亞 | 歐洲vlog回歸!! - Duration: 7:08.

For more infomation >> 美到以為是人間天堂!➲ 16湖國家公園 x 克羅埃西亞 | 歐洲vlog回歸!! - Duration: 7:08.


【陰陽師onmyoji】目標是N卡⁉️比SSR更難抽⁉️SSN呱太們登場!500抽破符看機率如何 [CC字幕] - Duration: 10:42.

For more infomation >> 【陰陽師onmyoji】目標是N卡⁉️比SSR更難抽⁉️SSN呱太們登場!500抽破符看機率如何 [CC字幕] - Duration: 10:42.


[EP. 13 Preview] Hwayugi A Korean Odyssey 화유기 13화 "Will You Marry Me?" | Lee Seung Gi ❤ Oh Yeon Seo - Duration: 3:03.

Would you marry me?

For more infomation >> [EP. 13 Preview] Hwayugi A Korean Odyssey 화유기 13화 "Will You Marry Me?" | Lee Seung Gi ❤ Oh Yeon Seo - Duration: 3:03.


मीन राशि के ज्यादातर परेशान रहते है - Pisces Rashi ke log Kaise hote h, Pisces Raashi, meen rashi - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> मीन राशि के ज्यादातर परेशान रहते है - Pisces Rashi ke log Kaise hote h, Pisces Raashi, meen rashi - Duration: 2:39.



''Listen to me for a minute, Begum Please come here.''

What is this? -This is your gift for ld.

By God! You are looking like a new bride.

''Let it be -Let it be, Mother. As l was not born l could not see...'' in the form of a bride. Let me have a look at you now.

Why are you raising your hand on my nephew? He is right.

''You are really looking very beautiful, my sister.''

Now my son has got all the beauty of my wife.

He has got my colour only in his sole.

A black mark in the feet is always auspicious.

Huh! That's why he is making me roam everywhere.

You still remember this day? -How can l forget this day?

''Are you in Bombay these days, brother Maruti?''

''l have great power in Bombay. Until l reach, train doesn't leave''

lt's time for my office. -l'll also go with you

Let us leave too. -So early?

She has to leave for Kolhapur & l have to go to Bombay-Let's go

Congratulations for coming out of jail after 10 years.

Where is the other garland? -Which garland?

The same one which l wanted to give to Salma as my wife

What happened? -lt's late Sir

Salma got married after you went to jail.

That's never possible. l have never learnt to be refused.

''Jafar, you? -So you thought that l'll never come back & marry...''

...your daughter to somebody else-Your reality was revealed..

...while you were sent for jail. You've murdered lots of people.

And confiscated lakhs of rupees.

l was collecting the money for your daughter only

But you married her off to a Fakir. Get her divorced now

''l can hand over my daughter to death, but at no cost to you.''

Alright then. l'll kill your son-in-law & take Salma.

''No, l won't allow you to do this. -Don't come in my way''

Atleast fear God -l'm my own God. l need not fear anyone.

''Allarakha, you are with me for years. Now the fate of our...'' is in your hands. Go & give this letter to Salma.

Why have you come here?

''l have come here to take you, as my marriage was fixed with you..''

''...10 years ago-Shameless, don't you know that l'm married?''

l don't have any value for any rituals. People know that...

''..l take whatever l want, even by using force.''

Because stubbornness is plying in Jafar's blood.

How many doors will you close for me-Have some fear for God

''l don't fear God or his punishment. lnstead, l give...''

''...punishment to people, who don't listen to me.''

''Beware! lf you come forward, l'll put this flame on you''

Don't be a fool. Have a look at the hut & your condition.

''Come with me, l'll keep you immersed in wealth''

The husband is the most precious jewellery for an lndian wife.

And the dress given by him is superior to the costliest dresses

l can throw the dust of my husband's feet to your wealth

What if l kill your husband? -Then there will be two burials

One will be him and the other mine. Go away from here

Otherwise l'll call out everybody & they will beat you up.

''Alright then. Although l'm leaving now, l'll leave this city...''

...only when Salma will be with me.

''What is it, Allarakha?''


Allah! -Mother!

Please don't take her.

Why have you stopped the cart? -How can l go in this flood?

''Take this 20 rupees & let it go, else her bus will leave.''

My son!

l have become an orphan. l don't have anyone in this world now.

''Despite your presence, l have lost my parents, Allah''

Uncle! -l have also lost everyone.

Now you are only everything for me. l'll take care of you.

This accident has caused her a great shock. She has lost...

...the ability to speak. Did she have a son? -Yes

His presence is very essential now. Otherwise we can't...

...give her any treatment. -But where will l find him?

''l'm sorry. lf you care for her life, then bring the child.''

What is there to worry so much? We will find a child.

Hot news for today. America has built the hydrogen bomb.

''Uncle, are you going to Ajmer Sharif -No, my son''

''Paper please -Sir, are you going to Ajmer Sharif? -No''

Please have a seat in the bogie. l'll come with the change.

''Bob, l have opened an office for you here also.''

''But be careful, my name should not appear in any context.''

Sir! Sir!

''Madam, if you are going to Ajmer Sharif, please offer...''

...100 rupees to Lord on my behalf and pray so that...

''...l get back my mother, whom l have lost.''

Mother! Where did you go away?

She is my mother. -Get away from here

''Nurse, bring the child. ''

What's the matter? -Good that Salma lost her memory

Otherwise her real son would have taken her away today

Should l finish him -Kill him

''Mother, please don't go away. Don't leave your son like this.''

''Why don't you speak, mother?''

''Don't be worried, Uncle. From today, l will serve as your...''

...right hand and carry the load of the world together.

''Allarakha, from today, it's the responsibility of both of us,..'' protect the porters.

Walk fast

You dropped my dog.

''Sir, why did you beat that porter (coolie)?''

His mouth is bleeding.

You can't beat the porters like this,Sir!

You son of a bi***, bus****!

''Don't come forward, else you'll have to face the consequences''

l am a member of the Railway Advisory Board.

''He has beaten our man -Halt, otherwise, l'll kill you all.''

''What's the matter, Allarakha?''

ls it so? Let's see

Who are you? -First open your window.

My introduction is lengthy. l always have Allah's blessings...

''...on me from childhood, and Allarakha is with me.''

''My label is 786, l work as a coolie and my name is...''


What do you want? -The labour should get his fees before...

...his sweat dries up. lt'll be good if you ask for forgivance

No? Think well. lf the load that a porter carries is put on your...

''...head, you will go under the earth.''

lt seems you will leave after being beten up.

''l'm not going to leave, as this is our home. You are only the guest''

So the residents will feed you and you will eat.

Do you like to taste a sample?

''Now see the fun, Allarakha.''

''Arrest him -Arrest the other, Sir -No''

''What have l done, Sir? -You have created all the chaos''

Me? l'll see.

''Sir, we don't create the chaos. There will be chaos...''

...if we are not here. l'll show you how.


''Why have you stopped the train? -To make you listen to us, Sir''

Meaning? -The son of Railway chairman hit a porter badly.

''And when a fight followed, police arrested our...''

...leader lqbal. - OK. P.A. -Yes Sir

Call for a railway board meeting. And their leader should also...

''...take part in the meeting -Ok, Sir''

We will investigate the matter fully

''How will you investigate, when your board member raises...''

...his hands on one of the porters.

Please have some time to look at how poor men live someday

How we live by drinking tears instead of water?

There is noone to listen to them as they are treated like dogs.

''But there is no bandage, medicine, hospital or...''

...providend fund for us. We carry the load of the world.

But is there someone who will carry our burdens?

''After listening to both of you, we have come to the conclusion...''

...that the fault was Mr. Puri's. Ask him to ask for forgivance.

You want me to ask for forgivance from him. Never!

''OK, then submit your resignation.''

''Sir, he is a heart patient. -Huh, when he doesn't have a heart...'' can he have a heart disease? l think it is...

...fits. Make him smell some leather -Shut up!

Have you all seen the drama?

lt's better to resign then to ask for excuse from him

''Mr. Puri has resigned. Now put an end to your strike -OK, Sir''

We carry the load of the world

People come & go

But we stay back here

''ldiot -Not idiot, my name is lqbal. lt seems the angels...''

...have taken one month off to make you as per Allah's order.

''Rascal, you spoilt my dress -But your face became beautiful.''

''This is the joy of four men, but pay for just one ''

Don't soak the poor's blood Please pay the fare

''By God, one rupee is very less''

We earn our bread the hard way.

Drank some water and remembered the God

''Our hunger & thirst, both are satisfied this way''

''We work every day, and only scarcely get praised.''

lt's very hard to live. We also have a heart in us.

''And there are expectations in the heart, as we are also human.''

''When we are grief-stricken, we go to celebrate''

We lit Beedi and have Betal leaves

''See mother, this is my last job-application. lf l don't get...''

''...a job in the newspaper office, l'll start selling newspapers.''

Mr. lyenger is calling you

l got the job. Please take care of my luggage.

l have completed my journalism course in London

And l am also the son of a very wealthy person.

''lf my father wants, he can buy such small presses any time.''

''Then buy this. -No, l want to stand on my own foot.''

''Where are you standing now? See, although we publish the...''

''...newspaper, they don't have much readers. Bring such news...''

...for our front page that all the papers are sold...

...even before being published. -l'll do that.

I'll bring front page news for you.

''Savitri, tomorrow they are coming to see daughter Deepa.''

So l have brought a Saree. -But will she wear it?

''You'll get some news, but give me the commission first''

Speak in Hindi -A lady gave birth to 7 children yesterday.

''The eighth one is expected, please call the doctor.''

''This is our daughter, Deepa''

''Please arrange for their marriage, l'll publish their...''

...photograph on the front page of my newspaper

Don't be shocked. l'll not take any charge for that.

Have you seen it? -I don't have time.

ls she your daughter? -Then is it my neighbour's?

And whose children are these seven?

''The girl is mine, but not the other seven children.''

''Deepa, why are you crying? -Why didn't you tell me...''

...earlier that you are leaving this school?

We are going to London for my mother's treatment

And Daddy told me that we will stay there itself.

My parents also wanted to send me to a different school...

...but l didn't go because of you. And now you are going to London

l'll come back after completion of my studies. Do write to me.

''You keep my photograph, and l'll keep yours.''

Why did you leave me? l was not able to forget you.

''l knew that you will be mad with happiness, and it happened''

''You know, l did the composing & printing for this front page...''

...myself the entire night. l didn't even shave & eat anything.

You haven't eaten food -Yes -Will you eat? -Sure


Are all the papers sold out -Some are left

Whose photo did you publish in the paper? -That girl's...

And the father's -l couldn't find him

Then publish my photograph. l am her father.

So you are the grandfather of seven children. Congratulations!

That girl is unmarried. You ruined her life. Now eat this paper.

How will l eat that? -Put some spice -& this curry

Let me wash my hands first. -Eat now


It's tasty..Eat

''Bhima, kick him out of the room.''

''lqbal, see the moon of ld has appeared.''

I'll greet my mom first.

''Congratulations on ld-moon, mother''

People say that one should see an auspicious face after...

....seeing the ld-moon &. then his wishes are fulfilled.

''For me, you are the most auspicious after God''

''Although l see your face, you haven't fulfilled any of my wish''

''Mothers take great care of their children, but you you never...''

..even come to bless me for a long life.

But you have never blessed me.

''Still, may Lord keep you always happy, wherever you are.''

When did you give her the shock last time -Almost 15 days ago

''Bastard, didn't l ask you give her shock every day?''

''lf she gets back her memory, then l'll kill you all.''

l want her to lose her memory fo ever

''From the time, you have brought her, she is like a dead body.''

''She is of no use. Why don't you kill her, sir?''

No. She is the sign of my victory. l have kept her as...

''...decoration in my house, as people keep their hunts.''

This is her punishment.

The doctors have said that you should not think much.

And there is your letter from your son from lndia.

He has written that he will get a job in a newspaper office

And has also written that he has left drinking for ever.

l don't have any addiction for drinking

l only drink to forget my sorrows

To remove your memories

''And l drink to forget my sorrows,''

l don't have addiction to drink

l only drink to forget my sorrows

And to forget your memories

This book is about my heart

And the story of my heart

l have one part with me

And the other part with you.

How will l complete the story now?

lf we meet her now

lt'll cause even water to catch fire

The same friendship of the childhood

Would have started again in this youth?

l would have changed this friendship to love

My high feeling is gone after seeing the police

''See, police is after me. Please hide me somewhere.''

Your father expelled me from the job yesterday because of you

''And if police come to know of this, they will put me in jail''

You lost your job because of me only! Then look at this

''Send me home, you'll have 5,000 rupees. Half yours & half mine''

Then l'll run away again. Then again that 'half yours' deal

Take your reward. -You caught me. l'll see you!

I'll see you

''This lyenger family's girl is missing, her height is 5 feet''

She is dark complexioned And her name is Deepa

Why are you delaying? -Haven't you read in the papers?

''lf some Tamilian catches you this time, he will get special reward.''

''Although it's easy to become a Gujrati, Punjabi or so, '' takes time to become a Tamilian

The reward girl!

Come on...sit

Hi Lamboo -Hello Tingu

Where are you taking her? -To take the reward from...

''...her father. -But l am supposed to take her, as l called him up''

Then tell him now that this Lamboo will take her this time

''Lambooji(Tall man) -Yes, Tinguji(Short man)''

Don't come in my way

Don't touch this girl

''Tinguji -Yes, Lambooji''

Don't come in my way

Don't touch this girl

l have seen her before you

But l searched for her earlier than you

She is taking my name

But she is my reward

Don't wake up my anger by touching the girl

l have come from Madras to Bombay

And how tall you have become on the way itself

There is no tall or short in this game

l have brought her back

This will be decided by her father

Make this deal equal

You mean both our calculations should be equal

Our special reward -This girl always runs away from home.

And after finding her back we became bankrupt in... rewards. -So marry her. This is the special reward.

''Lambooji -Yes, Tinguji''

This girl is not a treasure

ls Mr. Chopra there?

He doesn't come here anymore. The owner is different now.

''But he had promised to give rooms to us today -OK, go''

You?-How come you are here?

We have our small rooms in the place you have in your front.

Please take the rest of the money and give us the rooms

''Did you pay any money earlier -Yes, this is the reciept.''

''And the rest of the amount? -Here are 4,000 rupees''

How can you a get rooms in that rate?

''Where are the contracts, Vicky? Read it to him''

''1 ,000 rupees advance & before taking the room, 49,000 has...''

'' be paid. -49,000? -Yes. Read this.''

''No, this is false. You have cheated us. We were promised...''

''...that rooms will be allotted in 5,000 rupees. You have now...''

''...made it to 50,000!''

Don't dare talk like this. First get the money & then talk.

''l'm telling you, you'll have to pay the price for this.''

Frauds!! They made 5,000 to 50,000

lt was good that we captured this business.

Now only Juli's wealth is left. Did you speak to her about...

''...both of your marriage? -Yes, but she refused''

We'll have to make her agree. We want half share in this... & our right on her property -How?

What happened? -He had a heart attack

''Please take care of him, l'll call a doctor''

Good that you came. Will you fulfil your father's wish...

...which he declared before dying-Yes

Then get married to Vicky -This is impossible

l have to take revenge for my father's death first

That is your wish. And your father's wish was that... should be married to Vicky.

Why don't you try to understand? l can't agree to this marriage

''Please agree, so that l'll have some peace before my death''

l have brought you up from the age of 5 as my daughter

Please don't refuse this.

OK -That's great. Now l'll die after you settle down

''Daddy, doctor is here. -Send him back, l am alright now...'' Julie has agreed for the engagement.

Go & order for the cards to invite the rich people in city

l have fixed your engagement on the 2nd of next month

''Friend, where is the department to order for cards?''

So you have come here to take reward. -lt's a different matter

What? -Are Vicky's engagement cards being printed here

''Yes, there they are -What is the date there? -2nd''

Then take this and fix the deal -What deal?

''Who are you? -l am the famous journalist, Sony''

l want to take your photograph and show it to all in the country

You have done a great job by inviting the porters...

...instead of the wealthy & rich people for the engagement.

How the porters can come in our party?

Same porters who beat you and insulted you.

Will you please tell me your opinion on the fun they're having

Who let you come inside?

How can you say that after inviting us? Your coridial...

...invitation for your engagement brought us here. See this card

''What audacity is this? Get out of here. Michal,''

''See, your Michael is there.''

How can you ask your guests to go out after inviting them?

This will cause bad publicity for you.

''Vicky, go & find out why the guests haven't come yet''

''Uncle it's Vicky -Yes, we got your card''

Then why didn't you come for the engagement?

But the date is 20th. -How this 2 became 20?

''The same way as 5,000 became 50,000.''

''You only taught us this tactics, now we are giving it back to you''

''So this is all your play -Yes, it is!''

''And until you give us our house, we will live in your father's...'' -Would you spread some light on the term 'father's house'

So you have applied this method to claim your house

''Yes, you showed us your way, now we are showing you ours''

So you want the house -Yes -That you will get

Your complexion has changed after they have promised... give the house. What is your opinion in this regard?

''l feel the house which they should get, will anyway...'' given to them.

So you want the house Take this then.

Why? ls it small?

''No, it is much bigger as compared to your heart''

But now we will fit luxorious items in this house from here

What have you done? -l was trying to bring this to the...

''...size of our house. Otherwise, how will we take them inside?''

Will you spread some light on this item being taken to...

...your house? -l'll spread many things now. Just wait & see.

Do you know how costly this light (Zhumar ) was?

Will you comment on its broken pieces?

''lqbal, l had to use the dishes to see my face''

So you need a mirror -Yes -You'll get it.

Are you able to see your eace now?-Yes -Take it

The breaking of glass is regarded as inauspicious...

...during the time of engagement & marriage. Will you comment?

We will also need the watch to see the time.

Take your parts from this watch

l'll see you -This time keeps moving

''Yesterday it was yours, today it is mine''

Would you like to comment on that?

''Call the police, Vicky''

What are all these? So you have reached here too.

We have been invited.

''Uncle, have you got everything for your house''

Only a wife is lacking -Then take her

But have a look at yourself. ls she suitable?

l will keep her for myself

''He is holding my hands in front of so many people, and you...''

''...are sitting silently? -Had he come alone, l would have...''

...taught him a great lesson -Then consider me as alone

''Anyway, l've some pending issues with you. Should l fix the deal?''

''Yes -OK, leave him.''

Now this iron will pass through your body

This iron is our weapon. This can feed us and when necessary..

...can take lives of people like you

Would you like to tell something about the pressure you are facing? are silent now!

''Uncle, please call the police.''

''Until you give us our house, these goods will be with us''

What do you want to say about these behaviour of the porters?

Shut up -You shut up now.

''Please let me go, else l'll put handcuffs in your hands''

Before that l'll keep you in handcuffs. And l'll hand over...

''...your lover to the police. -Leave me, l say''

''lf you make any noise, l'll break your body into pieces.''

''Will you have some food -No. - Not food, l'm asking you to sing''

''Water? See Madam, you get your water from the tap...'' we have our water from the roof

This is Vividh Bharati. Now Swami Sewananda will speak...

''...about various techniques of Yoga exercises.''

Somebody was about to tell instructions to make omlettes

Today Latif Bhai & Hanif Bhai will tell you how to prepare...

...French omletes. Are you prepared with the ingredients?

Yes -Now pour one spoonful of ghee in the frying pan

Now take the egg in your hands -And jump with one foot

Halt now. -Now put the egg on the floor and sit on it... the way of Padmasana.

Now let it fry in mild flame

''Now take a green chilly, open your mouth ...''

...& put the chilly on your tongue

Now lie down on the floor slowly and raise your left leg

Then your right leg -And take an onion with both your legs

Put it on the floor and thump it

Then put the onion on the frying pan & wait till it becomes red

''Now stand up, put your hands on the knee & take a deep breath''

Now take another egg -And stand on your head

Now have a look at the omlette -How can l see it now?

''Madam, how is the omlette -First class''

How can it be bad after so much hard work!

Bring your legs down and stand up slowly

Sit on the floor and put your left leg on your neck

lt's locked now

''Madam, please release my lock''

So what is your comment on this condition of yours -Not good

''Don't try to run away, else this bird will take out both your eyes''

Come here and release me

Your French omlette is ready..enjoy -Shut up

Take this pan. l am going out now and by the time l return...

...the omlette should be ready.

''Allarakha, keep a watch on this girl, she is very clever.''

''Don't be scared, daughter. This is a poor man's house...'' it shakes even when a train passes by. l just returned from...

...Sirdhi. l heard that lqbal brought you here forcefully

How can one reach at a solution using force? Go home now

Shut up.

You have tortured me a lot. Now l'll not leave you alive.

''Why are you killing the one who is already dead? That day, being''

''...desirous of eating omlette from your hands, when lqbal was on...''

''...his way to the station, he came under a train''

''And his body was cut into pieces, & every pieces was...''

...taking your name only.

But today's newspaper carried no news on this

Who will publish the death of such a poor man?

''Had it been someone like your Uncle, it would have been...''

''...published. lf you don't believe me, check for yourself...''

...the porters have erected his statue in the Rani Garden.

''Please go there and speak out your heart, at least the soul...''

...of that statue will rest in piece. l bacome so grief-stricken

'' the thought of his death, with so much love in his heart.''

Will you please come there?

What are you thinking? lf you have anything for him in your...

''...heart, then you should go, otherwise no need to go.''

How long will l stay here with the umbrella in my hands?

''Until the girl comes here, stand like this.''

There she comes. Jump now

She is carrying two candles in her hands-Why-She only knows

''What a life-like statue is built by the sculptor, as if it'll...''

...speak now itself. -He can't speak now

lf you didn't hurry that much for your death & stayed for some...

''...more days, we would have understood each other better''

When l saw you in the railway station for the first time...

...l felt something in my heart -What did you feel?

''Please speak out, why are you feeling shy in front of a statue?''

''l thought, you will come to my residence -l didn't know your...''

...address-What? -He didn't have your address with him

You lifted me in front of everyone like a luggage.

Actually l liked that manliness on your part -You should have told..

...that earlier itself. -Had you told it earlier he need not have... become a statue today -Why do you speak in between?

''After seeing your photo in the paper, l cried so much.''

''l don't know, whether that was my sympathy or love''

People say that loves can even bring life to a dead again

''lf l also had such strength in my love, you would be alive''

''See, l'm alive again''

You are alive! So all this was a drama-Not this was all love

Who told you that l love you? -Bah! When l was a statue... were showing too much sympathy. Should l again become..

...a statue? -Do whatever you want. You are just a 3rd class.

She left! Where have you left me in the middle of all these chaos?

You? -Come down

What are you doing here? -l am throwing out the water

''Otherwise, how will l prepare that special omlette for you?''

But -l have come here on my own will. And l'll stay here...

...till the porters get their houses.

Have you really come here amidst this rain to give...

'' to the porters -No, l've come here to settle down.''


Both of us are lost in the love of youth

''And that is neither your fault, nor mine''

''Neither you saw the signal, nor l''

That is how the accident took place

Both of us are lost in the love of youth

''And that is neither your fault, nor mine''

''Neither you saw the signal, nor l''

That is how the accident took place

We both are homeless

Neither we could see what is ahead nor what is behind

We just put our vehicle of the heart on the tracks

''Neither you saw the track, nor l saw the flag''

That is how the accident took place

And also the agreement took place & it became permanent.


The paths were different and you were not calculative

You also didn't have a veil on your face

The attitude of the weather was also not good

''Neither you saw the danger, nor l saw''

That is how the accident took place

Now if there is any loss we will have to compensate it

And we will have to fall in love

''Neither you blew the whistle, nor l blew''

That is how the accident took place


''What are you saying? How can we allot them the house in 5,000''

''lf they don't get the house, l'll not get married''

But why are showing that much sympathy to them?

''After seeing their condition, l even feel that they should be...''

...given their houses for free.

Will you get married if we give them the houses

''Yes, but l'll get married only after the porters get houses.''

''Brothers, there is a good news. Keep your money ready...''

...we are going to get our houses soon

Let's go and take out the money from our deposits

Welcome Mr. Goga -Our Madras office has been raided by police

''Mr. Jafar said that before police reaches here, run away with...''

...whatever money we have here.

We should be able to run away before the police arrives here

You came to spy on us? Come with me

''Sony, you? -Get ready to go to the jail. ''

Take him upstairs and tie him up Mr. Jafar will decide about him.

l was noticing your activities for a long time. Now everything is...

...revealed. l'll publish your deeds in the front page.

The luggage is heavy. Don't you want porters to lift them?

''You will lift the luggage? -Yes, because they are ours''

There is no chance to escape. The building has been...

...surrounded by our men.

''You can't run away, as l have great strength in this hand.''

You luckily got saved that day. l will cut your other hand today.

''See, my mother saved my life today.''

''Therefore, l always carry my mother's photograph with me.''

Even l also have my mother's photograph at home

''When l am sad, l always cry in front of her photograph''

''And when l am happy, then also l share my happiness with her ''

''You are fortunate that you have your mother also, besides her...''

...photograph. l only have her photograph with me

Why? What happened to your mother?

She got separated from me. -How?

lt happened long ago. When l was eight years old.

''There was a flood in our village, and all the village was floating''

Both my parents were carried away in that flood

''After few months, l saw her in the railway platform''

l introduced myself to her. But she looked at me with a lost...

...look. As if she doesn't recognise me.

You could have told me about her. l would publish her...

'' in the newspaper and wherever she is, we'll find her.''

What was her name?

Salma -Salma?

My mother's name is also Salma. Do you know her whereabouts?

l heard that she was in abroad.


''l am your son, lqbal. l have come to take you with me.''

Try to remember how happy we were. The flood destroyed all.

''Please embrace me as your son, otherwise l'll give up my...''

'' crying in your lap. Since childhood, there was not...''

...a day on which l didn't remember when l was alone.

''Years after, my annoyed fate is having it's mercy on me...''

...and l finally found you again.

''The aim of my life is fulfilled. Come with me, mother.''

Halt. We have come to arrest you -For which crime?

For trying to abduct her. -She is my mother

He is telling a lie. She is not his mother. Ask her the truth.

ls he your son?-She can't speak & she has lost her memory

What proof do you have that she is your mother?

''Tear off my heart & see, you will find her picture in it.''

Law doesn't accept such arguments

''lf your law doesn't accept it, l am also not going to obey it''

l'll take my mother with me anyway. Let's see who stops me.


Beat him

Don't talk rubbish. He is not Salma's son. He came to rob...

''...some money. -You have robbed him of his greatest wealth,''

His mother. And it is not a crime to steal from a thief's house

Sony -Don't shout. l know very well about your business

And how you have looted the portars of their money...

...through your Bob Chit Funds. All the details are recorded here.

''lf you don't return my brother's right to him, l'll publish...''

...all your secrets in the newspaper tomorrow.

''And if l agree to you, then? -Then l'll not publish it''

''Wait here, l'll just bring the cheque''


l will surely bring your son to you.

Take the cheque.

This is Jafar here. -Yes Sir

''Sony knows a lot about us already, Finish him. ''

There have been lots of enemies in our business

They must have tried to take our son's life

l'll take you to Dargah Sharif today. You can pray there...

...and thank Lord for saving our son's life.

l'll come back after signing some documents.

''He is coming out from the jail after 14 years, and you want...'' take her to the Dargah! -Where is the Dargah?

''ln front of the jail -As soon as he comes out of the jail,...''

''Her son's life was saved, so she has come here to spread a sheet''

May Lord always keep you happy with your husband

Where will you go now?-l will ask Lord out there about it

And pray to him to return me whatever l have already lost

Do you recognise this tomb? -This is my master's tomb

You are only responsible to make him reach here.

''Me? But who are you? -l am his daughter, Julie''

''l was waiting for this day for 14 years, when you will come...''

...out of the jail after serving life-time imprisonment.

l take oath that l haven't murdered him

That'll will be proved right now

''lf my end has really come closer, let me thank Lord''

l gave you five chances to prove your seems you are...

...not guilty. -l told the same thing in the court many times

But this poor man's voice was suppressed by power of wealth

Then who killed my father?

''When l was drowning, a person came to my rescue as an angel''

And that was your father. l had already lost my wife & son

''Had l not received the help of your father, l would be dead''

He gave me a job in his factory. Once he issued bonus for the...

...employees for 6 months. But his partner made us sign for...

''...receiving 6 months bonus, though he gave us just 1 month's''

''When he came to know about this, he called his partner.''

Although his partner tried to prove his innocence at first...

...he asked him to do whatever he can. As your father was...

''...about to call the police, he take out his pistol and...''

''...before l could do anything, he killed him.''

''By seeing me, he threw the pistol towards me and as l...''

''...tried to run away, two of his servants caught me and...''

...began to tell me that l am the killer. You also came to your...

...father by that time and found your father dead...

''...and when you came out, he showed me to you as the...''

...killer and you also considered me as the same only.

What's the name of that partner? -Jafar

How did you like the idea? -Let's not mix friendship...

...with business. We will have to spend about 50/60 lakhs... supporting you in the election. What will be our profit

Earlier also you have shared in my losses. Let's try this too

''lf l win the election, whatever tender has to be passed...''

...all will be passed in your name. What do you feel?

''But who will vote for you? -He is right, Jafar''

''That's why l told you, if you allot the houses to the porters...''

...they will be useful in the time of election.

Take these documents for your new house.

''And tell that guy, what is his name -lqbal''

That l have kept my promise

Are you happy now? -Yes. -l have done all these...

''...for your happiness only. Now l have kept my promise, it's now...''

...your turn to keep the promise -What promise?

To marry me

''l'll definitely marry, but not you, l'll marry lqbal''

What? Julie said this to you? -Yes

''Son, follow my principle. Whatever you want get it...''

''...and if you can't get it, finish it''

''No, l'll not finish Julie but that porter lqbal!''

''l have fallen in love, friends''

Ask about my condition

She stole my eyes in the midst of the market

My eyes are also stolen in this age

l have fallen in love

Love makes the youth meet

And it creates the story

When the clouds come down from the mountains

lts causes the shower of water everywhere

This time the thunder of Spring also fell on me

l have fallen in love

Ask about my condition

''Don't delay now, and make me the bride-groom''

You males can't be trusted easily

Ask for the pen & paper

l have written whole my life in your name

l have fallen in love


Although we have taken out the bullet from the body...

...but the gun-powder have spread over the whole body.

Her condition is very unpredictable now

How is her condition now?

''Please save my mother's life, brother. l promise,...''

''...if you save her this time, l'll never drink again.''

Don't be worried. Lord is very kind hearted. He listens to all.

What's the matter?

l understood. You are asking me to go to the Haj.

Now l'll go for Haj with your inspiration.

''On behalf of the Haj Committee, l welcome all the Haj pilgrims...''

...and request them to keep all their documents ready to... at the gate.

You are having high fever. Go for the medical check up.

''You are really sick -Don't worry about my sickness, let me go ''

''No, it'll be against the law. Until the nature of your disease is...''

''...found, you will not be allowed to leave.''

l am going to the holiest place. By Lord's mercy even the most...

...uncurable diseases will also get cured there

''You are right. But l am helpless, as l'll have to abide by the...''

....rules & regulations between both the countries.

''Maula Sahab, please ask them to permit me to go for Haj.''

''My mother is seriously ill, and there is little chance of...''

...her being saved. l have come with a great hope. l'll pray for...

''...her life in Madina. -See, this is Allaha's wish.''

''Until one gets the call from Him, he can't make it to that place''

Look at this person. He is lying here for 15 days without food

''He says if he can't go on Haj, he'll give up his life here''

''All his documents are ready, but he doesn't have the money...''

''...for the ticket. You have the ticket, but you can't go.''

Why don't you do one help?

What is that? -Send him in your place. He will pray on your...

...behalf and your mother's life will get a new life.

''Uncle, do you want to go for Haj?''

''Yes, all through life He takes one's test. Today, l'm taking his..''

..test. l want to see whether His mercy fall on some poor also...

...or not. Whether he calls me or not -He has called you

Me? -Yes. You will go to Haj in my place. But you will have to...

...beg for His mercy to save my mother's life on my behalf

Please save her life.

''Years ago, my son had promised me that he will send me for Haj'' day. Now it feels as if my lost son is fulfilling his promise

Haj Mubarak!

May Lord keep you & your mother in good health

Haj Mubarak to all of you

lt's was not in my fate to go for Madina

Please convey my salutations to Lord of Madina

Nobody is great or humble there

All are equal in front of Him

l am quite far away from your abode.

Please accept my presence from here itself

And have your mercy on me

You know everything

What is there for me to tell you

lf you just give an indication everything will be fine

Please don't separate a mother from her son

lf mother's death is written in fate...

...please change it and save her life

Lord of Madina

''Brother, mother has got back her senses''

Your mother is alright now. But don't talk to her for long.

Both his kidneys have failed due to too much drinking

''Anyway, one kidney is enough for one to survive...''

...but his kidney has to be replaced with the one from...

''...a living person. As his father, you can donate your kidney''

Don't speak about this to my son or my wife regarding this

''Even if he was my own son, l wouldn't have given my kidney''

''Then isn't he your own son? -No, once when my wife was...''

''...seriously ill, the doctor treating her advised me to bring a child...''

''...for her, so l brought him from an orphanage.''

''Why are you doing this, Sony? -Who are you to question me?''

''l am your elder brother. -Listen to him, friends''

''When l don't even have my parents, how can l have a...'' -Don't say like this -Fate of both of us has been...

...written with an evil pen. You had to keep away from your...

''...mother you had, and she got separated from me...''

...though she was with me.

And the relation between us is...

...also finished today. l'm just an orphan from Kanpur.

''Uncle, call for a taxi. My doubt was right. He was drinking here.''

Now we will have to take him to the hospital immediately.

Why does he drink so much? -Since he came to know...

...that Mr. Jafar has brought him from an orphanage in Kanpur...

...he is just going on drinking.

My son! He is my lost son. l recognised him... the mark in his foot. -Take him to the hospital...

...immediately. His kidneys are not in good health

l'll give my kydney to save his life

You can't carry any picture to the operation theatre

''What happened? -lqbal brother, this is my beloved's photograph...''

...who got separated from me in childhood. lf something happens... me -You are always upto delivering dialogues

You will be alright in few moments.

Where is Sony?-He's been taken to the operation theatre

''He is mad. He was telling me that if anything happens to him,..''

Nothing will happen to him.

This is my picture. -What are you saying?

We were studying in the same school in childhood.

Then we both got separated from each other

Congratulations! The operation was successful

We have organised a function to welcome the minister today

lt'll be good if our wedding is also performed in this ceremony...

''...itself. -Before getting married, l have to recover some debts.''

The whole life is left for that. But Lord has given just four...

''...days for the youth. lf those days are gone, ...''

''...the signal will be down, and the train will leave.''

The train of the youth should not be missed

Our hearts should not be broken in the game of love

Nobody should steal both our tickets

Nobody should hide after robbing both of us

l am your engine & you are my bogie

The bogie starts moving after being connected to the engine.

Our connections should not be separated

The well is so deep

That my hip is now paining after filling water

Come to the terrace secretly

Remove the latch and open the door

This youthful night should not go away

Nobody should rob tickets from both of us.

''Bless your son, Parvati. Had you been alive today...''

''Don't be sad, father. l am with you. You have given me a new...'' by giving a part of you to me. Now l'll not allow you...

'' work anymore. From today, l'll carry luggages''

''No, Lord has made you a journalist. You should publish...''

...the tortures on the poor & make our voice reach the govt.

Why are you taking my photograph?

''Otherwise, how will we make your poster, as you are...''

...contesting in the election.

Have you gone mad? One should be educated to be a leader.

And l am not educated. -Do you think that all our ministers...

''...are educated? Once you are in the chair, you get all the wisdom''

''Only a poor can understand about poverty, and one in need...''

...knows what is needed. Only you will be able to understand...

''...the plight of a porter, because you yourself are one. ''

But l don't know how to give lectures

Then how do you keep on talking like a radio the whole day

But money is also needed to fight in the election

''That is not called election, when the votes are bought''

All the labourers will support you.

''What do you say, Allarakha? You will be the party's symbol.''

We will have to defeat that Jafar who buys vote with money.

Remove poverty and put your stamp on the flame.

''lf you want your prosperity, vote for the flame.''

This flame will bring light to your life

So cast your vote in favour of famous Jafar Khan.

''Jafar -Aha, Aslam Bhai''

''Since you have come out of the jail, l'm looking for you only''

To ask forgivance for my crimes

l have good news for you. Both your wife & son are alive

They are alive! Where are they?

They are with me. Please come. l will take you to them.


''Jafar, l'll not let you reach the election platform''

Long Live lqbal!

''Thank you all. Actually you all should live long, as you...''

...have brought me from an railway platform to contest... election and answer boldly to the rich people.

Please ask me whatever questions you have for me.

You are an uneducated man. How will you be able to fulfil...

...the demands of lakhs of people. Will you be able to...

...provide them their daily bread?

''No mortal can provide anyone bread, as Lord only provides...''

...bread to everyone. He gives everyone two hands...

...and asks him to get his share of the bread from the earth

But you rich people even snatch away the poor man's share...

...of breads. You take away our blood. And if you can... will even sell our souls.

Do you think that the world runs because you carry the weight?

''To look after crores of labourers, a rich man is very...''

...necessary. The world will not run without the rich

How can you say that? Have you ever heard of a rich man...

''...being shot dead on the road? You won't listen, because it is...''

...always the poor who are made to receive the shot on behalf...

...of the rich. This world is run by the poor. Because right from..

''...Tajmahal to every construction around, all are being built with...''

...the help of the poor who carry the bricks on their shoulders.

Whatever the rich people build are due to their bribes.

''Somebody buys a vote for 10 rupees, ...''

''...applications are cleared by paying 100 rupees, one passes...''

''...exams by paying 1000, and passes a tender by paying 1 lakh''

''l feel, we should first fail these corrupt rich people of...''

''...the world, then only our country will pass.''

''Son, halt his tongue, else, l'll again have a heart attack''

Will l have to answer this myself?

''Wait, l'll give you the answer for this''

''Brothers, he didn't want me to reach you, so he tried to...''

...kill me through his beloved. -This is not true

''This is true. But, though he tried to shower bullets on... ''

'', l'll only shower flowers on him.''

Don't turn before you listen to me.

''Your father Aslam is alive, and he is in my custody now.''

Look at the old man in the front platform

His life is in my hands now. lf you want to see him alive...

...take back your candidature

''Uncle, is that old man my father?''

''Aslam bhai! Yes, he is your father.''

''Brothers, while putting the garland around my neck...''

...Mr. Jafar has made a promise to do such a great work that...

...l can't contest against him any more. My best wishes are... for him. And l'm taking back my candidature.

''Brothers, the reason behind lqbal's taking back the...''

...candidature must be that Mr. Jafar has compelled him for...

...this. Listen to this lady to know the real character...

...of Mr. Jafar.

Aslam Aleiqum to my husband & lqbal's father

''How is she able to speak? -Mother, father's life...'' in danger. So don't speak anything against Jafar now

''The Lord who made me meet my lost son, will surely...''

...protect my husband.

''You must be astonished to see me speaking, isn't it Mr. Jafar?''

lt's the grace of Lord that He gave my voice & memory on time.

Cut the connection of that microphone.

This Jafar is in reality is a fraud and sinner. He has ruined...

...many families.

You can't stop my voice today by disconnecting the mike.

Today l'll make my voice reach to everyone at any cost.

He killed my father.

''And for twenty years, he was giving me electric shocks...'' that l would forget about my husband & my son.

l was giving her electric shocks because her doctor had advised... to do so to prevent her from being mad.

''lf you don't believe me, ask him.''

''Friends, Mr. Jafar has spent his whole life searching for Aslam''

''And when he finally found him, he brought him here so that...''

...the husband can meet his lost wife & son in front of every one.

To speak against such an angel is to speak against humanity.

''Please go forward and meet your family, Aslam''

What are you doing? -l am doing the right thing. l have invested...

''...lots of money in this election. lf we lose the election, all the...'' will go waste. And if the crowd is agitated...

...they will tear us into pieces. -l don't care about your money...

...or the election. l have never learnt to accept defeat.

''lf Salma can't be mine in this life, l'll not let her...''

...become anyone's too.

''Let's run away from this place, as there'll be a chaos here now.''


''Now l am going, as l have got the signal''

''Son, lqbal He is the one...''

''Vicky, we have to break this and go.''

Move away.

Move away or l will shoot you

Leave me

Leave me- You can't go inside the holy place of Haji Ali

No one can stop me.

Leave me.

Please show your miracle.

How long will you survive? Three bullets are still there.

Shoot at me. lf you have the weapon of death in your hand...

...then l also have God's name in my chest.

Let's see whether this sheet can protect me or not.

My son!

l am just alive to listen to your calling me as son.

Please call me as son again

l have met you after so long. Don't leave me alone now.

Our arrival & departures are dependant on His will.

Congratulations! Your son's life is now out of danger.

''Thank you so much, Lord!''

Long Live lqbal Bhai!

...brought me back to life again.

For more infomation >> COOLIE Full Movie HD-AMITABH BACHCHAN,RISHI KAPOOR-ENGLISH/ARABIC/PORTUGUESE Subtitles - Duration: 2:49:04.


Die Illustratorin mit dem Zauberkasten | Deutsch lernen mit Videos - Duration: 4:52.

For more infomation >> Die Illustratorin mit dem Zauberkasten | Deutsch lernen mit Videos - Duration: 4:52.



For more infomation >> THE PRECIOUS COCONUT IN VIETNAM - Duration: 12:40.



For more infomation >> J'AI CRÉÉ UN PROJET HUMANITAIRE : J'AI BESOIN DE TES IDÉES - Duration: 3:00.


A-YEON 1st Solo Album Project [Makestar] - Duration: 1:07.

Hello, A-YEON here.

I'm going to be releasing a solo album soon!

So, I've decided to run a Makestar project for a chance to get closer to fans from all over the world!

This, being my very first solo album, will be made extra special by being released as a photobook album!

This is a great chance to get your hands on both my album, AND my photobook!

You'll join me for the album production through the project, right?

I hope you're all looking forward to it, and hope to see lots of participation!

Bye for now~

For more infomation >> A-YEON 1st Solo Album Project [Makestar] - Duration: 1:07.


A MISSÃO chamada TERRA - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> A MISSÃO chamada TERRA - Duration: 2:36.


Is it possible to live together and also separate? - Duration: 2:45.

Hi my love! All right? Today I'm bringing video that is a theme that was requested

by Tiago Reis. It's a really interesting subject.

He speaks like this: Can you live apart and be happy? Can a couple date living apart

and being together being happy? It depends a lot on

what is possible for each one to know the beliefs that each one brings within.

In thesis it is possible yes. There are several couples who adopt this practice. Married

couples, with children, even with grandchildren.

The actress Rosa Maria Murtinho, for example, she lives ... I do not know,

I think she's 50 years older than Mauro Mendonça, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but it's

Rosa Maria Murtinho and they live apart in an apartment.

There's a really cool side to it, when you're committed to it, right?

When you put a look at the adventure of dating: I want to date forever this

is very cool. When there is neither honesty nor truth: I want to live apart

because in fact, deep down I do not want being with you, it will never work out there.

Not together. It's not being separated,

This "character" will do not work. But it is possible to feel something and it can

be very good, but it depends on the belief of each one.

If you believe, for example, it's cool, it's going to be spice up the relationship,

it's going to be wonderful, you're going to date forever, but your partner or your

partner says, "I do not want it." so it will not be possible. Think of something

that the two of you will encounter, but if the two of you come across, wow! There's a lot of cool in a relationship like this,

it's where you always date, you know? Where you act with truth, act with love,

dedication and you end up spending a lot of time together, but every once in a while you have

your space to stay. This can be very healthy, okay? I hope

I have answered your question. In fact this saves many relationships.

Even so long as there is character and truth on the part of the two.

If you have not, if for one of the two it was a game, it will not work,

you have to have love, character and freedom. Good if you like the video share.

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A kiss! Take it!

For more infomation >> Is it possible to live together and also separate? - Duration: 2:45.


一起玩傳說! 說到做到! 和你們打的第一場傳說!|瓦特阿攸 直播 傳說對決 遊戲 - Duration: 15:43.

For more infomation >> 一起玩傳說! 說到做到! 和你們打的第一場傳說!|瓦特阿攸 直播 傳說對決 遊戲 - Duration: 15:43.


Types of Students At College Fests | MostlySane - Duration: 6:19.

Bro I told you to check everyone's bags before sending them in.

This is my responsibility

Sir you are safe with me. You don't stress about it

The celebrity wants privacy

I told you no selfies

Bro I told the security volunteers to be at the gate

Now when the crowd comes how will I control the crowd

I told you I want someone here

The principal will come and yell at me

This is my responsibility. I am the security head

Nobody listens to what I say

Now send a security volunteer over here asap

In our canteen we only get Amul milk

If you haven't had Mahanand milk then what have you done?

Milk Milk Milk Milk, wonderful milk

Milk is nice in every season

Drink Milk for healthy reasons

You will live past 99

Milk Milk Milk Milk

Drink a whole glass

Sir our college fest gets 36,000 people a year from various colleges

They come from all over the world

if you agree to sponsor us, we will put up 3 big banners in the main college campus

We will even give you a stall in the campus

A lot of celebritites are coming. Ashmit Patel is coming, Upen Patel is coming

We also accept cheques. It is very simple. I'll even write it down for you

The money will come to our account

Is Vada Pav available?

Vada Pav isn't available Ma'am. Would you like to have anything else?

Would you like to have Samosa Pav?

Even Samosa Pav isn't available ma'am

Ma'am why don't you tell us what would you like to have

Bread Omlette? Of course Ma'am

Acha oh ya we only serve vegetarian food in the college

Actually the Pepsi in our college is very famous. Can I get it for you?

Room temperature or cold?

Oh cold Pepsi isn't available will room temperature do?

I am your friend and host Prajakta

Why are you guys not making any noise

Why is the crowd so quiet, did you guys not have breakfast?

And if you guys don't know me then you should know more about the college

Hey why are you yelling in an empty room

I am just rehearsing

Who has come? Some celebrity?

Who is it? Is it Ashmit Patel?

Come lets go see

When will the War of the Dj's begin?

I have been waiting for it since morning

Hey come come come its started

There is a singing competiton? Come lets participate

I've never done Pot painting but let's try it out ya

I am registering

Hey come lets go for the poster making competition I need a partner for it

Hey you need a hand for your mehendi competition

Should I come with you?

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