Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 8 2018

Backstreet Boys, the popular pop group in America has expressed keen affection for the Bangtan Boys.

Sharing on their official Twitter account that they are massive fans of BTS.

The Backstreet Boys would like to invite the members of BTS to their concert in Las Vegas.

Then pointing to an absent member, Brian who just came back from Korea.. Backstreet Boys said Brian wants to become a member of BTS.

They also said the famous producer who worked on the remix version of MIC Drop shared to them an unreleased song of BTS, which makes many fans jealous.

They sent BTS a message of encouragement, saying that they hope BTS will continue to do well.

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Backstreet Boys invites BTS, says they are huge fans (News 180208) - Duration: 0:47.


Healthy Hair Growth Using Fenugreek Seeds(Methi Paste)Hair Growth,Long Hair By Desi Beauty Tv - Duration: 2:13.

Please SUBSCRIBE Desi Beauty Tv

For more infomation >> Healthy Hair Growth Using Fenugreek Seeds(Methi Paste)Hair Growth,Long Hair By Desi Beauty Tv - Duration: 2:13.


Dum Aloo Curry || Baby Potato Dum Curry Recipe - Duration: 5:11.

Dum Aloo Curry

Dum Aloo Curry

Dum Aloo Curry

For more infomation >> Dum Aloo Curry || Baby Potato Dum Curry Recipe - Duration: 5:11.


Rap về Eyeless Jack ( CREEPYPASTA - Vô Thị Ác Ma ) | 360hot REN Music - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Rap về Eyeless Jack ( CREEPYPASTA - Vô Thị Ác Ma ) | 360hot REN Music - Duration: 3:28.



For more infomation >> WARFACE: ПОДАРКИ ПОДПИСЧИКАМ - Duration: 6:41.


How To Report and remove on Facebook post or Personal photo And Videos Very Easy urdu Hindi - Duration: 6:04.

How To Report and remove on Facebook post or Personal photo And Videos Very Easy urdu Hindi

For more infomation >> How To Report and remove on Facebook post or Personal photo And Videos Very Easy urdu Hindi - Duration: 6:04.



In this episode live bait

closing, the gap

mouse hunter

Alternative approach welcome to thunders show

The commander of these whole reef tank is caught in irons the enemy ru

Has dealt some serious damage to the japanese tank, while its remaining crew, members desperately trying to survive doing everything

They can, even lifting the gun, barrel up for added protection, so that the gun breech covers the gunner but somehow

German, tank can not finish, what i started so the japanese tanker decides to take the matter into his

Own hands both tanks were located at the edge of the map so the whole regos in reverse, hoping that the ru

Tank will place himself in its line of fire or perhaps runs

Outside the maps boundary for too long and perish as a result it was all going according to plan at least early on

But the iran, tank case finally understands the plan of its enemy only if that shot

Did not detract him first could have survived in one last desperate

Attempt our lone samurai rams it's full and scores a frag leaving this hunter of burning

Wreck til joseph is a real artist of determination good job

Only recently have, we witnessed a good example of how, these smoke shells must never be used

This, time let's see how

They should be utilized instead pens are for of this videos hero uses smoke shells to close the distance with the enemy spg

Meanwhile one of the panzer force comrades aptly demonstrates, why you should, not cross the street that has no cover

Following a short break the panzer makes a run for it trying to close the gap to the enemy

Such a fast appearance of the german tanker takes the american spg completely

By, surprise given precious moments for the panzer to take a shot and destroy its opponent

Oh, that spg had to do to counter such a move

Was to back up the street a bit which would give it more time and space to react to a

Tank russian, and through the smoke, dwelle is now our designated smoke shell instructor here have, these eagles surf

Bo2 is legendary for its night bombing raids carried out during the second world war

It's more famous as a rare collector's vehicle than war thunder rather than an effective combat machine

But the protagonist of this week's most epic submission

goes above and beyond using this venerable biplane he swoops down and casually destroys a mouse

Super-heavy tank as its brother tank survives but only, barely we're just half a meter closer to the blast it would suffered the same fate

Man i imagine it feels bad to lose your


Top ranking tank to a first rank tiny biplane on the other hand destroying such a mighty monster with just a basic aircraft

While making 5,000 golden eagle skills good indeed flammie blue wt


One must never give in to the spare you just had a, bad landing can drop, any more bombs on ground targets

Well the solution is simple kristin rossi

Is here to remind us that motherland gave you that tail turret for a reason

All you need, is drive closer to enemy vehicles turn your tail towards the foe and fire, away

Yeah, i know it takes a, while but, hey it's effective and spectacular looking

We thank the author for such an original solution to destruction of ground targets

Due to the upcoming holiday, break there will be no comments here of the week this time

Since you have to make this episode of advance don't you, worry next episode, we'll pick two comments to fill in the gap

That is shown its staff wishes you and your loved ones, merry christmas happy, new, year happy holidays and best of luck

For more infomation >> THE BEAUTIFUL WAR THUNDER - YOUTUBE - Duration: 5:10.


Behind Sara Dietschy's Podcast! - Duration: 7:22.

this is the behind-the-scenes if we don't always say sentence is good

today is a cool day a lot of you are gonna know this surprise person that I'm gonna

hang out with but my lyft driver we're in lifts right now right I'm not

crazy lyft not over I get over is like a verb that you use even when you're in

the left but he's also an actor / youtuber so I'm just gonna hi guys hey

so my name is pon opa I know I make boy I used to make youtube videos that you

know the YouTube channel of pono team and I kind of just started making vlogs

at the end of my senior year of high school

and then over time I used the social media numbers the tennis star leveraging

acting gigs and now you know I'm here in LA trying to do the whole acting thing I

think it's really important I don't know if this is gonna make it into this vlog

but through doing all of this YouTube stuff it's helped me even though I

haven't even gotten the numbers yet that I feel like you would assume you need

it's helped me make connections so it just I think having a I can speak words

my point is is having a place to put your work but you can just show it

easily to people and to show consistency is helpful in and of itself even if you

don't have the numbers that you necessarily need to get you know able to

go out it's a really popular person

hey you guys this is the cool person then I was telling you about Darth Vader

my name is Sara Dietschy I do the YouTube and today Shea's gonna help me with some

behind the scenes of a podcast reporting of two awesome tech youtubers

yeah Adventure Time

we made it I'm gonna switch over and just do behind-the-scenes stuff but it's

exciting yeah wait who where that's so cool I'm

so excited Jonathan Austin our sick tech youtubers

we're going to go in there apparently they have already a set up that they're

making for us so I have all of my here but maybe we might be able to just walk

in and like do the podcast and get it done I'm giving Shane my setup it's like

a sony a7s 2 with a 16 of 35 you're gonna own it

okay it's done it was so fun yeah there's a train yes you're right next to

it was that the noise that happen is there something amazing yeah I know

we're gonna have to redo I think really well so I like I want to aim more

towards guests that are yes epic people know their names but are open to have a

longer conversation like 40 minutes to an hour because I think that's when you

really get to dive into the good stuff and so it was fun that you know my first

podcast was Gary Vee and of course any time I get any amount of time with that

dude yes I'll say yes but this was I I really like this where it's double the

time and you get to really dig into stuff embarrassing stories were told

shame and the camera and an amazing

shade did an amazing job with BTS behind the scenes your running back and forth

sony a7s iPhone we had an rx 100 over here in the corner I think yeah yeah it

was really awesome she haven't seen the footage yet though we're talking about

how this went but oh yeah it was really cool to see the stories are really great

I'm gonna put the links below obviously I don't think you guys are already or

subscribe literally all of my subscribers are from your channel but

but watch it yeah it's this is the coolest so awesome fun date

guys I want to talk to you about how this happened I also want to welcome you

if you're new here I have videos every single week so subscribe turn on the

notifications do all the you to be things I vlog about what it's like to be

an actor in Los Angeles and make my own work and I have scripted series where I

basically dramatize the internet I've taken everything from tinder to Twitter

to humans of New York and put them in the real world so go check it out and if

you're from the Peachy fam say hi to me in the comments below I love all of the

PG fam I've met so many cool people from Sara Dietschy's comment section and if you don't

know me yet please just introduce yourself be my friend I'm cool I can't

guarantee that I'm cool but I feel like we could be cool friends okay

speaking of internet friends this whole thing happened because of Twitter. Sara Dietschy

reached out on Twitter asking for help for the shoot I responded and I got it

and it didn't happen because that was my first interaction with her on Twitter I

think she wouldn't have asked me to help if she didn't already know who I was

I've followed her on Twitter and engaged with her there for a while and she's

featured IRL in one of her videos about Peachy fam creators so she's seen my

stuff she knows I'm a human that is I don't know semi-normal and and because

of that I think it was enough to make her go okay let's do this thing

the point is I think Twitter is so useful for getting to know people who

you otherwise would not have had access to I do this as an actor I probably

should do this for youtubers too but I haven't done it yet I make lists of

people in the entertainment industry agents casting directors managers and I

go there every day I just click on their list and engage with them it's really

useful for people who don't tweet a lot because that way you can find their

stuff really easily and engage with whatever they're talking about right now

it's usually Trump a lot of complaining about the

government which is so easy to engage with so and get to know these people on

a human level rather than as an actor trying to get a job or as whatever you

are trying to get a job from someone else or get to know someone who's at a

higher level than you we're just going east but all I know is I have an hour to

go anywhere yeah even if it's like from Santa Monica to Hollywood just an hour

that's true that's the LA lesson truck yeah traffic everywhere

For more infomation >> Behind Sara Dietschy's Podcast! - Duration: 7:22.


The Anti-Federalist Papers | Brutus 12 - Duration: 17:23.


my last, I shewed, that the judicial power of the United States under the first clause

of the second section of article eight, would be authorized to explain the constitution,

not only according to its letter, but according to its spirit and intention; and having this

power, they would strongly incline to give it such a construction as to extend the powers

of the general government, as much as possible, to the diminution, and finally to the destruction,

of that of the respective states.

I shall now proceed to shew how this power will operate in its exercise to effect these


In order to perceive the extent of its influence, I shall consider,


How it will tend to extend the legislative authority.


In what manner it will increase the jurisdiction of the courts, and


The way in which it will diminish, and destroy, both the legislative and judicial authority

of the United States.


Let us enquire how the judicial power will effect an extension of the legislative authority.

Perhaps the judicial power will not be able, by direct and positive decrees, ever to direct

the legislature, because it is not easy to conceive how a question can be brought before

them in a course of legal discussion, in which they can give a decision, declaring, that

the legislature have certain powers which they have not exercised, and which, in consequence

of the determination of the judges, they will be bound to exercise.

But it is easy to see, that in their adjudications they may establish certain principles, which

being received by the legislature, will enlarge the sphere of their power beyond all bounds.

It is to be observed, that the supreme court has the power, in the last resort, to determine

all questions that may arise in the course of legal discussion, on the meaning and construction

of the constitution.

This power they will hold under the constitution, and independent of the legislature.

The latter can no more deprive the former of this right, than either of them, or both

of them together, can take from the president, with the advice of the senate, the power of

making treaties, or appointing ambassadors.

In determining these questions, the court must and will assume certain principles, from

which they will reason, in forming their decisions.

These principles, whatever they may be, when they become fixed, by a course of decisions,

will be adopted by the legislature, and will be the rule by which they will explain their

own powers.

This appears evident from this consideration, that if the legislature pass laws, which,

in the judgment of the court, they are not authorised to do by the constitution, the

court will not take notice of them; for it will not be denied, that the constitution

is the highest or supreme law.

And the courts are vested with the supreme and uncontroulable power, to determine, in

all cases that come before them, what the constitution means; they cannot, therefore,

execute a law, which, in their judgment, opposes the constitution, unless we can suppose they

can make a superior law give way to an inferior.

The legislature, therefore, will not go over the limits by which the courts may adjudge

they are confined.

And there is little room to doubt but that they will come up to those bounds, as often

as occasion and opportunity may offer, and they may judge it proper to do it.

For as on the one hand, they will not readily pass laws which they know the courts will

not execute, so on the other, we may be sure they will not scruple to pass such as they

know they will give effect, as often as they may judge it proper.

From these observations it appears, that the judgment of the judicial, on the constitution,

will become the rule to guide the legislature in their construction of their powers.

What the principles are, which the courts will adopt, it is impossible for us to say;

but taking up the powers as I have explained them in my last number, which they will possess

under this clause, it is not difficult to see, that they may, and probably will, be

very liberal ones.

We have seen, that they will be authorized to give the constitution a construction according

to its spirit and reason, and not to confine themselves to its letter.

To discover the spirit of the constitution, it is of the first importance to attend to

the principal ends and designs it has in view.

These are expressed in the preamble, in the following words, viz.

"We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish

justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general

welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain

and establish this constitution," &c.

If the end of the government is to be learned from these words, which are clearly designed

to declare it, it is obvious it has in view every object which is embraced by any government.

The preservation of internal peace — the due administration of justice — and to provide

for the defence of the community, seems to include all the objects of government; but

if they do not, they are certainly comprehended in the words, "to provide for the general


If it be further considered, that this constitution, if it is ratified, will not be a compact entered

into by states, in their corporate capacities, but an agreement of the people of the United

States, as one great body politic, no doubt can remain, but that the great end of the

constitution, if it is to be collected from the preamble, in which its end is declared,

is to constitute a overnment which is to extend to every case for which any government is

instituted, whether external or internal.

The courts, therefore, will establish this as a principle in expounding the constitution,

and will give every part of it such an explanation, as will give latitude to every department

under it, to take cognizance of every matter, not only that affects the general and national

concerns of the union, but also of such as relate to the administration of private justice,

and to regulating the internal and local affairs of the different parts.

Such a rule of exposition is not only consistent with the general spirit of the preamble, but

it will stand confirmed by considering more minutely the different clauses of it.

The first object declared to be in view is, "To form a perfect union."

It is to be observed, it is not an union of states or bodies corporate; had this been

the case the existence of the state governments, might have been secured.

But it is a union of the people of the United States considered as one body, who are to

ratify this constitution, if it is adopted.

Now to make a union of this kind perfect, it is necessary to abolish all inferior governments,

and to give the general one compleat legislative, executive and judicial powers to every purpose.

The courts therefore will establish it as a rule in explaining the constitution to give

it such a construction as will best tend to perfect the union or take from the state governments

every power of either making or executing laws.

The second object is "to establish justice."

This must include not only the idea of instituting the rule of justice, or of making laws which

shall be the measure or rule of right, but also of providing for the application of this

rule or of administering justice under it.

And under this the courts will in their decisions extend the power of the government to all

cases they possibly can, or otherwise they will be restricted in doing what appears to

be the intent of the constitution they should do, to wit, pass laws and provide for the

execution of them, for the general distribution of justice between man and man.

Another end declared is "to insure domestic tranquility."

This comprehends a provision against all private breaches of the peace, as well as against

all public commotions or general insurrections; and to attain the object of this clause fully,

the government must exercise the power of passing laws on these subjects, as well as

of appointing magistrates with authority to execute them.

And the courts will adopt these ideas in their expositions.

I might proceed to the other clause, in the preamble, and it would appear by a consideration

of all of them separately, as it does by taking them together, that if the spirit of this

system is to be known from its declared end and design in the preamble, its spirit is

to subvert and abolish all the powers of the state government, and to embrace every object

to which any government extends.

As it sets out in the preamble with this declared intention, so it proceeds in the different

parts with the same idea.

Any person, who will peruse the 8th section with attention, in which most of the powers

are enumerated, will perceive that they either expressly or by implication extend to almost

every thing about which any legislative power can be employed.

But if this equitable mode of construction is applied to this part of the constitution;

nothing can stand before it.

This will certainly give the first clause in that article a construction which I confess

I think the most natural and grammatical one, to authorise the Congress to do any thing

which in their judgment will tend to provide for the general welfare, and this amounts

to the same thing as general and unlimited powers of legislation in all cases.

This same manner of explaining the constitution, will fix a meaning, and a very important one

too, to the 12th [18th?] clause of the same section, which authorises the Congress to

make all laws which shall be proper and necessary for carrying into effect the foregoing powers,


A voluminous writer in favor of this system, has taken great pains to convince the public,

that this clause means nothing: for that the same powers expressed in this, are implied

in other parts of the constitution.

Perhaps it is so, but still this will undoubtedly be an excellent auxilliary to assist the courts

to discover the spirit and reason of the constitution, and when applied to any and every of the other

clauses granting power, will operate powerfully in extracting the spirit from them.

I might instance a number of clauses in the constitution, which, if explained in an equitable

manner, would extend the powers of the government to every case, and reduce the state legislatures

to nothing; but, I should draw out my remarks to an undue length, and I presume enough has

been said to shew, that the courts have sufficient ground in the exercise of this power, to determine,

that the legislature have no bounds set to them by this constitution, by any supposed

right the legislatures of the respective states may have, to regulate any of their local concerns.

I proceed, 2d, To inquire, in what manner this power will increase the jurisdiction

of the courts.

I would here observe, that the judicial power extends, expressly, to all civil cases that

may arise save such as arise between citizens of the same state, with this exception to

those of that description, that the judicial of the United States have cognizance of cases

between citizens of the same state, claiming lands under grants of different states.

Nothing more, therefore, is necessary to give the courts of law, under this constitution,

complete jurisdiction of all civil causes, but to comprehend cases between citizens of

the same state not included in the foregoing exception.

I presume there will be no difficulty in accomplishing this.

Nothing more is necessary than to set forth, in the process, that the party who brings

the suit is a citizen of a different state from the one against whom the suit is brought,

and there can be little doubt but that the court will take cognizance of the matter,

and if they do, who is to restrain them?"

Indeed, I will freely confess, that it is my decided opinion, that the courts ought

to take cognizance of such causes, under the powers of the constitution.

For one of the great ends of the constitution is, "to establish justice."

This supposes that this cannot be done under the existing governments of the states; and

there is certainly as good reason why individuals, living in the same state, should have justice,

as those who live in different states.

Moreover, the constitution expressly declares, that "the citizens of each state shall be

entitled to all the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."

It will therefore be no fiction, for a citizen of one state to set forth, in a suit, that

he is a citizen of another; for he that is entitled to all the privileges and immunities

of a country, is a citizen of that country.

And in truth, the citizen of one state will, under this constitution, be a citizen of every


But supposing that the party, who alledges that he is a citizen of another state, has

recourse to fiction in bringing in his suit, it is well known, that the courts have high

authority to plead, to justify them in suffering actions to be brought before them by such


In my last number I stated, that the court of exchequer tried all causes in virtue of

such a fiction.

The court of king's bench, in England, extended their jurisdiction in the same way.

Originally, this court held pleas, in civil cases, only of trespasses and other injuries

alledged to be committed vi et armis.

They might likewise, says Blackstone, upon the division of the aula regia, have originally

held pleas of any other civil action whatsoever (except in real actions which are now very

seldom in use) provided the defendant was an officer of the court, or in the custody

of the marshall or prison–keeper of this court, for breach of the peace, &c.

In process of time, by a fiction, this court began to hold pleas of any personal action

whatsoever; it being surmised, that the defendant has been arrested for a supposed trespass

that "he has never committed, and being thus in the custody of the marshall of the

court, the plaintiff is at liberty to proceed against him, for any other personal injury:

which surmise of being in the marshall's custody, the defendant is not at liberty to


By a much less fiction, may the pleas of the courts of the United States extend to cases

between citizens of the same state.

I shall add no more on this head, but proceed briefly to remark, in what way this power

will diminish and destroy both the legislative and judicial authority of the states.

It is obvious that these courts will have authority to decide upon the validity of the

laws of any of the states, in all cases where they come in question before them.

Where the constitution gives the general government exclusive jurisdiction, they will adjudge

all laws made by the states, in such cases, void ab initio.

Where the constitution gives them concurrent jurisdiction, the laws of the United States

must prevail, because they are the supreme law.

In such cases, therefore, the laws of the state legislatures must be repealed, restricted,

or so construed, as to give full effect to the laws of the union on the same subject.

From these remarks it is easy to see, that in proportion as the general government acquires

power and jurisdiction, by the liberal construction which the judges may give the constitution,

will those of the states lose its rights, until they become so trifling and unimportant,

as not to be worth having.

I am much mistaken, if this system will not operate to effect this with as much celerity,

as those who have the administration of it will think prudent to suffer it.

The remaining objections to the judicial power shall be considered in a future paper.

For more infomation >> The Anti-Federalist Papers | Brutus 12 - Duration: 17:23.


Gal Gadot Lifestyle, Net Worth, Biography, Family, kids, House and Cars, Stars Story - Duration: 5:29.

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